Terror Dogs

Story by Iscin on SoFurry

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Terror Dogs

A story for Jdog5785

Driving home from the fire station, Oliver is gently rubbing the lower part of his back. Today had a hectic call out to a crumbling furnace of what once used to be a cosmetics studio. Surprising how volatile all of those chemicals can be when they get together under extreme heat. The result had been an explosion which had sent the usually tough Oliver back against a load-baring wall. He survived it, but not without a few bruises and a ringing head for awhile afterwards.

The road that goes back to his home goes through a business district that, unknown to Oliver, is home to an animal testing lab. Tonight the Omnitech facility is prototyping a new type of bio-engineered fleas. When asked why they decided to create bio-engineered fleas, the slight mad researcher who heads the insect division of Omnitech said that fleas could provide the ultimate biological weapon in the battlefield if controlled.

Unfortunately for the facility's director, the dalmatians subjected to the fleas, which represent the entire research, have escaped their kennels. Initially unknown to the researchers, the enhanced abilities of the fleas on an insect-level have been passed on to the dogs but with a far more advanced nervous system they can resist the controls imposed on them by the bio-engineering.

As Oliver turns around the corner he has to hit the breaks as a stray dog runs across. The car slides, skidding hard against the asphalt before hitting the canine. Quite remarkably the vehicle stops then as Oliver is planted face first into the airbag that deploys. It takes a full minute before he realises he is still conscious and breathing. So, with his hands shaking a little from a second impact in the same day, he steps out of his car. Im the front of the vehicle there is a dog shaped dent and a spotted dalmatian sat on the road looking at him.

Blinking at the unreal scene Oliver steps up to the dog. He squints and tries to make anything unique out, but the dog appears as a normal dalmatian with nothing out of the ordinary evident. So he leans down and pets the pooch, it barks in response but does not bite.

"Good dog, what are you doing out here?"

But then something suddenly stings Oliver's hand so he refracts it instinctively in reaction. The dog just barks and runs off, disappearing down an alleyway heading out of the business district. Oliver nurses his hand as he wonders what just happened and then looks back at is car. He sighs, shakes his head and rummages around in his jacket pocket for his phone.

"What a day..." *** Returning home Oliver notices something amiss when he takes all of his clothes off and goes into his shower. It is not exactly anything wrong with his caucasian, although well worn, skin as it feels just fine, but there is something slightly odd about it. As he starts lathering up with shower gel he realises that his arms and chest feels hairier than usual. He stops in the middle of washing, hot steam rising up and rapidly filling the small room as he looks over his body.

"What the hell is this..." he mutters underneath his breath and turns off the water before stepping out of the shower.

Just as his second foot makes contact with the floor he slips and tumbles backwards. Within a split second he manages to grab the chrome bar used to normally steady oneself and stops before he hits the ground or tiled wall. Only when he takes a moment to steady himself does he look and finds that the chrome pole is now distorted. Outlines where his fingers and thumb gripped it show where the metal has been pushed inwards.

"I must be dreaming."

He makes it to the sink mirror to watch as facial hair turns into a layer of white and black spotted fur across his features. Oliver yells out in alarm and then stumbles once more, but this time from his skeleton changing as bones crack and elongate to create a digitigrade canine configuration. His feet become paws with pads for the soles and claws instead of toenails. Rippling musculature, already in great shape due to his profession, becomes even tougher as the patterned fur from his face travels along down his chest and back spreading to everywhere. Even his eyes change, their previous grey colouration replaced by a dimly glowing gold hue.

Oliver watches in horror as his genitalia shrinks back and develops a sheath, although his testes still hang low externally. Then his face changes once more, elongating to become a dog's muzzle, along with a wet nose and floppy dalmatian ears. The pain from his skeletal frame changing goes away now as Oliver stares at his reflection in the mirror.

Bringing two almost paw-like hands up to his face, or should that muzzle now, he feels it. The fur is real, felt underneath the sensitive pads under each digit of his transformed but still anthropomorphic hands with fingers and opposable thumbs. He looks behind at his butt where a happy little tail has sprouted and involuntarily moves from side to side in an almost pensive wag.

Looking back at the reflection, ever so slowly, a smile starts to spread across Oliver's face. "Cool."

He continues to check himself out, holing up one arm he stretches it out and then curls up watching the bicep contract. Oliver notices how the soft white fur covers his skin but it is close enough to allow most definition to be easily noticeable, with the exception of blood veins and arteries. Walking around in the room he quickly becomes used to the digitigrade legs and paws, everything instantly becoming natural as he keeps his balance.

Tail wagging quite happily now he goes through to his bedroom where there is a bigger mirror, and maybe some clothes that will fit. He spends the next few minutes still going over his body, even turning around whilst squeezing and groping at his new furry rear bumper. The weredog makes a wolf whistle appropriately enough for himself and then is reminded of something.

Turning back to forward face the mirror he looks down at his furry crotch. The white hanging sack is obvious and he has checked that already but he completely forget about the new sheath. He pokes at it curiously and then rests his palm over it before starting to rub at the phallus holster. Blood pumps and heat radiates from the sheath as Oliver feels himself get hard underneath his fingers and palm. Ever so slowly something a pinkish red pokes from the cusp of the strange pouch-like body feature. He gasps and starts stroking faster, the emerging member quickly growing and pushing as inch after inch rapidly appears.

Grasping a himself Oliver starts to squeeze and pump at the erect doghood as it continues to grow in his paw. Not without some degree of smugness to himself, he realises that everything about his body has been augmented which includes his penis. The big red hot dogcock throbs as pre oozes out of its pointed tip and runs down his hand. Oliver groans and hunches over, one paw on the mirror whilst the other works up and down his aroused shaft with determined speed. He barely takes note of just how big his improved phallus is, at what was once an average six inches is now pushing on to be two solid feet of male lovemaking stick.

He stares at himself as his balls wing back and forth and his cock drools onto his bedroom's carpet floor. Closing his now amber eyes, the half-man half-canine finds something deep within himself and draws it out. A long, loud growl rumbles from his throat and something swells up at the base of his long thick length. Opening his eyes again he realises that the bulge is in fact a dog's knot, then all logical though freezes where it was.

Oliver throws his head back, instincts commanding him as he howls out with unlocked passions. Muscles tense up and for a moment his body is locked in place by its own musculature. His cock bucks in his hand and then erupts, long jets of creamy seed streaks from the head. The first string of cum hits the mirror with such force that the glass cracks with splinters cracking all over the point of impact, the following squirts although forceful are not quite as strong as the first. Splash back covers Oliver in his own produce before his orgasm subsides and he slowly lets go of his softening cock with a messy hand.

"F-Fuck." Is all he can say as he examines the damage and mess done to his mirror.

Then something suddenly starts to compel Oliver, a need to go outside. He tries to resist it at first to at least clean off and put something decent on, but the urge is too strong and he is still adjusting to his new body. He has enough control to go downstairs and walk out through the backdoor, that way he will not be caught as a naked dog person right away.

Like a baseball breaking the sound barrier new sensations unlock and hit him right in the face. It hurts at first as new sensitive ears and his nose assault his brain with data it is not accustomed to receiving. He whimpers and feels sick as he smells something foul, but then a moment later the discomfort is gone as everything clicks into place. Everything is free to him now, from the barbecue two streets away to the dull sounds of families arguing at the evening dinner together, Oliver is capable of selecting what he wants to hear or smell and his subconscious has now begun buffering him from the rest.

He wanders into his lawn, stretching and wagging his tail as he smiles to himself. Some people might find this frightening to the point of having a mental breakdown or a heart attack, but not him. Perhaps it has something to do with the transformation itself, maybe his brain has changed, he does not ca- Wait, there is something new now. Sniffing the telltale scent on an air current that has just passed over his back lawn his adopted instincts tell him what it is.

So, whilst caring less and less about his naked and messy state, Oliver pursues the intriguing scent to its source. He quickly realises that with his combined strength, claws and even improved dexterity he can things like brick walls without much difficulty; he is no spiderman but it suffices for him to the thieves highway and stay out of direct sight for the most part.

Moving quickly from rooftop to rooftop he follows the smell with his improved olfactory senses until he stops just across from a familiar house. The home in question is where a good friend and colleague of Oliver's lives, a bespeckled fireman called Jason. Although it is not Jason who has brought the weredog here as he crouches on the rooftop of the house opposite pondering the situation. The scent, or at least according to his in-built instincts, belongs to a dalmatian, specifically a very unusual dalmatian whom Oliver had met not too long ago.

Dusk has come now and darkness blankets the suburban streets. Oliver drops down from the rooftop he is on and lands with an impact that does little to shake him with his new body. Keeping away from the streetlights he casually makes his way up to Jason's house and then tries to get a peek through the curtains. Everything looks normal enough and good old Jason is probably in the kitchen cooking something for himself tonight; but that offending smell is coming from an open window suggesting it is inside the house right now.

Walking up to the door Oliver thinks about knocking on it, even in his current form as unusual as it is. But he is stopped by a loud startled voice from inside the house, amplified in his canisthropic ears, and knows that the voice is Jason's. He grabs the door handle and forces it open, splintered wood scattering on the ground as he steps through into the house.

Following the sound, Oliver moves quickly going around to the back of the house, where the kitchen is. He then finds the source of the familiar scent, the dalmatian from before is in the middle of mauling Jason. It stops and looks up, snarling at Oliver once before jumping off the bloodied man and leaping through a window, easily smashing through as the dog makes its escape.

Oliver looks down at Jason on the floor and although peppered with bite and claw marks he is still in once piece. He reaches down to help the man up but Jason screams when he finally notices the weredog and claws away into a corner of the kitchen. However, the wounds inflicted upon him are quickly closing shut before a thin layer of fuzz starts to creep over his skin. Oliver knows what is happening and decides to wait and watch as the other man starts to become aware of the unusual changes himself.

After a lot of frightened screams, and more than enough frightened howls as the change completed, Jason finally finishes transforming exactly like Oliver had done and begins to settle down. Amazed that his injuries have healed, and just plain confused at his new fur and body shape complete with a tail and muzzle, Jason stands up. He is tall, almost as tall as Oliver, but not quite; more importantly though both canisthropes are completely nude, Jason's clothes either having been torn up or no longer fitting properly b this point. Eyeglasses that had been assisting Jason's eyesight remain broken on the floor, but he is quickly learning that he no longer needs them whilst in this form.

"What is-"

"It's that dog, I don't know exactly what is wrong with it, but the gift it brings is not to be feared. We're... weredogs now, but there is a lot to enjoy like this." Oliver soothes the other weredalmatian as he steps up to him and places a paw on the others shoulder.

"But I'm a monster! How do I go back to being normal?"

Something wicked pops into Oliver's head and as he looks into the pleading eyes Jason gives him, a dim glowing light emanating from them like this own. His paw slips off the other male's shoulder as it strokes down his strong chest with the claws raking through the fur. Jason blushes and then gasps as the other dalmatian's hand wraps around his long soft cock as it rests snugly inside Jason's sheath.

"Do you want this to be normal again too?" Oliver grins and even giggles a little as he continues to rub it, making the organ push out of its sheath but is not fully erect. He lets go and Jason looks for himself to gawk at his vastly augmented malehood.

"I hadn't noticed... that." Jason blushes and then looks at Oliver's too as it has come out to play before going an even deeper red underneath dalmatian patterned fur.

"I tell you what." Oliver says as he leans in even closer, fur brushing against the other canisthrope as he whispers into Jason's ear. "We explore this thing together..." Jason then shudders as he is touched inappropriately yet again.

Oliver lowers himself, getting on his knees and coming to face level with the fat floppy dogcock outside of its home. He licks at it at first, gently resting his paws on Jason's thighs. The other male shivers, his phallus responding eagerly as it throbs and comes to life growing longer and thicker as it pushes against Oliver's lips and tongue. Furry hands with warm pads come around Jason's genitalia, with one hand around his friend's cock and the other cupping his furry balls Oliver starts to work his friend.

Very soon pre starts to drip from the head, so Oliver wraps his lips around it and draws the head into his dog muzzle. Jason gasps, groans and growls with lust, resting one hand over his friends head as he sucks him off. The receiving weredog closes his eyelids as he gobbles down more of the horny male's shaft, his own hard as a rock and drooling all over itself and the floor. As he squeezes his lips around it, the flow of pre accelerates from the head and some of it dribbles down his chin and neck.

Wrapping both paws around the thick base, where the knot lays in wait, Oliver squeezes and works at the shaft as much as he can. Bobbing up and down on the first half as the head easily goes down his throat each time of what is now something over fourteen inches of doghood. Jason moans in delight, his tail wagging back and forth in sync with the beating of his heart and the throbbing of his hard cock. Gradually Oliver moves on to take in more of the engorged organ, his fingers slipping further down to the knot and then slipping away before reaching underneath to fondle the furry orbs underneath.

Enraptured by the surprisingly skilled blowjob further improved by a long and flexible tongue, Jason starts to force the other weredalmatian down. Greedy slurping and sucking sounds come from Oliver's mouth as he bobs up and down taking in all of the large cock over and over again, going faster each time he goes down. Letting go of the other male's testicles he reaches around to squeeze at Jason's naked butt and the ballsack starts to swing freely slapping against his throat and chin.

Unable to resist the amazing oral sex, Jason is forced over the edge when he feels one of Oliver's fingers start to wriggle against his tailhole working its way inside. Howling out in the small room, his voice echoes as it bounces off the walls, floor and ceiling making their ears ring a little. But that is nothing compared to the discomfort Oliver has trying to suck down on a true geyser of an orgasm. Thick and creamy tasting semen, similar to a human's but just exotic enough to distinguish it as a weredog, pours into Oliver's muzzle as if Jason's phallus is a hose pipe. He struggles and whines until he finally pulls off with powerful jets of cum splashing over the dalmatian-man's face getting is fur wet, sticky and reeking of male sex. Laughing a little at the sight, Jason grabs his still ejaculating dick and aims it at Oliver, where his friend opens his mouth and catches the last few strings of spunk before it dies down leaving hims with a messy face, chest and even stomach.

"You enjoyed that right?" Oliver says as he stands back up whilst wiping his face a little, not caring about the amount of sticky semen now on the floor.

"Yeah I did, thank you." Jason beams back with a smile and wagging his tail.

"Good, then you won't mind if I do this." He grabs the other weredog and spins him around before bending him over the table in the middle of the kitchen.

Quickly realising what is happening the first though to enter Jason's head is to resist. However when Oliver bites on his friends neck, sinking his teeth in whilst lifting the canisthrope's up, Jason feels himself give over. Then that big for two foot shlong is rubbing up between Jason's furry cheeks with the tip knocking on his backdoor. Hiking his tail for the other male Jason starts to make involuntary murrs as an unusual side of him is uncaged to grapple with these physical sensations.

Oliver thrusts up into the other weredog with a broad thrust of his hips, cocktip lubricated by pre spears up inside of Jason stretching his tailhole out wider and wider with each inch that penetrates him. The submissive canine cries out and grips the kitchen table with his claws making nasty marks along it. He tries to loosen up as Oliver growls and keeps on pushing himself forward, loving the tight warmth that engulfs his phallus. He anchors his claws into Jason's hips and pulls him back with that warm and tight furry bubble butt pressing against his crotch. He can feel his friend is already hard again, his juices dribbling down onto the floor as he shudders and whimpers over the other weredalmatian's thick bone buried deep.

The dominant dog pulls back and then thrusts in over and over again. Building rhythm and speed he works Jason's rump until it is loose enough to slip in and out nice and smooth. Each time he is inside Jason he can feel the other male clamp around his dick, squeezing it tightly with a vice grip and no wanting it to go out. Oliver's entire body needs to fuck by this point, blood pumping furiously and cock almost painfully erect as he rams it in and out of his friend again and again. But with each thrust Oliver feels himself come closer and closer to the edge, loins tingling with excitement and nervous system constantly assaulted by orgasm-inducing sensations.

Leaning over Jason in a doggy position, Oliver bites into his shoulder eliciting a quick yip from the male, then he slams into him as hard as possible and the table gives way shattering under the force of impact. They fall onto the floor and Oliver is still screwing the other canisthrope, his balls swinging back and forth in a blur of motion. Finally he reaches his limit and with a howl he pushes forward one last time. His knot swells out, locking deep inside Jason and keeping the abused tailhole kissing against his crotch as Oliver ejaculates inside of him.

Powerful jets of semen shoot deep inside of Jason's rump, he cries out past teary eyes from the exotic mix of pain and pleasure, his own cock jumps and starts to orgasm a second time. Oliver holds his mate with powerful arms, claws gripping into the furry spot-patterned chest Jason now has as he breeds his tailhole. He growls low and deep into the other werehound's ear as he steadily fills his friend, making him a newborn beta and in turn setting himself up as a dominant alpha.

Almost half an hour later they untie, with a flooding of spunk pouring out of Jason's abused hole. He sighs and rolls around to face Oliver, unconsciously smiling with the feeling of a satisfied partner. Jason's hands play across Oliver's front and down to his soft sheath and balls where he fondles them lightly before leaning in for a kiss. The alpha dog holds the back of Jason's head as they lock muzzles, tongues dancing together and then smiles back at him once they break away.

"What now?" Jason asks with slightly worried puppy-dog eyes.

"Now we figure out how we change back AND how we're gonna use this other than for sex." Oliver replies confidently and starts to get up.

"Okay then." Jason says as he too stands up "But first I want some help clearing this mess up."

Oliver pouts, gives weak protests, considers just exercising his newfound dominance, but eventually agrees to stay and help. They still have a lot to learn, not lest exploring and then controlling their strength and durability which the table had obviously lacked.

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