A special restaurant

Story by JhJ on SoFurry

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Warning: Story Contains: Light sexual contact between 2 males, M/M, cooking, vore,

If you don't like this please don't read the story

English is not my native language. So please excuse some errors.

A special restaurant

Hello, my name is Thomas and I am a tiger. There is nothing special about me to be honest. My fur is yellow with black stripes what is rather typical for a tiger, right? My body build is rather normal. Not fat but also not athletic. I would consider myself as rather average. I am working for a big TV station as a reporter. I started rather small, reporting on accidents or things likethat. Once my boss told me that one of the other reporters is sick and so I had to go out and do his job. I was supposed to make a review about a restaurant. Oh man I was nervous. To be honest I've never done something like this before. And also I don't have a clue how to do this. But a job is a job andsaying no was actually not an option. So I took my camera man and the whole equipment and drove off to this restaurant. So I don't want to bore you out with the lame details. Like I said I drove down there and I have to say it was a very nice and small restaurant. Nothing special, the food was great and the service was very nice. We took pictures and I wrote down what I saw and tasted and made my reportage. By the end of this week the reportage was to see in the TV. And from there on my live changed... To my surprise and also to the surprise of my Boss the reportage was a huge success. The viewer's where very satisfied with my work. And it seems like the restaurant itself was very happy with the review too. So the news spread around very quickly, and my Boss continued sending me out to make more restaurant reviews. It didn't took long and I got my own show all about reviewing restaurants and in no time I suddenly was a famous and well known Tiger.

Now I am sitting in my office thinking, no more pondering about, what I can do for the next weeks show. I want something special. I made a lot of restaurant reviews by now and I really don't want the show to become boring by doing the same stuff over and over again. While I am thinking I am looking down on my desk and there suddenly I notice a letter. Written on it was "Jacko's Restaurant". Hmm Jacko's restaurant... I actually never heard from that place before. I take the letter and open it carefully pulling out the piece of paper.

"Good day Mister Thomas.

We heard from your way of reviewing restaurants and would love to have you as a guest in our very special restaurant.

We are sure you are going to like our service and food and we are very well known in the predatory scene for our excellent meals and see that as a chance for more people to see what wonderful service we are offering.

So if you are interested please contact us."

I turn the paper around now and there I see a phone number and an address. But actually the thing that catches my interest is the whole predatory stuff. Does that mean this place is one of the places where you are actually able to follow your predatory instincts? Ten Years ago there was a huge change in the laws. With this change it was actually possible for predators to eat other furs. But this only is possible if you have a lot of money... To be honest the new predatory laws are very spongy. If you ask me then it also is very unfair because it allows rich people to do stuff, a poor person never can do. And it seems that rich people got even more possibilities to control other furs. But there is nothing I can do about it.And also, I would lie if I am saying that I am not tempted to try out something like this. This is the chance to try out something completely new for me and make an excellent review. If I am correct then I will be the first one, who reviews a restaurant like this. I wonder why I didn't notice that letter before...

So I take my phone, dial in the number and wait for someone to answer my call. I don't have to wait very long and I get greeted by a rather deep voice. "Welcome at Jacko's restaurant what can I do for you?" "Well good day. My name is Thomas from the TV show "Watch and Dine" and I got a letter from you. I would be very interested in visiting your establishment and make a review about it." The other voice on the phone now begins to sound very happy. "Oh really? Well that is what I call good news. When would you have the time to come over with your team?" The deep voice asks now. "It would be perfect tomorrow" I answer now nicely. "Hmm tomorrow you say? I am not going to be in the restaurant tomorrow but that should not be a problem after all. My headwaiter will greet you and show you around if that is ok for you" It is clear now for me that I am speaking with Jacko himself and I really would have loved meeting him there. But I am pleased with the headwaiter too. "Yes that is ok. I will come by at 3:00 pm" I say now. "Yes that is perfect. I will inform the headwaiter and everything will be ready for you." A smile is crossing my face as I am hearing that "Ok then 3:00 pm. And thank you for the offer." After this I put my phone down. I know this is going to be very interesting.

On the next day.

Me and my camera man Jerry are on the way to Jacko´s restaurant now. Jerry is a German Sheppard rather tall and a very quiet person. I told him about what kind of restaurant we are going to review and he seemed ok with it. I drive the car into one of the parking lots and look at the huge building in front of me. In the meantime Jerry was taking out his cam and sets together the parts. He is done now so I lock up the car and walk up to the entrance of the building. So far nothing here looks special. But what counts is how this whole thing looks at the inside and how the food will be. Me and Jerry are stepping through the entrance now and the first thing we are noticing is that we are into some kind of huge entrance hall with very luxury looking furniture. We step in further now looking around and Jerry already begins to film the area. Later we will cut out all the film material we don't need.

We are not waiting long as suddenly a fox enters the entrance hall and both, me and Jerry are very surprised at what we are seeing now. It was a normal red fox. A rather slim one with a bit of feminine build and rather cute looking to be honest. But that is not what is surprising us. The fox is clothed only in a pretty tight looking black thong and nothing more. I on my side am wearing a black business suit as always when I am making a review.

The fox now walks over to us like there would be nothing special about him wearing that in public and greets us nicely. "Welcome to Jacko´s restaurant. You must be Thomas right? I am Michael the headwaiter of this restaurant and I am glad to meet you." The fox is now holding out his paw now. I am not sure how to react right now. Should I ask him about the "uniform" he is wearing? No the best thing is now to act like everything is normal. Like always I will ask the questions later. I shake the foxes paw now and once again my eyes are scanning over his body stopping shortly at the bulge of the thong before going back to his eyes. "Yes that is right I am Thomas and I am here to review this place." I say now. "Very fine, then the first thing you should see is the dining area. After I showed you the area I'll lead you to your table." The fox says now to me and I am nodding in return.

Michael is now turning around and begins to walk so me and Jerry are following him. The German Sheppard now is busy filming as much as he can. The walls are nicely decorated and you'd never think this building would look so luxury from the inside. First I am looking around a bit too taking some notes on my block. But it is really hard to concentrate. Michael is swaying his hips nicely and the tail is lifting a bit again and again as he walks and I am not able to look away from this perfectly shaped rump. I am just glad I am wearing tight underwear myself or else it would be easy to notice that I am quite aroused already. The black thong is not really hiding much...

The fox leads us through a big door now and the noise of people chatting with each other and the sound of eating is to hear already. The next surprise awaits us now as we finally enter the dining area. The hall is huge with a lot of tables and chairs. Also to notice is that there are smaller Tables and bigger ones for all kind of creatures. The area is rather full and on most of the tables are sitting furs. And it is easy to notice that most of them are from predatory nature. The next thing is that there are a lot of waiters serving the guests and all of them wearing thongs. The only difference in this case is the color of the thongs. They are deep red. The thong Michael is wearing is black. Most of the waiters seem to be foxes, of course from time to time you see a wolf waiter or something feline walking by but most of them are foxes.

"Please follow me I show you around a bit" Michael says now and looks back over his shoulder to me and Jerry, but then continues to walk. On the first table I look I don't see something special. Two male wolves are sitting there talking with each while sipping on a red wine. On their platesi see two huge steaks with some vegetables and potatoes. That was not very different from other normal restaurants. But that is changing soon as we walk further in. On one of the bigger tables I see a male Tiger and a female Lion. On their table is one huge silver plate and on a bed of salad is laying something that looks like a whole roasted person without fur. The skin is golden brown and crispy looking. The lioness now takes a huge knife and a fork and begins to cut down the nicely steaming meat from the right leg. I wonder what species they are eating. Looking at the ears and the paws it seems like it is something canine but I am not completely sure. It is hard to say without the fur. Right now I am not sure what I should think about this whole situation. The thought of eating another being seems kind of wrong to me but then again... we are doing it since ages... Jerry is now filming over the tables and to my surprise no one really seems to care. They just keep eating on their lovely meals. Looking at other tables shows that a lot of people are enjoying their meals and the next strange thing is that nakedness is rather common here. There are a lot of people who are sitting here just in their underwear or even naked.

Our waiter brings us now to our table, a very nice decorated one. I don't waste much time now and sit down on the chair. Jerry is not able to sit down with the cam in his hand so he continues filming now. "Well this place is very interesting so far." I say now to the smiling waiter. "Well thank you sir. But you just saw how it looks. Just wait until you have your dinner. I am sure you are going to be very pleased. But first let me bring you a bottle of wine." The fox says and I answer with a simple nod watching the waiter walking off.

Michael then returns with a bottle white wine in his hands and something that looks like a menu card in his other hand. He doesn't wait long and fills in the wine in my glass and I take a nice sip from it enjoying the taste. Michael then hands over the menu. "Here is the menu card sir." He says in some kind of professional way. The menu card is rather big and as I open it I see there is a lot to choose from.

I scan now over the card and read a lot of meals made out of different kind of furs. There are steaks from horses, dogs, foxes even tiger and lion. Also a lot of grilled stuff like ribs or grilled chops. On the next side are pictures of different species and on the top of the page is to read "Whole Roasts" And one thing is catching my eye instantly. It is a picture of a naked male bunny and under it is written a description.

"Enjoy the flavor of a nice whole roasted bunny. Bunnies are known for their rich flavor and the nice meat on their legs and rump. We serve the bunny with a nice glaze of honey baste and special selected herbs. It comes with a nice stuffing made out of a mix of breadcrumbs, milk, eggs and butter."

I look at the picture and I can notice that I am starting to drool a bit just thinking at such a great meal. With my finger I point now at the picture. "I take a whole roasted bunny" The fox looks now over and smiles as he hears my decision. "Oh what a nice choice I am sure you'll enjoy that meal a lot." Says Michael as he writes down the order on a small block. "I will bring the order into the kitchen and then I will return to you. I am sure there are a few questions and I'll be glad to answer them while your meal gets prepared." The foxy says and then turns around again giving a cute wriggle with his rump as he walks off. Jerry in the meantime was busy filming the whole scene.

It doesn't take long and Michael returns from the kitchen and sits down now in front of me. "Well mister Thomas I hope you are satisfied with our service so far." I look now at the foxy and have to smile a bit "Well to be honest yes. This place here looks wonderful and so far the service itself was pretty nice. But that brings me to my first question. Your work uniform is a bit...well... let me say unique don't you think?" The fox nods now as he hears this question but doesn't waits long to answer. "Well yes I am sure you don't see that very often do you? But the question is easy to answer. Given to the nature of this restaurant it is clear that the customers like to look at near naked bodies. After all it is what they are going to eat in here. So our boss Jacko decided we should run around like this to show the customers what high Quality meat we are using here."

I am a bit surprised at this answer now but what I heard brings another question up into my mind: "I understand. But don't understand me wrong now but you said this like you and your waiters are meat too. And please, I don't want to offend it is just something I noticed." I ask now really curious.

Michael is not answering now instead of that he takes the menu in front of me and opens it going to the last page. With his finger he points at the page. On it I see names and prices and on the very top I see the name Michael but the price seems to be very high. For that money you could buy yourself a small car. I look back up from the menu card now: "So...this means you and the other waiters are available to order too? That sounds a bit risky to me to be honest. I mean you and your coworkers are risking your live here every day then." I say now to the waiter.

"Well yes that is true but I am sure you noticed how high the prices are right? So the chance someone orders us instead of a normal fox from the menu card is not very high. And given to the risk we are earning a lot of money here."

I listen to the explanation now and have to say all this actually makes sense. "Hm that is true yes. But does that mean if someone is interested in you, are you offering yourself then? I mean would you recommend yourself to a customer?"

I see now the fox is smiling at me as I ask this question. "Well of course I am not walking up to a customer and present myself. Also I am not going to ask someone if he wants to eat me. That would be a bit suicidal don't you think? But in the case someone asks for it. Or wants to feel over my body, because he is interested. Then of course I will let him feel over me. After all if a customer is deciding to order me he has to pay much money."

I have to nod now as the foxy explains all this to me. Well yes it makes sense but still it sounds very risky to me. But after all he says he is earning a lot of money and maybe for him it is worth the risk. "So I already ordered a meal but if you say you are a potential meal too then would you mind me taking a closer look at you? You know it is important for me to look at ingredients too" I say now a bit playfully. Of course actually it is really important for me to look at ingredients when I am reviewing a restaurant. But I want to be honest. Right now I just want to see that hot fox from the near. But that is one thing he doesn't have to know.

The fox looks now up at me as he hears my words. I was afraid a bit that I maybe went too far by calling him an ingredient. But then he just stands up from his seat and walks over to me. "Of course you can take a closer look at me sir. You are also allowed to touch me." Michael says now. "Well in this case I would be glad touching you too" I say now. In the same time my eyes start to scan over the fox's body again. Then one of my hands reaches out to touch the fluffy looking chest rubbing over the soft fur there. Both my hands are rubbing through the white chest tuft now for a while before they begin to move down from his chest to his trim belly. A murr is now to hear from the foxy and I have to admit that amuses me. I really can imagine why people love to touch the waiters even if they are not planning on eating them. My hands are going down further now to his thigh. And the very moment I am touching the sensitive area another murring is to hear from the foxy especially as the backside of my hand is rubbing over that nice bulge in his thong.

Jerry has to grin a bit as he films what I am doing and we both know that we will have to cut that out. These are things we cannot send in TV. I know Jerry well enough by now and I am sure he is not going to throw the material away. I am sure he will keep these scenes we have to cut out maybe even will tease me with it... He may be a very silent person but that doesn't means he cannot be mean.

I look up at the fox now and he looks back at me and we both have to smile. "Well maybe you want to see my backside too?" Michael says now and the only thing I can do now is nodding wildly. The fox doesn't wastes any time and turns around to show off his nice backside his tail is swaying very nicely from side to side now. I lay my paw down now on his shoulders and begin to massage Michael who seems to enjoy that a lot. But of course my paws are not wasting a lot of time with the foxes shoulder. They are gliding down now over his sides prodding a bit into the ribs until they stop at his nicely shaped hips.

I am now looking at this wonderful and curvy rump and Michael is helping me by raising his tail high in the air now and bending over a bit so I have a perfect view at his rump. My right paw is moving down to one of the rump cheeks now squeezing it followed by my left hand. I am already drooling a bit as I look at that and begin to spread the cheeks. The only thing that stops me from seeing everything was the black thong but it is only hiding the hole of the foxy and not much more. "Wow you are one damn good looking fox you know this?" I say now to Michael. "Thank you a lot mister Thomas but I am afraid I have to go into the kitchen now. I am sure your bunny is already done and I am sure you want him hot and steaming." Michael answers now. "Yes that is correct" I say and cannot resist now and give the foxy a nice slap on his rump as he walks away.

It was strange but my nervousness totally faded away. It was no problem for me anymore that the waiters are not wearing more than just a thong. And also the nakedness of some customersdoes not interest me anymore. "What a nice place..." I think to myself now and then suddenly I smell something very nice in the air and it makes my belly growl a bit. A look to my side explains what it is. Michael is walking up to me now with a huge plate. It is easily to notice that the fox is having a hard time carrying the plate but he manages it and puts the plate down in front of me. And what I am seeing was one of the strangest but at the same time one of the tastiest things ever.

It was a bunny on all fours with the rump high in the air and a carrot is sticking in his rump hole. The skin is golden brown and the whole bunny is steaming very nicely. A big apple in his mouth and he is laying on a nice bed of salad. For a moment the only thing I could do was looking over that body. It was so strange. This was an anthro but he was cooked into something much better. Michael now hands me over a huge knife and fork and I eagerly take it. I just cannot wait longer now. I take the fork and pierce it into the bunny's rump. Juices are flowing out where I pierced the crispy skin. Now I take the knife and begin to cut up a nice piece of rump meat. Slowly the piece of meat is going up to my mouth now and I have to close my eyes as I take it in. It was incredible. The taste is amazing and the meat is so tender it feels like it is melting on my tongue as I begin to chew on it.

Everyone around is now able to hear me purring. I am sure of that. I never tasted something good like this. The honey glaze is matching the taste of the meat perfectly and I am not able to make out what spices they used but I really don't need to know this right now. I gulp down now the piece and cannot wait to get more of this meat into my mouth. First I was afraid. It seemed a bit wrong eating a sentient creature but now... these thoughts are completely gone. My fork now sinks into the thigh of the bunny and I continue cutting out the meat to chew on it nicely. Jerry filming the whole scene.

I look into the camera now and gulp down the piece of bunny meat in my maw. "Well my dear viewers... this is my first time eating an anthro and there is one thing I have to say. You all should try it at least once. The taste is very unique and the chefs of Jacko's restaurant know how to cook such a meal." After this I look back at the bunny and begin to carve down more meat of the bunny's leg eating the meat in front of the camera. After I am done with the complete right leg I look at Jerry and begin to talk. "Well for now this is enough filming please lay down your camera and join me. I am not able to eat that all alone." Jerry nods now and takes away the camera so he can sit down on the table. Michael quickly brings him a plate, a fork and a knife. "Thank you Thomas" He says and begins to cut down the meat on the bunny's other leg to eat on it. The strange thing is that I am not able to notice a surprise in Jerry's face. He is eating the meat of the bunny like it would be totally normal. And now that I am thinking over it. It was strange that this letter appeared on my table so randomly.... This sneaky bastard... but I better don't say anything now. After all I am very thankful for the whole experience.

After 40 minutes not much is left over from the bunny. Mostly bones are lying on the nice silver plate. Both me and Jerry are rubbing over our belly now. The meal was incredible good and I never thought I could eat another anthro but now it looks like I am going to do that again soon. Everything was perfect even the filling tasted just great. The meat did wonders on it "Well as I see you enjoyed your meal. I am really looking forward to your review. "Michael says now "Oh yes it was great and I think I will come here more often from now on." I respond as I slowly stand up from my chair. Jerry also stands up and takes his equipment and after thanking the fox for the wonderful service we are leaving the building.

Back in the car I am pondering something... "What are you thinking about Thomas?" Jerry asks now as he notices that I am a bit distracted while driving. "Well I am thinking about how much money I can make with this review..." I answer him. "Oh why is that? Normally you don't care that much about that. "Yes that is true normally not... but Michael is not cheap... and next time I visit this restaurant I will get myself a nice grilled foxy...

The e End... maybe... maybe not... I am not sure... we will see right? \ **chuckles* *

If you liked the story please leave a comment. They are so nice and motivating *chuckles*

Greets Jack ((Jacko))

Das Meer

So ich wollte hier noch etwas nettes für meinen mate schreiben aber dann würd ich zu schwärmen beginnen und dann würde das länger sein als die Geschichte. \*gg\* Also viel spaß beim lesen. Und Schatz du hast mich dafür insperiert. Danke Ich...

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Wo die Liebe hinfällt

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