Four Seasons (Part 2): Summer

Story by C-PRIME on SoFurry

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Four Seasons: Summer Fun (M Non-anthro Vaporeon + F Non-anthro Flareon)

In the middle of July, it's almost always hot and humid throughout the valley, with most of the creatures of the woods spending the long days in the comfort of their dens or underneath trees, waiting for nightfall to go out and hunt for food. However, for fire type pokemon, Summer had little effect on them, there bodies were warmed internally by their natural heat and were designed to have incredible resistance to intense heat, as well as intense cold. Fire types could easily be happy year-round and summer-time was a time for abundance.

With most of the animals hiding in their dens during the day, vulpix/ninetales parents were free to show their pups how to find food. The heat of summer forced rabbits to stay in their dens, making them easy pickings for the growing pups as they also had the benefit of their fiery breath to roast their prey alive, letting them dig out and eat the char-broiled rabbits at their leisure. Of course, not all fire types simply used the summer time as a chance to gorge themselves on easy meals, some of them roamed around with their tails raised high as they enjoyed the season.

One of these was a female flareon (who will call Clare). She was a happy flareon fem, wandering through the valley as she too periodically took advantage of the summer time heat to pick off prey. However, most of the time, she simply liked running through the flower fields and occasionally chasing after butterflies while other young eevees did the same. Although Clare was sexually mature and considered an adult, she was still very much an eevee pup at heart. She loved to play and would often join in with the eevee pups whenever they'd let her. Of course, being roughly three times their size, Clare had to be careful not to hurt the little ones, but the eevee pups generally seemed to like her.

Although, this also got Clare into trouble sometimes when the parents of the pups would see an adult female flareon with their pups, thinking that Clare was here to lure them away, which got a prompt response by the parents either calling their pups back home or in extreme cases, the parents chasing after and/or using their powers to drive her away. Clare didn't understand why they were being so mean to her, she wasn't there to abduct the pups, she only wanted to play. Besides, she knew that she would come across another fire-type...hopefully another flareon, during the winter when she was receptive and have eevee pups of her own.

That was another reason why Clare was so playful, although she wasn't in season, her body had yet to feel the warmth of a male's cock inside of it. Because of this, her hormone level was through the roof and it caused her to be in a state of psuedo-heat, where she could be mated but not bear pups...this would only happen during the winter months when her sex hormone and her reproductive hormone worked together to create pups. With her vulva swollen and her mind periodically thinking about sex, was Clare's goal with her playful behavior to seek out a male to satisfy her burning desire between her hind legs? Not exactly...though she might consider letting a male mount her if she was in the right mood.

She was just genuinely playful, ever since she was a young eevee pup raised by humans, who released her back into the wild after she became a flareon. Being around humans for so long made Clare like playing, whether or not she was "in heat". However, eventually the playful flareon fem got thirsty from her activities and she needed to head for a pond to get a drink.

Clare made a short trip to a pond with a small island in the center of the pond as she leaned down and began to lap up cool water from the pond. While Clare was drinking, the warm southerly breeze blew from behind Clare, taking her scent in the direction of the island. Located amongst the reeds, curled up in the shade, was a male vaporeon who called the pond his least during the spring and summer. He was simply dozing off as he tried to keep cool when all of a sudden, he sensed something caress his nose. His eyes opened up as he recognized the smell of heat.

Unlike Flareon, Vaporeon reproduce during the spring and early summer months since they go into hibernation during the winter when the ponds and other waterways are frozen and it is too cold for them to survive above ground. Naturally, the scent of heat made his dolphin-like maleness begin to unsheath. "Heat? Now?...a bit late for that, but I'll take what I can get", he thought eagerly, thinking about how it would be to swim in the water with a female of his own kind with their bodies attached together by their genitals while he gave her the cream filling she would need to bear his eevee pups. As his eyes opened wider and the scent of heat continued to blow in his direction, the male vaporeon quickly noticed that it wasn't coming from a vaporeon, it was coming from Clare.

"Hmm...that's odd, I've never sensed flareon heat before, nor have I ever mated with one", he thought curiously as his shaft continued to unsheath as it began to pulsate while he was becoming intoxicated on Clare's aroma. "Mmm...but who am I to be choosy...if she wants pups, I'll give her what she wants", he added in thought as he got up from his spot and dove into the water, going invisible underneath it as he saw towards the unsuspecting Clare. "Hold on cutie...daddy's coming for you", he thought eagerly as his shaft was now at full-length, moving from side-to-side in the water as he was eager to mate with Clare.

Clare continued to drink from the pond, completely unaware that the male vaporeon was swimming towards her as he used his natural abilities to blend in with the water, making him completely invisible while he was under the water. This allowed the male to swim up to Clare without her noticing all while his maleness remained exposed, craving the feeling of a hot flareon vulva around it as he gave her what he thought she wanted. As he approached Clare, the male vaporeon thought of a way to introduce him to her and let her know that he was there to mate with her. He was tempted to introduce himself by having Clare lick the tip of his maleness as she was getting a drink while he was still invisible, but instead decided on something different.

As Clare continued to drink, she soon felt something warm touch her tongue, which caused her eyes to open wide as her fur bristled a bit. Nervously, Clare backed away from the pond, unsure of what this feeling was as her nose started to shoot smoke, getting ready to fight if she needed to. However, as soon as Clare saw the vaporeon emerging from the water, she thought better of it, knowing that in a case between water versus fire that water almost always wins.

She remained in her spot, still both a bit nervous and curious as the male vaporeon stepped back onto dry land, becoming visible once more as he looked at Clare and sat down on the ground by the water's edge. As he sat, resting his tail on the ground, his stiff cock was clearly visible as it was moving around a bit while he stared at Clare excitedly. He was more than eager to mate with her, sensing her "heat" and wanting to give her something to help her ease it. In combat conditions, putting a vaporeon and a flareon together would be like putting an NFL team against a pee-wee football team in a game of tackle football; however, outside of battle arenas, the two eevolutions usually co-existed well and were capable of cross-breeding as much as most other types of Pokemon.

While he was seated at the water's edge, Clare soon noticed the male vaporeon's erection as she began to get more curious as well as daring. She had never seen an erection like his in her life and thought that his shaft looked different from most of the other eevolutions as well as those of a male eevee. Eevee and most other eevolutions had typical canine cocks, usually red in color with knots, although Espeon had a hybrid cock with both canine and feline characteristics and was pink in color.

Vaporeon on the other hand was much different. Since the vaporeon species usually mated in or under water, it needed to adapt to its reproductive needs. Instead of having a normal canine-like shaft, it's cock was designed to be similar to that of a dolphin. His shaft had a pointed tip that thickened as it went down, all the way back to his genital flaps. Furthermore, his testicles were not clearly visible, again much like a dolphin, keeping them tucked inside his body...although there were a couple of tiny bulges below his cock, indicating where they were.

Curiously, Clare began to approach the male as he remained seated, allowing Clare to make an advance on him while he thought about mating with the flareon fem. He was more than willing to mount her at anytime, but he felt it would be better to wait until she showed enough interest in him before he climbed on top of her. Still, the thought of having sex made his flexible shaft move around a bit (another dolphin-like trait) as he waited patiently as Clare approached. However, his eagerness would show quickly as a spurt of precum launched from this happy cock, hitting the side of Clare's face as she was near him.

Clare felt the warm and sticky fluid on her cheek and knew right away that this erection was meant for her. The strength of his one jet of precum was more than enough proof for Clare to let her know how potent the male vaporeon was. She liked it, and even though she was not in true reproductive heat, she figured if he could satisfy her now, then when the time came where her body was ready to accept sperm and make eevee pups that she would make him the father of her offspring. As she started to warm up to him, she leaned down once she was close enough to where her face was now in front of his shaft.

Clare could see his length moving around a bit and pulsating with life, making her increasingly curious to see how he would feel inside her as her vaginal folds became hotter and her vulva became increasingly swollen and dark, now turning almost completely black from the outside. Then, without warning, she gave the tip of his cock a quick lick with her hot tongue, teasing the male's shaft a little as another jet of precum spurted from it as the male called out in delight to having Clare lick him. The desire to mate within her was peaking and the thoughts of having the flexible vaporeon cock inside her folds made Clare want to let him mount her.

After a few licks, Clare finally decided that she had enough...she wanted him to mount her, and she wanted it now. She stopped licking his member and turned around, showing off her rear to him as the dark and swollen vulva twitched a little as she bent over with her tail raised. Her eyes closed and her tongue protruded slightly from her mouth, indicating that she was ready to mate.

As he saw Clare's presentation, the vaporeon male got onto all fours and slowly approached her from behind, with his shaft waving back and forth happily to the sight of the obviously eager female. Clare's heat radiated from her vulva, calling him ever closer as her body was more than willing to take him inside her as the inside of her pussy became incredibly warm and wet. Finally, the opening of Clare's vulva briefly spasmed open slightly, revealing a glimpse of its hot pink interior as a few droplets of her juices coated her outer folds. This, combined with the sight of her heat were more than enough to drive the male vaporeon over the edge.

He quickly pounced on Clare, rapidly locking his front legs around her hips as his tail raised high upward, arching over his back as he climbed on top of her. The tip of his shaft was brought towards her hot vaginal opening, quickly discovering it as he began to pant happily, knowing that he was about to feel Clare's heat around him. With his front legs holding onto Clare's hips, he moved in closer to Clare with his flexible cock wiggling around as the tip of it managed to peek just inside her opening. With the tip inside her, the rest of his maleness rapidly followed, pushing further up into Clare's vagina while the male vaporeon began to experience her heat first-hand.

Clare's body felt incredibly hot to him as her walls surrounded his member from all sides, giving it a firm squeeze while it was advancing further. The feeling of her body warmed his entire body, making him breathe steam as he got settled inside her, but the feeling of her hot vaginal canal was still welcome to him. As he got comfortable, his member began to move around inside Clare, wriggling through her tightness as it rubbed up against her repeatedly as precum continued to constantly fire from the tip. It became clear rather quickly that he was in love with how Clare felt around him.

Meanwhile, at the same time, Clare was also beginning to feel what it was like to have sex with the male vaporeon. She felt his entire maleness moving against her, teasing and tickling her vaginal walls while she tried to hold it within her. However, each time she'd get a good enough grip, it would find a way to wriggle free and penetrate deeper into her canal while spurting soothing precum into her anxious vagina. She remained bent down for him, allowing the male to claim her the way he desired, submitting to the growing ticklish feeling within her.

Gradually, he started to thrust in and out of Clare in the natural way, leaning over her body while his front legs remained on her hips while the flexible length of his cock rubbed against her walls repeatedly. He loved how Clare felt...she had an ideal balance of heat, tightness, and moisture that made her vagina feel better than any other he had been in up to that point...even those of his own kind. As he was moving through her, the male vaporeon felt Clare's heat and began to pant happily while his own eyes were closed.

He started to feel as if she were his mate and that the two of them could have several litters of eevee pups together in their lifetime...starting with their mating right now. He could sense Clare's condition, still not realizing that it was not a true heat, and figured that as soon as he pumped his seed into her womb that they would be mated for life. Of course, there was the fact that he would have to go into hibernation in the winter, but he figured that if he impregnated Clare that she'd want to come back to him in the spring to begin all over again.

To a certain extent, he was correct...Clare did like what she was receiving from him, feeling his shaft moving back and forth through her as the flexible tip slowly moved deeper as the precum started to hit against her cervix. The feeling of his precum made her feel a bit guilty about having sex with him and not being able to put his sperm to good use. However, she also figured that if he did a good job in filling her that she would want to let him inseminate her when her true heat came around next winter...not knowing that he'd be hibernating when she came into true heat.

Neither Clare nor her vaporeon partner were aware of the other's condition and both of them assumed that when the time came they could form a happy mateship. This, combined with how each of them felt during mating, made Clare and her partner want to mate more. This alone would make Clare's hormone levels remain high enough to allow him to mate with her in the future while she was certain that he'd be more than willing to mount her at any given opportunity.

For now however, the two of them concentrated on their current mating as Clare's temperature continued to rise internally while her walls clamped down more around his shaft, which now reached close to her cervix. As her temperature rose, the male vaporeon's cock began to pulsate wildly as it tried to reach the opening of Clare's cervix to deliver his sperm directly into her womb. He figured that if he could enter her cervix, his seed would surely fertilize her eggs when he came inside her.

The tip of his shaft reached far into Clare, reaching deep enough to actually touch her cervix...however, it was not quite long enough for his pointed tip to actually enter it more than the very tip. Nevertheless, he was deep enough to pump his load into Clare's womb directly and all he needed to do was to get aroused enough to climax. He started humping Clare faster, holding her hips tightly while driving his maleness forward, as this was going on, his flexible cock moved from side-to-side inside her, rubbing against her vaginal walls as it slithered through the heat and wetness of them while Clare gripped him from all sides.

His shaft became more excited, thickening within Clare as it was being "fed" by her wonderful heat while the pleasure worked throughout his body, making his balls churn excitedly. He wanted to cum inside Clare, he was eager to fill her with as much sperm as he could and satisfy both her heat and his mating urge. As they continued to mate, both Clare and her vaporeon partner panted excitedly as smoke started to come out of her mouth. She had grown to love how his member felt inside her, feeling it snaking its way through her vaginal canal while the very tip of it pushed just inside her cervix enough to deliver precum into her uterus.

Then, suddenly, he pushed forward as deep as he could as his maleness violently throbbed several times before the happy male tilted his head upwards and started to blow heart-shaped bubbles. As this was happening, his shaft soon exploded with a strong stream of his cum, easily passing through Clare's cervix and splashing against the top of her womb. When she felt his load starting to fill her, Clare called out in excitement as billions of vaporeon sperm were being pumped into her womb. Her smoky breath soon burst into flame as she kept her head down, scorching a small patch of ground beneath her as she was feeling his orgasm before using one of her front paws to extinguish the accidental flame before it grew into a larger fire.

With the amount of sperm that was filling her and how it was making her uterus tingle, Clare was thinking that the male was trying to impregnate her. While Clare wouldn't mind having his pups after what he had done for her, she didn't have the heart to tell him that his efforts were being wasted and it would be months before she was able to reproduce.

However, as the male vaporeon continued to climax, filling Clare with a large amount of his cum, he leaned down on top of her as he licked the side of her neck, feeling proud of what he was doing. "'re a sexy female...a beautiful sexy female. I'm so happy that you allowed me to fill you and create pups inside your lovely womb", he told her while he happily filled her womb. "I know that it'll be tough for you to adapt to having me as a mate, but for you, I'll move from my island home so we can build a den near the pond so you can bear our pups without having to do a lot of swimming", he added...thinking that he was impregnating Clare as his load continued to fill her.

When he heard his words, Clare sighed and realized she couldn't keep her secret from him. "As much as I would enjoy having pups with you and as much as I like having you mate with me, I'm afraid that your efforts are being wasted on me today", Clare told him as the vaporeon male's shaft suddenly stopped spurting cum inside Clare as he looked a bit puzzled.

"What do you mean? I can sense your heat, aren't you receptive with eggs for me to fertilize?", he asked curiously as his maleness continued to feel confused.

Clare sighed again as she relaxed her grip around his member a little bit. "I wish I was...but no, I am not...not for a while anyway. The heat you're feeling is the combination of my hormones along with my own natural body'll be next year before I can bear eevee pups again", Clare explained as the male vaporeon pulled out of Clare after filling her as he dismounted the female and came over to her side, placing his cheek up against his. Although she was not in heat like he thought she was, he didn't want to give up on her.

"It's alright beautiful...for a flareon as sexy as you, I'm willing to wait to make a family with you", he answered as Clare seemed to appreciate his desire for her as she rubbed his cheek against his. "By the way, just out of curiousity, when about will you be receptive again?", he asked...wondering how much of a wait he'd have.

"Sometime next winter...when it's cold outside and the ground is covered in snow", Clare mentioned as she gave his cheek a gentle lick with her warm tongue. "But don't worry, the time will go by really quick and I'll be ready to have pups before you know it", Clare added as she was now determined to bear his eevee pups. However, as soon as Clare mentioned "winter", his ears dropped and his tail dropped to the ground.

"I...I can't do it...I want to...but I'm unable to provide you with pups", he told her sadly, feeling bad that his sperm would not be the ones to give Clare pups.

"Why not? I like you...I like feeling you in me...I'd feel proud to have you be the father of my pups next winter. Why can't you give them to me?", Clare asked, unsure of why he suddenly changed his mood.

The male vaporeon sighed as he licked Clare's cheek. "It's because of species hibernates during the wintertime when it's too cold for us to be in the water or above ground. If I were to come out of my den on my island during the winter months, I'd freeze to death in a matter of minutes. Theoretically, that probably could give me enough time to pass on my sperm to you, but the pups would be without a father as not even your body heat could keep me warm enough to keep me alive after mating", he answered as he rubbed his cheek against hers again.

"I really like you a lot and I wish there was a way we could safely bear pups...but I cannot risk freezing to death in the winter nor leaving any pups you may have without a father to help support them. As much as it hurts me to say this...when wintertime comes and you're ready to become a mother, you're better off finding a male of your own kind to impregnate you and be your reliable mate. No matter what happens, I'll always think of you, but we must move on and do what's best for both of us", he explained as Clare sighed and understood why he couldn't father her pups. However, that still didn't change her feelings towards him.

Clare still liked the male vaporeon and since it was still warm enough for him to be outside, she wanted to take advantage of it as she soon walked in front of the male and presented her still swollen vulva to him. "Just because we can't have pups doesn't mean I want to give up on you completely...I still like you and there's nothing saying we can't have more fun together while it's still nice out", Clare explained as her tail moved from side-to-side. "C'mon body still wants you...we can be playmates for the rest of the summer until it's time for you to hibernate", Clare responded as the male vaporeon still couldn't resist the sight of Clare's "heat" and soon got aroused once more.

Within a matter of moments, the two of them were joined sexually again as the male vaporeon and Clare accepted their roles as temporary partners. They would enjoy each other's company and mate numerous times over the course of the rest of the summer and into the early weeks of autumn as the leaves started to fall from the trees. Finally, after one last mating on a warm early October afternoon, as the male vaporeon pulled his shaft out of Clare, leaving behind one more creampie in her still swollen vulva. He licked her cheek gently and sighed.

"This is my last time I can do this for you...I will be going into hibernation soon and I must prepare for it while the ground is still free of snow and ice. As much as I don't want you to go, you must move on with your life and pursue a male who can give you pups...just like I'll have to find a new female to bear my pups when spring comes once again", he told Clare as she whimpered and licked his cheek back. "No matter what happens, I'll still think about you and I hope you think about me as well", he added as the two of them felt their close relationship being forced to end due to Mother Nature as neither of them really wanted to leave each other as Clare and the male vaporeon touched tongues briefly before the flareon fem reluctantly left the pond to leave her partner for the summer behind to prepare for winter.

Although she would try and move on with her life and find a male that could give her pups, she wasn't ready to give up on him just yet. If she was without a mate when spring came around and he was out of hibernation, Clare would likely come back to him and at least be his playmate like she was with him during the summer. For now though, Clare's more immediate goal was to have pups of her own and although she wanted the male vaporeon to provide her with his seed, she knew he couldn't risk his life to give it to her.

The End

Flareon and Vaporeon are (C) to Nintendo, Game Freak, etc. and are used for fan fic purposes.

Four Seasons (Part 3): Autumn

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