Cody's Growing Pains - Chapter 1

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#1 of Cody's Growing Pains

Disclaimer: Read at your own peril, or enjoyment! Don't read if you aren't supposed ta.

  • * * Cody's Growing Pains - Chapter 1 By Cody DreamPuppy 'C'mere Blue, come on boy,' Cody pleaded with his dog as it darted every which way except in the direction that the boy wanted. 'Please, come sit Blue...' he called again helplessly at his family's collie which was sniffing under the deck one moment, then digging at his mom's flowers the next. 'Ugh' Cody gasped, glancing nervously at his house to check if anyone saw... before stiffly saying 'No!' to Blue and gesturing at the disobedient dog with his hand. Blue didn't seem to pay any attention to Cody though, just digging and digging until he saw fit to stop. Cody groaned a bit, cause Blue never listened to him, which probably wasn't all that suprising. Its not like Cody could use intimidation to get his dog to obey like his big brother could. His dog was quite big for a collie... even still being as young as he was barely past being a puppy. Cody, on the other hand, was kinda small. Cody was maybe barely 4 feet tall, kinda short for his age of nearly 9 years now. Just then, Cody heard a sharp whistling sound. He saw Blue's ears shoot up, the dog lifting his head attentively and scanning with those sharp blue eyes of his for the source. Cody recognize that whistle right away of course. 'Chris, please... call Blue he wont stop digging...' Cody said timidly as he turned to his older brother, who had just stepped out the back door onto the deck with that usual confident stride of his. His brother was 16. Chris wasn't really tall either, since size wasn't really a trademark of Cody's family, but he was still bigger than Cody and older, and so Blue always listen to him. He was also a lot more athletic, which showed in the tone of his young body... like the star football player, which he was in fact. Cody thought, maybe that was why Blue seemed to listen to his older brother and not him, and he always wished that he was good at sports too. 'Maybe... if I played football like Chris, Blue would listen to me too' Cody said to himself as he watched his brother reign in Blue without any trouble at all. The afternoon sun shone down on the boys and girls of Fox Meadow school as they prepared to board the bus to go home after their first day of the new school year. Cody was towards the back of the line, and he stood there by himself with his backpack hugged in front of himself watching the other kids joke and play. "Hey smallstuff, out of the way" one of the bigger boys in his class shouted as he was shoved behind. 'Ugh...' Cody nearly dropped his books, and looked at the other boy with a bit of a glare at first... but he didn't want to get shoved again so he just stepped back and lowered his eyes again. When he lifted them back up though, the boy felt a slight uplifting of his spirits as he gazed at the scene before him of some of his classmates in the field next to the school, learning how to play football. He sighed a soft cute huff of breath, watching the other boys for a moment. 'I'll walk home later... I gotta learn how to play too' he said suddenly right as it was his turn to get on the bus. The driver shook her head and closed the door, clearly in a hurry to get these kids home, and so Cody was left to himself. 'Hey, can I play?' Cody called to the other boys as he ran across the sun-soaked field to stand nearby the group practically panting. A few of the older boys chuckled, but the one who seemed to be in charge was either being nice, or he just wanted to play his own little game with this naïve kid and he welcomed Cody onto his team practically with open arms... "Ok, since you're new, I'm gonna give you the first important play" that boy said to an eager, innocent looking Cody, who was still wearing his school clothes despite the fact that all the other boys were in t-shirts and shorts. When the ball was snapped, Cody was told, go deep... and go deep he did. He ran as fast as he could towards the side of the field, and when he realized that he was way open he turned towards the quarterback and just then, watched the ball SAIL over his head and into the woods. Gosh... that was far, Cody thought to himself as he stopped running and stood there panting a little again 'Its.... Its in the woods' Cody yelled to them in his softer voice, which made it not seem much like a yell really more like a squeak. "So get it, now!" the older boys called at him and grinned to each other. Cody's face flushed a little, and he nodded again with that timid look to him as he turned towards the woods and carefully began pushing through the tall brush, confident that he could find their ball and bring it back to them... then maybe they'd see how good a team player he was. It was a little darker among the trees, and there was a bit of a breeze, though not the kind that really makes you cold, just the kind that causes the trees to sway just so, and the bushes to rustle all around. Cody still hadn't found the ball and he was a little worried. 'Maybe I should go back the way I came...' he said to himself softly, hugging his arms a little closer to himself as if that could protect him from whatever might be in the woods. He heard a sound then... sounded like a cry coming from an opening in the brush to his left. 'Hey... stop fooling around' Cody said, breathing so hard his chest was visibly moving, his naturally submissive blue eyes taking on a bit more of an excited look to them as he became a bit afraid. He heard it again... and again, though now it sounded more like a whimper. 'Who's there?' he asked very softly, his gaze once again timid as he peeked through the brush in the direction of the sounds. There in the middle of the opening was a creature. It was kind of smaller than a dog, but it was definitely some kind of canine. Cody watched it for a moment, and the reflection of the sun on its golden blonde fur kind of left a warm feeling through out Cody, and he realized that he really didn't need to be afraid. He blinked a few times, before stepping out into the clearing and approaching with soft footsteps. As he neared the creature, he could tell now that it looked more like a fox... and it also looked kind exceptional for a fox. Its ears were extra big and so were its paws, and it had this striking beauty radiating from it giving it the look of something out of a fantasy. At first, it wasn't really moving, but after a moment when Cody was only a few feet away, the fox lifted one of its ears and turned towards the boy, watching him with big hazel colored eyes. The fox was shaking a bit... it looked like it was caught in a trap that was holding one of its hind legs. Cody stood there a moment looking side to side to see if there might be anyone around, not really sure exactly what he should do... this was definitely a wild animal and his parents always told him to leave them alone. But, there just seemed to be something within this fox's stare that made Cody feel really strange, almost compelled not to leave. 'I.... ummm..' The fox kept gazing at Cody, and the boy couldn't turn away... He felt that warmth again, it felt so nice. Cody blushed, and sank down to his knees in front of the fox, suddenly feeling a desire to reach out and touch at its muzzle with a bit of curiosity. 'Hi... I'm Cody...' the boy said a little nervously, and he was genuinely surprised when the fox started licking at his fingers just as his hand had started to rub over its snout. Cody smiled softly at that, this fox creature seemed pretty gentle and its tongue felt really really good on his hand... but at the same time he was starting to feel very strange tingly sensations all through out his arm.. 'O... okay... hehe... that's... that's okay' he said to the overly friendly creature as he pulled back a little, but the fox leaned in and just kept licking along Cody's hand and wrist over and over and over with that raspy tongue, the sensation spreading through out the boy's body began to get a bit more intense and dizzying. Blinking his eyes a few times to clear his sight, the boy finally managed to pull back completely from the cute looking fox, falling back onto his butt with his legs spread apart... gazing at the creature and breathing slowly. They stared at each other for a few moments quietly, Cody's chest raising and falling slowly with his breaths as he tried to calm himself and convince himself to go find someone. He could feel that he was sweating a little, even though the only running he had done at all was that brief sprint during that play with the other kids. The fox creature seemed to be able to tell that Cody was sweating too, the way that it was sniffing towards him now, clearly a very inquisitive young creature and curious about the boy sitting in front of it. Before Cody even had noticed, the fox had gotten up onto its paws and limped over to him, and was pressing its nose right up against his tummy to draw in his scent. 'Hey, let... let me free you...' Cody blurted out, flushing a little bit though he wasn't all too sure why. Each little touch was stimulating the boy though, bringing dormant hormones quickly to life. Cody had this instinctive sense that he should probably go, but he felt good at the same time... and he couldn't resist the urge to help now. Cody got back up onto his knees and spread his thighs a bit as he bent over to see where the fox's hind paw was caught. At the same time, the fox inspected the boy's inner thigh, pushing its soft nose up along the leg of his shorts... The fox's nose tickled at Cody's smooth thigh when it started pushing its snout up into his pant leg like that, making the boy giggle quietly while he worked to pull the trap open 'Oohh... o..okay, out now..' he said, and the foxy stepped right out as if it understood him... 'There, that's good now you'll be okay' he said very softly as he slowly leaned back, settling his butt onto the heels of his feet, still blushing all shyly as he watched and felt his new friend continuing to snuffle up along the leg of his shorts causing the subtle muscle of his young thighs to flex a little at the stimulation... It felt... really... good. 'Hehe I smell good... yea?' the boy said innocently, reaching down a hand to rub over the fox's ears a little, feeling his heart beating a little quicker the more the eager fox pushed its snout up along his thigh. 'I wonder... what your name is?' the boy said softly as he tried to steady his breathing again, letting his new friend sniff him out rather thoroughly. Cody knew that canines liked to sniff at people, but he wasn't used to this. Blue had never shown this much interest in him. He sat there, pondering the name... his hands falling to rest in the grass on either side of his butt. The fox had moved from one leg to the other, but its sniffing was getting a little more insistent too, and just as Cody was about to voice his concern, the fox just casually buried his nose right in against the boy's crotch, nose pushing against Cody's young cock and balls through his soft-cotton, sweat dampened undies. Cody blushed strongly as he felt that weird tingling sensation vibrating suddenly all through out his small sensitive sex organs, feeling like heat coursing and pumping through them with every firm rub of the nice fox's snout over those small bulges. As the heat spread through the boy's crotch, he felt an equally powerful wave of pleasure over him, A word came to him from somewhere, surging into his thoughts along with the blissful excitement clouding his mind. It was a name, he gasped and uttered it in that soft voice of his, 'Enki...' The fox suddenly pulled back from the boy's burning loins, lifted its head and gazed into his eyes with that innocent look of recognition that you might expect to see on a beloved pet's expression when you called to it. 'That... that's your name isn't it...' Cody started to say as his thoughts once again became his own, eyes refocusing on the fox in front of him, but the eager fox wouldn't even let him really finish his thought as it leaned in close to the boy pressing noses with him real softly, allowing Cody to drink in the intoxicating scent of his own youthful musk that had been smeared over its snout as their noses rubbed slowly.. Cody grabbed a little at clumps of grass with his fingers as the fox unfurled that thick long pink tongue of his from his muzzle, pushing it against Cody's lips several times in an affectionate greeting. The creature's spell was settling over him, the boy lifting his hands from the grass to hug the urging fox a little while it pressed its warm slick tongue over and into the boy's lips, their mouths touching in a sticky kiss as Cody blushed and suckled on that thick canid tongue for a short while. "Hey! Cody!" "Where are you? Where's our ball?" The shouts of the other boys broke the spell and Cody blinked his eyes a bunch of times, his thoughts a bit clouded yet... The fox was still pressing up against Cody, a little closer now, its paws up on the sitting boy's shoulders so it could stand up against him a bit while feeding the boy his sticky tongue. Cody finally found the wherewithal to pull his mouth away from the fox's, a few long trails of saliva connecting their tongues for a moment... snapping as the boy pulled back blushing again nervously as he gazed at the cute creature in front of him, 'Enki... I... I'd better go get the ball.' He said in his cute voice, his gaze absentmindedly drifting down over the fox's underside of his body. Enki's underside looked really soft and fluffy-white, irresistibly lovely to touch and pet just like Blue's. But, for once Cody was also paying attention to that chubby white fluff-coated tube of flesh connected to the canine lower tummy area... and the fuzzy milky white orbs sagging in their soft stretchy sac behind it. Enki's fuzzy tube looked pretty swollen at the moment, and Cody could see the fox's small pink tapered tip poking a few inches out from it. The boy just couldn't help his curiosity, wondering about that fuzzy tube... what it felt like, why Enki's penis was tapered at the tip unlike his... but the thing that just really made Cody stop in his tracks was the astonishing nature of those fuzzy white balls Enki was carrying just behind. They were... so big... just really kinda dwarfing the fox's sheath. It was almost a little intimidating seeing them rolling heftily underneath the fox-sheath as Enki wagged his tail about excitedly and shifted his paws in the grass, eagerly trying to press his body closer to Cody's. 'Maybe, you can help me find it...' Cody said, breathing kinda fast without really knowing it, a little confused about why it was so hard to think really clearly right now. 'C'mon boy... lets go' Cody said to the foxy, smiling and giggling a little when Enki slurped over the boy's face again, as if to show his agreement.

Cody's Growing Pains - Chapter 2

* * * Disclaimer: Read at your own peril, or enjoyment! Don't read if you aren't supposed ta. * * * Cody's Growing Pains - Chapter 2 By Cody DreamPuppy Cody was really just amazed... Enki seemed to listen to him, almost like the fox...

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