Bearly Undiscovered

Story by Thakur on SoFurry

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#3 of Bear's Necessities

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Joanne had to clean herself up. Her husband, Todd, would be home in an hour, and she reeked of rutting dog. The young golden retriever had just discovered that she was in heat, when she had been all but certain she was already pregnant. But not by her poodle husband! Last heat, she had spent six hours trapped in a kennel, fucking Todd's four-legged German shepherd dog. Though she had resisted at first, she could hardly call what Bear had done to her "rape".

They shouldn't even have a pet dog! Why couldn't they have gotten a cat? Todd had insisted on a dog, and a big one, despite the ability for four-legged animals to breed with their two-legged counterparts. Choosing pets of a different species was an unspoken rule, and she had suffered no small number of crude jokes on account of Bear. But now all those claims about Joanne getting some action on the side with a dog were true!

She couldn't blame herself for the accident a month ago; she was in heat, and Bear was strong and insistent. After breeding so many times with the feral animal while in the depth of her heat, she had been convinced her womb would be filled with his puppies. The same thing had happened many times before, on the news. Desperate women, or young girls not knowing better, or just women in the wrong place and the wrong time; all have ended up with feral puppies, three to five little bundles of cold, hard proof of bestiality. The same thing could happen to feline people, or cervine people. Just last week, the nightly news had mentioned a school teacher, a young doe who had given birth to a four-legged fawn. Needless to say, giving birth to a litter of animals (while not a crime in every state) was enough to end your social life forever.

Two days late for her period, Joanne had been sure that she would soon suffer the same fate. She would be just the latest example that women couldn't control their libidos. She was a living anecdote that women were the lesser sex; controlled by their emotions and not fit for the workplace. She had spent her entire life trying to prove those stereotypes wrong. She worked hard, carefully controlled her heat, and had had a loving, monogamous relationship with her husband and their single daughter. She was even breaking the glass ceiling at her job, but when news of her pregnancy broke, she would be fired. Worse, other women would be passed over for promotions, for fear of a repeat offense.

Todd thought the baby was his. She obliged him by getting a pregnancy test, though she knew the truth. Bear's millions of sperm had found their targets. While waiting for the pregnancy test to reveal the answer, she had fallen asleep next to Bear and dreamt of sex with the handsome creature. He was a massive specimen, and sex with him had been absolutely incredible. He was so big and forceful. She couldn't help but feel a thrill as she submitted herself to the animal again and again.

She had woken from the dream wet and turned on. Assuming she was already pregnant, she couldn't resist; she fucked the dog again in real life, as well. In truth, the test had reported a negative result. Her arousal probably stemmed from her heat finally taking over her golden-furred body. But none of that excused her actions. She had woken Bear from his nap, fondled and licked his cock until it was hard, and then ridden him like a horny bitch in heat (which happened to be what she was). Before, he had taken her against her will. Now, she had willingly chosen to betray her marriage, and this time she had no excuse. No one would have known, except that she hadn't actually been pregnant. Now she couldn't be sure. She had fucked him again, three times! But he hadn't impregnated her last time, so maybe he wouldn't this time. Still, she would have to wait a month to find out.

Quickly, Joanne grabbed the sheets and shoved them down the laundry chute. Sniffing, she realized she wasn't the only one who smelled like sex. Bear would need a bath, too. She called him over, and the German shepherd was uncharacteristically obedient. Perhaps he thought the golden retriever was ready for another breeding. His mistake!

Once he was in the bathroom, he realized what was going on, but she had already closed the door. With a vengeful grin, she lifted the big dog into the tub, stepping in with him. He tried to flee the tub, but she quickly closed the curtain half-way, trapping him. He whimpered as she turned on the warm water.

"Sorry, buddy, but you and I need a bath."

Normally she filled the tub to bathe the dog, but Todd would be home any minute, so she was in a rush. She turned on the shower head, dousing both of them in a gentle rain. Bear flattened his ears, tucking his tail between his legs and whining. He even started shuddering when she began to rub the shampoo on his body.

"Come on, it's not that bad."

She had finished lathering his back and sides, and switched to his belly, rubbing the shampoo slowly through his soft fur. That's when she noticed a bit of red poking out of his sheath. He must still be able to smell her heat.

"You just never give up, do you?" He'd just planted three full loads of seed into her womb, and was all ready for another go. Sighing, she kept washing him, soapy bubbles forming where her shampoo-filled hand rubbed against his fur. The lower she let her hand wander, the larger Bear's erection grew.

He wasn't whimpering anymore. In fact, his ears were as erect as his penis. Joanne pulled her hand back, ready to rinse the German shepherd off, when she met his gaze. She knew that look all too well. "No, Bear. Bad dog!" she said, preemptively.

Her admonition was ignored. He suddenly jumped up, his paws landing on her shoulders so that she was face-to-face with Bear. He was oblivious to the water coating his fur, his mind intent on only one thing. With a shove, he pushed her back, causing her to slip in the growing pool of water. She landed with her back against one end of the tub, the German shepherd standing over her.

Furiously, he began to thrust his hips, trying somehow to find her swollen vulva. Lying in the tub, she was too low for him, but she had seen him lower his hips that far before, and she knew how persistent he could be. She had to get back to her feet before he figured out what to do. She put each hand on his shoulder, and shoved him backward.

"No, Bear! I don't have time for this!"

He didn't budge. She couldn't get enough traction in the slippery tub to dislodge the horny beast. Meanwhile, his thrusts were getting nearer their target. She had to do something quick! Impulsively, she spread and planted her feet against the far end of the tub, lying full length beneath the gyrating German shepherd. Then, with her feet pressing against one end of the tub and her shoulders pushing off the other, she shoved the dog away.

She managed to lift the dog until Bear was standing on his hind legs, but her efforts backfired. Using her feet for extra pushing power had inadvertently caused her to raise her hips off the bottom of the tub. This presented just the opportunity Bear needed. He bucked forward, jumping with both his hind legs off the ground.

Squelch! As if their two sets of genitals were opposite ends of a magnet, Bear found his mark, sliding easily into Joanne's stretched cavern, all the way to the base of his cock. Joanne's jaw dropped, silently gasping as she felt his heavy rod spread her apart. The force of his thrust pushed her back, sliding her until she was leaning against the end of the tub as if it were a lawn chair. Her pelvis landed with a splash against the bottom of the tub, taking Bear's hips with it.

"Not again..." Joanne groaned. She futilely pushed against the muscular dog, unable to dislodge the rapidly humping animal. His eager thrusts hammered her into the back of the tub, swollen cock growing even larger until she was pleasantly full. Why did it have to feel so good?

If the golden retriever didn't do something soon, Bear would knot inside her, and she would be trapped until he had finished with her. Sheepish, she realized how close she was to just laying back and letting that happen. She couldn't though; her husband might walk up those stairs at any minute, and every time the German Shepherd took her was another chance he'd get her pregnant.

Her wet feet slipped as she tried to stand. Bear was too strong for her to overpower. Joanne realized her best bet was to reach down and block Bear's swollen glands with her hand. At least that would buy her time. But when she slid her hand between their bodies, reaching her violated pussy, she could feel that Bear's hips were flush with hers. He was fully in her, and his knot was growing. She had to somehow push him out of her far enough to slide her fingers around his bulb.

She pushed with all her upper body strength against Bear's abdomen, hoping to finagle just a few inches of separation. Bear rocked his hips back and forth, but they were short, sharp thrusts that kept the dog's knot inside of her. She would have to push extra hard when he pulled back, before Bear's bulbis glandis grew too large and her heat-swollen vulva stretched and clenched around it.

Readying herself for his next pull-back, she pushed as hard as she could. It worked! He slid backward in the slippery tub, and Joanne deftly gripped his knot with her fingers. Bear thrust again, but this time, he only penetrated her up to her fingers, leaving his knot quivering outside her pussy lips.

As far as Joanne could tell, Bear didn't care. He kept forcing himself against her, content to feel her swollen lips engulfing the majority of his cock. Joanne wondered if she could push him all the way out. What would Bear do, if she did that? The golden retriever didn't want to find out. Her best bet was to wait until his climax, and then try to push him out, wasting his seed on her golden belly.

Suddenly, none of that seemed to matter, as her ears perked up and she heard a muffled voice. "Joanne!?" This time, it wasn't a delivery boy. Her husband was home, and looking for her! She heard the poodle's footsteps clomping up the stairs. That's when Joanne realized she hadn't locked the bathroom door.

Frantically, she looked over at the door to confirm her fears. In her haste to trap Bear in the bathroom, she hadn't locked the door! Todd could walk in on them at any moment! Gritting her teeth to muffle her own cries, she decided her fastest way out was to encourage Bear to cum. With the shepherd's knot safely quarantined, and his lust sated, Joanne could make the scene change from one of adulterous bestiality, to simply washing the dog.

Joanne clenched her cunt around him, squeezing and thrusting back. She could tell her efforts were bringing the dog closer to orgasm, as his knot grew almost to full, softball size. His cock ground against her heat-inflamed clitoris, though Joanne managed to muffle her screams. She kept it up, even as she heard her husband's footsteps enter the bedroom. He could be standing right outside the bathroom door!

"Joanne?" she heard again, this time closer. He could of course hear the shower running. Bear was so close now, she could tell by his growing howl. How was she going to explain that, Joanne wondered?

She had to answer her husband. "Todd, I'm just bathing Bear!" she cried, desperately.

For a second, she felt safe. He would leave them alone, and she only needed a few seconds before Bear would begin to cum. She'd worry about his pointed tip spewing feral dog seed, buried half-a-foot deep inside of her, later. Her hope faded when the doorknob began to turn.

Frantically, Joanne barked, "Wait!", reflexively holding up a hand as if she could somehow prevent the door from opening entirely by force of will. That proved to be a huge mistake; she had used the hand that was gripping Bear's knot!

Before she could say another word, Bear grunted and thrust forward, no hand impeding his way. The golden retriever would have thought that, fully swollen, Bear would have no hope of shoving his way inside her. He'd done it often enough before, but he'd always been mounted in the appropriate doggy fashion. In the tub, with her on her back, his grip was weaker, but Joanne hadn't counted on the two inches of soapy water that had splashed all over the two. She'd been stretched wide by Bear on several occasions, and now she stretched once more, Bear's slippery knot colliding and spreading her unprotected passage-way wide. She almost yelped again, in pain, as her lips stretched lewdly. With a squeak and a wet sssslurp, the dog's entire knot wedged its way inside of her. Though soap had aided his entry, she knew he was sealed inside of her; her vulva clenched powerfully around him, locking his bulging knot deep inside.

This proved too much for Bear, who howled and pushed forward one last time, his tip pressing up against Joanne's cervix for the fourth time that day. Joanne gritted her teeth as she felt his warm, sticky fluids pouring out of him, filling every crevasse of her insides before forcing its way into her fertile womb. Her heat sent her over the edge, and she moaned, bucking her hips and clenching around his massive cock, milking him for all she was worth, despite her understanding of the consequences. Todd would open the door and catch her in a rutting orgasm with his dog!

To Joanne's great relief, Todd didn't open the door. Instead, the poodle said, "What's going on?"

Bear was howling as he claimed his bitch, and Joanne was moaning in ecstasy, but she struggled to form the words, "I-I'm just...trying to bathe this mutt; you...know how he...gets...!"

Could her husband tell she was in the throes of climax, getting filled with sticky cum? He said, "Honey...we need to talk...about this pregnancy test."

Could he know? Did he realize that the odds of a condom breaking were lower than that chance that Joanne was fucking another male? Could he suspect Bear? Joanne trembled, biting back another moan as a wave of seed flooded her uterus.

"I'm...I'm all wet," she complained, "We!" she yelped, her pussy warm and quivering. Bear had just turned around, lifting Joanne's hips several inches off the ground before he sat in the tub, his cock twisted behind him, still lodged firmly between the golden retriever's legs. Joanne couldn't help but feel used, as if the dog had simply fucked her, and now wanted nothing to do with her. She knew better; that was just what dogs did. Judging by her previous experience with Bear, in just a half hour he'd be on her and ready to go again if she let him.

Todd said, "Hurry, then." But he walked away. Joanne gasped in relief. Now she just needed to wait ten to twenty minutes for Bear's knot to subside, wash Bear and herself, and Todd would be none-the-wiser. She ran her fingers through the fur on Bear's back, whimpering as he sent another spurt into her. Both were drenched in the running water, but Joanne could smell heat, seed, and musk all over their quivering bodies.

Bear glanced over his shoulder at Joanne, his tongue lolling happily out the side of his mouth. He always looked so fucking pleased with himself after breeding her. Sighing, she guessed she couldn't blame him.

She waited again. Joanne had determined that dogs were knotted together for so long after breeding for more than ensuring impregnation. Rather, the male was stuck inside of her for so long to give her ample opportunity to consider just how much of a slut she was. Her cheeks burned, but she couldn't deny the pleasure Bear had given her, again, and again, and again.

Having nothing better to do, and since Bear was trapped, Joanne took this opportunity to finish bathing the troublesome German Shepherd. Though he whimpered and shivered, his knot held him firmly in place as she ran her soapy hands through his coat. "Hah!" she taunted him. "That's what you get, you randy dick."

She'd finished bathing both him and her well before Bear's knot was ready to come free. So she waited. Another knock came to the door, "Joanne, what's taking so long?"

Her heart thumping in her chest, she said, "Just a few more minutes!"

She clenched her eyes shut, listening in horror for the click of the door opening, but her husband left her alone once more. He didn't bother her again, at least not until Bear finally softened enough that she pushed him forward, and he pulled free. She shivered to see his cock, dripping in semen. She knew where most of that seed had ended up.

The time for worrying about that had come and gone. Now she had to face her husband...

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