A Twisting Ladder to Heaven Ch2 : Brothers

Story by ServusSmith on SoFurry

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Chapter 2: Brothers

I chased Rogue through the house, sliding across the tile of the kitchen in my socks as I tried to take the corner as sharply as rogue did. I let out a yelp as my feet fly out from under me and I crash into the stools by the breakfast nook counter with a boom, a crash, and a loud yowl. The yowl was from Buttons the glameow, who had been snoozing on one of the stools.

Buttons dropped down on top of me and immediately began slashing at my face with her claws. I scream in surprise and pain as I throw up my arm to protect myself. When I do this she just opens her mouth and chomps down on my wrist. I begin shouting in earnest as I start shaking my arm to get the glameow to let go but she holds on tight. Suddenly Rogue is leaping over me with a howl to headbutt the glameow.

Buttons releases my arm and sprints away with a horrible yowling. I feel tears forming at the corners of my eyes as I grab Rogue in a big hug, holding her tight to my chest. She slowly starts licking my face then we both look up at a shrill shout.

"Where is he?! Where is that little darkrai spawn, the little brat that hurt my precious Buttons! I'll wring his neck!"

A tall blonde haired woman storms into the kitchen, her glacier blue eyes blazing with anger. I don't even have a chance to defend myself before she has me by the collar and is hauling me off my feet. I immediately begin begging with her, but my pleadings fall on deaf ears as she reaches the door. She lowers me to the floor as she opens the door and my eyes go wide.

The door doesn't lead outside, not to the outside I grew up with anyway. It's a filthy marsh full of red glowing eyes. I scream as she grips me with both hands and hurls me out into the marsh. I land with a splash and come up sputtering. I rub the muck from my eyes then shriek as the feralgatr's jaws close around my head.


I bolt upright in a cold sweat, my chest heaving as I take a quick inventory of my limbs to make sure I'm all there.

"What's going on?" Gin asks groggily rubbing the sleep from his eyes as he sits up.

I glance back at him and shake my head, before getting up and stretching, "Nothing, just a bad dream."

I wince a little as the stretch pulls at the scabs on my chest. I should probably do something to make sure I don't open them up and get them all dirty again. As I open up my backpack I can hear Rogue stretching with a yawn. "Good morning Rogue." I say as I dig through the first aid supplies until I find the roll of bandages and a pair of scissors. I turn to Gin, "Hey, Gin, can you help me wrap my chest?"

Gin nods and I start the wrapping across my chest and pass it to him behind me. The first couple times around are a little awkward, but once the beginning of the strip is covered it goes rapidly until none of my gashes are showing. I snip the ribbon and tuck it in to the top, clamping it in place with a little clip. I twist to make sure the wrapping is snug then nod. I crouch down next to the entrance tunnel and smile at the other two, "Who's ready to go get some berries?"


Although not very filling, berries are very abundant and easy to find. Finding the right kind of berry though, is a little more difficult. "Why are there so many tamato berries!" I exclaim as I uncover another berry bush full of tamato berries. Rogue barks something and headbutts the tree, causing the ripest of the berries to fall to the ground where she quickly gobbles them up.

I turn to Gin, who translates for me, "She said that she's not complaining. But I'm with you, I don't like spicy. Especially for breakfast. Ugh."

I nod, "I like sweet and sour stuff much better, maybe a little bitter."

Gin chuckles as Rogue barks and trots off in the direction of the creek we passed a few minutes prior. "Okay, we'll see you back at the cave." He tells Rogue with a wave, then turns to keep walking with me, "I like the dry ones myself."

Gin and I walk along the path we are on for a while before we spot another berry bush. And it has berries that aren't red. Gin and I grin at each other before sprinting over and starting to pull the blue berries off the bush and popping them in our mouths as quickly as we can, juice dribbling out the corners of our mouths.

We keep going until there is only one berry left on the bush. Gin reaches for it and I slap his paw away. "No way man, you had more than me."

"Did not!" Gin exclaims indignantly and points to a blue stain on my bandages where the juice dripped off my chin, "You ate so many you got juice on your chest! That berry is mine!"

I laugh, "Not so fast! You've got berry juice all over yourself too!"

Gin looks down to see several green stains on his belly, but then he gets a smug look on his face, "I'll fight you for it."

I grin, taking a step back and putting up my hands in a ready stance. "You're on shorty."

Gin laughs, and immediately takes a swing at me. I lean back out of the way and catch his foot as he turns the rotation of his first swing into a roundhouse kick. I grip his foot in both hands and swing him around, throwing him to the ground. He slides a little in the loose dust and rolls into a crouch, laughing.

We keep tussling, and I put up a pretty good showing using my greater reach, considering I am obviously outclassed in skill, never mind strength and speed. Then suddenly the fight gets completely turned around as I get the Riolu in a headlock and pin him on the path.

I grunt as an elbow hits my bandaged chest, "Say uncle!"

"Never!" Gin shouts as he tries to get back on his feet but I don't let him. Finally he stops struggling and takes a deep breath.

Whatever he was about to say, I don't hear it over the sound of a deafening roar. Gin and I look up to see a furious Arcanine. I swallow hard, "The berry's all yours Gin."

We scramble to our feet and begin sprinting down the path screaming our little heads off. Almost instantly the Arcanine slams into us, probably using a quick attack, and we go sprawling in the grass. I roll over in time to have the Arcanine pin me to the ground with one huge paw on my chest, its claws beginning to bite into my bandages. It growls something and gets right in my face.

"What Growlithe?!" Gin exclaims next to me, in a similar predicament with the Arcanine's other forepaw on his chest. "We haven't seen any Growlithe have we, Danny?"

I shake my head vehemently, "Nope, sorry, I haven't seen any growl-Oh God!" I start to say then recoil as much as I can as the Arcanine snaps her teeth in my face and lets out a low growl.

I turn to Gin with a begging look, "What did she just say?"

"She says her son went missing, and she tracked his scent to the path, but that it ended there, and that she found a trainer's scent there." Gin says quickly.

I look back up at the Arcanine and shout, "I am not a trainer damnit!" I grab her paw and struggle to lift it off my chest as I can feel the moistness of blood seeping into the bandages. Her paw doesn't budge and she actually puts more weight on me. I grunt, and add quickly, "Do I smell like the trainer that took your son?!"

The Arcanine takes a deep breath and I can feel my brown hair being lifted up towards her nostrils. Then she lifts off of us and starts to walk away. As I climb to my feet I kind of feel bad for her, she looks completely defeated. Then Gin catches me completely off guard, "We can help you get your son back!"

The Arcanine freezes, and I stare at Gin as he continues, "You found the trainers scent, so can't you follow it? Take us with you and we will make sure you get your Growlithe back."

I grab the Riolu's head ornament, and hiss, "Are you insane?! We can't promise that!"

Gin looks at me, surprising me with the dead serious look in his eye. "Yes, we can. At least I can."

I sigh, "Fine, I'm in. You are going to need a translator anyway."

The Arcanine lowers her body so we can climb on and then takes off down the path.


A couple minutes later I can see someone up ahead. "What's the plan Gin?"

"Don't have one." is Gin's flat reply. I groan.

"No plan?!" I'm about to say more when the Arcanine leaps through the air and I let out a yelp of surprise as we fly over the head of a girl not much older than me. I grip the Arcanine's mane with a white knuckled grip as she whirls in place to face the frightened girl.

She screams and stumbles backwards as a Totodile growls at us.

I hop down off the Arcanine's back and land in a crouch before straightening up. I reach down for the machete, which is hanging on a belt like a sword, but don't draw it. "Listen, I don't want to fight, and quite honestly, I don't think she-" I jerk a thumb over at the Arcanine, "will show much mercy to your little Totodile. So it is in your best interests to cooperate."

The red haired girl stares up at me, more specifically at my bandages, and then at the Arcanine. "W-what do you want?"

"We want you to release the Growlithe you kidnapped!" Gin snarls at her, but the girl doesn't take her eyes off the Arcanine and myself.

I shake my head, "Are you deaf? Gin said that you had better release the Growlithe you just caught."

The girl looks at me in shock, "Who's Gin?"

I gesture at the Riolu who is glaring daggers at her. She gives me a confused look, "How am I supposed to know what he said? How did you?"

Right, that's why I'm here. I shrug, "That is unimportant, what is important is that you return the Growlithe to his mother." I glance at the Arcanine who is growling menacingly at the girl, "Or I think she might hurt you and then there will be all sorts of problems for everyone. The most significant for you being your likely death."

The girl scrambles to get out a pokeball from her belt and quickly hits the button to release a young Growlithe, he looks a little wet but is otherwise unharmed. When the Arcanine sees the pup she lets out a low whine and begins nuzzling the wet Growlithe. I turn back to the girl and hold out my hand, "Give me the pokeball."

The girl timidly places the ball in my hand and I quickly give the top a quarter twist to the right and the Growlithe glows blue for a moment. I throw the pokeball back to the girl. "You don't have any potions on hand do you?"

The girl pulls a small container of potion and holds it up. I go to take it from her but the Totodile gets in my way and snaps at me. I recoil, and the machete is suddenly in my hand and lifted over my shoulder ready to come down on the pokémon's head. The Totodile's eyes widen at the sight of the blade and the trainer dives forward and snatches up her pokémon. Gin gives me an odd look, "Overreacting much?"

"Don't hurt my Gile!" the trainer says shielding the Totodile with her body. I sigh and slide the machete into its sheath before muttering, "Ah, yeah, sorry about that. He and his ilk make me nervous."

Gin taps me on the shoulder and I turn to look at him. "What?"

"I want you to translate something for me." I nod and he whispers the message in my ear.

I sigh and get down on one knee so I can look the girl in the eye, "Hey, my friend here has a message for you."

The girl looks up at me, "What does he want to tell me?"

I smile, "He wants you to think about what sort of family you might be stealing a pokémon away from when you capture him or her. For the most part, everyone out here is somebody's sister, brother, mother, father, son, or daughter." I pause, "You're a trainer, and you are probably going to want more pokémon on your team, but just remember that if the pokémon chooses to come with you then they will also fight for you that much harder."

I grab the potion that the girl dropped and slip it in my pocket before climbing to my feet and dusting myself off, Geez, my bandages are sure getting red.

Gin looks at me with a raised brow when I turn around, "That's not exactly what I told you to tell her."

I shrug, "Close enough."

We turn to get back on the Arcanine only to see her taking off with her Growlithe pup hanging her jaws by the scruff of his neck. We stare after her for a moment, then Gin mutters before he starts walking down the path back towards the cave, "Ungrateful bitch."

I smile and join him. "No kidding."

"Hey wait!"

We turn to see the girl hurrying to catch up to us. I frown, "What do you want?"

She stops, obviously a little flustered, "Well, I was thinking we could travel together. Maybe talk more about your way of training pokémon."

I glance at Gin who rolls his eyes and I shake my head, "First off, I live out here now, and I'm not traveling anywhere. Second, I am not a trainer. I don't train pokémon. I don't catch pokémon. I am not looking to defeat the Elite Four. I am perfectly happy to just live my life with Gin and Rogue along with all the other pokémon in this forest. As far as I'm concerned, Gin and Rogue are my family."

The girl stares at me and after a moment I turn and run to catch up with Gin who never really stopped walking. When I catch up to him he chuckles, "Do you think we'll get back in time for lunch?"

I laugh, "Not a chance in hell. I think we have a better chance of having tea with Darkrai."

"That last one would never happen." Gin says as he makes a face, "I hate tea."

I laugh, "That the only reason?"

Gin laughs, but hollowly, "My stepmother was always saying that my yellow fur was because Darkrai was my 'real' father."

I smile, though not as brightly as before, "Then we may actually be brothers. My stepmother often called me the spawn of Darkrai, usually while throwing me out of the house or slapping me."

We walk in silence for a while as the trees start growing a little thicker around us, telling us we are headed in the right direction. Deeper into the forest. I don't think either of us paid much attention to where the Arcanine was taking us since we thought we would be getting a ride back too.

"What happened to your mother?" Gin asks quietly.

"Cancer." I say flatly, "She had been fighting it for as long as I can remember. Then Dad didn't even wait a month before his new girlfriend moved in with her evil glameow. What about your mother?"

"Trainer caught her." Gin says with more than a hint of anger.

I nod, so that's why he volunteered us so quickly.

After a few moments I clear my throat, "You know, you're pretty good at fighting. I was wondering if you could train me."

Gin smiles and nods. "Sure, but you're better than you think, and you have more guts than I do."

"Bullshit." I say with a snort, "I would have never offered to help an Arcanine that just moments before was going to tear me limb from limb."

"And I never would have picked a fight with a feralgatr!" Gin exclaims laughing.

I roll my eyes, "You think I meant to pick a fight?"

"You brought home a skull." Gin points out. "You usually only make trophies out of fights you meant to have."

I shrug, "It was something of an impulse to keep the skull. I threw a rock into a lake, and unfortunately, I hit the feralgatr on the head. I didn't even know it was there. I nearly got both myself and Rogue killed. That's why I want you to train me, so I don't get Rogue killed due to my own stupidity."

Gin nods, "I guess. Though since you're just human, I don't think I'll be able to teach you any moves."

Suddenly Gin starts laughing so hard he can't talk. I watch him laugh, "What?"

"Who ever heard of... a pokémon training a human?!" Gin blurts out between laughs.

I chuckle, "Pretty damn weird actually." I put an arm on Gin's shoulder, "How about we just say it's a couple of brothers helping each other train?"

Gin slowly stops laughing, "Then you weren't joking about me being family?"

I frown, "I don't joke about that stuff. We may not be much but we're definitely family."

Gin smiles and shuts his eyes, "I like that."

He keeps walking with a smile on his muzzle and his eyes shut and I just watch out for him. Then a smile creeps across my face as I get an idea. I take a couple longer steps to get ahead of Gin then stop, sticking my leg out.

Gin yelps as he stumbles over my outstretched foot and I laugh, starting to run down the trail. "I'll get you for that!" he shouts after me.

"You'll have to catch me first!" I shout over my shoulder with a laugh. After all, what are brothers for?

A Twisting Ladder to Heaven Ch1: The Runaways

A Twisting Ladder to Heaven Chapter 1: The Runaways Sparks leap from a flint onto dry moss and kindling, and a tiny fire bursts into life and chases the darkness to the edges of the small cavern. I smiles as I blow on the flame while...

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