Going Natural

Story by Hinny Mule on SoFurry

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My stories are copyrighted, so NO takee!

Going Natural

By William W. Kelso

The Zebra mare grunted as the stallion mounted her, and then brayed in pleasure as his enormous penis slid into her wet swollen sex. He lunged forward, penetrating her as deeply as he could, and started servicing her with powerful thrusts as she squealed and grunted in pleasure, and when she felt his hot cum pour into her she shuddered and groaned in pleasure. It only took a couple of minutes, but it was the most pleasure Doug had ever felt. With a final squeal the stallion dismounted, but didn't plan on going anywhere, he wasn't through with this mare yet.

'Well, how was it?' a voice whispered inside the mare's head.

'Oh God, it was fantastic! Doug replied via the implant in 'his' mind, I never knew having sex as a female was like that!'

'Well, it's not, exactly', Laura replied via her own implant, 'but it IS nice, isn't it? And speaking of nice, looks like it's my turn again!'

Doug swished 'her' tail to help keep the flies off 'her' hindquarters, and watched as another stallion mounted his 'wife' and serviced her, both Zebra's braying in pleasure. Then she lowered 'her' head and began browsing on the lush grass, grunting appreciatively. Who've had ever thought grass could taste so good?? And 'she' was looking forward to being serviced again, the stallion grazing next to her until he was ready again. Best vacation ever, 'she' thought.

It was all the rage, had been ever since the 'mind transfer' technology had been perfected. They performed an operation on any animal with a brain case large enough to accommodate the walnut sized implant without damaging the animals own brain, then via a complicated computer procedure he didn't really understand, they downloaded all your memories into the implant, and you 'became' the animal, with all its instincts and needs, but with a human mind in control. The downside was the process 'wiped' your own bodies mind clean, so while on 'vacation' your body was put in suspended animation via a kind of chemical induced stasis in a "Body Maintenance Capsule", which where nicknamed "coffins" due to their creepy resemblance to one.

At first it was used for research and military applications, but once the technology was made available to the public it was soon a booming vacation business. You picked the animal you wanted, had your memory downloaded into the implant, and started your vacation. Though technically in control you pretty much lived as an animal for however long you'd paid for, the average being one to two weeks, the maximum allowed was three. There were a lot of moral issues, religious outrage, etc., but there was just too much money involved, and it bought a lot of powerful friends, and was soon a booming business around the world, but mostly in less prosperous and less developed countries where the laws were less...stringently enforced. In more 'civilized' countries is was banned outright.

Doug and Laura had first heard about how fantastic it was from two friends who'd taken their own 'vacation', living as dolphins for two weeks, and who went back regularly as often as they could afford it. And that was the problem, it was terribly expensive, and after you signed up the wait could be for years, especially with the more popular animals. But if you were willing to 'become' less 'desirable' animals you could go on 'vacation' almost any time. Intrigued, and bored by life in general, they decided to give it a try. They found the soonest, and cheapest, 'openings' were for herd animals in Africa. Since males were in big demand they finally opted for Zebra mares, for both of them. It was all they could afford. Doug didn't really have a problem with that though, he was kind of curious as to what it would be like to be female, and though he would have preferred horses, well, OK, a Zebra was a kind of horse, sort of. So they took some time off from work, flew to Africa, and started their 'vacation'.

It had been amazingly simple. They flew into an airport in the middle of the African veldt, were picked up and taken to a nice little resort in the middle of nowhere, checked in and spent a couple of days signing the necessary paperwork, undergoing orientation, and being prepped. They had to pass a few physical tests before being accepted for 'processing', and then the morning of the third day were taken to what looked like an ordinary clinic, stripped and lay down in a 'coffin', were given a shot, and when they woke up they were something else. Before they were sealed in the BMC they had their minds downloaded into a portable 'chip' which looked like any other computer chip, which was in a case about the size of a candy bar. Then their now 'mindless' bodies were put into stasis, and the chips with their minds in them were loaded in a well padded case along with other 'tourists', and the resort staff set out to find the proper animal host for each 'mind'.

Each of the specially altered animals had their own distinct transponder signal, and when they found the animal they darted it, and then while it was unconscious they downloaded the human mind into it. When it woke up the animal had two minds, the human one dominant, and the tourist's vacation started. In two weeks the animal was darted again, the human mind uploaded back into a chip, and then it was downloaded back into its natural body. The tourist woke up, spent a couple of days resting and getting used to having a human body again, and then flew home. Simple. Most of the time.

Doug had woken up lying in the shade of some straggly looking trees, and rolled upright with a snort. At first there had been a little panic; which was normal, when he realized he was now an animal, and a 'she'. But it quickly gave way to amazement and wonder as she lurched to her hooves, and looked around, nostrils flared and ears flicking attentively. In the near distance was a large herd of other Zebra's; and with an eager snort she trotted over to rejoin the herd, knowing it was the right thing to do. 'He' had been told during orientation that there were predators in the area, many also with human minds on vacation, and that while he was safe from them (they all gave off a signal any other 'vacationer' would hear, and could talk via radio implants). But they were NOT safe from unmodified predators, and if attacked their implant would shut down and enter into a non-active mode to spare them as much pain and mental trauma as possible. The implant was indestructible, and if necessary could pass through a digestive tract with no harm. Usually it was retrieved before it got that far though. If that happened you were guaranteed a full refund, or a choice of another host. Still, he knew 'she'd' be safer in the herd, and was also anxious for the company of 'her' own kind. Doug quickly found other 'vacationers', most also in mare's bodies, but a few in stallions. He also found his 'wife' fairly quickly, and they stayed close together.

It was a very simple, and enjoyable, vacation. They browsed with the herd, putting their bodies on a kind of autopilot as they ate the lush grass and other fodder they found, went to the local waterhole for a drink, and dozed in the hot sun. It was a fairly dull, but restful, experience. Twice there were stampedes, the loud bugles and brays of alarm from the herd stallions causing them to automatically run with the rest of the herd, and once they'd heard the roar of lions. It had been terrifying, but at the same time exhilarating, and 'she' couldn't help but wonder how it would have felt to be 'brought down' by a pride of lions. Probably the adrenaline rush of a lifetime, and he'd heard rumors that some people actually arranged to have that happen to their animal bodies.

As they led their temporary simple lives they talked a lot, finding out even more about one another then they ever had before. He found he could talk to his wife about 'female' things much more candidly since 'he' was a female right now, so temporarily was 'one of the girls'. There was something about being simple 'animals' that made them open up to one another more, and they knew their marriage would be even better after their vacation was over. In addition to being a vacation there was something therapeutic about it as well, soothing. It would also give them more appreciation for what it was like to be human after having lived as 'dumb' animals for awhile. It was great for awhile, but started to get old fairly quickly.

Then had come another development, and the 'vacation' had gotten even better. It happened to Doug first, and at first he hadn't realized what was happening. Laura had been the first to catch on, and had given shrill brays of amusement at 'his' confusion, much to Doug's ire.

'Oh, I'm sorry honey', she'd finally told him, 'but there's nothing wrong, you're just going into heat! And I do believe you have a suitor.' Then she'd brayed again at the look of shock on 'his' equine face.

And Doug quickly found he did indeed have a very interested suitor, a young stallion who did not have an implant. And he was determined, even fighting off another stallion who wandered too near to his chosen mate. At first Doug resisted, a little scared and not sure about what it would be like having sex as a female animal, even though the 'natural' part of 'his' mind saw the stallion as an acceptable mate. But as that burning wetness in 'her' sex and the need grew almost unbearable she finally lifted her tail for her admirer, and it had been glorious. The stallion had mounted and serviced her three times the first day, then two times each for the next couple of days, and so far had humped her once today. She was looking forward to the later afternoon when her mate was usually ready for the second daily servicing. She just wished it took longer, thought the pleasure was so intense it seemed to last a lot longer then it really did. And Laura had quickly gone into estrus as well, as had most of the other mares. He'd been a little embarrassed at first to 'talk' to Laua about it, but after watching her being mated by her own mate he'd felt more comfortable comparing the 'qualities' of their 'lovers'.

Tomorrow was the next to last day of their vacation, and while he was sad it would be over he was also anxious to get 'back in' his own body. Being an animal for a couple of weeks was nice, but that was enough as far as he was concerned. There just wasn't much to do, but the sex helped though, a lot. He knew some people tried to stay in an animal body for good, but that was against the law. Since each altered body had a built in transducer there was no way you could get away with it for very long, and staying in an animal's body after your time was up was punishable by a big fine.

There were a few exceptions he knew of, one country put the minds of condemned criminals in the bodies of animals (cows) as an alternative to execution, and sometimes terminally ill people choose to live as animals, but it was rare. More often someone would buy a 'bootleg' implant without a transponder, and have a shady vet operate on the animal they wanted to become, and some even had their own bodies destroyed so they couldn't go back even if they got caught. The problem was that slowly, over time, the two different minds tended to merge completely, and you literally became the animal in mind as well as body, a very intelligent animal, but just an animal. Once that happened there was no going back, the implant would be blank by then as your mind would have downloaded into the animals and was irretrievable, so there was nothing left to upload. So when their time was up they were to go to one of the several well marked pick-up points where they'd be uploaded and returned to their own bodies for downloading, and the end of their vacation. At least until next time, and they'd agreed there would definitely be a next time. It was fantastic! If they didn't show up they're be hunted down like, well, animals, and their minds retrieved anyway.

On the morning of the last day they; and several other herd members whose own vacations were coming to an end, began to more towards the pickup point, they were supposed to be there by noon, give or take. They were joined by a few carnivores that were also reporting in, but gave them a wide berth anyway, instincts just being too strong to mingle with them even though they were in no danger. Definitely have to try out lions next time, Doug thought, as 'she' leerily eyed an impressive male lion followed by a couple of lionesses.

They reached the specified pick up point on time, and the herbivores filed into one pen, the carnivores into another. Each pen had individual stalls for each 'vacationer', and they would be knocked out, their minds retrieved, and the animals would be released to return to their normal lives, at least until the next human mind was downloaded into their brains. The pens had roofs, and there was a constant supply of water, but the food troughs were empty, much to their disappointment. Some fodder would have been nice. They dozed in the cooler shade while they waited, but after several hours no one had shown up to retrieve their minds. As dark fell they began to get a little worried, and finally a couple of the lions decided to go up to the main resort and have a look. They watched, ears erect, as the two predators faded into the night. A few hours later one of the lions came back, and they gathered around to hear what the lioness had to say.

'The resort', the lioness 'said', 'it's been destroyed! Most of the buildings are burned, and it looks like there was a battle. There were bodies, and I could see bullet holes in them, and it looked like grenades or mortars had been used too! There was nobody left alive!'

The predators gave grunts and snarls of shock, and the herbivores; mainly Zebra's, began to mill in panic, braying in distress. Then as one of the stallions started trotting in the direction of the resort the rest soon followed, not knowing what else to do. Uncertainly, the predators followed.

Doug stared around in horror at the devastation, trying to keep herself under control as natural instincts to the scents of blood, smoke, and death made her want to run. The main resort building was a gutted shell, still smoking. Most of the cottages and other buildings were also burned and/or had some degree of damage. And here and there a body lay twisted unnaturally in death, and some had on odds and ends of uniforms, so evidently the battle had not been one sided. As the clinic came in view she felt a little of her panic subside, it looked relatively undamaged.

But the panic soon returned, then turned to utter horror as she saw the large pile of naked bodies in front of the building. And she almost collapsed when she recognized one of the bodies as Laura's. For whatever reason the attackers had pulled all of the 'tourist's' in stasis out of their BMC's, and piled their bodies in a heap. And she knew they were all dead, already starting to bloat from the hot sun. Oh my God, she realized; his own body was in that heap of rotting meat somewhere. But why??

Doug found Laura, also deeply in shock, and they leaned against one another for mutual support and comfort, heads resting on one another's backs. Other Zebra's and a few carnivores ran roaring or braying into the bush in reaction to the massacre. They spent the rest of the night huddled with a small group of other herd members.

When morning came they left the resort area, unable to stand the stench of rotting bodies any longer. They rejoined a larger group of Zebra's and a few other herbivores, including two giraffe's, all 'vacationers' like themselves. Everyone's main question was 'what now?'

'What do you mean, 'what now'?', one of the Giraffe's 'said'. 'You all know, admit it. We're dead.'

'What the fuck do you mean by that?' A zebra snapped back at him, 'we're not dead!'

'Yes we are', the giraffe replied, 'at least legally.'

Doug gave a shudder as he realized the giraffe was right. One of the many agreements and other legal documents they'd signed was one that stipulated that if their body was to die from natural causes or 'Acts of God' while in the care of the resort then they were legally dead. Since they were now animals for good they had no 'right's', other then that their implants would not be reused. It was strictly illegal to download one human mind into another human's body, even if they agreed to it. There would be no 'donor' bodies. They were on their own. He gave a shudder of horror as he realized 'he' was now a female Zebra for the rest of her natural life. Two weeks were one thing, but... permanently??

The next morning; in small groups, they began drifting back towards the main herd, driven by instinct and the need for safety in numbers. The carnivores had all already disappeared. Dug wondered if the 'don't eat a fellow vacationer' rule was still in effect for them. So she felt relief as their small despondent group merged back into the main herd.

Doug squealed in pleasure as the stallion mounted her again; her estrus was fading but he was still interested, and she encouraged him. It made things better, a little, the intense pleasure helping to drive away the most depressing of her thoughts for awhile. She and Laura had 'talked' to a zebra stallion; who was also a 'vacationer' who had been a young woman named Sally when 'she' was human, and as soon as their estrus was gone they'd agreed to join his 'harem' of other, mainly fellow 'vacationers'. He'd already been mating with mares out of season, so they at least had that pleasure to look forward too; at least for awhile, until their minds went 'natural' and normal instincts took control again.

A couple of weeks later a government vehicle arrived, and any 'vacationers' who answered their broadcast were told how sorry the government was about their 'situation', and that the rebel attack had been totally unexpected and taken everyone by surprise. Feed and water would be made available at the old resort pickup points as long as any 'vacationers' showed up, and of course any hunters would be given detectors that would identify an animal that had an implant, and there were strict fines and even prison terms for any hunters who 'knowingly' shot a former 'vacationer'. Then the officials left and they were on their own, nothing but animals now, with no legal rights of any kind. Legally dead so far as their human lives were concerned.

For some time Doug and Laura visited the feeding sites for the tasty oats and other grains, but as their human minds slowly merged more and more into the mind of the animal whose bodies they shared they began to lose interest in the feeding sites, their last link with their human lives. Finally, both swollen with their foals, they followed their harem stallion as the herd began to migrate to better feeding grounds to give birth. By this time the mental degradation and merging was over, and while they were much more 'aware' then the average Zebra, very little of their human memories remained intact, and what did were little more than distant dreamlike memories. They no longer 'talked' to one another via the implants either, having forgotten how to.

Doug gave a grunt of pleasure as her colt suckled at her sore teats, browsing lazily but keeping an eye out for predators even though the stallion was on watch. Never hurt to be too careful. She gave her baby an affectionate nudge and lick, then kept an eye on him as he ran off to play with another colt, one that belonged to a fellow harem member. She gave the other mare; who had once been named Laura in another life long gone, a friendly lipping, then turned back to grazing. She could feel herself starting to go into estrus, and was looking forward to the services of her stallion. She was content as she grazed; keeping an eye on the playing youngsters, and life was simple and good.

The End


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