To Love a Snake, Part 2

Story by Hinny Mule on SoFurry

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My stories are copyrighted, so NO takee!! This one is a pretty graphic vore story, with bestiality as well. A follow up 'request' to the original 'To Love a Snake' story. Be warned, NO kiddies!

To Love a Snake, Part 2

By William W. Kelso

The snake moved slowly through the underbrush, and despite its very large size it moved with almost no noise, its thick body sliding over the ground easily with only the faintest rustle. It was hunting, but not just for food, it had learned to satisfy another need as well.

It had been over forty years since it had been released into the Everglades as a six foot youngster, but now it was close to thirty feet long, and it had been a long time since frogs and other small prey could satisfy its appetite. For awhile stray dogs and cats had sufficed; or the occasional wild pig or deer, but now even they were no more then a snack. But it had long ago found another prey, one that was very common, weak, and easy to swallow and digest at it had no fur or scales, no horns or sharp hooves that might cause internal damage.

Then several years ago one of the prey animals had somehow become the snakes mate as well, giving it incredible pleasure as it experienced a sexual coupling for the first time in its life, a need it had been driven to satisfy by the animals cooperation and willingness. It had devoured the animal afterward, and had also found that the prey was even more enjoyable to eat while it was still alive, so it no longer constricted its prey to death first, at least that particular prey. But now it knew it could also satisfied its sexual needs as well before eating its prey, if the prey was a female, which was most often the case as it was attracted to females by their scent, associating it with sexual pleasure as well as food now. By clinical standards; if you could psychoanalyze a reptile, the snake probably had mental problems, but it didn't know that, or most likely would not have cared if it did. All it knew was it could satisfy two needs at the same time in a very pleasurable way, at least for the snake.

The snake had quite a large territory, though it spent most of its time deep in the Everglades where humans seldom ventured. But it usually did most of its hunting now in the small towns or the large city bordering the great swamp. It had remained undetected by hunting largely at night, and only taking prey that was alone and isolated. It fed about one a month, and since it hunted over such a wide area the disappearances had been attributed to other causes, such as runaways, lost in the swamp, etc. No one had a clue as to what was really happening; and with so many other people disappearing; or turning up dead from a variety of means, its victims vanished into the statistics. It also helped that it left no evidence behind, it's prey reduced to a few pounds of excrement by its powerful digestive system. And of course no one even thought for a second that a huge snake might be responsible for some of the disappearances. An alligator or crocodile; maybe, but a snake?? Naw, they didn't get that big!

Normally the great reptile would avoid the strange nests the prey animals lived in. They were fairly hard to get into, and often there were several of the animals in each nest. The snake was old enough to know it didn't want to be caught feeding by other animals, but an enticing scent wafted to it on a faint breeze, and it turned towards the only lit window in the back of a small house, tongue flicking at is tasted the air. The scent reminded it of its first 'mate', and it gave a soft hiss of lust and anticipation as it began to move faster.

Clarita was excited, she had the whole house to herself, and her boyfriend was coming over later. Her mother had gone to Miami to stay with her grandmother; who was sick again, but Clarita had to stay because of her job. She'd told her mama with a perfectly serious face that she'd 'behave' and 'no boys'! But of course as soon as mama had left she'd called Rudy, and he was as anxious as her to come over and spend the night. She was no virgin, but this would be the first time a boy had slept in her own bed, and the other times had been pretty much quickies in the back of a car or at school. So she was looking forward to a long night of intense sex. But Rudy had to work late at his lame job, so it would be after dark before he got there. She figured she had another three or four hours, but decided to start to get ready. She wanted to be hot and sexy for Rudy, he was a real hunk.

It hadn't gotten much cooler since the sun went down, so she left the window to her bedroom open, the screen would keep out the bugs. Without AC it took more than the ceiling fan to keep the house a little cooler on the inside, but she was pretty used to the heat. She turned the radio to her favorite station, and as the music played she stripped and looked at herself in the mirror. At nineteen she had a nice ripe body, her conical breasts nice and firm with big nipples, waist narrow, her hips nicely shaped. Her mound was fairly raised with a thick thatch of black shiny pubic hair, the pink lips of her pussy barely peaking through. She was hot, and knew it, and hoped she wouldn't get plump later like mama. She spun around; liking what she saw in the large full length mirror, and then went into the bathroom for a nice cool shower. Though she was used to the heat and humidity she was still sweating, and she wanted to be nice and clean for Rudy. He was the best of the three serious boyfriends she'd had, and was the best for sex. She'd been thinking about his coming over all afternoon, and her panties had become soaked with her sexual fluids as she fantasized, thinking about having his cock inside of her. Mama didn't like him, but he'd already fucked her a few times, and she liked the way he made her feel, like a real woman instead of the little girl her momma still thought she was. She turned up the radio and hummed to the loud music as she took her shower.

The snake moved closer to the house, slowly and cautiously. It stopped to raise its head a few times, looking around and tasting the air with its tongue. The backyard of the house had lots of bushes and there was good cover, so the snake moved closer. It could smell the prey inside the house, the scent coming from the brightly lit window. The scent was that of one of the female prey animals it mated with; then devoured, but was much more intense than normal, which excited the large serpent. He raised his head up to the window and looked in, but to his disappointment there was no sign of the prey he could smell. But he could hear movement, and smell the object of his desire. From the scents coming from the window it smelled like the prey was aroused and desired to mate, and was the only prey in the house. But there was a barrier of some kind in the way.

Carefully the snake pushed with its snout at the screen, and was encouraged with it felt it give a little. It pushed harder, and the screen tore away from the edge of one corner. He pushed his snout into the opening, and it widened as he slithered into the room, the screen folding back after he had passed. The screen was old and rusty, and it would be hard to even notice it had been breached. The snake slithered over to the bed and looked around, tongue flicking rapidly. It found Clarita's discarded panties and poked them with its snout, the strong scent of an aroused female exciting the snake and he felt his cloaca softening as his hemipenes stirred. He had learned to respond t the scent of a female of this species as he would to one of his own. Suddenly the sound of running water the snake had been hearing stopped, and unsure the snake slithered off the bed and crawled partially under it on the side facing the window. It couldn't be seen from the door to the bathroom or the hall doorway. Coiling, it wanted, tongue flicking.

Humming, Clarita toweled herself off, getting as dry as she could in the high humidity, which meant she was always a little damp. She entered the bedroom, and hopped up on the bed; still naked so the slowly moving fan would hopefully help dry her off a little more; and started picking through a small jewelry case. She didn't see the huge serpent on the other side of the bed, but it saw her

Slowly the snake rose up, his head swaying gently as he flicked his tongue at the back of the prey animal. This close her scent was overwhelming, and he gave a soft hiss of lust as the scent of her ripe sex washed over him. She smelled absolutely...delicious. Surprised she was not trying to flee despite his proximity he moved a little closer, his thick body moving up onto the large bed, and he flicked his tongue daintily over her damp skin, his arousal growing from her taste.

Clarita hummed as she picked out a stud to put in her nose, the gold one with the real diamond Rudy had given her (it had BETTER be real). She didn't hear the snake as the radio played, but as she fitted the stud in her nose she suddenly felt a light touch on her back; it brushed her, then stopped, then brushed her again. It was so light she wasn't even positive she was feeling it, but no, there it was again. Must be a moth or something, she thought, and reaching over her head waved her hand at what she thought was an annoying insect.

The snake pulled its head back as the prey suddenly reached a limb over its shoulders and waved it. It wasn't sure what that was all about, but it remembered how the first prey animal it had mated with had liked to touch the snake, and how good that had felt. Did this prey animal wish to touch and stroke him too?? None of others since then had, except when they struggled. Hopefully the snake moved closer again; tongue flicking eagerly, and the waving hand found his snout. He paused as the hand touched him, enjoying the warm touch against his hard scales.

Clarita paused as she felt her hand touch something, and frowned. What the...?? It felt hard and slick, and as she ran her hand over it she felt it nudge against her hand! That wasn't a bug!! She spun around and looked, and then screamed as the huge snake reared up higher and lunged forward.

As the prey animal moved, and then screamed, the snake moved quickly, looping his coils around the now struggling animal. He bit her arm to help hold on initially, but let go as soon as he had her securely in his embrace, her screams choking off into soft squeals as she constricted her, but not enough to suffocate her. He preferred his mates, and meals, alive. He began to slowly wrap his coils around her body, enjoying the feel of her warm smooth skin against his hard muscular body, and as he did he flicked his tongue over her tender skin, enjoying the taste of her. Soon his snout found the junction of her legs, and he pressed between them, his tongue eagerly licking over her sex. This was the best, most delicious, part. He flicked the tip of his snout against her pussy for awhile, and then slid his tongue inside the soft lips as he happily lapped at her nether's, her taste and scent wonderful. Yes, he thought, she is ready to mate, her sex wet and ripe for him.

Clarita got off one loud scream as the snake struck and bit her arm, but as she sucked in a deep breath for another one a thick coil looped around her chest and squeezed, and her scream came out a loud wheeze. In seconds she was firmly encased in a cocoon of thick scaly coils, and despite her terror could only gasp and squirm helplessly. Then the coils began moving as the snake began twining around her body, the hard slick scales rubbing against her skin and nipples, and in spite of herself she felt her nipples harden from the smooth slick touch as the scales rubbed against them. Madre de Dios, she thought, the snake was gigantic!! It had coiled around her on the bed, and its bulk took up almost all the space! But now, what...what was it doing?? She'd expected to be crushed to a pulp in its powerful embrace, but it seemed almost...gentle as it slithered around her body. And it's head was moving over her body, the long forked tongue flicking, and for a minute she found herself staring wide eyed into its cold inhuman eyes, then the great beasts head moved down over her breasts, tongue flicking over her nipples where they jutted out from between to slowly moving coils; and then between her legs. She gasped as its snout pushed against her mound, and then gasped even louder as she felt something slide into her pussy! Something slick and wet, and realized, its tongue...its tongue was inside her pussy! Oh God, it was tongue fucking her!! As the tongue pushed in deeper she gave a soft moan of pleasure in reaction to the unwanted intrusion, her toes clenching, and she could feel it squirming inside of her as it pushed in deeper.

"Noo, uggh, bastardo!! Stop!!" She gasped weakly, but the snake ignored her, his tongue sliding in even deeper as he hissed in pleasure. "Ugggggh, stoppp!"

Clarita squirmed as much as she could as she felt a familiar pressure; a need, building in her sensitive sex as the serpent pleasured her. But she couldn't...not like this! Not with a...a...! But her own body betrayed her, and she squealed as she orgasmed, her juices drenching the snake's tongue and flooding its senses.

The snake knew if it did what it was doing it would be rewarded with a treat, and yes, there!! It hissed in delight as sweet fluids soaked its tongue and dribbled into its mouth. It could tell this would be a most enjoyable mating, the female was ready for him now, and even better it had on none of the annoying outer coverings that were so hard to remove sometimes. With a happy hiss the snake began coiling around her again as he positioned himself to mount her. He was aroused now, his hemipenes sliding out of his cloaca oozing pre, it had been so long! He loosened his coils somewhat, at least around her lower body, and let her legs go free, then forced his thick body between her now spread legs, and recoiled his tail around one of her legs. This was the tricky part, sometimes it was hard to push a hemipene into a mate's sex, but he always managed, no matter how long it took.

This can't be happening, Clarita thought, her sex still quivering from the intense orgasm as the snakes tongue slid from inside her, and it began moving again, shifting its coils around her body. I've just had my pussy 'eaten' by a huge snake, and had an orgasm!! Suddenly the coils round her thighs and legs loosened, and she hoped maybe it was letting her go!! Maybe that was all the thing wanted, maybe it was just some kind of perverted serpent or something! She bet it had an owner that had taught it to do that, and it had gotten away, so when it found her it did what it thought she wanted. But her hopes died quickly as it kept its coils firmly around her waist and upper body. Then she felt its thick body push between her legs, and felt...something probing at her sex. Oh God NO!! She thought, you have GOT to be yanking my chain! Then she kicked her legs wildly as something was pushed into her sex, something strange and much too large. It pushed, pulled back, pushed harder, and then with a wet 'sluck!' it forced its way into her, slowly stretching her pussy horribly as it penetrated her; causing her to arch and squeal, and it began to swell inside of her as her labial lips closed after it.

"Uggggh, NOOO, ugh, ugh, UGGHHH, AAIIEEEEEE!" She gasped as what could only be a penis slid deeply into her well lubed sex, but it felt so horribly strange, the shape all wrong, and she felt something else; another penis?, rubbing against her thighs. The snake began to grind its bands against her sex, the strange organ writhing and squirming inside of her, and she groaned from the horrible unwanted pleasure as the serpent fucked her. Though she was being raped by a monster snake there was something horribly erotic about what was happening, and though her mind was terrified and stunned; still not quite believing this was happening, her body had no choice but to respond to the unnatural stimulation. As the snakes hemipene wriggled and moved in her sex her labial lips and vaginal muscles became increasingly sensitive and stimulated as they responded to the intrusion, and though she struggled as strongly as she could she was helpless, and her useless gyrations merely excited the snake even more as she ground back against the coil between her legs, and the snakes movements became more and more frenzied as it approached release.

The snake hissed softly in pleasure as its 'mate' responded to its attentions, grinding back against it as it mated with her. It never occurred to the snake that this was unnatural as it now viewed female animals of this type as its mates, and was attracted by their scent much as it would have been to a female of its own species in estrus. So it was pleased when the female responded by becoming what it thought was a willing mate. Finally it reached the peak of its frenzied coupling, and its whole body shuddered as it blasted a copious amount of thick cook cum into its mate's sex. Then with a satisfied hiss it withdrew its temporarily spent penis, then positioned itself to mount the female with its other penis.

Clarita realized her struggles were useless, but kept on as she writhed helplessly in the powerful grip of the huge snake, and suddenly she gasped a she felt the organ violating her suddenly spasm and throb, and felt what could only be cum pouring into her sensitive quivering pussy. Ohh God, she thought, it just came!! She felt the penis suddenly pop free with a strong tug, and for a few seconds thought it was over until what could only be another penis was brutally shoved into her throbbing sex, and the snake began fucking her again even more brutally then before, and in spite of the horrible degradation she moaned in pleasure, she knew she was going to cum, she couldn't help it! It felt strange, but it felt good too. The whole time she stared into the horribly emotionless eyes of her 'lover' as its fork tongue licked across her face and breasts. Suddenly, helplessly, she felt her pleasure peak, and sobbed as a very powerful orgasm racked her body, her fluids squirting from their joined sex's and staining the snakes bands and scales, and seconds later another blast of cool thick cum flowed into her quivering sex.

The snake opened its mouth in a silent cry of ecstasy as it orgasmed again, it's second release triggered by the sudden flow of hot fluids from its squirming mate that flowed over its hemipenes and splashed onto its scales. Then with a final hiss of pleasure it pulled it's hemipene from the females well serviced dripping sex, and its hemipenes began withdrawing into its cloaca. It rested for awhile, head resting on its mates sweaty breasts, and then stirred as a new need claimed its attention. Now that the mating was finished, it was time to fill its belly. With a hiss the snake began to nose down the length of the female's body, its coils turning and twining around her body as it got in position.

It's over, Clarita thought with relief, as the second penis slid from her well stretched sex, and the snake began to curl back down her body, its coil pulling from between her legs, its cloaca leaving a smear of their sexual fluids on her body. As the tip of its tail slid from between her legs the coils looped back around her legs and tightened a little, pulling her legs together. A minute later she felt something soft and wet slowly engulf her feet. Huh...?? She thought, and raised her head to look. She had honestly thought the snake would let her go now that it had finished raping her, so it was a shock when she saw it had swallowed her feet and half her calves, and realized its intent.

"Ohhh, no, nooo, por favor, please...don't...!" She begged, and then gasped as a coil slid around her neck and choked off her cries. "Ugghgak, cough, nuuuu, ummppfff!"

The snake swallowed her feet and calves without much difficulty, but as its hard lips slid over her knees it paused to unhinge its jaws, and extended its breathing tube. Then it got down to the serious business of swallowing the large meal. Slowly, working its head from side to side, it moved up her thighs towards her waist. It would take some time, but the snake was in no hurry, and planned on enjoying his meal. The wonderful making had made him even hungrier.

"Ummmm, Mmmmm!!" Clarita moaned as the slick tight tube encasing her legs moved higher up her body. The snake had her arms pinned to her sides, and as she struggled she managed to move her hands between her legs, and found them being pushed against her sex by the snakes coils. She tried to push at its snout as it moved up her thighs, but then her hands slid inside as the horrible maw reached, and slid over, her pussy, its lower jaw cradling her ass. She gasped as its tongue licked over, and into, her sex. She tried to pull it out with her fingers, and several of them slid into her sex as well, and she began pulling at the slippery organ, finger fucking herself in the process, and she gasped from the pleasurable senstaion. With a powerful swallow the jaws slid up to her navel, and the tongue slid from her quivering sex, but she hardly noticed as she kept fingering her pussy and clitoris, swept away on a cresting wave of intense pleasure despite what was happening, or perhaps because of it. When her orgasm exploded in her sex, her orgasmic fluids spurting past her sliding fingers and into the snakes mouth it paused in response to the sudden flow of sweet fluids, but it soon resumed swallowing.

The snake was quite happy and content, at least so far as a snake could be. It had mated and was now swallowing a very delicious, and 'cooperative', meal. And as its meals often had this one was writhing and making the same kind of sounds it had while mating, and the movement helped the snake to swallow easier. It worked its jaws again, then paused at the sudden sweet treat as it savored it, then gave another powerful swallow, its muscles rippling. It felt the prey's hips slide into its throat to join her legs, and now its snout was pushing against the base of the female's large breasts, but they were soft and would not be a problem. As it swallowed it slowly shifted its coil around the prey, and knowing there was no escape for it now it released the female, and straightened its body some more to make swallowing easier. It paused to enjoy the taste and feel of the plump succulent meal wriggling in its mouth and throat.

As the waves of orgasmic ecstasy slowly faded Clarita whimpered as she realized she'd been swallowed up to her breasts. She had felt her hips entering the opening of the snake's throat, and could see their outline in its body behind its head, her knees and toes showing as bumps. As the snake finally released her from its coils she gave a desperate, violent, heave and kicked as hard as she could, but the only thing that happened was the snakes thick heavy body squirmed a little bit, then it swallowed again and began to crush her breasts into its mouth. Her arms were inside now over her elbows, and no matter how hard she tried she couldn't pull them free, and with every swallow her hands were pushed back into her pussy, and soon she was fingering herself again as she moaned and begged, the pleasure in her sopping sex building again, and soon she was grunting and whimpering in pleasure and terror as she felt another orgasm approaching.

The snake popped first one, then the other, soft mounds of flesh into its mouth. It wouldn't be long now, it had already swallowed the widest part of its meal, the hips, and they were inside its throat now. The prey was wriggling delightfully, its struggles weak and uncoordinated, and covered in thick slimy mucus was sliding easier into the snake's maw now. With a long slow swallow its shoulders slid inside the snakes widely stretched mouth.

Clarita whipped her head back and forth in the throes of ecstasy and terror, sobbing, even as she had another intense orgasm as her tits and shoulders were pulled into the soft wet grip of the snake's mouth. The snakes jaw bumped against her chin, and she wriggled helplessly inside the tight sack of muscular flesh that now encased most of her body. She still couldn't believe that his was happening, that she had been raped, and was now being eaten alive, but a fucking snake!! That kind of stuff only happened in horror movies, at least the eating part!!!

"P-Please", she begged as she stared into the snakes blank impassive eyes almost as if she thought it could understand her, "Madre de Dios, don't to this, please!! Let me go!!"

The snake did indeed hear the sounds, but of course they made no sense to it. And as for eating her, well, it was nothing personal. She'd been an enjoyable mate, now she was an enjoyable meal, and he was quite pleased. With another powerful swallow the snake pulled her head into its mouth, her hair the only thing remaining outside now. The prey bucked and wriggled frantically, making loud partially muffled sounds, and with another swallow its large chest slid into the snake's throat, the opening closing around its neck.

"N-Noooo, urrkkk, nuuuhhhh, urrgg-umfff!!" Clarita moaned as her head entered the snakes gaping mouth. She could see the wet pink lining of its jaw above her face, the short sharp fangs that had helped to pull in her in, and could still see the room out of the corners of her eyes, and then with a smooth ripple her tits and shoulders slid into its throat and her head was pulled to the back of its mouth. Then, suddenly, she heard something!! The loud music that been accompanying her slow horrible fate was between songs, and she heard a car door slam out front! "UMF, URRKK, R-RUDY, HMMPPFFF, URRGGLLEE, HEP MLEE, R-RUDDYY!!" Then with another powerful ripple of muscles she gave a final muffled wail as her head was pulled all the way into the snake's throat with the rest of her body, and the mouth closed sealing off her last view of the outside world and wet suffocating darkness claimed her.

The snake heard the noise as well, and quickly it swallowed once, twice, three times, then closed its mouth and rehinged its jaws, the large squirming bulge now a foot down its body, moving slowly as the snake's body gave powerful ripples as it continued to swallow, the preys sounds now muffled and faint. The snake heard another; closer, noise and as it slithered off the bed it felt the vibrations in the floor as something approached. Through long experience the snake knew it was time to leave now, to find a nice dark quiet place to finish swallowing, and begin digesting, its meal. So it headed for the window, lifted its head, and began to slide thought the hole in the screen as it left the way it had come.

Clarita felt a brief burst of hope as she heard the car door slam, but it turned to despair as she felt herself slide completely into the snakes throat, the light and noise fading as the snake closed its mouth, and felt herself begin to move slowly down its body as strong ripples of its muscular body pushed & pulled her deeper toward what she knew was its stomach. She struggled and tried to scream and call for help, but the tight slick tube of its throat was pressing against her face making her efforts merely muffled gurgles as thick mucus filled her mouth again and again as she tried to spit it out, but just ended up swallowing most of it. And her hands were firmly pinned between her thighs, and she just couldn't stop finger fucking herself as she squirmed desperately, every ripple of muscles pushing her finger in deeper. As the snakes mouth had closed for the last time she felt it began to move, and could tell when the part of its body that encased her was lowered to the floor, then was lifted up again. Oh my God, she realized, it's leaving!! "URRGG, RR-DY, GLURGLE!!" Then she squealed as her sex spasmed, another orgasm exploding and washing over her body in waves of ecstasy.

The snake slowed as the large bulge reached the screen, but continued to force its now much wider body through the tear in the screen, widening it without much effort. Then the lump finally slid through, and it lowered the wriggling bulge to the ground, the rest of its tail quickly following, and just as the tip slid from view the door to the bedroom opened. The snake moved slowly through the overgrown backyard, its movement a little awkward from the squirming bulge, but soon it reached the safety of the thicker brush and disappeared from sight. It paused and coiled in the deep shadows beneath a cluster of large bushes to finish swallowing, coiling back to watch the bulge as it reached; then was pushed into, its stomach. With a satisfied hiss it straightened out again, and slowly slithered back into the swamp so it could rest and digest its meal undisturbed in its favorite den in peace and quiet.

Clarita squirmed and struggled uselessly as she slid deeper and deeper into the snake's body. She could feel it moving faster now, and had heard the muffled; but still loud, music fade and then vanish and knew she was no longer in her house, and knew she was doomed too, but still kept struggling even as she pleasured herself. Suddenly the snake stopped moving, the swallowing speeded up, and soon she felt her feet push against, then through, a tight muscular opening, the rest of her body soon following with a wet slurp. She found herself in a slightly larger space, the soft spongy lining slick with a thick goo that tingled as movements of the slimy sides lathered it all over her body. As she writhed and pushed at the sides she found she could breathe, even if the air was thick and foul. Slowly the stomach shrank around her, and she found her arms pushed back against her body, her hands between her legs again. And as the tingling began to burn she began finger fucking herself again even as her labial lips began to burn, and the thick goo was pushed into her increasingly tormented sex. And as the agony grew as her flesh began to soften and dissolve she orgasmed again and again, her struggles growing increasingly frantic , then weaker and uncoordinated, until mercifully she finally passed out from the pain and growing lack of air several hours later, and her ordeal ended as short time later as the digestive fluids flowed into her slake open mouth and filled her lungs.

The snake had dozed as it felt the movements in its bulging well filled stomach become more and more energetic, finally peaking for awhile before slowly dying away, and finally there was one last frenzied burst, then the squirming and muffled sounds stopped, and only the gurgling noises of its stomach to be heard. With a happy sigh the snake lowered its head onto one of its coils, and slowly fell asleep. It would not need to find another mate for several weeks.

The End


The Forgotten Temple of Forgotten Gods

My stories are copyrighted, so NO takee! The Forgotten Temple of Forgotten Gods By William W. Kelso Terrified, Lea staggered down the tunnel staring at her hands in horror, hands that weren't hers anymore; couldn't be hers, hands covered in...

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Latex Prison

My stories are copyrighted, so NO takee! I have wanted to do a 'latex' based TF story for some time, so thought I would give it a try. Hope my readers like it. This is set in a future where technology; including nanotechnology, has become extremely...

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Jacking Off

My stories are copyrighted, so NO takee! This was spur of the moment short story I came up when I was bored and didn't have time to work on a longer, more involved, story. Almost decided not to submit it; but, what the hey? Hope you like it. ...

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