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#19 of The Adventures of Tik Tik

Velana finds herself face-to-face with mistress of illusions

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Valana had spent little time concerning herself with the ever-changing winds of the world. After her liberation from the Lily Nymph, the elf finds tranquility in being one with nature. After all, the forest was her home long ago, and long after her capture, it would be her home again. It matters not what whims the gods have nor the massive cities that lie at the edge of the tree-rooted places. What matters is that the ebb and flow of nature continues as it has been and always will until its longevity ends.

The hermitess knows when something has disturbed her home. Grasping her staff, the ancient yet beautiful creature squats down. She draws her fingers over the seemingly undisturbed ground, only to find that through the illusion, she sees the body of a once swarthy man, cold and long-dead, staring without eyes as a withered husk.

She backs away, her ears twitching and her eyes perceiving, but even though she hears nothing is up and sees nothing is amiss, she knows she is not alone.

The paranoia rushes her as she raises her staff, chanting the ancient rites of the world. Once she does, she sees it for a split second as a distortion in her vision a moment before warm paws wrap around her and grab her by her naked breasts.

The yapping voice barks in an ear-piercing shout as a fluffy tail wraps itself around the elf. "And they said you were a great magician: Not as great as Cesrastra, are you?"

Naked fur rubs against naked flesh as a hand slides down over Valana's body, fingers finding their way between her legs. "Do you know how boring you are, granny?" the vixen coos, snickering as she whispers into one of those sensitive ears. "Sitting around on a rock all day long, meditating for what, your own personal gain?

Valana speaks back to her, snapping in the ancient tongue of her order.

"Blah, blah, blah," Cesrastra replies. "Always bluster with you lot, but you know what you don't boast about? That libido of yours" She pushes her fingers inside the elf, eliciting a squeaking gasp from Valana's body. "You're all like this, so high-strung and yet so desirous. Why do you hide your horny just as hard as I hide my magical power?"

Valana stumbles forward, and the fox disappears, though her legs shake and her lips quiver. She spins around, only to find the fox sitting on a branch, the fox leaning against another trunk, and the fox sitting cross-legged on the forest floor.

"Flame-bearer," the elf says, stepping back.

All three Cesrastras giggle at that.

"Oh, yes, Tessie told me about you. How you used to be one of us long before you gave up your position."

She places a hand upon Valana's stomach, resting her chin upon the elf's shoulder, having appeared behind her again. "They say that leaving the order makes you leave your power behind, and I don't believe it. So which flame did you carry, hm?"

Valana spins around, but Cesrastra disappears into a smiling mist.

"I suppose it really doesn't matter, does it?" Her voice thunders from high above.

Valana falls back, staring at the towering vixen, her tits alone blot out the sun. She squats down, overshadowing the elf entirely with her body as her voice rumbles. "I don't need you for your credentials, and I need you for your memories."

The ground beneath Valana gives way, and she falls through the earth, tumbling through a large earthen tunnel and crashing into soft ground.

A moment later, large fingers curl in, grasping at the elf, pulling her in towards the bright eyes of the midnight predator, the cunning smile toothy and vast.

"And you have so many of them that I can use. You're not using them, are you?"

And in the vixen's other hand, Cesrastra reveals a flower that blooms and stepping out from it are other feminine figures, their eyes hazy and unfocused. They disappear, and a richly-dressed elf stands before them, her orange eyes blazing as she leans upon the bed, patting it gently.

Cesrastra shakes her hand, dissipating the ghosts of years past. "Oh yes, so many stories and so little time. I could never tell them all. But imagine, can't you, the new stories I can tell if I used them!"

She claps her hands together, slamming Valana against paw pads with a long, interrupted scream.

Valana wakes up in the cool of the night, her body drenched in sweat. She gasps and grasps for her staff, trembling as she brings herself to her feet. Licking her lips, the elf darts her eyes this way before backing away, rushing off into the darkness.

Meanwhile, the vixen squats in the bushes, her smile spreading wide.

Behind the vixen, the wolfess snarls. "Now...?"

"Wait a few more moments," Cesrastra says. She stands up, holding out her hand. Floating above her palm is a mass of golden light that dances across her face. "I want to savor these for a little bit longer before you add some terror to the mix.

The growling of her companion only grows.

"There it is," she says, piercing the sphere. She opens her maw and tilts her head back, placing the globe upon the tip of her tongue and finally swallowing it with a large gulp. "Now, you may go."

The wolfess breaks through the night, howling in a terrible fury as she rushes off, a smile across her muzzle.

"Go, my friend," Cesrastra says, disappearing into her veil of illusion, "Go and give her some more memories...."

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