Home Alone - Dragon Brother's Incest

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#2 of Amityville (Misc.)

One of my earliest works that is being moved into a folder specifically for slice of life! Known as Amityville (yes, I went there) because I thought there could be some updating :3

Chapter 1

Ewan stared at his paper with resolute focus while he typed with a zealous fervor, having drowned the booming music from the living room and incessant chatter of his mother who circled the living with her phone glued to her head. Ewan took in a deep slow breath, exhaling and turning a page, wincing as his brother shouted, and then jumped in place with his guitar slinging around him.

"Hell yeah! Take that A Perfect Circle!" Mathew exclaimed with voluble triumph, admiring his perfect score and glanced to Ewan who huffed and looked away, continuing his typing.

"Jesus Ewan you're going to knock one of your damn keys off!" Mathew said, "Why don't you take a break from that thing?"

"I am trying to do my damn homework Mathew." Ewan growled, "It's not easy when you blast that game throughout the house."

"You're such an ass." Mathew huffed turning around and setting up another song for him-self, "Why don't you just play this with me, I know you want to."

Ewan grinned and snorted back at his brother, closing his laptop and took the plastic faux-Gibson Mathew held out to him. Ewan stood next to the younger brother, tapping his claws along the plastic frame.

"Ok, so loser has to order food tonight." Mathew grinned with confidence, "I hope you're fucking ready, you know how much I love bread-sticks."

"Oh go to hell Mat, we're paying for it equally." Ewan smirked, "And you're paying for the drinks."

Their parents emerged from the bed room, carrying their suit-cases back and forth to the porch, too caught up in their own conversation to listen to the brother's argue with each other. Mathew elbowed Ewan, who flicked his tail over and slapped Mathew in the leg, and felt another hard elbowing into his rib-cage.

Mr. and Mrs. Goode had been planning a business trip to New York for the past two weeks: and in that the two brothers became accustomed to their parents absence or infinite conversations on their cells. Their positions as well known Realtors had left them constantly on the run: traveling all over Miami and outside of the city to other parts of Florida. Though the parents did sometimes stay home for a few days at a time, when the summer rolled around: they were nearly unheard of on their lot.

"If you pick Dragonforce, just know I'm going grab you by the horns and throw you into the wall." Ewan said out of the corner of his mouth.

Mathew waved him off, "Come on man, fuck that band. I only listen to real metal." Mathew smirked and then flicked his fingers quickly, "We're playing Green day."

"Again?" Ewan groaned, "You've played their shit all damn day."

"Well suck it up bitch!" Mathew grinned eagerly, "You're about to die miserably."

Their parents emerged again from the bed room the final time, this time without their cell phones and holding their airplane tickets. The talked to each other for a few moments, running over their list of errands again and again before saying their good-byes to their two children.

"Ok babies, we're off!" Their mom called, "We'll be gone for about two weeks, and I expect to come back and find the house not on fire." Their mom giggled, hugging her kids from behind and heading to the door.

"We'll have our cells on at all times, so if you have a part, we will know." Their father began, "No weed, or drugs or--"

"Dad, please!" Mathew groaned, slamming his fingers onto the colored keys rapidly, "I'm working on dinner here! And we don't even smoke, geez."

Ewan grinned at his dad from over his shoulder, getting a kiss on the cheek from his mom, "I'll take care of everything."

"Thank you." His father replied with a smirk, "By the way Ewan, Mathew's ticklish spot is under his arm."

"Dad!" Mathew cried out, "What the heck!?"

Their father grinned, waving to them as he and their mother slipped out through the kitchen door, leaving the two brothers to continue a heated battle. Ewan grinned widely at his brother, shoving the neck of the guitar into his ribs, and immediately Mathew laughed and twitched, crippling to his side. . .

? ? ?

"Dude, holy hell I am stuffed!" Mathew huffed, flipping onto his back and dropped his half-eaten pizza slice into the box, whipping his snout clean and letting out a soft groan. He whipped the garlic and juices from his lips, his tongue flicking out as the smell of the food still compelled him to eat.

"You are a complete fat-ass." Ewan smirked, running his finger along the bottom rim of two plastic tubs, licking up the remnants of marinara garlic sauces. He closed his eyes and sat back on the couch, tilting his head to the side to avoid his horns puncturing the sofa: while Mathew laid his head next to Ewan's leg.

"I can't believe you beat me." Mathew mumbled.

"Well cheating does help." Ewan smirked, leaning his hand down to rest it on Mathew's shoulder.

Mathew lifted his snout up, dropping it gently on Ewan's lap, yawning and closing his eyes, "You, and me are having a rematch in the morning."

Ewan smirked and nodded, "Sure thing lil bro."

Mathew smiled and yawned once more, tucking a couch-pillow under his chest, watching the TV idly until he fell asleep less than twenty minutes later.

Despite Mathew being sixteen, he still clung onto old habits such as huddling into his older brother; his aging into a teenager didn't seem to change him. For as long as Ewan had remembered, up until their parents enforced separate bedrooms, he would wake up to find Mathew laying on his side, nose in his chest, and an arm wrapped tightly over his shoulder.

Ewan leaned back a little bit, gently petting Mathew's side and browsing through channels on the TV, hearing the quieted snore of his sibling whom had eaten too much to stay awake that night. He was feeling a bit anxious; since their parents were gone he anticipated shows in Skinamax, having Mathew on his leg Ml.ade it a bit uncomfortable. However he shrugged it off, if Mathew stirred Ewan would just flip back to the last channel.

"Please--please let there be something good." Ewan muttered, praying they had their specials on that night, something for the alternative viewers.

His thumb flicked swiftly, his eyes inspecting title after title, until he finally found what he had been looking for: and a wide grin extended across his snout. The internet offered great porn, and he had on numerous occasions watched the ripped videos on TV, but there was always a carnal enticement for watching it in the living room that Ewan could not resist. Taking reassurance in knowing Mathew had fallen asleep; Ewan lay back comfortably, and enjoyed his first night of pay-per-view.

Five Days Later

Ewan gripped at his forehead and closed his eyes, his tail twitching as the house echoed jumping and the blaring siren of the microwave, which had gone off at least seven times since he woke up. His stomach churned with roaring hunger, making his scales darken to a dark blood red, his eyes transfixed on the roof, counting the number of tiles and praying Mathew would calm down.

Boom! Sounded the living room, as Mathew jumped on the floor, exclaiming in triumph.

I am going to fucking kill him! Ewan shouted in his head, glaring at his roof with his pillow smothering his ear holes, which barely stifled the noise from down-stairs. There was another loud thud, a shout, and then Mathew singing aloud to Green Day as was custom.

"I don't want to be an American idiot!" Mathew shouted from below, "Blah-blah blah bladdy-blah-blah!"

Ewan groaned sat up sharply, slamming his hands onto the mattress, "Sing all the lyrics you jack ass!"

"Fuck you!" Mathew called from downstairs, "And get up you lazy shit! It's ten in the morning!"

Ewan sighed with a deep frown, slipping on a darkened pair of jeans and walking down-stairs with a slump, dragging his claws over the carpet. Ewan looked up at Mathew, glaring, and then grabbed the remote and chunked it at his shoulder.

"Hey ass-wipe!" Mathew growled startled, rubbing his arm, "What the hell!?"

"I said to keep this shit turned down!" Ewan growled, "You've kept me up all morning with Green Day!"

Mathew grinned, "Well if you didn't stay up all night you would be awake now wouldn't you?"

Ewan narrowed his eyes and rammed past him into the kitchen, mumbling plentiful threats and insults loud enough for his brother to hear. Mathew retrieved the remote, turning the volume back to a regular decibel and joining Ewan at the bar, taking a sip of his orange-juice. Ewan sniffed the air, and looked at the empty garbage can and raised an eyebrow at his brother.

"How many of those have you made this morning? You're covering your tracks so I am betting six."

"Wrong!" Mathew laughed and flashes Ewan a wide grin, "This is my second: I ate the frozen sausage burgers earlier though."

Ewan blinked, "My sausage biscuits?"

Mathew shrugged, "You snooze, you lose dude."

Ewan groaned and huffed, "I was saving those!"

Mathew rolled his eyes and snorted, "I will go buy you some more, don't have a bitch-fit."

"Ok dude, we gotta lay off the junk food." Ewan mumbled, sitting up and rubbing the spot between his wings, "We've done nothing but eat frozen shit, and I'm craving something that is real."

"Wanna go to Ghetto Outlet, and cook something?" Mathew began.

Ewan nodded, "Yeah, I'll make dinner tomorrow night then. What do you want?"

Mathew shrugged, "What the hell ever bro, you decide."

Ewan threw his hands up and snatched his brother drink, downing the rest and tossing the cup in the sink while Mathew snorted and ventured back off into the living room. Ewan looked inside of the fridge idly, then to the freezer, back to the fridge, and shrugged.

"Yo, dude, let's make soft-tacos tonight." Ewan called out.

"All right dude!" Mathew replied, "Hey you care if I invite my friends over tonight?"

Ewan stood up and closed the fridge, "Just two friends dude: we don't need the house being trashed and shit."

Mathew waved him off, venturing back into the living room, whipping out his cell-phone and texting quickly. Ewan looked around the kitchen, huffing, finding nothing of interest to eat: and leaned on his elbow against the counter.

"Hey Ewan, can I have some cash to order food?" Mathew called form the living room.

"Why don't you use your damn money for once?" Ewan groaned.

"Oh come on, I'll pay you back. I don't want to use my card again: mom will get pissed and yell at me through texting."

Ewan huffed and reached into his back pocket, pulling out two twenties and hanging them out to him. Mathew snatched it up, hugging Ewan and hopping back into the living room. Ewan stuck around the house for another two hours, heading to his job at an electronics store half an hour away from their house.

Mathew collapsed on the couch in the living room, staring at the TV: browsing through recently recorded shows, hoping Ewan had not removed his copy of The Exorcism. Then, he stopped: his thumb stuck to the arrow as his eyes scanned this new movie.

? ? ?

"Dick . . . dick . . . dick. . . DICK!" Mathew snarled and slammed his controller onto the pillow between his legs.

"Ha-ha, you're so dead! Commere!" Derek shouted.

"Dammit, dammit, dammit!" Chris repeated, "Mathew, cover your ass!"

Mathew slung him-self to the side, gripping the controller tightly, rapidly slamming his thumbs onto keys while his tail slapped and flicked behind him. The living smelt of pizza again, accompanied with soda and the fumes of nicotine from Derek's cigarette.

"So dude when does your brother get off work?" Derek asked, killing the embers of his cigarette in the ash-tray.

"Somewhere around eleven." Mathew replied, tilting his head to the right as he attempted to see around the wall on the screen, "Why man?"

"My brother is having a party tonight." Derek began, "A bunch of kids from his college are coming, and some other people. We're going, you want to come?"

Mathew shrugged a little bit, "Um, well dude I don't know man. Ewan probably wouldn't let me."

Derek snorted, "Come on dude, you're such a bitch sometimes!"

Chris chuckled, "No seriously Mat, it'll be cool. My older brother is going with his wife, so the party won't get out of control."

Derek rolled his eyes, "Dude, stop acting like your fucking brother and his girl are going to babysit us."

Chris cast the dog a curious stare, "And your brother doesn't need it? My bad, I forgot he was an alcoholic."

Derek lifted up his hand, casting the middle-finger to Chris who shook his head and turned his focus back to the game. Chris's older brother was a security officer on a college campus: but it didn't make it easier to lie and sneak out of his house. Ewan would be pissed, his parent's would ground him; though Mathew admitted, he desperately wanted to spend time with his friend's and not be cooped up in the house like he was the past two weeks.

"What all is going to be there?" Mathew asked slowly, losing his focus on the game and letting Derek kill him.

"Food, drinks, people, you know, party shit." Derek said and then grinned wide, "There will be girls, lots of 'em."

Derek turned to Mathew who smirked back at him a little, forcing him-self to seem a little interested in it. Chris rolled his eyes again, unsure why Mathew ever hung out with the dog.

"Ok dude, so you in or out?" Derek continued, pushing the question.

"I'll go dude, just for a few hours." Mathew said bravely, "When are we going?"

"Right now!" Derek said with excitement, jumping onto his feet and dropping the controller, "Let's get this mess cleaned up and head out you guys!"

Chris looked over at the dragon with a raised eyebrow, and Mathew shrugged slightly, "I'll be cool Chris, I won't drink or anything."

Chris nodded, "All right, but if anything happens, I'm calling your brother."

Derek snorted, "Oh quit being a sissy." He quickly carried the pizza boxes into the kitchen, tossing them into the garbage and whipping the fur around his snout clean,

"Let's head out!"

Derek took his keys, bolted out the kitchen door, and hopped over the deck and unlocked his car, while Chris looked over at Mathew as they cleaned up what was left.

"Dude, you sure?" Chris began, "That place is going to be filled with a bunch of drunken college people. You're only sixteen man, you'll kinda stick out."

Mathew nodded, "It's cool dude, I just wanna get out for a little."

Chris gave a shrug, ultimately he guessed Mathew had made up his mind, and guided him to the car: where Derek had all ready been seated and beeped the horn at them.

"Let's go bitches!" Derek called from the window, beeping the horn again.

Chris and Mathew entered the car, and Derek wasted no time pulling out onto the main road, turning the radio up and talking excitedly. He him-self had not been to one of his brother's parties in a long time, two years to be exact, and the dog was looking more than anything to get laid: without feeling the guilt of dropping his friends for it. Chris knew it, and glared at Derek a little who looked away from him, talking to Mathew through the Rear-view mirror.

"Keep your eyes on the road." Chris ordered.

"Yes Mam." Derek said with a broad smirk.

Mathew smirked a little to, sitting with his arm out-stretched along the back of the seats, his heart racing with nervousness. He felt the tying of a knot in his stomach: comforted with a street-lamp illuminated the car, and then plunged back into darkness.

"Oh, we're going to drop by a friend of mine, and go pick him up." Derek began, "Chris you remember Keenan?"

Chris nodded, "Yeah, the douche broke my lawn-chair, and fucked up my car."

Derek smirked, "Well he is gonna join us: the dude has been aching to get away from his mom. I mean who wouldn't, the bitch is annoying as shit."

Chapter 2

Mathew sat now next to the window, his hands crossed over his chest, the car reeking of nicotine and alcohol from the dog, and human who occupied the back-seat with him. The ride had been extended another thirty minutes, Derek promising that those were the last two he was going to pick up as he took the dirt-road to his house. Mathew rested his snout in his hand, his elbow propped up on the window-seal while he kept his tail tightly wrapped around his ankles, and his wings folded closed.

"So little dude, what's your name?" The wolf began.

"Mathew." He answered quietly, "You?"

"I'm Alfred." The wolf replied, "You seem pretty young to come to a party like this."

"Back off Alfred!" Derek warned, "He's fine man, Mat has been stuck in that house with his brother for weeks! The dude needs to have some fun, if you know what I mean?"

Mathew sighed, "Derek seems to think I'm going to get laid or something."

"That's because you are!" Derek chanted, "You're sixteen, and never had a chick. Dude, we're fixing that tonight!"

Mathew looked up at the wolf who shrugged, whispering down to him something and Mathew smirked widely.

The car pulled up into a filled yard some minutes later: the party had long been ongoing, and the yard was littered with red plastic cups, cigarette butts, wrappers, and some discarded items of attire. Derek halted beside the picket fence, pulling his keys out and hopping out of the car: the rest of the party following with seemingly less excited, except for Keenan who wrapped his arm around Derek and both ran inside.

Chris and Alfred greeted each other, while Mathew, standing with his hands in his pockets, looked like as if he was a foreigner, having never seen a house before.

"Come on Mat." Chris said standing next to him, "Let's go get some drinks, and try to keep away from Derek's brother."

"Oh that won't be hard." Mat said with a forced laugh, "I'll probably just hang out on the porch or something."

The three entered the glass doors, greeted instantly by a medley of bass and teenaged chatter that nearly destroyed their ear-drums. There was a huge cluster of dancing students, some half nude and grinding all over each other: others were down to their shorts and were to inebriated to even stand up straight.

"All right you guys, I'm off to go hang with my dudes." Alfred said, waving to them and disappearing into the crowd of people.

"Damn dude, this royally sucks." Chris said with a sigh, "I hate coming to Derek's house."

"I thought you wanted to go?" Mathew said slowly.

Chris groaned, "My brother made me come here: I'd rather be at your place."

Mathew smirked, "You only come to mine 'cause we have pizza all the time."

Chris shoved Mathew's shoulder, "No, I come because your brother is not a douche."

Mathew sighed, "Did you have to mention Ewan? Last thing I need is to feel guilty for sneaking out."

"Dude, we'll leave like two hours before he gets home. Nothing is going to happen, unless that dick brother of Derek's decided to waltz over here and--" At that moment, the grey ears of a wolf began to surf its way through a crowd.

"Ah shit here he comes." Chris groaned.

Mathew looked up, and then away with a deep sigh as a tall grey wolf emerged from the crowd of people, accompanied by his younger brother who was only a inch or two shorted than he was: and with less resistance to alcohol. Derek tilted and wiped his mug clean of the fluids around his lips, and then patted his brother on the chest.

"You guys remember Phillip right?" Derek said with a slur to his words, patting the taller wolf on the chest.

"Wassup guys!" Phillip shouted over the music, "How have you all been!?"

"It's been pretty boring without you!" Chris called, "We haven't had nearly any arrests in the neighborhood."

Phillip snorted, "Oh let go of that all ready! I paid for your damn bumper!" Phillip turned his sharp eyes down to the red dragon sitting on the sofa, tilting his head, "And, you must be Derek's friend, Mat?"

Mathew nodded, "Yeah."

Phillip stuck out his furry hand, shaking Mat's vigorously, "Nice to meet ya bro! Come on dude, lemme show you around the place!"

Mathew blinked, but stood up with Chris who followed closely behind him as Phillip led them through the crowd to the kitchen, and then down to the basement where the other half of the party was. There was a large stereo set up to the right, at the north corner were two couched pressed together, with a large glass table littered with food and drinks.

"I don't allow drugs, so don't worry about that you guys." Phillip assured them, "And since you're both under twenty-one, don't think about touching my keg!" Phillip winked at them, "If I catch you, you're in trouble!"

Mathew laughed a little, while Chris continued to look displeased as they were led to the couch, taking their seats. Phillip lingered, chatting with a girl in-front of him, and then turned to face the two with a broad smile.

"And, if you see any girl you want, don't hesitate to get your-self one, man!" Phillip winked to Mathew, "I hear some of the bitches here would go crazy for a young dragon!"

Mathew tensed up a little as Phillip patted him on the shoulder and leaned down to his head, "There are girls here who will suck your cock for hours, bro: so make sure you take one home with you."

Mathew chuckled nervously, "Yeah."

Phillip stood up, clapping his hands together, "See you guys later: I got some business upstairs!"

Mathew and Chris sat back, Mathew glancing along the decorated basement, his scales darkening from the immense heat of the bright decorative lights hung around the room. A few girls would wink and wave to the two, while one had flashes her breasts, before giggling and running off back into the crowd. Mathew leaned back on the stale sofa, sniffing cautiously at it, unsure if anyone body had all ready fucked on the cushions or not. Chris looked down at his pocket, slipping his cell phone out and quickly text his brother.

"I'm asking where Devin is." Chris muttered, "See if he is having fun somewhere else, and we can join him."

"I doubt it." Mathew said stoically, "This whole place is just a fuck-fest waiting to happen."

Christ laughed, flipping his cell up and nodded, "Ok Devin is outside; I'm going to go see what is up with him real quick: you ok alone?"

Mathew nodded, "Yeah man. I'll be out of here in a few."

Chris left the basement, disappearing up the stairs while Mathew traversed the dirty floor to the bar, pouring a glass of punch and sniffing it carefully before taking a sip and leaning against the wall away from the lights. He had never felt more out of place, keeping his eyes off the half-dressed men and women, though he found him-self eyeing one or two of the men: but quickly looked back at the roof or stairwell. He thought back to the movie he saw on the DVR, staring at the rim of his cup.

"Hey there baby." Asked a soft voice beside him, a girl in a grey shirt pouring a glass of punch smiled up, "How's the party?"

"It's good." Mathew began slowly.

The girl looked him over slowly, while Mathew avoided the sight of her wet shirt that left a heave impression of her breasts. She had obviously drank more then she needed, as she tilted with half-closed, glazed eyes, Mathew had to look away from her. She took a drink of whatever alcohol she had poured, sitting the cup down and stepping toward the dragon.

"You're not eighteen, are you?" She began with a giggle.

Mathew nodded, "Yeah, I'm sixteen. My friend Derek made me come here."

"Oh Derek!" She exclaimed, "You're friends with him!?"

Mathew shrugged, "Yeah, pretty much."

She giggled again and moved closer to him, taking out a bottle and pouring a clear liquid into her glass, "Derek is a fucking hottie. I never fucked a wolf before: but he was pretty good." She took a sip with a sly grin, looking at Mathew from the rim of her cup.

Mathew choked, cringing and turning his face away from her. She smiled more, looking the dragon over, glancing to his crotch with some satisfaction, and slid her finger-nails along his dark shirt, "So, you have a girl-friend?"

"N-no." Mathew answered and moved away from her hand, "I'm not really here for anything like that."

The girl whined and set her drink down, "Oh come on cutie, here let me motivate you!" She lifted up her shirt, flashing Mathew her large exposed breasts and shook her bosom gently at him.

"No thanks!" He said quickly, "Really, I'm only sixteen."

The girl laughed and pulled her shirt down, "Then you better get started hun!"

She moved up to him, and shoved her hand down his pants, cupping his young balls in her hand. Mathew growled and shoved her away from him, his scales turning near black from hot embarrassment and violation.

"What the fuck kid!" She shouted, "Don't you fucking shove me!"

"I said no thanks!" Mathew growled back at her.

The girl wiped her mouth and glared, "You little shit!"

"Whoa whoa, what the fuck is going on!" Phillip shouted, coming from the crowd, which had seemingly over-looked the two.

"Hey Tina, what's going on?" Phillip began, looking at the red-faced girl with some mild-surprise.

"This little prick fucking shoved me!" She yelled, pointing at Mathew.

"She stuck her fucking hand in my pants!" Mathew growled, "And I told her, I'm not here to have sex with anything."

Phillip blinked and laughed, "Well dude come on; it's a party. What, are you gonna wait till you're married or something?" He laughed hard, "Come on, lighten up!"

"No thanks." Mathew said firmly with a glare, "I'm also not going to fuck some drunk chick either."

"What's wrong with her being drunk?" Phillip said with raised eye-brows.

"She's drunk." Mathew replied, "That's about it: that and I don't want anything, from anyone."

Tina huffed, "Fucking pansy. I'm outta here! See you later Phillip."

She shoved her way through the crowd, stomping up the steps out of the basement and slamming the door behind her. Phillip growled and turned back to the dragon that stood there with his arms crossed.

"Great, there goes my bitch for the evening! You happy?"

Mathew snorted, "Why don't you find someone else? If she was willing to try to fuck me, you probably have fifteen other girls like her here."

Phillip glared, "You calling my chick a slut!?"

Mathew tensed looking up at Phillip with a glare of defiance, "I dunno, is she?"

Phillip narrowed his eyes, "Look kid, you watch your fucking step man, and I don't need some little snot-nosed shit dis-respecting me."

Mathew snorted and turned to move past him, "Whatever ass hole."

Phillip growled, and in a flash, had grabbed Mathew by the collar of his shirt, and flung him onto the plastic table, sending him across it, spilling over the punch and food along the way. Mathew gasped, staring at the roof in a state of shock as he slammed onto the ground, scrambling to get to his feet, when he was lifted up, and then felt a crashing slam against his face.

Everything went white, for what seemed like forever to him. He felt another thundering slam against his face, and then was thrown across the room which progressively became loud and hot. He felt sickness, and heavy motion like the floor undulated beneath him: swaying and rocking him like a boat on water.

? ? ?

"Phillip you jack ass!" Devin shouted, running forward and slamming his fist across the face of the drunken wolf, who flung backwards. The dog had no time to recover, barreling making it to his knees when a leather boot slammed into his face, and slung him onto his back.

Chris ran to Mathew, who shuddered on the ground, curled up with blood running out of his nose and lips. Devin, a trained officer, began to slam his fist into Phillip's face before wrapping his arms under Phillip's, lifting them high and dangling the canine from the floor.

"What the hell happened?" Chris shouted at the crowd, which had stopped moving, all eyes turned to the four in the back of the room.

"Something with Tina." One of the girls said, "She tried getting with that kid, and then Phillip came over, and some shit happened."

Chris looked over to his brother who had dropped Phillip to the floor; the canine wheezed and whimpered while Derek ran down the stairs, tripping over his feet, hitting the wall, and rounded the corner.

"What ha--"

"You shut the fuck up!" Chris shouted, "Your piece of shit brother happened!"

Derek froze, sobering up almost instantly at the sight of the crippled dragon, looking up slowly to his also crippled brother. Chris lifted Mathew to his feet, shoving past Derek and guiding him up the stairs and pulling out his cell-phone.

"Everyone shut the fuck up!" Chris screamed, "Party is over, get the fuck out of here!"

The crowd stopped, looking at the two. Chris's brother came up the stairs, guiding Phillip by his mane, and keeping his hands wrapped behind his back.

"Everyone get out." Devin ordered in a stern tone, glaring at Phillip, "You're fucking coming with me you piece of shit." Devin shoved his fist into Phillip's side.

Phillip cried out, dropping onto one leg, but was immediately hoisted up by his mane, and led outside the house. Mathew moaned, and lifted his head up as Chris guided him to the porch, speed-dialing Ewan. He waited for a moment, whipping the sweat from his fore-head as the night air kissed his skin, Ewan's voice coming through moments later.

"Chris? Hey what is up man?"

Chris sighed, "There was an accident."

Ewan stopped mid-step in the parking lot, "What happened?"

"Me, Derek, and Mat went to Derek's house for a party: and Mathew was attacked by Phillip." Chris sighed and looked down, waiting for a reply: but only heard silence, and then a dial tone.

"Shit." He groaned, dropping his cell and turning to Mathew. Mathew was sitting up and holding onto his face, his shoulders shaking and his tail stiff and trembling.

"Mat--are you ok?" Chris began slowly.

Mathew nodded slightly, giving a soft reptilian whimper, "Ewan is going to be so fucking pissed with me."

Chris sat next to him and rubbed his shoulder, "I'll take the blame dude: and Derek will too."

Derek emerged from the door slowly; his ears flattened as he looked at the two with a guild-written face, and opened his mouth to speak.

"Mat--dude, I'm sorry." Derek said looking down, and then away, "He's being put into jail over night for attacking you; I'm going with Devin to meet my parents up there."

Chris glared but nodded, "All right."

Derek looked down at Mathew with a frown, "I'm really sorry dude. . ."

Chapter 3

Fifteen minutes later, after the house had cleared out, Chris and Mathew sat in the kitchen with an ice-pack stuck to the swollen snout. Mathew felt adrenaline and nervousness at that point, shaking with a quivering voice as he spoke quickly and awaited his brother's arrival.

"So, what do you think Ewan is going to do?" Chris began, "Call your parents?"

Mathew shrugged, "I dunno. Probably. Hell I'll be grounded for sure: I just hope he's not super pissed with me."

Chris smirked, "I don't think so. Now if Devin caught me in your situation, holy shit!"

Behind them, a bright pair of lights shinned across the kitchen window, followed by the closing of a door, then the rapid feet of Ewan who ran into the house: stopping to see it was empty and stood confused.

"Mathew?" He called out.

"In here." Mathew called back, diverting his eyes to the table instantly.

Ewan turned, running across the room, still in his uniform of khaki pants and blue-shirt. Mathew looked up a little, two deep bruises and cuts along his snout, his right eye swollen over.

"What happened?" Ewan said as calmly as he could.

"Phillip." Mathew began.

Ewan narrowed his eyes and hissed, "That jack ass is back!?"

Chris nodded, "Yes. Seems one of his chicks got jiggy with Mathew: and guess she can't take a no."

Mathew smirked a little, avoiding Ewan glare.

"All right, well Mathew let's go." Ewan began, "Chris, need a ride home?"

Chris nodded, standing up and walking to the car while Mathew stood up slower, his head down. Ewan wrapped his arms around Mathew and hugged him tightly, sighing and closing his eyes, "Dude I thought there was a major accident."

Mathew hugged Ewan back, "Are you pissed?"

Ewan released Mathew and led him out of the house, "We'll talk about it when we get home."

Mathew hopped into the front seat, resting the ice-bag against his head, while Chris quietly looked ahead of them at the road. The drive home was stagnant, the hum of the car's engine and low volume of the radio made it seem less painful to them three of them. Chris was dropped off, waving to them and jogging into his darkened yard.

Ewan looked down at Mathew, who was still frowning, his face a mix of guilt and pain.

"All right, so what happened?" Ewan began, backing off the dirt road, and onto the smoothly paved street.

"Some chick, I think her name is Tina, tried--you know." Mathew stuttered, "To fuck her."

"And, well, she stuck her hand in my pants: and so I shoved her off. Then Phillip came over, and was all pissed at me."

Ewan nodded, glancing over, "Well, I'm proud to see you choose to not screw some random girl. You need one who won't act like a bitch."

Mathew did not look up, and let out a sigh, "Ewan, can I tell you something?"

"Yeah, sure." Ewan answered slowly.

Mathew took in a deep breath, "The reason I did not fuck her, is because--" Mathew felt his jaw tremble, his tail swaying nervously, "I-I'm gay."

Ewan's eyes went wide, turning to face Mathew he opened his mouth to speak, but was at a loss for words. Mathew looked over at him, and then turned his face to the street.

"And--I know you're gay too." He whispered, "I saw the video you watched on TV last week."

Ewan flinched and stuttered, "W-what!?"

Mathew nodded, "I saw it: Five Dicks One Hole."

Ewan went dark red with flush and discomfiture, gripping the steering wheel tightly with rigid arms.

"Mathew I--" Ewan began, choking on his words, "Wow, what a night this has turned into."

Mathew smiled and laughed lightly, "Yeah, how long did you plan on not telling me dude?"

Ewan looked over with a raised eye-brow, "I could ask you the same question Mathew."

Mathew set the ice pack down and shrugged, "Well, I dunno. I was going to tell you eventually: just not sure."

Ewan nodded, "Well, I was just going to let you find out on your own, if ever."

Mathew looked up, "Does mom and dad know?"

Ewan shook his head, "No."

The car turned into the lot to the house: both brothers stepping out and taking the stone-path to their deck, entering the cool and dark house. Ewan flicked on the lights, pleased to see the place was clean, at least. Mathew lingered in the room with Ewan, his hands in his pockets and his head down, glancing up as Ewan passed him.

"All right, well I'm going to go change." Ewan began.

"So . . . are you going to tell mom and dad?" Mathew asked quickly.

Ewan shook his head, "Nah, what happened wasn't your fault." Ewan smiled at him, walking over and hugging him close, "We'll hang out on the couch tonight, ok?"

Mathew smiled, nodding and hugging Ewan tightly before he left upstairs. Mathew watched Ewan walk off, and then sat down on the couch, taking off his shirt and laying back: the pain in his face had subsided, not much, but the ringing in his ears was gone and so was the throbbing in his snout. He felt lucky Phillip could barely punch, and smirked, What a pussy.

Ewan had changed into loose jeans, and a grey t-shirt, sitting on his bed for a few minutes and checking the messages on his laptop. He glanced at the school-work which was due, and decided he would put it off till tomorrow, more concerned with Mathew for that night.

I can't believe my little brother is a fag to, Ewan said in his head. He laughed, closing his laptop and exiting his room, jogging down-stairs where Mathew lay with his shirt off on the couch. Ewan sat down next to him, picking the remote up.

"So whatcha wanna do?" He began.

Mathew shrugged, "Anything, my back is killing me though. I think Phillip threw me really hard across the table."

Ewan looked over with a frown, "That ass hole better hope I never see him. I'll rip him a new one."

Mathew smiled, "Thanks bro."

Ewan smiled, "Want me to rub your back?"

Mathew looked up unsurely, "Y-yeah." Mathew crawled over his brother's lap, lying on his knees, and tensed when he felt Ewan's hands begin to caress his spine and shoulders. Ewan ran his hands down Mathew's shoulder blades, gently massaging his muscles, dragging his hands down the scaled sides.

Mathew let out a soft moan, closing his eyes and resting his head on his arms, listening to a familiar episode of American dad. He snickered, barely listening to Roger, rumbling as Ewan began to knead at the lower back.

"How does that feel?" Ewan asked, "If it's too hard let me know."

Mathew nodded, flexing as the large hands grazed over his rib-cage, and then under his arms, causing him to twitch, and then relax as they gripped at his neck tenderly. Mathew felt warm in stomach and chest, smiling slightly as his brother tenderly soothed him: and it made him feel a mixture of intimacy and safety.

Minutes began to fly by, Mathew having become so relaxed he had not even noticed it was nearly nine, while Ewan focused on Mathew's back, satisfied to see his brother had become so relaxed.

"Ewan, will you go lower?" Mathew asked in a hushed tone. Ewan responded with the sliding of his hands to his mid-section, wrapping them around his waist slowly, gripping at the young hips. Mathew moaned, turning his head over, resting his jaw on Ewan's pelvis, pressing into it softly.

"Whoa. . . Mathew!" Ewan flinched, "That's a little close."

Mathew didn't say anything, keeping his eyes closed and unmoving. Ewan sighed, laying his hands back down onto his back, continuing to rub tenderly at the lower back. Mathew gently nosed at his stomach and lap, resting one of his hands on his brother's leg, gripping at it tightly.

"Will you go lower?" Mathew asked softly, "Please?"

Ewan laughed slightly, "Um if I go any lower, I'll be grabbing your ass."

Mathew snorted and shrugged. Ewan closed his eyes, resting his hands back on Mathew's waist, sliding his hands slowly up to his legs. He glanced to Mathew' tail; nervously he ran his hands down Mathew's butt, flinching hard when Mathew gripped at his leg again.

"I-I'm sorry." Ewan said, taking his hands away, "Mat, dude I think that's enough."

Mathew whined quietly, "Please?"

He looked up to Ewan, whose scales were flushed, pressing his nose into his brother's stomach and huffing hot air into it. Ewan rested his hands back onto Mathew's outer thighs tentatively, rubbing them gradually, sliding around the hamstrings and then up to his brother's butt: his heart beginning to race out of discomfort.

But, as he began to rub at his brother's rump, Mathew's soft moans and gripping onto his leg relaxed him: and he guessed it was ok for the time being. Mathew opened his eyes slightly, glancing to the zipper and button on his brother's jeans, pressing his nose against them: a solid squeeze being delivered to his rump by his tense brother. Ewan sighed shakily, his hands squeezing at the denim that cover's his brother's legs, running his hands slowly down the thick adolescent tail. Mathew let out another soft moan, and with a firm movement, slid his hand up to his brother's inner thigh.

"Ewan--" Mathew began quietly, his voice shaking.

"Y-yeah?" Ewan took his hands from his brother, "Are you ok?"

Mathew nodded, and then looked up at him, "Will. . . c-can you--I mean, can we. . "

Ewan staggered and, "W-what?!" He said in alarm, "Mathew, dude you're my brother!"

Mathew stared back at him and then looked away with a frown, "I-I know."

Mathew held onto his leg tightly, refusing to move and Ewan though he did try to move away, was stuck under Mathew's chest and hand, and noticed that in his pants, a hardening member.

"Mat, you're my brother." Ewan said slowly, "I don't want to take your virginity: even if you weren't. You need someone your age who--"

"I don't care about that dude!" Mathew interrupted, "You're the best brother anyone could ask for: and, I trust and love you a lot. And, I want to be closer to you."

Ewan blushed, "But that doesn't mean we have to fuck: even though we're gay!"

Mathew snorted and sat up slightly, "If we weren't related, would you?"

Ewan stuttered, "T-that's not the point!"

Mathew sat up, moving onto his knees and facing Ewan whose chest was puffed out, his breathing quick while he looked at his brother in shock.

"Mat, look." Ewan turned to face him, "If--if we weren't related, I might. But, dude, you're asking something freaking huge! And you got beat up tonight: that's just the stress making you want something."

Mathew frowned, "Well, yeah I guess. But no one's ever made me feel safer, or happier. And I doubt I'll find a guy, who does it like you do."

Ewan looked away from Mathew, running his hands down his face and letting out a deep sigh. "Mat, it's not going to happen." Ewan said firmly, standing up and quickly crossing the living room to the stairwell, "I'm going to work early tomorrow, and I'll see you later."

Chapter 3 - Extended

Ewan stretched, opening his eyes slowly as a wave of somnolence washed over him. He sat up on his hand, rubbing his eyes, glancing at the clock, and groaning loudly and rubbing his face.

"Ah fuck, I'm late!" Ewan sat up, snatching his keys from the desk, rushing to change cloths and bolting out his door.

"Mathew I'm off to work!" He called into the living room. There was no response, and Ewan noticed the house was dead-quiet. He stepped around the corner, peering into the living room, which was empty, raising an eye-brow at the houses stillness.

"Mathew?" Ewan turned around, checking Mathew's room which was empty, unturned and neglected as usual. Ewan spun around, checking every other room in the house before running out-side into the bleak and downcast morning, his body kissed by a rush of cold salty air. There were tracks in the sand, leading down their private section of the beach. Ewan hopped over the ledge, jogging through the white sand, shivering at the stark rime air.

"Mathew!" He called, "Where are you!" Ewan ran towards the pier which extended into the ocean: thirty feet beneath them was the reef and ocean: where there was only barely enough shore to walk across.

"Mathew!" Ewan called out, "Are you down there?"

Mathew called something out to Ewan, but the sound of the crashing waves destroyed his voice. Ewan leapt over the side, spreading his wings and gliding down to the shore, where he found Mathew laying on his elbows on a blanket. He didn't look exhausted, the swelling in his face had subsided, and he looked marginally in a good mood: except the deep frown across his lips.

Ewan dropped onto the wet sand and stepped quickly in front of him, looking down at the dragon with confusion.

"Mat, why are you out here?"

Mathew shrugged slightly, "I like it here I guess." He looked up at Ewan, who move onto the sprawled blanket, sitting down next to him, curling up his knees and resting his arms on them.

"I thought you had, like ran away or something." Ewan began slowly.

Mathew frowned deeply, his eyebrows lowering as he glared at the ocean, "Yeah and where would I go? Huh?"

Ewan frowned and turned his face away, crossing his hands together as his mind wandered now. They did not speak, both of them focusing their eyes on the water: Mathew staring at the algae stained wooden pillars, catching site of a few fish that swam through them. He kept his stare from his brother, feeling ashamed, and sick with him-self, and at the same time, wanted only to embrace Ewan and feel that same intimacy he felt the night before.

Ewan glanced to him, closing his eyes, flashes and images of his dream the night before were plastered on the back of his eyes lids: and as hard as he tried to, he could not dismiss the erotic images. Whatever Mathew had said or done, the entire night, Ewan tossed and turn with turmoil: eventually, his body gave in, and he had masturbated in the middle of the night to the thought of his brother.

Ewan took a breath and sighed, pulling his lips back slightly, staring at the white specks of sand over the red fabric. Mathew was not going to say anything, Ewan knew it, when he was this upset he was like a statue: and it could last for hours.

"Mat." Ewan began slowly, taking his eyes up to look into Mathew's green gems.

Mathew looked over, "What's up?"

Ewan looked at him and grabbed his shoulder, "Commere little bro."

Ewan tugged Mathew, who reluctantly moved over to him. Ewan forced Mathew onto his lap, wrapping his arms around the dragon who seized up, and trembled from the cold air.

Ewan turned Mathew onto his side, wrapping his arms around him, and then leaned his snout down, running his hand up Mathew's jaw. Mathew closed his eyes, shaking slightly from the cold, tensing up at the sudden and intimate touch of his brother. Ewan delivered a warm kiss to the cold scales on Mathew's neck, grazing his hand along the t-shirt that covered his chest, rumbling softly.

"E-Ewan?" Mathew whispered, "What are you doing?"

Ewan pressed his nose against Mathew's, breathing softly with nervousness, "Let's go inside Mat: It'd be easier to kiss you if we weren't shivering so much."

Mathew's eye shot open, looking up at his brother who smiled down at him, helping them both to their feet.

"E-Ewan, are you serious?" Mathew stuttered, "You want to--"

"Yeah." Ewan said quickly, cutting off Mathew, "I want you too Mathew: last night, all I did was dream about it."

Mathew blushed, "Y-You did?"

Ewan nodded with a smile, and rested his hands on his brother's shoulders, "Let's go inside, the cold is killing my toes.

Without a moment to spare, Mathew was on his feet beside Ewan, jogging their way around the tall wall of the Beach: and up a semi-steep wooden stair-way.

They entered the house minutes later, having run so fast across the sand it seemed to only take seconds before they reached the sandy deck, and then the warm insides of the house. Mathew trembled from the cold, and from excitement, as he stared at Ewan in bewilderment, anticipation, and as if he were looking at a new male for the first time in his life: in a different way than before.

When Ewan turned around, Mathew felt his brother's hand grab his shoulders, pull him close, and then the snout of the taller dragon slid against his. Mathew gasped, closing his eyes, wrapping his arms around his brother's neck instinctively, opening his lips as the tongue began to press onto his own. Mathew moaned softly, shuddering and trembling; Ewan shared the same excitement, gliding his tongue along his brother's filled him with a satisfaction and lust he had not experienced before.

"Oh my god. . ." Mathew moaned, "E-Ewan holy shit."

Ewan pulled his lips back, laughing, "What?"

Mathew opened his eyes and looked at him in surprise, "Your mouth tastes like mint."

Ewan laughed, "Well I brush my teeth, unlike you."

Mathew snorted, and then ran his hands down his brother's chest, gripping at the slight formation of Pecs and abs, "So, what room do we go to?"

Ewan shrugged, "How about yours? I mean, if you want."

Mathew smiled, his tail swaying behind him slowly with growing excitement, "I-I can't believe this is happened. What made you change your mind?"

Ewan took Mathew's hand in his, leading him across the living room, "I don't know really; I still feel weird about it. But," Ewan smiled, "It doesn't really matter at this point."

In the room they went, Mathew closing the door behind him and flicking on his lamp, while Ewan turned around to face him. Mathew nervously began to undress to his green underwear, while Ewan dropped his jeans to reveal loose boxers, where a thick bulge of balls and cock made Mathew's heart race so hard he nearly collapsed.

"So, h-how do we start dude?" Mathew began shaking. He watched as Ewan moved to the bed, pulling his boxers down to reveal loose, flaccid balls and a foreskin covered cock.

"Ok, well you can suck me off for now: and then I will do it to you too." Ewan said, doing his best to hide the shaking of his voice, "And, then, you can ride me."

Mathew shook, his knees bobbing as he stepped to Ewan, and moved onto his knees, taking deep sniffs of his brother's scent, moaning and trembling at the shoulders. Ewan rested his hand on Mathew's jaw, petting him softly, and at that, Mathew lowers his snout to his brother's groin, giving the genitals soft, timid licks. He heard Ewan moan faintly, and Mathew was too anxious to restrain his temptation, and took his brother's soft cock into his hand, bringing it to his mouth and sucking softly.

"Oh! M-Mathew!" Ewan moaned, "Ooooh, little brother be careful with your teeth."

Mathew softened his sucking, bringing his face all the way into his brother's thighs, licking and sucking at the cock slowly, while he fondled and rolled the thick balls in his hand around. Ewan did not take long to get hard, to Mathew's surprise, and before long he was sucking, and licking, at a long thick cock, throbbing on the top of his tongue: his brother's moans deepening and becoming sporadic.

"Mmmmm," Mathew moaned, his cock so stiff it nearly hurt. His heart had not slowed down, but the anxiety in his stomach vanished: replaced by an ever-lasting lust which drove him to suck the cock harder, taking note to watch the teeth.

"Oh god, Mathew." Ewan moaned, "Little bro, that feels so damn good!"

Mathew smiled, slurping at the head of the thick cock, wiping the saliva away that formed around his lips, and then dragging them down to the round, flaccid ball-sack. Ewan gasped as his brother's tongue grazed them delicately, and Mathew handled them like an adept: sucking each one in his mouth softly, all the while worshipping the scrotum like a professional.

"Mmm, big brother. . ." Mathew moaned softly, "God, you taste so good."

Ewan blushed, his head having rolled back as he rested on his hands, "Mmm, thanks Mat." Ewan lifted his head up, "Have you had enough of that?"

Mathew smiled, nodding and grabbing onto his brother's cock with both hands, fondling it slowly, "I love you Ewan."

Ewan smiled, "I love you too, Mathew." Ewan sat up, running his hands over Mathew's and kissing his nose softly, "Ok, if you are ready, I can suck you, or take you."

Mathew stood up on his quaking knees, nodding slowly, "I want you to take me."

Ewan nodded, "Ok, turn around, let me prepare you."

Mathew trembled and turned around slowly, closing his eyes, tensing up as Ewan spread his legs, lifting his tail up. Mathew gasped when he felt hot breath suddenly wash over his sensitive rump, a hand brush along the taint, and then a warm, slimy appendage crawl along his hole, and inner cheeks. He gasped and gripped is knees, arching his back, spreading his ass instinctively for his brother, who sucked and kissed at Mathew's cream colored hole: forcing his tongue to slip inside.

"E-Ewan," Mathew moaned loudly, "Holy fuck . . . holy fuck that feels good!" Mathew dropped his head, giving steady, constant moans every moment that Ewan sucked at his hole: forcing his thick tongue deep inside of him.

Ewan closed his eyes, huffing and breathing slowly as he tilted his snout left and right, pulling his lips back, and then forcing his snout back into his brother's ass. Every moan from his younger brother sent a shiver down his spine, and his cock throbbed so hard, aching to feel his insides: but Ewan was more content just teasing the dragon. He opened his mouth wider, sliding in another two inches of his tongue, where no more could enter, and swirled it around the hot colon which flexed and tightened around it.

"Ooooh, god, Ewan." Mathew moaned loudly, "Uggh, please take me, brother."

Ewan pulled his tongue out slowly, jerking his cock gently, letting Mathew turn around: the dragon's eyes were glazed over in elation, and his tongue lolled slightly from the new and very intense pleasure his brother gave to him. Mathew was so amorous at that moment, he instantly moved onto Ewan's lap, setting on his knees, and grabbing his brother by the shoulders, looking into Ewan's bright green eyes. Ewan smiled back, running his hands up his brother's round, silky rump, gripping at the cheeks tightly, and slapping one.

Mathew gasped, and grinned, "Heh, Ewan?"

Ewan smirked, "Always had a thing for it."

Mathew smiled, and then looked down at the thick cock, taking in a deep breath and was about to move onto it when Ewan's hand gripped his ass tightly.

"Mathew, wait." Ewan said, "It's going to hurt in the beginning, ok?"

Mathew looked up, "I-it will?"

Ewan nodded, "Yes: you got some lube right?"

Mathew pointed to the dresser, and Ewan pulled out a small bottle, pouring out the clear thick contents quickly onto his cock, greasing it up, and then ran the cool gel along Mathew's underside. Mathew trembled and moaned, quivering at the sudden coldness.

"Ok, go slowly little brother." Ewan said softly, "I don't want you to hurt too much."

Mathew smiled, kissing Ewan softly, as he pressed the thick head onto his hole, the tremors had subsided, and now only anticipation plagued his body. Mathew spread his ass further, his cheeks parting, and in a quick movement, forced in half of his brother's cock.

"Oh-oh f-fuck!" Mathew growled, closing his eyes tightly, digging his nails into Ewan's back and shaking, "H-holy hell that hurts!"

Ewan moaned, closing his eyes, gasping at his brother's tightness and sharp nails digging into his muscles, "I-I said, take it slowly little brother."

Mathew growled, panting, wincing, and whining as he moved up on his knees, the thick cock slipping out of his hole and sending a voltage of paint through his body. Ewan rubbed at his brother's cock softly, relaxing his body, and then tenderly drug his finger's along Mathew's tight hole, kissing over his neck lovingly. Mathew moaned, taking in a breath, and then slid back down onto the cock, groaning in pain, as he slid seven or so inches inside of him: grunting and gasping.

"Uggh--" Mathew grunted, "H-how do I feel?" He asked Ewan, who continued to stroke and jerk his cock.

"You feel way to fucking tight." Ewan moaned with a laugh, "Holy shit Mathew."

Mathew blushed, and then flexed his legs upwards; groaning until he reached the top of his brother's cock, then brought him-self down onto the lap hard, both members releasing loud moans and grunts. Ewan wrapped his hands tightly around the underside of Mathew's legs, propelling his body up and down, while Mathew clung tighter onto him with each impetus of the thick cock into his body: Ewan groaned and drooled slightly. Mathew's cock lurched and throbbed, his chest and stomach heaving, his eyes closed tightly as the intense pain melted into a pleasure unlike anything he had predicted sex would ever feel like. His brother's strong arms did all the work nearly, bringing his cock all the way to the base in Mathew and before Mathew could recoup or breathe, he was hoisted back up, and then brought back down.

"Uggh . . . uggh . . . uggh!" Mathew grunted with each thrust, panting and rolling his head back, "F-fuck me harder Ewan!"

Ewan groaned, growling and stopping for a moment, panting and shaking as his cock surged and throbbed: so swollen he knew that his orgasm was way to close, and he wanted his brother to savor this experience. Ewan cupped Mathew close, turned over, and laid Mathew on his back, bending his legs up, grabbing them from beneath and kissing his brother's warm lips. Mathew lay back, closing his eyes, holding onto his brother's tense biceps, groaning loudly as Ewan continued to drive his cock deep into him.

Minutes began to turn into half an hour, Mathew had been fucked for so long his virgin hole had stretched and formed around the broad cock that penetrated him so fiercely it rocked him, and his bed back and forth. Over him, Ewan grunted and growled now in lust, burying his snout into Mathew's neck as he flexed his hips back and forth, driving his cock as deep as he could: pausing ever so often to prolong his orgasm inside Mathew.

"E-Ewan." Mathew moaned, "B-brother, will you cum in me?"

Ewan opened his eyes, slowing down for a moment, "A-am I taking too long, Mat?"

Mathew moaned and opened his eyes, "No, I just want to be claimed by you."

Ewan blushed, and ran his hand down Mathew's jaw, "You'll be mine, forever then Mathew."

Mathew smiled, leaning up to kiss his brother's lips, "And that is how I want it."

Ewan, grinned, slamming his cock back inside his brother hard: laying flat on him, his balls slapping hard against his brother's rump. Mathew's cock alternated from hardness to softness, leaking pre-ejaculate onto his chest in a copious puddle; something he had never seen it do before. Mathew's cock became so sensitive; it drove him mad when his brother's abdomen grazed it, the thick chest muscles squeezing it tightly in a never-ending brush. After long, it became too much for his virgin body, and before Mathew could even realize it, he was cumming over him-self, and his brother.

"E-Ewan!" Mathew cried out in ecstasy, growling and roaring as his cock pumped his white seed across their chests, spurting over Mathew's neck and snout.

Mathew moaned and gasped; his hold on Ewan weakening as he collapsed back on the bed. Ewan growled and smiled, turning his head to the right, shuddering as his cock throbbed harder and harder, his growls and grunts increasing in speed, as did his thrusts which smeared the cum over their abdomens.

"Mathew, I'm about to cum!" Ewan growled, grunting and slamming his dick as hard as he could into his brother several times, wrapping his arms around Mathew's back and holding him as tightly as he could. Ewan huffed, panted, thrust, and then, without warning, let out a massive roar, staggering as his hot cum began to surge out of his dick. Mathew gasped, closing his eyes and smiling, panting as he feel spurts of a hot liquid begin to spill inside of him: his brother's beating hard and drool against his chest and neck, and the thick arms locking him in place. Ewan grinding his cock along Mathew's insides, caking his colon with the thick wads of seed and waited until his cock had softened before pulling out of him.

Ewan pulled his cock out, letting the sticky and coated member droop against his young brother's hole: which was hot, and pulsing from its fierce work-out. Mather panted and turned his head weakly to Ewan, barely having the strength to open his eyes, or hold onto his brother's hand even.

Ewan tucked a pillow underneath of them, wrapping a blanket over the two. The room's atmosphere was thick with the smell of seed, saliva, and musk: which both brothers basked in for half an hour, the time it took either to have the strength to say anything.

Ewan was firs to open his lips, and whisper to Mathew, "I love you, little brother."

Mathew smiled, opening his eyes, and looked to Ewan, "Mmm, I love you too Ewan. Are you going to go to work still?"

Ewan shook his head, "No, fuck it. I'm staying here with you." Ewan ran his hand down Mathew's sticky chest, licking at some of the seed, making Mathew giggle as he moved closer to his ribs.

"Heh! Come on Ewan!" Mathew laughed, "I'm too tired to kick your ass."

Ewan smirked, turning onto his side, and pulling Mathew close to his chest, and sighed softly. Mathew rubbed his brother's arms slowly, his breathing slow and light. A thought crossed his mind, and he looked up at Ewan with some worry.

"Ewan, are you going to stay my boyfriend?" Mathew asked slowly.

Ewan nodded, "As long as you want me. You're my brother, and my mate: I don't think I could live without one or the other."

Mathew blushed, his heart racing a little bit as he lay his head down, closing his eyes, "Thanks Ewan."

Ewan smiled and nodded, then smirked widely, "You're buying lunch."

Mathew groaned, "God damn you."

Ewan smiled, and kissed him on the lips, "Come on let's go take a shower." Ewan stood up from the bed, helping his brother walk to his shower, and began to gently wash at the younger red dragon.

Chapter 4 - Epilogue

Ewan and Mathew sat together on the couch, holding one another tightly as they enjoyed re-runs. Their parents return home was delayed by another week, and both brothers, in that time, had more sex then they could even imagine possible, spent many nights by the beach. The next week flew by, and both brothers happily greeted their mother and father home: speaking nothing about the events that took place while they were gone. Mathew came up with a story, as to why he wanted his room moved upstairs, next to Ewan's: and in the next two days, found him-self sneaking into his brother's room every night.

Ewan rolled over, opening the covers to his bed as his nude brother slipped under, and then clung onto him tightly. Their parents never noticed what happened, and with them always absent anyways, neither had much worry about being discovered. They had all ready discussed to their parents they would live together when Mathew was 18, and the parents happily accepted the idea: which was a major relief to both of them.

"So, Mathew." Ewan began, holding his brother's waist who sat on top of his pelvis, "What do you want for your birthday?"

Mathew shrugged, "I haven't given it much thought. Maybe that new Guitar Hero game."

Ewan groaned, "No. Hell no!"

Mathew laughed, and leaned down to kiss Ewan's chest, moaning softly, "No seriously, I want it."

Ewan frowned, "Fine: but if you blare it in the morning, I'm not letting you even near my cock."

Mathew frowned and huffed, "Dick."

Ewan grinned, "Ass."

Mathew snorted, "Dick-ass."

Ewan laughed, "Which one you want first?"

Mathew laughed and smirked, "Ok, ok. Fine, I won't blast it through the house." Mathew ran his hand down Ewan's chest gently, "I guess when I live with you, and I won't get to anymore."

Ewan let out a sigh of relief, "Thank god."

Mathew rolled his eyes, and then moved onto his side next to Ewan, and slid his leg between Ewan's, and wrapped an arm over him, "I love you Ewan: good night."

Ewan smiled, and tightened his lock around Mathew, "I love you too Mathew: I'll see you in the morning."

Dragon Uncle Incest

. Lovers Anonymous- Dragon Uncle Incest Keith and Eric Sekira 10/27/2010 Chapter 1 - Pilot Eric yawned, his arms crossed over his chest, closing his eyes as bright sunlight penetrated from the canopy above: glaring against the luminous...

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