Durzhel's Doggy Dominion: A Greed of Dragons Side Story

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#12 of Commissions

Commission for Rasputin (Discord)

Characters include Durzhel (Rasputin's OC)

Each OC belongs to their respective characters.

When it was time for Durzhel to undergo the rite of passage, the dragoness that mated with the Seer returned, accompanied by a certain teal colored dragon. It was with no doubt that the dragon is Dart'tharan, one who orchestrated the dragoness's arrival, and as of now, he plans to corrupt the entire village by spreading his influence all over the populace.

Fortunately for Durzhel, he was away when this happened, focusing on his Rite of Passage to become a fully fledged adult by surviving in the Distortion Mountains for a couple of days, only to come back with a village ravaged by sin and desires of the flesh.

Durzhel's Doggy Dominion

Commission for Rasputin (Discord)

When it was time for Durzhel to undergo the rite of passage, the dragoness that mated with the Seer returned, accompanied by a certain teal colored dragon. It was with no doubt that the dragon is Dart'tharan, one who orchestrated the dragoness's arrival, and as of now, he plans to corrupt the entire village by spreading his influence all over the populace.

Fortunately for Durzhel, he was away when this happened, focusing on his Rite of Passage to become a fully fledged adult by surviving in the Distortion Mountains for a couple of days, only to come back with a village ravaged by sin and desires of the flesh.

As the orange rays of the setting sun begin to overthrow the blueish skies of the late afternoon, Durzhel and Xanthor manage to reach the base of the Distortion Mountains where a large wooden gate separates him from being a full fledged adult.

Right at the side of the gate, his surrogate father, Lazarul accompanied by a couple of guards who were assigned to guide the furred dragon to the base of the mountain, was giving him a supporting smile as to bid Durzhel good luck personally.

Breathing his last wisp of smoke and standing upright as if he were an adult, he approaches his surrogate father. Durzhel wasn't carrying a backpack nor supplies considering that this trip only lasted three days and has a smooth trail along with the rule of only relying on nature to survive. The journey only had the threat of extreme weather and some beasts that he studied hard for the past couple of weeks.

With that, Durzhel lets out a large smoke of determination and determination as Lazarul extends his paw before patting the young dragon softly.

"Are you ready, Durzhel?" Lazarul asked, but before Durzhel could reply, he was rudely cut off by Xanthor who was accompanying him.

"Of course he's ready!" Xanthor answered enthusiastically much to Durzhel's annoyance, but judging by his hidden smirk, he actually enjoyed the support his friend was giving. Lazarul giggles with amusement in seeing Durzhel's childhood dragon friend who he took quite a liking towards before patting the blue furred dragon once more, giving Durzhel a supporting grin.

"That he is, Xanthor. But, I really want to hear it coming from Durzhel." Lazarul clarified making the blue furred dragon smile from gratitude before raising his chest, giving his surrogate father a nod of confidence.

"As ready as I am, Lazarul." He answered with a large wisp of determination. "I've taught myself enough of surviving in the coldness of the mountains so I am positive of being able to survive for a couple of days" Durzhel responded before tilting his head towards Xanthor, grinning.

"Plus, I had a very relaxing day off, so I'm pretty energized now." Durzhel and Xanthor winked at each other, remembering their lewd intercourse at the barn before coming here. Lazarul snorts some smoke with amusement before patting Durzhel's left leg for the last time, turning around.

"Very well then,"

"Take good care of yourself as you climb the mountains, for when you comes back, you will be greeted as an adult dragon in this village." Lazarul ordered before raising his paw towards the guard beside him that took out a whistle to ring, signaling for the large wooden door to open. Durzhel nods towards Xanthor with enthusiasm before trotting outside.

"Well... I'm off." Durzhel said, steeling his nerves before darting towards the direction he was directed at. The gates that separated the village and the Distortion Mountains that acted as the final roadblock from adulthood closes as Durzhel vanished from Lazarul and Xanthor's sights, thus starting his three day trek with the final rays of the sun disappearing from view.

A bright blue flame erupts through a large pile of wood that Durzhel has gathered for him to conserve body temperature despite being covered in thick furs. Judging by the purple hues of the early night sky, time was slowly going away as the dragons' journey takes form.

It hasn't been long ever since his trek from the base of the Distortion Mountain; he ventured around the trail with ease because of its smooth road with some obstacles he successfully maneuvered over. So far, the most annoying thing Durzhel has dealt with was when a pack of mountain Rock Hounds chased him. Unfortunately for them, he can fly, so he can just outrun them.

The only thing that he had to worry about was the weather and the other more problematic creatures that are capable of flight. Though he already read from the leather bound tomes he has studied from that he'll eventually encounter these creatures in the Distortion Mountains especially during nighttime.

But for now...

"Hmmm... The weather seems good for tonight." Durzhel said as a matter of fact after studying the weather patterns. "I guess I can sleep in the open. It's not like anyone would try to harm a dragon anyway." He reasoned before flopping towards the ground.

The ground was very uneven, and the cold hard ground that he had to lay on was very uncomfortable for the dragon. Just by laying on the ground made him realize how fortunate he was when he had a nice bed and a roof over his head back in the village.

Little things such as those are mostly taken for granted until one loses it.

Nonetheless, Durzhel closes his eyes as he let sleep overtake him as he ignores the cold earth pressing his body.

As Durzhel slumbers despite being exposed on the rocky wilderness of the Distortion Mountains, the blue dragon forgot to take into account the seasons that transpired within the mountains.

At this time of year, the beasts that dwelled within have gone into a complete rut, with hundreds upon hundreds of these wild beasts craving the relief of mating just like how Durzhel and Xanthor back at the Barn back in the village where the curse of lust seeped into him, only amplified tenfold.

Durzhel doesn't have any idea nor doesn't know of the seasons that unfold within the mountain. Only an insane mind would venture out and explore this chaotic place at this period of year when lust and desires reach the absolute highest it could get.

So as Durzhel drifts deeper into the world of sleep, he completely forgets of all his senses, all his worries that are discarded when a black and brown rock snake, 13 feet large came slithering towards him, sneaking by his draconic senses.

The large Titan Rock Snake - a species related to the smaller, more miniscule rock snakes that roamed this area - smelled the alluring scent of cum that oozed outside of Durzhel's ass hole, unintentionally attracting the snake to its position via the creature's sensitive senses.

It was even more sensitive during this year since it was mating season for the creatures that lived in these mountains. The scent, mixed with Durzhel's dragon hormones were making it practically an irresistible combination to ignore for any living creature within this land.

And thus, the giant, brown and black scaled snake made it underneath Durzhel as quietly as possible, relishing the smell of cum as if its mind was in a trance, appreciating the most enticing scent it has ever smelled.

Before Durzhel knew of it, he was violently woken up when he felt something long, scaly, and slippery wrapped around his body like chains, squeezing around his midsection while a part of the snake's underside worked its way up Durzhel's legs.

Durzhel tried struggling, but the snake was much more stronger than the puny muscles that the dragon has.

As the dragon tries to force the snake's embrace to break away with his arms, he didn't realize that the serpent has already placed its cloaca right over his groins. As the reptilian pheromones seep its way into his nostrils, his resistance against it began to chip away into nothing as his struggles slowly begun to subside much to his dismay.

Sooner or later, Durzhel stops resisting at all and surrendered to the giant snakes embrace. Before he realized of it, the snake tightens its grip against him, trapping the dragon underneath the creature while a long tapered tongue emerges out of its jaw and moves its way towards Durzhel's ear, licking the end.

It's scent continued to bombard him to submission as he felt himself being seduced towards its needs as he feels something slowly building up inside him. He could feel the snake rubbing itself against his body, searching for something that would satiate its desires.

The dragon's only response was letting the creature do what he desires against him, all while feeling a new sensation budding beneath him. When the snake found what its seeking, its long tail begins rubbing against Durzhel's asss before Durzhel finally knows what this was about.

All the serpent wants was to mate, and the dragon was the subject for its desires.

Still ensnared underneath the titan rock snake, his head slowly felt light as he feels himself getting erect at his groin, arousal taking form. The tongue that has continued to lap Durzhel's left ear did not cease, slowly getting more forceful to its movement.

Now trapped within the snake's hold, Durzhel could not fight back any longer especially in this intoxicating arousal that gripped his senses in an ironfist. As he finally succumbs to these pleasurable needs, a tiny wisp of lustful mist escaped from his body, infecting the snake and made it astronomically horny.

"Hnggg..." Durzhel releases a groan from his jaws, his eyes still shut close, feeling himself being trapped within its coil, sedated. The tongue that continued licking Durzhel's ear withdrew back into the creature's jaw before a sound resonates from the creature's throat, catching Durzhel's attention.

The dragon opened his eyes to get a good look on his captor. Its crimson red eyes meet Durzhel's teal ones, its gaze containing lustful intent that makes the dragon shiver from need.

The snake seemed like it has stopped everything in an attempt for the serpent to take a good look at him. Its red slitted eyes showed a look that the reptilian wanted for the dragon.

It wanted him, it needed him... It desired the pleasure and satisfaction it would get out of the dragon's body. Durzhel felt nothing but submissiveness underneath its gaze before something moves itself behind the dragon's hind legs.

He feels it - it is scaly and slightly slippery - two large rods prodded and poked at Durzhel's tail hole entrance before eventually getting in. Durzhel lets out another groan of arousal as he felt these objects inside his ass hole, slowly finding its way to stretch him once again.

But Durzhel's asshole wasn't wet and slippery; in fact, it was dry. Because of the rough stretch at his entrance, it resulted in Durzhel wincing before the snake realizes that his prehensile rods wouldn't fit in without lubrication.

Though fortunately for Durzhel, reptiles such as the snake has self-lubricated cocks. With that, the serpents two prehensile cock begins excreting its natural form of lubricants - watery ooze, not cum - into Durzhel's dragonhole, using the two large objects to massage it out to allow it to flow down the cocks.

As Durzhel pants as it flows from his entrance, he felt the large objects spreading their ooze out, lubing his tailhole up, turning his fleshy walls slimy.

The dragon lets out pleasured groans as the serpent began thrusting vigorously with such tandem. A pleasured hiss went straight out from its mouth as Durzhel let out a muffled moan of bliss due to the snakes tongue stuffing inside the dragon's jaw, deepthroating him much to his astonishment.

But not only was it enjoying a good fucking against Durzhel's sexy tailhole ass, it was using its serpent tongue to lather its poison onto the blue dragon, subjecting him into complete submission.

His struggles begun to subside, his need for freedom started to chip away the more the titan rock snake mates against his reptilian cock into Durzhel.

In Durzhel's mind, Never in a million years did the blue dragon expected the rite of passage in him, to be brutally fucked against a wild animal. Because of this sudden act of debauchery against him, his mind and morals begin to bend the more this giant snake thrusts vigorously against Durzhel's hotdog tailhole, added to the fact that the pink mist he had running in his system made him want to indulge in the pleasure even more.

Minutes passes by, Durzhel could only focus on getting pounded by a foreign creature much in disgrace. The dragon groans lustfully from both pain and pleasure as Durzhel feels nothing but a pleasured mindset as these foreign object continues thrusting inside Durzhel, flooding his tail hole with watery ooze.

If not for the snakes 3 meter tongue that's deepthroating him and for its chokehold trapping him, sounds of pleasured bliss could be heard throughout the entire nighttime Distortion Mountains; fortunately for the snake, he managed to silence its victim.

In and out, push and pull, the snake ravaged the dragon's ass hole as if its life depended on it. With every vigorous pounding from its prehensile cocks, Durzhel's silent grunts and moans went more fervent, lost to the animalistic mating that was being filled into Durzhel's orifices as it continues assaulting both of his holes with gusto.

Throughout the serpent's rut, the pink mist starts emitting out of Durzhel's entire being, transferring it into the snake. Much to the dragon's confusion, it could've been from the serpent or something that lurks at these Distortion mountains during nighttime, but either way, it started doing something strange against the two creatures.

With both parties seemingly oblivious of its affects, Durzhel felt something inside him, a sensation as if he was losing a grip of something in him that would help maintain his mental sanity from these debaucheries. Whatever it was, his thoughts of fleeing have diminished, his hopes and dreams... it was as if Durzhel felt nothing but depravity and lust building inside him with every mating press thrust from both the snake and his inner mind.

Durzhel feels weak inside. Weak... Yet pleasured and hot. With his sanity chipping away every vigorous pound from his ass hole, it seemed like Durzhel succumbs himself into depravity more willingly as every thrust from its prehensile rods chips away Durzhel's need for freedom, the pink mist doing his part much to the dragon's demise.

Still inside the snakes embrace, the teal colored dragon felt himself getting used and tossed around as if he was nothing but a meat for the Titan Rock Snake, who, like Xanthor back at the barn lasts perhaps around a couple of hours or so... Durzhel lost count on the last time.

"Hmmphh! Hmmmph!" Durzhel could feel it. The snake was getting close to its release against Durzhel's juicy tailhole. The dragon begins focusing on the snakes thrust, concentrating and memorizing their beat.

In... and... out.

In and out, in, and out, in and out.

Despite being dazed, Durzhel paid close attention to the snakes throbbing pace as a large bulge from his midsection was caused by the snakes cocks that was spreading his insides. With his teal eyes slightly clouded, he managed to figure out that the snake will soon blow a lot of cum inside his stomach, and soon enough; Durzhel feels that cock getting twitchier and twitchier, signifying that the dragon was correct.

All of a sudden, The snake pulled Durzhel closer than it has already was. With the force strong enough to practically dig holes on to the dragons fur, the force sends his mind into a state of nirvana, the snake's prehensile cocks lodged deep inside his stomach, spurting out tons of white sticky cum accompanied with its own form of natural slime lubricant.

"Ngghhh!!! Hmmph!!" Durzhel's eyes rolls to the back of his skull, his mouth forced wide open with the snake's thick pinkish serpent tongue stuffing it much to his pleasure. His legs buckle from the onslaught of wild passion as it twitched and shook, cumming hard along with the snake as it continued to unload its seed into his stomach, bloating it to the point where one would suspect him as a gravid dragoness, while the dragon's dick sprayed cum all over the rocky ground beneath him.

The pink mist that's been emanating from Durzhel has gotten thicker as the dragon continues his orgasm. Spreading its corruptive essence around them as the predators that lurked the two mating beasts grew lustful, watching them with intent and interest, waiting for their turn to claim the dragon.

After the snakes orgasm has ceased, it went still for a couple of minutes, pressing its body against the dragon as it relished the warm feeling of its cock deep inside the dragon's bowels, savoring the moment with its prey, before slowly retracting its long body from its captive, pulling out of the dragon with an audible plop and a small torrent of cum pouring from his entrance.

Durzhel, who was freed from the snake's hold, fell onto the ground, his legs too weak and sore to move as he felt a large amount of the snakes cum dripping down his ass hole.

With the dragon laying on the ground, the titan snake slithers away into the dark, satisfied with its deed, but not before looking back at the deprived dragon as it let out a goodbye hiss.

Durzhel could've tried to stand and run for it, but his mind has been corrupted to the point where he can barely function properly, the pink mist that's been seeping from him growing ever so powerful.

As his vision begins to blur and his consciousness begins to fade, the dragon was left exposed in the mountains with no one there to protect him.

With a final groan, Durzhel falls asleep, completely oblivious of what lies within the mountain.

The dragon could only hope for the best to happen.

Unfortunately for him, countless beasts that patiently waited for their turn began ganging up on him, using the dragon's unconscious form to satisfy their rut as the dragon was clueless on what had transpired when he was asleep.

As the first light of the early morning rays pierced through the clouds, Durzhel, the blue furred dragon awakens from his sleep, a large yawn erupting from his jaws. As his vision begins to clear and his eyes adjusting to the brightness of the sun, he realized that he's lying on the ground, body sore and covered in cum.

What was most notable about his bruised body was his asshole. Gaped and leaking a torrent of cum, the dragon let out a groan before covering his anal hole using both paws. Durzhel had no memory on what happened, nor how this came about much to his bewilderment.

But he does remember something happened, yet he was unaware of how to decipher that information. The blue dragon tries to move and crawl, but the fatigue of his aching muscles held him down before letting out a sigh, wondering what had actually transpired.

Before Durzhel could question anymore of it, he tried looking for an answer within his thoughts that all lead to a single conclusion; mating season had started amongst the creatures in the Distortion Mountains at the same time when Durzhel left yesterday evening which also explains why his hole was leaking fluids out of his tail hole despite it not looking torn and ripped.

He was literally fucked during his sleep.

With that assumption in mind, Durzhel gave himself a pat on the back for surviving such lecherous situation despite being raped in his sleep as a dragon cannot only feel grateful for himself that he survived such experience, he should also feel grateful as to how the Distortion Mountains that has an uncountable population of beasts within it couldn't find anyone except for him who was mated with, many times as evident from his stretched hole.

It's not common knowledge for any kind of beasts to get frisky with dragons as a majority of beasts stay clear from dragons due to the reptile species superiority as Durzhel assumed that if any creature got horny about any dragons within the Distortion Mountains, they would probably steer clear from it, but Durzhel somehow caught the attention of many animals despite his sleep.

"Ugh... I really need to get washed..." Durzhel pouted once he realized he smelled of dragon cum and natural lubricant coming out of his tail hole. As Durzhel tries to stand and find water so he could at least get washed - due to not finding anywhere suitable in his immediate sights - he manages to gather strength through both his paws as it struggles to move and fly, aching and slightly stiff much to his disappointment.

Durzhel huffs an impatient wisp of smoke. He could not afford to rest for long or else he'll waste the precious few hours he has left until the sundown. In terms of survival, time's against you.

With a grunt, Durzhel forces his paws to carry him.

The dragon lets out a groan of pain as he walks towards the direction he instinctively knew where to go; he could've tried flying, but the soreness of his body made it impossible.

After an hour or two of walking and a couple of breaks, Durzhel found a clear, flowing river and a small waterfall.

"Perfect..." Durzhel thought as he sees his chance to get cleaned.

As he approaches the crystal clear flowing waters, he noticed how there seems to be no creature that resides this serene place. It was so silent that even Durzhel can hear his heart beating.

He didn't think too much of it as the dragon's only focus was to get himself cleaned.

As Durzhel's paw dipped onto the crystalline waters, it was refreshingly cool that made the dragon purr from the cold touch. He could not wait any longer as the dragon quickly submerges his entire body onto the waters, relishing the cold touch.

The refreshing flow of the river begins cleansing Durzhel from all the grime and dirt that had attached against his blue fur, the dragon lets out a wisp of contentment at the fresh feeling before diving towards deeper waters before resurfacing, his hair feeling lighter and cleaner.

"Ahhh... This is the life..." Durzhel said as he let the waters carry his body, floating on his back while gazing into the skies with content before a ripple from his tailhole interrupted him.

"Hmm?" Durzhel groaned before placing a paw towards his anus, and with a prod, more gooey and sticky reptilian fluids come out making the dragon cringe as his senses came back to him.

"That reminds me..." Durzhel reminded, staring down at the white fluids that came out of his ass, tainting the crystal clear waters that he bathed in. With the dragon remembering how a giant snake used him for mating purposes back in the rocky terrain - using both his mouth and anus - Durzhel's cheeks turn scarlet before looking down on the waters again.

Just how many creatures fucked him last night?

With a determined frown, the teal dragon submerges his body deep under waters. With the crystal clear waters distracting any form of clarity for Durzhel to get a good look on what his tail hole really was.

Durzhel forcefully swam downwards before placing his claws deep into his tail hole, spreading his dragon anus as the cold water begins cleaning his fleshy walls, albeit quite sluggishly as he let it flow through it and then expelling it before surfacing back, breathing in oxygen.

Durzhel tries reaching down there once more, letting the river flow deep inside his tail hole to help get rid of all the grime that have collected through the serpent's semen that tainted Durzhel, using both his paws to scissor himself.

"Hnggg... Ahh~" The sensitive nerves on his anal tunnel sent Durzhel in shivers from pleasure the dragon didn't realize that he accidentally let out a content moan while cleaning it. The more Durzhel rubbed and cleaned his anus out using the river, the more he whimpered with need.

Before Durzhel himself realized it, the blue furred dragon went horny, pleasurable moans erupting from his jaws as he continued spreading his asshole in a scissoring motion, allowing the waters to clean the foreign substances that tainted inside.

Durzhel breaths through gasps. He continued to finger himself as the water continues seeping its way into his sensitive fleshy walls until he reached his peak much to his shock as Durzhel noticed how he was enjoying the pleasurable sensation of his anus getting cleaned before pulling it out, cheeks flushed from pleasure.

"Uhh... Maybe I should leave now... Just in case."

Looking at the mess he made, the dragon couldn't believed that he just got horny just by touching his ass. The dragon tries his best to compose himself with shaky legs before deciding to wade towards the shore. With his fur cleaned and body refreshed, Durzhel feels a thousand percent better before deciding to fly back towards the direction he came off to; fortunately enough for the dragon, all the fatigue and the soreness of his body has vanished - now thinking it was caused by a combination of stress, and his ass hole being raped many times as evidenced by him leaking snake fluids out of his anus - allowing him to fly once more, which he accepted as he takes flight, his journey for the day was only halfway through.

As Durzhel journeys into reaching the high up mountains, his stomach growled much to his surprise before realizing he was indeed very hungry; he hadn't had breakfast ever since this morning since he basically slept through it, coupled with the fact that he was cleaning himself made him forget his hungry pallet.

"Urk, this is a lot harder than what training does to me." Durzhel whined as he added food in his mental checklist. Fortunately for the dragon, he studied what types of wild life that lurked around the Distortion Mountains, so there wouldn't be any trouble finding food.

At least, that's what he thought, until a few hours later he was walking empty handed with an empty belly and disappointment. Durzhel studied extensively that a majority of these mountains harbored all sorts of faunae, from small mice like critters to large giants such as the giant Titan Rock Snakes; however despite all his prior study, none of these creatures seemed to exist despite the dragon traveling for hours, his stomach complaining to him nonstop.

With the furred dragon thinking hard of why this happened, he reasons to himself that he chose the wrong trail he was supposed to venture - despite the trails looking the same as each other.

Whimpering from his hunger, Durzhel had no other choice but to venture deeper towards the mountains to see any traces of life which was his worst possible scenario as the Distortion Mountains' best advice was to keep out of deep uncharted regions.

However, Durzhel believes that this place held the possibility of a dragon starving to death as hunger slowly cloud his thoughts much to his displeasure; as Durzhel ventured into unknown places, the blue colored dragon ponders on why he hasn't bumped into a wild creature to hunt until eventually he has spotted a few.

Durzhel smiles victoriously before covering his face to conceal it. Looking at his right, the furred dragon manages to spot a pack of night wolves - a subspecies of the rock wolves that lived near the slopes of the mountain, but evolved due to the harsh environments that govern the deeper parts of the land. They always birthed males, and not females. So in order to propagate, they mated with various creatures outside their species. Their semen allowed them to breeed other, not to mention that they were almost the same size as an average dragon - that were for some reason, strangely gathered together in a circle.

Upon closer inspection however, Durzhel noticed that there were two night wolves in the middle of a circle, one big and one small.

"O-Oh my... gods..." Durzhel's face flushed with desire once he realized that the wolves where in heat, mating together in front of his very eyes. Durzhel couldn't help it but get turned on once he see the bigger wolves rutting against the smaller dragon wolf - presumably a cub of one of the larger night wolves that are gathering around it - who laid on its back, submissively letting out pleased sounds as it lets the larger night wolf mate against the youngling.

"W-What's going on with the creatures in these mountains? Why are they so horny? Hnggg...."

With a shaky paw, Durzhel began jerking himself while focusing at the carnal action that was being presented towards the dragon. Durzhel continued to watch as the wolf cub took in the wolves large cock while the others watched with interest and excitement much to the dragon's lecherousness as he let out a horny pant from his mouth.

There was something off about them. And Durzhel wants to know what caused them to behave so strangely.

The younger wolf cub whines and whimpers as it felt his alpha's knotted cock deep inside his anus. As Durzhel watched, he notices how large that night wolf alpha's knot was, which made the youngling look incredibly petite compared to his size as his paws laid limply on the grassy terrain.

The sounds of lechery filled Durzhel to the brim. The younger cub whines from being mounted from its larger brethren. But for some reason, Durzhel heard whimpering coming out of the wolves that encircled them, presumably wanting to be breed by their alpha as well.

With every vigorous pound by their leader, Durzhel noticed the cub is leaking from pre. As the youngling releases another howl, the older alpha wolf bit it by the neck in response, constricting it.

That only served to arouse Durzhel as it continued. Its whimpers of lust continued the more it continued being mounted from its much larger night wolf, all while Durzhel's cock continues twitching.

"Hmmph!!!" Durzhel couldn't resist anymore, deciding to show himself out of his cover much to the Night Wolve's bewilderment.

Still knotted to the young one, their leader growled an order, the surrounding Night Wolves snarling at the dragon who didn't show any hint of fear, but with lust as he deliberately made himself look small and puny. This worked to some extend as some of the wolves started relaxing their defense; however their alpha wolf - who was still tied with the young Night Wolf cub - still shows its fangs much Durzhel realizes that it won't be easy gaining the larger night wolf alpha's submission.

But the dragon was here with a plan as Durzhel secretly hopes this worked.

Turning around and whining like a needy bitch, the dragon raised his rear for the entire wolves to see as he raised his tail high, showing Durzhel's pink, fleshy ass hole while his cock that drooled pre stared down at the grass, twitching before Durzhel let out a lustful moan and presented himself towards the pack of wolves.

All eyes are glued against him like Durzhel planned it, with lust beginning to dawn unto the wolves. The dragon made his body looked so needy as drool slowly escaped his muzzle, putting his tongue out for them.

As if knowing what the dragon wanted, the leader's snarl ceased much to Durzhel relief as he witnessed the night wolf alpha growling a command, confusing the wolves, but followed their alpha who was still knotted deep inside the younger wolf.

As the horny night wolves surrounded Durzhel, the dragon could see their dangling, girthy dog meat dripping with their natural pre; Durzhel pants with lust.

Durzhel was getting excited as another large night wolf - presumably a beta - approached the dragon first, showing its large canine member dripping with its natural lube.

The dragon lets out a lustful purr once the night wolf's musky scent hit his nostrils. He was so turned on that he began rubbing his face against the larger night wolf's length, inhaling the scent of its natural lube, making his dick twitch.

Durzhel didn't hesitate as he quickly swallowed the wolf's throbbing canine dick whole, moaning as he felt the taste of the wolves girthy rod as it was the first time the dragon tried canine dick, loving every single second of it as he could feel his mouth and tongue getting stuffed from its sheer thickness.

"Ngghh, Mmph!!" The dragon moaned as the night wolf placed its forepaws on the dragon's head, pushing him deeper much to the dragon's delight. With Durzhel gagging against it, he savors every part and curve of its cock, licking underneath it to savor the wolf's flavor as it continued rubbing its length deep within his throat much Durzhel's eyes began watery from the intensity.

His mouth was getting stretched as it continues to violate Durzhel's oral cavity, the dragon letting out muffled groans of bliss and need from being used by the beast as if the dragon was nothing but a mere fuck toy.

With his mind growing hazy from lust, Durzhel continued sucking against the wolves cock, not caring what would happen as he lets the large wolf have his way with his mouth.

With his mouth occupied by the beta, the other members that were bold enough to join went behind Durzhel's backside and began humping and grinding his canine cock against the dragon's tailhole, the tip prodding against it, trying to penetrate him.



Durzhel moans through the wolves cock, his tongue twirling around the girthy night wolf cock. With the wolves cock grinding and humping against his puckered entrance, Durzhel was surprised on how thick it was, making him whimper from need.

With a loud, audible squelch, the tip of the other night wolf's canine dick has finally penetrated him, spreading the dragon's well used anal ring as his mouth gapes from the intense pleasure he feels, the cock in his mouth taking advantage of it and continues pounding Durzhel's oral, its tip hitting the back of his throat much to the dragon's delight.


The furred dragon's ass was being spread wider and wider by the canine cock of the Night Wolf, the member's lubrication as a lube much to Durzhel's relief as he let out a muffled cry of pleasure.

The dragon couldn't even believe how big the other wolf was, stretching his insides. The canine's natural lubrication also helped with the penetration, making his insides wet and slippery much as he could feel his inner walls being spread wide by its large girth.

"Uugh... Hnnngh..." Durzhel groaned. With the wolf cock that was in his mouth continuing its rough thrust, he felt his eyes roll up the back of his head from the sheer pleasure of both holes being violated.

In and out, in and out.

The dragon continued sucking against the girthy wolf dick, his tongue swirling around it as his anal ring was getting spread the deeper the wolf's member was thrusting into him, the large, knotted cock that was already inside his bowels pressing against his prostate, stimulating him.

"Ghmm! Mmmph!"

The night wolves that were behind him started growling at each other. The one in his mouth was trying to pull out, and the one in his asshole was pushing in. It was a struggle, but it seems the one behind the dragon won out, making the dragon gasp from the sudden movement, the canine cock ejaculating his seed deep inside Durzhel's anal walls and pushing his knot against his prostate.


Durzhel's dick began spraying his seed against the grass as he could feel the wolves cock spurt his cum into his bowels, its hot and sticky goo filling his anal canal with its seed. The dragon's insides were being painted white with wolf cum as he let out a moan.

With the Night Wolves knot keeping its semen locked inside him, Durzhel was left a whimpering mess, his asshole feeling hot and full.

Before Durzhel knew it, the Night Wolves in his mouth came afterwards, releasing its torrent of canine seed down his throat, causing him to gulp it all down and savor its taste before pulling out of his mouth.

After a few minutes of catching his breath, it wasn't long till another wolf occupied his maw while its comrade from behind roughly yanked his doggy knot off of Durzhel, spewing cum all over the ground as the dragon let out a muffled yelp.

Immediately, his ass was then replaced by another wolf who was horny with need much to the dragon's delight.

Eventually, the Night wolves around Durzhel began taking turn pounding him as the blue furred dragon became a lust filled, cum drunk slave towards canine meat, taking every thrust in both his maw and anus, relishing each wolf cum they deposit into both Durzhel's anal canal, mouth and his belly as his insides turned into a canvas, his fur painted with white as Durzhel continue his depravity against these wild beasts.

Meanwhile the alpha watches from a safe distance, his eyes never leaving Durzhel's submissive form as it finally pulled his deflated knot away from the young night wolf who was now a cum-filled mess of a beast.

With it's deflated cock dangling at his side, the larger Night Wolf watches Durzhel from a close distance with an all seeing glare, it's member slowly erecting itself once more against the dragon who continue servicing these horny canines.

Even after hours of getting wrecked by wild animals, the furred dragon didn't stopped pleasuring these animals until his belly bloated from excess wolf seed much to his depravity as the cum drunk dragon wanted more.

The larger night wolf was pleased with the dragon's willingness as it lets out a loud growl that echoed throughout the area, signaling the wolves to stop and move aside, revealing Durzhel who was a whimpering mess and a cum filled dragon.

The dragon could not understand what the alpha night wolf was saying, but he knew what it wanted from him, and that was to breed.

"Grk, ah!"

With his maw still filled with cum, the alpha mounted the dragon without wasting a second, jackhammering the dragon's well used ass hole as the rest of the pack watched in envy.

"Ugh, Nggh, Mph!"

Durzhel whimpers from his sore ass getting abused. But this did not stopped him from enjoying the alpha's massive girth pounding him, nor did the fact the wolf's gigantic knot was slowly stretching his ass hole as the alpha wolf tries forcing it inside the blue furred dragon.

The larger night wolf continued to rut Durzhel like a bitch in heat, the smaller dragon taking all of the alpha's canine dick with his ass, his eyes rolling back and tongue hanging out much to his delight.

Durzhel could feel it.

It was getting bigger, and bigger, and bigger.

The dragon was getting closer and closer to another explosion of cum as the knotted member continued pounding him. With the dragon's tailhole slowly stretching wide to accommodate its girth, the wolf's knot continued ramming against Durzhel's anus, the tip of the canine's member pressing against the dragon's prostate.

"Uuugh... Mphhh!!"

With a loud and audible pop, Durzhel's asshole stretched wide enough to accept the large alpha night wolf's canine knot, the dragon's insides clamping against the alpha's dick, milking it.

Durzhel could feel it. He was about to blow.

"Hnnghh, hrrrkkk!!"

And with one final thrust, Durzhel's orgasm explodes, his semen splattering against the grass, staining it again with his rich creamy essence.

With the blue furred dragon orgasming, the alpha night wolf's knot has finally managed to lock its knot inside the blue dragon's anus, its virile cock beginning to unload its fertile canine seed deep inside Durzhel.

"Ghmm~! Mphh!!"

Durzhel could feel the night wolf's knot swelling inside him, stretching his ass hole further as it continues unloading its thick cum deep inside his stomach, expanding his belly with the alpha's rich semen. However, the wolf had other plans...

With a rough tug, the alpha withdrew his knot and then immediately rammed back into the dragon, knot fucking Durzhel as the dragon began to see stars in his vision. The dragon could not even speak a single word anymore as the large alpha night wolf continues its mating press. All he could do was take it.

Durzhel's cock spurts more semen as the large wolf continued its rough knotting, the alpha's canine knot repeatedly pushing and pulling against the dragon's prostate.

The dragon could barely register what's going on with him, his brain a mushy mess. All Durzhel could understand was pleasure.

With his body completely submissive, the dragon lets the wolf have his way with him, his ass getting plowed and knot fucked as it spewed cum nonstop.

The dragon couldn't help it but moan and groan. He was nothing more than a living, breathing fuck toy for the alpha night wolf.

His belly continued to swell from all the wolf cum.

The dragon continued his lecherousness with the pack as they continue mating with him.

Durzhel had no idea how long he spent with the pack, his mind filled with naughty thoughts. But he did not care as he lets the alpha continue to use him.

He didn't care about anything anymore for the time being. All he cared about was the feeling of being knotted and the warmth of the alpha's seed inside him.

Another hour had passed, the alpha's rigorous mating almost came to a halt as Durzhel fell unconscious with the alpha's knot inside him, his body unable to endure such rough fucking any longer.

With the alpha finally sated, the rest of the pack that did not manage to get a taste of the dragon, continued where the alpha had left off, mounting the unconscious dragon and violating his cum filled insides, the rest of the canines' cocks being used as Durzhel's anus continued its tight hold, the furred dragon letting out a pleased moan even when he's asleep.

"Ngghh... Aah..." Durzhel moaned in his sleep, the canines continuing their assault, their cocks pumping more of their fertile seed into the dragon's body.

With the sun finally setting, the last of the canine's cock have finished spewing its seed, the Night Wolves leaving the area, leaving Durzhel alone, unconscious and filled to the brim with their essence.

At the very least, his belly was full of potent beastly seed, so he won't have to go hungry for the night.

To be continued~

Durzhel's Debauched Depravity: A Greed of Dragons Side Story

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Mismatched Identities - Epilogue

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