LoT: Matthias and Gabriel...story...

Story by kaleemmcintyre on SoFurry

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Story inspired by: http://www.sofurry.com/page/81258/faves

Characters copyright: http://pan-mingshu.sofurry.com/

The good and bad part about being a mercenary came from the fact that you had the freedom to choose what jobs you went on sometimes and sometimes you didn't. The work could be easy or difficult depending on what the employer wanted and how much gold they were willing to shell out for time spent. In some cases, for a few pieces of coin you could find yourself somewhere in the middle of the woods hunting down marks set up by guilds. For others, a few dozen gold pieces could pay the cost for a man's life depending on who said man was.

This time however, Matthias found himself sighing as he looked around the field while his partner for the job they were on read over the map they had procured from their mutual employer while grunting and huffing in distaste. The wide open plains made the white leopard feel somewhat nervous as he rubbed his claws over the hilt of his knives while letting his feline ears twitch at the faintest sound carried on the breeze. Turning a dark eye to the wolf next to him, Matthias hoped that he could get this assignment over with as quickly as possible. There was no telling what would happen if he had to linger around with this unknown male who seemed to be watching him warily over the rim of his map.

"It's a four day hike to the next town. We can cross the ridge and save a day, but that puts us in elf territory," The smooth tenor of the black lupine makes the fur on Matthias' neck stand on end as he felt his nerves start to fray however, the feline only shrugs before turning to look at his companion in the eye.

"Up to you," Technically, Matthias had gotten this job because of a friend who sent him to someone he trusted but honestly, he was just the backup. Knowing better than to try and call the shots when the other mercenary didn't seem to have much taste for him, it was better just to keep his head down and his mouth shut as much as possible. The fact that the black timber wolf was carrying around a broadsword bigger than his arm didn't make the leopard feel any need to try to state his own feelings about their work.

"Alright, then we head through the plains and then over the West Fall ridge and then on to Glavidia. Four days inbound and three days back should have us back in Creston Point." The wolf seemed to be speaking to Matthias but the leopard wasn't sure if it was just a rhetorical vocalization so he wisely bobbed his head and then turned to begin walking.

A flutter of parchment being rolled up and then the shuffling of a rucksack followed by hurried steps coming up behind him signaled the other mercenary coming up onto Matthias' side before all was silent once more.

Time seemed to pass quickly as the silent march between the two men went on for almost twelve hours straight. The sun had been at its height when they had started but now the moons were rising into the cloudless sky, but neither wanted to stop. Maybe there was some kind of mutual rivalry going on between the two, but whatever the case it kept both of their spirits up and their feet treading heavily onto the earth as they watched from each other's vantage point for signs of potential ambushes. These days, bandits had been getting more and more daring with their acts of robbery and murder, even with the royal guard making sweeps of the areas nearest to the capital there were still some who braved fate to try their hand at vandalism.

It may not have been such a surprise then, that their employer wanted two men to delivery his package to the neighboring town instead of paying the guards to do so. That would have cost a pretty coin to have the crown send some of their finest just to deliver a few bottles of tonic that probably wouldn't have cost half as much.

Matthias let his thoughts drift away from him as his feral eyes shone through the gloom and without meaning to, those same eyes found their way down onto the loin guard the wolf was wearing and to the thick bundle within. Taking a moment to assess the inner contents, the leopard felt a throng of heat well inside of his own groin as he imagined being underneath the other male while having his tail lifted and appraised by the lupine's maleness as they rutted together. Letting his eyes drift up to see that the wolf was looking away to the side for danger, Matthias returned his own gaze off to the side so as not to be caught. More than once he had to abandon a mission in favor saving his hide when another mercenary had found his attentions unwanted.

Having a sword coming close to cleaving you in half should have learned him well to keep his dalliances off of his lips and well away from other males who brandished weapons, but he couldn't help himself. The reason that he sought so much to be a mercenary himself was so that he could find others like himself who preferred the company of men as to that of women. Those males who would take him long and hard into the night while breeding him like a prized concubine in a lord's castle and then pull him around to usher warm rasps of tongue onto his cheek and whisper words of deeper meaning into his ears. Just the thought alone was enough to make his cheeks heat and his tail lift up as his pheromones began to ooze out from his pores at his readiness to mate.

Shaking his head and stilling his resolve not to give away his nature, Matthias grunted a cough into his throat, making the lupine snap his head toward him in concern.

"Once we make it to the ridge we should camp for the night." The leopard tried to think up a good excuse for this however, his mind was already two steps ahead of him when the wolf cocked his head to the side in confusion. "It would be best so that if we find ourselves cornered by the elves that we will be ready to fend them off with all of our strength."

"That's wise, I suppose." The wolf seemed to think upon this heavily as he lowered his head and half shut his dimly glowing eyes. "It will be day before we come to the ridge but there is a small lake nearby which we could set up camp and use to hunt from."

"I have knowledge of making traps so I'll see to catching dinner if you'd be willing to skin and cook the meat?" Normally, Matthias preferred to keep long strips of jerky around whenever he had to be on long assignments. His ability to properly delve out the entrails of animals was only about as good as his ability to actually simmer said food over a flame without burning it, most times of which he failed at miserably.

A nod from the wolf ended the conversation and then two mercenaries kept their pace on into the night without another word.

Morning of the next day found them trading blows with a small group of bandits who had become bold from earlier thefts. Between the two of them, Matthias was able to take out at least six without sustain heavy injury and the wolf ended the lives of the other eight despite the heavy gash that had been inflicted onto his arm. Wielding his sword in both paws was always a struggle when it came to being outnumbered; the weight of his weapon's recovery time was slow and often whenever one enemy fell another would capitalize on his defenselessness. Thankfully, though his arm was wounded, his claws were not and the only wound he had sustained gave him the chance to switch from swordplay to all-out brawling with the tools nature had given him.

Matthias was all poise and elegance as he unsheathed his razor sharp knives and slices through the brigands with feline grace and dexterity. Blood flew through the air along with groans of pain as gasps of life being severed from falling bodies, but to the leopard they were nothing more than the sweet music of battle that he had long since trained for. His tail swept through the circle of bandits and caught many them off guard which only made his reflexes sing as he went for unprotected vitals and open defenses of those who were ill prepared for his style of fighting. A grin of satisfaction followed by a purr of exhilaration as the feline felled each and every opponent without breaking a sweat.

For the wolf, it was all business as he waved his sword around and let the metal bite into flesh and then deeper into bone. The ringing of his weapon sounded the deathneal for these men whose eyes were filled with greed. However, unlike his partner, the wolf had to shoulder a heavy wound as one lucky bastard got the edge of his sword through his black fur, cutting something loose and letting blood spray out into a wet arc. Snapping his head and seeing the glint of victory in the other's eye, the lupine released one of his hands from the hilt of the blade and slashed out with his hand cutting deep into his attackers face.

Blood was paid in full as the bandit yelled out but soon the heavy burden of interest was collected as the wolf swung his sword around and lopped the man's head off with a single stroke. Letting the blade fly out from his grip, far away from any danger it might present to Matthias, the lupine barked out a hard war cry and then flexed the tips of his hand, one wet with crimson while the other ready to be stained in turn, and then flew into the nearest brigand quaking in fear in front of him. There was a flash of much movement and then screams, so loud and boisterous that they made Matthias turn from his last kill to see the wolf striking out with a fury unseen by anyone with bipedal intelligence before.

The leopard grunted and flinched but never turned away as the black nightmare the lupine became tore into the men, from jugular to aorta as he clawed his way through the remaining five men in front of him.

When then carnage finally came to an end the wolf was battered in so much blood that it seemed like his fur would never become clean of it but the lupine seemed not to care. Going for his sword, he reached down to pluck it out of the ground before looking the metal over and then reaching behind him into his rucksack, which he had amazingly enough kept on throughout the entire battle, and then brought out a clean rag to polish it off with.

"Are you well?" The feline asked with more than a little trepidation hidden underneath his voice.

"I will live," The casualness of his words were hollow to the leopard's ears as the black and white male walked over to his companion and then surveyed what injury he possessed.

"You're hurt. Let me tend to it," Matthias said more than asked as he found himself reaching out before he could stop himself.

"If you wish to do so then that is your business, but I suggest that we do so away from here before scavengers come to pick at the corpses." He words ringing with a dreaded truth, Matthias was well aware of what the smell of fresh blood would do to the monsters inhabiting the area. Having no wish to deal with their masses the feline nodded his head but gently took hold of the wolf's uninjured arm before tugging him along to some place safer.

The two walk for half a mile, the lupine trying to hide his grunt of pain as the wind stings his open wound before fortune smiles upon them and they find a small river in the distance. Not needing to be prompted the wolf allows Matthias to pull him along without complaint before looking to the other male and regarding him with curiosity. He had known that the feline was something of an enigma the moment they had met, the look of the other being both unsure and yet wanting when the leopard had come up to sit next to him in front of their mutual employer, but now as he watched the slightly smaller male usher him to the water and then to remove his pack, the wolf felt as if some piece of the unknown puzzle was slipping together without his understanding.

Opening his senses and taking in a breath of the cat's air, the lupine realized that the interest the other had in him went deeper than concern for an assets safety. Watching as Matthias rolled his shirt's arm up and hiss at the bleeding wound, the feline bits down on the end of his own chest garment and tore off a strip before dunking it into the river. The wolf watches without saying a word as Matthias brings the soaking cloth up, rings it out and then applies it to the wound. He rolls his head to the side to growl from the pain but the tension in his body is so reflexive that it sends a shudder throughout him despite his calm façade.

"Do you have any medicine or herbs with which to aid this injury?" The wolf shakes his head in the negative without looking to the other. As close as they were together the lupine was sure that the feline would see the look of desire in his eye as he found himself falling into the spell the leopard's body was spinning onto him.

"Then, this will take time to heal. Maybe a week's worth to if it's forced open on our journey," The words ring true but the wolf only shook his head again at the unspoken acclamation.

"It's a sacrifice of the job. I'll bear it well until we reach the town and then have a doctor stitch me up there." Such was the life for a mercenary.

For a while the feline says nothing at this but soon a desperation cloud's eyes already stormy eyes as looks to the wolf and then over to the rucksack he had dropped by his side. Turning to look at the wolf, the lupine wasn't sure until it was too late as the leopard snatches at his pack, dropping the blood soaked cloth from his hold, and then rummages through it to pull out a vial of pale pink fluid.

"That is our parcel if I should remind you. If you do what I think you will then we will not see one coin from this employer ever again." Though the wolf says this he doesn't stop the feline in the least as the other snatches open the cork with his teeth and then spits it out onto the ground like an ill tasting piece of rubbish.

"There are other jobs and other employers. A mercenary doesn't play favorites nor does he nitpicks over necessary sacrifices." Matthias sniffs the vial to assure its validity as a healing agent and not a poison, and then lifts the lupine arm to pour the solvent onto his wound.

A lupine howl rents the air as the wolf feels the liquid burn onto his flesh on down closer to the bone than he would have like but his schools his form not to jerk or snap at the feline as the leopard pours the full contents of bottle onto his wound and then tosses it away once emptied. Like magic, but not as graceful, the open cut begins to knit and seal until pink flesh is left in its wake. The wolf turns his head to look, after the fiery hell of healing is done, and then lifts his arm to sniff at the unscarred area in question. Seeing that there was nothing left, not even fur covering him, the wolf rolls his shirt's arm back over his shoulder and then turns to stare at Matthias.

"I thank you."

"None needed. You and I are...a team. Until such time as we part, then we are bound together into this mission as deeply as brothers-in-arms." The leopard smiles openly before turning to cough and look up at the sun sailing through the sky.

"As brothers...or perhaps as lovers would be," The wolf's words turn the feline's head towards him and without another word spoken then lupine takes his arms and pulls Matthias impossibly close to him and seals their lips together in bond that sears the soul.

The leopard doesn't know what to do, say or think. Instead he just feels as warmth like no other he had felt before courses over his lips, forcing them to spread wide and accept the gift given, and then reach up to coil his arms around the male interlocked with himself. Thousand of thoughts race together in a single second, there is no time or place, just the moment of them together as Matthias purrs into their kiss before the need for air forces them apart. The wolf backs away but not without a hungry stare glowering down from his face as he tugs to the leopard's body and pulls them both from the water of the river.

Matthias grunts as he finds himself forced down underneath the impossible strong male before his mouth his attacked once more and his body is made to surrender. Some distant part of himself cries at finally receiving the adoration he had so sought while another roars in joy that he would finally have the dream that he had always dreamt come true. Words were growled by the wolf but they made no sense to the leopard who was wondering when their shared press of lips had ended but soon he comes back to himself when he is being savaged out of his clothing by rough claws and domineering tugs of fingers.

Not fighting back, the feline lays there as he was stripped bare before lying underneath the black male who was disrobing from his own clothing as if they were bothersome pests clinging to his fur. When both of them are naked as the day they were born the wolf helps to flip the leopard over with a shove of his paw until the other was spread beneath his with his tail curled up from over his back. There was little formality after this, though Matthias could have sworn that he felt breath onto the lower end of his tail and wet flesh kissing the end of his tail, before something hard and wanting pressed at the end of his ass as heavy hands raised up his hips and tugged him towards a solemn weight that desperately sought his depths.

Matthias gasped audibly as he was taken in a single thrust, his voice losing all ability to form coherent words as the wolf leaned up over him and sunk down into his flesh. The ring of muscles parted too easily and too acceptingly for this to have been his first, but such was the case as the wolf hilted in a single moment and then growled as he pulled himself back to grunt and spear open the feline beneath him even deeper with all the force of his hips. The sight of them together would have been awe inspiring to anyone who had caught the, black and white of the feline becoming intermingled with the darkness of the wolf's midnight black fur created a tapestry of a monochrome coloring that bound the both of them together. The only other shade to be seen between them was the sunset bright hair pooling on the side of the leopard's face the twin flush of ruby dancing on both of their cheeks.

Blood pumped and welled between the two of them as Matthias was bred the way he had so longed. His body became as such that every press of his nethers into the wolf's made him tremble in pleasure. The choked off moan from his throat was followed by a quiver of ecstasy as something inside of him was prodded without grace or mercy by the lupine's roving maleness. And the tickle of fur against his behind had him panting and purring in rapture as the bigger male took him again and again and again. Though there was little love between them, there was a kind of need that came from two souls who had unified from an acceptance of something greater than gold between them.

It was unrefined and unpronounced but as real as the grass beneath their intertwined bodies and heat burning a trail into their loins.

The wolf grunted and huffed as his slapped his large testicles into the feline's slightly smaller balls. The shock of sensation that was upon him was like an anxiety that bordered close to madness. Nothing had ever felt so good to him, not even the sweetest of pleasures in battle in the midst of war, nor the finest of flowers dipped upon the end of his shaft. His heart danced inside of his chest while his mind was lost in the fog of euphoria. His senses told him of the lust of the male beneath him and dipping his snout low to taste that promise the wolf murred a contented sigh as his washed away the sweat from Matthias' neck with his tongue.

There was no way that he would let the other go after this. His resolution came from the knowledge that he had found a worthwhile male who would be strong enough and yet open enough to have his back in and out of battle. Times had made the lupine cold to the idea of a mate that could be his equal and his submissive when needed but that ice had shattered like glass as he thrust harder and longer into the leopard. He would claim the other and then fill the other with so much of his seed that there would always be a linger scent of himself engraved upon the cat's tail. All other male's who scent him and know, even if they were miles away that the other was betrothed in a way as old as the land itself.

Grunting and panting, huffing and hissing, the two mercenaries neared the end of their climax with musk seeping all around their and pre spattering beneath them. Matthias' sex was heavy with his need to let loose his passion and as he felt a hard lump of flesh swell full and pound deeper into his end, he readied himself for the second when he would belong to the greater being above him.

The wolf could tell without words that his little one was ready and opening his jaws to clamp them down upon the feline's neck, the lupine howled as rocked himself as deep as he could into the leopard and then came in a torrent that shot hotter than the greatest fires in hell.

Matthias roared as he felt the streams jettison inside of him at a pace to quick to measure. The onslaught of heat tore through his rectum and lit a spark into his body that sent of his orgasm in an array of fireworks that danced only in the back of his closed eyes. Cum drenched the ground in front of him, white stains that would soak into the earth and play whispers with the spirits of the copulation that took place here, as the feline echoed his adoration for the wolf who now had privy to his soul.

Over and above the wolf gripped at the leopard's neck hard enough to nearly break the skin before hesitantly opening his mouth and releasing his captive. There was no blood from the wound but there were strips of fur missing, lodged perfectly between the wolf's teeth, as the black male grunted and then slumped over his betrothed's back. Falling down and wrapping himself up into the other, the wolf let out a murmuring hum of contentment as he whispered promises of adore into the feline's half folded ear.

Neither said anything for moments on end, that was until,

"Would you do me the honor of telling me who had so claimed me? I never heard you're name spoken by, what will probably be, our former employer." Matthias asks with an amused chuckle lining his words.

"Gabriel. My name is Gabriel, Anakishi."

"Anakishi?" The leopard asked without thinking, his mind slowly collapsing on cognitive thought as fatigue and satisfaction over takes him.

"Most beloved, in the tongue of those who worship the sun's awakening."

The leopard hums happily before sleep swallows him up whole. The wolf, now known for the first time, hugs him even deeper and presses their bodies even closer as his knot ties their bodies while their spirits tie their souls. He would not sleep for hours to come as he watched over Matthias in his sleep. The wolf, already imprinting ever follicle of his beloved onto his sense to the point where tongue and teeth ghosted over the leopard's face twice to bathe the other in his scent, would only rest when the feline would turn around, his knot fully soft and cock slipping free from his body, to lay his head down and croon across Matthias' head.

The journey to Glavidia was quiet and unassuming after that. Matthias having chose to keep from bathing or donning clothing as he chose instead to leave himself open and ready to receive Gabriel's affection at any moment during their journey. Of which, the wolf only took him again during the night when he felt it safe enough to embrace his betrothed when he felt only the eyes of the moon upon them. The feline stunk of the wolf but never complained as he was mated hard and fervently by the voracious lupine who seemed to have no end to the sexual fervor trapped in his loins. The next night found him howling in pleasure as he was loved by Gabriel in the pond they had found by way of the wolf's map after a large meal, compliments of a careless buck.

The feline never knew he could fall so hard for such a male as he was laid onto his back, legs up and coiled around Gabriel's sides as the lupine took him deep and fast well into the morning. Soaked with sweat, musk and pheromones, Matthias offered all that he was to his wolf time and again until he was left shuddering and twitching with his cum draping off of his belly, only to be licked clean by Gabriel's rampant tongue and willful fingers.

It was only when they got to the gate that he donned a loincloth and went into the city, the guards at the entrance unwavering in their steadfast denial of a naked feline entering their town like some concubine thrown away to the wolves. Making their way to their delivery point, the two mercenaries were rewarded with full payment since they had accomplished the task of sampling the tonic that they were supposed to deliver, much to the good humor of the apothecary who looked to have been born when time first began. Taking their money and going about their way, the two men decide to find a tailor to pay to fashion clothing fit for Matthias and then an inn so that they could fritter away their time getting to know each other a little better.

Though they had a union between each other that would stand before many advertisements to come, the both of them reasoned that perhaps, there was more to being together than the bonding of body and soul. So much was to be learned and while both of them would do so out of their shared bed, much of it would be done underneath the covers with the leopard singing the praises of his lover over and over until an empty purse would send them out into the world to forage for coin once again.

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