Zion: Light of the New Moon, Ch 5.1 Myre

Story by comidacomida on SoFurry

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Zion - Light of the New Moon Chapter 5.1

Myre Time For Reflection/The Silver Gate

After a very close voting, it appears that Myre will encounter yet another amazing, abandoned ruin. Alternately, they may instead elect for the use of the Silver Gate, pass through it, and, hopefully get closer to Zion. Also, in other news, no character had enough votes to gain a bonus experience point... bummer.

Dearest Miri,

I know it sounds pretty childish after all he's done for us, but I just don't trust Corneilus Cymbeline. I'm still not sure if it's the Moon Pelted thing, or the way he knows just what to say and when to say it. Maybe it's the way he looks at me... like he knows what I'm really doing here... to be honest, that has to be it. The first time he actually talked directly to me was when we passed one another in the hall yesterday morning after breakfast; he put a paw on my shoulder and said, "It can't rule you forever." Miri... he scares me.

I know I'm not the only one who gets a strong impression of him, Miri; Valda and I have spent hours talking about the white shepherd because she doesn't trust him much either. Whether she gets the same creeped-out feeling I do, or if it's some more mundane kind of natural distrust for authority, I don't know... but the two of us agree that there's something a little too perfect about him, and the way that everyone in the Wayside seems to defer to his judgment on all things seems a little too orderly for it to be completely rank-based.

Thank the Goddess that Valda and I have adjacent rooms. Whether I'm in her room discussing contingencies or whether she's in my room going over the information she's found while scouring the Wayside, I think between the two of us we have a fairly decent understanding of what to do if our concern ends up being warranted. I probably wouldn't be so worried if it was just Valda and myself who had the same concerns... but I was really put on edge after Lady Marion was called in for a private talk with Captain Cymbeline (Can you believe it? I found out yesterday evening that he has an actual rank... the only one in the whole Wayside other than Lord Belarius).

Anyway, Valda and I loitered in the hallway near the room where Lady Marion was to meet the shepherd. She greeted each of us in turn (I was polite, and Valda, as her charming attitude warranted, was not), and then she went into the meeting. She was with Cornelius for maybe twenty minutes, and when she came out, I swear to Tah'Aveen, she was almost as pale as the shepherd's fur; whatever he had said or done left her deathly afraid. The strange thing is, when I asked her about the meeting later, she was quick to note that everything was fine, that Captain Cymbeline was a noble warrior, and a divine protector in service to the Goddess. Maybe it's just me, but something seems highly suspect about that kind of glowing review... especially from a priestess who takes such a middle-of-the-road view of things.

Finally, though I lack any specific proof, I would point out the interaction between Captain Cymbeline and Sergeant Reilly. To put it plainly, I've never seen the Sergeant act like a star-struck little puppy. Okay... maybe I'm exaggerating a little... but the crazy thing is, it's not by that much! The two of them spend a lot of time together, with Sergeant Reilly joining the Captain for his patrol around the tower. Since they're on the same schedule they both have meals at the same time, and it's strange to hear how much more Keeland is laughing. I suppose it might be since we're relatively safe for the first time since leaving Myre, but I can't help but think that Corneilus has something to do with it.

The few remaining soldiers at the Wayside spend their entire day in a combination of patrol and sparring. We had some pretty strict schedules back at the barracks in Myre, but it's nothing compared to what they do at Attood Keep. While Captain Cymbeline spent the majority of the day patrolling, the other guards alternated between look-out duty and weapon drills. The keep's second command, the horn-less bison Khar, led the other two soldiers in a number of training matches involving a wide variety of weapons.

Now and again, one or more of our caravan guards decided to take him up on an invitation to the sparring and, each time, every last one of our guards were soundly beaten by either of their other two soldiers: the chameleon, and the other one who I still hadn't seen without his helmet on. And if you're wondering: no... I had the common sense not to accept the offer... they're soldiers, and I'm not; I don't really want to get my ass handed to me even if the weapons are wooden. One fight that everyone WILL remember though, is the sparring match between Cornelius and Keeland.

I could tell from the beginning that Cornelius was going easy on him. It had been awhile since any of the caravan guards were able to practice but, considering the creatures we'd been forced to combat since leaving Myre it was safe to say we were all fighting fit. Still, watching Keeland square off against that white shepherd I can imagine it was obvious to everyone who the winner would be... unless you realized like I did that Cornelius was throwing the match, so to speak.

We all sat in the center room in the keep, a large, open room with weapon racks spaced around the outer walls and a good-sized flat floor for the combatants to use for maximizing their mobility. The keep's three soldiers stood off to the side watching silently while the caravan guards that had come to watch the match stood on the other side, shouting and hollering their support for the Sergeant. I remained near the door, watching quietly as both shepherds exchanged blow after blow. I've always admired Keeland's swordsmanship ever since I first saw it during an exhibition during my training, but it wouldn't take a weapons master to realize that he was outclassed... I could tell that Cornelius was holding back.

After nearly five minutes the white shepherd started putting on a show of tiring. I'd seen enough guards fall to exhaustion in my day to realize that he was putting on a show, but I had to admit he wasn't a bad actor. His blows and blocks started coming slower, giving the Sergeant an advantage. After almost eight minutes, Keeland was starting to tire... but as far as I could tell, the white shepherd was still acting. In the end, however, he gave the win over to the Sargeant, missing an easy block while feigning some kind of muscle cramp or other such nonsense.

"You're a credit to your city, Sergeant." Captain Cymbeline announced once they had both caught their breath (or, rather, the white shepherd pretended to). He held a paw out to Sergeant Reilly, who accepted it, clasping wrists; the Sergeant's wagging tail made me even more on-edge. Thankfully, I had a distraction at that point.

"Quite a fight." Liam announced, and I turned to see him leaning against the wall nearby.

"I guess." I stated. He must have heard the frustration in my voice because his ears went up.

"Everything alright?" he asked.

"I'm not sure." I answered honestly, "I guess I just don't feel all that comfortable here." I admitted.

"Then maybe you'd like to join me on the ramparts?" he invited with just a hint of hesitation in his voice, "It's a little cooler outside than it is in here." he added quickly to reinforce the invitation.

"I was thinking about checking in on Anor-Roc." I noted. Miri, I DID want to join him on the ramparts, but for some reason I couldn't bring myself to say yes.

"He's watching over Josh and Agnes... I just came from there." he explained, holding out a paw, "Come on." he offered with an inviting smile.

I was just about to reach out a hand to accept, feeling a giddy little flush come to my cheeks and neck, when Keeland and Cornelius came over to join us. "Good afternoon, Lady Telone." the white shepherd bowed to me.

"Captain." I acknowledged, offering a salute. Something struck me as odd about the way he greeted me.

"The Sergeant tells me that you're one of his most trusted guards." he stated.

"I'm flattered, Sir." I noted to Keeland.

"I wouldn't say it if it wasn't true." he smiled back.

"She IS a fine guard woman, sir." Liam announced, resting a paw on my shoulder as he regarded Cornelius.

"I'm certain she is." he smiled to Liam, then glanced back to me, "I must say that the stories I've heard of your exploits are quite admirable... but, then again, I throughly admire anyone who can resist such role strain as what you've had placed upon you."

"Excuse me?" I asked, not comfortable at all with what I was sure was some kind of accusation. Unfortunately I wasn't far off.

"All the good you've done for the caravan despite your other obligations." Cornelius offered casually. It felt like my heart stopped when he spoke. How did he know, Miri? How?

"Hold on a minute..." Liam came immediately to my defense, stepping between me and the shepherd, "I don't know what you mean by that, but I'd stake my life on Leijh's dedication to this caravan. She wouldn't do anything that would compromise our journey, not even for some allegid 'other obligations' no matter what you--"

"Your orders came directly from Lord Dalton, did they not?" Cornelius continued talking to me despite Liam's presence between us. I wish I could have disappeared when Liam turned around, eyes wide.

"Lord Dalton?" he asked, "You work for Lord Dalton?"

"The same Lord Dalton Telone that condemned you to be punished, if I'm not mistaken, Mr Mail." the white shepherd announced. Goddess... I never wanted to silence someone as much as I did at that moment, "She's his daughter."

"What punishment?" Keeland asked, glancing between Liam and Cornelius.

"Lord Dalton TELONE?" Liam demanded, ignoring the Sergeant, "You're Lord Dalton's DAUGHTER?"

"Sent here to keep an eye on you, I believe." the Captain just wouldn't shut up, "Isn't that right, Lady Telone?"

"Liam... I--" was all I could say before the black fox made his exit. I started after him, but Keeland caught me by the shoulder.

"What is this about?" he asked.

"I..." I stuttered, "I have to go." I turned and left the room... whether I was running after Liam or away from Keeland I still can't say... maybe a little of both.

I don't trust Cornelius Cymbeline, Miri... not one bit... after all, he was the first person to realize that I couldn't be trusted.

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The Myrenese Caravan will have to vote on exactly which option they'd rather take: using the Silver Gate, or accepting the Time For Reflection event arc.

This first post is actually choice-neutral as it deals with more character development than anything else... and it also opens up a HUGE piece of plot, finally giving everyone a little more understanding as to who Leijh is.

Contributing Readers have until midnight (PST) on the 25th of August to choose one of the options below:

1) Use the Silver Gate. Story Seeds that you would have received, the party will be restored to full health and fatigue, but no experience will be awarded.

2) Accept the Time for Reflection event arc as provided by reader votes. Things will continue as normal, but there will be no refund of Favor or Luck that was spent to earn this option.

Questions and comments are always welcome. Thanks for reading!

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