Hypnovember 2023 - Caress, Craving, Serenade

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Lumi keeps a dream journal.

The final two Hypnovember stories will be posted on the 28th and 29th of this month, but you can read them right now on my Patreon, if you're so inclined!

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**Hypnovember 2023

Prompts: 10.Caress, 12.Craving, 26.Serenade

For Senpaiithon**

Featuring a character created by ScalesAndSpirals

**By Limewah


I don't know why I'm sleeping so much better than usual. Nothing's really changed; my room's still really draughty, and my blankets only do so much. There just isn't enough to cover my tail - not surprising, since it's about 20 feet of pink dragon-scaled butt-rope.

Even if I try to coil most of it around myself and wrap myself into a really tight burrito, it's no good. I can't tell you how frustrating it is trying to get comfortable in this cramped little apartment.

But that made the end to my insomnia and sleepless nights all the stranger. I wake up refreshed, able to get out of bed without even having to hit snooze once, and am ready to face the day.

I mean, I don't mind it that much, I'm not complaining... though it has been a bit of a problem in other ways.

The main one being that I can't stop thinking about sleeping. Even when I'm wide awake, I'm already thinking about my bed, and how great my next night's sleep is going to be. Almost every chance I get, I get this intense urge to lie down and nap. Even when I'm at work. People have started to give me a bit of crap about it, too. "Another power nap, Lumi?"

I went for a checkup and mentioned the symptoms with my doctor, and he was all "this is unusual but nothing to worry about, you seem healthy, but you could exercise a little more." Which I guess was a relief in and of itself, I'd hate to be dying and not even realising it, you know?

I feel like I must be dreaming about something, too. Whenever I wake up, there's always something on the back of my mind that vanishes before I can really place it. It must be the same dream, or something like it, because there are a few things I do manage to hold onto.

I remember a pale pink, sort of a lilac colour, and with it, blotches of black, blue, and white. Some sort of silver mist, blue fog... A sound like steam softly escaping, or like a gently babbling brook, the sort of stuff I'd expect on a meditation tape.

Sometimes I hear a voice, at the tail end of it; it's a voice and a set of words I've heard just enough times to retain.

"Wake up."

The voice is... I'm not sure if it's my own voice, or someone else's, or... sort of both? Like I'm whispering and someone else is murmuring, and we're speaking in unison.

I know the basic science of dreams, of course - I spent hours researching it online and sifting through all the 'past life' and 'alien abduction' nonsense to get to the heart of it. But it's only left me wondering - What sort of stuff is my brain sorting through while I sleep?

The best thing I can do is make a dream journal and start taking down every single thing I remember.

Day 1.

The voice told me to wake up. I felt like my face was pressed against something smooth and soft, scales dragging against my face and massaging me.

In the dream, I think I was dangling from my tail...

I was swinging back and forth, and breathing in something tasty and misty, kind of like sweetened dry ice in texture, but with the taste of blueberries and lavender. I was licking and slobbering all over it. And along with that was a sound of music. When I woke up, a chunk of my tail was pressed against my face, covered in drool. I definitely didn't taste blueberries any more.

Day 2.

Nothing tonight.

Day 3.

Nothing tonight.

Day 4.

I remember a face. Two eyes and a snout. A snake's face. Silver scales and black spots around the eyes. Big orange eyes.

I think I saw someone like them at a coffee shop near my house?

Scaly feelings against my mouth and my stomach and my hips.

I woke up a little turned on, and I was squeezing my tail between my thighs.

I'm still horny right now, gonna have to deal with it.

Day 5.

Came in my sleep. Don't remember anything else.

Most of it was on my tail, at least...

Day 6.

Fuck, forgot to write anything about last night.

It was vivid, too...

Day 7.

I tried something a bit different. Before I went to bed last night I read through my notes again. And the weirdest thing happened... a few more images came into my head. I don't know if I was remembering them or if it was just my imagination filling in the gaps. But I swear I could see a tail like mine, but three times the girth, with these silver scales... they were almost see-through, and I could see sparkling wisps of glitter inside them. I was smothered by them, and they were warm and soft and tight.

Was I able to breathe? I don't think you can hold your breath in your dreams... but I feel like I was getting choked, now that I'm writing about it.

I woke up with my notes on my chest, and drooling all over myself. I had to skip a page or two because of the wet patches on them... anyway.

It did work, I think. I'm going to keep trying this. I think the puzzle pieces are starting to come together.

Day 8.

Nope, back to square one. Nothing, except for the voice telling me to Wake Up. And the jizz all over my tail coils.


Okay no, false alarm. There was something, but it didn't come back to me till later in the day. I remember the texture of those coils again, this time they were under my feet... I was sleepwalking. This one hypnotist I know, they love making me march along a staircase of my coils. So I'm used to the feeling. It's a good one...

Except, it was even more intensely powerful. The warmth and comfort against my feet moved upwards, through my legs and thighs, my stomach and chest. My whole body was going to melt into those coils before long...

The thick walkway suddenly ended, and I fell face first into velvet belly-scales. It rocked me back and forth, and my arms, legs, and tail just dangled. My cock throbbed, squished between my belly and the scales...

I'm almost positive there was some music, too. The dreams, or at least what I remember of them, didn't have sound until now.

I swear I'm getting closer to it. Someday I'll have something.

Day 9.


That's its name. When I try to think of the coils now, that word sticks in my head. When I think of the orange eyes, or those dark starry spots, or the silver lengths... Wreathe.

I'm still thinking about it now. I keep doodling and writing that word out over and over like I'm some schoolkid thinking about their crush.

I'm getting somewhere. I've got the name, now I just need the face.

Day 10.

I saw them this time.

I felt them. Fuck, I felt them.

Every inch of them.

I have to start from the beginning. Even though I know I'm not going to forget a single moment of it. It was so vivid.

It started with me in this expanse of nothing. It was a very light blue, tiffany blue, and there were these silver clouds streaking through it... sort of a marbled texture. I don't know if I was walking or floating. It doesn't matter. It felt as natural to me as breathing.

I'm almost positive I was breathing too. Like I wasn't dreaming, but I'd been transported to another dimension.

Maybe I was...

That dry ice moisture and that scent was all around me, even though I couldn't see anything. I drifted alone for a little while.

Then I heard a sound, very distant and faint. Like a long, fluttering note from a flute made of wood. It felt like the start of a song, something classical, something that told a story through its melody.

But I only heard that brief trill, before it was silent again.

"Hello?" I called out a few times, my voice travelling far into the distance without any echo.


There wasn't any response at first. I started to walk towards the source of the sound, a soft sensation tickling my paws as I moved...

There was the sound again. The flute tickled my ears, louder and clearer this time. The lighter sound deepened and lightened as it trilled, like the instrument was growing bigger and smaller. No real melody, but a sort of wall of sound that washed over me and made me feel very content. My eyes didn't feel heavy, but I did feel like sitting down.

So I did... I was expecting to fall onto my butt on the 'ground', but I ended up slumped into a very familiar cushion. It wasn't my tail. Or my bed. It was almost like a water bed, but with something thicker and firmer inside it.

It squished under me, and it made my legs tremble, all the tension and aches I didn't even know I had dissolving away. I felt my eyes rolling back into my head.

I fell back further and moaned, draped over that one fat length of snake scales. It shifted beneath me, massaging me and rocking me back and forth.

And the music...

It was somewhere between a whistle and a drone, long notes that split apart into chords like a choir. It made my ears and my head vibrate. It was another massage for my insides...

My limbs felt so heavy and limp - not that I wanted to move them. The surface beneath me lifted me higher, and I could see the orange eyes staring down at me. As the rest of the snake's head came into definition, I could see they had a gentle, loving smile... like I was their favourite pet.

I liked being looked at like that.

The giant snake's head was silver, like the rest of them, with deep black spots around the eyes to accentuate them. Blotches of purple freckled their face, and they seemed to be constantly moving and shifting, like trapped air bubbles attempting to escape.

Their mouth was parted, pursed, and their song slipped from it. I could see the vibrations of the song, feel them fall down on me and push into my mind.

I welcomed them in.

Somehow, they were able to speak without interrupting that shower of music. It was their voice, and mine, whispering and murmuring together...

I don't remember that part so well.

But I do remember their name.


Just writing that word is making me shiver.

I'm only just noticing just how hard I'm pressing my pen into the page - it'd have snapped in half if it was a pencil.

My tail is squirming underneath me, and I'm turned on as hell.

I'm going to deal with that as soon as I'm done here.

I'm... basically done. I've got the important stuff down. And the rest of Wreathe's time with me is so clear...

They said so much to me. Their words were a song.

Thou dissolv'st, fall deep.

Thou revolv'st, in a heap

_Of soft cloud. I resolve

To hold thou, absolve_

Of the creep of the shroud

Of lack-sleep. Relaxed. Bowed.

That's all I have. But there was more. More than I could recount. I felt so sleepy, so dizzy and comfortable...

Not to mention aroused. Woke up covered in cum. Their breathy voice and stroking scales took so much out of me...

I can't hold off any longer. I have to deal with this now.

Wreathe is pure beauty. I need to feel them again. I need to hear them again. So badly.

Day 11.

Nothing tonight.

I reread last night's notes, and I can't even remember any of the feelings.

Fuck's sake.

Day 12.

I'm sleeping like shit again. I don't think I dreamed at all last night.

Where did they go...?

Day 13.


Day 14.


I guess I'm sleeping okay now.

Still not great.

Is this what withdrawal feels like?

Day 21?

I think it's day 21, I don't care, I got to write this down right now.

They came back. Wreathe came to me again. This time the clearest they've ever been. All the other times, their rubbing body and their silky voice made me too dizzy and aroused to do anything other than listen and stroke myself, but... this time, I wasn't resisting it, but I could speak.

They loomed over me, bigger than I remembered. They were tall as a mansion, their head was the size of a truck. Smiling, warm orange eyes, and the slightest whistle-hum...

I found myself shrinking. I grabbed hold of my tail and pulled it around me like a blanket, scooping it up and weighing myself down with it.

"You have something on your mind, little one," they whisper-murmured.

"I missed you," I said, hugging my tail tightly. "Where did you go?"

"The time was not right," they said. "Poor thing. You yearned for me, didn't you. That is normal, and natural. A dream as deep as the one I weaved for you does not come often for you, unbidden."

"Where did you come from?" I asked. I wanted to know everything about them.

"That is not for you to understand, little one."

Their tail caressed my head and slid along my throat - somehow their thick, powerful body still tapered down into something thin and dextrous enough to slip between the coils of my tail.

"You want me to sing for you again, to caress you again. So please... allow me to give you what you desire."

The music began again. They sang. It wasn't any words I understood, something deeper, more primal. I didn't understand, but I felt it.

The cloudy coils stretched out before me as a walkway, leading me slowly towards him. Each step sapped my strength, and made my hands relax. My tail tumbled from it, but was caught by Wreathe's tail. They held it up behind me, taking the weight and pressure off of me so I could just take it step by step. Each one making me shiver with pleasure, making my shaft stick up to attention. It was like slipping into my bed after being away for a week... like I was feeling my partner's paws rubbing my body.

Their voice mixed with mine in Wreathe's words. They coiled and caressed me, making my spine bend forward and making me slump so far ahead of myself that my knuckles were dragging against the rising coils ahead of me.

For longer than I can imagine, I was just sleepwalking closer and closer to the snake's face. I felt like I was in the presence of a god... All I wanted to do was press my face against their snout. I knew they wouldn't hurt me. They only wanted to help me sleep...

After what felt like an eternity, or ten seconds, I reached them. I couldn't see their eyes anymore, just the tip of their silver snout. Their song washed over me with their sweet breath, and it's still ringing in my ears now. I pressed my face against their lips. It was strange, they seemed so massive at a distance, but now they were at least small enough for me to wrap my arms around either side of their snout and hug them, resting my head on their snout. I hadn't even noticed their size change... it just flowed from one state to the next.

Their tongue slipped out and tasted me, tracing between my legs and along my stomach. My tail got a gentle tug, just gentle enough to make me gasp and stand to attention. They continued to taste me, slow and smooth, coiling around me with just that forked, wet feeler. I held on to them, somehow finding my hands able to dig into and stick against the scales.

"There we are," Wreathe whispered. "Now that you are here, now that you have finally made it to me, you will receive the reward you deserve. I will not have you wake any time soon. Not when you have pleased me so well, and allowed me so deep into your dreams."

I whined, my eyes rolling up, and I think I choked out "Yes Wreathe", but it's so hard for me to remember. I bucked and thrusted against them - I must have seemed so helpless and pathetic, but that feeling just makes the whole experience that much more incredible.

The tongue melted into a tail, squeezing me tightly and stifling my breath. Wreathe rubbed my throat and spread my legs wider. It melted into lips, kissing every inch of my tail and making it wriggle and squirm. It melted back into that tongue, slipping into my mouth and making me gulp on it as I humped against their squishy coils. And all the while, the flute song was crescendoing and receding. It was tied to my pleasure, too... or maybe my pleasure was tied to it. When it rose, my climax came closer. It receded when I was close to the edge, or over it. I came again and again, my eyes rolling up as my head threw itself back. My body exploding into sparkles of pleasure, my moans joining in with Wreathe's song.

I was cumming so often that the time between them began to feel like they were only a few seconds apart. I was paralysed with my head held back, endlessly cumming for them, giving all my essence and being to Wreathe.

I gazed up into the endless blue-silver sky and the swirling clouds all around. I understood, as the clouds swirled and congealed, that they were also part of Wreathe. Everything in this space was them.

I was so lucky to be with them.

I feel lucky even now as I write about it.

When that eternity - or those few seconds - was over, I was a quivering, moaning, desperate little mess. When I opened my bleary eyes, Wreathe's head was massive once more, their coils and their presence dwarfing me.

"You have fed me well," they murmured to me, their tongue tickling my belly. They were playing with my tail, draping it over me slowly and easily. "And you have been rewarded for it. Now, only one thing remains for you to do. You must know what that is..."

I nodded slowly. I felt like crying.

"It is the nature of these dreams to end, even as they bleed into the waking world. And you will carry me with you, and wait for me again, even as you..."

"Wake up," I said, with them.

And there I was in my bed, soaked with sweat, cocooned in my coils, delirious and dizzy... but I was so refreshed. I immediately hopped out of bed to start writing this, and I haven't stopped at all!

I've also been edging the whole time.... I feel like I came so much in the dream, but I'm still so fucking horny. I hope this is as good as that feeling...

I can't wait to see them again... no matter how long it takes. I know I'm going to be desperate for it, that's not going to fade... but I'll learn to wait. And I'll keep taking notes.

I hope it won't be too long.

Day 122.

They came back to me, at last...!

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