Hypnovember 2023 - Entertainment

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Regen becomes a party favour.

I'll be posting my hypnovember stories rather sporadically throughout the month, but Patrons get to read all the stories as they're completed!

Hypnovember 2023Prompt tybirb.com">Posted using PostyBirb

Hypnovember 2023

Prompt : 19.Entertainment

For RegentheOwl

By Limewah


"Hey Regen!"

The green-plumaged owl barely had time to look up from his phone at one of the only people he knew at the party and open his beak before the flash of the phone's flashlight dazzled him.

There was only a microsecond of 'what-the-fuck' confusion before the trigger made his mind pop and made sleepy relaxation ooze pleasantly down through his spine. His hand only barely kept a grip on his drink, just the bare minimum engagement of his muscles to keep him upright. His head was dipped low, his eyes unfocused and glassy.

Regen was only faintly aware of the fingers waving in front of his face. Only a little aware of the drool slipping from his beak. Only a little aware of the arousal between his legs. The pleasure from that paled in comparison to the full-body bliss of being deep in that blank, well conditioned state. The grooves and imprints that had been gently molded into his mind made for an easy, pleasurable shortcut into trance.

Just a quick flash of light is all it takes for the programming to activate. You'll relax, nice and easy, let it boot up... and then you'll get a nice boost of energy. Eager and ready to serve!

The cup was plucked from his talons. With his hands free, Regen pulled at the hem of his trousers and slid them down, hiking up his shirt up to his armpits to show his svelte torso to the rest of the party. His shoulders were back and his spine was straight, his unfocused eyes taking in all the confused looks of the party-goers.

"Hoo! I am ready to entertain," Regen said, with a cheery chirp to his voice even though his face was still a blank mask. "I hope you enjoy my services!"

He could hear some murmurs from everyone around, but he could just wait patiently.

"Hey Regen!" the light flashed in his eyes again, and he snapped to attention. The red panda holding the phone was grinning. "Be a dear and get me s'more of my wine?"

"Right away!" The owl-drone remembered where Leem's half-drunk bottle of pinot gris was. He shuffled to the hotel room fridge in his half-tugged-down trousers and quickly poured Leem a cup of chilled wine.

"Just give him a little flash with your phone torch, and give him a command. But don't overdo it, he'll snap out of it if his eyes hurt too much."

"That's right!" Regen said cheerily. "I have plenty of safeties in place, and I will let you know if there's anything I'm not comfortable doing!"

Regen didn't remember learning any of these lines, but they felt like they'd always been there.

"Here, try this one. Tell him to Speak."

Another flash from the gathering crowd hit Regen's eyes.

"Speak, Regen!"


A flutter of laughter spread through the room - Regen should have been mortified, but the owl was delighted by the attention.

"Speak!" Another flash.


"Let's not overdo that one," Leem said. "We've got more stuff we can do with him. Do you want to take your shirt and pants off?"

Another flash from the phone camera made Regen stiffen and smile.

"Sounds like a great idea!"

The owl pulled their shirt off and stepped out of their crumpled clothes, their tight briefs showing off a very pronounced bulge.

"See, he's having fun~!" Leem gestured to the group. "Let's get some ideas from the crowd-"

Another flash hit Regen abruptly.

"Act like a chicken!"

"Ah, come on-"

Regen pushed his hands against his chest, elbows out to the side, and capered and clucked like he was at a naff magic show. The group laughed some more, and Regen ate up that attention.

When people laugh and clap, the drone loves it. When he feels those eyes on him, he feels such pleasure. The drone loves being the center of attention. You love it.

"Alright, stop..." Leem said, sounding a little annoyed. A flash made Regen stand to attention, ready for the next command. "Let's not humiliate the guy too much... unless we do it in a fun way. Regen~!"

Another flash.

"Yes! How may I help?"

"Why don't you tell us how you'd like to be played with?"

"The things I was too shy to tell you before?" A tiny part of Regen screamed internally with embarrassment and excitement, and a blush came over his beak.

"Exactly," the panda said, giving a glance to the rest of the room party. "In front of all these friends of ours!"

"Hoo! Sounds great! I really like being the centre of attention, especially when people praise me for doing good! Being ordered around is wonderful!"

"Wanna kneel for us?" Leem asked.

"Hoo! Of course!" the owl drone plopped down on his knees, his head at eye level with someone's crotch. He wasn't really concerned with who it was. But he did hear a nervous laugh from up above.

"Heh... it almost looks like he's gonna suck my dick."

Oh... he'd forgotten to mention that part too! It would make sense to show them...

He yanked at the jeans - two tugs was all it took to ease them down enough to let that warm pillar of flesh out, before he buried it someplace warmer.

"What the f-fuuuuuu..." Regen felt a hand press into the plumage on the back of his head, and murmured happily. There were some nervous laughs... Regen loved it. He relished it as much as he relished the texture and taste of the dick.

The drone loves to suck dick above all else... just like Regen does! You both love that texture and taste, just as much as your friend Leem does... if anyone so much as mentions sucking dick around the drone, he just has to follow that impulse and suck the nearest one he can find~

"Oh, well~" Leem's voice was clear as a bell; the owl drone could always pick it out, no matter what. "He's gonna be fixated on this for the next hour or so... who wants a go, and who wants to watch?"

They clamored over the owldrone, as he buried himself against the base of the first dick. He could feel warm bodies getting closer to him, meat being draped over his head, and so many pairs of lustful eyes waiting for their turn to get entertained by the owl's talents..

And to think he'd been afraid he wouldn't connect with anyone at the party...

He certainly wasn't thinking at all.

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