A boy and his H.O.G. (Hot Old Guy) A Biker Story

Story by Kaard on SoFurry

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A Boy and His H.O.G. (Hot, Old Guy)

The big man hit the asphault with a heavy thud. He tasted blood. He hurt all over. But more than his body aching his pride was hurt. He couldn't get a single hit on this rotten little spit-fuck! "There was no need to attack me like that... I just said that you were hot, Baby-Bear.... " The bastard had the gall to smile while he stood over the larger stud! The big man's snarled words were killed as the boy's boot was pressed on the man's big bulge. the man gulped and looked up at this superboy. He didn't want to beg, but this was the one part of him that didn't have a bruise given by the man. This was one of only two bits the boy hadn't marked as his own. "P-please..." "Mm? 'Please' what...?" Boy asked. He pressed the boot down, sending a shock of pain through the man's body, and dragging a high-pitched yelp from his lips. "L-let me go..." Man said through gritted teeth. "Please let me go!" Boy smiled. "Hmm... maybe. But first except your compliment: Say you're cute. A cute big ol' teddy bear...<3" Man balked, flabberghasted. A word boy doubted Man knew. "But I can't! I'm No-aaaAAAAHHHGH!" He grits his teeth again to bite back the rest of the yell. Boys boot presses down hard. Man grabs boy's leg to try to lift it off. He stops when Boy digs his toe in, and simply holds the leg. "Please... Please...." Boy rolls his eyes. "You're not gonna cry, are you?" Boy leans over to pet the big Man's head. "You don't have to. Just say 'I'm a cute big ol'-" "T-teddy... Bear..." Man mutters. "Mmm?" Boy rubs one of Man's ears between his thumb and forfinger. "I didn't quite catch that..." Man's body tingles. Maybe he took more damage than he though? "I'm a teddy Bear! A cute, big ol' Teddy Bear!" He looks up into Boy's face, trying to hold back tears. "Get offa me... Please..." "But why would I do that? You're enjoying so much... Would it not be cruel to stop now?" Man's eyes nearly bug out of his head. He... He's getting hard! Hard enough to actually raise the boot up! He... He'd NEVER been this turned on before! "WHY?! G-get offame!" Boy grins and presses harder. Man feels his balls straddle his cock's base. Man claws at the Boy's leg, trying to avoid completely crushing his equipment. Man moans... and not entirely in agony either. This is too embarrassing! He thought, Why? Why here? Like this? With this DUDE?! Boy rubs his foot hard up and down the confined shaft. Watching this toy of a man writhe and moan like a dance-floor-fingered bitch, seeing worlds of promise. He grips his own cock. Man moans loader, no longer aware that he's out in the middle of public. No longer caring that someone might see him this way. "Stop it... I can't... I can't t-take it!" Man cried out. "Please... Let Teddy C-cum..." Boy's eyes widen. He knows how to beg? Fascinating. I bet he's made others beg while ruining them with this log under my foot... But I bet this pig also let them cum the first time they asked, devouring instead of savoring... That tears it: "O.k. Teddy. You can cum. But at my place." Boy lifts his foot. The releif of pressure is amazing; almost enough to make Man cum then and there... almost. "Wait... c-come back..." Man falls silent as he touches his swollen, sore, battered, but still hard boner. He clams up, still trying to retain some dignity. Boy lifts a long toned leg over a bike, a real monster of a chopper too! "Come. You ride bitch." He says, patting the back of the seat. Man slowly rises, feeling like this is a dream, or like he's watching this happen to someone else. He stumbles forward and obeys, sitting in the bitchseat. Boy sits hard on Man's bulge. Man groans and holds Boy's waste. His grip tightens as the Hog roars to life, vibrating Boy's ass against man's cock. Man feels his hands guided to an impressive feeling boner. Knowing what this dom wants, he starts to slowly, clumsily, work the shaft almost automatically. As if being rubbed instead, the bike's purr spikes, then Boy, Bike and Bitch ride off into the night.

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