Manic and Cream

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#3 of Sonic the Hedgehog (Complete Stories)

Cream the Rabbit is now a goth college with older guys on the brain. Particularly, she's thinking about her old babysitter, Manic.

This is a Sonic the Hedgehog fanfiction. All characters are copyright their respective owners and are written as above the age of 18.

This is a commissioned piece. If you'd like to get some work done from me, please consider checking out my Linktree.

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"And so, Aladdin got everything he wanted, and all he had to do was, like, be himself and stuff."

"That's not how the story goes."

"You heard it a thousand times, kid. Why not let a dude improv from time to time?"

Manic chuckles, closing the copy of the "1001 Nights" and leaning back on the chair beside the bed.

Cream the Rabbit is snuggled up tight in the bed, watching him with an expectant gaze.

He glances back at her with a quirked eyebrow. "What?"

"There's more to the story."

He shrugs. "Yeah, well, like, your imagination and stuff is great for coming up with ideas when you sleep. So, like... dream up something cool, why don't ya?" he says, giving Cream a playful poke on the forehead. "You need to sleep, and so do I." He chuckles and stands up, turning the light off. "G'night."

"Nighty Night, Mister Manic," Cream says, sighing and closing her eyes.

"Yeah, goodnight." He says, watching the rabbit as she drifts off. "Man, if I had good nights like that when I was a kid... I'm just glad we get that now."


The bunny sits at the table on the quad, her spiked boots up and on the bench across from her. She wears heavy black eyeliner and has dyed her red fur black. Her black lips pout as she swipes over her phone, her arms folded over her chest, wearing her chain-studded black sleeveless top and her pleated and spiky skirt.

Soon, a pink hedgehog in a sharp and well-pressed outfit and glasses approaches her, sitting across from the younger rabbit, and pulls out some books. "So, how goes things, Cream?"

Cream plops her boots down onto the ground and sits up, shrugging. "Eh, you know. Life and bullshit."

Amy Rose shakes her head at her friend as she pulls out her tablet.

"What?" Cream asks, tilting her head. "Something wrong?"

"I saw your mother over the weekend at that charity function, and she was showing off photos of you to all the socialites."

Cream groans, "Ugh, don't remind me of those 'prim and proper' days. I got enough on my plate, you know. Too much to get nostalgic over the good old days."

"Good old days, huh? Well, the high-flying adventure is over, and we must make our own excitement now."

Cream huffs. "What I'd rather make," Cream says, "Is something to help get the edge off once in a while."

"Says the girl who looks edgier than Shadow," Amy says, fluttering her eyes.

Cream responds with a prompt finger.

"Tsk, Tsk, I helped practically raise you, and you treat me like that? How would your other caretakers feel."

"Yeah, like what? Manic?" Cream asks, knocking her fingerless-gloved knuckles against the table. "What is he doin' now? Wasn't he in a band or something?"

"Oh, someone's interested in talking about Sonic's brother, hm...?" Amy says. "Got a thing for older men?"

"S... shut up." Cream grumbles. "Me and him... just vibe, you know?"

"No, I get it. The goth and the stoner, two peas in a pod."

"If that pod's a bed, or a couch... or an alleyway."

"Damn, girl. Someone's got the Springtime horny."

Can't help I'm a fuckin' rabbit," Cream says, staring daggers at Amy.

"Well, Graduate Program or not, I'm still a college student," Amy says, "and that means that I am entitled to all the entertainment that college life affords."

"What are you getting at?" Cream says, tilting her head, spiked earrings dangling and clinking.

"I'm saying," Amy says, poking her cheek in a teasing way, "that we get you the perfect opportunity to meet him and tell him how you feel!"

"You're a hopeless romantic," Cream says, waving Amy away. "There's no way in Hell he'd ever want to hook up with someone he used to babysit."

"You aren't the girl he used to babysit, Cream." Amy reminds her. "We all change drastically throughout our lives, some more than others. Manic's pretty much the same, but you might be up his alley now that you're who you are.."

"You know the dating rules," Cream says. "Half your age plus seven. I didn't flunk Math. He'd probably still see me as a kid just from the difference."

"Well, what's the harm in reintroducing yourself?" Amy says, shrugging. "It's not like you've seen each other recently. And besides, it's not like I'm setting you up on a date."

"Well, what exactly are you doing?"

Amy spins her tablet around, showing off the invitation she had been working on. "A party at Sigma Alpha Kai--open to the public, per invitation. If things don't work out with him, the worst he can do is say 'no,' and you're left with your pick of hunky guys--or gals."

Cream slides the tablet closer toward her, frowning deeper than before. "You're inviting Sonic there, aren't you?"

Amy giggles, "Like I said, some of us change more than others. The invite is anonymous, so we don't have to worry."

Cream scratches her nose and finally nods. "Sure, fuck it. I'll give it a shot. Worst case, I get rejected, wasted, and railed by some jock, which will scratch my itch, anyway."

Amy frowns, tapping the table. "Maybe... this isn't such a good idea."

"I'm kidding, gawd, Amy, I think you're the one who needs to get fucked more than me!"

"Well," Amy says, taking the tablet back and hitting 'send,' "if all goes well, I suppose we both will get what we want."

Sonic the Hedgehog leans back in his red race car bed, head against the board with a guitar on his lap. Sitting around and chillin isn't generally on the world traveler's itinerary. He hums a few bars from one of his favorite tunes. As usual, the weirdo wears his shoes to bed.

Manic, meanwhile, just sits in his corner, a joint in his lips, laying back on a slightly deflated bean bag and staring up at the ceiling. "Yeah, bro... It's been way too long since you last came around."

"That so?" Sonic says, fingers running through the strings. The blue hedgehog closes his eyes and just gets into the groove. "How long has it been since you've left home, bro?"

Manic laughs, a long and drawn-out laugh as he sinks further into the cushion. "Got no reason to do so. Things are all right here and all right in the world.

"I know," Sonic says, lifting the guitar and placing it aside. He hops off of the bed and taps his foot against the ground. "It's like there's never anything happening anymore, especially back here. How can you stand it?"

Manic lifts his joint from his lips and holds it out towards Sonic. "You're free to partake, bro. It ain't a crime. Well, it ain't a crime everywhere."

"Nah, I don't need something to slow me down. I need something to keep me going. Think I'll take a run around the city. Wanna come?"

"Dude, I can't get my ass up out of this chair. You think I'm circlin' a city with ya? You're cray."

"Well, if we don't figure something to do, I'm gonna speed keed out of here, so, wait, hold on."

Sonic flicks his phone out from his glove. "Well, well, looks like something is going on, after all. Check this out." He zips on over towards Manic, shoving the phone in his face.

Manic coughs and scoots back on the seat, blinking his burning eyes at the bright light in front of him. "Huh... wha...?"

"A party. This could be our chance to do something exciting together for once instead of just lazing around and getting high."

Manic frowns, "But I like lazing around."

"Yeah, well, you're a stoner who works with kids. You're totally lame, and you need to get out there with other adults sometimes instead of acting like a burnt-out kid."

Manic stretches. "Uuugh, fine. Let's go, fine! Just hope there are chill peeps there."

Sonic gives his brother the thumbs up. "Right. Let's get you some adult friends, ya dweeb!"


The party thumps with the beats of a local DJ as college students mingle. Sonic arrives in a blue blur with Manic dragged along with him. The hero rubs his nose, glances around with his bright green eyes, and whistles. "Now, this is happenin'! Come on!"

"Wait... what's happening?" Manic begins to say before Sonic whisks him away past the front door, throughout the crowded foyer. The blue hedgehog slaps a red party cup into his hand and smacks his bro in the back. "Alright, now I'm going to help you be cool, got it?"

"Huh? Hey... wait a minute... you said we're gonna meet adult friends, but this is a college party."

Sonic blinks and looks around, his brows furrowing. "That, uh, is a little sus. I wonder what the invite says..." He whips out his phone, but as he scrolls through his messages, a voice breaks out through the crowd.

"There you are, Sonic! I've been looking for you!"

"Aw, geez! Amy?"

Amy arrives, hooking her arms around Sonic's, fluttering her lashes at him. "I just knew you'd come. Now, let me show you something really cool."

"Uh, sorry, Bro. I think your own!" Sonic says, dragged away and disappearing among the sea of dancers, drinkers, and all-around revelers.

Manic stands there, holding his cup in one hand, tapping his fingers against his thigh. He chuckles and shakes his head before heading off himself, past a couple making out against the kitchen wall and through the back door to the oddly empty backyard. He stares upwards towards the starry sky, his mouth gently opened, wondering to himself. "Well, what now?"

With a shrug, he tosses his drink and slips his hands into his vest pockets, pulling out a blunt and a lighter.

Soft curls of smoke waft up to the sky as Manic stares at the stars, just vibin' to the relaxed atmosphere counterposed to the heavy beats on the other side of the wall.

"You tired of all those posers, too?"

Manic pulls his blunt from his mouth, quirking an eyebrow as he sees the college girl before him--a rabbit dressed in black with dyed black and white fur.

"Heh, let people be who they are, you know?" He says, shrugging. "You seem to like to express yourself well enough."

She stands beside him, looking up to the stars herself. "They look cool, but it's all just a lie."

"That so?" He asks, the corner of his eye on her. He passes the blunt over to her.

"Yeah," She takes it. "It's nice to look at, but all that's out there is pain and death. We aren't meant to live in the void, but something about it attracts us, ya know?"

"Speakin' about me as well?"

"You're the one star gazing."

He chuckles. "Yeah, yeah, I am. But what makes everyone posers?"

"Well," she shrugs. "They don't say their mind and manipulate some stupid bullshit dance about what they want from people without outright saying it. They need to get drunk off their asses to become brave enough."

"So, being drunk is bad, and...?" he says, waving the blunt, which had been handed back to him.

"Nah, this is cool," she says. "Relaxing, and it clears the mind instead of clouds it. Makes someone willing to say what they want to say."

"And what do you want to say, exactly?" He says this, chuckling.

"I'm saying," she says, taking a deep breath, enjoying the night air and the good stuff, "I wanna take you into one of those bedrooms."

With Manic's eyes scanning over the girl, he thinks about it. He smirks and puts out the blunt, stuffing it away. "Yeah, sure, why not? Lead the way."

Twenty-Eight years old, and Manic's still got it. Good to see that the college girls still like their stoner boys, and this goth chick is no exception.

He doesn't remember exactly whose house this is, but they have some nice clean sheets. Well, for now, at least.

The room is tidy and organized, but that doesn't really matter. Their shoes are already on the floor as they sit on the edge of the bed, hands playing down along each other's arms. When her lips press against his own, he's living the good life, enjoying the soft smacks.

Soon, though, he slides his hands up to the rabbit's cheeks, and she encourages him by spreading her lips.

Then, his tongue goes in, but not before she greets him. Her grip tightens on her back, her black-dyed hair. He can't help but chuckle through it. She growls.

She is the one that pulls away from him, their tongues bridging saliva together. She licks her lips and scoots back just a little bit, biting her lip, gripping the edge of the bed, and bringing her knees together. She's the one who wanted this to happen, and now that it is, she has to admire that lazy, laid-back smile as he watches her, waiting for whatever surprise comes next.

Cream knows this night will be full of surprises for the man who used to babysit her. For her, it's promising to be full of excitement. She flutters her eyes at him, letting him get a good look at her black eyeliner, and then she grips the top of her low-cut top and pulls it down.

Her tits spring free, but at the cost of this old top of hers, probably forever stretched.

But the look on his eyes as he sees those pierced bunny boobies is worth the sacrifice.

She tilts her head and smirks, nodding gently.

Manic whistles and scoots close to her, reaching his hands up. He pauses, pulls off his gloves, and lets his fingers stroke underneath her breasts and then up and around her nipples.

"Fuck yeah, girl..." he whispers, nodding. "You know how to party."

"Show me you do," Cream responds in a breathy voice.

Manic leans in, one hand moving to her back, pushing her in, as he holds one tit in place with the other, bringing his mouth up against her. He kisses her nipple, his tongue flicking out, running up and down the sides of the sensitive flesh. His nose presses against her tit, and he shakes his head, gently tickling against her fur.

It's enough to make her bite her mouth and, against her better judgment, titter in a childish delight.

"You like my tits, eh?" she asks, a gentle chuckle rising to make the laugh seem less awkward and more mature.

Manic pulls back and nods, licking his lips. "Y-yeah, you're so fuckin' hot."

"Well, I didn't bring you here just to admire my body," she says, nodding her head and pointing down between his legs with a casual flick of her wrist. "Let's see what you got."

Manic sits back, one leg on the bed and another dangling off the side. He watches her with a sleepy gaze as his dick rises up between his legs, ready and hard for a bit of action.

And it's action he'll have, as Cream falls down between his legs, wrapping those warm, soft tits around his shaft. She squeezes her breasts together, keeping her eyes upon him, slowly, steadily, sliding over his cock, feeling that rigid and twitching thing wrapped around her. "Oh yeah, now that's what I'm talkin' about," she coos.

Manic groans, falling on one hand, using the other to place upon her head. "D... damn, girl... you're... you're really workin' it. You must... must be starving for dick."

"Starving for your dick," she mutters to herself.


"Nothing," she chirps, speeding up. "I just thought I'd have a little fun with ya before you fuck my brains out later. I like a nice and pent-up guy before he goes at it. Makes him want to drill me extra hard, I'd bet."

"W... well, you got that right," he says, gripping her hair. "B... but be careful not to, ugh... make me cum too soon."

"I think I got it handled," she says, giving him a smirk before she pulls herself up and away from him. She sits back, licking her lips, leaning back on the mattress, and resting on her elbows. "Now, your dick hasn't exploded yet, but you're not going to use it."

"I'm... not?"

She shakes her head, smirking, sliding fingers down along her body, over her nipple, down over her mound, past her top, and to her waist. There, she tugs down her pants with fingers hooked at the waist.

Manic leans forward, his eyes widening.

She pulls her pants down to her thighs, and he can see that she isn't wearing anything underneath. There's just her wet, glistening pussy, pubic fur trimmed and shaped almost like an arrow pointed right at her cooch.

"So, let me ask you a question," she asks, fingers sliding down her labial lips. "Are you a fan of edibles? Cause you're gonna be eating good tonight."

Manic practically growls when he sees the proffered pussy. Before he can say anything, or she could even suggest anything else, he slides up to her, grabbing her clothing and tugging it down off her legs.

Cream lifts her legs to allow him to help her out of them. He tosses those leggings aside, diving down between her luscious legs, hooking hands under those thighs, spreading her apart, and dipping his face in between.

He begins by pressing his tongue against her lips, slipping that warm muscle up one side and then down the other.

She's already so fuckin' wet. Could he have had that much charm on some random gotch chick?

Cream bites her lip, curling her legs inward, pulling his head closer to her. Secretly, she enjoys keeping her identity from him. It's the thrill of the whole thing. Not only does she get to be with the man she's crushed on for so long, but he's completely and totally oblivious to it.

In the back of her mind, she fears he would recoil in disgust when he learns she's the grown-up version of that little rabbit he babysat.

What bullshit.

She's a fuckin' adult now, nothing like that little girl. She grips at the back of his head, reveling in the roughness of his quills against her calves.

Manic, for his part, is having a good time, despite not knowing the truth of this situation. It's so precariously close to taboo that it's hard to determine how he'd react. Is the pussy game so good that he wouldn't care, or would he freak out? It's not something Cream is willing to risk.

She reaches down, gripping onto his quills, pushing her hips against his mouth. All the while, he continues with what he's doing.

He licks up and down, swirling around those lips, a soft purr rising from him as he does so. If he's not enjoying a good blunt, then the zen of enjoying a mouthful of pussy is just as relaxing. But, he can't be totally laid back in sex. He has to give the girl what they like.

He pushes his tongue inside, pressing through the lips and pressing his own mouth against the nethers. His nose rubs up at her button, making sure to give it little presses and tickles as he shakes his head, delving his tongue deeper inside her.

Cream leans back on the bed, her breathing getting heavier as he delves more into her. How many other girls has Manic eaten out? Why should she feel jealous about that, like he's supposed to be hers and only hers? What a strange idea, utterly alien in these modern times.

And yet, it is so lovely to imagine. Oh, if she could have him all to herself, that would be, so, so... "g... good!"

He pulls his mouth back, licking his lips and glancing at her with his half-lidded eyes. "Everything good?" he asks. "Want me to move on to something else?"

She flutters her eyes, pushing herself up to match his gaze. "N... no, not yet, unless you're tired?" she says, challenging him.

"This is grade-A stuff you got here." He says, placing his hands on her knees, pushing her legs down, and spreading them apart. "No way I'm gonna deny a longer session with whatcha got!"

He presses his face against her, slurping and licking, flicking his tongue along her inner walls, searching for the spot that would make her practically melt.

"Aah... ah... you're... you're soo good... how... how much do-do you...?"

He pulls back again, moving his hand along her thigh, stroking fingers up and down over her snatch, swirling at her hood. "You want a guy here who can kiss and tell, or do you just wanna have a casual fuck?"

Cream closes her eyes. She can't expose herself, and not to him... not now. The sex is too good right now, and she can't ruin the moment before she gets everything she wants from him. "N... no, I'll I'll just enjoy it...."

He chuckles and dives back in, lapping, licking, and shaking his head.

Cream rolls her eyes back, her toes twitching. She bites her lips. It's all wonderful, but she can't let it keep going without blurting out something she will regret. She has to play it cool.


Fuck. He found her G-Spot.

He chuckles as he keeps lashing his tongue, making her squirm and scream in delight from his assault, but soon, she grips his hair, yanking him back and shouting. "W... wait!"

Manic grabs the back of his head and whimpers, rubbing his head. "Wow, you could have just said stop... no need to be rough, ya dig?"

She chuckles and presses a heel against his head. "Can't let me have all the fun," she says, a gentle growl in her voice. "All this pumping up has got me wanting something, for real."

"Yeah...?" he asks, sitting back and away from her.

"That dick of yours looks like it could use a little attention," Cream says, sitting up.

Manic looks down over himself, his cock still high and twitching with the gentle stimulation it received from the bed. "Heh... can't argue with that," he says.

With that, a black fabric hits him in the face. He scrambles to pull it off, and when he does, he sees her, naked now, crawling up to him, wrapping her fingers around his shaft.

"Now, lay back and enjoy yourself," Cream says. "This rabbit sees a carrot she wants to put around her mouth.

"Hey, I thought carrots were poisonous to rabbits and stuff."

She presses a hand against his chest and pushes him down onto the bed. "No more talky. Enjoy the ride."

"Fuck yeah..." Manic says, laying back and staring up at the ceiling. For a moment, he thinks about Sonic dealing with Amy and chuckles. "Heh... I didn't want to go to this party..." he thinks.

Seeing Manic sitting back on the bed, his dick hard and high, makes Cream positively drenched. When she was a little girl, she didn't know anything about sex, but she always knew there was something special about the way she felt for Manic. It wasn't like she envisioned herself as a princess with him as her prince, but it was different. He was chill, and she liked that about him. She knew that there couldn't be anything between the two of them because he was too cool to want to have anything permanent with someone so much younger than him, even if they were both in the age of maturity now.

She focused on his cock again, not wanting to bum herself out. Reaching out with her confident grasp, she strokes the thing with the heel of her palm, following the path of her hand as she slides it up and down along his shaft.

That gentle sigh from his throat is enough to tell her she's doing a good job. She can't help but lick her lips, her mouth opening, her tongue gently rolling out. She must look like some kind of bimbo slut.

For Manic, she's willing to be that bimbo slut, if only for tonight.

She leans in, pressing those gently parted lips up against his head. Her gaze turns back towards him, and she looks up to those half-lidded eyes, slightly addled by the relaxing effects of his favorite recreational activity. She purses her lips together and gently suckles upon his cock, sliding her lips down and inviting him into the warmth of her cheeks.

Her ears hang low, draping over his hips and laying upon the bed as she slips down over the length. The bumping of the bass beneath gives her a beat to work towards as she bobs her head down along his cock. She hums, closing her eyes, hoping there wasn't some kind of connection when they looked at each other.

Her tongue slides along the underside, slipping up and down, enjoying in a perverse way the taste of the hedgehog she admired, no, desired.

This was no young girl's admiration. When she awakened sexually, dudes always shared the traits he so often had that invaded her memories. Now that she can finally act upon them, she finds herself trembling, fighting every moment to hold back.

But... does she have to?

She glances back up to him, trying to smirk with her mouth full of dick, but she instead increases her pace, slopping up and down along his shaft, glistening with her spit. If not for the music thumping throughout the house, he would be sure to hear every slurp and suck and squelch that goes with unrestricted dick sucking. She slides fingers down along the shaft and to his balls, where she tickles, rubs, and plays with them.

The additional activity makes him grunt and tilts his head back, precum pearling at the tip.

He can't come. Not quite yet. There's so much more that they need to do.

But she can keep him around even if he does erupt, right?"

This is for her desire, after all. If he had to play a bit of catch-up while his cock re-energized, then so be it.

She bobs her head faster along his shaft, practically pounding against his hips.

Manic responds by grabbing onto her ears, nodding, and rocking his hips forward.

She thinks about how her favorite hedgehog is fucking her throat in some stranger's house! It's oh-so-perfect that she's become his cock sleeve here and now! She doesn't have to worry about studies, politics, or shit happening back at home, and she can be happy and pleased for the short time she has here with him.

But... she can have more, right?"

Fighting against his hold on her, she yanks her head back, gasping for air.

His poor cock drools with desire, but it doesn't quite erupt. "F... fuck... s-something wrong?"

She wipes her chin, takes a deep breath, and sits on her knees. She makes sure to be eye-to-eye with him, her hands on her knees. "No, nothing at all," she says, tilting her head and offering him a smile.

Manic chuckles, scratching behind his ear. "Ah, that's cool, but... but you really are leavin' me hangin', you know?"

"Oh, I know." She says. "And you'd better not blow your load until you're balls-deep in me."

"Hehe, yeah, of cour-what!?"

"It's okay," Cream says, fluttering her eyes, laying back. She rests her shoulders upon the pillows and spreads her legs. Fingers slide down along her body, and she sighs at the feeling before she splits her lips to show him the wanting desire between her legs. "It's safe, and I want you, all of you. Right fucking now."

Manic stares at her for a good bit, fighting between the thoughts rushing through his mind and through his dick. On the one hand, this is a random stranger he has never met, and who knows what the fuck would happen if he were to nut in her?

On the other hand, this is some random stranger he'll never see again, so if he nuts in her, does it matter?"

Conversely, that's one hot rabbit with the most "fuck me" eyes he's ever seen. What are consequences? What is responsibility? It's just life, man, and it's right to just live life at the moment.

He divests himself of the last of his clothing. There's no way he'll let anything get in the way as he climbs towards her. He kisses her thighs, up her stomach, and to her breast before he lines up, brushing his nose against hers. "If we're doing this," he croons, "then I wanna make sure we can feel each other's heartbeat."

Fuck, he's the most romantic fucking hedgehog ever.

"You gonna recite some poetry to me, or are you going to breed me?"

He presses his lips against hers, pulling their chests together, feeling the warmth as breasts squish against chest, and their hearts start to beat together.

"You know, I'm in a band," Manic says, a slight chuckling rising from his voice.

"Mmm, that right?" Cream asks, eyes fluttering. Despite her insistence, the intimacy is rather lovely. For as long as she could remember, being cuddled up against someone was one of the best experiences someone could have. The safety of being in someone else's arms without having to worry about anything else in the world with someone she really cares about is a feeling unlike any other.

Doing it while undressed with that rock-hard hedgehog cock rubbing against her thigh brings the experience to a whole 'nother level.

"Yeah," he sighs, his nose rubbing up against hers. "So, like, I could get all up in there with the poetry if you'd like."

Cream's breath comes out in huffs, but she chuckles slightly and kisses that nose. "Sorry, stud, but the time to woo me has passed. I'm already here, legs spread, begging for that dick of yours."

"Oh, right," he says, snickering, kissing her shoulder and collar. "Guess that's right. Let's see...."

He shifts, lining up his dick and pushing forward. That cock of his, so warm, pliable, stiff, and twitching, slides up her thigh and to her pelvis, just beyond the entrance, brushing over her fur.

Cream huffs, puffing out her cheeks, closing her eyes. When she exhales, it comes with a quick "thank everything you're so hot...."



Her hands slide off his back and down his body, giving his butt a playful squeeze. It's squishy and not bad at all, but not what she's after.

Her fingers find their way to that probing dick, wrapping around it. "Here, let me help," she coos.

"H... huh? Oh, yeah." He says, kissing the other side of her neck. "Thanks, babe."

"No, problem," she sighs, her eyes closed, using her fingers and fur to judge the position of his dick, sliding it down over her dyed fur and maintained bush, and past it to those glistening folds.

Once that cock head feels the entrance, all bets are off. He pushes forward, sinking himself into her.

She gasps, eyes fluttering, head tilting back, giving him more opportunity to kiss and nuzzle against her.

That length of his slides into her, spreading her walls, which wrap around it, fitting him snuggly within. She slides her hands back up to his back, avoiding his quills as her fingers grip him. She hisses, sighs, shudders, and whines, letting that feeling of pure fulfillment take her.

He slowly feels her out, pushing in a way before pulling back, pushing back in, but deeper this time. "Fu... fuck," he sighs, his hands, fumbling about, find their way to her shoulders, pushing her down. "So nice..."

"Y... yeah," she says, staring at him with half-lidded eyes. "But don't worry about breaking me. I'm not some precious flower, you know."

He looks at her with a half-groggy expression, his brows furrowing as the blood flows further down between his legs. "Right, gotcha!" he says, and he pulls back, his head almost falling out between her legs, but she grips as hard as she can to keep him in.

He pushes forward, thrusting into her, pulling and pumping back in.

The bed squeaks and creaks, and she wraps her legs around him, her humming and moaning filling the air, throwing her head back, pushing her tits up against his chest, their bodies rubbing together as he thrusts over and over into her. There's no more planning or prepping. There's no more tricking or deceiving. There is only the waves of pleasure thumping through their bodies. There is only the warmth within, squeezing that shaft. There is only that length, spreading and filling, pressing and rubbing against sensitive locations, sending shocks of delight up inside, filling an emptiness that hadn't been there before but will undoubtedly return.

Her voice vibrates with each thrust, almost as if he were playing her like an instrument. His satisfied grin never leaves his face as he takes in all the delights of her body, but soon, he finds another use for his mouth, pressing his lips up against hers.

She returns the kiss, squeezing his body close to hers, keeping him close, daring him to never ever let go.

They ride the edge for what seems like forever but also far too quickly as they slow and speed up, teasing each other until the final moment of release comes, the two of them moaning into each other's mouths, warm climax escaping from him, weakening his legs, making him collapse upon her. She tightens around him, crying out into his mouth and then collapsing back onto the bed.

He pulls out from her, rolling and letting his cock ooze out slightly onto the bed.

She is sprawled out, dripping from between her legs where that creampie remains. It's a consequence for another day, but one she is quite happy to entertain. For now, though, she finds herself wrapping her arm around him, pulling him in close, and stroking his hair all. At the same time, he breathes regularly, dispersed with intermittent chuckles.

"Heh, I hope I was more brilliant than stars for you tonight,"

She rolls her eyes, biting her lip, the truth is just about to slip, but she lets it go. "Still trying to woo me after cumming inside?"

"Oh shit, I did?" He pauses, chuckling, "Fuck yeah, I did."

"Fuck yeah," Cream responds, kissing his forehead.

Some time has passed, and Manic lays on the bed, gently snoring without care. Cream, meanwhile, sits on the edge, gripping onto the mattress. She takes a deep breath and looks back over her shoulder toward him, a ghost of a smile over her face. The bunny hops off and walks over to where her clothes were discarded, and she shimmies back into her things.

The party winds down with many guests either sleeping in some drunken stupor on furniture or the floor or other people just gone, leaving a few remaining guests and hosts on plastic cup clean-up duty. As Cream walks past each of them, they look up, and she practically glows as their attention turns toward her.

Her search through the grounds ends when she finds Sonic and Amy talking to each other in the yard. While the two look cute together, Cream approaches, clearing her throat.

The hedgehogs spin around, Amy smiling and Sonic looking at the rabbit with a wide-eyed gaze.

"So, you two up to something?" the goth bunny says, hands upon her hips.

"Huh, Nah, just chatting for old times' sake. Me and Amy go way back," Sonic says, nodding over toward the pink hedgehog.

Amy smirks and shakes her head, and steps forward. "Well, how did it go?'

Cream shrugs. "Went about as well as expected. I'll tell you about it later, and I doubt Mr. Sonic wants to hear about how I fucked his brother."

Amy giggles and Cream stifles her own laugh. The pink hedgehog waves to the blue one as she and her friend head on.

Sonic rubs his nose, watching the two girls walk away. "Huh... since when does Amy hang out with goth chicks?" He ponders to himself. "Hey, wait a minute, 'Mister' Sonic?" he starts counting on his fingers, marking the years since he last saw the rabbit family and staring at his hand, eyes widening. "Oh, what!?"

"Sup Bro?" comes the sleepy response of the green hedgehog sibling. He yawns, stretching. "You have a fun time with Amy?"

Sonic's attention snaps back to Manic, tapping his foot. "Oh, it's about time you got down here, sleepyhead. You know you just missed Amy and Cream leaving, right?" He delivers a playful punch to Manic's arm, giving him a wink.

Manic frowns, rubbing his shoulder. "Aw, that's too bad, dude. That would have been really cool to see Cream again." He looks off towards the entrance, sighing. "I wonder how the little squirt's been doin' since those old babysitting days. Anyway, I was kinda busy all night, you know?"

Sonic furrows his brows. "Huh?"

Manic delivers a big smile, placing a hand on his chest. "You'll be happy to know that your bro just scored with a hot goth chick. A rabbit, too. You know what they say about rabbits? Well, it's totally true. They're, like, super horny and stuff. Wish I could get her number. Bet ya she'd be down for booty calls."

"That right?" Sonic says, hands on his hips.

"Hell yeah, bro," Manic says. "She's just the kinda girl that I'd love to meet and fuck whenever the need gets me, you know what I'm sayin'? Not too attached, but looking for a good time with someone. Get physical with each other without any sort of other connection complicating matters?"

Sonic holds back something as he exhales. "Uh, huh. Sounds like you're pretty smitten with her, bro."

Manic shrugs, adjusting his vest. "Ah, you know, maybe. She's just so damn hot and young, too. Scored with a barely legal gal and all. Guess I still got that charm, don't you think?"

Sonic bites his lip, pretending to be watching one of the cup-cleaners. "Yeaaah..."

"I wonder if I could figure out who she is? Like, should I ask people here if they know her? I dunno if I wanna know how many other guys she's fucked or not. Eh, guess that's no big deal, ya know?"

"How chivalrous of you."

"What do you think? She a regular here?"

Sonic places a hand upon Manic's shoulder, and the blue hedgehog leans in, squeezing his brother and smiling slightly melancholy turn. "Manic," he says.

Manic turns to face Sonic, frowning, blinking. "Huh?"


"W... what?"

"You do know that goth girl you fucked is Cream, right?"

Quiet fills the garden for a few moments. Manic stares at Sonic with a blank expression, and then he crunches his mouth, and then the light goes on in his eyes, and he buries his hands in his head. "Oh my fuck, dude? Are you serious?!"

Sonic pats his brother on the back as he leads him away from the place. "If I've told you once, I've told you a thousand times, my brother. That stuff you use has fried your brain, and that stuff's no good."

"Oh, damn, man. I remember cuddling with her in bed, and I'm gonna go to jaaaail, dude."

Sonic shakes his head, taking his sweet time leaving the building with his brother. "Dude, dude, dude, you ain't going to jail. She's barely legal, which means legal."

"Yeah, but can I fuck her again? Won't it be too weird? I mean, we didn't know who we were, man? Now we do?

Sonic chuckles, shaking his head. "Manic. Bro. My broski, my triplet. That rabbit knew who you were, and by the way, she was talking with Amy. I bet she had this whole thing planned out. Face it, bro. You hooked up with a hot goth girl tonight, and she was totally into it, and you were totally into it.

Manic groans into his hands, shaking his head, heading out of the building in total embarrassment.

"Now me, on the other hand," Sonic says, snickering, "I got a date set up with Amy, and now I've got a great story to tell the guys next time I see them, all thanks to my pothead brother."

While Sonic snickers, waving his contact list in Manic's face, the green hedgehog runs his hands over his cheeks, his very own hedgehog's dilemma running through his mind.

Manic and Cream 6

Doing it while undressed with that rock-hard hedgehog cock rubbing against her thigh brings the experience to a whole 'nother level. "Yeah," he sighs, his nose rubbing up against hers. "So, like, I could get all up in there with the poetry if...

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Manic and Cream 5

Seeing Manic sitting back on the bed, his dick hard and high, makes Cream positively drenched. When she was a little girl, she didn't know anything about sex, but she always knew there was something special about the way she felt for Manic. It wasn't...

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Manic and Cream 4

Manic practically growls when he sees the proffered pussy. Before he can say anything, or she could even suggest anything else, he slides up to her, grabbing her clothing and tugging it down off her legs. Cream lifts her legs to allow him to help...

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