List of predators, races and settings

Story by Strega on SoFurry

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Predators - these are predators who have appeared in multiple images or stories. Many other predators have appeared in single images and stories, like a badgertaur, the wolftaur, Stregonne, etc.

Eblis - A not too bright anteater-like alien 8' tall and 600-700 pounds depending on how chubby he is at the moment. Known for ineffectually hitting on women (and then eating them when they turn him down), he's not above a male lover or two if nothing else is available. His tube-like mouthparts are lined with knobby ridges that are forced forward by a complex musculature, letting him engulf and swallow human-sized prey with little difficulty. It is not clear how he commits his often public crimes without getting caught.

Fastpaw - A well known - to us anyway - praka (raccoon-folk) predator. He is a male bard of modest skills, cute and charismatic - two traits he uses to bed as many women as he can. That would be harmless enough if he didn't eat them from time to time. Unlike Ria, he is not unnaturally elastic, and usually eats prey only up to his size (5' tall). He will also eat males, though he doesn't have sex with them, and is especially fond of eating Kender. (They have the adorable habit of trusting him when he says 'There's something stuck in my teeth. Could you have a look?')

Hialfi : Originally a volpa foxman, Hialfi was transformed by a malfunctioning Wish into a large foxtaur. Too big - 16' tall to his eartips, 4,000 pounds - to fit into most buildings (and most women), and viewed as a freak almost everywhere he goes, he wanders from town to town getting what work he can. Almost always short on money, he resorts to eating 'evil' humanoids like orcs and gnolls to keep himself fed. The lack of suitably sized women has led him into a series of sexual misadventures.

It - An amorphous extradimensional predator, It bores a hole into our universe and extrudes enough mass through to build a harmless-looking lure. It might be a water fountain, plushie, bearskin rug, picnic basket or other object. Whatever Its appearance, It can engulf prey and gradually digest it, sending the dissolved food back through the finger-wide hole into Its home dimension to feed the main body. Destroying the lure will not kill It, but does inconvenience It, as boring a new hole into our world is time consuming.

Kurula - A female gul wolverine-woman whose possession of a powerful artifact has caused her to grow to fully 50' tall. Evil and intensely predatory, she stalks a region of the Wild Coast where terrified villagers offer her tribute in the form of animals and any travelers unfortunate enough to be in town when she shows up. Human-sized creatures may find themselves used as sex toys before she devours them.

Maluek - The one and only known wolverine-taur on Greyhawk, the mutant offspring of a male 'feral' gul and an anthro female gul. Maluek's lutrai (anthro otter) wife sometimes acts as a lure; other males who approach or bother her soon thereafter find themselves with a temporary wolverine-fur coat. Before getting married, Maluek liked to play the field, perhaps even with other males.

Miary the fossa - A larger than usual, mutated member of this viverrid species, Miary preys on lemurs, other fossa, and anyone small enough to swallow. Unique for her species, as far as we know, she can suck prey into her sex and digest them in her womb.

Otto the otter - A large (10' long, 400-500 pound) otter. He is a failure as a "Run" pred, as he is too friendly and lacks the killer instinct. In fact, he has never eaten someone during a Run pay-per-view. Still, more than one person has ended up in his stomach, sometimes by volunteering, sometimes by accident. Similarly, he's never actually mated with a human, but he's been coaxed into orgasm by the occasional friendly human woman. He is an archetypal friendly predatory who might still accidentally gulp you down.

Pamiuq the sea otter and Qilal the dolphintaur - Lovers who break many rules, including devouring their own species and luring in prey (again, often of their own species) for the other half of the pair to eat. When not engaged in that they devour anyone else they can catch. Pamiuq occasionally has an eye for other females. He's been known to rape smaller females to death.

Renaud the fox - Along with Bearkiller (a near copy of Ripper the wolverine) Renaud is the best known of the Run predators. He is a 500-pound nonanthro black fox. He will offer to lead a contestant to safety in return for a blowjob, but is entirely untrustworthy. About half of the people who start out with a fox in their mouth end up in a fox's mouth afterward. Nonetheless he is the only Run pred other than Otto who will sometimes let prey go, and the only one who will eat them if he doesn't let them go.

Ria - One of the Maker's great mistakes, Ria resembles a cute female praka raccoon-woman. In fact she is the result of experimenting with demon essence and is little more than a highly elastic furry hide around an immensely expandable stomach. Ria can suck in and swallow anyone who comes into contact with any of her three bodily openings. She can consume prey much larger than herself, teleporting away to a quiet place afterward to digest them. It can take her weeks or even months to absorb a really big meal.

Ripper - Formerly a powerful human adventurer, he was defeated and transformed into a dire wolverine. Though quite small for that species (only 400 pounds), he is immensely strong and ferocious. He is as evil now as when he was human, and is a habitual rapist who finishes his one-night (or one-fuck) stands by swallowing his lovers whole. Despite his vile nature he does have friends, and when not gallivanting around wreaking havoc he works as a bodyguard (and lover) to a powerful female mage. He has a "brother" in Redfang, a slightly larger wolverine who is also a transformed human. Unlike Ripper, Redfang cannot swallow prey whole, but he is still a violently predatory rapist. Before working for the mage the pair were owned by Lord Matthew of Monstertown.

Santa Binky - A polar bear who fell victim to the Santa Clause after snarfing the real Santa. While he still delivers presents, people far enough down his Naughty List have a tendency to disappear on Christmas eve. He also has an eye for the ladies of many species, humans included. Presumably if someone kills him, they will become the next Santa.

Savage : A genetically engineered giant tiger (6' at the shoulder, 3,000 pounds) grown in a vat by a super-villain. He was meant be a shape changer, but turned out to be very bad at actually changing shape. What he is good at is using that same skill to make himself tougher (metal reenforced bones, super-tough musculature, tough bony/ceramic scales under his pelt), regenerating wounds, and changing his fur color to blend in almost perfectly with the background, creating near invisibility. He's big and strong, rough and tough, and though not a bad person, he is known to eat people who get on his bad side. He can unhinge his jaws to swallow prey his own size, though such a large meal takes a while to get down. He can digest just about anything, though he gets next to no calories from metal or stone. He's had the occasional human girlfriend who he probably had sexual relations with. He has an enthusiastically preyish were-rat friend who goes through his digestive system about once a week, magically regenerating back from tiger poop. The rest of the time he snaps up stray dogs, eats dogs the local pound has put to sleep, and gets scraps at the local meat packing plant. These days he leads a group of 4 animal-like superheroes - himself, the were-rat, a were-raccoon, and a couatl.

Shural and Shalira - Elastic or "balloonie" creatures, one resembling a gul wolverine-man and the other a volpa foxwoman. They often masquerade as anatomically correct toys, only to engulf and digest those who decide to "play" with them. They are capable of transforming those they eat into creatures like themselves: it was in this way that Shural was created by a foxwoman balloonie, and he in turn created Shalira after eating her volpa form.

Smokey - An unusually anthropomorphic bear who ate a ranger and took over his job, Smokey is an employee of the Forest Service. Smokey is immensely popular with human ladies and is also perfectly willing to make firebugs, poachers, and other undesirables disappear in a way that leaves little evidence other than extra pounds padding his ample frame.

Strega - An alien who resembles a large, six legged weasel. She has been surgically modified so to be able to swallow prey whole, the better to 'disappear' people who collaborated with the enemy in a long-running war. Since finding Furrymuck and similar vore-friendly areas she's eaten many people, but ultimately she decided she'd rather just watch. She has a much larger, many-legged form known as the 'weaselpede' which is the result of a malfunctioning self-resurrection device. She is of the Falan race.

Striper and Sandra - Husband and wife anthroskunk serial killers who plan their kills very carefully indeed. They are the only anthroskunks, and two of a very small number of furries in that world. Many a hitchhiker, transient, or other easily 'disappeared' person has met the skunks only to vanish down a mephit gullet. Both are bisexual, the better to increase the number of potential meals, and both hold 'day jobs', eating people only a few times a year each so to avoid being caught. They never keep souvenirs from their meals.

SuzyAnne and Labrus - Suzy is a mindless cloned skunkette who appears perfectly intelligent and normal when 'operated' from a distance by Strega. Both predator and prey, she is the lover of Labrus, a very large nonanthro wolverine (880 pounds). Sometimes she hunts alone; sometimes she baits someone into eating her expressly to slow them down so Labrus can catch and eat two meals at once. Other times the big wolverine enthusiastically ramrods prey down her throat with his cock. (Labrus belongs to Laesd.) When something bad happens to Suzy (such as being digested by an 880-pound wolverine), Strega just decants another.

Toothless: A very large, very fat raccoon (14' tall on his hindpaws, 4 tons). He lacks teeth and swallows all his prey whole. In reality he was an early pre-Praka experiment by the Maker who escaped and just kept growing. Smarter than he looks, and very hungry.

Trashpicker: A were-coyote (Nuwisha) with the magical Gluttony power. He's nearly ten feet tall, gaunt and mangy, yet he's perfectly capable of swallowing a whole refrigerator-freezer unit or small car. Most times he sends his 'meals' to an extradimensional 'umbral stomach' for later regurgitation, he can also send them to his real belly. He runs a profitable little business smuggling people across the US-Mexico border. Some of those people, of course, don't actually come back up again once across the border, or rather they do only to end up in his stomach. He's also eaten a couple of werewolves who just wouldn't leave him alone.

Uvuzi and Nyoka : Fraternal twin 'skunkette lamias', they are the result of a one night stand between a female lamia ('snaketaur') and a skunkman. Uvuzi is more humanoid than her sister, but they are both highly predatory and amoral. Seduction and low level magic are their stock in trade, with Uvuzi a beginner illusionist and Nyoka possessing slowly developing mind control powers.

Zane - A 100-pound nonanthro mink, best known as one of the predators on the "Sunday Night Run" TV show featured in the "Tonight's Episode" series of stories. Violently predatory, he is typically a hard vore pred but can swallow prey up to his own size. He's also been known to try to rape prey, but though he is very strong for his size his slight weight means he is usually dislodged before the deed is done. Zane is a deadly combatant, a blindingly fast fighter who wears his meals down with claw swipes and bites before settling down to feed. Zane is one of several predators I created for Furrymuck who eventually made their way into the Run TV show.

Unnamed predators and important species

The mwee - Alien beartaurs with a startling level of medical technology. This allows them to modify themselves in amusing ways, so one will often see someone being sucked into the genitals of a hungry mwee. They almost always reform their prey, and often have long-term and loving relationships with friends/lovers/prey of various species.

The forest foxdragon - The result of Hialfi shacking up (quite against his will) with a female green dragon, the fox-dragon is a stealthy predator of the woods. By extending his long neck downward he has snapped up and swallowed whole many a person before they ever knew he was there.

Plushie raccoon - One of several plushie predators. The mechanisms of their metabolism is not well know, merely that they swallow people, and that the resulting bulge slowly diminishes with no sign of scat or other leavings. Some plushies are anatomically correct and can mate. It is possible that some of them are manifestations of It. Some plushies can convert the prey they swallow into new, also predatory plushies, a form of Von Neumann predator.

The statues - Gargoyle-like creatures that move and feed at night (or at least when not being observed). Their slow metabolism means they need feed only a few times a year. Once a century or so male and female statues will pair up and the result is "baby" statues. Statues rest on a pedestal which contains their main stomach, but they can leave it to hunt or (in extremis) abandon it to set up a new home elsewhere.

The gul - Hulking wolverine men created by the Maker, the mage Ruhollah Rushiadah. Most of them are anthro, a smaller number are 'feral', resembling large normal wolverines. The majority still work for the Maker, but independent ones are common. About one in ten gul have been modified by the Maker so to be able to swallow prey whole. A brave and ferocious race, but generally one that's safe to be around as long as you don't pick fights. Also known for seeking other-species lovers, especially during their mating season.

The praka - First of the Maker's creations, they are clever little raccoon-people. Most are between four and five feet tall. They cannot speak Common without magical help, but they can understand it. People who spend a lot of time around praka tend to learn to understand it by ear but not speak it, so each can understand the other. Cute and popular, though picked on by larger species, they are well known for enjoying the company of other species lovers. Perhaps one in a thousand has asked the Maker to modify him to swallow prey whole. The best known predatory praka are Ria (half-demon) and Fastpaw (a simple praka male who just likes to eat people).

The volpa - If the praka were the Maker's rough prototypes, the volpa foxpeople are the finished product. Tall and elegant, intelligent and nimble-fingered, they excel at magic and are well-liked as lovers by many other species. Unfortunately they are also well-hated by many other species, especially humanoids like orcs. Predatory volpa are rare and keep a low profile; perhaps one per village will be a 'gulper' and is responsible for making problems like aggressive dogs and rogue adventurers disappear. Hialfi and Shalira were both volpa before they were transformed. A disturbing number of volpa get gulped down by gul and other predators; the Maker wonders if he somehow made them too tasty.

The smilodons - Having interbred with humans in the Land of the Clans setting, this race includes smilodon-taurs and anthro smilodons mixed in with the ferals. They enjoy eating each other so much that lotteries are held to determine who will get to eat a given prisoner.

The Swamp otters - Large, only slightly anthro otters who live in a large swamp in the World of Greyhawk. They delight in gulping down humans and other humanoids, and in mating with them (whether the humanoids want it or not). A certain number of half-otter hybrids have been so engendered. Sweetwater is one such otter, as is the otter who appeared in the arena pictures.

The Polar Bears - A slightly organized civilization of polar bears exists on one of my alternate Earths. A treaty forbids the bears to eat humans, but sex between the species is common. Unfortunately some bears ignore the treaty. The Great Mother of the bears, a huge and fat bear sow, punishes those caught doing this by devouring them herself - when she isn't gulping down black bears, grizzlies, walruses and other creatures she can get her maw around.

Khardaki and Hestans: Lion-men and cat-men respectively, both from my World of Greyhawk setting. They are dramatically different in temperament, Khardaki leaning toward freewheeling adventuring and whoring while hestans are secretive forest dwellers. Both have an unfortunate habit of ending up inside larger predators, the former usually because they were seduced, the latter simply overpowered and eaten. Occasionally they themselves are the predators.

Falan - Strega's species. The resemble large six-legged weasels. They had reached a stone age to (barely) bronze age level of development when they were Uplifted by the Commonwealth to serve in a long-running war. While they can use each of (or all of) their six-toed paws as hands, they are rather clumsy hands, and a falan who wishes to do much with them has to stand still or lie down. Falan will not hunt sapients for fur except under the most dire of circumstances; by breaking this rule Strega made herself an outcast for many years. Extremely conservative sexually, mating only during a brief mating season. This frustrates the mrish (see below), who think they are handsome weasels.

Mrish or Mrishti : A minor but widespread race in the Commonwealth. The few humans who have met them have compared them to a mixture of squirrel, skunk and monkey, with some weasel mixed in. They are best known for their spread through the Commonwealth's exploration corps and their free-wheeling approach to relationships: some 75% of mrish are bisexual and they happily seek out other species for sex.

Settings, important people, organizations and concepts

The World of Greyhawk : My old AD&D world. Many of my predators live here in the areas I was most familiar with. The Maker lives here, as do Uvuzi and pretty much all my fantasy characters and races.

The Maker: A powerful wizard responsible for creating many races and predators. Aspiring planeswalker, he traveled to Strega's world before her race was Uplifted. He is also known as Alias, as his name (Ruhollah Rushiadah) tangles up many tongues.

Candra: One of the Maker's assistants, a human woman who has the magical ability to seduce males of beastmen and animal species. The Maker gave her this power so she could gather semen samples for his experiments, but it helps that she very much enjoys the task. When he realized the seduction spells had turned her into a near-nymphomaniac, The Maker promoted her to a high rank among his followers by way of apology.

Lord Vrassry: Lord of the gul and general in The Maker's armies. A huge black-furred gul, he maintains that gul should only mate with other gul. This puts him dramatically at odds with Candra and The Maker's policies, but he is too able a commander to spare so the Maker puts up with his foibles. Vrassry, for his part, is aware that not all gul follow his policies, but he turns a blind eye as long as it's not rubbed in his face. His name is sometimes misspoken as "Badspray", which is a good way to get eaten if he hears it.

General Matthew: One of the commanders of the Monstertown (Greyston) city guard and the owner of Ripper and Redfang before they were freed by Ilya. He has been missing for some time.

Raugk and Kransh: the Flind chief and subchief, respectively, of a tribe of gnoll hyenamen. Both previously worked for The Maker and were changed to be able to swallow large prey whole.

Ilya: A powerful hestan mage. Owns several very powerful magic items that came with built-in drawbacks. One of the drawbacks made her a nymphomaniac with a lust for other-species lovers. Among others, these lovers include Ripper and Redfang, who are also among her bodyguards.

Earth and alternate Earths : Most of my other predators live here.

Monstertown (Greyston): A city located in a pass in the Lortmil mountains on Greyhawk. As the name implies, monsters are welcome here. Uvuzi has a house here, and Strega visited during her time on Greyhawk.

Land of the Clans : Set roughly in 10,000 BC, in this setting the saber-tooth tigers won the war with the cavemen. In this setting the smilodons are firmly in charge, and capital crimes by anyone (including smilodons) are punished with a trip down some lucky cat's throat. Humans in this setting range from slaves to freemen, with some serving in the Clan military.

The Commonwealth : An immensely advanced (though not to the level of the Culture) multi-galaxy, multi-species civilization. This is where the Mwee live for the most part, and Strega is from this setting.

The "Run": A TV show in which criminals try to escape from various predators such as Zane and Renaud. Those that escape (which does happen on occasion) get money and a pardon. The Project owns the Run and also created Striper and Sandra, among others.

The Project , or Project Delta : A corporation that tried crack the human genetic code. As part of their research they engineered a number of animals who hybridize human and animals genes by swallowing a human whole, digesting the prey yet retaining much of the genetic information. This information was passed on with the animal's next mating, hopefully producing an animal-human hybrid. Ultimately the program was deemed a failure, and its many man-eating predators were hidden, (rarely) released into the wild, or put to work on the "Run" show.

Uplift: The process of raising a primitive race's technology so that it can join in an advanced society. Rarely practiced due to almost inevitable societal problems that result.

Fate of the narrator

**Fate of the narrator** By Strega As soon as he saw the fossa, Haja ran. He was away from the troupe and low in a tree when it happened, picking berries from a bush. He caught a glimpse of a sleek, brown-furred body and long tail, and without...

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Brief encounter 2

Another old story. Not so much mind control as a clever use of illusions, but the effect is the same. I toughed this one up as well while thinking about writing a new chapter. \*\*\*\*\* **Brief encounter II** **By Strega** June 22nd, 2005 ...

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Brief encounter

An old story I've touched up while thinking about writing a new chapter. \*\*\*\*\* **Brief Encounter** Jenny looked at the tiger through the bars and daydreamed. Mike was off buying ice-cream for the two of them; he'd grumbled...

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