Park 118

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Park 118

Based on a story prompt by Patron Taelan.

In a technocratic future, the loss of wilderness has also brought about the loss of whimsy and fantasy. The notion of forests that aren't carefully planned and organized is foreign and strange. Ian has carried on the family tradition of being an inventory ranger on Eos, and Park 118 is his project. Every tree is the same, equally spaced and ordered. When an unexpected delivery brings elements of Earth's pass to this alien world, Ian's life begins to grow in new and unexpected ways.

|||||||||||||||This story was created thanks to the amazing generosity of my patrons. They helped guide the content in both polls and a patreon discord and enjoyed up to a year of early access. If you are interested in helping to create stories like this or ensuring other ongoing series continue, please check out my Patreon at or you can send a one time gift with

Once again, thank you to everyone that made this possible!

Park 118

Written by Leo_Todrius

Supported by my Patrons

Special Thanks to Taelan

If one of the early colonists had seen Eos, they might have considered it a pleasant alternative to hell. The late afternoon sky was a muted burgundy. The air smelled of sweet ash. Every tree was equally spaced, equally tall, and sported an equal number of branches for hundreds of miles in every direction. The wood itself was a smoky gray color, though faint streaks of sulfurous yellow begged to break out through the bark. Even the soil was iron rich, making a rusty reddish orange hue. There were no weeds, no alternative crops, barely a leaf out of place. The trees were precisely where they were meant to be, as everything was in Eos, as everything was in the union... and that brought Ian a certain satisfaction.

Ian Gameos, or more accurately Ian Gamma Eos Zed-One, sat in his chair checking the reports of the horticulture drones that maintained that perfect order. For machines, they sometimes displayed a worrying lack of regularity. Some units broke down faster than others, some were more efficient. It brought the most complexity by far to Ian's job as an inventory ranger. Still, as his father had always said, that was why you can't have machines watching machines. Someone has to keep the order. Ian's pale green eyes had been augmented to withstand the ultraviolet radiation that made Eos such a garden spot. His skin, what little of it was visible beyond the limits of his dark gray uniform, was well tanned. His already blond hair had been sun bleached nearly to the point of being sandy white. There wasn't a hair out of place nor a blemish on him. There was a faint tinge of red at the cuff of his pants, however, a sadly unavoidable hazard of working on Plant 118.

"Inventory Ranger IAG1, prepare for arrival." A faintly distorted, mechanized voice announced. Ian rose to his feet and turned, moving over to the receptacle in the center of the sterile metal and plasteel room. He glanced up to see the blazing blue lights of ion engines as a courier ship aligned itself above the building, setting down. There was a gentle thud. The column beneath the ship came to life, the translucent materials showing case after case whipping downward in the repulsor field. Most of the cases went down beneath the outpost's main structure to feed the workshops and the farming systems. A few shot out laterally, heading down the long tunnel that connected the outpost to the other structures on the planet. A few, however, ushered themselves out of the column and onto a receiving platform. Ian dutifully lifted the crates out of the way to make room for the next ones.

After Ian had received three crates in all, a few more packages went to their various destinations before the blue light above the glass ceiling grew more intense, the courier ship taking off. It angled up and away, sending a ripple across the ashen gray leaves of the trees as it departed. Ian smiled slightly to himself, feeling rather proud at how perfect his farm had to look from orbit. Lingering in that feeling of accomplishment, Ian unpacked the first crate which held the raw matter needed for the synthesizer to make his food and beverages. The packs were loaded into the system, the indicator rising to show that he had a stockpile of three months now.

Returning to the second crate, Ian opened the lid to examine the contents. There were data chips containing his new training routines and updates to the various Union contracts as well as the terms and conditions for remaining a citizen. There were a few modules of equipment that he extracted and set aside, intending to read up on them for proper use and installation. When Ian opened the last case, however, he froze in place. His youthful face reflected on the curved glass of the specimen containers, each one containing a small irregular dot suspended in mid air. There was something beneath the specimen cases as well, something that looked like a small Plexiglas cube with... dirt? Bark dust? All of it had a fine layer of yellow dust as if it had been sitting around for ages.

"What in the seven systems did they send me?" Ian murmured to himself. Then, of course, came the question of WHO sent it to him. He closed the lid and read the label, his eyebrow arching. EA-01YS. His brain strained trying to recall. Earth was easy enough from the designation, but 01YS? The first park? Yos... Yosemite? Ian opened the crate back up and set aside some of the samples, digging down until his fingers brushed something that was not plastic, metal or glass. It was some sort of firm paper or cardstock. The firm shell protected several more layers of thinner paper within - an actual physical book. Ian stood there, looking at the contents of the crate, feeling as if his world had been sent spinning. Who had sent him all these things and why? Ian lifted the book out, feeling the ancient materials on his fingers, the faint yellow dust sparkling in the sunlight coming through the large window.


Ian wasn't sure if he could remember when he had last lost track of time... If it had happened, it would have had to be before core education. Despite the late hour, Ian was curled up in the oval cutout in the wall that was his smart bed. The upper half of the oval was illuminated a warm cream color that made the dark red walls of the rest of the quarters more vibrant. Ian's legs were propped up beneath the blanket, acting as a surface for the book he'd been pouring through. His blond hair was mussed but his eyes were still wide.

At first he had assumed it was an analog form of data entry, some ancient piece of training that needed to be learned... but the words that were used were so descriptive, adding context and flare to the information being provided. The text discussed scents, smells, tastes, and sensations in ways that actually made Ian picture the events in his own mind. The experience was so thrilling that it took him more than one attempt to read the prologue, and by the time that he learned that the piece was not factual but was some sort of fiction, he was again shocked.

The story told of a park ranger, not an inventory ranger, venturing into a part of Yosemite that did not appear on any of the maps. The trees were tall and ancient, there were fruits and berries he had never seen, and footprints far larger than that of any man or bear. There was no rhyme or reason to the forest with countless species growing wherever they took root - and yet, in that chaos was beauty. The ranger in the story found it enlightening, embracing, mesmerizing. He took to visiting the forbidden glade whenever he could. Days, nights, all hours. The ranger described going barefoot, then without a shirt, letting nature embrace him fully.

Ian felt his heart berating so rapidly, imagining himself in this other place and time. It felt so taboo, so forbidden. The Union determined the purpose of the parks, the planets, of all the resources needed for its people. It had been Ian's role to help keep that order. This story, this ancient book, told of someone who took their destiny into their own hands, someone who cast off society and embraced nature and... became something else?

Ian's brows knit together in confusion as he tried to understand the story as it advanced. The park ranger was growing taller, hairier, no longer grooming himself. Even without that, his hair and facial hair were growing at unnatural rates. As the ranger changed, so too did the plants around him. They grew stronger, healthier, more vibrant. The ranger's feet even started filling out the footprints more fully as he became the kind of creature that had seemed so elusive, so mythical, so... fictional. A soft chime ripped Ian out of his imagination.

"Alert: You have not entered your sleep cycle. There is insufficient time to complete REM sleep before the initiation of the next shift. Restructuring agenda to compensate for diminished capacity." the computer announced. Ian grimaced slightly, knowing that somewhere his failure was going into some report or ledger. As his green eyes drifted back to the book on his lap, however, he knew that someone had sent it to him for a reason. He just had to figure out what that reason was.


It was certainly a strange concept, but Ian felt almost grateful for the headache that pounded in his skull - and far more grateful for the hot caff in his mug as he wandered out to the observation room and took his chair. The headache was unpleasant, but it had made him aware that he'd been taking his general health for granted. It was almost as if he'd been numb for weeks on end without any ailments. Even his shoes felt too tight on his feet, making him wiggle his toes to try and get himself more room in them. He sipped at his caff, feeling the strong and mildly bitter flavor returning some of his faculties to him.

The air outside smelled of toffee rather than the normal sweet ash, a sign that the trees were going to blossom soon. The drones were well on their way, though it seemed the central processor had sidelined the droids that were operating less than satisfactory rather than having Ian manage them. Ian made his way down the task list, pausing every so often to sip from his cup or look up through the window. Eos was so different from the world he'd been reading about in his story... Red dirt, gray trees, red sky Despite the unusual coloring, though, it was oxygen and nitrogen rich with fertile soil and plenty of sun. It was a rich farm planet where anything could grow. Ian was certain if those evergreens were on Eos that they'd get just as tall and giant and...

The thought trailed off. Ian's brow furrowed again before he got up from his chair, moving across the room. His mug clinked as he set it down onto the metal railing of a shelf and the magnetic lock engaged to keep it from spilling. The inventory ranger ran his fingers over the rim of the crate he'd received, the unusual crate from park one. He unclasped it and opened it up again, bringing out the samples encased in clear resin. They weren't just ornaments. It was an old way to keep objects in stasis. When they reached their destination, a specific chemical agent eroded the resin like it was an ice cube, leaving only the object frozen inside.

"Inventory system access, database entry. New category - Yosemite Samples. Begin entries." Ian commanded, setting the resin cubes on the sequencer one by one.

"Sample 01: Sequoiadendron giganteum, giant sequoia. Sample 02: Calocedrus decurrens, incense cedar. Sample 03: Erythranthe guttata, seep monkey flower." The entries came one after the other. Each sample was not only cataloged, but the genetic samples were uploaded into the system synthesizer. Hearing the names of the plants were fascinating, though he was a bit alarmed to realize that the soil sample alone contained seven distinct types of fungal spores. "Sample 28: Unknown sample. Genetic structure will require further analysis. Please leave sample on scanner pad." the system requested.

Ian blinked a little before looking in the crate. He had run all the other samples. Apparently the most mysterious had been saved for last. Acquiescing to the system's request, he left that sample for scanning and returned the others to their crates. Picking up his mug, he returned to his chair, sipping at the caff. With a wave of his hand, he brought up the inventory entries. He wanted to learn more about all the exotic plants someone had gone to a great deal of trouble to send him.


As liberating as it had been to stay up late, even if Ian had wanted to break the rules again, his fatigue had caught up with him and he had gone to bed early. He tossed and turned, rolling onto his stomach, the freshly grown stubble on his cheeks tracing across his pillow case. Sleep had not been the peaceful recharge he'd been used to. For the first time in his life, his dreams were not merely replays of things he'd done in his life already, but something new and unusual and freeform. There were plants he'd never seen before, spread out in every direction across uneven terrain. There were trees rising up out of the ground, pollen caught in sunbeams, the gentle rush of a creek cutting its way through mossy rocks. The air was sweet with the smell of wildflowers. There was movement nearby, animals that were not cloned or regenerated but wild and natural.

In his dream, Ian took a step, only to feel a rough edge of a rock press against his foot. His green eyes snapped open as he sat up in bed, panting. His foot was tight as if it had been cramping. Had that been what had intruded into his dream? He let his breathing slow before he slowly laid back in bed, trying to settle himself. Ian had nearly returned to sleep when he heard the sound of something falling and hitting the floor. It was the sound of metal on metal. It was also enough that he was wide awake.

Bare feet landed silently on the deck plating. Only the faintest click came as he drew his pulse pistol from its hidden spot next to his bed. He brushed strands of blond hair out of his face as he crept down the hallway towards the outpost control room. Moonlight shone through the wide window, glinting off the steel consoles and the glass column. Ian was at the ready, his finger imperceptibly squeezing the trigger. It made it all the more dangerous when he nearly tripped over a cable crossing the floor.

"Slag..." Ian cursed softly, looking back. The frustration drained away from his face when he realized that it was not, in fact, a cable that he had tripped over but a vine. It was long, thin but strong with teardrop shaped leaves every six or seven inches. The end was slowly slithering across the floor, stretching and straining to the far side of the lab. Ian's eyes followed it back to its source where he saw a clump of roots spilling over the counter top, a cluster of soft lavender flowers above. The moonlight shone off of a mug resting on the floor, displaced from its perch despite the magnets. Several more vines snaked down from the plant, heading towards the console and the far access hatch.

The fact that the sterile, ordered, controlled environment of the outpost had been breached was enough to throw Ian off. Added to that, the fact that the plant was visibly growing in all directions was alarming... but the faint glow beneath the plant forced Ian's mind to snap back to the moment and assess the situation. The light came from the scanner pad -- the pad that had been working on the unknown sample, sample twenty eight. Despite the resin, the light had apparently nourished the seed, fostering some sort of accelerated growth. It had burst from its container, stretched out and began to blossom in a matter of hours. It was impressive to say the least, though a hazard to everything Park 118 stood for.

Ian moved towards the scanner pad, reaching to take hold of the plant. With luck maybe he could get a pot for it, find a way to seal off the air cycling in a room so the spores or whatever didn't get out. As Ian grabbed the plant, however, all sixteen of the purple flowers expelled a cloud of yellow dust simultaneously. The air grew thick with it as pollen landed on Ian's blond hair, sticking to his eyelashes and muting the natural luster of his skin. It collected on his lips and the faint dusting of hair above them.

Never in his life had Ian felt so dirty, so violated, or so... good? He was a little dizzy, but that was to be expected with his immune system going haywire... but was it supposed to make him see things too? Looking out of the window, Ian could see the ghostly visage of giant evergreens and robust conifers rising up out of the soil. Spectral flowers blossomed and mushrooms sprouted as if projected holographically. Ian had been raised a dutiful citizen of the Union, where everything was planned out in meticulous detail and everyone did their part. These new plants represented chaos and whimsy, but some part of his mind still saw the plan for them. Eos was to be a true garden planet, a place where nature flourished and more than one type of tree grew.

Ian moved across the room, finding an unusual strength in his stride. His muscles felt stronger, his legs a little bit longer. His fingers swept across the console, rousing it from its slumber. The other twenty seven samples had been set aside, but their genetic profiles had been loaded into the archives. Ian began uploading the codes to the synthesizers, sending out seeds, rapid flash saplings and spores to the waiting army of drones in the facility. A faint whirring came as the central column woke from its slumber and more samples began being dispatched to other relay centers on the planet. Ian's head spun with the idea of so many species of plants being introduced, unleashed, set free.

Some small part of him was scared. He was about to topple an ecological system that had been set in place two generations prior... but it had been an artificial ecosystem, a technocratic calculated monoculture that merely made paper products for human colonists. Earth had fallen so far from grace, but these samples had made it out. This was a piece of history, of legend, of mystery in the making. Ian wobbled slightly, reaching a hand out to catch himself on a guard rail. As he looked down at his hand, he saw soft clear hairs growing out from his arm, wafting on the circulating breeze. Had his arm always had that much hair?

A groan of pain suddenly escaped Ian's lips, his fingers grabbing on tighter. His bones felt as if they were warping and twisting like a bulkhead too close to a black hole. It shot up from his ankles, through his knees and all the way to his hips. He'd had growing pains before, but nothing even remotely like this. His teeth gnashed, his eyes squeezed shut. Little by little, inch by inch, his pant cuffs lifted up higher on his legs. The hem of his socks was revealed, and then a rather hairy leg. The pants continued in their apparent ascension, but it was an illusion as Ian's legs continued to grow.

It took a great deal of strength to remain upright as his legs remolded themselves, but the sudden and audible popping coming from his toes snapped his attention back. Ian looked down, panting, gazing at his bare feet. His toes had been perfectly groomed by the base's refresher, each digit nimble and clean. As he watched, though, they were stretching out longer. The toe knuckles became more pronounced, allowing each toe to flex and bend independently of one another. His foot surged out longer and wider, the arch flattening, the heel broadening. There was a ripple against the floor as the skin grew tougher and more resilient. Each heartbeat brought more mass to his feet, anchoring him, making him feel more complete.

Ian turned his head, looking for the scanning console. As he did, he felt the swish of his long, soft blond hair sweep across his ear and neck. Another wave of shock hit him. He stumbled back into the main room on long, gangly legs, reaching out to turn on all the lights. As they flickered and snapped on, Ian could see just how much of the control room was covered in vines and flowers. In the corner there were a few more puffs of purple flowers sending more clouds of yellow pollen into the air. As Ian inadvertently breathed them in, an odd smile crossed his face. The pain ebbed and an exhilaration flooded through his body.

Brushing aside some of the vines, Ian turned on one of the screens and set it to mirror mode. The young man reflected back at him was... gorgeous. He was tall, impossibly lean with hair slowly creeping down towards his shoulders, falling gracefully over one green eye. The fuzz on his upper lip was soft and willowy, coming down in wisps on either side. Shorter fuzz was sprouting on his cheeks and it had grown long enough on the point of his chin to be considered a tuft. More than that, his shirt wasn't long enough for his torso anymore, riding up, revealing his navel and a line of golden fur that ran from somewhere on his chest down to the forest of hair in his pants.

The corner of Ian's eyes began to glisten with tears. He wasn't even sure why at first, though as the drops ran down his face, they left streaks in the fine layer of pollen that had collected on his skin. Regret... regret at a great many things. It was as if a dam had broken inside of him. That book had made him imagine, to dream, to think, to break outside of the box the Union had put him and his entire family in. It reminded him of a world lost to technology and pollution. Even seeing himself like this, altered and changed, made him realize that he had not even thought about finding a mate or partner, let alone what he wanted them to be like.

Ian's breath shuddered as his long, silky soft hair crashed across his shoulders and started slipping down his back. He reached a hand up, running fingers over his mustache, then down his cheeks, brushing and tugging on the hair on his chin. It sent a shiver of pleasure through him. Ian looked back around the command room. He'd already dispatched the samples across the planet, planting a vast diversity of plants into the very fertile, very ready ecosystem. What harm was there in allowing himself to be reshaped by that nature? He reached up, tugging his tight uniform shirt off while he still could, tossing it to the floor.

Turning one way, he saw the reflection of his back, a downy dusting of hair covering his shoulders and spine. Looking down, there was a thick tuft of hair on his chest that crept all the way down. Eager hands made short work of his pants and underwear, sending them to a heap on the floor before he stepped out of them. Ian stood in his naked glory at six foot six, but he was still growing. The pain was still present, though more manageable. His legs ached and throbbed as they grew, patches of blond fur growing out of his elbows. The young man had to bend forward as his spine grew as fast as the vines had.

Looking around, Ian was torn. He didn't want to be in the confines of the outpost anymore, but he didn't want to slow his change either. Considering his options, Ian moved back to the scanner tray and broke off a piece of the purple flower, roots and all. He carried it with him as he crossed the control room, keeping it close to his chest with one hand as the other opened the hatch. There was a faint hiss as the air equalized before the door groaned its way open. It was a short walk across the gantry, then a few metal steps, and then Ian's growing foot stepped down into the soil.

Red dirt caked and smeared across the callous that had formed on the sole of his foot. Ian smiled slowly, closing his eyes, wiggling his toes in the dirt to sink it deep. When he raised his foot, he'd left an oblong footprint, much like the ones in the book he'd read. Ian took a step, then another, walking out across the rusty red landscape. His long blond hair blew in the wind, brushing his thickening beard and the fur on his body. His manhood gently swung side to side as he walked, the foreskin slowly regrowing and creeping its way over the head of his cock.

Ian was moving with a confidence he'd never had in life before. In fact, as he walked he could already see new sprouts forming at random intervals. Most of them had the same teardrop shaped leaves of the vines that grew the purple flower, but there were little baby trees sprouting as well. They were being delivered through subterranean relays, fed by special concoctions that would allow them to grow quickly and unhindered. Ian's green eyes were flecked with hazel brown as he inclined his head and saw a rim of molten steel spreading across the horizon. The sun was about to rise.

After another few minutes of walking, Ian slowly knelt down, getting used to the altitude change. His hair now reached the small of his back and his forearms and calves were completely covered in blond fur. He used one of his elongated hands to carve away the loose soil, making a hole large enough before he set the purple plant down into it. Using both hands, he pulled the rich, fertile soil back over its roots, patting it down to secure the plant. For a moment, nothing happened. The purple blossoms rustled in the morning breeze... but then tiny sprouts began to pop up around the flower, heading out in every direction, new purple blossoms popping up every foot or so.

Ian grinned wide, especially as he felt the first rays of a new day kissing what was left of his skin. It was almost as if the light nourished him as much as the plants. Ian tipped his head back, feeling the breeze blowing through his mustache and his beard. His cheeks disappeared as the hair grew in thick, claiming the young man's face.... But it wasn't quite a human face, not anymore. The skin of his nose and forehead seemed a bit tougher, more weathered. His brow bone felt thicker, heavier, swelling outward slightly. The curve of his earlobes grew rounder and fuller. It was an earthy compliment to his airy mane of hair.

As the light glinted off Ian's furry shoulders, he slowly rose back to his large, nimble feet. He brushed the dirt off of his long shins, feeling the breeze even ruffling a new coat of fur on his muscled ass cheeks. He tried flexing one and then the other, feeling them bounce a bit. Grinning to himself, he made one pec dance and then the other. His body still ached, still throbbed, and it was still growing. His muscles and ligaments and tendons all stretched longer and reinforced themselves, anchoring themselves to a much larger physiology. Ian stood tall and proud, surpassing seven and a half feet in height. With all that growth, though, Ian could feel his stomach rumbling with hunger. He was going to have to figure out something to eat.

Something loud and sharp cut the air. Ian turned, hazel eyes looking upward to see the blue glow of ion engines as a courier craft sliced through the atmosphere, heading back towards the outpost. The vessel was mostly designed to carry cargo, but it had enough room for a pilot and a passenger or two. It was hard to make out at this distance, but Ian thought it was the same craft that had brought him the crate that had not only changed his life, but the fate of Eos itself. Whoever was in that ship either had answers... or they had food.


The air cracked, not with the growl of thunder, but with the sound of huge redwoods rising up out of the ground. They stabbed upwards like spears, branches and boughs unfurling as needles grew in. The monotonous landscape was rapidly turning green and uneven, jagged in the way natural forests were. It should have been alarming, but Ian felt so peaceful as he gracefully loped towards the outpost. His strides were long, his huge feet finding easy purchase as his hair blew in the breeze. Ian could smell the ozone in the air from the ion engines running hot, and he could hear the craft powering down as he approached.

The vehicle had settled next to the outpost on an open patch of ground rather than perching atop the landing struts on the building. The back hatch whirred open, revealing the interior of the craft. Light strips ran up metal bulkhead ribs that lined the interior and a few crates sat strapped to cargo meshing on the side, undelivered. Ian felt his heart jump in his very large chest. He was about to get all the answers that had been running through his head about who had done this and why. He just had to-

A large foot stepped down onto the ramp, the cocoa brown toes emerging from a thick patch of dark brown, almost black fur. A long, lanky furry leg emerged, followed by the other. The being walked down the ramp, his elongated body covered in the same fur as Ian, the coat waving in the breeze. A long, thick manhood draped over plump balls and a dark brown stomach and chest were visible through the fur that obscured the skin on his arms. Ian drank in this other being's magnificent body until he came to the face... a most handsome face, youthful and vital at the same time.

Rich honey brown eyes met Ian's, lips curving into a smile from the same altered skull that Ian sported. The handsome face was framed by a mane of hair that was thicker and curved outwards from his head, the volume swaying as he moved. While his cheeks and chin were framed in a short crop of facial hair, it had not grown as long as Ian's willowy beard. The tall, lanky being stepped off the ramp and into the rusty red soil of Eos. His smile grew even larger as he wiggled his toes in it, looking down at the ground and then up at Ian. That smile was so large, so rich, so pure. Ian saw the twinkle in those warm eyes.

"You did it, you really did it!" The other said. His voice was affectionate, eager, and younger than Ian would have expected. Maybe nineteen or twenty? They were obviously the same species, complimenting one another in everything but fur color. Ian slowed as he approached, but he couldn't help but walk up to this other like himself. He reached out, his longer fingers brushing the young man's cheek, tracing where the skin met the fuzz. The other looked away for a moment, embarrassed but enjoying the contact. He moved his large foot over, his toes brushing Ian's. Ian gasped softly at that, feeling a tingle move up his leg and stir his own manhood from its slumber.

"I... I changed this entire world." Ian admitted. The other beamed at that.

"You did! You woke up nature. You let the whispers of our ancient world become a new melody." he said, leaning into Ian's touch. Ian inhaled a bit.

"You are so handsome, and I don't even know your name." Ian murmured. The other grinned again, his eyes all but sparkling.

"I am Efran." he replied, "And you are Ian." he added. Ian nodded at that, though he looked up at the outpost where one of the windows had broken, vines creeping out through the gaps.

"It's a very strange melody... but I want to hear it with you." Ian said. Efran grinned at that, leaning in to let his lips brush against Ian's. Ian didn't breathe, merely letting his lips brush and touch the other's for a moment before he pulled him close. Their long, furry bodies pressed, muscle warming muscle. Their kiss grew deeper, more passionate. Lips mingled and groins came together. At first the embrace was soft and subtle, but Efran began to rub and grind against Ian, their shafts swelling and thickening between them. Efran moved one foot to brush and caress Ian's, the affection only making Ian more bold.

It felt so out of character for Ian to be doing this, but everything had felt different since he opened that crate that held those relics of the past. His ordered, calculated lifre shattered and in its place was something organic and natural. Ian's moans became more desperate as his long cock got achingly hard, stretching longer and longer than it had ever been. He gasped, throwing his head back, feeling his meat throbbing above swelling balls. Efran licked his lips, remembering what it had been like during his own transformation. He turned around, brushing his furry ass cheek along Ian's thick member until the head plumbed into the crevice beneath the cheeks. Ian's brows quirked a little as he was surprised how natural it felt.

With a little encouragement and slight shifting of his hips, Efran began to back onto Ian's swelling manhood. Ian grabbed onto Efran's dark hips and pulled him back. They came together with ease, Ian sheathing himself inside of Efran's warm passage. As the traveler backed up, his large feet brushed Ian's. Despite being so large and solid, the feet were still sensitive, sending waves of pleasure and intimacy up through their body. Ian only leaned closer, keeping his firm grip of Efran's hips as he went at it. All around them, the ground rumbled as large trees broke the surface, rising upwards, unfurling branches and needles and leaves. The air smelled sweeter, new blossoms sprouting in the gaps between the trees as moss began to web its way outward. In the midst of it all, Efran was being fucked by Ian, the blond bigfoot going as deep as he could get.

Large, fury covered balls swung forward and back. Ian composed himself enough to reach one hand around and take hold of Efran's mighty member, squeezing and caressing it as he went. The two writhed against one another, embracing the pleasure and the potential. It felt shocking how little of Ian's life had been given to instinct, to impulse or chance. Everything had been so regimented, but the future felt wide open now. He could do whatever he wanted, and he wanted to do it with Efran. He knew they had just met, but this was their destiny, wasn't it? Efran had discovered the lost secrets of Earth and he'd chosen to share it with him. They were one now, one and forever.

Efran moaned, eyes clenching shut. His shaft began to spasm before it let out jet after jet of silky pine scented semen, letting it spray across the fertile soil. The orgasm made his ass flutter around Ian, massaging his shaft. The tall, lank creature groaned as if he was in pain, but the pleasure was simply that good. He threw his head back, his long mane of hair caressing the small of his back as his cock unloaded its rich sap inside of Efran. There was a faint sheen of sweat beneath their fur, their bodies warm and glistening. They stood there in the afterglow, smelling the new scents of a transformed landscape. The ash colored trees had disappeared amid the vast forests of what Eos had become. Park 118 was something else, something new. It was an echo of Earth, but these roots were sinking deep into an alien world that would never be the same again.

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