More Than Meets The Eye

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#1 of Crysteen Nordic






The sound of machinery and grinders filled the shed at the back of the mansion, the signs that read "DO NOT ENTER" and "DANGER" was plastered all over the walls and the single door. Inside, a lone herm foxmorph was busy with hir invention, humming along to the music playing from hir iPod. The tiny herm kit was giggling and playing with hir toy robotic fox in hir playpen. It scampered and spun around and rolled on its back. The noise didn't bother hir, as shi was wearing earmuffs.

Crysteen grabbed a couple of wrenches and a screwdriver, tightening bolts and screws, then wired a few cables into what shi was building. It took hir 8 months to get this far, and shi was almost done; hir excitement was evident on hir face as the final pieces were added to the delicate circuitry.

A muffled voice was heard, and shi switched the machinery off to locate the source. Standing at the opened doorway was hir mate, Nordic.

"I said, dinners almost ready love." He smiled, walking in when he got hir attention.

Turning around, Crysteen whipped the sweat from hir brow, and in the process, smeared oil on hir face.

"And wash your paws before sitting at the dinner table." He added, picking his daughter; Frostpaw, up from the pen. Shi murred and nuzzled against his cheek, clinging to his vest.

"Yes my sweet, I'll be there in 15 minutes, I'm almost done." Shi smiled, sparkle in hir eyes.

A worried look came over his face.

"I sure hope it won't burn the house again, or the neighbours pet, Shir Freckle's cat hasn't recovered from the singed fur your last invention caused. Or the explosion that wrecked the PTV, luckily Nati teleported us out of harms way, or someone would have been hurt, or worst." He said, eyeing the tarp covered object with concern.

"Don't worry my love, I have made sure that my new invention has safety protocols installed, and I have informed the authorities to be on stand by when I do the grand unveiling." Shi giggled, giving a wink.

"Ok, but if anything happens, you're banned from further electronic and engineering work around the house, I don't wanna put our kit in harms way." He remarked, half serious, half joking.

"Deal, now please let me finish, or I won't be in time for dinner." Shi said, starting up the machinery again, so shi would be able to hear hir mates retort.

Nordic poke his tongue out at hir, and shi did the same, even though shi couldn't see him do it, shi know his mannerisms. Then he left with the kit to wash up for supper.

18 minutes later, Crysteen emerged from the shed and made hir way inside the mansion, stopping off at the bathroom to wash hir face and paws. Then shi walked into the spacious dining room. Nordic, Stephan and Illumanati was already placing the meal on the table, under the watchful eyes of the chakat cubs Skypouncer and Nightpaw, who were waiting patiently for the food to be placed. Shadowstripe was in the kitchen, finishing up on the desert. Voxanna was talking to hir mate Viktor as shi was nursing Firestripe. Two other chakat cubs were running around, playing nip tail, they were Icetail and Heartgold. Snowfur was nursing Snowblaze as well as keeping an eye on the 2 hyperactive cubs.

Nordic was with Frostpaw, tickling hir feet and making goofy faces, getting hir to giggle and squirm. Crysteen sat down and revealed a breast for the hungry kit, who scampered as fast as hir little limbs could carry hir and latched onto the offered teat.

Both mother and daughter murred with contentment from the shared bonding experience.

"So, how is it coming along dear?" Nordic asked, snuggling up behind his mate.

"99.9% completed, it just needs a new battery installed, I'm waiting for it to be delivered." Shi said, smiling.

"I sure hope you appreciate the favour I'm giving you sweetie?" Viktor piped in, giving hir a stern look.

"Of course sir, without your help, my project wouldn't work." Shi smiled.

"What help?" Nordic asked, looking at the Federation Admiral with interest.

"Sorry, can't tell you. It's Top Secret." The herm tiger morph remarked, giving Crysteen a wink, causing hir to giggle.

Nordic gave his mate a questioning glance, but shi just smiled and gave him a kisslick on his cheek.

"It's better if you don't know dear. Besides, you all will find out when I have finished." Shi said, murring and snuggling against him, watching their daughter feed on hir ample bosom. Nordic was watching as well, envious of his daughter feeding on that large breast. Crysteen noticed the drool and chuckled.

"I do have another one sweety, but dinner will be ready soon."

"Oh, it's not that I am hungry, I just wanna suckle your tits, they're so yummy." He replied, lightly flicking at the erect nipple.

GOLDPAW First Heat

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