Artifacts, Chapter 11, Netsuke

Story by Hinny Mule on SoFurry

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My Stories are copyrighted, so NO takee!

Artifacts, Chapter 11, Netsuke

By William W. Kelso

"How much are these?" Tracy asked the owner of the booth.

"The little carvings? The old man replied, how about a $100 bucks? I think they're pretty old."

"Umm, I'm not sure", Tracy mumbled as she looked at the small carvings in their box. "What are they, anyway?"

"Heck if I know, the man replied, they were just in a bunch of stuff I picked up at a yard sale. Old lady that sold them to me said her husband brought them back from Japan after the war, so I guess they're Japanese or something. Pretty little things, but kind of, er, raunchy."

Tracy took a closer look at one of the small carvings, and it was definitely 'raunchy', as the man had put it. It was a carving of a goat like creature, a very male and aroused goat like creature. In fact all of them were pretty 'raunchy', whether male or female, and most were beasts with some human features. She liked miniatures, but these were definitely not cute little porcelain unicorns or fairies. But still, they were extremely well carved and realistic, and looked like real ivory.

"How's about $75.00?" Tracy said.

"Make it $80.00, and you're got a deal." The man replied.

"OK, I can do that." Tracy said, and gave the man four twenties. Then she waited as the man wrapped up the box, and gave her a receipt.

She spent a couple more hours wandering through the huge outdoor market, and then decided to call it quits. It was still fairly early, but she was tired and hungry and most of the dealers had been set up for awhile and most of the 'good deals' had been snapped up, plus it was starting to get hot. Since she was pretty happy with her purchases so far she headed for her car.

After the long drive home; and a quick stop for dinner, she arrived back at her place tired, but pretty happy with the way the day had gone. She fixed herself a cup of green tea, and then unpacked her most recent acquisitions. There was a nice set of sterling salt & pepper shakers, an old 'love token' made out of a dime dated 1854, a plain gold 14kt mans ring she'd got for $5.00, and the odd little carvings.

She took the carvings out of their box and set them up on the table. The box had two layers, you took a tray out of the top to reveal another underneath, and each was divided into sections for each of the carvings. She could tell they were really old, even the box showed a lot of age, the plush silk lining having turned a brown color from the original red, but it was still in good condition. As she examined it she found faded gold oriental characters embossed on the inside of the lid, but of course couldn't read them. She put the box down and took a closer look at the little figures.

The little carvings averaged about an inch and a half in height, but the width varied quite a bit. There were spaces for thirty carvings in the box, but there were only twenty-four of them, so she figured some had gotten lost over the years. She picked up one of a lizard; or maybe alligator, and looked at it with a loop. It was crouching on its hind legs and tail, its snout tucked against its chest resting on its folded arms. It was male, the rather large and bestial penis making that obvious. The detail was amazing, and it had the slightly yellowed and browned patina of fine ivory. She put it down and picked up one of the few with two figures in the carving, an oriental man and a pig like female. The females porcine and human features were blended perfectly so even though bestial she was still quite lovely in a weird way, and from the look on their carved faces they were enjoying what they were doing very much, the man fucking the pig woman from behind. Another one, the only lying or supine one, was of a woman in the coils of a large snake, and it was also pretty obvious what they were doing, the woman grasping the snakes coils with her arms and legs, a look of ecstasy frozen on her face. Tracy was a little surprised the woman appeared to be Caucasian, the other human figures were all oriental. There were two more 'couples', a man and a baboon or monkey, and a woman and a deer or Elk. The rest were single male and female carvings. She examined each one, and was constantly amazed by the attention to detail. Every male was aroused and rampant, and she could almost see pre oozing from their bestial penises. As she examined them one after another she felt her nipples harden and her panties grow damp. She wasn't into bestiality or anything like that, but these things were not really animals, and were quite erotic. She finally realized it was getting late, so gave them all a good wipe with a soft cloth; and the old ivory figures were smooth and felt warm to the touch as she cleaned them, and then tucked them back into their case.

That night she had incredibly erotic dreams in which unseen lovers gave her more pleasure then she could imagine, again and again as she writhed and moaned in ecstasy as they serviced her. Towards morning she suddenly woke up with a squeal of pleasure, and realized she'd had an orgasm! She'd never had a 'wet dream' before, but her panties and sheets were damp from her fluids. A little embarrassed she got up even though it was still early, and stuffed the soiled sheets and her nightgown into the laundry hamper. She knew she'd dreamed about some of the figurines, but couldn't really remember any details. The dream had been...intense though, and she felt herself getting wet again as she tried to remember the details, but finally gave up. She'd have to have someone who really knew oriental stuff look at them, she had a feeling they were probably pretty valuable.

Later that day she took them to an antique dealer she knew; and more importantly trusted not to give her a line of bull, and showed him the figurines, just a little bit embarrassed by their blatant sexuality. He looked at several, examining them minutely with a loop, and then put them back in the box.

"Well, Tracy asked, what are these things? Some sort of weird perverted Oriental chess set or something?"

The man laughed, and replied, "Oh no, not at all. They're called Netsuke, they were a kind of, er, sexual aid, I guess you could say. The owner would show them to a partner, and they'd pick out a position or 'style' they wanted. Of course not all Nesuke were sexually oriented, most are just lovely little carvings, they were quite popular at one time, and are very collectible. I can tell these are very old, but honestly I've never seen any like them before. They are quite, um, detailed and rather...explicit, and usually depict a couple instead of single figures. Some are based on various kinds of animal spirits in Japanese folklore, but the others, well, I have no idea.

"Well?" Tracy said.

"Well, what?" The dealer replied.

"Are they worth anything, I paid a lot for these things." Tracy said, a little impatiently.

"It's hard to say, the man replied, they're so unusual. But, yes, I'd say they're worth quite a bit to an advanced Netsuke collector. Your best bet would be one of the big auction houses, or maybe eBay. I'd have them appraised by a recognized expert first, though, they might be able to ID the period and even the artist. I can give you a few names; they're in a collector's journal I subscribed too. Wait a second, I'll get them."

Tracy took the journal the dealer let her borrow, and drove home feeling quite pleased. They'd looked at the prices of some rather plain looking Netsuke; compared to hers, in a few catalogs and online, and she'd been shocked at what some of the little carvings were going for. Hers could be worth several hundred dollars apiece! And no telling what a matched set would go for!

As soon as she got home she took some photos of the carvings and the embossed characters inside the lid of their case, and fired off some emails to a few of the names she'd been given. She also put one on eBay, the one of the man and the pig-woman, just to see what would happen. Then it was bed time, she was worn out, it had been a long day. As she got ready for bed she took the case and put in a drawer in her desk that locked, but before she did she took out the carving of the goat man and looked at it again, running her fingers over the smooth ivory, and it felt strangely warm and slick. She wondered what it would be like to be fucked by such a well endowed beast, and felt her nipples harden. She thought about her dreams from the night before, and wondered if she'd have them again. Then she put the carving back in the case, locked the drawer, and went into the bedroom, and after reading for awhile feel asleep.

Tracy smiled as she felt gentle hands caressing her breasts and a wet tongue licked her swollen nipples, and she moaned in her sleep. As the tongue moved to her pussy she gave a louder moan, and spread her legs wide as the soft warm appendage lapped at her nether lips, then slid inside of her causing her to gasp and arch her rump in the air. Ohhh, she thought, what a fantastic dream! She smiled again as she was gently flipped over on her belly, and then dragged to the edge of the bed. The lapping at her sex resumed, and she moaned again, it felt so real!! She gasped as strong hands spread her ass cheeks, and then gave a guttural squeal as a huge cock slid into her pussy, and woke up as it began thrusting deeper and deeper into her.

"UGGGHH!!, Ohhhhh!" What the....??? She thought as she grasped at the covers, she was on her stomach and realized with horror that this wasn't a dream, that she WAS being FUCKED! Suddenly she felt her unseen rapists thighs slam into her rump, and he started fucking her widely stretched with a strong steady rhythm, and she could feel his balls slapping against her thighs, his hands gripping her tightly around her waist.

"Whaaa...uggghhhh!! Oh, ohh, s-sstop, no, uggh, NO! Uh, uh, UH!" She gasped.

Tracy managed to push herself up on her elbows, and craned her head to try and see behind her, and found herself staring into an entirely bestial face with long hairy muzzle, big floppy ears, and curved spiral horns!! "Baa-aaaa!" the thing grunted in pleasure, long tongue licking over large square yellow teeth, a rank animal musk filling her nostrils.

"NO, NOOO!! Oh God!! AAAAIIIIEEEE!" Tracy sobbed, and the beast switched his hands to her shoulders and pushed her back down, her scream muffled by the soft mattress as he lunged into her.

This, this can't be happening, Tracy thought as the beast kept humping her with bleats and squeals of lust, its huge cock stretching her pussy impossibly, but somehow there was no pain...only a steadily increasing...pleasure. Whatever this thing was it knew what it was doing, it would bring her to a peak of pleasure, then slow down its thrusts for awhile, then bring her back to an even higher peak, before doing it all over again. How can I be enjoying being raped by a monster?!? She wondered as she moaned in helpless pleasure, but the pleasure, ohhh, she'd never felt anything like this before!! And she realized with horror she was rapidly approaching her climax.

"N-Nooo, she gasped, s-sstop, ugggh, I don't want to...not like this!! Uggh, UGGGH, UGGHHHAAAHHHHH!!!"

The beast ignored her pleas, his only response to speed up his thrusts again, and with a muffled wail of sexual ecstasy Tracy had the most incredibly intense orgasm she'd ever experienced, and bucked and writhed as she felt her assailants hot cum blast deeply into her sex. Then as the pleasure slowly faded the beast pulled out of her with a final bleat of pleasure, and she lay breathing heavily, gasping from the massive climax.

Several minutes later she raised her head and looked around, was it gone?? She stood up, and as she turned around she saw it standing in the light cast by a safely light in the alley behind her house. She sat down with a soft cry, but it didn't move, just regarded her with eyes that reflected the light. And she recognized it, there was no doubt, it was the goat-man, the carving she'd examined just before going to bed. But she knew this was no dream, and it was very real, her still quivering vagina; thick fluids oozing from it, was testimony to that. But she sensed no malice, no aggression, in the silent creature. It seemed to be waiting for something. She thought about screaming, but her house was isolated and she doubted anyone would hear her, and the phone was behind the beast.

"W-What are you?? She managed to stutter, what do you want?"

As if it had been waiting for her to speak the goat man moved closer, and she could see it clearer as it stepped further into the light. It was a goat from the waist down, it's bowed legs ending in hooves, but its genitals were very human; in every way except size, and it had the fur covered torso of a slim muscular man, but its head was that of an animal, a Billy goat. And it was aroused, it's cock at least a good ten inches long, it's sleek black balls the size of billiard balls. It stopped and looked down at her as she leaned back in fear, licking its wet black nose with its long pink tongue, and then crouched down. Taking her knees in its hands it spread her legs, and thrust its muzzle between her legs before she could react, and with a happy bleat began 'eating' her pussy!

"Ugggh, aahhiieee, Tracy gasped, s-stop that, I, uggghhh, ohh, ohhhhh! I...umm..."

At first she tried to push it away, leaning over and clawing at its furry head, but before she even realized it she was holding his horns as his tongue explored her sex, gasping and moaning in pleasure.

"W-Who are...ohhhh God, ugggghhh!! She gasped,!"

Suddenly the tongue slid from her swollen wet sex with a final slurp, then the beast stood up, and leaning forward he guided his penis into her, and she kicked her legs and groaned as his huge phallus slid into her to the hilt, and with a guttural bleat he began fucking her. She wrapped her legs around his narrow waist, her heels drumming against his furry rump, as he gave her more pleasure then she'd ever felt before. As his long tongue licked over her sensitive nipples she ran her fingers through his thick matted brown fur, moaning and squealing in ecstasy.

Tracy was no stranger to sex, she had a very healthy sex live and a fairly steady supply of lovers; though she was between steady boyfriends right now. But she had never been fucked like this before, or imagined anything even close. She had felt his huge cock penetrate her cervix; the feeling incredibly pleasurable, and knew he was pushing into her womb every time he hilted. This should have been; was, impossible, but it was happening, was very real. And she welcomed it now, all fear gone and only pleasure remaining, an intense pleasure that just kept increasing. He suddenly reared back and gave a loud bleat of release, and she felt his cum blast into her again, triggering a second orgasm even more intense then the first. She groaned and clawed at him, her whole body shuddering in ecstasy as wave after wave of pleasure crested, the finally went limp with a long sigh. He paused for a minute, his soft animal eyes staring into hers, then began thrusting again, and she gave a shrill scream as she clutched him as close to her as possible, her vaginal muscles clenching and sucking at the cock inside of her, trying to pull it in even deeper.

Tracy woke with a gasping moan, and sat up, staring around in confusion. Oh God, it HAD been a dream!! Or at least she thought so, until she realized she was naked, her crotch coated with thick dried cum and other sexual fluids, and her bed clothes were probably ruined. And her labial lips were still wet and swollen, her nipples hard and sensitive. On no, it hadn't been a dream, it had been very real! She had no doubt she had been very thoroughly fucked the night before, for several hours, and she could remember cumming at least five times, maybe more. I was raped by a...a beast, the thought, and It had been...incredible!

Getting up she staggered into her office on shaky legs, and found the drawer containing the Netsuke carvings was still locked, with no signs of tampering. A little steadier she went to the bathroom and took a long hot shower, with plenty of soap, and scrubbed herself thoroughly. And as she left the bathroom her bedroom reeked of sex, and there was a distinct animal smell. Returning to her office she unlocked the drawer, and with shaking hands took out the set, and the goat man was back in his place, and it looked like nothing had changed or been disturbed. She picked up the carving and looked at it in the bright light of day, and thought, 'I know it was real! You...came to me last night, and we...we..., it wasn't a dream!'

"What ARE you?" She said softly, but the mute carving didn't reply, and she put it back in the case, and locked the drawer. Next she checked her emails, and there were some responses to the ones she'd sent out. A few speculated on the possible artist who had carved them, a few had offers (some of which shocked her), and one rather nasty one claimed they were fakes. But of course none mentioned their rather...unique properties. She surfed the web for over an hour searching for information on Netsuke, but other than the usual stuff about collecting them, history, etc. she found nothing to indicate any kind of 'magical' uses or legends.

She was glad it was the weekend as she doubted she'd have been able to go into work as she was exhausted by the night of unbelievable pleasure, and in the early afternoon went back to bed and slept soundly for several hours. When she woke up she felt fantastic, better then she had in as long as she could remember. She decided to take another shower, and as she got ready she paused and looked in the mirror. Not bad, she thought, her tits nice and firm, nipples jutting jauntily, and she couldn't be sure, but she swore her tummy was a little smaller and flatter. She'd always had just a little bit of a pouch, but it looked smaller today. Well, she thought, last night probably burned a LOT of calories! Then as she thought about that she wondered, what about...tonight? Would that...creature come for her again?? But the main question was, did she WANT it to come for her?? As she took her shower, lathering her nude body with body wash, she decided that, yes, she DID hope it would come for her again. It had been horribly erotic, and God, the pleasure! She wanted more.

But she spent the night alone, despite staying up quite late, a little frightened, but also hopeful. But despite dozing off a few times, when she woke back up she was still alone. In the morning part of her was relieved, but also disappointed. What had she done to 'activate' or invoke', or whatever, to attract the beast to her?? Of course, she'd handled and cleaned the carvings several times, but the last one had been the goat man! Was that it, the last one you touched was the one that 'responded'?? Or was it the only magical one?? Well, only one way to find out.

She'd been getting worked up and aroused all day long thinking about that wild and wonderful night, and if she could she was bound and determined for a repeat. She decided she didn't care if her 'lover' was more animal then human, she wanted him again! Or; maybe, one of the others?? What if they ALL could be summoned?? She took out the set again and set the various figures up in rows and looked at them, touching and examining each one of the male ones. Finally she set several to one side, the ones she found the most, well, attractive. The goat, the lizard or gator, the wolf (?), a rat like creature, a bull, horse or pony, and a rabbit, the rest were female, in pairs, or just too weird. Forget the one that looked like Praying Mantis! Bug sex as OUT! And the Dragon one had two cocks, which was just a little bit too much, but maybe later? All were beautifully carved, the detail exquisite, and very much aroused. She stroked their carved phalluses, and felt herself growing wet, and they felt so warm and slick, almost like they had a thin coat of silicone; or pre, on them. She started to set the one of the goat aside, but then had second thoughts. What would it be like, with a...rabbit? She'd always liked rabbits, and they were supposed to be so horny all the time 'breeding like rabbits', so she put the goat back in the case and left out the carving of the rampant rabbit.

She wasn't sure what to do, did she put it back in the case, or did that matter? Well, for now she'd leave it out. She set it on her night stand, the lamp throwing a shadow of the rabbit on the wall, complete with jutting penis, and she got in bed and turned out the lights. She was naked, having decided if something did happen clothes would just be in the way, and lay in the dark for a long time, sneaking glances at the little carving, tense and unsure, but aroused at the same time. Finally she dozed off, then suddenly woke up with a jerk as she heard a noise, and looked over at the end table. The rabbit was gone! The noise she'd heard had been a paperweight falling to the floor. She sat up in bed, and looked around the room, and she saw it.

At first she saw the eyes, the safely light reflecting off of them as it had off the goats eyes the other night, but that was all. Then it stepped into the pool of light, and she gasped. For some reason she'd thought it would be white, but it had pure black fur, its blue eyes bright against the obsidian black covering its body, its dark pink penis jutting up from its sheath, pre glistening on the tip. She held the sheets up to her breasts, and as the rabbit creature slowly approached the bed, she couldn't help herself, and giggling a little hysterically, said,

"Eh, What's up Doc?"

The rabbit paused, and tilted its head a little, nose twitching as it turned its ears towards her. It didn't say anything, but seemed a little unsure of itself. As it flicked its ears she saw the insides were a delicate pink color, and felt any fears or inhibitions she still had fade away. Maybe it couldn't touch her unless she truly wanted it to, and she did, oh how she did! It was a beautiful creature, and just looking at it was making her sex wet, her nipples hard and swollen! She dropped the sheets, and reached out towards the waiting beast, and with a happy squeal it came to her.

"Ugggggh, Ohhh God!" Tracy moaned as the rabbit mounted her again, what was this, the fifth time?? She fondled his soft warm ears and kissed his muzzle as he grunted and squeaked in pleasure as he thrust between her legs, her legs wrapped around his furry waist as they coupled, his tongue lapping against her face and sensitive nipples. As he took her again and again, each time even more pleasurable then the previous, she finally passed out from the sheer sexual euphoria, her body overloaded by the unbearable pleasure in her aching sex.

When she woke up she slowly stretched and groaned in delight, it had worked! She looked at the night stand, and the little rabbit carving looked back at her, and she could swear it had a little smile on its ivory muzzle. She picked it up, rubbed it against a still sensitive nipple, and then licked her tongue against its tiny carved cock. Yes, it was definitely smiling! She laughed, and said, "Don't worry Bugs, we're going to be good friends, you and I, AND your brothers!"

Since she had some sick leave coming Tracy called in and told her boss she needed a few days off, and since she'd never done that before he didn't have a problem with it. Then she got washed up, and went back to bed. The incredible sex had left her feeling fantastic, but tired, like the first time. So she slept most of the day, which was fine as she was going to be up most nights, and was looking forward to it. Which one next?? The bull, the rat, or... maybe the lizard??? Yes, let's give something scaly a try, she thought. She'd always kind of wondered what it would be like with a cold-blooded lover. So as she got ready for bed by taking her clothes off she left out the carving of the lizard like creature, and set it on her night stand after giving it a good cleaning. Realizing she needed to fall asleep first before they'd 'respond', she was surprised at how easily she was able to do so. But just a few minutes later she woke up again, realizing she was no longer alone. And he was waiting for her.

With a long low hiss he approached her, forked tongue licking out from his snout, his strange reptilian eyes unreadable, but his intent obvious. He had no apparent balls, and his cock was not human. Its tip was more pointed, and it had a series of low ridges or bands down its length. His scales were a green color with black markings; his belly bands a dark brown or tan in the dim lighting. Unlike the others he didn't seem all that interested in foreplay, and got right to the 'main event'. Tracy lay back and spread her legs for him as she slid on top of her, and with a loud hiss of pleasure begin to mount her, and she groaned as his long slender cock slid into her eager ready sex, pushed against, then through, her cervix and into her womb. As soon as he hilted the lizard paused; and then began to fuck her rather brutally and she moaned as her heels drummed against his sleek hard scaly hide, his long forked tongue licking over her face and into her wide gaping mouth as she panted and squealed in ecstasy.

The reptile's dry musty musk filled her nostrils as he mated her, and she could feel each ridge on his cock as it slid in and out of her throbbing sex. It was different then with the others, more cold and impersonal, but the pleasure was still mind bending. She bucked and heaved under his heavy body as his belly bands slid and slapped against her thighs and belly, her vaginal muscles clenching at the hardness filling her so well. He suddenly thrust even harder, and gave a loud hiss as his cock pulsed and she felt thick cool cum spurting into her, and she squealed and gasped as her own orgasm washed over her in waves of pleasure. The lizard barely paused before he started servicing her again, and she moaned and lifted herself as she ground back to meet his thrusts, her eyes rolling up in her head from the agonizing ecstasy.

Later as he braced herself on the floor on all fours, the lizards heavy weight on her back as he took her from behind, she sobbed a little, drooling helplessly as he serviced her fast and hard, his loud hisses filling her ears, his clawed hands gripping her belly. She had lost track of how many times he'd serviced her, but all she knew was she wanted more!! But she was reaching her limit, and as his cool cum blasted into her again she passed out for the overload of sexual ecstasy, and slumped forward into a dark sea of sexual bliss.

When Tracy woke up she was curled up on the floor in a fetal position, and with a moan slowly staggered to her feet. The lizard carving was back on the night stand, its eyes just as emotionless as ever. Well, she thought; that had been a little different. But she had to admit it had been a very nice different! The lizard wouldn't be one of her favorites, but she would still 'summon' him for time to time, for that 'different' pleasure. He'd been more demanding then the rabbit or goat, and had fucked her almost nonstop with no foreplay of any kind, making her cum again and again almost continously. Next she went into the bathroom to take a shower, and wash the thick gooey lizard cum off her body.

The next several nights were ones of incredible sexual pleasure as she 'summoned' beast after beast to share her bed; or the floor, each one doing its best to pleasure her as long, and often, as possible. They used her in ways she'd never even thought of, and their sole desire seemed to be to give her as much pleasure as possible, and she let them have their way with her in whatever way they desired. She could hardly wait for night to come as evidently that was the only time they could be 'summoned'. She knew she was addicted to the strange, disturbing, and unnatural sex, but didn't care; she just wanted more and more of it. She tried her best to stay awake as long as possible as her body and senses were bombarded with sexual pleasure, but after several hours she was overwhelmed and finally passed out during an orgasm even as she was still being fucked so incredibly well. But slowly she began to get 'used' to the attentions of her bestial lovers, and was able to last longer and longer before her body shut down.

And there was another side affect, one she also enjoyed, she was getting thinner and more voluptuous. The incredible physical effort and assault had burned every ounce of fat she had on her body, and then some. Her breasts were larger now, jutting and firm, her waist narrower than it had ever been, her rear tight and muscular, and she had more control over her vaginal muscles now then she would have believed possible. She loved to clench around, and stroke, the huge cocks that filled her every night. And last night she had taken the goats cock in her mouth and sucked him off; for the first time in her life. It had just seemed like the thing to do, and gave her pussy a rest for awhile, and his cum had been delicious. She planned on pleasuring all of her 'harem' like that from now on, that way she could stay awake longer before she passed out from pleasure overload. And they certainly appreciated it; the goat had squealed and bleated like crazy as he gently ran his fingers through her hair. And what would it feel like in the ass, she wondered, she'd never done that before either. But she was going to find out, tonight! She wanted to experience very kind of sexual pleasure possible, and the beasts would only be too glad to teach her. The giving of sexual pleasure was; after all, what they had been created for.

As she became more engrossed in the nightly pleasures Tracy began to ignore her emails entirely. Since she had NO intention of selling the wonderful carvings of her 'lovers', she didn't bother to respond to them anyway, so she missed the ones from a man in Japan. At first they were polite, but became more urgent when she didn't answer. The last few contained warnings, and the final indicated he was going to come to the USA to meet with her. But she remained unaware; another development had her full 'attention'. It happened almost by accident one evening as she was selecting her 'lover' for the night, she was torn between the goat and the rat; two of her favorites, looking for one to the other in indecision. It was too bad she couldn't 'summon' both of them. Then she froze, why NOT? It was worth a try, so she left both of them on the end table, and an hour later she was writhing in exquisite ecstasy, sandwiched between the two beasts that seemed determined to outdo one another as they pleasured her.

She smiled as she moaned, the goat underneath her, the rat taking her from behind, their squeaks and bleats loud in her ears, their hot breath in her face and on the back of her head as they thrust into her bucking arching body. She'd thought it couldn't get any better, but she'd been so wrong! Having TWO cocks inside of her was amazing. She finally passed out a few hours later as she orgasmed, down on all fours while she sucked the rats long oddly shaped cock, the goat slamming into her from behind, and the feeling of hot cum filling her sex and pouring down her throat washed her away into sweet oblivion. When she woke up she could hardly walk, and after a hot shower she ate a small breakfast, and then collapsed back into bed to wait for the next night. If she could 'summon' two, then why not three, or even more?? She found it hard to sleep as thoughts of anticipation filled her head.

The next afternoon she finally made her decision, taking out the rabbit, goat, and rat. Of them all those three were her favorites, and her sex was sopping wet as she thought about what it would be like to be the center of an orgy with insatiable beasts. So she set them on the night stand, and tried to go to sleep. The thought of the three of them taking her at the same time kept her awake for awhile, but she finally dozed off, and then woke up as she felt their hands on her body, heard their eager grunts and bleats as they pulled the sheets from her body. Yes, it had worked!! As their hands moved over her body and positioned her she kissed and licked their muzzles, their own tongues licking over her breasts and face.

Sometime later Tracy crouched on her knees with the three rampant male beasts standing around her, her mouth going from cock to cock as she fondled their balls, the three beasts grunting and bleating in pleasure as she sucked them off one after another, thick cum dripping from her lips. The goat leaned back against the bed, and she climbed on top of him, gasping as his hardness slid into her, then leaned over as the rabbit mounted her anally from behind. The two began thrusting into her right away, coordinating as they fucked her. The rat jumped up on the bed, and as he knelt in front of her she licked his cock, then wrapped her lips around it and slowly swallowed it, the rat giving shrill squeaks of pleasure as he thrust into her mouth and held the back of her head. It can't get any better than this, she thought, as she quickly entered a sexual euphoria that must be what heaven was like. The males reached their orgasms almost simultaneously, and after blasting their cum into all her orifices they cleaned her off using their tongues as she gasped in pleasure from the feeling of the three warm wet organs sliding over; and into, her body. Then it was time for the next round, and they proceeded to gang bang her again, rotating positions after every climax. And Tracy loved every second, the ever increasing pleasure slowly starting to reach the level where it would become unbearable and she would pass out.

As usual she soon lost track of how many times they'd serviced her, not that she cared, all that mattered was the inebriating pleasure, she just couldn't get enough now, even with three large cocks rammed into her at the same time, three pairs of hands roaming over her body and kneading and fondling her breasts, rubbing and squeezing her engorge clitoris, her nipples so sensitive just the slightest touch made her breasts quiver in ecstasy. And it went on and on, but she managed to keep from passing out; her 'resistance' having increased. This was the longest she'd lasted so far, and she was bound and determined to last even longer even though her whole body was trembling as orgasm after massive orgasm racked her.

Some time later as she lay on her back, the three beasts bent over her as their tongues cleaned her yet again as she ran her fingers through their warm soft fur; how she loved them, she knew she was reaching her limit at last. But she was good for one more 'ride' to finish the incredible night. The next night she'd summon ALL six of her favorites! What would THAT be like?? But for now... She rolled off the bed, and as the three beasts waited she looked at herself in the full length mirror on the closet door. Damn she looked good now! She had the perfect figure now, one that every girl dreamed of, but so few had. The strenuous sex; and eating so little, had slimmed her down amazingly. As she lifted her arms over her head causing her tits to jut out, the goat embraced her from behind, his cock pressing against the small of her back, his head resting on her shoulder as his long tongue licked over one of her breasts, the other two beasts panting in lust, and despite each having had multiple orgasms they were just as aroused, as insatiable and rampant, as ever. She turned to face him, gave his muzzle a kiss, and then as he lay down on the floor she straddled him, and then lowered herself onto his rock hard cock. She was amazed how long the beasts stayed hard, they never went flaccid, or ran dry, no matter how often they came. She let her weight impale her until he hilted, then moaned as she bent over as his tongue licked across her breasts. She gave a grunt of pleasure as the rat mounted her from behind, then with a smile opened her mouth for the rabbits cock, and soon she had swallowed the whole length as the other two fucked her energetically.

She was so lost in sexual ecstasy she didn't even notice at first when the window began to lighten as the sun rose. It had never occurred to her what would happen if she stayed awake that long, having assumed her 'lovers' became carvings again as soon as she fell asleep. So they were still servicing her when the first sunbeams illuminated the erotic scene. And as the sun rose higher they began to slow down, and as their bodies became immobile and began to harden and become ivory again they orgasmed violently, muzzles open in now silent screams of agonizing ecstasy as they were frozen right at the moment of their most intense sexual release, frozen in full orgasm. And a short time later Tracy climaxed as well as their hot cum blasted into her body, and her orgasm didn't fade as she felt her body stiffen, then harden as the her skin took on the sheen of well polished antique ivory that matched perfectly the coloring of her three lovers, and she felt a sudden moment of confused vertigo, then as the pleasure continued nonstop she found herself staring out over the bedroom from somewhere high up off the floor, and why was everything so damn big??

"Wha....what??" She thought, ohhhh, AAHHHH!! it feels so good!! But why won't they stop cumming, why can't SHE stop cumming?? She looked at the rats belly as she had her face right up against it, his pulsing cock deep in her throat, and found herself staring at a light brown colored surface with carved fur on it. She needed to scream from the pleasure, but no matter how hard she tried, she couldn't move! Let me GO!! She thought, getting desperate. Oh God, it hurts so good, but I can't take much more of this agonizing ecstasy! Why...why can't I MOVE?! Why won't they stop, let me go?!? Ohhhh, uggggghhh, please, I...can't...take... anymore! Why...can't...I...stop...CUMMING?!? UGGGGHHHH!!

Mr. Matsumoto knocked gently on the door of the old house, but after awhile he assumed no one was home. He was torn, not sure as to his next move. At last he had located the Netsuke that had been stolen from his family's guardianship during the war when their house had been looted during a bombing raid. He had been overjoyed when he received an email from a friend who knew of his interest, but so far the owner had failed to answer any of his emails, even after he finally warned them of the Netsuke's powers; and the possible consequences of over indulgence in the pleasures they offered. He just hoped he was in time.

He looked around carefully, but the house was fairly isolated and there was no one else around. There was several days of mail accumulated in the mailbox, so he felt it would be safe for him to make an 'unauthorized entry'. Though he found it somewhat dishonorable he jimmied the lock with a credit card; a most useful skill an American friend had taught him many years ago, and slipped into the dark and quiet house, closing the door and relocking it.

The first thing that hit him as he searched the house was the smell, the reek of animal musk and sex, fairly fresh and concentrated in one bedroom. He surveyed the rumpled bed and the dried fluids staining it, and then spied the carving on the small desk by the side of the bed. He sighed as he picked it up, and examined the small intricate carving of four coupling figures resting in the palm of his hand. As he saw the figure of a human woman sandwiched between the three beasts he knew he was too late.

Tracy looked up as a figure suddenly towered over her, and saw it was an oriental man she didn't know. As he picked her; and her 'lovers' up, she shouted in her mind, 'Help me, oh God please help me!!! They won't stop!! Ohhh, uGGHHH!! Please, make them stop!! I can't stand it, ohhh, they...won't ...stop...cumming!! I can't stop either!! Pleasse, the...pleasure, I can'!! AAHHHIIIEEEEEEE!!!'

Mr. Matsumoto looked at the blank carved eyes of the woman, but he knew she was aware, her spirit trapped in the 'new' Netsuke she had become. If only she had read his warnings, that no matter what she must NOT be coupling with a beast when the night ended and the sun rose. They were things of the night, and being in congress with one when the sun rose meant you would join them. And once two Netsuke were joined they could never be separated, they could no longer be called to pleasure another as they already had a 'mate', forever. But he was surprised by one thing, he'd NEVER seen more than two Netsuke joined before, and had never heard of four! He wondered what it must be like for the three beasts and their unfortunate human lover, to be frozen at the moment of their most intense sexual pleasure, pleasure that would never fade now, their orgasm's eternal.

Carrying the warm slick ivory figures he searched the house, and finally found the case containing the rest of the Netsuke, and excellent, they were all present! He had to make room for what was now the largest carving in the set by removing a couple of partitions in one of the trays, but once that was done it fitted easily. Shutting the case he removed all evidence of his visit, and even deleted his emails from the still running computer. Then he left as quietly and unobtrusively as he had come, his task completed.

Tracy begged in her mind as she was placed in the case with the others, others she could now sense around her now that she was one of them. 'Please, don't leave me like this!! You don't know what it's like!! UGGGHHHH! They...they, I can't TAKE it anymore!! Ohh-UGH! Please!! NOOOOO!! They...won't...UGGHHH...stop, I...I can't...stop...CUMMING!!! ' She wailed as the lid of the case was closed, and she was left in the dark with the pleasure that would never stop or lessen.

The End


The Seeker, Chapter 37

My stories are copyrighted, so NO take! The Seeker, Chapter 37 By William W. Kelso As Charon grounded his boat I hopped out, and he helped me carry My Mistress further up the shore. How we got from the Atlantic Ocean to the shore of an...

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A Tale of Two Kobolds, Chapter 4

My stories are copyrighted, so NO takee! A Tale of Two Kobolds Chapter 4 By William W. Kelso Kix gave Griss a worried nuzzle; he was moping again and she hated to see him so sad and depressed. He had been ever since he'd killed a man...

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A Tale of Two Kobolds, Chapter 3

My stories are copyrighted, so NO take!! A Tale of Two Kobolds Chapter 3 By William W. Kelso Kix gave a shrill startled hiss as she bowled into, and knocked over, the equally surprised person who had been coming up the stairs. A second later...

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