Monster Rancher E.V.O ( Erotic Version Online): Tiger's reasons, Hare's motives - Part 01

Story by kamikazetiger on SoFurry

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#1 of Monster Rancher E.V.O ( Erotic Version Online)

Author's note: Hello everyone! It's been a while...been busy wi...

Author's note: Hello everyone! It's been a while...been busy with real life stuff, though I have four stories now, this is the first one to be ready and it's a two parts story.What can I say, it's monster rancher time! What, you don't know monster rancher? Well, it's a series of games kind of like pokemon, though with a heavy focus of you raisi __ng your monster to fight others.It also has an anime and m_ y story is taking part in the anime universe, but you don't need to know it to enjoy! this is so the ones who don't know can see what Tiger and the dinos look like._

Also, a note about Tiger: He (and his species) is a wolf, each one with a different color of fur...and he have the name of his species, Tiger. So, he's a wolf called Tiger, from a species of monster called tiger.

Confusing enough? Don't worry, the same confusing thing happen with the character Hare ( a great pic with him and Tiger, of the artist Wolfblade), but at least he is a hare (he was supposed to be a hamster in the Japanese version but...). That's because in the original Japanese version they were actually called Rygar and Ham... don't you love when english translators screw up :3

Enough talk though,enjoy the story! Such monsters sure deserve more love of the internet :x

Editors note : Good evening, Inubashiri here again. Work has been keeping me busy so here is the first half of KamikazeTiger's latest story: E.V.O. It has been fun to work on this project and I will try and get the remaining text in a passable level for readers and the author. Hehe, tsundere Tiger is so moe <3

A loud sigh echoed around the circular camp. Opening his eyes slowly, Tiger made his way out of the make-do settlement, ensuring everyone was still asleep.

There was no way around it. He was tremendously horny and his paws unfortunately were in no way built for easy release. Despite being a proud and handsome Wolf-type, he was still a virgin. However, it had been his choice and he'd rejected many offers from his pack before.

He was never quite sure why he had taken the alone route. Perhaps he was too afraid to commit to members of the same sex, even if deep down he wanted to try it. He thought it was because he should wait for his soul mate to find him. He was quite romantic, but of course would never admit that to anyone, not even his closest friends.

Whatever the reason, he had never had sex with anyone. Because of that he had to satisfy his urges in other ways. Usually by looking for a suitable hole in the ground or doing what he could with his paws.

Being a quadruped wasn't always so effective, but now, without his pack he had no other choice. Who else could he turn to? Suezo and Golem didn't seem to have any sex worries; he wasn't even sure they needed to relieve themselves. Genki, Holly and Mocchi were all far too young. There was Hare though...'Why am I thinking of about that idiot?! I'd rather die then talk to him about this!' He argued in his mind.

Hare, the only monster in the world that could piss him off more that Muu himself! Putting his doubts aside, Hare was a sexy monster. Soon enough he found himself wondering how Hare takes care of his own needs. He was confident that Hare must be the easy-type, as many of his race were. But could he mate with him?

"Of course not!" he grumbled to himself. "Why am I even thinking of him in the first place?! I just need to take care of this and head back." By 'this', he was referring to his erection that was throbbing lewdly between his legs. He was fairly endowed compared to most of his species and, although he didn't know that, he could constantly feel the tool bobbing along with each stride.

After ensuring he had come far enough to avoid detection he found himself in a dense forest.

"There's something... off about this forest..." Tiger couldn't put his paw on it but he knew something was wrong. With each minute walking deeper into the forest he could feel himself getting hornier and hornier. As he wondered about how it was even possible, he heard a number of noises coming from near his direction. With his cock beating at full erection he decided to check it out. Quickly he arrived at a gathering and found the source: Moo's soldiers.

There were three of them. Huge, muscular reptiles. Wearing nothing but their symbolic jewelry.

Two of them were busy sucking and licking the third's thick yellow cock, both using the classic 'we're trying to kiss, but there's a big dino cock in the way' tactic. Going from the head to the shaft, they both took turns slathering the entire length with saliva.

The reptile receiving such treatment sighed pleasantly. Wearing only an additional helmet to signify his power he placed claws on each head and pushed them further against his member. Tiger could clearly see all three of them were male, with their throbbing members leaking pre slowly. One even lifted his tail briefly, granting Tiger a small glimpse of his tight tailhole. The leader was the biggest, having the largest mass of muscles and endowment. Of course, all dinos were large.

Already extremely horny, the scene before him did nothing but make things worse. He couldn't think straight anymore and before he could realize, he was walking straight towards them!

The captain was first to notice, painfully removing the duo from his aching length. Both disappointed that something had interrupted their fun. To their surprise a blue wolf stood there, slowly moving towards them. One smiled at the wolf, quickly cleaning his cum-laden face.

"So, we have a guest eh?" The captain grinned, getting up to welcome him. Not sure on whether he should fight or flee, Tiger couldn't focus at all, the pleasant feeling of his bobbing cock enough to halt any form of response.

"It seems you're quite needy down there my friend, hmmm...? Wait, that fur, you're Tiger of the wind!" The captain exclaimed, knowing full well the wolf in front of him was an important enemy to his master.

One of his underlings murred loudly to the sight, "Ooh, he's more handsome than the rumors!" They all stared at him perversely, eyeing his impressive erection. "Captain, that shouldn't be a problem right? Since we're here, we might as well play with him right?" The other asked, anxious to taste him. Tiger wasn't sure how to react at all, he was still very horny and knew he wouldn't be able to attack or retreat. Still, the three dino-cocks surrounding him were all so, inviting. He couldn't even imagine himself with one other male not to mention three. "You're right," the captain replied, quickly giving his hard cock a few casual tugs. "This is a forest of pheromones."

Tiger finally realized he was in a forest of pheromones, no wonder he felt his usual pleasure more than twice fold.

There were many forests like this in the world; they were full of overpowering scents and smells. Because of that, they were used as meeting grounds for casual sex, no matter what gender, type or side you were. Even two clans that vowed eternal hatred for each other would waste no time mating each other 'till morning. There was the saying "lovers inside, enemies out". It was a place far too dangerous for humans, who could easily collapse from most monsters' output. Even certain monsters were affected, especially if they were still pure, like a certain blue-wolf.

"I heard Tiger of the wind is a fierce opponent, but you don't look much like that at all." The captain teased, leaning forwards to face him. "You look like a bitch in heat; I can only assume you're a virgin. Here, your race usually travel in packs. When they see any monster to their liking; they quickly take turns fucking them, or if they can't wait, getting as much cock in as they can. Not that we complained last time we were here." He continued, slowly raising Tiger to the air before laying him on his back on the soft ground.

All three grinned lustfully as Tiger's large, white member came into view. The captain grabbed it sharply and quikly let it go, squeezing a large groan out of the wolf. He blushed furiously, surrounded by the enemy as he twisted in pleasure. He couldn't deny that it felt, good, but he wanted to do more.

He never thought that his virginity would be taken, so casually. He wasn't being forced and he could probably run away if he really tried but he knew he couldn't Not only from being incredibly horny but also because a big part of him wanted to have sex, right here right now. If anyone back at the camp saw him in such a state, Tiger would die of shame.

He didn't know them, and they didn't know him either. He had often heard the forests of pheromones were a brilliant place to lose your virginity: lots of amazing and naughty sex, all with strangers. There was just something about doing it with a monster (or group of) you've just met. Since he was already in that situation, he decided to go along with it, needing their touch.

"But not you, you are alone." The captain continued, "With a lost look, dick all hard but not saying a word. I've only seen it in virgin monsters before you y'know..." He provoked, passing his claws, as well as his underlings all over the wolf's body, making sure not to touch his crotch.

"Did you know your brother is a great cocksucker? His entire sex life started in a forest like this one," he began. Tiger was surprised to hear his brother mentioned; a grey tiger named Greywolf.

"He was brought in young and, at first, refused to join in with anything. However, that all changed with a dark hare, only just older than him. Sneaking up behind him, he quickly grabbed your brother's swelling shaft and with great skill, swiftly brought him to orgasm. After he came in dark hare's hand, he, as any monster would, wanted more. The hare knew exactly how to tame monsters like him... He stood up, and presented his cock to your brother, saying he would get much more if he sucked on it... the rest, as they say, is history." Tiger found he tale pretty arousing, and the small bead of pre agreed with him.

"So he, as most of us have, was thrown into the centre to satisfy every soldier present. One of master Moo's objectives is for all monsters to be able to enjoy each other anywhere, so practice is essential. Your bro is great at it today; he knows how to make you beg, even while subbing. He knows things, believe me on that Tiger. So..." The captain raised Tiger's head, only inches away from his own.

"Do you want that pleasure? We want to hear it, say how much you want our cocks. Don't think about it just say it..." he demanded, licking over Tiger's face. The other 2 just continued their treatment, eager to start working "down there".

Tiger knew he didn't have a choice. He lost it as soon as he first heard the moans. He already accepted what was going to happen; he would do it with not one or two, but with three males. To lose his virginity in such a way... At least, when he finally finds his future mate, he'll have some experience on the matter. At least if his future mate was male too... He wasn't sure if he wanted another male as a mate for life, but right now, it was undeniable.

If only he had submitted to his pack that would have been half as embarrassing... To admit to someone like that captain, it was at the same level as bowing to him. For someone as proud as Tiger it was much easier said than done. But here, in the forest where lust and pleasure rule, he already wondered how it would feel inside him or even their taste. Tiger knew he should just submit and be done with it; it's not like his friends would know anyway. It would be something completely between him and them.

"I...I want it" he muttered.

"Want what? You need to say exactly what you want. Excite us." the captain grins, anxious to hear that proud, strong monster submit his body to them.

"I... I want your cocks! I want to-to feel them... I want to... be fucked..! And to fuck you guys! I-if possible..." Tiger flustered, blushing furiously throughout the whole ordeal. If someone like Hare looked at him now, he would never forgive himself. He would prefer to fight against all of Moo's army instead of having him hear him saying such embarrassing words.

"Good~" the captain began. He turned around quickly to find a suitable place. "Here we are," he said, picking a round, 'bed stone'. They were large things that despite their name were very soft. No one knew how they were formed but their size helped monsters of every size mate successfully. The captain gently raised Tiger to the air, and made him lie down in the centre.

"There, now you're at the same level as our... Well something that you oh so badly need." The captain grinned and added "prepare yourself!" He nodded to his soldiers and, dove in to deeply kiss Tiger, stealing his first kiss.

"Not bad..." he thought, returning the kiss with equal vigor. Suddenly he felt breath surrounding his cock, making his gasp into the kiss. Just as he looked down to investigate further one had already inserted his tongue into his tailhole, making his moan and writhe passionately against the stone. Shortly after the other began licking up and down his member, anxious to taste his seed.

Tiger would have come right then. Luckily the pheromones extended sex as well as enhancing it.

'S-so good... My ass... My cock... My mouth...' Tiger could only moan into the captain's mouth, tongues dancing from one mouth to another. The dino tongue in his ass made sure to go deep inside, writhing about to lube it up well. His own cock throbbed nicely, the reptile imagining himself buried deep inside such a handsome, hot wolf.

Meanwhile, the reptile licking Tiger's cock started to sink down the length, lathering it with his saliva as he sucked lightly at the tip. 'How cute, white with a red head~" The dino thought, working hard at his member. All he had to do now was go down to the hilt, which despite Tiger's size was no problem for a fully grown dinosaur. He sank down slowly, enjoying the fullness and taste Tiger offered.

'Just like the, it's actually better!' he evaluated, looking back on good memories of the last wolfs he slept with. 'Can't wait for his seed!' The reptile picked up the pace, going up and down Tiger's cock as he massages his balls with his claws. The captain ensured Tiger was constantly enduring a great kiss, not only to cover his moans but also to pleasure him in any way he could. It had been a while since he'd taken anything other than his own species and now he had the famous Tiger of the Wind at his squad's disposal. He was still slightly annoyed to be interrupted during, but to experience this was well worth it.

Today they would make him a total cock-slut, not being able to pass a single male without lifting his tail for him or taking him down to ravage his body. He could tell from his moans that the wolf was close. He pulled back from the kiss, only a link of saliva connecting the two as he vocalized his demand. "Cum. Show us you like this. Cum for us, our bitch..." the captain whispered in his ear, licking down it before returning back to his muzzle.

Tiger definitely couldn't take anymore. To fuck a hole in a log or try using his paws to try and masturbate hardly felt like anything compared to the stimulation pulsing through his body now. That wet tongue inside him, the reptile sucking him so skillfully, even the captain calling him, a proud monster, of "bitch" excited him further. He couldn't say anything, just moaning loudly to announce his orgasm. Complete pleasure. The dino below him was quickly treated to a mouthful of cum, which he promptly swallowed.

The tongue was soon removed and he shivered lightly as the hot appendage pulled out. "Did you leave any?" the captain asked, eager to be one of the first to taste Tiger's seed. They shared a passionate kiss, no doubt sharing the salty liquid between themselves. Tiger continued to pant heavily, his cock hardening once more as he watched the two enjoy his seed. "Hmm, not bad. Almost like his brother's if I remember correctly." He concluded, grinning to the wolf.

"Now then, let's move on shall we? You may have gotten some nice release, but we're still completely hard." He gripped his cock to enforce this, a small bead or pre forming at the tip. They all surrounded him, pointing their endowments straight for the horny wolf.

"Why don't you choose? Which one would you like to taste? Be aware, the two left out might punish you for your choice~" All three dinos' smiled as he warned Tiger. He was getting hard again already from just looking at them all, he knew it was mainly due to the pheromones but the biggest of them all, the captain's cock was the most interesting to him.

Shame. He felt it all around him as he thought about his choice. But he needed it. He started this and he did want to know how it would taste... He was in the forest of pheromones to try these things, besides it was only fair, they had pleasured him and they deserved some reward.

He padded his way over and began nuzzling the captain's thick meat, rubbing his face against it as he breathed in his strong scent. "Captain! That's no fair! You know the new bitches always choose you first!" His colleague quickly argued.

"Don't blame me boys, it's nature's fault. Besides, why don't you play with the rest of him? He wants as much as you as possible." Tiger blushed slightly, since he was completely right. He was getting turned on just from being talked like this; even the mention of "bitch" made him positively throb! Normally he was so proud too; here however that mentality was completely overturned.

While he, for the first time, played with another male's cock. It's shaft completely yellow, with a greenish head beneath the skin. It was considerably bigger than the other too and he couldn't help but bury his face against it. He only knew how it was to receive pleasure, but now he would be the active role, giving pleasure to these horny reptiles.

A quick lick, straight up the shaft. He liked the taste even though he couldn't determine exactly what it reminded him of. He began administering more licks, going all over the shaft, down to his balls and even the tip. "Nnh, not bad, you just need more practice." The captain praised, watching intently as Tiger experienced his first meat. He turned to the dino who had previously rimmed him and ordered him to quickly get behind the wolf. "A sexy beast like this needs some experience, especially up the ass, can't you give him any?" He grinned widely as another joined the pair, Tiger now kissing his way up the monster cock.

Tiger was slightly nervous. That dino behind him, lifting his tail and teasing his butt softly, was going to penetrate him! He was completely hard and he shivered slightly as he felt the thick volume against his tailhole, ready to strike. Normally, Tiger would fight to the death before having a thick dino-cock buried in there, but right now he wanted it more than anything.

This wasn't rape at all, Tiger was conscious of that, it was just simple fun between males, so normal in places like this. He took the balls into his muzzle, rolling them against his tongue before sucking on them delightfully. His butt clenched in preparation for the shaft waiting to come inside, his mind calling him to relax and make it easier for both of them.

The beast pushed forwards, only letting the head enter before waiting for Tiger to adjust. This was much appreciated and the entry was enough to make him yelp, fortunately for him this was into a mouthful on balls. He started to work a slow rhythm, pushing in only a few inches at a time and then pulling out. Each thrust included more inches until his entire member would be inside. "Oh man... This guy is TIGHT. Thanks for the opportunity captain." He moaned aloud, gathering all his inner strength to not fuck this bitch as harsh as he wanted too.

"Kehehe, you're welcome. What sort of captain would I be if I didn't let my men have any fun?" He groaned shortly after, his cock finally reaching the insides of Tiger's muzzle. The wolf tried his best to engulf the colossal length; however he so far just looked adorable. "Hey c'mon," the third dino moaned, trying to hike up the dino currently enjoying Tiger's butt's tail. "Let me have some fun too."

"Hmm~ I don't know... This tailhole is all hot and tight, I don't want your big cock from letting me enjoy Tiger of the wind." He teased, loving it when the captain ordered him to raise his tail. "Now now, as the captain I'm ordering you to raise that hot tail... yeah, right down to the balls~" the captain moaned as Tiger licked his large balls.

"Since it's an order... go ahead..." He lifted his tail teasingly, going at it slowly as his thrusts did the opposite.

He teased his friend's tailhole first, resting his erection on his right butt cheek. "You'd do that anyway you cheap bastard." He positioned himself in place and thrusted in hastily. "I'll be rough, just how you like it~" This forced a large moan out of the dino, experiencing both penetration of his own rump, but also the wolf's beneath him.

"I like to see my troops having fun, wonder if you felt the same for your pack?" The captain asked, not really expecting an answer; Tiger busy having cock rubbed all over his face.

Tired of watching his troops fuck, the dino creaked Tiger's muzzle open with his claws, and eased his meat inside. It was quite a shame since it silenced the monster's cute moans and gasps. The wetness around his member made up for that and soon a light suckling accompanied it.

Tiger didn't feel much pain when the reptile speared inside. It had already subsided and he found himself enjoying the feeling of the thick cock inside. He tried to focus on the captain's members, wanting to please the male who could allow him to have such new feelings.

He was always worried about doing stuff like this. He believed waiting for a proper mate would be best, but if he knew it felt so... good, so right and so god-damn orgasmic, he would have done it with all of his pack years ago! It was too late for that now, but at least he could do it with it with these monsters.

Suddenly the dino quickened his pace, slamming in and out like a piston as he coated their slut's inner walls his pre. Loud moans began to flood out Tiger's mouthful of cock and he tried his best to show that he was enjoying it. He wondered how it would feel to fuck and be fucked at the same time, but for now his own hard cock lay forgotten. It bobbed lewdly beneath him, swaying with each alternative thrust and spurting out small shots of pre all over the forest floor. Tiger needed to focus more on the captain though and began sucking intensely, all the while ensuring his teeth barely grazed the member.

He couldn't ignore the surprisingly pleasant feeling in his tailhole; the big hard dino-cock was much better than he thought it would be. It hurt a little at first but now it was simply orgasmic and as the reptile fucked him hard the wolf's shaft bounced up and down lewdly - sending spurts of pre everywhere.

Tiger could hear all three moaning loudly around him and he knew that his body was responsibly. He didn't know when they would cum... but at this rate it would be soon. The wolf was clearly looking forward to having thick spooge drooling from his tailhole and pooling out his muzzle and as their pace only quickened it made him even hornier.

"Urgh... I-I can't take this anymore..!" the reptile fucking his rump moaned, gripping his hips extra hard as he slammed in three last times. "G-going to cum... inside... y-you're so tight..!" At that he finally came, pumping buckets of fresh cum inside his virgin tailhole.

Another moan soon signified another orgasm, the dino currently slamming in and out his partner's rump. He stopped for a second, grabbing the reptile's hips hard and thrusting his full length inside. Dedicated to get every drop of his semen inside he kept his crotch pressed flat against him, moaning loudly throughout.

After their panting had began to calm down, they both pulled out slowly, both relishing the sight of the wolf's non-virgin tailhole leaking thick ropes of dino-spooge. Tiger kept his tail raised high and shuddered from side to side as the fresh hot cum slowly formed a pool beneath him. The two reptiles fapped each other off to keep their erections; watching intently as the captain face fucked the shameless wolf.

They could see that both his soldiers had finished up on their side and were just waiting for him to finish. Both were grinning at him perversely, waiting for their great leader to pump their bitch's muzzle with seed. He decided to give them a good show, roughly pulling the wolf up and down his throbbing monster-cock as he hilted him with every thrust. Tiger wasn't even choking any more and with skill like that anyone would be able to see that with enough practice he could be as good as his brother.

"N-not bad at all... ah... but... it's time to... finish this" the captain moaned, holding Tiger by the horns as he sped up even faster. His balls slapped against the wolf's chin with every deep thrust and from the way he was closing his eyes tight, focusing only on pleasing the dino, all three were pleased to be sharing him. Tiger felt embarrassed to have his horns used for such a perverted purpose. They were usually only used to create a lightning attack and the wolf didn't know whether or not he liked it.

"C-cumming!" the dino finally shouted, beginning to pump the wolf's muzzle full of monster-seed. Tiger was taken by surprise as his maw began to fill with thick, potent seed and unintentionally pulled back, forcing the dino's ejaculate all over his fur. He was still being held by the horns and was forced to take the monster's orgasm at point blank range.

As the wolf spluttered and coughed, the captain released his horns, instantly sending his body to the ground. "Ngh..." he gasped, moaning quietly as the three admired his well-used body. His muzzle was still full of leftover cum and as his tongue flopped out to breath, all three could see the proud dino seed coating the warm appendage. Without thinking straight, he licked his lips and swallowed all the cum left in his muzzle.

"Aww~ Captain always makes such a mess... let me help you~" one of the dinos cooed, slowly approaching the wolf and urging him into a kiss. The large tongue licked all the cum he had missed away and then sank into Tiger's muzzle for a deep passionate kiss. He left a few ropes of cum on purpose, just so everyone would be able to tell this wolf was a good cock-sucker.

After he was finished, the dino licked his lips and moved back. Tiger simply panted deeply as he recovered from the intense sex and experienced his first yearning for more thick cock.

"Heh! Just thinking about you working with your brother makes me hard!" the captain laughed, smiling happily as the wolf's tail stayed right up, twitching a little as the hot seed planted inside began to drool out. His member was also rock-solid, throbbing against the forest floor and drooling a small puddle of pre beneath his trembling body. "I suppose I should take care of this... It is my squad's fault after all" he laughed, slowly dragging one claw up and down the wolf's cock.

He stopped at the head, drawing circles around the tip with his claw and seeing how much pre the wolf could make. Tiger was really horny after all and the pheromones surrounding them only made it worse. But what he said next surprised everyone, including Tiger himself. "Stop it... Hare..."

"Did I... just say that stupid guy's name?!" Tiger thought, wondering why on Earth he could say such a thing.

Unfortunately it didn't go unnoticed and the captain grinned almost sadistically at the blushing wolf. "Heh, fantasizing about some else, hmm~?" he grinned, gripping the wolf-meat hard in his grasp. "Hare is that... brown-one that travels with you right? I don't blame you; even I'd go for him. Hares' are usually great in bed too, y'know" he teased; now rapidly pawing off Tiger. "You want to ram this throbbing cock right into that Hare's tailhole don'tcha~ Or maybe have his thick meat in you~" he laughed, squeezing hard and then paying extra attention to the wolf's balls.

"I can give you some relief, if you want..." the captain smiled, lifting his tail to present his enticing tailhole to the wolf. He wanted Tiger's cock inside from the moment they found him and from the wolf's lustful stare he knew they wouldn't have much problem getting exactly that.

"Heh, the captain's always so cute when he's on the receiving end!" one of his troops pointed, the other laughing and making the captain even more embarrassed. "Sh-shut up you guys! I'm the one in charge!" he shouted back, making note to fuck them later as punishment. "Aye aye captain~" both answered sarcastically, eager to see Tiger mount the dino already.

"Ahem... Well... come on Tiger! Show me why you were the alpha of your pack..." the captain cooed suggestively. "But, be careful with your knot okay? I know you're dying to ram it in and normally I wouldn't mind but we have to get going tonight" he added, exposing his eager tailhole once more.

The dinosaur was completely right. Tiger wanted to just go wild on that tight, tensing butt - slam his entire cock inside and mark him with a dominant bite. He knew the chance to go wild but arise fairly quickly if you kept on going through the forest so he simply moved up to start breeding.

The blue wolf had little problem getting into position, climbing onto the surprisingly soft ground and moving closer to the dino's inviting ass. He was still slightly shocked about calling Hare's name earlier... did he like him that much? Now wasn't the time to dwell on such trivial matters though!

He looked at the captain's tailhole, the beast's huge cock lewdly pressed against the ground beneath and already an almost constant stream of pre. He was looking forward to finally getting some ass, even more as he had an audience to impress too. The wolf began to growl deeply with lust, moving the dino's thick tail out the way so he could finally mount the male. It took him a while to actually get his thick shaft inside, smudging pre all over the reptile's pucker as he grinded his throbbing length against him. But at the first sign of entry, he rammed his hips forwards and managed to jam a few inches inside.

"D-damn!" Tiger moaned, getting a better hold as he began to move in and out. With increasingly powerful thrusts the wolf finally managed to ram almost all of his cock inside, the sizeable knot kissing against the dino's stretched rim with every thrust. Before he knew it he was working in a rhythm, giving out short gasps and grunts as he bred the tight tailhole beneath him. The wolf let out a long, loud howl; proudly announcing to the world that Tiger of the Wind was no longer a virgin.

It felt amazing to be surrounded by that tightness and hot grip only a big, strong dino's insides could give. He tried moving in and out, before he realized he started working in a rhythm, getting crazy with the pleasure the dino was giving his cock. Tiger started to howl very loudly from the action, he was now announcing to anybody that care that Tiger of the wind was right now fucking another males' tight pucker.

The feeling of his heavy sack slapping against the captain's even larger balls constantly reminded him of his place, dominating a monster far larger than himself. It felt good to be in that position and his instincts demanded that he knot the bitch and fill him with potent wolf-seed. He managed to control himself and simply focus on breeding the dino roughly with all of his energy.

'Th-this is... amazing....' Tiger thought, completely lost in the pleasure tightly surrounding his throbbing meat. His claws began to lightly press into the reptile's thighs but the wolf didn't even realize - or that their spectators had tired of masturbating at the sight and were putting their plan into action.

He didn't notice either when his tail was pulled up but as the familiar taste of cock pressed against his lips the wolf's eyes immediately lit up. "Now now, you can't just fuck our captain - in charge of over nine thousand soldiers - and not expect us to do anything, right?" one grinned, trying to ram his shaft past Tiger's tightly closed lips. The other was stretching the wolf's tailhole open, fumbling around with his member.

"I sucked you, so fair is fair!" he shrugged, drooling more of that enticing pre against the wolf's lips. "Now get to work... Show me that you're an alpha who lives for monster-cock..." The dino grinned sadistically; glad to be in a more dominative spot after being bred by his teammates the whole way here.

Tiger couldn't help but clean his lips of the thick pre and then began to lap at the tip, anxious for more of that tasty sinful liquid. When one reptile began to ease his sizeable member inside the wolf's still virgin-tight tailhole, the other just simply forced his cock into Tiger's muzzle.

The wolf could feel more pleasure than he had ever felt before. His body was moving animalistically as he pounded the captain's butt without a single worry - only focusing on breeding that ass and filling it with his potent seed. He suckled quietly around the dino-meat in his maw, squeezing tight around the other as he pistoned in and out of their captain proudly. He was surprised the reptile's shaft could thrust so deeply into his muzzle and he tried to lick the underside as his throat was stretched out more and more. In the end, their thrusts only made the wolf go harder and he was looking forward to seeing his spooge leaking from the male's tight pucker.

"Aah... s-so good... Even though... you've already been done in... You're still so tight! Y-you should... co-come with us Tiger... All my friends would love... a piece of your hot ass" the dino panted hotly as he thrusted in and out. "Imagine it... more than a thousand dinos all... wanting to fuck you... just like this..." He moaned again in pleasure, admiring the site of Tiger's rim stretching wide around his girth. The dino then realized the wolf's tail was raised high all on its own and he murred deeply in pleasure before thrusting a few inches back in again. The reptile began to hold his bitch tight with both his claws, powerfully ramming his length in and out. His friend at the wolf's muzzle was also enjoying him, Tiger now licking his large, seed-filled orbs before licking over the shaft once more.

He felt claws suddenly grasp his horns and once again he was pulled up and down the dino's throbbing shaft. The wolf moaned quietly with pleasure, trying his best to lick all over his meat as he was facefucked rapidly. The captain's cute moans could now be heard far around as he panted need fully. Each time Tiger's knot would kiss against the reptile's stretched tailhole, he'd moan out lewdly with passion. Tiger was one of the hottest monsters he had ever met and as the wolf went wild on his needy butt a deep pleasure moved through the whole beast. With enough training, Tiger could even be as skilled as his brother Greywolf.

All four could tell they were approaching orgasm quickly and with the pheromone's "synchronization" ability, the group were all going to cum at once. Tiger heard the dinos behind him cry out in pleasure and soon his body began to be pumped full of thick hot liquid. He murred deeply, knowing it must be their seed and did his best to swallow it all. The potent taste urged him on and he continued to gulp it all down, anxious to sate both of them.

Tiger could tell his own orgasm would trigger at any moment so he began to rapidly fuck the captain with all his might. He wanted to make sure the reptile's tailhole was leaking in his powerful alpha seed...

Now everyone was spurting thick ropes of cum into each other, apart from the captain who was treating the floor to his show of submission. The frequent jets of cum eventually slowed to a dribble and the dinos pulled out from their wolf-bitch. Tiger then backed up as well, greeting the captain with his cum-slathered face. "That was great..." the captain smiled, happy to see Tiger was panting and enjoying himself."Good to see you can use that hunk of meat between your legs..."

"Unfortunately... we have to get going. It's too easy to lose too much time in these forests..." he added, showing his fangs in another smile, "Not that it wasn't worth it..." The other two quickly agreed but also began to get ready to leave.

"You're going..? But I..." Tiger blushed, still wanting to do more perverted things to the two that had brought him into the adult world.

"Heh, little puppy wants some more right? That's understandable but we still can't stay for any more... There is one of my other underlings here though and if you go in that direction you'll probably be able to find them" the reptile pointed towards a clearing of greenery. "Enjoy~"

"Good bye for now... Tiger of the Wind. I hope we never have to meet on the battlefield..." the captain concluded, his lackeys adding their own farewells before they turned to a different direction. Tiger still wanted more... he needed it... Already recovered, the wolf moved down the path the captain had pointed out. The thought of Hare was still in his head, pestering him just like he usually did. Why had he said his name like that? Was he really fantasizing about him, deep down in his mind?

"I-I shouldn't think about that idiot... He's hot but... H-hey! What am I thinking!?" Tiger thought to himself, wandering around as he tried to locate whoever the captain had pointed out. "I'm still horny that's all... But soon it'll be okay and then I can get back before they wake up..."

And so Tiger moved on to the place he believed he would get more of what his body still wanted, unaware someone already realized he wasn't sleeping on that night...

Please teach us princes! The blue-nosed reindeer and his medicine!

Author's Note: Hello everyone! My second story is about the famous and cute Chopper from One Piece! The problem was... who he should be with? So I had this crazy idea and it can/will be used for other characters as well, at least in that...

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Please teach us princes! Enter the kung-fu tiger! [EDITED VERSION~~]

MESSAGE FROM THE AUTHOR: Hello to all! This is my first story, now edited thanks to Drayne\_the\_Wolf! Like I've said before: it's based on the characters created by the kemono artist...

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Please teach us princes! Enter the kung-fu tiger!

Hello to all! This is my first history. It's based on the characters created by the kemono artist Doneru. []( it's his site and...

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