It Could Have Happened- Prince Arthur

Story by the roo on SoFurry


#3 of Random Transformation

Warning: Some Adult Bits

(For those who didn't know, Prince Arthur was cursed by a goblin that had possessed Gaius, Merlin's caretaker. Arthur was unfortunately gifted with a set of donkey ears and the voice of an ass. This is just something I feel COULD HAVE happened later on due to the side effects of magick.)

Night had fallen and the torches were lit. As of late, Prince Arthur had been observing himself frequently in the mirror of his room. He had been feeling quite strange. It felt like he just did not fit his body anymore. Tilting his head and turning his hips, he observed his strong jaw line, his tight chest, and his hooded pride between his legs. Giving a quick glance at the door past his mirror to make sure no one was there; he took his thick shaft into his right hand and observed it, noticing the head beneath the hood was much larger than he used to, the bit of flesh tight around it.

Merlin quietly opened the door so as not to disturb Arthur if he was already in bed. Stopping in his tracks, he found the prince observing himself in the mirror again. Luckily for Arthur it prevented his sorcerer man servant from seeing him...handling his sword. He gave a light cough, "Sire..." Arthur jumped, "Merlin! Don't you ever knock?" Merlin paused and thought for a moment before holding out the sheets and clothes in his arms, "Shall I prepare your bed for you sire?" he asked with a smirk on his face. A look of despair appeared on Arthur's face, "NO!" He then caught himself, "No...just leave them there on the dresser...I won't be needing you for the rest of the night..." Doing as he was told, Merlin turned and put his palm to his chest before bowing lightly, "As you wish sire." But before he left, "Are you alright?" he asked with genuine concern. Arthur seemed to ease his expressions, "Why do you ask?" Merlin shrugged, giving that familiar look that said he had more to say than he was going to, "After all that's happened with the goblin and Gaius..." Arthur rolled his eyes, "I'm fine...Merlin. Now go to bed or whatever it is you do at night." Merlin smiled and nodded his head, "Yes, Sire. Goodnight." Moments after Merlin had left; Arthur dressed himself for bed and prepared his bed.

Sweat drenched and dripped from Arthur's tainted blond hair as he writhed in his sleep. Coughing hoarsely, he gripped his chest as pain surged through his body. His blue eyes shot open with fear as they bulged and grew almost to the size of a man's palm. Lunging forward, he fell on all fours, his jaw hung open in a silent cry as he grabbed his stomach. His outsides ached as they no longer felt like they fit his insides. Grunting and clenching his jaw, he felt his heart and lungs pound in his chest just before they expanded inside him. His body quivered as he heard a slurping sound in his ears as they shifted to the top of his head. Terrified, he reached up to stroke the two pointy stalks, his hands shaking as a brownish pelt grew along the backs of them. Suddenly remembering the curse of the goblin, he looked himself in the mirror and cried, "No! Not again! No!"

The remnants of an unfinished curse surged through his body. Crying out, he lined his head with his body as he gazed towards the ceiling, his jaw cracking, jumping forward as his teeth bulked and became like thick stones in his mouth. Attempting to touch his face, he felt a thick beard growing down his neck. It was too late for him to realize that the hair wasn't a beard, it was fur. It was a thick patch of brown fur that traveled down the center of his torso before spreading out to the rest of his body.

Arthur was silenced as his nose merged into his extended jaw, becoming a large snout with two big nostrils at the end, his flesh turning dark, leathery, but soft. He tried to call out for help, but as he felt the air build up in his new lungs, his words turned into, "HAW, REEE HAW!" Anyone nearby would mistake Arthur's cries of help for any ass throwing a fit in the nearby stables. The only relief he received from his sudden transformation was the bulging in his stomach. His loose night shirt stretched around his expanding stomach, forcing a relieved whimper from the changing prince.

Gripping the sheets, Arthur let off a heavy breigh as they easily slipped from his fingertips. They were becoming useless as he turned his head to watch two of his pale digits merge together. As soon as he moved his other hand to touch them, he clenched his eyes and breighed lightly in pain as his arms bulged, muscle building up before easily ripping through the sleeves of his shirt. He meant to ball up a fist to slam into the bed as the pain racked his body, but all he could do was slap the cotton cushioning as the remainder of his fingers merged together, his flesh hardening and turned marble black.

The ass prince grunted as his legs went limp, bulging and tearing through the dark cloth around his legs, just like his arms. His spines snapped as his bones crunched before bulging in his thighs. He rolled on his fattened stomach as his arms and legs contorted, his joints twisting and turning backwards, his ankles pulling away from his feet as his toes merged together, digging further into the bed as they hardened and turned black. As he brush against the bed, he could feel his human pride sinking into his body, swallowed up by a thick sheathe, his sac swelling to...impressive measures. Struggling to stand on his new legs, Arthur hobbled off his bed and his hooves clopped on the stone floor. Gazing about with a confused donkey look, he looked back with one of his large blue eyes to see a nub on his rear twitching, growing a fully blond tassel of fur which snaked its way down between his thick, bulging muscular jackass legs. Breighing and tossing his head back and forth, he watched some of his blond hairs fall from his head, others thickening and remaining short, becoming part of the bristled mane that ran down his thickening neck. Lost in his animalistic thoughts, Arthur stepped his right hoof forward before starting his march towards the stables, his stomach aching with hunger.

The interests of the guards were peeked as the ass clopped down the stairs, the remnants of human clothing hanging from his body. The colors of ass made it even more intriguing. "Have you ever seen an ass with such...mixed hair?" one of the guards asked, grabbing a hold of the donkey's mane to lead it towards the stables. The other guard eyed the creature's blond and black bristled mane, "No, the only creature that I've seen with such mixed hair around here is...Prince Arthur?" The ass gave off a sudden breigh and contorted his face as the guards had a laugh about him. The guard holding his mane could have sworn the creature had a blush around the white fur on his snout.

As Arthur was lead into one of the pens, he looked about the small fenced in area before eyeing the bag of mixed wheat hanging from the nearest wooden post. His mind had slipped and his raw jackass urges fully took over. Stuffing his snout into the bag, he felt the bits of hay and oats crunch between his bulky teeth, chewing for some time before swallowing the heavy substance. When he was finally finished after filling his large stomach, he pulled his snout out and walked about the penned area. Looking around one last time, he thought to himself, "Not much to do here... this is so boring!" Walking over to the fence, he eased his head through it and leaned against the supported posts, slowly closing his big blue eyes so that he could fall asleep standing up.

The stable master was surprised to find the new ass waiting in the pen. A unique find surely. Someone must have delivered him during the night. When the beast finally opened its eyes, the large man with a beard, bald head, and ragged clothing gathered the feeder bag and filled it. Arthur was all too eager to shove his snout back into the bag as the stable master slipped the strap over the back of his skull, "Aren't you an interesting find..." the man chuckled. As Arthur carried the bag off to the center of the pen, the man left him alone and went off to do his work with the king's horses.

Arthur ate loudly with the bag around his head. But as the sun rose to its highest point in the sky, the ass clenched his eyes as its rays shone down on him. Breighing loudly, the fur fell from his body, his equine head sunk back into his skull, his arms and legs returned to normal with a few light cracks, and as he fell upon his ass, his hooded shaft rest casually between his legs. Unfortunately, his mind was the last thing to return to him. Only when he found that it was a struggle to chew the animal feed in his mouth, did he realize he had a feed bag hanging from his neck. Tossing the bag aside with feed still stuck to his mouth, he ran to the nearest door, fearing what people might think if he was caught naked in the stables. It was a struggle, but he eventually made it to the armory where he could slip on a leather tunic and some leather leggings, the guards only finding it half as questionable as he fled up the castle stairs to his room. Slamming the doors shut behind him, his chest heaved up and down as he barred the door with his body, a look of disbelief on his face, his eyes wide with shock.


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