Hirsune Pt.2 - Getting to Know You

Story by argouru on SoFurry

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(see the beginning of part 1 for the pronunciation guide)


Pt.2 - Getting to Know You

by argouru

Two days later, Ardenus looked down as the boy suckled from his hairy pec, enjoying the pleasurable sensations as the milk was sucked out of his left nipple. The once sickly guest was almost fully recovered now. The healing power of Ardenus' milk had helped stave off infection and illness, and had almost completely reversed the malnutrition he had been experiencing.

Ardenus slowly stroked his erection, enjoying the sensations shooting through his body as he nursed the ailing boy back to health. He felt a sigh of contentment against his furry pec, and an interruption of the suckling. He looked down curiously at his guest, speaking words of comfort...

He came to bit by bit, everything hazy. There was a deep male voice speaking gently to him, telling him everything would be OK, and that he was safe.

Slowly he opened his eyes to see a very hairy chest before him. It was the hair on this chest that had tickled his face slightly, providing the stimulation that had finally awoken him. He suckled a bit more before he realized what it was he was doing. Shocked at his own behavior, he lifted his mouth from the stranger's chest, noticing that the nipple was wet, with some white fluid still seeping slightly from it.

"Hmm? Wha- what's going on?" he said, pulling free from his caregiver's chest as he finally came to his senses.

He rose up slightly to see a very handsome man smiling down at him. His heart skipped a beat as he realized how incredibly handsome the stranger was. The man had a strong square-cut jaw and prominent brow with flat cheeks and full lips. His features were vaguely Nordic in origin. All of his lower face was covered with a dense, short cut beard of dark hair, and soft, dark green eyes that smiled at him warmly.

Realizing he was staring, the man flushed in embarrassment as the full realization of what he'd been doing to the hairy stranger's chest came to him.

"Oh shit! I'm sorry! Really! I didn't... I mean..." He stammered, fear settling around him like a vice.

"No, please. Don't be afraid," the strange handsome man answered in a deep but gentle voice. "I offered myself to you freely, and enjoyed it very much. I hope you did as well. It did help you, didn't it? You've recovered much faster and easier than you might have otherwise."

"I... wha-... What's going on?" he continued in alarm and confusion. "Who are you, and where am I?"

"My name is Ardenus, and you're a guest in my home. We're only a few miles north of where I found you after you... -went-... Into the river. How are you feeling?"

"Why? Why did you do that?" he asked in a suspicious and vaguely accusory manner.

"Because I value life, and death isn't an answer... It brings no joy or healing. I wanted to help you, so I dove in after you. You've been unconscious for over two days now, but I'm glad to see you're better now."

"You shouldn't've done that," he said lowering his face. "You could've died."

"It was a risk I was glad to take."

"You wouldn't say that if you knew what I was," he answered sadly.

"What? A gay man?" Ardenus asked in amusement.

The man looked up at Ardenus in shock, but became confused at seeing the amused smile on the stranger's face.

"Have you forgotten what we were doing only a minute ago? In case you hadn't noticed, I was rather enjoying it," he finished, moving the arm that was behind his guest's back.

The guest startled as he felt something long and vertical thump thickly against his back a few times. Jumping slightly, he rose up to a sitting position and looked down to the man's groin to see what had slapped against him. His eyes bulged in shock...

Before him was the largest penis he'd ever seen on a man. It was roughly two and a half inches thick, and at least a foot long. The immense phallus curved slightly upward from the groin, and the uncut foreskin was pulled down to reveal a spear-like head, which was a deep reddish pink color as blood pulsed through it, and glistening with a clear, organic lube that was seeping slowly from the piss-slit. The massive member twitched in time with his pulse as it rose majestically from a forest of thick dark public hair that even covered the last inch of the shaft, and it rose above very hairy testicles, each the size of an orange.

He stared at it for the longest time before reluctantly pulling his gaze away to take in the rest of his host's unusual appearance. This person was without a doubt the single hairiest man he'd ever seen. The thick follicles of his body covered it completely so that the skin couldn't be made out beneath it. The nearly black hair was short, and hugging his body so well that the shapes of the well defined muscles beneath it stood out clearly. The nipples, he noted, were devoid of fur, but surrounded by an ocean of the thick, fur-like substance. The body hair almost completely covered his entire body. There was the path of skin around the eyes, the nose, ears and forehead that were clear, making him look like he had a full covering beard. But looking downwards, the man saw that the hair didn't stop at the neck like it should. It spread down the throat to merge with the hair of his torso, and spread over the shoulders and down the arms, even flowing down the back of the hands.

Ardenus held up his hand, letting the boy take it in his own and twist it around to see that only the fingers and palms lacked the thick growth of hair.

Looking down further, the guest saw that the hair wrapped around the sides of the torso and spread down the legs to cover the tops of Ardenus' feet, leaving the toes and soles free of fur. He looked like his hormones had gone crazy, growing his body hair into a virtual pelt of fur.

As he looked at the being before him, he released the hand, then reached out and ran his fingers in the soft hair on the man's stomach. He rubbed his fingers around as he noticed something was off, or rather, so well hidden that he couldn't feel it.

"What are you doing?" Ardenus asked in amusement.

"Trying to find your navel. Man, it must be buried pretty good in there."

"What? No, I don't have one."

The guest's hand stopped moving, and he looked up at his host's face in confusion. "That's impossible. Everyone has a navel."

Ardenus shrugged. "Not me, nor does any of my kind. We've never had them."

"But... That's not possible. Everyone has a belly button. It's how babies are nourished in the womb by their mothers."

"Ah... There's the issue..." Ardenus replied, pausing in thought. "What's your name?"

"What? Oh, it's Kyle." he answered.

"Kyle. I like it... Kyle," Ardenus continued. "I'm about to tell you something a bit shocking, but I want to be honest with you. What I'm about to tell you is a very deep secret. One that could put many lives at risk. It is a very deep trust I'm placing in you, and I hope you can understand the need to keep this secret. Can I trust you?"

"Why tell me? You don't even know me!"

"I think I do, I've seen a part of you I'll bet you've never shared with anyone. I know you're suicidal, and I now know that it's because you're gay and that your family and friends cast you out because of it. I've seen the pain you feel, and I've seen what you're like when you let your guard down. I've seen your true face, and it's one I believe I can trust."

"Why?" Kyle asked in a whisper.

"Because you know what it's like to be a victim of others' hatred... You were feverish, and talked aloud in your sleep. You spoke about your family and friends, and also about your fears. They disowned you for being gay, didn't they?"

Kyle nodded slowly, feeling sad and ashamed as he hung his head. But a gentle hand under his chin lifted his face to see the sympathy in Ardenus' eyes. "You've been treated unfairly, simply based upon the fact that you're different from most of the world. You're an outsider, and so am I and all my kind. That can create a bond that runs very deep. Also, I think that all you've ever wanted in life is to be loved for who you are, not what you are. I've met your kind many times in my life, and I've seen just how judgmental and irrational they can be. That's why I'm willing to trust you. Because all you want is to be wanted."

The more Ardenus spoke, the more a strong welling of emotion built up within Kyle. He began to tremble all over, and before he even realized he was doing so, he was sobbing uncontrollably. Horrified at what he was doing, he tried to stop. Crying wasn't manly, it wasn't right. Nor did it ever solve anything. Tears never solved problems, they only forced you to deal with all of the bad feeling that were better off avoided.

But no matter how hard he tried, Kyle couldn't get himself to stop crying. He didn't understand it, nor did he understand Ardenus' reaction. For the hairy man not only -didn't- respond negatively, he pulled Kyle's head to his chest, petting and rocking him gently, kissing the top of his head and resting his check against the top of the boy's head.

"It's OK. Let it all out. Don't be ashamed of your feelings. Not ever..." He continued in this fashion, offering verbal as well as physical support to Kyle.

After awhile, Kyle realized that Ardenus' chest was spasming as well, and that his host was crying too. He finally pulled away enough to see tears upon the man's face.

"Why're you crying?" he asked in confusion.

"Because I've never seen anyone who was as hurt as you are,"Ardenus replied. "I'm sad, and I'm angry that you were ever made to feel like this. No one should ever have to feel the way you do. Damn them! Why do they always treat each other like that?"

"What do you mean?" Kyle asked, confused all over again. "Is this part of your big secret? Is it something to do with why you don't have a navel?"

Ardenus sighed. "Well, you see, despite what I may look like, I'm not really like you. You or anyone else of your kind."

"What? Then what kind of man are you?"

"That's just it. I'm not technically a man, at least not in the way you'd define a man. That's because I'm not like you. I'm not a human."

A deep silence fell between them. Ardenus could tell the boy wasn't able to process what he'd just been told. "Wh... What?"

"I'm not human... My kind are called 'Hirsune'. We've existed on the fringes of your world for a very long time, thousands of years in fact. Once, a very long time ago, we coexisted alongside humans. But as human religion progressed, it became more and more fanatical. The priests of the human religions began to call us abominations of nature, and said that we were evil and corrupt because of our own beliefs differed from their own, as well as the fact that we mated differently from them. They wanted a god who they could see as being a person like themselves, one who controlled all of life, and had very rigid rules that they were forced to live by.

"Our own beliefs are very different. Our source of divinity isn't a person, but a force of nature. It is the very act of procreation... Sex. ...Without sex, no beings can exist anywhere, for without the act of procreation, there can never be future generations, you see. To us, the face of divinity is here."

Ardenus grasped his penis, and began to stroke it back to erection. "It is through the penis and the anal passage that we worship the very source and driving force of life: Sex. We need no narrow-minded rules to guide us. We follow our lusts, and explore them openly without shame. To us, this is the truest form of worship of that which gives us life, the act of procreation. All Hirsune follow this belief, for it brings great pleasure. We also possess much stronger sexual drives than humans, partially by design, and partially because we have such a low birth rate, compared to humans that is. At least, that's the theory."

"But that doesn't explain why you say you're not a man. I mean look at you, you're the most masculine man I've ever met!"

"Well yes, I do pride myself on my virility and masculinity," Ardenus said with a smile, flexing a muscular arm. "But I'm more what you might define as a hermaphrodite. I can sire children by another Hirsune, or bare offspring myself. My anal passage has two paths, one for waste, and another for bearing young. I can take a phallus deep within me to fertilize one of my eggs, then after about two months of gestation, I lay the egg. Around a month later, the egg hatches, and a new Hirsune enters the world. This is how I came to be, as well as my three handsome sons."

"You can do both?!?" Kyle asked in shock. "Whoa... Wait... You said your three -sons- right? So have you guys ever had daughters?"

"No, you misunderstand. Because we outwardly resemble human males, we took to referring to ourselves in the masculine sense in order to avoid detection by the humans who wanted to destroy us. It began as a measure of self defense and concealment, but has become so ingrained into us that we continue to use these terms more out of habit than anything else.

"But there is still a danger. There are still humans who would gladly kill all of us, in order to preserve their beliefs, which include that we are monsters and abominations that the world would be better off without. Now you see why I'm placing so much trust in you. This knowledge could destroy us if it were to become widely known. There are some who would accept us, but the human priests still hold more than enough power to wipe my kind from existence. They tried it once before, but we endured, and went into hiding to avoid becoming extinct. So, we remain in hiding still, living in small communities like this one. We keep the knowledge of our existence secret except to a very select few. My ancestors even went as far as to destroy all traces of our very existence from human history, so that we wouldn't even be remembered. If any records of our kind still exist, they are most likely little more than myths that have faded over time."

"Well, you don't have to worry about me. I don't have anyone -to- tell, even if I wanted to, so your secret's safe with me."

"Good to hear." Ardenus said, and brought the human's face gently to his own and kissed him deep and long, gently exploring the boy's mouth with his tongue. They were getting into the kiss more and more deeply, until the door opened slowly. Kavarin poked his brown furry face into the room.

"Dad? How's everything going?" Kavarin asked, and stopped in surprise as he saw his father kissing the human deeply.

"Just fine, Son. Our guest has finally awoken... Kyle, this is my youngest son, Kavarin, self-seeded."

"Nice to finally meet you, Kyle," the young man said, smiling sincerely. His features were young, giving him the appearance of a twenty-something young man with a full beard. His features were also nearly identical to his father's.

"Kavarin Selfseeded? That's a much different name then I've ever heard before."

"No, no, just Kavarin. Kav for short. Self-seeded is how I came to be."

Kyle looked confused at first Kav, then at Ardenus.

"It means he was born and sired by me alone," the father explained. Then, seeing the human's look of shock, he added "I seeded myself by plunging my phallus into my own anal passage when I came into my season, and fertilized my own egg. Kav is a child who's origin is solely of my own body. I am both Father and Sire to him."

"How is that possible?" Kyle asked. "Genetically, it shouldn't even be able to happen. Um... No offense," he added, turning to Kav, who shrugged to show he didn't mind.

"Hirsune seed is very potent," Ardenus added, with a small sense of pride in his voice. "Our seed can impregnate any Hirsune, if the circumstances are right. However, it can take many years of trying before one becomes pregnant."

He rose from the bed, his erection jutting forward proudly, curving upwards slightly. "Come on, I want you to meet my other sons..." He held his hand out to the human with a smile...

Kyle sat nervously in the dining room chair, completely naked and surrounded by the four hairiest people he'd ever met in his life. Like their father, Davin and Markano possessed a wealth of dark and thick, all encompassing body hair that covered well-muscled bodies that bore strong, vaguely Nordic features, with strong square-cut faces and slightly prominent brows. Unlike Kavarin, however, there were differences in appearance of the two from their father. Whereas Kav looked the spitting image of his father, Markano and Davin had subtle differences in the shape of the face that showed while they were clearly related to their parent, their lineage seemed somewhat different. Each looked slightly different from each other as well, suggesting that each brother had a slightly different lineage than each other, too. Markano was rather well muscled, with dark brown hair and yeys, whereas Davin was lean of build, with light brown hair and eyes that were so light a brown that they were almost orange in color.

"Kyle, these are my two other sons: Markano, the eldest," (who nodded coolly), "and my middle child Davin," (who smiled nervously.) "Each was sired by another."

"Sired?" the human asked.

"I was mounted by other Hirsune, who fertilized the eggs that produced them. Each of them as a different Sire, but I bore and hatched each of them myself, as they are my young."

"So there are other Hirsune besides you guys?"

"There's a whole town of us. This home is a farm is located at the far southern edge of the community," Ardenus explained as Kyle studied the two younger Hirsune before him.

Both were extremely handsome, but Markano's face was slightly marred by an expression of deep mistrust. Davin, at least, was being polite, smiling welcomingly... Even if the smile was tinged slightly with worry. He watched as the human studied the nude form of their father.

Kyle had been shocked to see the man display no shame at all at being completely naked in front of his family. Then, as the man turned around and began to root around in the fridge for a snack, Kyle saw that the same thick layer of body hair wrapped around the Hirsune's form to entirely cover his back, ass, arms, legs and neck, giving the figure a complete pelt of short, dark and furry body hair.

Ardenus bent low, and his dangling, fuzzy testicles came into view. Forgetting where he was, Kyle's hand strayed down between his legs. Suddenly realizing what he was doing, the human pulled his hand up and returned his gaze the others in the room in embarrassment. He was shocked not only at his own behavior, but at the middle son's reaction to it.

"Dad -is- a pretty sexy fucker, isn't he?" Davin replied, smiling at the human knowingly before gazing appreciatively at his father's furry buttocks.

Shocked and confused, Kyle turned away from Davin in time to see Ardenus wiggle his ass suggestively with a chuckle. Turning back away from the sight, the human saw with shock that all three of the sons were responding shamelessly to the display, each with a look of deep arousal in their eyes. Davin licked his lips appreciatively, Kavarin wolf-whistled, and Markano's had strayed towards his groin.

"But.. He's your Dad!" Kyle sputtered in disbelief at the way the trio was openly displaying lust for their own parent.

"So? What's wrong with that?" Markano replied angrily, glaring at the human for his rudeness and accusory reaction. "Of course we lust for him. If it wasn't for him, none of us would have ever been hatched in the first place!"

"Mark, he doesn't understand," Ardenus said sympathetically, closing the fridge with a leg of chicken in his hand. "Humans behave much differently than Hirsune, and have lots of backwards beliefs when it comes to sexuality."

He smiled at the human. "Never be afraid of showing your lust, Kyle. Lust is the driving force of life, and we display it openly, especially towards our own family members. Hirsune families are united in lust, and we worship openly in front of, as well as with, each other."

"But... You're talking about incest!" the human protested. "What if you somehow got each other pregnant? The kids would be all deformed and sickly!"

The three sons looked to their father in confusion, who sighed, nodding his head slowly in understanding as he sat at the table, finishing a mouthful of the chicken leg he'd taken a bite from.

"You're thinking of human standards and genetics, Kyle. Hirsune semen is much more potent than human sperm. One of our doctors studied the differences between our jism and a few human samples, and found that Hirsune seed contains roughly fifty times the amount of DNA that human seed contains. However, only one of those genetic strands can successfully merge with an egg. If the DNA is too similar, there's no bonding, and the egg goes unfertilized. Because of that, there's an almost infinitesimal chance of the child becoming deformed. With humans, there's a much greater chance for too similar DNA to bond, which causes the birth defects. That's why incest is taboo among humans, as they can easily produce deformities in their offspring. But among us Hirsune, those same deformities have a much lower chance of developing. Because of that, incest has never been seen as harmful to us, so family members openly share their lusts, and mate freely with each other without fear of producing sickly children."

"Oh," the human said, his face falling. "I'm sorry. It's just that things are so different here. I didn't mean any offense. I'm sorry."

Merkano studied the human's face, his frown fading. *Well, he -does- seem to be sorry. Maybe I'm being too paranoid...* "It's alright. I just can't believe how backwards human thinking is," he answered aloud.

Kyle looked at him nervously. "I... I'll try to be more understanding."

"Fair enough," the oldest child replied, softening his attitude slightly towards their guest, yet still unable to completely trust him. He sat silently as the others talked, studying the human. He had to admit, the human -was- fairly handsome, despite being nearly bald in the body. Slowly, he began to wonder just how good the human's sexual prowess was. It could be rather interesting to find out... But in the back of his mind, fear continued to prickle away at his thoughts.

Davin's worry, meanwhile, faded the more they talked with the human, shedding their guest's misconceptions of society and how human culture differed from Hirsune practices and beliefs. He had to admit that this human seemed much more openminded that he'd always believed them to be, and by the time the evening drew to a close, Davins' objections to the human's presence in their community had mostly faded.

*Here's hoping,* Merkano thought however, grimly to himself as he settled into bed beside Davin, *that the elders are as openminded as Dad...*

The next morning, Kyle awoke to find a strong arm wrapped around him, hugging him close to Ardenus' chest, which rose and fell slowly in sleep. His stomach growled at him, and feeling that the Hirsune wouldn't mind, Kyle nuzzled the masculine muscled hairy pectoral, licking at the nipple, which began to firm up at his attentions.

The human pressed his mouth to the fleshy nub, and began to suck at it. A warm wetness flowed forth, and he consciously tasted the milk that flowed freely from it for the first time. It was a heady, musky taste that danced sweetly on his tongue, tingling his human taste buds as it squirted into his mouth. The taste was fantastic, and he couldn't get enough as he sucked long and deeply at the Hirsune's nipple, drinking deeply.

As he continued to suckle, the human felt a deep sense of calmness and comfort come over him, soothing his nervousness and putting him to a state of blissful contentment. Euphoric chemicals within the milk eased his mind, and brought peace to the human's brain.

The hair of the firm chest stroked his face, and the deep masculine smell of his host pervaded his nose, relaxing him and making him horny at the same time. Without realizing he was doing so, he began to grind his hips against the furry thigh pressed against his stiffening manhood, moaning quietly at the feeling of the soft body hair against his member as he suckled freely and without shame.

After a time, he opened his eyes to look up at Ardenus' face, and discovered the being smiling approvingly down at him, his sleep-glazed eyes twinkling as he brought his hand up and petted his charge's head gently, pushing his nipple up onto the human's mouth and beginning to grind his own hips against the bare, furless torso of the lad.

Seeing the approval in those deep green eyes, the human continued to nurse for awhile, filling himself with the musky milk and easing his hunger. When Ardenus raised his arm to prop his head up slightly for a better view of the boy's actions, Kyle breathed deeply, and his head began to swim with a drug-like euphoria.

"Fuck!" He gasped quietly, letting go of the nipple. "What is that?" His head feeling pleasantly fuzzy with the strange sensations as he breathed deeply once again.

"My musk," Ardenus replied, smiling at the human's glazed expression. He moved his other hand to the back of Kyle's head, and gently guided the human's face to his furry armpit where the musk seeped out from the pores there. "You like it?"

Kyle groaned deeply in answer as his face was ground into the damp fur of the Hirsune's underarm, slathering his face in the damp sweaty musk there until it was entirely wet from the potent secretion. His mind exploded with lust, and his penis became fully and painfully erect. He had never felt hornier in his life, and he moaned loudly in sexual abandonment as his libido went into overdrive. It had been far too long since he'd had any form of sexual release, and as the musk filled his senses with strong, masculine pheromones, his sex drive went into lightspeed. Kyle chewed and grunted at the hairy pit, revelling in the feelings and sensations awakening within him. He ground his hips against Ardenus' furry body, loosing himself to his lust.

"Yes! Take my musk, let it fuel your passions!" Ardenus rumbled lustily, his voice becoming a deep sexy growl as his own lust arouse at the human's arousal. "Feel the power of penis! Let it flow through you! Indulge your lust with me!" His hands roamed lustily over the human's body, stroking him until his hand came to the boy's ass, stroking sensually along the divide between the buttocks. "Let the divine power of phallus fill you!" The human's ass was damp with sweat, and he easily slid his middle finder up Kyle's rear passage, making the boy gasp then moan in pleasure.

Feeling the bald ass wiggle against his hand, Ardenus began to fuck the tight passage with his long finger, rubbing the back of the prostate as he stroked the boy's hole. Kyle moaned as Ardenus bent down and kissed him passionately, shoving his tongue deep into the human's maw, their writhing tongues wrestling as the scent of the Hirsune musk became thick in the air.

He desperately wanted to fling the boy onto his stomach and slowly sink his straining erection deep inside the human's rear, but he didn't dare. Kyle's anal muscles were like a vice around his finger, even with the musk working away at his body, and he groaned in discomfort at the intrusion of the finger, yet was driven by his raging libido to accept it. If Ardenus' finger was giving discomfort, there was no way the long, thick phallus could safely enter him. The Hirsune felt vaguely disappointed. He wanted to mount the young man, but couldn't do so without injuring him. Humans were built differently, and his penis would cause serious injury or worse if he tried to mount Kyle.

Instead, he settled for what he had, grinding his long shaft lovingly against the smooth body pressed against him. He knew he would need to mount someone very soon thanks to this, but one of the boys would gladly volunteer for that later, he was certain. He growled lustily as Kyle worked his hand between them to take the massive Hirsune shaft into his palm, and slowly began to stroke it's length as best as he could, due to it's size and the fact that it was being crushed between their writhing bodies. Ardenus became more savage at this, his aggressively masculine tendencies merging with his lust as it often did when in extreme arousal. This was their first mating, hopefully one of many, and the initial thrill drove his lust into overdrive.

"Fuck yeah! Beat my meat!" he growled savagely, snarling at the boy in primal passion, his lust driving him to animalistic behavior. His face screwed up into a savage scowl-like snarl, he stared deeply into the human's eyes as he was stroked, nodding fiercely in approval.

Ardenus was vaguely surprised at just how aggressive he was becoming. This was a much deeper level of feral behavior than he normally exhibited, even with his youngest boy Kavarin, who enjoyed aggressive sex quite often as well. Was it something about this human boy that was triggering it? He didn't know... And was too aroused to care.

Kyle looked at the transformation of the being before him, and felt his own penis turn to stone. Ardenus had changed from a loving, gentle nurturer into a savage, lust crazed beast in humanoid form. He was like a growling, snarling werewolf, full of savage power and aggressiveness. Kyle was shocked, his mind reeling in disbelief at how a person could change so completely in mentality. And while he was afraid, his lust was screaming inside him. Kyle had never been more turned on in his life.

Ardenus saw how Kyle was affected by his savagery, and it only turned him on even more. He growled and snarled aggressively at the boy, feeling the human quiver against him in a mixture of fear and excitement. "Fuck yeah... YEAHHH!" he growled, snarling inches from the boy's excited face. He freed his arm from behind his head, flexing the bulging muscles of his arm to display his masculinity to the excited human, who began to shiver with ecstasy. "Oh yeah, stroke him," Arduenuus said, thrusting eagerly into Kyle's hand. "Don't stop. Built the power! The lust! Raise the might of Penis within me! Don't stop! Don't fucking stop!" He growled, then snorted in the boy's face like an animal, bringing a gasp of pleasure and shock from the human's throat, and the boy literally quivered with excitement. Seeing this, Ardenus gasped as a thick wad of precum squirted free, striking the side of the human's face, who gasped in surprise, but continued to beat the massive meat in his hand.

Seeing this, he quickly leaned forward, wrapping the flexing arm around the boy and squeezing them together as he leaned forward and nipped savagely at the human's chin, scrapping his teeth carefully, yet firmly along the boy's hairy chin, then then nipping and chewing long the line of his jaw to the side of his neck, growling and snarling fiercely as he went. He scrapped his fingernails diagonally across the smooth back of his charge, and Kyle groaned urgently...

"Oh fuck!" the human nearly shouted. "I'm g- I'm gonna-! AHHH!!!" he cried loudly, digging his hips against Ardenus' furry thigh, spewing his seed into the Hirsune's thick body hair. Excited by the boy's climax, Ardenus fastened his teeth to the boys throat, just below the skull, digging his teeth fiercely against the human's throat and feeling the groans of ecstasy travel through the taught skin, through his teeth and into his head as he chewed savagely, being careful not to break the skin or bite hard enough to damage the boy.

Kyle's entire body convulsed rapidly as his orgasm surged throughout his body, making him spasm uncontrollably. This was too much for the Hirsune, and he let go of the boy's throat and with a moan, and then he snarled at the top of his lungs as his own climax burst free, soaking them both in his musky spew as it gushed forth from his throbbing boner. "Fuck yeah! Hail Penis, Hail the power of lust!" He growled loudly, then snarled and snorted rapidly as his orgasm continued to flow.

Kyle came down from his own orgasmic high to see the hairy figure beneath him continue to thrash and convulse as his penis continued to spray it's thick seed, growling and snarling savagely, looking -with his furry body- like a werewolf in mid-transformation. Kyle began to pet him, stroking the hairy chest, turned on by the display before him despite being spent. He loved every second of the show before him, not even minding that he was becoming more and more drenched in the Hirsune's massive amount of spunk as his penis gushed forth huge torrents of white semen.

But as several minutes passed, Kyle began to grow concerned, for Ardenus' orgasm seemed to be showing no sign of ending. The Hirsune continued to moan and writhe for a long time, growling and snarling, and Kyle began to grow worried, fearing something was wrong.

Waves of lustful surges poured through his body, and Ardenus felt his aggressiveness fade away as he continued to let his orgasm fill him, revelling in the power his mighty phallus imbued within him. After awhile, he opened his eyes to see Kyle shaking him, a look of fear in his eyes. Startled at the concern he saw there, he reluctantly willed his orgasm to end.

"Wh-what's wrong?" he asked the scared boy.

"What happened to you? I thought you were going to cum to death! It wouldn't stop!"

"Huh? Oh... Sorry. It felt so good I decided to enjoy it for awhile." He saw Kyle looking at him in confusion. "We Hirsune can control our bodily functions. We can produce any fluids we wish for much longer than humans, and we can orgasm for a very long time if we want to. I didn't mean to scare you."

"That's OK," Kyle said, looking relieved. "I just didn't know is all." He smiled sheepishly in embarrassment. "Sorry if I cut your fun short."

"That's OK, I can always cum again later," Ardenus answered, slogging the flood of sperm off of his hairy torso onto the sheets without concern.

He sat up, smiling at the boy, when movement at the window sent a surge of alarm through him. Scrambling up from the drenched bed, he staggered to the window in horror, but it was already too late; he saw a young nude Hirsune boy from town running away towards the road that lead into town. "Oh fuck!"he exclaimed in shock and fear, as the boy ran towards the road, having clearly seen the older Hirsune and human mating through the open curtains of the window.

"Shit! SHIT!" Ardenus exclaimed, as the boy hopped onto his bicycle and disappeared around the bend in the road.

The bedroom door burst open suddenly as Davin came in, a look of fear on his face. "Dad? What's wrong?"

"That damned Evarni brat! He saw Kyle through the window! Bet the little punk was sneaking onto the farm to steal food again."

"What? Where?" the son asked, dashing to the open curtains to glare out the window in fear.

"He took off already! Little shit's making a beeline back to town. I gotta get there and try to head this off before he tells his father about this!" He began to frantically grab for clothes. "Kyle, stay here with Davin. Don't leave the house!" He turned to his son. "Where're your brothers?"

"Kav's fishing at the river and Mark went into town to mate with Narendus."

"Ok, if Kav gets back here before me, you both stay here with Kyle. Same goes for Mark, if I don't run into him. If I'm not back in two hours, the oldest of you still here comes looking for me, OK?"

"Dad! You don't they they'll... Do something, do you?"

"I don't know," the father said, hastily pulling on jeans, shoes and shirt haphazardly over his still cum-drenched body. "There's never been a situation like this within memory, so they may be willing to listen to me. Stay safe OK?" he said, kissing his son quickly on the forehead before dashing out of the room. They heard the door slam closed, and then Ardenus was visible through the window, dashing down the road at a full run.

"This is bad, isn't it?" Kyle asked, staring out the window at the road Ardenus had just vanished down.

"Yes, it is," Davin replied, leaning against the wall. "We have strict rules about dealing with outsiders, and Dad violated them by taking you in without notifying the other elders. I understand his reasons, but whether or not the council will feel the same? I just don't know," he finished, shaking his head in worry.

"It's my fault," the human said, horrified. "If anything happens to him, it'll be all my fault. I should never have come here! I didn't mean it... I didn't even know there was a town here, let alone that it was an isolated community." He dropped down onto the bed heavily with a wet squish, headless of the layer of cum covering the sheets and blankets. "He should've let me die."

"Hey! Don't talk like that!" Davin contradicted him. "This wasn't your fault! If that little jerk hadn't come sneaking around here, we could've developed a good story for you being here. You were in pain, and Dad only wanted to help you. If those morons on the town council can't see that, then they're even more narrow-minded that I thought."

He moved over to the human, placing a hand on his furless shoulder. "Don't blame yourself. We'll figure something out. And maybe it won't be as bad as we think..."

Hirsune Pt.3 - Trial and Error

(see the beginning of part 1 for the pronunciation guide) Hirsune Pt.3 - Trial and Error by argouru Ardenus reached town square, panting heavily from exertion, and saw the boy's bike abandoned on the steps of city hall. \*Little punk...

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Hirsune - Part 1 - End of the Beginning

Pronunciation guide: Hirsune = Her-soon Ardenus = Arden-us (R-den--us) Markano = mar-kah-no Davin = dAve-in Kavarin = kah-var-in Kylenus = kI-lenn-us Pareus = kar-A-us Tenaro = teh-nah-roh Harian = har-E-ahn Welvayan = well-vA-ann ...

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The following is a story about a new species I created. I don't want to spoil anything, but it's a lot different from most stories out there. It may not seem very furry to begin with, but here's hoping you enjoy it! Hirsune by...

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