Werewolf Play Time Part One

Story by can on SoFurry

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Werewolf Play Time Part One by can 2007

Tala means "wolf" in Native American. Tala is a grey werewolf, this werewolf bitch has a white belly fur with a mix of gray and white fur on her body, but the bitch's legs and head are only gray. Her bottom legs have more muscles and are bigger to help support her body, werewolves mostly stand on there hind legs, but have been know to also walk on all fours. The werewolf's arms have a little more muscle then normal wolfs and the fingers on her paws are about 5 times longer then normal wolves, her size was about 1.8 meters tall. Other then that shes got a wolf's body.

The word bitch means female and nothing more. (And I know what your thinking!) also the werewolf will be called "Wolf or Tala" on and off

Tala lays on her masters bed, waiting on him to return from the bathroom. And all the bitch could think of was her life before meeting this family, the werewolf's passed owner was nice and never miss-treated here but he was hit by a car while he was walking her, the bitch never understood why a human would drive on the footpath. After her loss the bitch found herself locked up at the pound, Tala found herself allowed in the pens for a longer time then before. The bitch was only thirteen months old by the time she was to be put down by the pound. The others had told her that only when your allowed in the pens for longer time, the humans would come and take you and thats when they kill you, only because you can't be given a home. But just as the wolf believed that her day had come to die, this human had seen her and decided to take her, saving the werewolf's life. This new master was as nice, like her old one but he'd taken her for walks in the woods and not in the street, he would allow her to run free witch the bitch loved.

This human knew some magic witch was kind of fun, he would shrink his hight from 1.2 meters to 30 center meters. And tonight was no deferent. He walked in his bedroom no more then 50 center meters in his underwear, witch was the way her new master would sleep with her, Tala waited for her master to reach the bed, the bitch moved over to him, she would open her muzzle and close her muzzle around his head. The wolf was able to bite down to the bottom of her masters rib cage, but she'd never bite down to hard, only enuff to pull him up onto the bed.

When her master was on the bed the bitch would let go of him and lay down on her back waiting for him to rub her belly witch the wolf loved and waited. Her master walked down to the wolf's legs, he would rub her paw pads a little before climbing onto her belly.

The wolf's master would climb up onto the wolf's belly from between the wolf's legs, he'd never pull to had on her fur witch was nice not to fell any bad pain, her master would wait until he reached the bottom of her neck, when he reached her neck he'd sit down and start rubbing her chest, her master would start moving down her body slowly to the point were he'd fall off, from where'd he'd gotten on. The wolf sat up, with her master still sitting between her legs and on her tale, he also sat up with his back to the wolf's belly. The werewolf moved her head down to him, her master could feal the wolf's warm breath on his head, so he'd looked up to see a big wolf nose, muzzle and eyes, witch he'd always look at each night.

"Rub my cunt pleasessss... and then I'll do the thing you like". the werewolf asked opening her eyes more.

Her master could see into her mouth, witch he'd like. "Alright, beside I'm ready for that" her master said.

Her master moved away from the wolf's belly, the wolf rolled over, her master moved to allow her tail to move up off the bed sheet, Tala Lifted her tail so her master had some light to see with, her cunt was open a little, the whole thing was a turn on for the wolf and somewhat for her master as well. The werewolf's master bent down on his knees, he started to rub the outer fur of the wolf's cunt, her master could see the pink inside and could feal the heat coming from the werewolf's body. The wolf could feal the small hand rubbing softly just out side of her cunt, the bitch didn't wont this to stop, and then before the wolf knew it her master started to rub inside of her cunt. Her master continued rubbing inside and outside of the wolf's cunt.

The rubbing went on for a pit, but her master stopped after about fifteen minutes, the werewolf knew what it was time for, it was her master turn. The wolf sat up and turned around without hitting her master, the wolf bet over and said to her master.

"Time to be eaten."

"Yes" the werewolf's master said.

"In the bathroom?" the wolf asked.

"That would be a good idea" her master said.

Tala held out her paw, her master sat down on the werewolf's paw. Tala slid off her masters bed and walked out of the room, also turning off the light. The wolf walked slowly down the hallway not wanting to drop her master. When Tala reached the bathroom the wolf opened the door and turned on the light, Tala put her master on the bath mat, in the center of the bathroom. she then picked up a bath towel and placed it in the sink, for later. Tala turned around and sat down on the cold ground, the wolf bent over while starting to work up some saliva in her muzzle. With Tala's master at this size she would need to swallow a few times before he would go down her throat, Tala's master moved closer to Tala, Tala started to lick him all over his body covering him with saliva, When he was good and ready, Tala opened her muzzle showing her master the inside of her mouth, he always enjoyed seeing this, her master could see Tala's sharp white teeth, her big wet, soft, warm tongue. Tala moved closer to her master with her muzzle wide open, Tala's master finally slid onto her tongue, as her master entered deeper into the wolf's muzzle as Tala moved her head down, Tala's lips had taken on the shape of her master's head and shoulders as Tala was plunging her master deeper into the wolf's muzzle. Her master was enjoying the whole thing, being eaten by Tala was a thrill, they both had a lot of trust, witch made things a little safer.

Tala didn't need to bite down because of her willing pray, her master was helping to move himself deeper into Tala's maw, Tala covering her master with more and more saliva, Tala loved to kiss him for love and taste, she loved the taste of her master like most others. Tala makes her first big and wet joyful swallow, her master moves into Tala's warm gullet, also moving her masters neck into Tala's warm maw, Tala's masters shoulders slided passed Tala's black lips. Tala's master could here Tala's murring coming from deeper in the wolf's throat. Tala swallowed a few times also moving her muzzle closer to the cold tiles, soon her master's shoulders were bulging out Tala's cheeks a little, as his shoulders entered her warm and wet maw. Tala gives another big swallow placing her masters head into the werewolf neck, Tala's master couldn't close his eyes, he had to watch every moment. With her master in this deep the wolf could move her head up, and she did move her head strait, only half the way up, half of Tala's master's body hung out of her muzzle. Tala lick and drooled her masters body, the feal of it on her tongue was something that most werewolf's never had the chance to feal and Tala loved every minute, Tala swallowed, her master's chest slid into the back of Tala's muzzle, with a gulp her master slid deeper into the werewolf's throat, her master's chest was in her maw. With her master this deep inside her, Tala swallowed a few times and felt her master sild down her throat, Tala's master's waist had entered the wolf's maw, Tala started murring again. When Tala stopped murring Tala let out a loud gulp, and the last of her masters body slid down Tala's throat. Inside Tala's body Tala's master felt the last of his body pass her maw and pass into Tala'a esophagus, Tala's master was pushed down to her stomach with the ripples from her throat, Tala could feal her master going down just like other days. Tala's master enjoyed the feeling of her throat pushing him down to her stomach, Tala's master kept going down and down until he reach her sphincter, witch didn't take much to push past.

Tala's master dropped into Tala's stomach, inside the werewolf's Tala's master knew that the digestive juices wouldn't harm him, because of the spell. Inside Tala's stomach it was warm and wet with the digestive juices all around him. Tala's master started to wiggle around inside Tala's stomach, it's something the wolf loved, Tala's master could feal Tala stand up and turn around.

He then looked up to see Tala's sphincter open, Tala's stomach moved her master up, moving him passed Tala's sphincter and back into her esophagus, Tala's master was slowly pulled up by Tala's peristaltic waves from Tala's esophagus, it was to long before Tala's master could see light coming from outside Tala's muzzle, Tala's master kept moving to Tala's throat and maw, Tala's master passed Tala's maw and now could see the sink with a white towel in it, the wolf pushed one more time and Tala's master fell into the sink with digestive juices and saliva all over his body.

Tala stood up, her master was wigging around inside her stomach, witch Tala always loved. Tala moved over to the sink with the towel and started to work up her master. Tala could feal her master moving up and up, Tala finally felt her master in the back of her muzzle. The werewolf gave it one more push and her master fell out into the sink, when it was finished Tala licked her master to help clean him up.

Tala's master moved of the towel and onto the cold sink, Tala remover the towel and ran the water so it was warm, Tala added a bit of soap to the running water, her master washed himself clean. Tala turned off the water when he had finished .

"Are you ok" Tala asked.

"I'll be fine" Tala's master replied.

The werewolf placed her paw in the sink to lift her master out, Tala moved her paw up and out of the sink. Tala placed her master on the towel, so he could dry himself. Tala sore that her master had lost his underwear.

"You lost your underwear again" Tala said.

"I know, it must still be inside your stomach" her master said drying himself.

"Should we try and get it back?" Tala ask.

"No, they wouldn't be any good by now" her master replied, finishing with the towel.

Tala moved her nose over to her master, Tala's master jumped onto the top of the werewolf's muzzle and then moved to between Tala's ears. Tala walked out of the bathroom turning of the light and closing the bathroom door. Tala entered the kitchen, the wolf dropped her master off on the kitchen table. Tala moved to were dinner was keeped, The wolf then opened the food warmer box and removed tonight dinner, the wolf walked the food to the table were her master was waiting, Tala placed the food on the table. Tala waited untill her master started eating the small amount of food that was for him, before Tala started to eat hers. When her master had finished eating his, witch was the same as what Tala was eating. Her master moved closer to the wolf's muzzle wanting to watch her eat the rest of her dinner, Tala's master didn't step on her food that was left, her master sat down and watched her eat. Tala had learned her master was only wanting too watch, so the wolf would think of her master as her puppy and that would stop her from growling at him. But Tala found that she would lick up some food and allow her master to eat out of her mouth, and witch he did.

After dinner Tala placed the plate onto the kitchen sink, the wolf walked back to the table were her master was waiting, the wolf placed her muzzle onto the table, her master climbed back to between the wolf's ears, the wolf then left the kitchen with her master on her head. They both went back to the bedroom. The reason for eating dinner after Tala had swallowed and then bringing him back up was to teach her that Tala could eat even more by bringing him backup.

Tala knew that even if she didn't bring her master backup she still could eat dinner, but the wolf didn't like the idea of never seeing her master again, the trust they shared couldn't be broken by something like hunger.

They both made it back to the bedroom, Tala reopened the door and entered the dark bedroom, Tala walked over to the bedside table and turn on the lamp, the wolf then curled up into a ball on the bed with her master still on her head, Tala's master moved down from the top of Tala's head to between her muzzle and cunt and butt, under the wolf's tail. Tala licked her master a few times before saying "Thanks". Tala's master liked the feal the warm breath coming from the wolf's nose, he slowly fell asleep under the wolf.

Tala licked her master, then saying "Thanks" for changing his size and allowing them to play like this, while Tala was licking her master, Tala's master lifted one of his back legs and started to rub the wolf's cunt softly with his foot, Tala kept licking until her master stopped, Tala could tell that he was now asleep. Tala knew that humans with a great understanding like her master were rare, the wolf never wanted to lose him.

Werewolf Play Time Part Two

Werewolf Play Time Part Two, By can 2007 Underneath Tala's tail, between her muzzle and vulva. Tala's master was just waking up from last nights sleep, the warm breath coming from Tala's nose made her master not want to wakeup. But he still...

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