Mine Vorer.

Story by Yure16 on SoFurry

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?I watched as he tried to extract gold from the walls, but the creature exhaled a powerful gas that fainted Arquie instantly. I froze. "What to do?", I thought. I looked around for anything to use to revive him, but there were no medical itens, only mining itens. "Now I know what were these 'harsh work conditions' they mentioned...", I thought. - Mmmmrrrffff... - the fox moaned. I wet myself so bad it leaked. - Who is there? - I asked, scared. - Down here... - said the fox. I looked at him. - Ah, it's you... - I said, relieved. - I'm paralized... and that isn't gold... we came here for nothing... - he said. - The "gold" is actually an acid secretion that gets hard with time and becomes shiny and goldy... but isn't really gold, I recognize by the touch. - The, byt the touch, you discovered all these stuff? - No, I just discovered that it isn't gold. I remember a legend tthat my dad told me when I was little. I suspect that we are inside a Mine Vorer. - A what? - I ask, shivering at the word "vore". - A huge worm that eat the insides of moutains and sleep for months Unaware furs can enter their digestive tube without even noticing. With all my cubby strengh, I put Arquie on my shoulders and walked away from the cave, leaving him outside. - My friends raccoon - said Arquie. -, can you find him? - I surely will - I said. I ran inside the cave again, looking for the raccoon. I noticed that the place was getting warmer and some sort of acid dripped from the ceiling, but I managed to dodge the few drips that threatened to fall over my fur. The floor moved once again and it was soaked with some kind of sticky substance, pretty much like tar. I saw the raccoon, laying on the floor with his fur destroyed by the acid. His body was covered with the sticky liquid and it was icky to grab him. - Now, let's get outta here - I said, running towards the exit. The exit was slowly closing and I could see teeth forming nearby the exit. I ran faster, but couldn't reach the exit. It closed.

Sáb 07 Mai 2011 21:49:01 BRT I woke up and shook my head. - Where are we, raccoon? - I asked, looking around, but could see nothing besides dense darkness. I got up and walked. I noticed that I was stepping on some kind of sticky liquid. "Ah, the Mine Vorer", I remembered. I walked northless for a few minutes and could find nothing, but darkness and fluid. "This place creeps me out", I thought. Suddenly, a few light strings came from the west. The mouth of the beast was somewhat open.  

Cave Raider.

?The fox pet my head and I purred. - Okay, let's go inside - said Arquie. They exploded the door, taking it down. We were looking for gold; the old miners couldn't extract gold from these mines due to the harsh work conditions. I shivered and twitched...


A Deal.

?I looked around, but couldn't remember the path to the wolf's home. My lower maw trembled as now, in the middle of a jungle with no sharp objects, the only choice I had was to wait my claws to grow again... Oh, well... I tried to force the tupe out,...

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15:12 27/4/2011 I sighed, looking at my now harmless and civilizated paws. I was glad that would end in the following day, but endure a night without pawing would be a pain, especially if he kept me in my soaked diaper. - Now, let's change you and...

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