Star Hopper: The Secret Chapter

Story by The Maid Foxy on SoFurry

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#18 of Star Hopper

Yup, that's right, a sex scene between by two chracters from Star Hopper Ian and Colleen. In the book it would have happened between chapters 5 and 6 (it's actually hinted at in the book). This is their time togeather. Now, this is the first time i've written something like this so I don't know how good it is but reguardless I hope you enjoy it! If you're intrested in the book it's called Star Hopper and the entire thing is uploaded here at my page. There are 17 chapters.

btw...sorry about the format, it's not supposed to be like that it just does that when I copy it from the word document.


The Secret Chapter

Bot bounded behind the captain's chair wanting to not be a part of what was going to happen next.

"See you guys, I'm going to go run some diagnostics."

Once the small cat like robot disappeared Colleen snuggled next to Ian. Both of them watched Veare grow larger in the canopy. It's dull grey glow radiated in the space around it. Ian twitched and he pointed at a cluster of stars to the left of the planet.

"See over there, that's, that's. It's" He paused to think, "ah, Argenti Pretium."

Colleen followed his paw to the constellation, "what?"

"Right there, the seven stars. See it?"

She drew closer to his arm to follow the line of sight, a cold shiver shot up Ian's spine.

"Kind of." She replied. "What is it?"

"It means Silver Fox, and if you follow that you'll always end up at the supremacy. Or Ridlyyn which ever you choose. Can you see it? The outline of the fox, see the tail and..."

Colleen started to nod, "Kinda, with that star as the ear?"

"Yeah, you see it now!"

Her paws reached up and nestled in Ian's tuff on fur around his neck. Ian took a deep breath, his chest shook as he let it go.

"Ian, what's wrong?"

Ian let his paw rest on Colleen's leg, "Nothing, I'm just...just."

The fox snickered, "Just what?"

"Not used to somebody touching me like that."

She backed up, "do you not want me to touch you? Because I don't have to." She took her paws back.

"No!" Colleen jumped at the sudden response. "It's fine. You can touch me if you want."

Colleen laughed. "What's wrong?"

Ian rubbed his paws, gently petting some of the fur with his thumb.

"I'm just not used to girls."

"So guys are your thing?"

"What? NO!" Colleen laughed and brought her paws back up to Ian's chest. "I was just having fun." She laid her head on Ian's shoulder.

Her eyes dropped from the constellations and stars to Ian's legs and crotch. A bulge was starting to form beneath his pants. She smiled and her paw started to drift down.

"Colleen, what are you doing?"

She didn't respond and her paw continued to crawl down, it found its way between Ian's legs.


Her paw cupped around the bulge, it sent shivers down his spine. No one's ever touched that area, no one but him in his "fun" time.


She slid her entire body down and started to caress it, slowly rubbing send more shivers up and down Ian's spine.

"Ian, relax. Let's have some fun."

Her words drifted off her tongue like silk and the sound was like a sexy tango to his ears.

"H...Hold on."

Colleen backed off while Ian unlatched his belt and pulled down his pants. His paws rested on the final piece of clothing but Colleen's paws interjected. Her seductive smile made him pull his own paws back.

Then Colleen slowly began to pull down the garment revealing a half extended cock from its dark furred sheath. Its red color glistened in the dim light that Veare offered in the background. The tip dripped with a bit of pre-cum. Ian blushed under his fur, this was the first time anyone had ever seen him. But Colleen didn't seem fazed, she just went right to work.

Her head leaned in closer and with each passing breath that Colleen exhaled Ian shuttered.

His member started to grow and reach its full size. Colleen took her time admiring the red treat, this was also her first time. She didn't know exactly what to do but there was something inside her telling her how to do it, the first step, stroke it.

Colleen took a deep breath, her lungs filled with Ian's strong musk and she immediately wanted to dive in but she also wanted to most pleasure possible and this was the way to do it. The vixen wrapped her paw around Ian's member and started to slowly rub up and down.


She moved a bit faster, listing to the groans of pleasure from the half-breed.

Ian was loving this he closed his eyes, this was twenty billion times better then masturbating by himself and looking at holograms. Colleen brought her paw away. Ian opened one eye.

"What's wrong?"

Suddenly he felt something wet sliding up his member, he opened his eyes fully. Colleen was gently licking the pre away. Ian let out a slow breath and his body twitched as he moved a bit forward wanting more of Colleens muzzle around him. She let it come and wrapped the entire length in her muzzle. Ian fell back but Colleen followed it and she started to move her head letting it slide inside and out of her mouth. Ian shuttered once more, his claws dug into the seat rest, ripping them open.

He could feel her tongue roll over every part of him, exploring and finding every little crevice.


She continued, as if she didn't hear him.


Once again she didn't pay attention, she thought he was just saying her name.


"What!" The fox backed away angrily not wanting to be away from her treat.

Ian threw his head back and howled, cum sprayed from the tip. Colleen jumped at the force that it shot with, but she loved the feeling of it landing on her fur. She brought her head closer so more would land on her face.

Colleen wrapped her muzzle around Ian as he finished.

She took a deep breath in and the smell of Ian mixed with the smell of the cum excited her more than the stuff on her.

Colleen backed away and reached down with one paw to rub herself while the other picked the cum out of her fur and brought it to her mouth.

Ian didn't even back down, he sat watching the fox pleasure herself while eating his cum. That alone was enough for him, but she stopped. Ian cocked his head to one side.

"What's wrong baby?"

The fox didn't say anything she just crawled up to Ian letting her body wrap around him. She stopped when his muzzle was in between her two breasts. Ian perked up once more and it tickled Colleens cunt but instead of taking her clothes off, she grabbed Ians paw.

"Help me out here."

And she brought his paw between her legs. "Can you do that?"

Ian didn't say anything, he only blushed beneath his fur as his paw felt the wet organism beneath her clothes. His paw slowly started to rub up and down making it drip with the juices, in his ears he heard Colleen moaning with each and every pass. She had her eyes closed and was sitting on cloud nine, but Ian took his paw away. Colleen looked down in wonder and watched Ian slip his paw under her clothes. She felt it fishing around for her and once it found what it was looking for, it continued with the massage. She backed away so Ian could see what he was doing.

"Gim'e your other paw."

The half-breed did so without taking his eyes off of what he was doing. She grasped his paw with hers.

"Hey Ian, look up."

He did and he found Colleen pulling her flight suit down from the neck reviling one, white furred breast.

"Now, like this."

She brought Ian's paw up to her and let him grope it. Colleen let her arms go back and threw her head up closing her eyes and focused on the pleasure of both Ian's paws.

Ian still couldn't believe it, the fox of his dreams sitting on his lap and he was fingering her. He remembered back when he first saw and fanaticized about her and here he was.

His eyes watched her curves move while Colleen breathed and twitched under his paws. But he pulled his paws back, the one that was masturbating her pussy was drenched with juices. He licked the paw letting the taste fill his mouth.

"Oh, that's good."

"Then why'd you stop?"

He sucked on one of his fingers, "I think it's time for the main event."

Colleen smiled, her fangs overlapped her bottom lip, "I agree."

She unzipped her flight suit and let the top fall to the floor of the cockpit then she maneuvered trying to get her pants down.

"There we go."

Ian could almost feel the heat resonating from her, she was hot! Her perfect fur, the perfect body, the sexiest voice! He wanted to take and fuck her for the rest of time. The cum still dripped from her from the blow-job, it made Ian cringe with excitement.

"You ready?" She asked pulling down her panties.

Ian's cock shot right up and he nodded. Once again she climbed on top of the sitting half-breed's lap.

"Lets do this."

Ian held his cock steady and let Colleen fall on it. She screamed with pleasure, "OH! It's big!"

Ian held her hips and helped her dance up and down sending waves of pleasure through both of them.

For a second Ian's mind thought back to when he thought what sex would be like with Colleen, he smiled and shook his head, his mind wasn't even close. Their motions became faster and breaths shorter, Ian watched Colleen twinge each time she had an orgasm of her own. Colleen then felt a bulge staring to form under her.

"What's that?"

"Do you want me to cum inside you?"

More pleasure shot up Colleen's spine and her fur stood on end. "I just asked you what that bulge is!"

Ian moved his hips in opposite to Colleen's motions making it come out and go in further.

"Do you want me to?"

Colleen looked at Ian's golden eyes and slowly nodded, "mate me."

Ian thrust as hard as he could tying him and Colleen together. Both of them let out a howl in perfect unison and harmony while Ian shot more semen into Colleen.

Colleen could feel the throbs of Ian each time he pulsed, she made a quiet howl each time. The fox leaned forward and wrapped her arms around her lover.

Veare, now filled up the entire canopy and the two realized that they'd have to get out of this position quick. Colleen tried to pull herself off but Ian's knot prevented it, making sure that every bit of cum has a chance to impregnate her.

"Ian I can't get off."

She pulled harder, but Ian yelped. "Ow, that hurt. I don't think it was meant to come out right after."

The vixen pulled several more times. "!"

Finally, she broke free. Ian yelled in hurt and Colleen felt warm cum dripping out of her. She looked at Ian.


The half-breed leaned forward and kissed Colleen, "that's ok. I had a great time."

Star Hopper chapter 17 (last chapter)

This is the final chapter of my sci-fi furry book, Star Hopper. I am very proud that I was able to acomplish this, after all it did take two years of off and on writing. In a couple days it will be avalible to buy off of under Star Hopper by...

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Star Hopper chapter 16

Second to last chapter of Star Hopper! All that's left is the wrap-up! Hope you guys have enjoyed reading and very very soon it will be avalible on it you would like it. Again, sorry about that format. It's not supposed to be like that, it...

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Star Hopper chapter 15

Chapter 15 of 17 of my furry book Star Hopper. Two years of off and on writing and it's finally done. I don't pretend to be and expert in editing so there are typos that I didn't catch. But please look past those and enjoy the book! **15** ...

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