PokeNNN - Round 16

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Goodra, Hisuian Goodra, Pangoro, Scrafty © Pokémon, Game Freak, Nintendo

DAY 1:

In a big city surrounded by swamps, two Goodra lived in there. They were called Garo and Argo. Garo was a Goodra of Kalos and was born in the same city while Argo was a Hisuan Goodra that his family was of Sinnoh ancestors. Both worked as rangers in the area swamps. Garo wanted to try to do the challenge with his roommate and he accepted. His floor had a cleaning device to keep it in condition since his slime were printing everything and they were already used to it. After putting their uniforms, each Goodra left for their position. They spoke through a communicator. The swamps were quite dangerous places if you do not know where you step but at the same time are quiet. They spent the day without any news and spoke for a good while for the communicators. When the next ranger arrived to begin his shift, the other returned home to rest. They met at a meeting point with other co-workers and there they would have dinner together. Argo left earlier as he fell asleep before and after a few hours, Garo came home in silence to go straight to sleep.

DAY 5:

Garo and Argo got up at the same time and made breakfast between the two of them. After being fed for the whole day, each one of them went to their position. While I was speaking for the communicator with Garo, he found a group of Pangoro ripping very exotic plants from the place and stopped them but the Pangoro were not going to stop doing it without a good fight. The Goodra warned them that if they did, they would be incarcerated for a few days. A Pangoro full of scars, he seemed to be the leader and was going to give him a powerful Hammer Arm but Garo shot a Dragon Pulse all over his face leaving him KO. The other Pangoro, grabbed their defeated boss and fled. After hearing Argo asking if something was wrong, the Goodra told him he was under control. At the end of the shift, both Goodra met to see if any already had symptoms of being horny but neither had no erection.

DAY 6:

Argo woke up early and went to the shower. While showering, he came out of half cockoutside of his slit and felt some relief as he dripped a lot of pre. He heard Garo yawning and peck at the door. The Hisuian's Goodra told him he could come in and Garo came in to wash his face. By the steam could not see his cock but Argo could see the cock of Argo that is totally hard, throbbing and dripping pre. The Goodra came out of the bathroom to finish his partner and after cooling down, Garo entered the bathroom that had his cock again inside his slit, like it was a very fast erection.

Argo during his turn, had to stop a group of Scrafty for littering inside the swamps and refused to clean up. After being kind and without losing patience in the end they obeyed since they used Fake Tears since they did not intend to make him cry for doing his job. After taking the garbage and leaving the place, Argo smiled victorious as they had swallowed their role as a victim. At the end of his shift, he met Garo and went to dinner outside. Argo suspected the Goodra as they went to a restaurant with aphrodisiac food and knew they were doing the challenge. 30 minutes later, they finished dinner and went home to sleep.

DAY 9:

The two Goodra had two days off and woke up with big erections. Argo's was much thicker than Garo's. The Hisuian's Goodra was looking at him with a smile because his was bigger. He went to the bathroom while Garo prepared breakfast. At the end of breakfast, Argo's cock had shrunk to half its size. Garo went to the bathroom to lower his erection until he came out with his cock totally inside his slit. They were entertained watching television doing nothing until they decided to watch a movie at the cinema. They arrived at the mall and there were a lot of people and the two Goodra seemed restless since at the slightest contact they could have an erection in public.

They picked out an action movie and sat as far back as possible sharing popcorn. After 2 hours at the cinema, they left the mall and on the way home, Garo could not contain himself and had an erection a few meters from home. Argo laughed at him for not being able to restrain himself but the Goodra gave him a smack on his butt making him moan and his monstrous cock came out of his slit. Argo was willing to grab him by the head and fill him up like a balloon if he did that again. After returning to the bathroom to lower their erections again, they could not hold back for much longer. Argo's cock was much thicker than the other days as the trunk of a tree while the Garo was not half as big as his. They went to sleep directly and try not to have any erotic sleep.

DAY 10:

Garo woke up after a few hours sleeping and could not sleep. His erection was very powerful and he needed to fuck with Argo. He went to his bedroom and was gone. He had the whole bedroom filled with huge puddles of pre and heard the noise of the bath water. The Goodra came over and opened the door with Argo masturbating his big cock with both hands. Seeing him masturbate, he wanted to have fun with him. He turned his back and raised his tail.

Argo without thinking, he used Giga Impact putting his whole cock and pushed him against the wall making the whole house tremble. His thursts made everything around him tremble while Garo had run out of breath for a few seconds but then screamed in pure pleasure with his cock squirting a lot ofpre. Argo with each push increased more his speed, shaking Garo violently until he roared with all his might.

A monstrous explosion of cum came out under big pressure from Garo's butt making him cum and his penis came out a pile of cum under pressure creating a huge puddle on the floor. His belly began to swell like a balloon immobilizing Garo in minutes as Argo's huge cock continued to fill the Goodra until he was a big cumdumpster. After 5 minutes of non-stop cumming, he took out his cock and Garo collapsed to the floor exhausted.

The Hisuian's Goodra masturbated in front of him and ejaculated all over his back, painting him in white. With great satisfaction, Argo lifted the obese Garo off the floor by resting him on the wall and continued to cum on his body until he was marked with his cum. Garo was still cumming when he was falling his cum all over his body until the two Goodra were satisfied.

After regaining some strength, Argo accompanied the huge and obese Garo to the bathroom that had to help him because he had been stuck in the door and their bodies were cleaned. After 1 hour cleaning up, they slept together in Garo's bed which was the cleanest but his weight was so excessive that he creaked very hard thinking that it would break at any time. Argo caressed Garo's gigantic belly until they fell asleep and enjoyed the challenge even if they had lost.

PokeNNN - Round 17

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