PokeNNN - Round 25

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Bayleef, Meganium, Deerling, Sawsbuck, Roserade © Pokémon, Game Freak, Nintendo

DAY 1:

The Sun rose on the horizon and the rays of the Sun entered in a small house. A Bayleef woke him up the annoying rays and with his Vine Whip made him move a curtain. An alarm clock rang near him and put him out with his other whip. When he thought it was over, they rang the doorbell. The Bayleef rose asleep and went to attend the door. It was the postman and he handed him a package. With a slight forced smile, he signed the document with his imprint and the postman left somewhat frightened as it seemed that the Bayleef was going to explode from anger. The Bayleef closed the door and sighed stressed by the bad awakening. His name was Magnum. He worked in a flower shop. He went to the bathroom to wipe his face. After a good breakfast, he went to work in his uniform and put a cross on the first day of the sexual challenge. He arrived at its time and there was a Roserade inside placing the latest floral products. He greet her boss and he went to the warehouse to order the boxes and attend to the deliveries of other companies. They were the only employees on there. The morning was very quiet. The afternoon a little more lively, with customers asking for flowers to decorate the house. The Roserade advised them the best plants and flowers while Magnum attended the suppliers that came with the flowers in good condition and a pleasant aroma. Closing time came and the Roserade told him that he had hired a new employee at his flower shop. The Bayleef nodded and picked up their things. They closed the shop and returned home while Magnum thought that pokemon could be.

DAY 4:

Magnum woke up nervous and went to work. The Roserade was inside the store with the new employee. It was a Deerling. He did not know if it was male or female. The Bayleef greeted their boss and the Deerling who replied as well. The Deerling's voice was that of a female and the Roserade introduced her. Her name was Suwa. The fawn pokemon stayed at the reception while the Bayleef continued to order boxes in the warehouse. The morning was very lively. Many pokemon asked for a flower with a strong aphrodisiac smell and the Roserade did not know that flower but Suwa told him that it was very difficult to get and that the price was extremely high. All customers left and were quiet all afternoon. The Roserade called all the suppliers and only one of them told that he had them but they were expensive and difficult to transport because of their delicacy. The Roserade asked him for a small box. Also her boss began to update her business with perfumes, creams, incenses and home orders. After completing the new orders, Suwa and Magnum went home, ending their workday.

DAY 8:

Magnum got a call first hour of the morning and his boss was sick. She asked if he could go to her house to pick up the store keys as the spare ones were inside. She went immediately and handed them to a relative of her at the entrance of his house. Then he went to the flower shop and met Suwa and explained what happened. Magnum had to cancel all orders and call customers who could come to the store or postpone the order another day. Suwa served the new customers and also the suppliers. The aphrodisiac flowers arrived and were in a metal box. They recommended a gas mask and special gloves to grab them as they released a very sweet smell like the season of heat of a female. After ordering everything and finishing serving the customers between the two, they made a long break. They called their boss and told them that she was better and that in a few days she would return to work. After the break, Magnum was able to make some home orders, while Suwa was able to attend alone with a long number of customers. Night came and Magnum returned to the flower shop with the lights off, while the Deerling left the store. The Bayleef helped him close the door with his Vine Whip and accompanied him a little to her house. The female blushed to be with him and asked him to go to the cinema to see a movie. Magnum nodded happily and on the next street they parted ways, heading home.

DAY 11:

The Bayleef woke up very happy and horny. He had his hard cock and his balls of the size of oranges. He had been untouched for 10 days and went to the bathroom to shower. He spent almost 2 hours trying to lower his erection until he managed to relax. They put on their best clothes to seduce the Deerling and gathered in a park. Suwa had not yet arrived while the Bayleef waited. A few minutes later, the Deerling appeared and apologized for the delay. Magnum replied that he had just arrived recently and they walked through the park. They were quiet all the way until the Bayleef spoke up to break the ice. He told her about his hobbies and the types of movies he liked. The female gradually encouraged herself to talk and spent a good time talking until she reached a shopping center. They stopped by the cinema and chose a film in which they agreed. They ate a restaurant and Suwa began to explain her sexual experiences to the Bayleef by surprising him to talk about sex but worried about getting an erection and tearing up his pants as his crotch had grown quite big during these days.

Magnum also explained naturally but in his mind was chaos. They brought them dinner and after they ended up in the restaurant, they went to the movies. The Bayleef was enjoying the film and the female was looking at him with a slight smile and kissing Magnum on the cheek. The Bayleef had blushed and kissed him back but in his mouth. Upon leaving the cinema, Magnum accompanied Suwa to her home. The male was thirsty and saw a vending machine. He stopped for a moment but there was nothing that interested him. Suwa did not realize that the Bayleef had stopped and two Deerling appeared to her, one with angel wings with a halo and one with demon wings. The angel told her not to provoke the Bayleef while the demon that continues that has him behind looking at his butt and that he could fuck her at any time. Magnum caught up with her but was hypnotized by Deerling's butt moving with sensuality. Two spirits, a white Bayleef and a red one were also fighting over what he had to do. The good one who did not do that and the other who released that monster cock and fucked her wildly. The two ignored his thoughts and Magnum was already by his side. Suwa came home and said goodbye to Magnum with another kiss on the cheek. The Bayleef walked happy to his home and when he arrived his pants were torn showing his cock and balls off of them. Magnum had to throw his best suit in the trash and went to the bathroom to lower the huge boner to go to work the next day.

DAY 12:

It was a weekend and he got a call from his boss Roserade to meet up at the store. The sleepy Bayleef, went to the bathroom with his hard cock and spent a good time lowering the erection in the shower. Once prepared, he went to the store and Suwa was waiting for him at the entrance. The two pokemon came in and the Roserade greeted them. There was a table with some sweets on it. The Roserade informed them that they have found a more spacious place and today they were going to prepare the move this afternoon. the Roserade told them that he would send them the new location and when it was opening time, they started working as usual. The aphrodisiac flowers were sold in hours although they had reserve for the place. After working for quite a few hours, they rested to eat and those from the removals arrived. The Roserade wanted to talk to Magnum alone in the warehouse. She explained that she had been holding back for some time but was angry at Bayleef for his strong aroma of his pheromones and his constant erections at work since he knew he was in love with Suwa. After the anger, she smiled and handed him the spare keys. Magnum was confused but the Roserade told him that this place will not use it anymore and that he can do whatever he wants, winking at him. Magnum left the warehouse a few minutes later and the Roserade said goodbye to the Deerling. The people in the removals told them they should leave and they left. Suwa and Magnum talked about what they talked to Roserade about making them blush and showed him the spare key. The Pokemon smiled naughty as they knew they would do with the empty place as they returned to their homes.

DAY 13:

Magnum got up first thing in the morning and put on his work uniform. Arriving there, Suwa was waiting for her. The two grass type pokemon smiled and opened the empty shop. At the door was a note with the new location of the florist. The Deerling and the Bayleef looked at each other.

"I have intense desire to fuck!" says Suwa.

"Same as you, but doubled. We can destroy the whole shop apart with our love!" says Magnum.

"What are we waiting for? Fuck me right now!" says Suwa very horny.

"Please accompany me to the warehouse. We're not leaving here until this whole place is rubble!" says Magnum.

The two pokemon went to the warehouse and saw the metal box of the aphrodisiac flowers. Magnum walked over and opened the box.

"Wait, put on protection that are very powerful!" says Suwa.

"For what? If our boss told me I can do whatever we want with the place!" said Magnum.

The Bayleef looked inside and there was a small amount of lilac flowers. He stuck his head inside and began to smell them intensely. Suddenly, the Deerling saw his cock ripped his pants followed by huge balls that reached almost to the ground. He heard sounds like he was eating and the Bayleef raised his head with some flower petals on his mouth.

"Turn around." sayd Magnum.

"Don't make me wait." says Suwa obeying the Bayleef.

The male slowly approached and mounted him on top of her. His huge cock rubbed her buttocks and his breath releases the strong and sweet smell of the aphrodisiac flowers he had eaten making Suwa more horny. The female inspired deeply feeling very horny and her vagina was very wet instantly. The Bayleef smiled and rammed his huge cock into the narrow vagina of the Deerling beginning to fuck very intensely, hitting his balls against his butt. Suwa screamed with pleasure with a huge bulge in her belly as she began to come out much pre from her vagina. Magnum was getting faster and faster and the Deerling began to shake his legs until with a single cumshot, Suwa's belly was already the size of a watermelon. The Bayleef bit one of his ears, grunting with dominance and cumming again, making his belly almost reach the ground. Suwa gasped nonstop with her tongue out and had the taste of Magnum cum in her mouth. The Bayleef ejaculated with more power, expelling a lot of cum from her vagina and leaving a huge pool of cum on the floor. Suddenly, the Bayleef began to evolve. He noticed that his body became bigger, carrying more weight on top of her and his crotch was still just as huge. Upon completion of his transformation, all of his clothes were shattered, leaving Magnum naked. Another cum explosion caused the Deerling to vomit with an expression of pure pleasure, leaving her partner totally motionless. She was as big as a waterbed, destroying all his clothes and Magnum gave him powerful thrusts filling Suwa more and more until he occupied the entire warehouse. Suwa continued to vomit nonstop until a powerful Giga Impact of Magnum, made her open her eyes like oranges and exploded making a loud BOOM flooding the entire store with Meganium's cum. Magnum waited for her partner to return and was surprised to regenerate being a big and attractive Sawsbuck.

"You're beautiful!" says Magnum.

"Round 2?" says Suwa in her new evolution.

The Meganum nodded very excited but the female was a little taller than him and with his Vine Whip grabbed the metal box. Suwa approached with her butt in front of him and the male placed it in front of the Sawsbuck and climbed on top of the box to continue with the demolition of the shop. His huge balls hit Suwa's new butt and Magnum ejaculated again, increasing the size of the pool of cum he had left before. The belly of the Sawsbuck only grew a little but the Meganium continued to cum and bit her antler, making Suwa fatter and that the belly was already as big as a closet, leaving her motionless again. The Meganium smiled from ear to ear and increased his speed to the maximum, making moan and scream with pleasure to the Sawsbuck. Magnum noticed that he had already prepared a big final load to destroy the entire shop including his partner.

"Ready to destroy the whole place?" says Magnum fucking her with intensity and speed as her big balls hit the butt of the Sawsbuck nonstop.

"Yeah, make me use Explosion!" shouted Suwa in pure pleasure.

The Meganium could no longer and cried out in pure pleasure. His belly reached the ground and expanded throughout the warehouse. The Sawsbuck stuck out her tongue with pure pleasure when he noticed that she was once again transformed into a huge cum bomb but this time she would be much bigger. She continued to grow and grow nonstop by destroying the warehouse door and occupying the store by crushing furniture and windows. The store was beginning to swell and all the windows exploded at the same time, listening to the two pokemon while the belly of the Sawsbuck occupied the whole place. Huge cracks appeared in the shop until Magnum finished it off with a powerful Giga Impact. Suwa shouted with all her might of pure pleasure, followed by vomiting his cum out of her mouth like a Hydropump and exploding like a bomb, destroying the shop and the debris flew out all over the place. Magnum had formed a big cum lake and his crotch had returned to his original size. 10 minutes later, Suwa regenerated again very satisfied but with her trembling legs.

"We've already done our job." says Magnum.

"Let's go home" says Suwa kissing him on the cheek.

Both pokemon left quietly, covered in cum but did not realize that they had public while they fucking. Arriving at his house, the Meganum took a good shower and when leaving, he noticed looking at the calendar he had lost. He completely forgot about the sexual challenge and decided to try again together with Suwa next time.

Bayleef, Meganium, Deerling, Sawsbuck, Roserade © Pokémon, Game Freak, Nintendo

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