A New Start As A Trainer/ Chapter 4: The First Thing About Being A Trainer....

Story by Aquos on SoFurry

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#4 of A New Start As A Trainer

Salutations, my dear, furry friends. It is a peasure to see that I am one of your favorites. It makes me feel very, very..... HAPPY! So now, without further adue, LET-THE-CHAPTER-COMMENCE!

CAUTION: I/ Oathkeeper35 do not hold or own any rights to the characters and/or Pokemon listed, only my main character. Also, the story contains yaoi and sex scenes in future parts. If your old enough (physically and mentally) to be mature about it, read to your hearts content; if not, DON'T.


(Normal POV)

The two humans and one Pokemon walked for about 10 minutes to a small house (that Lucas thought would only be about a minute and a half). The house (like I said before) was small: it was bricked red and had a tin-gray roof. There were two windows, one window on each side, both trimmed with white. Overall, it seemed like a normal house... that is, until you see what's on the roof: it was a big.... thing..... swirling and twirling on the roof, making WIZZs and BUZZs and all sorts of other sounds. Both Lucario and Lucas looked at each other, confused. Before Lucas had the chance, Professor Rowan said, "Yes, Lucario. This spire generates the power I need for my research here."


(Lucario's POV)

How did he know what I was saying?! I thought humans couldn't understand Pokemon! Curious I asked him (thinking it weird that I'm talking to a human who could understand me), "Ho- how did you know what I was saying!?"

"I will tell and show you once we are inside now come: we've much to talk about if your human friend to become a trainer." said Professor Rowan talking specifically to me. He was talking to ME! Incredible! Lucas looked at me, wondering how he could understand (to him) my various roars and grunts. I shrugged, letting him know I was just as confused as he was. We then made our way inside. Man, were we suprised:


(Lucas's POV)

Man does this guy work: He had papers everywhere! But beside that, it looked like any other, 1-room house that I've seen; which was never (ever played Pokemon on a DS? THAT was what it looked like with papers and books everywhere)! I was wondering one thing when I saw this: DOES THIS GUY EVER SLEEP?! I banished that thought when I saw him rummage through a book shelf for something. He pulled out a little box with a Pokeball symbol on the cover. He gave it to me, then told me to "open it". I did as I was told, slowly pulling the lid of to see the most wonderous thing I ever saw: a dark blue pokedex with a black, half Pokeball on the front cover. I opened it up; it looked so much similar to my DS, only the shape was different (size is the same). I started to jump up-and-down quickly saying, "YES! YES! YES! YES! YES!" Lucario was excited to and started to do the same thing. Professor Rowan gave us a death glare and we stopped instantly (you do NOT wanna mess with that guy, trust me). After we motioned his head to the box, I decided to take another look inside: their was a belt with six empty Pokeballs inside. I quickly took it out, put the box on the bed and strapped it on. It fit perfectly, no adjusting was needed! I took one of the empty Pokeballs and told Lucario to press the middle button. He asked me curiously, but obligied and touched he touched it.


(Lucario's POV)

I wanted to know why Lucas asked me to press the circle button on the Pokeball, but I didn't questioned his actions. I pressed the button gently and the Pokeball opened up. A red beam of light touched me, highlighted me red, then I was sucked inside before I even knew it. The Pokeball was bigger than I imagined, but not by much. I kept tumbling and tumbling around when I was sucked in. Then I stopped and relaxed: now the inside wasn't spinning anymore. Then I stood up, the inside started glowing, then I ended back in the professor's house with Lucas holding the Pokeball: MY Pokeball. I was so happy that I was someone's Pokemon, not a stray anymore!


(Lucas's POV)

Wow! That only took a shake from the Pokeball before it DING!ed, letting me know the capture process was done! Lucario, curious on what just happened. I was about to tell him when Rowan put a hand on my shoulder and said, "Before you tell him, there is 1 more thing inside the box you should use." Then he whispered in my ear quiet enough for Lucario not to hear, "It will help you understand Lucario better." Realizing what he meant when he said that, I grabbed the box and saw that there WAS something left: a Pokeball (wow, how many times have I used that word? XD) ear piece. I quickly put it on and was about to grab my Pokedex when Rowan gave it back to me, the screen saying "TRANSLATOR CONNECTED" on it. I mouthed the words "thank you" to the professor and started to talk to Lucario.


(Normal POV)

"Okay, Lucario. You still wondering what happened when you touched the Pokeball's center?" Lucas asked. Lucario shook his head and replied, "Yeah! I mean, when I touched it I was sucked in and the entire Pokeball was spinning around and anround and around and-"

"I get it! You were spinning around inside the Pokeball, so what else happened?" Lucas cut in. So far Lucario wasn't paying enough attention to realize that he was understood.

"Right, sorry! Anyway, as I started to relax the Poke-" Lucario started then cut-off where he was, realizing the most amazing thing: Lucas understood what he said before. He just had to see if it was true. He asked, "Wait... you can understand me?!"


(Lucas's POV)

"Yes! Yes I can!" I prodly said, "And it's all thanks to thiis ear piece! You see, when this ear piece is hooked up to your Pokede- ack!" I said as Lucario squeazed me so tightly it was like he was suffocating me.

"I don't care HOW you can know what I'm saying," he said happily "I just care you CAN!" Then he squeazed me tighter. Soon I couldn't breath, so I tapped his shoulder. He released his grip to see me if I was okay and I was blue in the face. Scared he immediately let go, but caught me when I was about to hit the floor. I was panting hard, but I was able to barely talk, "Thank you *pant* *pant* for not *pant* *pant* suffocating me!"

"Sorry!" he said as sincere as he could. Sigh, this is gonna be a _ long _ journey: I just know it!


(Normal POV)

As the new trainer and Pokemon walked out of Professor Rowan's house he called back to Lucas saying, "Good Luck! Also watch your spending!" He tranferred the usual amount of Pokebucks onto his trainer card: $10,000.

"We will! And thanks again!" cried back both team of two, and they made their way over the bridge. Their first stop was the Poke Mart for supplies. It was about the size of a QuikTrip that was back in the real world. When they got inside, the two friends looked at each other and split up to find the following: backpack with tent and sleeping bag, Pokechow, Potions, Revives (if they sold them), and status-curing potions.


10 minutes later they gathered together to examine what they got, after they tallied up the prices they just BARELY make it under: the total price was $9,125. That left $875 left. The cashier then put all the stuff into the various pockets of the backpack that Lucario picked out. After he transferred the amount of money from Lucas's trainer card on his Pokedex, the trainer and Pokemon left the PM (Poke Mart) happily. They turned towards the path that led to Jubilee City (I think that's how you say/type it, correct me if I'm wrong) and started their journey as official Trainer and Pokemon.


(Lucario's POV)

Wow! I can't believe this is actually happening: I'm on a journey with Lucas! Okay just stay calm, stay calm was all that was on my mind as I walk next to Lucas, my trainer. Trainer: the word sounded amazing as it penetrated my lips. But also, something else was on my mind: that one hug we had before we left the Center. It felt good, great even, it sent chills down my spine that made me shudder; that made Lucas put his arm around me. That made me nervous that I started to studder; why was I acting this way? Could I be, actually, in..... no! No no no no no! I am NOT going to say that word! But I know I was, crazy about it too. I had 1 thought that went with this other one: WHY NOW?!


Oooooh, looks like Lucario is starting to have feelings for Lucas... and at the beginning of his journey with him too! Sounds like there's a big problem....... or is there?!

Tune in for Chapter 5 to find out soon enough!!

A New Start As A Trainer/ Chapter 5: Something More Than Friendship

**Hey, Oathy again with another FABULOUS CHAPTER! I want to thank all of you for reading my story. I'm actually a beginning writer and this story along with your coments told me that I CAN be as successful as I thought, I just needed to take my time...

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A New Start As A Trainer/ Chapter 3: A Chance For Repentence, Repaid and Pushed Beyond

**Hola, mi amigos! Es su Oathy! Me gusta ustedes porque ustedes le gusta yo! Gracias, gracias, GRACIAS!!! So... on to the Chapter!** **CAUTION: I/ Oathkeeper35 do not hold or own any rights to the characters and/or Pokemon listed, only my main...

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A New Start As A Trainer/ Chapter 2: Something Found, but Not New To It

**Hey y'all, what's up? Oathy here. I was SO glad that so many of you Furries read my story, some of you made my story a favorite and that really made me proud. I'm going to keep writing no matter what! So here is CHAPTER 2!** **CAUTION: I/...

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