Reaper Graesham Campaign: Episode 6

Story by Nex_Canis on SoFurry

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#12 of Reaper 2

Episode 6: Rolling Stones

"Never trust MODD because MODD doesn't trust itself."

Britney Fells

Anti-MODD Activist

I knew_I shouldn't have left Belford alone!_

Jacob was mentally cursing himself as he rushed back towards Eden at high speeds on Spectre. Below and far behind him Cerberus carried an injured Gabriel on his back while Leo, Rocky and Rex ran behind. Spectre was the fastest Animus from the team and Jacob wasted no time telling the others that he was rushing back to Eden.

Rex told him they would catch up.

Damn Belford!

He gripped his swords tighter and tighter as Eden drew closer and closer. The massive Animus didn't look like it was about to explode... then again, what would a titanic metallic golem look like before it exploded?

"I swear... When I get my paws on Belford..." he growled.

"I don't think it's Belford, Jake..." Spectre murmured, his Animus' eyes narrowing. "Belford doesn't look like the confrontational type... Even with us split off away from the rest of the team, there are still four other Branded with him not to mention he's inside Eden... Gabriel isn't by his side either..."

Spectre shook his head, slowing a little Eden's form became more than just a blob in the distance. They discarded speed in favour of stealth and Spectre gently drifted higher into the air, drifting between the clouds to avoid detection.

"Belford still has the masses on his side," Jacob growled. "He's practically brainwashed them all to be his slaves. I don't think Jo or any of the others would be willing to kill all of those people just to get to Belford."

Especially not Kerry...

The doe's outburst back in the mines still rang clearly in his mind. Being aware of Kerry's dark past, he knew it was only a matter of time before it came back up again. Kerry's true nature wasn't the shy, passive-aggressive angel that everyone saw. That instant when she blew up in Norton's face...

... that was the true Kerry...

What she would become though... he really didn't know...

Some part of him thought that she may have sparked an argument with Belford and it was she who instigated the fight...

I certainly wouldn't put it past her...

"Are you suspecting Belford because you genuinely suspect him or is it because he's a priest?" Spectre asked.

"Does it matter which?" Jacob replied with a grunt. "He's manipulated people to achieve his own goals."

"It was for redemption, Jake."

"Personal redemption," he countered. "Ultimately, it's selfish. 'Save everyone so that I might be saved'. Can you honestly be worthy of entering some mythical paradise if the only reason you did good things was so that you can get in that place?"

"Is it so bad to want a reward for doing something good?" Spectre asked, glancing over his shoulder slightly.

Jacob gave it some thought... then shook his head. "No. It's not. That's part of our nature I guess... We don't do something without getting something else in return. I just despise the fact that people like Belford go about grinning and saying they're leading people to 'eternal salvation' for no reward of their own.

"I'd prefer it if people just came right up to you and said, 'Hey! I'm gonna help you so I can get into heaven!'."

"How blunt..."

He grinned and rubbed his Animus' neck lovingly. "Hey, think about it the other way around. If a gun-wielding maniac came up to you with shotgun, would you prefer he tell you outright he was going to kill you or comfort you before he eventually shot you, keeping in mind that it was always his intention to shoot you?"

Spectre rolled his eyes. "That's not the same and you know it."

Jacob didn't reply as a deep burning hit his left shoulder... his Brand burning.


His eyes were immediately drawn downwards to where an army of Unsealed swarmed over the ruins of Graesham. Marching at their head was a bull-shaped Unsealed. Standing on the massive Unsealed's head, in full Seal Armour... was Norton Manx.


"I see him..."

The Animus instantly swooped down towards the approaching army. Spectre was far from subtle as well. He let out a ferocious roar and shot a thick beam of light from his muzzle, cleaving through the army of Unsealed and just barely missing Norton. The host of Unsealed stopped and Spectre carried Jacob several metres away from Norton, dropping to the ground and letting Jacob dismount.

Jacob didn't dismiss his swords and came into full view of Norton.


"I was somewhat expecting you to make some smarmy remark concerning my sudden defection," Norton replied, his voice echoing with a metallic tinge.

His entire body was covered in green and black, metal armour. Those two miner's caps that had been his shoulder-guards had evolved to develop spikes and another pair had appeared to guard his knees. A long, billowing, green cape fluttered behind him. His weapon - that pickaxe blade - had transformed into a dual-blade version of the weapon, essentially making it like a staff with a pickaxe blade stuck on either end.

"Don't worry about it," Jacob answered, bringing up his blades into a fighting-ready position, "I'll be sure to say something at your funeral."

"Wait!" Spectre cried. "You're not going to try to reason with him!?"

Jacob thought about it for a second. "You're absolutely right," he answered, turning back towards Norton. "Would you prefer I gut you first and then kill you or kill you first and then mutilate your corpse?"

There was an almost audible 'bang' from where Spectre's jaw hit the floor.

Norton sniggered which sounded a little like weird, metallic white noise with his armour. "You and I are very similar people, Reaper... We both deal with our problems by simply attempting to get rid of them... Erasing them from our memory."

"So what are you planning then?" Spectre demanded, storming up to stand beside Jacob. "You going to erase everyone!?"

"No... Just Belford."

Wait... So he's against Belford... I'm against Belford...

... why do we need to fight...?

"Belford's ploy was ingenious," Norton continued. "Even if one of the three Seals holding back Rose Earthsire is released and returned to Rocky, the other two will allow for Rocky to maintain his personality. However, what he didn't_realise was the natural_ pull_the other Seals will have towards reforming Rose."_

Norton raised a paw to hover over his chest. "I can feel the Seal of Rose's present memories slowly starting to consume me... Filling me with thoughts and realisations... I have come to realise that Belford is trying to do something... He's trying to reform Rose but for what purpose I don't know... All I know is that I_am pivotal in it as a bear of one of Rose's Seals..._

"Because of that..." He dropped his paw and stared at Jacob securely. "... I'm going to the one place where there are countless_Unsealed! I'll use them all to besiege Eden and take down Eden!"_



"I never took you for such a weakling, Norton."

The mole flinched. "What!?" The Unsealed he rose took a dangerous step forward and Spectre did the same. Curiously, the instant Spectre stepped forward, there was a blast of light from his body that ended with a blinding wave of black feathers that washed over the field. The smaller Unsealed backed away with the tremendous show of power.

Jacob took courage from his Animus' display and said, "You're a wuss, Norton. You say you're here trying to erase your problems? That's not true. You've just given up on your own strength and you're turning yourself into the very thing that you say you're trying to fight! It's the same with how you dealt with your son's death and the Fossilisation Plague. You just literally turned yourself into a monster who discarded all morals and wiped the memories of these people" - he made a sweeping gesture around him at the desolate ruins of Graesham - "by wiping away the remnants of their loved ones!

"And now you're doing exactly the same thing. You're turning to the Unsealed!? I know MODD makes the things but I thought you'd at least be opposed to it considering you supposedly worked so hard to keep Graesham from going under!"

Jacob lowered his blades in disgust. "I guess I was wrong... Even after experiencing so much loss because of a Seal, you'd still turn to the failures a Seal brings..."

The huge Unsealed roared, shaking the earth beneath it. Dark tendrils began seeping out of its form, swatting at the lingering feathers.

"You don't know what I know!" Norton roared. "I pose as the filter to Rocky's memories! As Conway died, she obtained all of Rose's memories but she is still_in denial and_ still_maintains herself because of_ me!But as Rose's her Seal continues to consume me, I can piece together the truth_from what Rocky sees with unhindered eyes! There is no_ other_way of stopping Belford except to use the Unsealed!"_

What does_he know...?_

Jacob briefly glanced over his shoulder, wondering how long it would take until Rocky and the others would catch up to him. The Elemental Lord of Earth would greatly benefit from this conversation...

Eyes shifting back to Norton, he said, "So tell me then... What is this frightening truth that's got you running with your tail between your legs?"

Norton was visibly shaking. Slowly, he removed his helmet, tossing it aside so that he could lock gazes with Jacob. "Belford... it was him from the beginning... Do you know what was sacrificed originally to become Rose's Seal...? What gave her the power to defy her father?"

Before Jacob could respond, Norton shouted, "It was Conway's love!"


"Conway's capacity to feel love for his daughter is what made Rose Earthsire's original Seal," Norton continued, clutching the sides of his head as if he was in agony over the memory. "Belford is... was... the leading researcher in the field of Seal creation without the need of living sacrifices... He... He was the one that basically found out that you can sacrifice personality traits instead of people to the same effect when creating Seals!"

Norton's eyes were shut, clearly fighting something inside of him. "He... Belford... He managed to convince Conway to give up his love for his daughter... It was part of an experiment... If he sacrificed his love... he would still be able to wield it... in a way, it would be like he never lost it in the first place..."

"I'm guessing it didn't work out that way..." Jacob added.

"Of course not," Norton growled, digging his armoured hands into his fur, actually drawing blood. Jacob clenching his blades tighter.

Crap... It looks like the Seal is taking over...

He recalled his promise to Norton... To shatter his Seal to free the soul trapped within... But it seemed like Norton was barely holding on as it was... If he shattered that Seal... Would Norton keep fighting or just succumb to Rose's Seal?

Was it right to exploit Norton just to extract a few bits of information when he was clearly struggling?

From what he heard and what he's seen first hand... if a person became fully consumed by a Seal, they would become an Unsealed... When that happened, the person just ceased to be... and they just became nothing more than a hollow shell yearning to fill the emptiness inside them with the essences of others. They would get a momentary reprieve when they turned another into an Unsealed... but then the hunger would return ten times stronger...

Would Norton be Norton when that happened?

Should I shatter his Seal now while he still is himself so he can at least relish the moment when his son is released?

"Because Conway sacrificed his love..." Norton continued in a staggering tone. "... he was no longer himself... The Seal could not be compatible with himself... But since that love was directed at Rose... the Seal was compatible with her... But... when Rose discovered this fact... she... she rebelled... She didn't want anything to do with Belford... or her so-called father... She ran...

"I don't know what Belford is up to now... but..." Norton's eyes desperately locked with Jacob's. "... even you can see Belford cannot be trusted... He made Rocky what he is now... after what he did to Conway, can you honestly trust him!?"

"I don't trust him," Jacob answered firmly. "But that doesn't mean I'm about to turn tail and run either. You know all this. Why didn't you just tell someone?"

"You don't understand, Reaper," Norton answered, staggering back. Those black tendrils around the Unsealed began to rise and curl around him. "Belford may look like an ancient old man who just preaches and sticks to his ideals but he is dangerous. He is far more powerful that you might suspect!

"Think how he has the remaining survivors wrapped around his thumb! Think how he was able to convince Conway to give up his love to make a Seal! Imagine what would happen if he convinced each and every one of those people to do exactly the same thing! Imagine if someone were to sacrifice their entire personality just to obtain power."

Norton made a slashing gesture with his weapon. "Conway may have gained incredible power but he became an empty husk that Belford could control. That idiot could only feel the emptiness where his love for his daughter should be and Belford exploited that! That priest manipulated Conway to do exactly what he wanted!

"Now he's hiding behind you and the others! He has to be destroyed by any means necessary! Even if that means using the Unsealed!"

Right... he's gone completely bonkers...

So... either I attack him now and pray for backup... or I negotiate...

Jacob was still exhausted from his battle against Conway. Going against someone like Norton hadn't ended well the last time...

... and he was alone...

Okay... maybe I can stall him until the others get here...

"So... You just want to erase Belford, right?" he asked, well aware he was reiterating information.

Norton's eyes narrowed and the black tendrils around him eased a little. "Yes..."

So he wants just Belford...

... just Belford...


Jacob straightened, pushing his shoulders back and lowering his blades. "If we were to offer you Belford, will you stop this madness?"

"Jake, what are you thinking!?" Spectre sneered out of the corner of his muzzle.

I'm not really sure... but I think...

The lieutenant lowered his blade slowly, the dark tendrils receding bit by bit. "I see... I would agree to that."

Slowly, a plan was forming in Jacob's head. "Then we'll meet you at a location you specify. We'll give you Belford just as long as you don't unleash the Unsealed."

Norton thought for a moment then nodded. "Very well. Meet me at the Emerald Crown. You have three hours. Bring Belford and I will execute him myself!"

Jacob nodded as Norton let out a tremendous shout and thrust his fist into the air. Black rocks erupted from the ground and encased a large portion of his army and dragging them into the ground, vanishing from view. The remaining Unsealed merely bolted away, scattering all over Graesham and leaving no trace of their passing.

Once they were all alone, Spectre spun towards Jacob, growling softly. "So how exactly are we supposed to convince Belford to sacrifice himself for the good of everyone else?"

There, Jacob grinned. "We're not convincing him." His grin grew broader. "We're going to drag him kicking and screaming."


"Absolutely not!"

Max slammed the tip of Materialism on the metallic floor. The survivors of Graesham had gathered around the atrium as well as the rest of the Branded. Rocky stood amongst them, looking worried as Belford stood between Jacob and Max.

"You are not going to sacrifice Belford just because you're too chicken to go and face Norton yourself," Max shouted.

The majority of the crowd shouted their agreement.

None of them wanted to see their beloved 'priest' dead.

It's just like Norton said... he's got them under his control...

"I didn't see you out there fighting Conway," Jacob snarled. "It's so easy for you to call me a coward when I'm out there fighting and you're here playing doctor!"

"I'm looking out for these people!" Max shouted, making a sweeping gesture with his staff at the crowd. "I've been patching them up! Healing injuries that you were incapable of preventing!"

More shouts of agreement.

"So you honestly think you could've done better!?" Jacob roared. "You think that you could've somehow prevented all these injuries, stopped Conway and Norton at the same time!?"

For a second, Max hesitated... Then he straightened, puffed out his chest and said, "Hell yeah!"

The crowd cheered, praising Max on his tenacity and bravery. It was clear that Jacob had been painted as the bad guy... despite the fact that Belford had tried to lift him up as their 'saviour'. Doubt crept back into him... making him wonder if Belford was indeed as rotten as Norton had said.

Maybe back then he was_just another ambitious MODD agent... but now..._

Belford suddenly stepped in between them, holding his hands up and pushing the two away from one another. "I respect your efforts to defend me, Max. But the decision is ultimately mine and I can see the value in making this deal with Norton."

The aged gorilla folded his arms and nodded securely. "I will go."

There was a moment of silence.

Even Jacob was a little startled.

In his mind, he pictured Belford would be fighting, kicking and screaming. The gorilla would throw his gathered horde against Jacob and he would be exposed as the coward that he really was. Maybe go all Unsealed on everyone and Jacob would have the pleasure of severing his head which he would throw at Norton's feet.

Not this...

"Things never go according to plan, do they?" Spectre chuckled. "Maybe he has reformed?"


... but I'm still inclined to believe Norton over Belford...

"Why? Because he's a priest? Has he ever made any attempts to convert you, Jacob? Has he ever made any moves against your way of living?"



Jacob closed his eyes briefly to block out everything else and just focus on Spectre.

No... He hasn't... but Belford is still a liar and he admitted that he used religion to help instigate a war between himself and MODD...

Reformed or not, the most dangerous type of liar is the one that knows_they're a liar and doesn't care._

Belford may be remorseful about what he did to Rocky... to Rose... but he doesn't regret that he lied.

Spectre had nothing to say to that and Jacob opened his eyes, finding them locked with Belford's.

"You realise he's going to execute you, right?"he asked.

Belford nodded grimly. "I do. It is a necessary sacrifice. I have sinned and it is time for me to face judgement."

"Not afraid you'll burn in the deepest depths of the underworld for what you've done?"

The priest smiled faintly and shook his end. "I can only pray that all my deeds bring me the appropriate judgement. No more, no less."

The crowd instantly woke from their stupor.

"Father, no!"

"You don't deserve this!"

"We need your guiding light!"

Gabriel stormed up to Jacob, wielding his mighty hammer. "This is absurd!" He levelled his weapon at Jacob, red flames engulfing the weapon and searing Jacob's whiskers. "Even at half strength_all_ the Branded will be able to defeat Norton! Furthermore, you have the support of two Elemental Lords! Why go through the sacrifice of an innocent soul when you can destroy a corrupt one with no casualties!?"

A chilling air sudden blew past Jacob and an icy, blue spear slammed against Gabriel's weapon, pushing it away from Jacob's muzzle. Kerry stepped up beside Jacob, both her spears in her hand and looking down on Gabriel with frigid contempt.

"Because there are some of us who agree with the deal," she said coolly.

Gabriel sneered at her and tried to push her spear away. Kerry quickly retaliated by snapping around her other spear and levelling it at Gabriel's neck.

The ram cursed under his breath. "I should've suspected a demon-witch like you to have sides with this criminal."

"Would you just shut up and listen to what everyone is saying?" Taylor retaliated, flanking Jacob's other side, his chakrams out and ready. "Belford wants to go through with it not because Jacob backed him into a corner. He wants to do it to save people. Jacob did the same. He made the deal to prevent people from getting hurt."

"You view us as expendable," Leo rumbled, rising to stand behind Jacob, one arm securely around his mate's shoulder. "You treat us like fodder for the cannons on the wall."

"Cannon fodder," Jacob supplied.

"Yes, cannon fodder," the big Tribal said, hugging Jacob tightly. "We are people too. Are our lives less valuable than Belfords? Are you not risking more by sending us all against Norton than simply losing one life?"

"You can destroy Norton with ease!" Gabriel retorted, trying to swing his hammer again but he suddenly found a gold and silver blade levelled at his neck.

Rex glowered at him, power and authority radiating from him. It was just the way he stood... the way he held his sword so firmly. Jacob had never seen such... confidence in his brother. Not to mention the fact that Rex normally walked around with a slight stoop and with his tail slightly sliding between his legs.

"You know what you're afraid of?" Rex asked. "You're just afraid of the unknown. You're sure Belford will die and you don't want that. But you're not sure about what will happen after Belford dies."

The look that Gabriel shot Rex could've burned right through the sun. "What would you do if the one sense of security in your life was being offered to be sacrificed for some hare-brained scheme!?"

For the briefest of seconds, Jacob and Rex exchanged glances...

Both wolves shared the smallest smiles...

"I'd go with their decision," Rex answered resolutely. "Even if they're my light... they still have their life to lead."

"A life they're choosing to end because some idiot with a criminal record as long as the galaxy is wide suggested it!" Gabriel roared.

Suddenly, Belford placed a resolute hand on Gabriel's shoulder and pushed his disciple back. "Gabriel... my son. This is my decision. If Jacob Reaper had not suggested it, I would have willingly sacrificed myself for the good of our people." He then turned Gabriel to face him, placing both hands on the ram's shoulders. "You are using your prejudice against Jacob to guide your actions. Would you be this insistent had I suggested it?"

"Of course, Father!"

The ram fell to his knees, clutching the gorilla's hands firmly. As if on cue, all the other people in the crowd knelt as well. Those that were not kneeling were people like Rocky and the other Branded. MODD soldiers remained standing as well but a few were seriously considering kneeling for the sake of not feeling left out.

"You are the sole sense of faith and light in this grim city!" Gabriel pleaded. "You have guided us in times of disaster! You have kept this city aloft with your teachings and your kind soul! Do not leave us in our hour of direst need!"

Belford sighed theatrically. Jacob had to admit, he did put on a very convincing act but there was a bit of an 'all-is-going-according-to-plan' vibe in the way he smiled benignly down at Gabriel.

Maybe I'm just being cynical?

"No... I see it too..." Spectre murmured, crouching on Jacob's shoulder, eyes narrowed and leaning forward. "Everything just seems far_too contrived... too theatrical... It's like Belford is positioning himself for maximum drama... Watch, he's going to do something 'religious-like'... Probably made a holy sign in the air or... ah! There you go! He's planting his palm on Gabriel's forehead!"_

As if on cue, Belford did just that.

"No, my son..." the priest began softly but still loud enough for his voice to carry around the atrium. "We are all in need... Norton cries for blood... my blood. A sacrifice must be made. I am willing to pay it so that this bloodshed will end." He turned to the crowd, arms wide. "Come children, for this will be my last sermon. If anything, regardless of where I go in the afterlife, take heed of my words and my soul shall rest easy."

Belford glanced over his shoulder at Max. "Would you kindly ask Eden to raise a platform for me so that I may address my charges?"

Max took a moment to comply... but nodded in the end.

A dais rose up from the ground, lifting Belford above the crowd so the priest could carry his voice across the atrium and he was visible to all.

All that would stay and watch.

Jacob grunted in disgust and turned away, heading towards his room. Kerry and Max followed him eagerly. He expected Leo to follow as well but he noted that he was pestering Joanna about what certain words meant.

Once they were securely in a hallway away from prying ears, he turned to the other two.

"Okay... I see where you're getting at," Max admitted with a grunt. "That guy puts on a damn fine show. I still don't like the idea of sacrificing someone to save our own hides especially when we're effectively negotiating with a terrorist." He growled, wings shifting in agitation. "I don't see what's stopping him from just making even_more_ demands. We're effectively giving him all the cards, you know."

Kerry nodded as her gaze remained down the hallway. Belford's voice was still echoing to reach them. At the moment, the gorilla was preaching about discarding all their flaws including that which makes them physically weak.

"I will have to agree with Max here," she said. "Norton has gone into some insane extremes and you are effectively giving him more ammunition, Jacob. I know we worked beside him for the briefest of instances... but... all the things he's done..."


Like sacrifice his son to ease said son's suffering...

Mining_the fossilised people to support a dying city..._

... But at the same time...

"I know," Jacob answered firmly. "That's why, when we hand over Belford and Norton executes the preachy primate... I'm going to kill Norton."

Max and Kerry stared at him for a long, strained moment.

Oddly enough, Max was the only one to scream out 'What!?'

Kerry broke out into hysterical laughter.

"You're not serious, are you!?" the bronze-scaled dragon exclaimed. "Why would you do that!?"

Because I promised Norton that I'd break his Seal... And the way I see things... No matter what happens, Norton is going to lose himself...

Whether it's to Rose's Seal or his own madness... he's going to go nuts.

I want to make sure he at least gets the chance to know his son has been freed before he's completely gone...

"But you're not going admit that, are you?" Spectre asked.

Hell no.

"Because you're right, Max," he answered, grinning broadly. "Norton is a danger and so is Belford. This way, we get rid of them both. The instant Norton lops off Belford's head, I'll break Norton's Seal and we'll toss him towards the vengeful crowd."

Kerry stopped laughing. "You're taking the civilians with you!?"

Turning towards the source of Belford's voice, he said, "I don't think I have much of a choice... Did you see how those people were fawning over him back there? He's gone from 'priest' to 'saviour'." He grunted and crossed his arms. "And we're the ones that killed Norton..."

"That's what's got me starting to distrust him," Max admitted, following Jacob's gaze. "I don't know... there was just something about the way he spoke... the way he moved... it was like he was acting with the assurance of some 'divine plan'. I can't tell if it's just blind faith or the fact that he's got something up his sleeve."

The horrible thing is... I can't either...

But so far... he's had a hand in everything_that's happened..._

Belford was apparently the one that convinced Conway to give up his love for a Seal...

Belford was the one that ultimate split of Rose's personality...

Belford was the one that gave the split fragments of Rose to three different people...

Was each move just a step towards redemption...?

... or something more?

"Anyway," Jacob continued, tearing his gaze from the others and heading towards his room, "you guys organise what's coming up. We've only got about another day or so before the Purge hits us. We'll need a party making preparations. The rest can come watch the execution... and then the massacre afterwards."

He left the others, walking through the dark halls of Eden with no particular destination in his mind... Well, he wanted to go to his room but the path there... He didn't mind if it was a somewhat round-about route.

There were pieces missing in the puzzle... He knew it... He could see where the pieces he had were and the general shape of the missing pieces... but he couldn't make a guess as to what those pieces actually were.

Rocky used to be Rose...

Rose's personality is being kept at bay by three Seals...

Conway started the Plague...

Norton wants Belford dead...

Belford was the one that started the whole ordeal...

Gabriel currently has Rose's old Seal...

Now the question is...

Spectre filled in the gaps for him. "What will happen if Rose is released? What will happen when all three Seals holding Rose back return to Rocky? If Belford knew all about this, why didn't he tell anyone?"

"And who do we pin this on?" Jacob added.

"Anyone and everyone."

He froze.

That voice...


Slowly, he turned around... The black bear was leaning against the wall, arms crossed and staring blankly into space.

How'd he get in here...? He wasn't with the main group was he...?

No... He was outside_..._

"This tragedy is playing out just like that animated TV show... Starboy, I believe it is called," Soot said in his empty, lifeless tone. "The evil mastermind starts the wheel turning... and gives the resources to all that will take it. As they scramble to gain the upper hand and obtain the object of their dreams, the unwitting people become obstacles to the protagonist and are seen by the audience as 'evil'.

"All the while, they're little actions build to bigger picture... A 'villain' that is defeated will simply add to the power of the protagonist... Ultimately making them stronger. But at the same time, the main antagonist gains more power as well..."

Soot's eyes narrowed as he pushed off the wall. "At the end of Starboy, Black and Malice are told about the true nature of the Princess Comet... That Malice is truly the Princess and that she has had her memory altered to live countless generations in immortality as the safeguard against anyone actually succeeding."

"Because as long as the Princess Comet remains unclaimed, the king remains in power and immortal," Jacob finished. "I know."

Soot chuckled darkly. "I'm impressed... You somehow managed to fit watching a children's cartoon show while the world was falling apart around you."

Jacob would've felt hurt if he didn't have a good enough counter. "Look at you. I thought you were deprived of all emotions and here you are with sarcasm." Soot's features fell. "Oh, and look at that. I hurt you."

"My Seal... my only Seal," the bear answered, "is the barricade holding everyone's memories of Rose from arising once more. It does not stop what they have learned after Rose was split into three. It merely blocked their memories of the past. Rose was the very core of my existence... but even I was convinced that she died that day."

Slowly, a realisation crept into Jacob's mind.


"You've been consumed by the Seal..."

Spectre's jaw dropped.


"You're -"

Soot nodded slowly. "I believe the term you use is 'Unsealed'."

Jacob staggered back in horror, his eyes wide... his whole reality blown to smithereens.

By the definition he knew, Unsealed were mindless, soulless creatures completely and utterly consumed by their Seals or attacked by other Unsealed. They were grotesque creatures with little or no emotion let alone a personality!

What's going one!?

"I believe you are aware that there are three types of Unsealed, correct? The Puritans, Tainted and Scion?"

Jacob's jaw dropped as another realisation hit him.

Tainted Unsealed were the 'common' Unsealed that he faced. They were numerous, took many shapes and forms but were generally created by MODD in the form of propaganda. MODD released the Unsealed to terrorise the population while the same MODD came in and rescued them, instilling an almost symbiotic relationship between MODD and the people of Mortaelis.

Scion Unsealed were special creatures manifested from the emotions and strength of a particularly powerful Seal-bearer. In essence, powerful Seal-bearers like Rocky could summon Scion Unsealed. They reflected the personalities of their summoners and always obeyed their summoners.

But the Puritans... from what he was told, he had never faced one before. They were a product of people who had become completely consumed by their Seals for having a Synchronisation Rate that was far too low. He was warned that Puritans were powerful... frighteningly powerful with intelligence to boot. The last they were seen en masse was during the Seal War that had devastated almost all of Mortaelis!

And now...

... Jacob realised he was standing in front of one!

Oh shit...


"It's funny," Soot said without actually laughing, "I possess the memories of Luke Armstrong and in a way, he and I are one... But at the same time, I am the fused consciousness of not only Luke but also the essences sacrificed to become the Seal I now possess... I am Luke... but I also possess the memories locked away by the Seal.

"And because of that... I am incapable of loving Rose Earthsire as Luke once did..."


"I see your confusion," Soot said, shaking his head. "I have no idea if I am a defective Unsealed... or if I am even Unsealed at all... However, from what I have gathered, I fit the description fully. Regardless, I bear within me countless emotions derived from the memories that are kept from Rocky Groundwater. Some bear Rose Earthsire hatred... others... love... Some yet jealousy... and others yet friendship. In the complicated mess that is my heart, unfortunately, all those emotions merely conflict and negate one another...

"... and I am left with nothing... except for a drive to be with Rocky."

The Seal pulling him to reunite with Rocky...

"That said..." Soot said, straightened and turning around. "I thought it would interest you that despite my vast repository of emotions and memories, I do not possess the memories of one individual that should have had their memories erased."

Jacob's fists clenched. "Belford."

The Puritan Unsealed nodded. "Indeed. I am unsure if it was merely part of whatever ritual he used to split Rose Earthsire into the three Seals or not but his memories were not blocked by me. Furthermore, I possess the memories of Conway Earthsire as well and I can tell you now that should my Seal not come into existence, Conway would have retained his memories and blamed Belford just like Norton."

This was it!

It was the missing piece of the puzzle!

"Why? Why would he have blamed Belford!?"

Soot gave Jacob a grim smile. "Because it has always been Belford's goal to achieve perfection. Conway thought he was to be the epitome of perfection by obtaining a second Seal made from the love he bore his daughter. However, when robbed of that love, he was left with a crushing emptiness that he could not fill. Belford constantly promised him that seeing Rose succeed would fill that void and so they both pushed Rose - who had become Belford's newest test subject - to reach perfection with the Seal she possessed.

"It did not work out and when Rose fled from the abuse, Conway blamed Belford for having tricked him not once but twice." The Unsealed chuckled darkly. "I suppose he was tricked a third time when his memories were robbed from him... How pained Conway must have felt... to have that crushing emptiness in his heart... and yet not knowing why or what he had done to deserve such a fate except for what was being filtered through my Seal...

"He must have felt so lost... Having no recollection at all of his sins... and yet feeling the guilt for them... I wonder what is worse... being damned for crimes you are fully aware you committed... or being denied heaven for reasons unknown."

Soot shrugged. "Well... I hope you enjoy your little execution show, Reaper. I may know the past but I do not know the present. Perhaps Belford has changed his ways... perhaps he hasn't. Maybe once he is executed, this will all end."

The bear began walking away.

"Wait!" Jacob exclaimed.


He hesitated.

What... What was I going to ask?

"What are you going to do?"

The Unsealed shrugged. "Again... I have no desire in my heart except to be with Rocky."

"Did you... Did you want me to shatter your Seal for you?"


A gentle smile crossed Soot's features. A small tear emerged from the corner of his eye and he caught it on a finger, regarding it curiously.

"Odd... I have never cried before..." He shrugged and wiped the tear away. "Perhaps I shall take you on that offer, Reaper. Should Rocky simply cease to exist, I would ask you to destroy my existence as well. With the source of my purpose gone... there is little need to continue wasting space."

That's sad...

He has no capacity to evolve... no power to make his own decisions beyond finding ways to achieve his primary objective...

... he's nothing more than a robot...

"I'll be there. Just ask."


The Emerald Crown had fallen far into ruins. The once proud fortress was shattered and broken in places. Explosions hare ripped the walls off the mountain-like exterior leaving no illusion whatsoever that the mountain was, in fact, really just a fort shaped like a mountain.

Eden stood proudly at the entrance with Behemoth sitting beside in, ready and aware for any battles. A long line of 'pilgrims' funnelled out of Eden and made their way into the ruins of the Emerald Crown. Countless Unsealed were positioned around the interior, watching each of the pilgrims as they headed into the secret, underground chamber in the lower levels of the fortress.

After his encounter with Soot, Jacob was somewhat shaken about the true nature of the Unsealed.

In the Unsealed Factory, there were countless tubes filled with greenish fluids were Unsealed were suspended. Odd machinery with an almost alien-like appearance to them. He had seen an Unsealed Factory before but it was one that had been destroyed and he essentially only saw the ruins.

To see a functioning one...

... he just realised how vast MODD's Unsealed production capabilities were.

The Factory had to have at least twenty floors and each one was more than a kilometre wide and long. Most of that space was filled with the vats of green liquid, producing more and more Unsealed within their confines. How the process was achieved, he was still unsure but if he could guess, it would take only a day for MODD to pump out hundreds of thousands of Unsealed.

With that kind of ability...

... Norton would be a force to be reckoned with...

Suddenly, he wasn't so hesitant to having Norton killed anymore... not if he was going to use that kind of power against them.

Once the last of the pilgrims had made it into the bottom factory floor, Belford was marched out to the front of the crowd where he stood calmly with his hands hidden inside the folds of his robes. Naturally, Gabriel stood beside him. Norton, still in full Seal Armour and with his personal, massive Unsealed looming beside him, stood about fifty metres opposite to him.

"Today you shall pay for your crimes, Randall Belford!" Norton shouted, swinging his double-bladed staff. "You've manipulated people, abused people's basic rights and performed gruesome experiments just for your own personal 'redemption'. Today, you will be judged for your actions! May whatever god you worship have mercy on you!"

Belford took a deep breath and stepped forward bravely. Gabriel tried to reach for him but stopped himself. Jacob had to admit, from where he was watching on the sides, Belford was pretty darn brave. Not many people would go to their death willingly.

"Unless he's not planning on dying..." Spectre murmured. "Be ready for anything. Remember, he still_has a Seal."_

Right... I'm ready, Jacob thought back, making sure his gloves were securely on his paws.

The gorilla stopped right in front of Norton. "Before I submit myself to your mercy," the priest said, "uphold your end of the bargain and swear to me you will not hurt these people."

Norton smirked and lifted a remote control he was holding in his other hand. "You recognise what this is, Father?"

Belford nodded grimly. "Yes... It is the Universal Release Switch... it will simultaneously unleash all the Unsealed kept here with a press of a button."

Jacob got ready to draw his swords.


Norton attached the device straight onto Belford's neck with a strap much to the surprise of the priest and the crowd.

"When I slice off your head, old man," the mole said, "I slice the remote."


Gulping loudly, Belford nodded and turned around to face the crowd.

"My actions were not always steered by the light!" he proclaimed, lifting his hands into the air. "I am mortal. I am prone to succumb to my flaws and I have made many, many, many mistakes. In my position of power, I have used many of you... unwittingly or not.

"Ultimately, the source of this suffering can be pointed to me." For a moment, Belford bowed his head as if he as praying. Then, as he slowly lifted it, he said, "I was once a MODD researcher...I was delving into the possibilities of creating a Seal that did not require mortal sacrifice. Yes, in the days past, a Seal was the soul of a loved one given up for power. The greater the connection between the loved one and the user, the greater their Synchronisation with the Seal."

That sent waves of shock throughout the crowd but they otherwise remained silent.

"It was ultimately my research that led to the production of more powerful Seals for MODD as I discovered that personality traits could be sacrificed in order to produce as Seal. You can sacrifice your tendency to laugh at inappropriate times or your beautiful singing voice and that could all make a Seal.

"I researched the greatest source of this newfound resource of Seals... and I discovered that the strongest emotion that can produce a Seal... is by far the simplest... Love." Belford was actually starting to tear up as he lifted his head to the ceiling. "I convinced Conway Earthsire to sacrifice his love for his daughter, Rose, to become a new Seal that he could use."

Kerry scoffed darkly. "Without love, what is there in the world?"

Joanna shook her head grimly. "I don't think I could live in a world without love..."

Belford continued. "But my experiment failed. Love is the core of all existence and by taking it out of Conway, I had deprived him of his core... and he was left with nothing but a deep, longing emptiness that he could not fill. However, the Seal could be compatible with his daughter and I made my second mistake by convincing Conway to give the Seal to Rose... and telling him to train her in its use in the hope that their bonding experience will revitalise the love in his heart..."

The gorilla was openly weeping now. "I was wrong... Rose grew bitter for Conway's actions were one made by a commanding officer and not a father. Rose grew up without a father... and she resented that existence. She lashed out and fled MODD... Conway gave chase not for love... but in desperation of losing the one source that could fill that hole in his heart...

"Rose, however, did not die that day... She was barely alive... and brought back to the Emerald Crown."

The crowd fell deathly silent.

"Here it comes..." Taylor murmured. "This shit is about to hit the fan..."

Leo inclined his head curiously. "Fan? I see no fans. Will we be throwing faeces into these fans? If so, may I be excused? I do not wish to participate in such a... act..."

Jacob was caught halfway between hitting Leo and chuckling.

"I realised my mistakes then," Belford continued. "So, in an attempt to rectify my sins... I attempted to give Rose a new lease on life... A new beginning. Thus, I took from Rose her memories of the past and made it into a Seal... I then created a Seal with the purpose of constantly sacrificing her present memories and leaving only fragments that will maintain her current personality... Lastly, I took the memories of everyone else and made them into a Seal, leaving only what is now commonly believed...

"These three Seals I gave to Conway Earthsire, Norton Manx... and Soot. Unfortunately, because of this, I gave Conway the means by which he could create the Fossilisation Plague in a twisted attempt to resurrect his daughter... He may have created the Plague and he may have been the forefront of all the suffering you have endured... but it was I who had set the gears in motion."

Belford lowered his head. "And for that... I am sorry."


Norton lifted his blade. "Your forgiveness comes with your death, old man!"

Jacob braced himself -




... Ka-thunk...


No one breathed...

Time just seemed to slow when Norton lopped Belford's head clean off the priest's shoulders. The small, grey sphere soared through the air before landing on the metal ground with a loud_thunk_. Belford's body fell to its knees... the ka-thunk... Then it collapsed against the ground, filling the whole place with a loud, resonating thud.

The remote crumpled to the ground in two pieces... useless.

Wow... I was expecting something... else_..._

"That was sort of anti-climactic..." Max grunted, turning around and waving at the crowd. "Okay! Show's over! Everyone back to Eden!"

"Damn..." Taylor murmured softly. "I can't believe it's over... just like that..." He shook his head in confusion. "I was expecting a fight or something..."

"Does every step of progress we make have to end in death...?" Joanna sighed.

Rex clapped his shoulders. "It's not over yet. We've still got that Purge to deal with."

"A Purge you called if I recall correctly," Max added with a bitter chuckle. "But at least we won't have Norton or Belford to worry about anymore. Come on" - he seized Rex's arm - "you called the Purge, you're helping us stop it."

Max along with Rex and Leo took the crowd out of the facility, slowly pushing back the gawkers who were crying at Belford's body. Jacob remained where he was standing with Kerry and Leo flanking him. He noted Rocky also stayed, tears in her eyes.

"Jacob...?" Kerry began softly, no doubt trying to urge him to fulfil in promise.

"I know..." he answered, slowly advancing on Norton. "Hey... Norton... You alright?"

The mole stared at Belford's body for a long time... then he shook his head. "No... To think if this bastard hadn't done all that... my son and wife would still be with us... I hate that it came to this. It doesn't make me feel any better... it doesn't bring them back..."

"No... But at least they can have peace, right?" Jacob slowly lifted his left arm towards Norton.

The lieutenant nodded grimly and bowed his head. "Do it..."

Taking a deep breath, Jacob summoned the power of his Brand -

"What the hell...?"

He stopped... and saw Norton's eyes filled with confusion... and anger. Following the gaze of those black orbs... he saw Belford's body... start to shimmer. The body's form began to fade away in a flurry of lights... and all that was left was... was...

... a clay mannequin...

No way...

He didn't...

Jacob flicked his eyes back to Norton... to find a murderous gaze staring back at him.


Oh shit...

He quickly fired a bolt of Seal-shattering light from his left arm but Norton quickly dodged to the right letting out a frustrated cry.

"This was all part of his plan, wasn't it!?" the mole demanded. "Fake his death so you could get close enough to kill me!?"

In retrospect, I shouldn't have fired...

Jacob lowered his arm and summoned his blades. "Nope. I was going to kill you anyway."

Norton straightened and -


Blocked Jacob's charging attack.

"I knew it! He's got you following him! That's it! No more mercy!" Norton let out a bellowing cry. A wave of darkness erupted from his body, pushing Jacob back by the sheer force of the attack.

Jacob glanced over his shoulder.

Max and the others were looking on... stunned. The crowd had frozen.

"Get them out of here!" he yelled.


He spun back towards Norton -

... and staggered back, a little shocked that two blue spears, a pair of green and gold batons and two red chakrams were holding Norton's weapon at bay.

"I will destroy you all!" Norton roared.

Another wave of darkness erupted from him, knocking the entire team to the ground.

Norton threw back his head and let out a pained, frustrated cry. Black spears of rock began erupting from the ground and circling him ominously. "I'll drown you all in a sea of Unsealed!"


Jacob jumped to his feet and fired off a beam of light from Radiance just as Norton sent his spears speeding towards the vats.


He shot down three of the spears but the others quickly slammed into the vats. The vats shattered, spilling green fluid everywhere and waking the Unsealed within them.


"Not good!" Rocky exclaimed, bringing up her shield.

Wait... If we defeat Norton... Then the Seal inside Norton will go back to her!

Jacob seized Rocky's shoulder. "Get out of here!"

"What!?" the Elemental Lord exclaimed. "Why!?"

"Norton is going to die," he answered grimly. "When that happens, that Seal he's holding will go straight to you. The further you are away from him, the greater chance we have of stopping it before it gets to you. And you like thinking you're a boy, right?"

Rocky grimaced and nodded grimly. "Don't die."

"Can I get a good luck kiss?" Jacob joked with a snort.

There was a second where Rocky's eyes wavered... Then she plunged forward and planted her lips firmly on Jacob's. Some part of Jacob screamed in horror... the other was blank and just confused... the other was wondering if the kiss was considered a 'gay' act because Rocky thought she was a 'he'...

Rocky pulled away and smiled slightly. "Good luck."

Without another word, she pulled away and shouted for remaining onlookers to hurry out of the chamber.

Shaken... but oddly encouraged, Jacob spun to face Norton, blades ready.

"Jo!" he cried, pointing in the direction Rocky was fleeing. "That exit! Block it!"

Not needing any further instruction, Joanna pulled out her sai and spun them expertly in her paws. The instant Rocky pushed the last of the civilians out of the chamber, Joanna slammed both her sai into the ground. Huge, pillars of rock erupted from the ground, breaking the metal floor and covering the entrance. Jacob saw Rex and Leo's torn expressions as they were blocked from view... and he found himself unable to decide whose look of loss hurt him more.

Unsealed slammed against the wall, unable to escape.

"You think a puny wall will stop my revenge!?" Norton shouted. With a mighty bound, the mole jumped onto the neck of the massive, bull-like Unsealed. "Kill them all! Kill all the followers of that traitor Belford!"

Unsealed poured around them, clamouring to sink their claws and teeth into their flesh.

"We didn't plan this!" Kerry protested, swinging her spears around her and slicing through countless Pebbles. "Belford betrayed us too!"

"No more lies!" Norton cried. He swept his weapon out in a wide arc. Black shards of obsidian shot out of his weapon's path.

"Kerry!" Jacob shouted. "Mirror!"

Kerry instant slammed her spears into the ground, summoning an icy coating all over the ground. She leapt into the air and slammed her spears against the ice, shattering it all into a thousand, mirror-like pieces that hovered in the air for one second...

One second was all Jacob needed.

He quickly attached Requiem to the tip of Radiance, extending the length of the blade and giving it an almost bayonet-like appearance. All in the span of half a second, he levelled his new blade at one of Kerry's mirrors...

... and fired.


A powerful beam of light shot out from the tip of the combined blade and slammed into the mirror. In the last quarter of a second, the beam slammed from mirror to mirror, forming a blinding lattice around the entire facility. Unsealed screamed as their bodies were pierced by the searing light. The roar of Norton's enormous Unsealed was also perfectly audible.

Their entire world was filled with light... but in the blinding light... Jacob could still make out his companions... unharmed by the lasers.

He exchanged a smile with Kerry.

"Just like last time..." she said.

"We're definitely getting better at it," he answered.

An instant later, the light faded.


Norton's enormous Unsealed collapsed to the ground... but the lieutenant was relatively unharmed. There were some scorch marks on his armour and he had summoned his helmet once more but there was little to show he was injured.

The mole stepped down from his dying Unsealed, an eerie calm descending over him. A dark cloud surrounded him and a chill ran down Jacob's spine.

Okay... here it comes...

Norton swung his blade. "I shall bury you!"


The lights went out.


They flashed on...

"Where'd he go!?" Taylor exclaimed, spinning around.

"There!" Joanna shouted.

Norton stood on top of one of the vats.




Jacob's eyes widened. "Tayl! Behind you!"

Taylor spun around just as Norton lifted his blade.


Swi -



"Above us!" Kerry screamed.

Jacob gazed upwards... finding Norton standing on the ceiling, staring down at them...




Alright... Next flash, I flash him!

"That sounded so_dirty..."_ Spectre sniggered.

Not now...


He felt Norton's breath on the back of his neck.

Jacob spun -

... and suddenly found himself nose to nose with Norton...

Oh crap...


The dull pressure against his nose vanished and he quickly regained his senses. He gripped his combined swords -




... and found himself lifted off the ground slightly...


"What will you do now that your 'hero' dies bleeding before your very eyes?" Norton asked darkly, yanking his double-bladed staff out of Jacob's back.

Jacob toppled over, feeling searing pain shoot across his chest... and his heart rapidly pumping his blood onto the metal floor. Consciousness was slipping from his grip and darkness was starting to creep into the edges of his vision.

"You asshole!" Taylor roared.


The darkness was broken by Taylor's chakrams which were suddenly engulfed in flames. A dull blue light erupted from Kerry's spears and she thrust them into the ground. Where her spears hit, an icy crystal emerged, emanating a dazzling and mystifying, blue glow.

Strong paws suddenly seized Jacob's shoulders and turned him around onto his back. He could barely make out Joanna's features as she seized his paw, holding it tightly. Even if he could see her taking his paw, he couldn't feel it...

"Jacob! Stay with me! Jacob!"




"Open your eyes, Jacob!"





"I want to know something..."

Zack smiled softly.

"Sure. What is it?"

Jacob watched as the comet high above them began its final descent towards the centre of the already existing crater. Lying at the very centre was an ursine woman dressed in a sea foam green dress, her body raised on a black, slab of rock. The countless Fossilised that had migrated all over the empty planes had all congregated near her where they knelt and waited for the comet to hit.

Standing on the lip of the crater, he turned to his guardian angel, "Whose Seal is this?"

The angel smiled gently. "Want to hazard a guess?"

He gave it some thought...

... then...

"No one's... and everyone's..."

Zack's smile grew broader and he nodded. "That's right... Belford's plan has always been to create 'perfection'. Remember what he told you? What he said about your role in all this?"

"He called me a destroyer... That I had to destroy all the imperfections of the world to make it perfect."

"Correct... and remember what you said yourself about perfection?"

He winced. "Perfection is impossible... True perfection... is nothingness."

Again, his angel nodded before turning towards the comet. "What happens when two equivalent forces that are on opposite sides of the spectre collide? What happens when you have the equation 1 = 1 and bring a 1 to the other side of the equals sign? What happens when you cause to opposite personalities to collide?"

Jacob lowered his gaze. "You get nothing..."

"And thus perfection... at least in Belford's eyes." Zack made a broad gesture around him. "Belford's ploy was always to have Rocky at the core of his plot. To achieve perfection, he froze Rose Earthsire in the state she was in by breaking her memories into three Seals. Then, he developed Rocky to be the exact opposite of Rose. Now... when Norton dies and the Seal holding back Rocky's present memories flees... The two personalities will collide...

"... and all that will be left is an empty husk. The perfect soldier."

Jacob sneered. "That's what this has all been about? Creating the perfect soldier!? Creating a creature without remorse, no regret, no personality!?"

"But still with the mind of a soldier and the body of one," Zack replied, tapping the side of his head. "All mind and body. No heart. One that follows the instructions it is given without question but still with logical steps and a sound mind."

"Then explain this Seal..."

The angel crossed his arms, smirking slightly. "Take another wild stab at what this Seal represents?"

Jacob wasn't feeling much up to the angel's games... but decided he had no choice. His eyes fell on the crowd of Fossilised...

... and it hit him.

"No way..."

Zack chuckled. "The potential that Rose Earthsire's split memories offered was vast... especially when they were given to people who were tied with those memories. Imagine if people with complete and utter faith in Belford sacrificed all their beings to the very being who inspired and apparently saved them. Imagine the power Belford would attain from that."

Jacob's jaw dropped.

Belford was going to sacrifice people's lives to empower his own!

No... That's not it...

"He's going to rob them of their memories!"

Zack grinned and nodded broadly. "Now you're getting it! Rocky will be his strongest but imagine what would happen if Belford were to turn everyone remaining into soldiers of the same calibre as Rocky. Creatures that have no emotions and only the directive given to them by Belford. He will not only gain the power of their offered personalities as Seals... but he'll also have a vast, powerful army."

And now... the final act was about to be played...

As far as the crowd was concerned, Belford had been executed. They were too far away to actually see Belford's 'body' disappear. Norton's outburst must've seemed just like a lunatic's war cry. So... when they were finally at a safe distance, 'miraculously' Belford would step out of the crowd, supposedly coming back to life!

He would spout some jargon about his faith and the power of their deity... and the survivors of Graesham would be compelled... no... they would volunteer to give themselves entirely to Belford who was their 'saviour'. Belford would take all of their personalities... all of their memories... and use it to complete a Seal...

The Seal... The one he was currently inhabiting!

And then...

Jacob spun and seized Zack's collar. "Quick! Wake me up! I've got to stop this!"

Zack grinned and pointed upwards. "Make a wish."

The comet fell on him.


Jacob's eyes sprang open and immediately sat up.

Everything was dark...

... but there was soft coughing that brought his attention to his far right.

Some shards of Kerry's crystals remained and he quickly picked one up, holding it up high to help illuminate his path. He staggered towards the sound...

... and stopped when he saw Norton sitting against one of the shattered vats, heavily wounded, one eye shut and an entire arm missing. The mole managed to muster enough strength to lock gazes with him. A soft chuckle escaped Norton's lips.

"You... Y.... y...ou..."

Jacob wasn't sure what to say...

'I'm sorry' seemed appropriate... He should never have doubted Norton... This fight should never have occurred... Norton should never have died...

I should've just trusted him...


"Y...o...u..." Norton gasped, all strength leaving the mole's neck and his head slumping forward. "... promised..."

Jacob started... jogging his memory...

I promised...


He smiled softly...

Oh... right...

He lifted his left paw towards Norton, a bright light erupting from his shoulder as his Brand glowed against his clothes. Closing his eyes, he reached for that power inside him... the power that he had felt when he had released the souls in Gale Winthrop's Seal... For a second, he feared he couldn't find it... but then he pushed forward, determined to give this one last bit of peace to someone he should've trusted... and only ended up betraying even if it was inadvertently.

The strength and power filled him, blossoming from his emotions and it all came rushing out in a blast of light from his palm.

He heard Norton sigh and Jacob immediately opened his eyes.

Hovering in front of Norton... was a young, ghostly mole whose features looked so peaceful... so serene...

Norton found the strength to look up... a smile on his features as he stared into his son's face.

"I'll... I'll be home soon... son..."

Then... Norton slumped forward...

The young mole turned to Jacob...

... and...

"Thank you..."

The ghost faded slowly... A Seal appeared behind Norton... and it quickly shattered like glass.

Jacob felt numb all over...

Guilt struck him and for the first time, he accepted he had done something wrong and genuinely regretted it.

But I'm going to fix this.

He spun around, using Kerry's crystal to light his way. He found his combined swords and snatched them up as he left the Unsealed Factory. The entire facility was abandoned. The stone wall that had blocked the Factory had been shattered and since he didn't see Joanna, Taylor or Kerry, he assumed they had won against Norton.

With his heart pounding in his chest, he emerged into the ground floor of the Emerald Crown.

"Oh no..."

Through the ruined doors of the fortress, he could see the night sky...

... see it being cleaved in two by a titanic pillar of green light.

He knew exactly what that was...

... and he knew what had happened...

Jacob's fists clenched around his blade tightly.


Reaper: Graesham Campaign: Episode 7

**Episode 7: I Feel the Earth Move** _"There is no greater force in the world than love. Not even the barriers of memory can withstand the weight of a love between two people. However... the one thing that_ can_stop love... is ourselves. It is our...

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Morpheus Fantasy Services: Play Ball

**Morpheus Fantasy Services** **Play Ball** I was speechless... I was dumbstruck... I had no idea what to think... or what to say... Keith Towson lay beside me... Our naked, cum-covered bodies pressed up against one another. My nude,...

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Reaper Graesham Campaign: Fifth Interlude

**Interlude: You Don't Have the Stones** _"There are rumours that state when a Seal Bearer's power reaches a high enough level, they are capable of summoning a 'personal' Unsealed. Further rumours indicate that these Unsealed could be the...

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