Breaking The Line Draft 1, CH 11

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#11 of Breaking The Line

draft 1 of Book 5 in the inheriting the Line Series.

Denton reels from what Damian revealed to him, Arnold runs the war as best as he can when everyone who is supposed to help him seems more interested in arguing with him.

but Denton might have kept himself out of the war too long by the time he realizes what Damian is really after, and those who'll pay the cost might be his closest friends.

if you want to read ahead of everyone else, the complete story is available on my Patreon

or, you can buy the published book from Gumroad or Amazon

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The screens in the vans showed views from the cameras each member of the assault team was carrying. Arnold paced the length of the truck, glancing at a screen, seeing the flash of gunfire, then another one, a very up-close fight and wrenched his eyes away, going for another eight-foot circuit inside the small confines. He should be out there, in the middle of the fight, not in here watching.

The compound was a collection of a dozen buildings in the forest. Seven were identified as houses, one a large room, possibly for meetings. Two greenhouses and two storage shed. Aiden had gotten them as many satellite pictures as he could, but the buildings had been positioned to take advantage of the canopy.

"Huh," the gorilla at the console said. "Did you see that?" he asked the Jackal seated next to him, who shook his head without looking away from his screen. "Rob, can you give me control of drone number eight? I want to check something."

Arnold stood behind the gorilla. "What is it, Johnson?"

"Not sure." A light on his keyboard flashed, and he moved his finger on the touchpad, the image on the screen moving in sync. It showed a heavy canopy. "I thought I saw a straight line through the leaves, but now I'm not sure."

"Can anyone check it?" Arnold asked.

"It's on the opposite side of where the action it. Actually, it's closer to us than anyone else."

"Can you get the drone closer?"

"They have a field blocking broadcasts. Even if I could get it below that, we'd lose the feed. It's tech, not magic, but the drones aren't powerful enough to carry the boosters to punch through the field."

"We've tagged six marked people at this point," someone else said.

Arnold focused on the screen, looking for any details that felt out of place, like straight lines among trees branches.

"Albert," the gorilla called, "I'm sending you a video feed, you have a better eye than any of us, do you see anything?" Johnson was silent. "No, I don't want to say what I think is there. I don't want to prejudice you."

"Stop the drone," Arnold said. He thought he could make out a line. He ran a finger along the barely noticeable shadow. That could be a corner.

A still image replaced the screen next to it, the same canopy. A yellow line appeared away from the one Arnold had a finger on. Did a ninety-degree turn. Another straight line, another turn, traced under Arnold's finger. Another turn and it closed the box. The square was so perfect it made Arnold sick. Albert added details only he could see, hints of a wall with a window, shingles on the roof.

Arnold ran out of the truck, ignoring Johnson calling after him.

They'd missed a building in the aerial surveillance, and there was no telling what or who was in there. If they'd knowing Arnold was coming, and they had to, they could have hidden in there. They could be mounting a counteroffensive to take his and Aaron's men by surprised once they thought the assault was over.

He jumped over fallen logs, slapped branches out of his way and smiled. Let the others bitch about him not staying behind. He wasn't made to look at screens, that was what his time running the family was teaching him. He needed to be where the action was.

He slowed when the building came into view. It was painted a greenish-brown with the texture of bark. At thirty feet it was hard to notice. It was larger than it looked on the screen. Two dozen people could stay there without a problem. The window showed six moving about.

He took out his phone to call Johnson, let him know what he was looking at. No signal. Well, he was already there, he might as well deal with them.

He did a slow circuit around the building and confirmed nine men and a lot of guns. The group who owned the properties had been apocalyptic preppers before Damian co-opted them. It made sense they'd have a cache of weapons.

He through the front door opened in a short hall with down on each side and opening up to a kitchen. It was where the guns were stored. The rooms could be more storage, or sleeping quarters. The back door was barricaded to keep anyone from getting in, but also kept them from leaving. Once he got in, they would be trapped with him.

Arnold grinned.

He was around the front again as a man stepped out on the porch, leaned a rifle against the wall and vaped. The wolf let out a satisfied sigh and closed his eyes.

Arnold ran.

The man opened his eyes in time to see the tiger's open hand coming. He opened his mouth to scream, but the hand hit his throat. Arnold caught the gasping man and slammed his head against his knee. The man went limp. He dragged him off the porch and hid him from view behind a bush.

He should have grabbed a pack of restrains before running out of the truck. Alex was going to have his balls for that, and he'd deserve it.

He cracked the door open and listened. Indistinct conversation, tense. The crackling of a radio. They were waiting to hear news of how the fighting was going.

You are losing, assholes, Arnold thought. And now they were about to experience the loss personally. He slipped in.

The walls and floor were bare plywood, no thought had been put into making this place feel comfortable. He didn't see them in the kitchen, so he could get closer, but the longer he took, the more the odds were one of them would walk around see him. Arnold grinned and decided to take a page out of Aaron's book.

He rushed in, grabbed the closest man before then realized he was there and slammed his head against the wall, cracking the plywood and leaving blood. He broke one's knee with a kick, snapped another's arm, and the other four were ready for him, and by taking three out of the fight, he'd given everyone else more maneuvering room.

One came at him with a knife. Arnold caught the arm, spun the man and held him against his chest at three shots were fired. Arnold's ears rang from the detonation, and the man he held shuddered before expiring. Arnold threw him at the gunman, following, grabbing the table and flung it at another reaching for a big gun on the counter.

Arnold added his momentum to the body that hit the gunman and he felt bones break as they collided against the counter.

He grabbed a rifle by the barrel and threw it at the man on his right. It impacted in the chest and he went down, wheezing. Arnold's hearing was clear enough he heard the hammer pull. He crouched and rolled, coming up and moving.

The last man was trying to get a bead on him. Arnold didn't give him a chance. He grabbed the wheezing man's legs and threw him. The new gunman ducked and Arnold ran at him. The man fired and Arnold felt the bullet hit his side, but didn't stop. The man's eyes grew wide in surprise and fear, then Arnold's fist connected with his face and the man dropped.

Arnold smiled, seven men in what? A few seconds. Not a record for him, but definitely good. He winced as the pain in his side registered. He checked the damage. Through and through muscle, nothing vital. He'd used the healing sigil once he'd made sure the building was clear and--

He felt, more than heard, the floor creak behind him.

He spun, saw the gun coming around the hall wall, the gloved hand holding it and grabbed it. He yanked it out of the hand, and the other man was faster than he'd expected, grabbing Arnold's wrist and pulling.

Arnold planted a foot down and pulled back, kicking with the other as soon as the man cleared the hall. His foot connected with body armor, then Arnold was the one flung in the air and on his back, rolling out of the way and back up, fist at the ready. He saw the flash of light on the metal blade. The stripped fur, and the pissed off expression on his brother's face.

"What the fuck, Arnold?" Aaron pressed an arm against the side Arnold had kicked.

"What are you doing here?"

"Me? You're supposed to be in the van. Where it's safe."

"Safe's not my thing and you know it."

"Fucking make it your thing, or are you forgetting your son? What's going to happen to him if you're not around when he's ready for sex?" Arnold replied.

"Hey! I'm wearing body armor, or are you so fight blind you didn't notice? I took precautions. You went and got shot." Aaron's voice went up an octave.

"You sound like you give a damn," Arnold replied.

"I give a damn about your son."

"I might not have--"

"Don't you fucking even go there. One of them is yours, unless you were stupid enough to get some magic to be infertile from the cheetah."

Arnold snorted. "I doubt even magic could accomplish that to one of us."

Aaron collected his gun and holstered it. He looked at Arnold. "God balls, Arnold, what if you'd been hit somewhere vital?"

"I know the healing sigils, all three versions of them. I'm fine."

"Those only work if you're conscious to draw them."

Arnold smiled. "You do care."

Aaron flipped him the finger. "Go fuck a woman. I just don't want to be stuck running the family while this war's going on. It's your baby, you are going to deal with it. Let's get back so you can tend to that wound."

"You realize that now that we have fucked women, that insult doesn't hit quite as hard.".

"Oh please tell me you don't have the intention of fucking more women." Aaron shuddered. "I don't know if I'd have been able to go through with it without the rest of your to keep me in the mood."

"No, those women were enough to last me a lifetime or three. I had to fuck guys for the next week to feel clean afterward."

"Tell me about it. I had Albert fuck me just to be sure I still hated it as much."

"You love taking up the ass," Arnold said as they exited the building.

"You say that again and I'm fucking you right here, right now."

"Wanna fight me for it?"

"Maybe later, we are in the middle of something more important."

Arnold grinned. "I figured that's what you'd say."

Aaron glared at him as they headed back to the truck.

* * * * *

"What did the raid net us?" Arnold asked, running a hand through the fur of the coyote sucking him off.

"A handful of their communication ciphers," Alex replied, head back as a ram moved up and down on his cock. "Six targets, which have already been protected."

"Three thousands guns of varying types," Aaron said, grinning at the otter who had been deep-throating him for three minutes now and looked like he could keep going for another five. "I'm in the process of have them checked, the ones in good condition are going to be reallocated among our people."

"Good," Arnold grunted, and the coyote grinned.

Arnold didn't remember whose idea it had been to do the debrief while having sex, but he had to admit, it made them a lot less boring. He grabbed the coyote's head and fucked his muzzle while Aiden and Albert gave their reports. He didn't hear any of it over his grunts and his orgasm. The coyote closed his eyes and shuddered.

When Arnold could think again, he glanced down. There was cum on the floor between the coyote's legs. He had to be one of Aaron's cock suckers. He made sure his phone was still recording the reports and went back to listening to what his brothers said, petting the coyote's head.

* * * * *

"And we handed the people from the compound to Homeland," Alex finished. "My man there said there won't be a problem making sure they get prosecuted since among the plans we got was an attack against a government building. He can pass us off as a local law enforcement effort."

"Good, then that's deal with," Arnold said.

"Finally," Aaron sighed. "Can't we do this over food next time? I'm famished."

"Let's see," Aiden said, "Reports, food and sex? I don't think your ability to focus is able to cope with all three. I know we lost Arnold a time or two, and he's the guy in charge."

"That's why we created recording apps for our phone," Arnold replied.

"Whatever," Aaron said. "Who wants to go out for food?"

Everyone agreed and stood.

As they headed out the room Arnold phone's buzzed. "I'll join you," he said after looking at who was calling him.

"And that is why I never want to be in charge," Albert said, "business always gets in the way of pleasure."

"Brislow," Arnold said, tuning out his brothers. "What's up?"

"I was wondering, how much does Arthur charge for his services?"

Arnold didn't answer. He couldn't find his voice among the pain he felt. He'd done his best to avoid thinking about his brother, or even being in the same room at him. Being ignored hurt more than not being in his presence.


"So--Sorry." He regained control of his voice and forced the hurt out of it. He knew Denton wouldn't consider him weak for feeing it, but he didn't want to advertise it either. "What's going on? You decided being a cheetah wasn't good enough for you? Want him to make you a tiger?"

"It's not for me. Tom. Tom Marrows, you remember him?"

"Oh yeah, I remember the badger. Anytime you've brought him for a meeting I end up feeling like punching him for the attitude if gives me."

The cheetah chuckled. "You learn to deal with it."

"I'd fuck him back in his place if I were you."

"That's not as helpful as you imagine. Anyway, it's been pointed out to me that he's getting old."

"He doesn't seem that old."

"Not for normal work, but what we do isn't exactly normal. He's over fifty and trying to keep up with guys literally half his age. I was thinking that Arthur might be able to tweak his genes to give him a leg up, you know, maximize his assets, minimize the potential health problems."

"Why don't you just get him younger, that would be more efficient."

The cheetah was silent. "You can do that?"

"Well, not me, but Ana--" Arnold stopped. Didn't Brislow know? Hadn't he told him what his brothers could do? "What do you know about the gifts we can pass along?"

"Your strength and endurance, Arthur can do stuff to the DNA, Adam is driving, and you said something about Aaron and fighting."

Arnold thought about it. This would be one big way to get the cheetah to owe him. Fuck, he'd own the cheetah even if all he did was get the badger younger, and Arnold could offer him so fucking more than that.

Owning a Society Elder, fuck the things his family could do with that. Finally force the Society to respect them, get a seat that that fucking table, instead of being looked down upon anytime he had to deal with them. If his old men were still around, they would jump at the chance--

That thought stopped him. His old men would take advantage of it. He was sure his grandfather would have too, and great grandfather Robert had kicked the Solanos out of the city. His family had a history of taking advantage of every situation they could fabricate.

"If I give you a list of what we can gift, would you be interested in doing a bulk deal? Things are quiet now, we gave Damian something of a kick in the balls so he's going to have to take time and readjust things. We could negotiate a bulk discount."

"I guess we can discuss it, what are the possibilities?"

Arnold opened his mouth to speak and realized he'd just ensured he wasn't going to be eating anytime soon. Fuck, he hated being in charge sometimes.

He sat down and began telling the cheetah all the things his family going gift him and the men he deemed worthy.

Breaking The Line Draft 1, CH 10

The world changes around me; not only where I keep returning, but everywhere. Males go from mating on ground and in caves, to building small caves where they enjoy mating. Others join them, building other caves. The males I chose grow, and die,...

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Breaking The Line Draft 1, CH 09

"Are you insane?" the mustang on the screen demanded. "I didn't do that!" Arnold snapped. He was getting tired of repeating himself. "You weren't satisfied with chasing us of San Francisco, now you're bringing this war into my state?" ...

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Breaking The Line Draft 1, CH 08

Zikabar looked away from the financial reports he had lined up on his desk to the window displaying news of the conflict going on around the world. To listen to the news channels, the conflict between the church and gay community was a small thing; an...

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