The Black Knight

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#13 of The Adventures of Tik Tik

This is another story in the Estrasa's Tower series of side stories in which one of my characters from an old story of mine faces off against Estrasa's mysterious "Black Knight."

The candles of the training hall flicker as the sound of exertion fill the room. The young woman sits on the ground, on her hands and knees, sweat dripping off of her forehead as her body rocks forward. She grunts through gritted teeth, her hair, long since out of its bun, falls over her eyes, covering her as the man impales her with his mighty rod.

All around, the other naked forms are strewn about, groaning and languishing in exhaustion.

"I... I don't care," she groans, "what you do... you won't... make me... surrender!"

The intruder wraps a gauntleted hand around her body, squeezing at her breast as he pulls her up, her naked back against his bare chest. He wears a helmet that conceals his eyes . Through his soft lips, his tongue slips out, licking over her cheek.

The woman writhes under his hold, his cock pushed up deep inside of her, their combined sexes letting out lewd sounds as he thrusts up into her.

"N... no one can beat me in... in this da-aa!"

He grips her head, pushing her down once again, this time fully onto her stomach. A gasp escapes her lips from the impact, but despite how great it feels, she tries to push up, but he holds her down by her head and her shoulder, pulling his thick cock from the depths of her womb. It glistens in the scant candlelight, coated in a mix of her sex and his seed, and, like a sculptor lining up the perfect strike, he plows into her quivering exit. The woman coughs up some spit as her body tenses up, his hand moving up from her shoulder to her chin, pulling her up as he leans in close to whisper to her. "You are the first of your whole lodge who could survive my first assault. I think you'll do just fine." He presses his lips up against her cheek, a chill shudders through her body as he pulls away, licking back to her ear.

She wiggles her rump a bit and looks to him with a defiant gaze. "Do your worst. No way I'm working fo-for that bitch."

He snarls, his teeth straight and white--a stark contrast against his tanned skin. He runs his fingers down her body, gripping at her ass as he stands up. With her head and shoulders on the ground, he holds onto her thighs and continues his pummeling of her ass. "Then, you shall take more of my punishment!"

His copious pre begins to ooze out from her ass, dripping down over her body and landing on her chin. She shakes her head. "N... no..."

"If you don't come willingly, then the magic will take all of your will away."

The captain furrows her brow, fighting back the urge to moan as he drives the lustful beast within her wild. When finally, she can take no more of the punishment, she opens her mouth, inhales, and gives him her answer...

Adaeze arrives at the adventurer's lodge, a place of respite for mercenaries and heroes alike. With her pack fat with coin, the gnoll is ready to spend the money on strong drinks and a warm body to accompany her bed. After the last few adventures she's been on, she can use a rest. Yet, when she gets up to the oaken doors of the lodge, she pauses, fitting her fingers through the slightly ajar doorway. "Strange..." she muses,peering inside.

The sight before her makes her drop her traveler's pack immediately. "Oh what the fuck?" She scrambles up to the first body she sees, scooping the young man up in her arms. "Arturo... the happened here?"

The young man's eyes open up, a soft smile appearing on his lips. "A.... Adaeze...? The hell have you been?"

"Who the fuck cares?" Adaeze gasps. "It looks like everyone's been... been..."

"Fucked to death?" he says, coughing. "Nah... just to exhaustion... those of us

who... who didn't want to join his cause...?"

"Pretend I have no idea what's happening here and tell me again from the start..."

"One day..." Arturo says, "a knight in scant black armor stepped in, like some kind of nudist blackguard. He demanded that we all submit to his Dark Queen, or face him and his unholy sword. A couple of us thought they'd be cheeky and fight him the normal way.... Well, let's just say he made us reconsider his offer. It... it never felt so good to get my ass kicked..."

"Where is he now?"

A loud wail fills the hall, and Adaeze stands up, dropping Arturo. "Wait here," Adaeze says. "I'll take care of this."

The gnoll bursts through the central battle hall, slipping on ejaculate, but quickly catching herself before her bumble made her look like a complete fool.

In the center of the room. The Black Knight stands there, one hand gripping the hair of the hall captain, the woman bobbing her head up and down along the shaft, staring up at him with a powerful lust in her gaze.

"I just dealt with shit like this," The gnoll says. "So, why don't we skip the bullshit and you just get to the part where you fuck off, eh?"

The knight turns toward her, his eyes underneath his helmet glowing red. He yanks the captain away from his pole, slobber and jizm bridging between his cock and her chin, dribbling down onto her as he tosses her back to the wooden floor.

"Adaeze..." he says, facing her. "I've been waiting for you."

"For me, huh?" the gnoll says, snorting. "And, why's that?"

"News traveled to my Queen that you were traveling with someone she wishes to find--a kobold carrying a magical book. I was given specific orders. If you lead me to this individual, you and your friends will be spared indoctrination into my lady's forces."

The captain pushes herself up, wiping her chin with her forearm. "Adaeze, don't tell him anything!"

"Kept your pride, eh, cap?"

"NO!" she growls, smiling with a manic glee. "I just want him to fuck me some more!"

Adaeze grunts at that, folding her arms over her chest. "Look, buddy. I just got back from tangling with a sex monster. I'm not too keen to go for a roll in the hay, but I can still kick your ass. Besides," she sneers. "You ain't getting nothing out of me, because I don't know shit about where that kobold is."

The captain eagerly grabs a hold of the Black Knight's member, holding it up and wrapping her lips around his balls, suckling on them. He doesn't react to that, but instead, he shakes his head at Adaeze. "There's a paradigm shift in this world, one that my Queen is eager to capitalize upon. The secrets of sex and the power of it as a magical tool were once a secret and specialized art. Now, any random nobody can just find a book on Eromancy and be on their way to become a master mage. Surely, you want that power to be contained, do you not? It would provide particular nuisances for you."

"If you wanted to smooth talk your way through me," Adaeze says, "You shouldn't have turned my old pal into a cockslut."

"Oh, but Adaeze," the captain says, letting go of his phallus. She crawls on over towards the gnoll, a hunger in her eyes,

"A cock slut would be the best thing for a woman like you." She reaches up, rubbing the gnoll's thigh, nuzzling her cheek up against her leather skirt, fingers heading up along her leg.

Adaeze shoves her back with her boot, knocking the woman down onto her back. "Enough of that, boss. I got some punk to school." She draws her sap and slaps it into her palm.

"It is you who shall be doing the learning, Adaeze," the knight says, clapping his hands together. A wave of energy escapes from within him, filling the entire room. It ruffles Adaeze's fur and makes her narrow her eyes a bit, but she grins at him, her shoulders shaking in a subdued laugh. "Come on, is that the best you can do? Push some air around? Some magic you got there!" She runs forward at him. "I'm gonna slap your stupid sexy skin, pretty boy!"

She brings her sap down, striking him on the shoulder. His lips curl up in a smirk as it hits him. She gasps, surprised that her strike did absolutely nothing, but soon finds a gauntleted fist sinking into her stomach, knocking the air out of her. As she falls over, her eyes widen, and the arm holding herself up shakes as she feels the spot he struk. Where she would expect pain to throb, she instead feels the most intense feeling of pleasure that her stomach has ever felt. It's like an expert masseuse has gone and worked on every individual muscle in the area, all the while brushing over the skin with a feather and brushing the fur with the finest tooth comb in existence. "The... the fuck...?"

"No one has been able to withstand the combat of pleasure," the Dark Knight says, standing over her. "Those who have felt it have decided to settle our differences in a more traditional contest of sexual gratification. Either

way, your companions have never been able to defeat me."

"So, what... if I don't tell you where that kobold is, you're going to give me a spa-style beat-down?"

He squats down in front of her, always keeping his impressive manhood in her view. "I'll do so much more than that. Physical delights are my domain. Though I am a knight in service to a queen, I am the master of the erotic arts. Besides, if you manage to impress me, I will leave this place to pursue other leads. What do you say?"

Adaeze looks back over towards her captain, who lays sprawled out, panting heavily as she looks toward the two, and she also glances over at the unconscious others. "They take your offer?"

"Even your captain," he says.

"Yeah, well..." Adaeze says, giggling, "there's a couple here pretty good in the sack, but..." She stands up now, unclipping her belt, "None of them have what I'm packing."

The gnoll lets the skirt drop down from her, exposing to the knight her now-erect clitorus, a pseudpenis common among her kind. "Now, you ready to bend over?"

"Let the contest of sexual gratification begin," he says, then immediately grabs the gnoll's thighs, his lips wrapping around that length.

Adaeze gasps as she's pulled in, feeling those lips, soft as pillows slide down along her lady dick, his tongue providing a nice mattress as he slides it down along his mouth.

"Oh, f-fuck!" she gasps, grabbing onto his helmet. "The hell are you?"

He pulls from the girlcock, licking at hte head before fully removing his mouth, and says, "I am the master of this craft. You think I limit myself to the use of my phallus in my technique.

"Yeah, well..." she growls. "I was kinda hopin'" She then presses her hand against he back of his helmet, forcing him back onto the shaft. "If you're so proud you can suck cock, you can just choke on it!"

The knight's throat bulges as he takes in the girldick, the sounds of the air pushing out from his mouth and throat loud and lewd. Adaeze's nostrils flare as she breathes heavily. This guy's actually pretty good, and that's a problem. She snarls and thrusts her hips forward, hilting into his mouth and choking him with her impressive length. Her fingers find

their way to his nose, pinching his nostrils closed. "Come on, fucker! How's that feel, huh? This magic pleasure dome you made make you enjoy not being able to breathe!?

He doesn't panic, but instead, trails one of his hands upwards along her thigh. Two fingers find their way between her legs, towards her more conventionally feminine side of her genitalia and inserts the, twisting around, spreading apart.

She coughs, her legs starting to wobble a little bit. "F... fuck..."

With his lips wrapped around her shaft and his fingers buried deep into her, it seems as if the black knight has already gotten the gnoll under his grasp. She looks over her shoulders, seeing the sprawled and moaning pile that is the captain, realizing that if she falls to him, she'll become just like that woman, and spill the beans on the whereabouts of Tik Tik. It's time to take charge.

She plants her feet and falls forward, letting all of her weight fall upon the knight. He falls back, his legs sprawling out as she sits on his helmeted face. "Hey, how do you like this!?" she boasts, pulling her hips back and shoving her pseudopenis down into his throat. Her knees squeeze against his helmet, keeping him down.

He grabs at her

thighs, struggling for some control.

"You said you didn't want a fight, but we're gonna fight, even if we're having a good time at it" she boasts, laying on her side, pulling his body up to lay next to her. His chest goes against her back as she reaches up, wrapping her fingers around his cock and jerking it. "I think I'm the biggest girl you've had, pretty boy. Remember, if I beat you, you're not going to bother my friends ever again, and you're going to tell your boss to piss off!"

The Black Knight grunts and struggles, but the hold she has him in is quite tight. It's a pain on her pointy bits, too, but she is not going to let go of his manhood for an opportunity like this. The pads of her hand are soft and stroke along the length with slow, yet deliberate pressure, making sure to keep most of the attention under the head. "You cut boys," she says, chuckling. "You make it all too easy to get to your more sensitive regions. Why do you do it, I wonder?"

The knight slips his mouth free of her ladydick, the clit flopping up from the release. He then latches his face up against her snatch, burying his tongue deep within her, delving inside her core and hitting all the right spots with jabbing accuracy.

Adaeze's breath becomes heavy as the knight has his way with her. All she has is her hand. If she's going to beat him, she's going to have to try something else. "Alright, tough guy, you turned all pain to pleasure, didn't yah? Well, how does this feel!?" She raises her arm, thrusting it into his unarmored side.

The knight groans, and she squeezes his head between her thighs. "Maybe... maybe this is going against your plan now, isn't it, lover boy?" She goes again, slamming her elbow again at the now tender spot.

"Oh, gods," the captain says, pushing herself up to her hands and knees. "Why didn't any of us think about this?"

"Cause, yer not used to fighting sex freaks, like I am."

The knight pulls his mouth way, her female boner poking at his nose as he speaks up. "You can't possibly best all that the Dark Queen has to offer."

"I tell you what: If you tell me about your Dark Queen, I'll let you off and we can keep this fight going on a more fun level."

"Unlike you," the knight begins, "I am not here for fun."

"Suit yourself" Adaeze says, licking her finger, her laugh rising up into her boisterous cackle as she moves the wettened digit between his toned buns. "But don't say I didn't warn you!" she inserts

it, swirling her finger around his ass. He lets out a groan, thrashing underneath of her, his member stiffening, his pre already oozing out.

"Ha! Just a little bit more now and, he-hey!"

The captain pounces onto Adaeze, spreading her legs and straddling the gnoll. She slips her lower lips up against the gnoll's lady dick and inserts it into herself.

"I can't take it anymore," the captain says, her breasts bouncing as she rides the gnoll. "I need to get off. I need more dick!"

"Fucking...." Adaeze grits her teeth as the assault of a good pussy and an expert tongue overwhelm her. She actually lets go as her body tenses up. She scrambles, slapping around his thigh before bringing her palm down right between his legs.

The Black Knight gasps, his body arching. With two women on top of him, the pressure must be unbearable, and so, he releases, shooting up into the air and over the gnoll's fur.

Sensing it, the captain leans forward, licking the fluid up like a cat with a bowl of milk

The Black Knight collapses, defeated by the power of Adaeze's fortitude.

Adaeze, meanwhile, shifts around, pressing her hands to the captain's shoulders, and throws the cock-crazed maniac off of her. She scrambles to her feet, huffing as she wipes some of the stains off of her fur. "Ri... Right... I beat you..." she says. "Now, you get the fuck out of my adventurer's lodge."

The knight lays there, groaning as he rolls over, curling up as his cock oozes onto the floor.

"What's the matter?" Adaeze says, rolling her shoulder and loosening up her arm. "You not ready to leave? That's okay. I'll send you out, myself!" She takes a step forward, when suddenly, the captain pops in front of her. The woman stares at her with a half-lidded, dazed glance, yet her body is rigid, unnatural.

"Why settle for a knight, when you could take the queen?" Her voice has changed, becoming deeper, more sultry.

Adaeze, seeing the change in her demeanor, gets an idea of what's up. "Yeah? And you're that queen? The Dark Queen?"

"I am Estrasa..." the voice comes from multiple directions. All around her, the unconscious adventurers stand up, their shoulders hunched, their arms dangling, their heads drooping. "And I am the one who shall rule this new world. All are pawns before my power, and that power is the realm of physicality, itself!"

Adaeze spins around, readying her fists to continue the fight. Though the Black Knight doesn't get up from his defeated stance on the floor, the entire guild's worth of adventurer's all stare at her with glowing, half-lidded eyes and grins showing off their malicious intent.

"Master or physicality, huh?" Adaeze says. "Well, if you're looking to get physical, why don't you come here yourself? I'll give you some of what your boy had."

"That won't be necessary," the dark queen says, the possessed guild members slowly approaching her, closing in any attempt to escape. "After all, you'll need your strength for what's to come after you've joined my ever-growing army."

"Ha, fat chance..." Adaeze says, rolling her neck. "I'm not getting on my knees for you!"

Arturo wraps his arms around her, grabbing her shoulders and pulling her hands in close. His length presses up to his back as he breathes into her ear. On her side, the captain climbs onto her, her hand moving down Adaeze's top, fingers wrapping around her lady length again. She tries to struggle, to get them off of her, but others arrive, getting on their knees, stroking her body.

Adaeze falls to her knees, surrounded by a pile adventurers clawing at her remaining clothing and pawing at her furred body. The knight slowly turns his head, eyes glowing with the same eerie intent as the rest as he pushes himself up to a standing position. Through him, Estrasa's voice speaks. "You are close to the one who has that book, my book. I'll take you for myself, and she'll come to me. Then, you and all her friends will be the instrument of her destruction."

"No, no, not after all we've been through, I'd never betray Tik Tik!"

"Tik Tik...?" Estrasa says, placing a hand on the knight's hip and a finger over his lips, which curl up to a sinister smirk. "Now, that's a fair bit of information you've given me... but, I need to be sure that it's true."

"Go ahead! Try and get me to squeal."

The knight's hands grab Adaeze's

cheeks, squeezing her as his cock lines up right in front. "Oh, I'll get you to squeal, alright..."

With that, the knight thrusts forward, past Adaeze's mouth. The gnoll shudders as she takes the phallus in. All. The pressure, all the touching, and now this entry, all of the actions only add to the pleasurable sensations that she had been feeling. Was there some magic involved that made her very perception of reality disappear? Or does she truly enjoy being subservient to the Black Knight, to Estrasa?

When she opens her eyes, the others are gone. It is only her and the knight, and she is the one bobbing her head. His gauntleted hand scratches behind her ear as he smiles down at her, rocking his hips, her tongue pleasuring his cock.

She tilts her head, groaning as she gets into it, her tail wagging, her ladyboner high and happy. This is different than the Lily Nymph, somehow, but how? She doesn't know, she no longer cares. She'll never notice it, but her eyes share the same haze as the rest of the possessed adventurers, her heart beats with the same anticipation as her captain and her other colleagues.

The knight grips her hair, his cock shuddering as he shoots off load after load of thick, sticky cum into her mouth. He snaps her jaws shut between his hands, pulling his cock out, letting it drip and drool onto the floor between them.

Without being told to do so, Adaeze tilts her head back as far as she can and

swallows deep.

The Black Knight, or rather, Estrasa herself, chuckles as she hears that, petting the gnoll yet again. "Poor, deluded creature," The Dark Queen says. "You didn't know that when you first were hit by my spell that you already lost. Such is the power of my champion, my Black Knight."

He steps away, and she whines, crawling up toward him, whimpering like a needy dog.

The knight faces away from her, walking slowly off out of the chamber. When he responds, it is his voice that comes from his lips. "You are now indebted to my Queen, just like all of us. Now, accept your rebrith into her fold."

He disappears into the hall beyond, leaving Adaeze to whimper, unsure what he means. Then, suddenly, a rush of pleasure hits her. She tears at what's left of her clothes, and soon falls back. Bones crack and fur falls off as her very form shifts and changes. She howls, not in pain, but in the euphoria of evolving to something to better serve her Queen.

The Black Knight steps outside of the adventurer's lodge, hearing the moans of dozens of former heroes and mercenaries taking on their new forms as the beasts of their mistress. He sighs and runs his hands over his helmet, shuddering.

"Something troubles you, my champion?" The whisper of his Queen comes to his ear. He can practically feel her fingers caress his body, her warm flesh against his back.

"So, it is Tik Tik who you are searching for."

"And you were hiding that from me, my chiseled champion," the queen says, her finger swirling around his nipple. "What a naughty boy. You come back to my tower. I think it's time we give you another punishment for making me waste my time with that... dog."

"And what about her?" The Black Knight asks, looking back towards the lodge.

"Oh, she'll serve her purpose. If I can't find the kobold, I'll make it so the kobold will have to find me. After all, their kind are trap-layers. Even if I did try to catch her, she'd no doubt find way to escape. No... we need her to come willingly, and you and all her friends will be the perfect bait."

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