Hypnovember 2023 - Day 28: Social media (Claimed by Kodi)

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#28 of Hypnovember 2023

Beem has come across the profile of a charming wolf. Too charming, perhaps. By now, Beem suspects the wolf is up to no good but... isn't that an influencer's job? To influence other people?

Claimed by Kodi (https://www.furaffinity.net/user/blukodi), featuring Casey's (https://www.furaffinity.net/user/lmann) character Beem!

"Ah, so that's what he's doing..." Beem said under their breath, paws loosely clasped around their mobile phone.

The sandy-furred Samoyed dog shifted a bit, making sure they remained fully covered by the blankets. They'd been sitting on their bed for almost an hour now, browsing through the profile of an intriguing wolf they'd just come across. When they'd become too invested in it for their own good, they'd decided to go under the blankets in order to enhance the feeling that they were secluded from the rest of the world.

Now, warm and cozy, they couldn't help but wonder if the wolf had had something to do with that decision.

All his posts followed the same formula. The wolf, who was named Kodi, regularly recorded videos of himself. Most of them were close-ups of his face and upper torso, usually from a lower point of view, and involved the wolf talking about seemingly different topics - even though Beem had come to the conclusion that whatever he was talking about was always more or less irrelevant. He had this kind of alluring voice that made you lose track of the words being spoken and instead focus heavily on the tone.

And the wolf most certainly knew that.

Together with the same video format, he always spoke in a slow, calm voice, as if trying to make sure his words would sink easily into whoever was listening. There was always a heavy focus on his deep amber eyes, which made a beautiful contrast with his jet black fur. His gaze was always staring more or less straight into the viewer, as if he was there, with you, in the room.

Beem knew enough about hypnosis to recognize it going on.

However, they couldn't stop looking. Not because they were hypnotized. It wasn't like they didn't dig the wolf's charm, but they still hadn't fallen so deep into the rabbit hole.

They were just curious now. Could that actually work? Could you hypnotize a whole audience just by regularly posting suggestive posts that didn't even include specific instructions? This'll be awesome if it works, Beem thought, swiping to play the next video.

"Hello, guys," Kodi's voice came from Beem's mobile phone - loud, clear and with that sensual edge that it seemed to carry everywhere. "This is your favorite wolf, hoping you're feeling extremely well today. I'm here to remind you that sometimes things are not worth worrying about. Is that thought at the back of your mind bothering you too much? Are you having a rough, heavy day and you'd rather just forget about it? That's okay. You can do that. You can let go." The wolf's voice dropped to a whisper, the emphasis on his eyes even more obvious now. "So do that for me, okay? Make sure you don't fill your head with too many thoughts, hmm? And remember: be happy. Be good. Let go."

He finished the video by gently caressing the lens with one of those thick, sharp claws. The whole thing left Beem feeling all tingly and fuzzy. It was warm under the blankets, but they knew the warmth they were feeling in their cheeks was caused by an entirely different reason. Their blood was rushing to all kinds of places in their slightly shuddering body.

They took a deep breath and tried to calm themself down. The more they browsed through the wolf's profile, the more they thought their shenanigans could definitely work. Perhaps not on someone who wasn't too receptive - the same could be said of hypnosis as a whole, after all - but they could see themself falling for it. The fact that a video so simple was already making them feel such intense feelings was proof.

Beem hesitated a bit, but ended up playing another one. Not only because they wanted to know, but also because they were enjoying what Kodi was making them feel at the moment.

"Hello, guys. This is your favorite wolf, hoping you're keeping _warm and cozy_during these cold winter days."

It was a normal thing to say, but Beem's heart rushed a little when they considered the idea that the wolf was actually watching them. They knew it was intended, but the feeling that Kodi was there with them had never been stronger.

"This video is just a reminder that I genuinely appreciate your support, guys." The wolf gave a big, warm grin to the camera. "All of you who've followed me for a long time, who keep on watching the videos I post, who keep on listening to what I have to say... You have no idea how proud that makes me. And if there's something I value, it's loyalty. So those of you who've been following for a long time, I just wanted to let you know I know. I remember. Every. Single. Interaction." He accompanied every word with a gentle tap of his claw on the lens. His grin had turned into a somewhat playful, yet very attractive smirk. "And I value those that stay here and keep watching. So, thank you. And remember: be happy. Be good. Stay here with me."

The video ended with Kodi tilting his head and winking an eye at the camera. Beem felt as if the wink was an arrow piercing straight through their heart. How could that bloody wolf be so attractive? They were getting chills only by listening to his words and looking into those eyes. His magnetism was real, even through the screen.

Beem knew they were getting too infatuated by now, but they didn't really mind. They wanted to keep watching. The idea of being hypnotized this easily wasn't scary at all - in fact, it was exciting. The more they kept listening to the wolf, watching the wolf, the more appealing the experience was. They'd be glad to surrender their mind to such an enticing hypnotist. Heck, if that worked, it would have totally been worth their time.

And perhaps one day I could even meet him in person... the Samoyed thought, a sheepish smile on their face.Or even chat... you know, through DMs or something...

That smile, and those eyes... no matter what Beem did now, they couldn't stop seeing them. They instinctively played another video.

"Hello, guys. This is your favorite wolf, hoping you've had a good, long day." It started with Kodi's usual introduction, his eyes piercing through the camera, a little bit of fang peeking out of his perfect smirk. "And also, wondering - why are you still awake, hmm? It's late now. All other people have gone to bed, except you. Well, let me tell you one thing. You need to be good to yourself and take your mandatory hours of... sleep."

The pause before the word affected Beem's brain chemistry in a way they hadn't expected. They could feel the gears turning slowly now, the world coming to a halt. Their shoulders sinking, suddenly heavier. Their eyelids drooping, just a bit.

"That's right. Feel it coming to you. Just imagine yourself sliding into your bed, warm and cozy. Covered by the soft blankets. Allowing yourself to rest and your mind to go blank after a long, long day." The wolf's voice had dropped to a whisper now, much like the contents of Beem's mind. They continued staring, their muzzle slightly ajar, their eyes mirroring that deep amber gaze. "That's so much better, isn't it? Letting go of everything before the day ends. Goooood. I think I'll leave you to sleep then, drowsy creature. Just remember. Be happy. Be good.


* * *

Beem woke up the next morning, still holding the mobile phone on their paw. It took them a few minutes to gain any recollection of what had happened last night. They remembered coming across the profile of a certain attractive wolf, and then...

The Samoyed's body grew warm and fuzzy whenever they thought about the things they'd been made to feel. They knew they'd been watching videos for longer than they actually remembered. At some point, things had become sort of blurry and hazy. Like a dream.

They didn't need to open the app to know they were following Kodi now. If they hadn't done so already, they would have hit that Follow button immediately. They'd known since the first moment they'd decided to let themself go and keep watching those videos that at some point they would walk across a point of no return.

And there they were now. With a new obsession.

One that'd make them be happy and be good, fortunately.

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