Epic Mounts - B.F.T.

Story by DekaFox on SoFurry

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#1 of Epic Mounts

One of my first stories, which ended up becoming a short series that I nicknamed "Epic Mounts" for obvious reasons - after all, they're both gamers!

I don't normally go out too much, in part because of the attention I always seem to get. There aren't many other snow leopard types in the area, let alone pretty and female. I could probably get any male I wanted, but I always seemed to attract the bad boy type. It's kinda hot at first but quickly gets old, and every time I thank the creator they saw fit to give us claws. I also had another hobby that didn't exactly help...

Sighing softly as one of those new Necroknight classes nabbed another elemental from me on the screen, I hit escape and exited. Tonight, I was getting nothing but frustration from WoA. If I didn't get away from it for a bit, I was going to throw the keyboard out my apartment window or something.

A short walk later, I once again found myself inside a club simply called The Dancing Unicorn. I once asked the bartender how it got the name, and he said the first owner used to dance in ballet, before she broke her leg. So far I'd run into the least amount of ass-hattery here, which is why it'd become my usual hangout when I needed to get away from everything for a while.

Slipping through the gyrating and dancing bodies, I made my way to the bar without incident. Perching myself on a barstool, I gestured to the bartender, and smiled when I saw it was Roy, a bull who also doubled as bouncer. With him around I didn't have to worry about any unwanted advances, since he was touchy about that sort of thing. Frankly, anyone would be after what happened to his sister, but that's one of those things it's best to just not think about, or I'd never be able to even leave the apartment.

Turning the stool around while I waited, I just sucked up the ambiance, leaning against the counter as I watched the dance floor move like a single living thing. I didn't even look at the glass Roy placed next to me a minute later, taking a sip and letting it wash across my tongue.

"Um, do you have anything non-alcoholic?"

Earperking at the odd request, I turned my head over to see who was actually coming to a bar not looking to get drunk, while Roy took the request in stride and listed off the few soft drinks he kept around for those who preferred mixed drinks. What met my eyes wasn't what I expected.

Draconic types aren't seen very often outside the Isle they call home, but the scarlet scales, the draconic head bearing two golden horns, and the folded wings made it fairly obvious he was one of them. As he turned to glance back towards the floor, I couldn't help taking a longer look.

His clothes were rather simple; a T-shirt with allowances made for his wings, and a pair of jeans, neither of which was the skin-tight type most around here at the club wore. From what I could see, his scales were primarily a deep red, fading to silver on his neck, and presumably his chest. I couldn't help mentally continuing the line further down for a second, a couple things I'd heard about dragons coming to mind, and I found myself shifting in my seat a little as the images I'd seen online flashed through my mind.

I looked away a moment, taking a sip. "Down girl," I thought to myself, hoping my... erm, discomfort... wasn't apparent. When I glanced back though, he'd already gotten his drink and was headed towards the table, giving me a nice rear view. His wings, even folded, were large and blocked a lot of it, but a long draconic tail swayed behind him as he walked, the tip of it fluffing out in the same silver as the spines on the back of his head. The rump that tail was attached to didn't look half bad either, from what I could tell with the loose jeans he wore.

I watched him for a couple minutes as he sat down at an empty corner table, then simply sipped his drink and seemingly stared off into space. I didn't know whether to be grateful or miffed that he hadn't noticed my looking him over. "Probably gay," I thought, but something still made me get up and walk on over to see what brings someone who isn't drinking or dancing to a nightclub.


"Excuse me. is this seat taken?"

The lilting voice brought me back to the present and out of my character build planning. Shaking my head no, I looked up to see who'd actually bothered to come say hi, and almost did a double-take at the vision of beauty sliding into the chair across from me.

At about 5'6 to my 6' I was guessing, she was shorter than me, but most furs were. Ice blue eyes were framed by (obviously dyed) purple hair, and set in a softly furred feline face. The pants this snow leopardess wore were obviously casual, but still hugged her curves closely. For a top she appeared to be sporting a corset, which was snug around her and supporting a pair of nicely-sized breasts, C cup at least was my guess. I found my gaze lingering on the soft white fur of those bared curves a moment without intending, feeling a slight stirring below. Quickly looking back up, hopefully before she noticed, I found my gaze captured momentarily by that big fluffy tail of hers before I finally brought my eyes back to her face.

Leaning on the table with crossed arms, she gave me a slight smile, ears perking towards me, and seemingly unintentionally giving me another eyeful of that chest as well. "Not many order non-alcoholic around here."

"Well," I said, returning the smile and forcing myself to keep my gaze on her face as I shifted a little, "I don't drink much." I waved my hand a little in a dismissive gesture. "You know, dragons and liqour don't mix well."

She flicked an ear in bemusement. "Can't hold it? Or the fire thing?"

I shook my head, using the subject to distract myself a little from the view, and hiding a feeling of relief as she leaned back in her seat. "It's more a case of either we get nothing more than a slight buzz, or we totally lose it. Those ancient tales of princesses and dragons? What they don't say is the princess got the dragon drunk first."

That got a laugh out of her, though she clearly didn't believe it. "So you just came to sit around and watch the fun then?"

"Nah, friends dragged me along." I tried to keep the sigh I wanted to make out of my voice, but I don't think I was too successful. "Spur of the moment thing. Was hoping to play some games tonight but looks like it won't happen now, since they're my ride home."

"Oh? What do you play?"

I shrugged a bit, perking up a bit more, and I don't mean in my pants. "Mostly War of Ages, lately. They just put out a new expansion recently, and I was hoping to hit the new stuff tonight."

"What server? I've got a level 70 Ranger myself." SHE plays too? I tried to hide my surprise, but from her expression, she had been expecting that sort of reaction. "What? Don't tell me you're one of those who thinks just because a girl's got a figure she can't play games online."

I shook my head quickly in denial. "Nope, it's not that, just that most people I know that play don't come to these places, especially on weekends. Too busy raiding."

"Well, I do happen to raid myself," she said, losing the hurt expression a bit. "In fact..." she trailed off a second, tailtip flicking as her expression became thoughtful, then suddenly she shot upright. "Oh frack!"

"What?" I asked, head-tilting.

"I was supposed to raid tonight and-" she glanced at the clock "- they're already starting!" She slumped back. "They're probably waiting on me right now, but there's no way I can get home in time."

"Well, if you want you can log into my laptop a second to let them know you'll be late," I said, reaching under the table for my bag. "Didn't have time to drop it off at home before we left, so all we need is a internet connection."

She brightened up as I brought it out, ears perking forward. "That'd be great!"

While I booted it up, she rested her elbows on the table and leaned forward again, interlacing fingers and resting her chin on them as she watched. Either by blessing or curse it kept me from getting another view down that corset of hers, and within a minute I was logged in.

"Aw, crud."


I turned it around, and pointed at the window I had up, showing in plain english 'No wireless networks within range.' "Walls are probably blocking it," I said, gesturing toward the steel-and-concrete walls that obviously used to belong to a warehouse once upon a time.

She pursed her mouth in a cute little kitty-pout a moment as she thought. "Oh, I know! There's windows in a couple of the upstairs rooms. I'll get Roy to let us into one."

"Roy?" I asked as I closed the lid. "Who's that?"

"The person you got the drink from, silly, if you'd noticed the nametag," she said, giggling a little. "C'mon. And thanks a lot for helping... er..." she paused halfway to the bar, realizing we hadn't even exchanged names.


She smiled again, relieved that I didn't seem to take offense at it. "I'm Jasmine." Turning back to the bartender bull, she had a few words with him that I couldn't quite hear in all the noise and music. A few moments of digging under the counter produced a keyring, and we began to make our way to the stairs.


I found myself wondering about this dragon fellow as Roy unlocked the door to one of the "guest" rooms the club always has for those looking for a little "private time." I could have sworn I caught him eyeing me up, but I couldn't tell for sure. He was either good at hiding it, or he really was gay.

Shaking off the thoughts, I reminded myself that we really had come here so I could let my guild know I wouldn't make it. I'd been up here a few times before with "company" but this wasn't one of those times. 'Though,' I mused as I eyed the draconic rump climbing the stairs in front of me, 'I wouldn't mind if it was.'

It didn't take him long to get it up and running again, and find a connection. As he slipped aside to let me sit, he glanced towards the hallway, in the direction of the restrooms. "Um, I've gotta hit the restroom real fast."

I smiled up at him as the loading screen flashed by. "No worries."

It didn't take long to let my guildies know I wasn't gonna be there and log off. As I sat there though, I began to wonder. Glancing back at the doorway to make sure Aidan wasn't coming back yet, I clicked a couple folders he had sitting on his desktop. A quick glance through the video folders showed he appeared to be a anime fan. I opened the images folder next. Looked fairly standard... hmm? A folder marked BFT? Curious, I double-clicked it.

The thumbnails loaded quickly, and I found myself looking at pictures of naked vixens, ermines, and snow leopards in various poses. One showed a large-breasted vixen kneeling as if for a harem. Another showed another snow leopard, her breasts almost twice as big as mine, getting nailed from behind by a wolf. I couldn't help but shift in the seat, as it happened to be one of my favorite positions.

As I clicked through more, I found myself starting to grow damp down below, one hand sliding down to rub over the crotch of my jeans as I flipped through pic after pic of busty, big-tailed women getting taken by various kinds of males. There seemed to be a few video files in there as well, their thumbnails making it obvious it was more of the same without even having to open them. The sound of footsteps snapped me back to reality though, and I had just enough time to close everything before he walked back in.

"Sorry I took so long, there was a line."

I forced a smile, hoping I wasn't blushing as I looked over my shoulder. "It's alright."

He nodded a little as he glanced towards the window. "Is it just me, or am I smelling something spicy in here? It smells kinda good..."

I looked back towards the monitor, thoughts running quickly through my head. 'From those pictures... maybe... maybe this evening isn't a wash after all.'


Shrugging at the odd scent, I walked over to the table we'd set my laptop up on. "All done?"

She turned and smiled widely at me, and then to my surprise stood up and hugged me. "Yep, you're a lifesaver!"

I stood there for a moment, caught by surprise, before I returned it. She didn't let go though, but pressed herself against me a bit. I felt a slight stirring below again as her large, soft chest squished against mine. "Maybe," she said and my eyes widened slightly as she started to rub herself against me a little. "I can repay you somehow."

"Th-that's alright," I mumbled out, but her hand was already drifting down, and I gave a slight jerk as she gave my rump a squeeze.

"You sure?" she murmured as she slipped out of the embrace, a sly smile on her face. "You see..." She gazed at me through lidded eyes as she began to unlace her corset. "I've heard some other stories about dragons, and I'd like to see how real they are."

Part of me was screaming 'Run away!' but that was quickly drowned out as she pulled the corset apart, her full, ripe breasts falling free, swaying a little as she slid it off one arm, then the other, leaving her upper body entirely bare. I swallowed a bit as she paused, hand on hip, letting me get a good look at them. A pink quarter-sized areola peeked through the soft white fur covering each softly swaying mound, her little nubs of nipples poking out stiffly.

Stepping forward again, she ran her hands down my chest, then under the bottom of my shirt. "Like what you see?" She murmured into my ear as she ran her warm fingers over the soft scales on my belly, and I could only nod, a soft draconic murr escaping my mouth a moment.

As she started to lift my shirt I finally broke free of the initial shock and helped her lift it up and off, tentatively giving one of those softly-furred ears a nuzzle and lick. Tossing it over her shoulder, I let myself be led towards the bed, her hand sliding down to stroke over my crotch, a small bulge beginning to form under the pants. "Mmmm, and what have we here?" she asked playfully.

Starting to regain my composure, I smiled softly. "Well, why don't you unwrap it and find out?" Gathering my courage at her obvious interest, I slid a hand around her back, cupping and hefting one of those large fluffy tits. Giving it a gentle squeeze drew a soft gasp from her, and a matching squeeze of that bulge in my pants.

"Mmm. I think I will..."


I couldn't help but purr at the thought of what was coming as I rubbed over his package. I so wanted to just rip his pants off him at this point, but I restrained myself and worked at the catch while a hand of his fondled my breast, sending warm shivers through me when he teased a stiff nipple. After a couple seconds I finally got it open, and just shucked them down, finally getting a good look at this sexy dragon.

The silver scaled did indeed go all the way down, meeting at a silver-scaled sheath. I noted with slight disappointment he didn't have external balls, but the already swollen sheath and bit of pink already poking out the tip told me I didn't need to worry at all. Leaning over, letting my breasts brush against his leg I lapped gently at the tip, drawing a warm murroan from him, and rewarding me with more of that draconic meat sliding out into the cool air.

Enjoying the salty taste, I lapped along the length as his hands stroked my back and top of my head, popping it into my muzzle a moment and giving it a good long suck, drawing a slightly louder murrroan of pleasure from him.

Slowly, I began to bob my head up and down, teasing the underside with my rough tongue, holding it in place with one hand. After a minute I pulled off, then slid up a little, surrounding that thick flesh with my warm tits, and smiled up at him as I started rubbing that thick shaft with them. He grinned down at me, stroking my back and murring warmly at the titfuck, my tongue flicking out against the warm tip as I felt the stiff flesh slide against my chest. I looked down at the thick pink head poking out between those warm mounds, lapping softly at the tip each time it poked out from between those large breasts of mine.

As I felt that massive, thick dragonflesh throbbing against me, I couldn't help but imagine how it'd feel inside me, and I found myself growing wetter, my cunny almost aching to be filled by this throbbing, swollen cock. Finally, I couldn't take it any longer, and after giving that heated cockhead a warm kiss, I rose, my hands quickly going to undo my pants while I looked over the impressive piece of draconic meat.

It was pointed at the tip, like a spire, a clear drop of liquid leaking out and dripping down as I shucked my pants. I could swear it was at least 2-3 inches thick, and at least 9 long as it jutted out into the air, throbbing softly. The pink flesh seemed to glisten slightly with my saliva, and was it my imagination or was it slightly thicker at the base?

I let out a soft gasp as I slid my now-soaked panties down, feeling the cool air hit my heated pussy, a trail of my juice linking the cloth to my kittycunt for a few seconds before breaking. Remembering the pictures from before, I cupped my breasts, hefting each full, ripe mound to show them off, then slid my hands down, over my soft bellyfur, to my soaked pussy, letting out another soft gasp at my own touch.

As he watched, murring softly in appreciation and stroking that shaft just a little, I couldn't help eyeing that massive dragoncock as another drop of warm pre leaked out, rolling down the heated flesh and rubbed into it by one red-scaled hand. At that moment I so wanted to just jump on him and take that monster of a cock into me and ride it like there was no tomorrow, but those same pictures though had given me another idea.

Panting softly in arousal, I got onto my hands and knees, large breasts swaying under me. Lifting my tail, I looked over my shoulder at him, giving him a good view of my dripping cunny, the outer lips glistening in the light.

"Fuck me."


I couldn't believe it. An hour ago I was being dragged to a bar with nothing to look forward to but boredom, and now I had a hot snow leopardess asking me to nail her. I couldn't help giving her a full look-over, those large tits hanging below her, that slick entrance pouting slightly while my cock ached to be buried in it. It was like one of my videos come to life. Well, who am I to keep a lady waiting?

Getting down on my knees behind her, I took my heated shaft in hand, teasing along those glistening cuntlips with the thick head, drawing a soft moan from her. 'Don't... ha.. tease... just fuck me...." I just grinned and lined it up, then with one long smooth stroke spread her wide with every inch of that throbbing hot dragoncock.

Her head rolled back as I filled her, a warm yowl echoing her pleasure. "Nnnng... gods you're big...." I couldn't help but close my eyes, panting softly and murring at the tightness and heat squeezing down on my dragonhood, feeling it's wetness coating me.

"Mmm... nice and tight... " I panted out as I started to move my hips in long, slow thrusts, letting her feel every inch sliding between those spread cuntlips and so deep into her, my hands holding her hips in place as she tried to press back against each deep push.

Her breathing seemed heavier as she lowered her head. "Haaa... fuck me... good and hard..." she mrrowled out as she pushed back, squeezing down a bit with her inner walls. "So much... cock..."

Grinning, I took a firm grip and started to shorten my strokes, slapping my hips against hers as I continued to slam her full of thick dragoncock, making those large tits of her sway back and forth with each firm thrust and drawing louder moans of pleasure from the leopardess. "Like that? nnng.... oh fuck yeah...." I moaned. "Nnnggg..." I could feel my knot beginning to grow as well, swelling up with hot dragoncum, stretching those glistening, widespread netherlips even further.

Her eyes widened as she felt that swelling knob spreading her even further, and she lowered her head, pushing back even stronger against the firm fucking she was getting from that thick dragoncock. "Hell yes!.. haaa... tie... me..."

"Gonna... full you.... full of.... cummm...." I moaned out as I thrust into her rubbing along every inch of her tight, wet cunny with my massive meat as I pounded it into her again and again. "NGgggg...." Finally, the knot slipped in completely, and I started making short, quick thrusts. As those slickened walls stretched around my throbbing shaft rippled erratically along the entire length, I felt myself drawing closer and closer.

"Gods... give it... to me... Need... cuuummm...." she murroaned out as her fluffy spotted tail wrapped around my waist, her whole body rocking as she pushed back against the thrusts and squeezed down tight on that swollen knot.

With a roar, I spread my wings, pulling her rear tight against me as I finally erupted within her. Thick spurts of hot dragoncream shot out the tip, spraying heavily into her, filling her full of my rich cum as all my senses seemed to concentrate on my buried cock, gripped so warmly by her tight, slick walls.


The knot alone had almost set me off when he managed to force that thick knob of hot dragonflesh into my needy kittycunt, but it was nothing compared to the sudden rush of his hot seed. "Fuck.. yeah... cummiiinnnggggg" I moaned out as that I felt my body try to milk that dragon-powered firehose of cum of every drop of rich dragoncream, every bit of me filling with pleasure as he poured his heated essence into me. In one small part of my mind I was glad that I'd had the forethought to take the Pill before leaving home, though I hadn't expected something like this at the time. It was only a small part however, as the rest of me was glorying in being filled to the brim.

As the blast slowed to a trickle, my new playmate seemed to almost collapse onto me, but managed to keep himself upright. Closing my eyes a moment, I just reveled in the soft afterglow suffusing my entire body. I couldn't help but purr in contentment at being filled so full of dragonmeat and dragonseed. A slight tug of that trapped maleness though quickly brought me back down to earth, and I turned my head to look back at the foxy dragon. The expression on his muzzle told me that he'd obviously never tied with a gal before, and hadn't realized what it'd feel like to try and pull out while still knotted.

"It's ok, hon," I said, uncurling my tail from his waist to brush it under his snout. "We just have to wait a bit. Besides," I said, giving him a gentle squeeze and drawing a surprised gasp from him, "I kind of like keeping you in me."

He reached up to scratch at the spines on his head, and I couldn't help but find it amusing how quickly he had gone from hot dragon stud back to gamer geek. Well, scratch that, he was still kind of a stud even when he wasn't busy nailing me from behind. Not like I could say much about being a gamer geek anyways. "Well," he said sheepishly, "it... mm.. does feel good, but it could take a while..."

Grinning at his naiveté, I propped myself onto my left arm and reached back to pat his chest. "Then we'll just have to get more comfortable. Now lean back, and I'll move with..."

It took a few minutes of shifting around(and some quite pleasureable rubbing too!) but shortly after I was nestled up against his chest, resting in his scarlet-scaled arms as that nice thick knot keeping him buried began it's slow deflation. Nuzzling under his chin, I murmured, "So, I guess you never watched far enough in those videos to see what they did after tieing."

Feeling him tense slightly at the mention of the videos, I smirked a bit and licked under his chin. "I know, I shouldn't have gone looking, but you can't say you regret what happened... I know I don't."

He nodded a bit, relaxing again and giving my spotted ear a lick. "I would have hid it a bit better, but I'm the only one that ever uses my laptop."

I giggled a little at that, snuggling in and giving his scaled neck a light nibble as he lightly ran his hand through the spotted fur on my back. "Well, I for one am glad you didn't. I can't help wondering though, what does BFT stand for anyways?"

He glanced away a second. "Well, it stands for big, fluffy-" and the rest of his sentence was drowned out by a late-night train making it's rounds a couple blocks away.

Raising my head to look up at my new draconic friend I wondered what the last word was. From the folder's content, it could have been a couple things. "I didn't catch that... did you say tits, or tails?"

To my pleasant surprise he leaned his head down to give me a warm kiss, muzzle to muzzle, then smiled. "Yes," was all he said, and I found I didn't care anymore as I cuddled into this sexy dragon and closed my eyes, drifting off to sleep in his arms.


An outside observer may have called him majestic, or handsome, but the blue dragon wheeling through the sky gave no thought to such descriptors. As he passed over a lake, wings spread wide to catch the updraft from below, the reflection below he would...

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