Manic and Cream 2

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#135 of Sonic the Hedgehog

Sonic and Manic decide it's time to check out a college party and get Manic some adult friends.

This is a Sonic the Hedgehog fanfiction. All characters are copyright their respective owners and are written as above the age of 18.

This is a commissioned piece. If you'd like to get some work done from me, please consider checking out my Linktree.

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Sonic the Hedgehog leans back in his red race car bed, head against the board with a guitar on his lap. Sitting around and chillin isn't generally on the world traveler's itinerary. He hums a few bars from one of his favorite tunes. As usual, the weirdo wears his shoes to bed.

Manic, meanwhile, just sits in his corner, a joint in his lips, laying back on a slightly deflated bean bag and staring up at the ceiling. "Yeah, bro... It's been way too long since you last came around."

"That so?" Sonic says, fingers running through the strings. The blue hedgehog closes his eyes and just gets into the groove. "How long has it been since you've left home, bro?"

Manic laughs, a long and drawn-out laugh as he sinks further into the cushion. "Got no reason to do so. Things are all right here and all right in the world.

"I know," Sonic says, lifting the guitar and placing it aside. He hops off of the bed and taps his foot against the ground. "It's like there's never anything happening anymore, especially back here. How can you stand it?"

Manic lifts his joint from his lips and holds it out towards Sonic. "You're free to partake, bro. It ain't a crime. Well, it ain't a crime everywhere."

"Nah, I don't need something to slow me down. I need something to keep me going. Think I'll take a run around the city. Wanna come?"

"Dude, I can't get my ass up out of this chair. You think I'm circlin' a city with ya? You're cray."

"Well, if we don't figure something to do, I'm gonna speed keed out of here, so, wait, hold on."

Sonic flicks his phone out from his glove. "Well, well, looks like something is going on, after all. Check this out." He zips on over towards Manic, shoving the phone in his face.

Manic coughs and scoots back on the seat, blinking his burning eyes at the bright light in front of him. "Huh... wha...?"

"A party. This could be our chance to do something exciting together for once instead of just lazing around and getting high."

Manic frowns, "But I like lazing around."

"Yeah, well, you're a stoner who works with kids. You're totally lame, and you need to get out there with other adults sometimes instead of acting like a burnt-out kid."

Manic stretches. "Uuugh, fine. Let's go, fine! Just hope there are chill peeps there."

Sonic gives his brother the thumbs up. "Right. Let's get you some adult friends, ya dweeb!"


The party thumps with the beats of a local DJ as college students mingle. Sonic arrives in a blue blur with Manic dragged along with him. The hero rubs his nose, glances around with his bright green eyes, and whistles. "Now, this is happenin'! Come on!"

"Wait... what's happening?" Manic begins to say before Sonic whisks him away past the front door, throughout the crowded foyer. The blue hedgehog slaps a red party cup into his hand and smacks his bro in the back. "Alright, now I'm going to help you be cool, got it?"

"Huh? Hey... wait a minute... you said we're gonna meet adult friends, but this is a college party."

Sonic blinks and looks around, his brows furrowing. "That, uh, is a little sus. I wonder what the invite says..." He whips out his phone, but as he scrolls through his messages, a voice breaks out through the crowd.

"There you are, Sonic! I've been looking for you!"

"Aw, geez! Amy?"

Amy arrives, hooking her arms around Sonic's, fluttering her lashes at him. "I just knew you'd come. Now, let me show you something really cool."

"Uh, sorry, Bro. I think your own!" Sonic says, dragged away and disappearing among the sea of dancers, drinkers, and all-around revelers.

Manic stands there, holding his cup in one hand, tapping his fingers against his thigh. He chuckles and shakes his head before heading off himself, past a couple making out against the kitchen wall and through the back door to the oddly empty backyard. He stares upwards towards the starry sky, his mouth gently opened, wondering to himself. "Well, what now?"

With a shrug, he tosses his drink and slips his hands into his vest pockets, pulling out a blunt and a lighter.

Soft curls of smoke waft up to the sky as Manic stares at the stars, just vibin' to the relaxed atmosphere counterposed to the heavy beats on the other side of the wall.

"You tired of all those posers, too?"

Manic pulls his blunt from his mouth, quirking an eyebrow as he sees the college girl before him--a rabbit dressed in black with dyed black and white fur.

"Heh, let people be who they are, you know?" He says, shrugging. "You seem to like to express yourself well enough."

She stands beside him, looking up to the stars herself. "They look cool, but it's all just a lie."

"That so?" He asks, the corner of his eye on her. He passes the blunt over to her.

"Yeah," She takes it. "It's nice to look at, but all that's out there is pain and death. We aren't meant to live in the void, but something about it attracts us, ya know?"

"Speakin' about me as well?"

"You're the one star gazing."

He chuckles. "Yeah, yeah, I am. But what makes everyone posers?"

"Well," she shrugs. "They don't say their mind and manipulate some stupid bullshit dance about what they want from people without outright saying it. They need to get drunk off their asses to become brave enough."

"So, being drunk is bad, and...?" he says, waving the blunt, which had been handed back to him.

"Nah, this is cool," she says. "Relaxing, and it clears the mind instead of clouds it. Makes someone willing to say what they want to say."

"And what do you want to say, exactly?" He says this, chuckling.

"I'm saying," she says, taking a deep breath, enjoying the night air and the good stuff, "I wanna take you into one of those bedrooms."

Manic and Cream 3

With Manic's eyes scanning over the girl, he thinks about it. He smirks and puts out the blunt, stuffing it away. "Yeah, sure, why not? Lead the way." Twenty-Eight years old, and Manic's still got it. Good to see that the college girls still like...

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Manic and Cream 1

"And so, Aladdin got everything he wanted, and all he had to do was, like, be himself and stuff." "That's not how the story goes." "You heard it a thousand times, kid. Why not let a dude improv from time to time?" Manic chuckles, closing...

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Niki vs Clair

"Salda, darling, we must find you the perfect little hat for your new outfit." "Do you think a hat's gonna work with my new look? I don't want the boss to think I'm trying to be something I'm not." The two women, the Lopunny secretary and the honey...

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