The Fox's Master Ch. 5 -Time To Play

Story by Saine on SoFurry

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#5 of The Fox's Master

Disclaimer: No kids, Don't get pissed off by my ideas, and my story isn't copywritten so I don't care if it's stolen. Enjoy.

Sasha & Rei's day of relaxation didn't last long. The next day the girls woke up at their normal time, and got out from under their covers.

Sasha looked to Rei. "Well, back to the grind, so to speak." Rei just smiled.

They got up and walked to the bathroom together. Sasha turned the knob on the white tub, the water rushed from the nozzle. Together they laid down in the tub facing each other. Rei's grin returned while facing her lover, Sasha could only blush. After a few minutes, the tub was filled. Rei smiled and grabbed the shampoo bottle, she poured a small amount into her hand, leaned forward, and began rubbing it into Sasha's shoulders. Rei's nipples grazed Sasha's breasts. Sasha smiled from the attention.

"Turn around and let me rub it into your back." Rei commanded in a soft tone. Sasha complied with her mistress. Sasha faced the tub nozzle while Rei massaged the strawberry scented shampoo into her back.

Sasha arched her back. "Ohhh. That feels good." Rei smiled at the compliment. Rei rubbed at Sasha's tough stress knots, the shampoo rubbed it's scent deep into Sasha's fur. With a rinse they swapped directions and Sasha began to rub green apple shampoo into Rei's fur.

"Sorry I'm not better at this." Apologized Sasha, while massaging the wolf's back.

"Don't be silly, your doing... Ohhhh.... great." Rei said panting at the end. They rinsed off and began to finish off the rest of their bodies. Rei smiled while watching the vixen wash her slit and breasts. Sasha looked up and smiled, and looked down embarrassed

Rei smiled. "After all this time and you're still embarrassed by my wandering eye."

"It's hard not to be nervous while such a hot wolf is staring at you." Sasha said grinning.

They got out and dried each other off. Sasha shivered as Rei rubbed the soft towel over the vixens soft belly fur. "That feels good Rei."

"I could guess by the way you're smiling." She replied.

Sasha and Rei each shaved themselves really quickly, apparently, someone left a second razor in the medicine cabinet. After that they left the bathroom and headed to the closet to dawn their new uniforms. The closet door opened and in it hung two different suits. The one with a velvet collar embroidered with Sasha's name was, practically the same as before but the straps on the arms and legs were connected by refined black leather, fitted with weights, and now had the old crotch covering removed in favor of a small underwear-less skirt.

The other, was a suit made mostly of thin latex, connected over the main piece was various belts, straps, and a spiked leather collar with bold silver letters spelling the word "BITCH" on it. Around the neck was also a silver ring gag. The arms of it lead down to a pair of gloves with conjoined fingers. The latex suit had a few zippers and pockets along it. In a pocket on the back was a card.

Dear Bitch,

This is your new uniform. Wear it proud, it tells everyone who sees it that you are a Bitch. And, should be treated as one. You will serve anyone who sees it as your current master, pleasure them fully to their personal desires.


Rei handed the card to Sasha and pulled the suit off the hanger. "Why does he give us such different uniforms?"

Sasha finished scanning the card and looked back. "Uh... Variety?"

Sasha pulled her new, heavy, pile of straps off the hanger and slowly put it on. Her legs fit through the loops of the straps and weights, her arms slid through too. She snapped the clasps around her full bust and stood for a second getting used to the added weight. She noted an assortment of multi-sized rings along the straps.

"Sasha? Will you help me put it on?"

"Uh, Okay." Rei put her legs into what appeared to be a pair of latex socks, and stretched the latex over her arms. Rei shivered when she saw zippers along the crotch and nipples her uniform. The suit was made for access and the pull of a zipper, but also not to catch fur or skin. Her hands reached the gloves and slid in place. Sasha pulled the zipper up her back, careful not to catch her fur, and locked it in place with the Spike collar. Sasha and Rei began connecting the tight belts and straps across her body. Rei felt the suit squeezing her body in every place she could feel, the cold latex covering everything but her headfur. Along the back of the suit and in circles around the knees and elbows were strong rings connected to the suit at the reinforced joints and back. The ring gag hung around her neck connected to the collar.

Sasha stepped back and stared at the curves emphasized by the suit Rei wore. Rei took a step and shivered when the tight rubber latex shifted across her body. "Whoa, is this intense." Rei said.

Sasha looked at the clock. "Well it's time to go." The two in their new uniforms knocked on their door.


Jerry the bear opened the door. The rhino stood behind him. Jerry smiled. He handed cups and pills to the ladies. "Swallow them." He commanded in a strong tone. They did as told. The bear smiled again. "Good, now on your knees' Bitch." Rei looked at the bear confused. "I said Down!" Rei got down on all fours, and stood in front of the bear.

The rhino sat Sasha down, giving space to the bear and wolf. The bear undid his belt and with a clack his pants fell to the floor. A large bear dick bobbed in front of the fox's muzzle. "Use teeth and you're dead. Now open wide." Rei sat there paralyzed. The rhino slapped her ass making the wolf squeal. The bear seized the opportunity to shove his pecker into Rei's mouth, filling it. Rei's eyes watered, with the musky bear cock in her mouth. The bear humped her face a few times, Rei's drool ran down the sides of her face, she couldn't hardly swallow with the large dick in her mouth.

The rhino stood behind the bear and watched his tailhole open and close with each thrust. The rhino grinned while he undid his pants. He stepped out of his pants and put his cock to the bear's tailhole. Sasha just sat there covering her mouth while the rhino thrust into the bear. The Bear yipped with a surprised, but not an unpleasant squeal. Every thrust the rhino took caused the bear to slam into the wolf. Tears ran from Rei's eyes as the gay males fucked, with her sucking on the bear.

Sasha could only watch the spectacle in front of her. She sat there helplessly, and admittedly aroused. The rhino sped up, slamming the bear into Rei's mouth. The bear began to grunt with each thrust. Each penis slammed into their tiny holes forcefully. Most of the Precum slid down Rei's throat, but plenty combined with her drool forming a puddle on the floor. The bear grabbed at the breasts of the wolf through the latex. Rei gave a high-pitched howl, when the strong paws grabbed her orbs.

Sasha touched her slit under her skirt, it was already wet. She knew her lover was being raped, but she just got off to it. Sasha's middle and ring finger pressed in, she let off a sigh of relief. Rei's eyes were shut tight, the grunts from the males overpowered Sasha's sighs of pleasure. Rei's tongue slid across the bottom of the cock, she felt her lips stretching. Despite the humiliation, she started to drip from her cunt. Sasha could smell Rei's arousal, and could see her disgust. She stopped touching herself and crawled to Rei's behind.

"OhhhhHHhh" Rei moaned around the cock. Sasha pulled on a zipper covering her crotch, it was designed not to catch any fur. Sasha then licked up and down the wolf's slit, collecting the fluid from her cunt. Sasha's tongue pressed past the outer labia, Sasha tasted her lover's juice from the inside. Rei's nectar poured from her slit, she was relived that Sasha was there to help her.

The rhino looked down at the fox happily. "Looks like we should rap this up." Sasha increased her speed, lapping up the juice. After a few moments of sucking, blowing, licking, and thrusting, Sasha took out her tongue and found Rei's clit. Rei moaned loud at the new attention, and her moan excited the rhino.

The rhino began to pant, and the bear began to sweat. The rhino slammed into the bear over and over, his grey body hulking over the large bear. The Bear's eyes closed, his breathing becoming more apparent. The rhino smiled and with a few more humps he cummed deep into the bear. With the rhino pouring his seed in him the bear pulled out of Rei and, to her humiliation, cummed all over her face. Sasha grabbed Rei's shoulders, pulled her back and gave her a hug. The rhino pulled out and the bear, and the bear took a few steps back and fell on his ass. The rhino took a towel he had by the door and cleaned himself off. When the rhino finished up he threw it to Rei.

"Clean yourself up, your escort just arrived."

They looked down the hall and saw a naked white rabbit waking over to them carrying a leash.


Sasha licked the cum off her lips as the bunny approached. It was the same one as before, the one Rei came with. Sasha stared at the white rabbit's eyes. The beautiful blue eyes were soiled by a silent hate and disgust. Sasha looked at Rei. She didn't recognize her. Rei looked at the rabbit as if she had never seen her before, but rather than with indifference, Rei's look was of fear. Rei was afraid of being dominated. She was staring at the leash.

Sasha couldn't believe it, not even a week and the once, weak looking rabbit held a dominant stance before her Rei.

"Clean yourself, now." The rabbit said coldly. Rei looked at the towel, then looked at the bear as he was leaving with the rhino. She looked back at the towel, and wiped the cum from her face. After a moment or, two Rei was finished. The rabbit pushed the wolf onto her back. "From now on, you have to ask to be unzipped, Bitch." With her other hand she reached forward and pulled the metal zipper up fast. If it wasn't for the special zipper, she would have been caught for sure.

The bunny pulls the ring gag from her neck and stuffs it into her mouth. After pulling it uncomfortably tight, she tightened it on the back of her collar. Rei whimpered around her gag while the leash clipped on a ring on the collar. Rei began to get up but, the rabbit pushed her on her stomach with her foot.

"Bitches don't walk on two legs, Bitch." That was it, tears streamed down Rei's face. She was forced to walk down the hall like a feral. The rabbit started to walk without paying any attention to Sasha at all. Sasha looked around, and decided it would be best to follow her leashed mistress. Rei walked humiliated, the bunny had an evil smile, while watching the wolf sob and cry the whole way there, it was not too unlike Michael's. They arrived at the door to Michael's bedroom, the intimidating white door stood there. After three sharp knocks, the rabbit opened the door.

The evil male wolf sat in his chair wearing only boxers, smiling at his sister's gaged mouth and red eyes. He stood up and took a few steps over. "Well, someone is on the other side of the leash isn't she?" Rei didn't understand. "But, you wouldn't know anything about that would you?" He smiled. The wolf grabbed his sister's chin and looked into her eyes. He saw a broken hurt wolf, she was nothing like his annoying, controlling sister. "It doesn't take much to break you does it?" Rei looked down ashamed. Sasha sat on the floor, still with no attention. Michael gave a long lick up the side of Rei's cheek. Rei felt used and disgusting for some reason, but she couldn't put her finger on it.

Michael stopped for a moment. "Oh, tala dear why don't you drain the slut of her milk for me, she's probably past due." Sasha looked wide eyed at the use of her former name on the white rabbit. "Put her tasty milk on ice and we'll have it for lunch." Tala the rabbit nodded. Michael went back to groping her latex-covered Bitch.

Tala looked at Sasha. "Unbutton yourself Slut." Sasha snapped off the straps, and let her breasts lay natural on her chest. Tala grabbed Sasha's breast and squeezed roughly. Beads formed on her heavy breasts. Tala pulled a familiar plastic bucket from Michael's table. "Ready?" Sasha nodded.

The rabbit grabbed a hold of both nipples at the same time and roughly pulled her in the direction of the bucket. Sasha heard the sloshing sound of her milk hitting the side of the bucket. Her nipples were so sensitive after the milk machine the day before yesterday. The pleasant feeling of her releasing the pressure was even stronger, it was orgasmic. Her cunt became wet, and dripped into her skirt.

Her arms and legs became weak from the added weights. The fur on the back of her head was on fire, tingling from her stimulation. Sasha stared at the bucket filling with her milk. After thirty seconds, the milk still refused to slow it's release, she had been pent up, not having a thorough milking in days. After the bucket had filled about three fourths full, Sasha reached climax, with a loud moan cum soaked her skirt. She couldn't stand anymore, she collapsed next to the bed on her stomach, and slapped her breasts on the carpeted floor. Sasha's spine tingled, and the last of her milk leaked on the floor.

Tala looked to Michael. "Looks like your milk cow has had enough." She stepped behind Sasha and slipped her hand down her slit, under her skirt. The rabbit covered her hand in Sasha's juice and put as much as she could into the milk bucket. Tala grinned maliciously and looked down at Sasha. "For flavor."

Michael had been touching Rei just to see she reacted for the last few minutes. He squeezed her breast and looked at Tala. "Leave her, Ice the milk and do whatever, I don't care."

"Thank you Master." She said humbly.

Michael's hands slid up Rei's sides. He stared into her eyes, he saw none of the strength he normally saw in her. He smiled. "Get ready Bitch, this will be fun." He rubbed Rei's latex-covered breasts, each touch moved the entire suit across her fur. He pulled three zippers, the two covered her breasts and the one guarding her slit. The holes opened wide, the latex released some of the pressure on the rest of her body. Michael pinched her nipples softly, and was rewarded by soft moans from his sex toy.

Michael got up and removed his boxers. His red cock was at full attention. "You don't know how long I've wanted this." He put his cock to her mouth and slipped it through the ring gag. The wolf pinned her arms with his legs and began to fuck her face. Rei couldn't even struggle the wolf cock slid easily into her mouth. Sasha laid collapsed where she fell earlier, the heavy weights still holding her down. Rei didn't know why, but she felt even worse than she did when her mouth was fucked by the rhino. Rei already tasted salty pre on her tongue. Michael was enjoying himself.

Michael stopped and pulled out. "If you don't struggle, I'll let you take of the gag." He said smiling. "Is it a deal?" Rei nodded, she didn't want the taste of cold metal in her mouth. Michael removed the gag and put it back around her neck. Michael put his dick to her mouth and rested it on her lips. "Lick me." He commanded. Rei was humiliated, but she held on. She lapped at the dick in front of her, the salty juice slicked her lips. "Good, now suck it." She put her mouth around his member up to the slightly formed knot at the base. She massaged the bottom of his prick with her tongue. Michael moaned, the concept of incest was more arousing to him than his blowjob was.

Rei sucked on the hard dick in her mouth. More and more pre slid down her throat. Michael sped up. Rei's mouth was abused, and her lips were chapped and raw. Michael stopped when his knot touched her mouth.

He pulled out and stood up. "Bitch, face away from me spread your legs and present yourself to me. He grinned as she complied. The delicate pink of her cunt was opened slightly and Michael wanted to think it begged to be filled."

Sasha closed her eyes, she didn't want to look while her lover was taken by her own brother. Tala softly kicked Sasha in the side. Sasha looked up. "Slut, clean my feet." She sat on the bed and a large rabbit paw was put to her face. "Clean it good, I want you to get up and lick everything from every toe." Sasha looked down at the bunny's foot in front her, Sasha never realized it before but they were really big. Sasha let go of her dignity once again, and licked between Tala's toes.

Michael stepped behind Rei and sniffed in her arousal. Rei shivered when she felt the cold nose pressed against her cunt. Michael gave it a few licks, then got up and pressed his cock to her slit. He pressed forward, then stopped. He felt a membrane in his sister. "Bitch? Are you a virgin?" Tears rolled down her face, the lesbian had never taken a male before. "Oh! This is good!" Michael said. "I get to take your virginity too!" With a sharp thrust Michael broke Rei's membrane.

Rei screamed in pain, the hymen was broken without any pleasure, only pain struck the female wolf. Sasha stopped her licking when she heard the news, and Rei's scream, she looked at her mistress in pain, and began to cry. Michael was filled with pure ecstasy he thrust deep into his sister, a huge smile on his face. His dick slid in and out easily with Rei's bloody lubricant. Rei's cunt was stretched wide, she had never had anything that deep before. The flow of pre steadily increased and slid down her tunnel. The pain began to slip away, replaced with pleasure. Rei began to pant, she had never even used a dildo long enough to break her hymen, and now she was being taken by a large male wolf.

Both the wolves' panting increased, the male's knot now slapped at Rei's entrance, his knot stretching her cunt a little with each thrust. With a hard thrust he slammed his knot through her entrance and his balls slapped against her slit. With a loud moan from both wolves, they both cummed, their juice puddled on the floor. They laid on their sides in the puddle still tied.

Tala was not amused that Sasha had stopped her licking. She slapped her in the face with her foot. "Get back to work slut!" Sasha shut her red eyes and began licking the rabbit's foot again. Her tongue traveled between each toe, dirt and sweat unpleasantly clung to her tongue. "Swallow it!" Tala commanded. Sasha gulped down the disgusting dirt between her toes. Tala began to touch herself. Her left hand grazed over her own breasts, and her other rubbed along her slit. The rabbit slipped a few fingers into her cunt.

"Good, now suck on my pinkie toe." Sasha put the disgusting furry toe into her mouth, and sucked on it a bit. "Ohhh, good." Tala lifted her foot away from the fox and held the pad in front of Sasha's face. "Now take long licks down the pads." Sasha did as told and took a long lick up the bottom of her foot. The sweat clung to her tongue, Sasha felt she couldn't be humiliated anymore after the first day but she was proven wrong. The stimulation of the rabbit's foot apparently really turned her on, because in no time she cummed hard on the side of Michael's bed.

"Ohhhhhh,... and that was only one foot." Tala switched feet and Sasha began on her next task.

Michael's knot finally released his sister. Rei sat there shivering, The ruber-covered wolf was cold. Michael smiled. "I love this part." He pulled a dildo from his table, stuck it in his sister, and zipped up all of the used zippers. Rei moaned, but her body was too weak to try to stop it. Rei felt the gooey cum trapped in her cunt, sealed by the long dildo.

"Tala! Come clean me up." The wolf commanded. Sasha was relived seeing the rabbit get up. Tala walked to her master and eagerly took the cock into her mouth. She licked up and down the length, she wanted every drop the bitch's and her master's cum, from her master's cock. She sucked the cock and made disgusting slurping noises eagerly taking everything she could.

Michael looked to Sasha. "She's much better at this than you are slut." At the comment the rabbit began to wave her ass back and forth in the air, she was pleased at the comment. Michael began to hump the bunny's face. Sasha could hear the rabbit slurping down the pre, she was obviously trained to swallow with things in her mouth. Michael pounded his dick in the bunny's mouth, faster and faster, until he cummed. Tala squeaked in delight when he cummed, she sucked down every drop, nothing escaped her lips. Michael pulled out, his cock coted in saliva. Tala bent over and began to lick Michael's feet.

There was a knock at the door. "Come in." Michael said.

A rhino walked in. "Yes sir, what do you need?"

"Hook the Bitch to the wall." He pointed to a wall Sasha just noticed, it was covered in hooks.

"Yes sir." He lifted the dazed Rei and hooked the rings of her suit to the wall three feet off the floor.

"That's it."

"Yes sir." The rhino left the room.

Michael got in the bed and pulled up the covers. Tala smiled, she went over to the table and pulled out a collar with a small chain on it. She hooked one end around the corner of the bed and the collar around Sasha's neck.

"Slut, I'm gonna go back to bed with master. Your job is to clean my feet. I'm a light sleeper so I'll know if you stop. My feet better be drenched when I wake up, or she'll be punished" she Pointed to Rei and got under the covers, her arms draped around Michael's chest. Sasha climbed under the covers and began to soak the rabbit's feet.

Tala rubbed her foot against Sasha. "Good night, my little sex toy." Sasha closed her eyes and got back to work.


Scroll to skip boring author blah, blah.

I'm sorry this one took so long. I had trouble scheduling time for this. I like how it came out. I was able to develop the rabbit finally. She has a thing for feet. :) I also finally put in the thing people have wanted since the second chapter, incest. I put in A LOT of sex in this one. I hope I didn't over do it. As always please give me feed back I want to see how everyone liked this chapter. Thanks for reading -Ark

The Fox's Master Ch. 6 -Training

Disclaimer: No kids, Don't get pissed off at my ideas, Yes, my grammar sucks I know. Please, enjoy. Sasha felt suffocated. All she could smell was the scent of Michael's sweat and the rabbit's cum covered slit. Sasha was forced to continue on the...

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The Fox's Master Ch. 4 -New Developments

Disclaimer: No kids, Don't get pissed off, Steal away, I don't care. I suck at grammar, don't need reminders. Please enjoy. Sasha woke in Rei's arms. Under the covers of her room she felt a dildo still plugging her. She moved Rei's arm and got out...

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The Fox's Master Ch. 3 -Unwanted Outcomes

Disclaimer: Lock the kids in the closet, If your eyes start to bleed it's not my fault, I know I have grammar issues so I don't need a reminder, go ahead and steal it if you want, not copywritten so I don't care. I hope you like the direction. Also,...

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