Lykan Invasion Christmas Special

Story by Nex_Canis on SoFurry

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#8 of Lykan Invasion

Lykan Invasion Christmas Special

The following story takes place between the Lykan Invasion Halloween Special and Lykan Invasion 5

_'I'm dreaming of a white Christmas

Just like the ones I used to know'_

Christmas was great for most.

But for Rodney, it was a dismal reminder that he just wasn't meant to be happy. Because unlike most other boys his age, he didn't have a tree where he could wait and watch for jolly, old, fat man to put presents other, he didn't have a marvelous, scrumptious dinner to stuff himself until the January or he didn't have colorfully wrapped gifts waiting for him in the arms of his loved ones.

He didn't have loved ones, period.

For everyone in St. Jerome's Boy's Orphanage was... well... an orphan.

Oh, and having hit eighteen years of age this year, Rodney was working at the local McDonald's. The pay and hours sucked. All the money he made went to a trust fund that the orphanage had set up for him. They poured money into it to make sure he could attend some course or get some internship somewhere but as it stood, that wouldn't happen for a few years yet.

But after being dumped at the doorstep of the orphanage when he was a kid, he was used to it. The orphanage really wasn't that bad. The people there were great and he had a bed to himself, a roof over his head and food.

It was just... around this time of year, he always got a little depressed. When he saw the other families in all their luxury (at least in comparison) and all the joy they had... It just made him feel like he was the unluckiest kid in the world.

Seriously, eighteen years and no one wanted to adopt him.

Not that he was that unappealing or anything. Maybe a little malnourished and skinny, perhaps a bit gaunt but it wasn't like he had a horrible disfiguring scar.

He was just that unlucky.

And that luck hurt like hell since he was closing on the store on Christmas Eve.

Sure that meant they closed at 6 PM but he would still rather spend that time back at the orphanage doing nothing or perhaps curled up in his bed trying to ignore the Christmas carols the kids were singing downstairs.

Thankfully, around that time, no one else wanted to by a Big Mac or a McChicken.

They were all spending their time with their families...


With a deep, heavy sigh, Rodney tried to keep himself focused but failed miserably. He just couldn't help but think about all the times he could have had if he had an actual family. It was depressing and for some reason, all the Christmas Carols that were blaring loudly were just making him even more depressed.

"Rodney!" his boss snapped. "Shape up! We got a customer!"

Rodney went rigid. "Good evening!" he said, not really registering who he was talking to and forcing his best, fake smile. "May I take your order?"

"Rod? Come on, man! Don't tell me you don't recognize me!"

He blinked a little.

Looming in front of him was a giant of a man. Pushing up to seven feet if he guessed correctly. He wasn't just a giant in height either. Widthwise, he was massive. Simply bursting with muscle that the casual, black shirt and slacks he wore barely contained his massive chest and his bulging thighs. Rodney could actually see his abs poking through the thin layer of clothing.

When he looked up at the face, there was something a bit familiar in the angular features, the brown-blonde hair and bright, nutty brown eyes.


"It's me! Shawn! Shawn Shepherd!"


"Oh right!" Rodney exclaimed. "Shawn! Hey! It's good to see you man!"

He actually didn't remember. It was one of those awkward moments where he was hoping to bluff his way through the situation.

"You don't remember me, do you?" Shawn said with a slight smirk. "I was in the bed right next to you at the orphanage! Got adopted three months ago!"


"Now I remember!" he exclaimed... which was probably the most incriminating thing he had ever said.

Shawn laughed it off and clapped Rodney on the shoulder. He might as well have taken an iron hammer and slammed it against his shoulder! It nearly broke his collarbone!

"Look at you!" Shawn said with a bright grin that Rodney remembered all too well. "All dressed up and working. So you in college now?"


"Erm... No..."

Shawn's grin shook a little. "Uh... Internship...?"



Rodney took a long sigh. "No..."

"Aw man, that sucks," Shawn growled - actually growled. Rodney could detect an animalistic quality in it. "And you're working here in this dump..." A brilliant smile crossed his features. "Tell you what? Why don't you spend Christmas with my family?"

Rodney blushed lightly. "I couldn't impose..."

"Dude, we're brothers! Come on! I'll take you over to my place after we drop off a gift for Tristan and the gifts at the orphanage."

That was another name he recognized because unlike him, Tristan Amano was on the opposite side of the spectrum. He was the luckiest guy in the group of four that used to be their little 'family' when they were in the orphanage. Rodney, Shawn, Tristan and Justin all used to hang around with each other and proudly called each other 'brothers' in a vain attempt to fill the void in their lives.

That all ended when Shawn got adopted and Tristan followed.

While Shawn got a middle-class family, Tristan was adopted by a rich couple for his brains. Shawn was flagged down by a sporty guy who looked like he played for the pros or at least coached them. Rodney never saw his wife but he sure did see both of Tristan's parents. They made sure to call Rodney and Justin - who was still an orphan - a filthy 'dog' and insisted that Tristan was better than that.

With the group broken up, Rodney felt more alone than ever.

... but now... there was a chance...

"Sure..." Rodney replied with a smile. "I finish up in an hour. Can you wait until then?"

"Just try and stop me!"

After packing up the store and getting berated by his manager a couple of times, he threw off his uniform and hurried to meet Shawn outside. Shawn was leaning against a big, black, pickup truck, arms crossed. Despite the snow, he didn't seem at all bothered by the weather.

"Aren't you cold?" Rodney asked as he approached.

"Nope," Shawn answered with his trademark grin. "Just warming up!"

He had no idea what that meant but Shawn was always the leader of their little circle of brothers. Whenever he gave anyone that grin, it surely meant trouble. He also said the stupidest things that brought trouble so Rodney just ignored it and got into the cab of the truck.

Shawn pulled out of the driveway of the restaurant and headed down the street away from the city and into the 'rich' part of town. Rodney had noticed there was a large piece of tarp that was wrapped over the back of the truck and he guessed that was where the presents were being kept.

"You must be pretty well off to be able to afford gifts for everyone..." Rodney murmured.

"My parents are very generous," Shawn answered, still wearing that grin.

"Right..." Rodney tried to hide a sigh. "So I see you bulked up a bit..."

That was an understatement. Shawn had been a really sporty guy back when they were in the orphanage together. It was why people tended to gravitate towards him just like Rodney. Being around a strong guy was somewhat comforting. He was fit but he was nowhere near as muscular as he was now.

"I have a pretty good diet," Shawn replied, his grin growing broader. "Lots of protein and plenty of exercise."

"I'll bet."

Suddenly, Rodney was aware that this might not have been his best idea after all... Being around Shawn just reminded him how much his life sucked...

They left the suburbs of the city and headed into the 'rich' part of town. The rolled up to a rather large manor complete with gate and very long driveway. Shawn got out and pressed the buzzer on the intercom. A lazy drawl followed.

"Who is it?"

"My name is Shawn Shepherd! I'm a friend of Tristan's from the orphanage. I've got a Christmas present for him!"

There was a few seconds of strained silence.

Then another voice came from the intercom.

"Just leave the gift at the gate and go."

Typical Tristan. His parents were rich and he was always a bit of a snob back in the orphanage. He boasted about Shawn being able to protect him despite trying to assert his own dominance over the little group many times only to fail.

"Aw, come on, T!" Shawn replied, spreading his thick, muscular arms wide. "It's Christmas!"

A loud sigh came from the intercom. "Fine."

The gates rumbled open and Shawn jumped back into the truck, driving it up to the front door. Rodney tried not to look at the luxury that Tristan lived in. It made him sick to the stomach just thinking about it.

"You wanna come out and give T his gift?" Shawn asked.

"Nah... I'm good here. Too cold outside."


Shawn leapt out of the truck, rummaged through the tarp and pulled out a large, present. He ran up the steps to the front door which cracked open ever so slightly. Through it, Rodney could see Tristan's pudgy frame which only seemed to have gotten larger over the months since he had seen him last. The guy even had a little goatee to make him look more masculine but it just made him look like a spoiled brat with a scar.

"Here you go!" Shawn said, loudly enough that it reached Rodney's ears. "Merry Christmas, T!"

Whatever Tristan said, it was too soft for Rodney to hear. The loud slam that followed after he took the present from Shawn and shut the door was audible enough.

"Asshole," Rodney growled.

Despite that rather rude exchange, Shawn was practically bouncing as he returned to the cab and drove them back to St. Jerome's.

It was make or break time.

Rodney could easily say that he was tired and just wanted to sleep, thus staying at the orphanage and never hearing from Shawn again. He didn't want to be reminded just how unlucky he was especially today of all days.

But, as they drove up to the all male orphanage and Shawn began handing off the presents to all the kids... He couldn't help but smile. Maybe Christmas wasn't so bad after all. Everyone was getting presents, even Justin who sat all the way at the back. Justin was constantly sick and even skinnier than Rodney. The guys in the orphanage didn't really expect him to survive that long without their gang.

But seeing his face brighten when he got that gift was enough to tell Rodney that even if his life sucked, brief flashed of joy like Christmas were worth living for.

So he decided to stay.

Shawn drove him back to his house deep in the suburbs of the city and he considered himself lucky that his Christmas present would be the opportunity to live with a family even if it was only briefly. It sparked his hopes again.

When they arrived at the quaint, double storey house, Rodney opened the door for him and bowed a little theatrically. "After you."

Shawn rolled his eyes. "Don't be an ass."

Rodney just chuckled at that as if there was some sort of 'in joke' attached to that but Shawn just didn't get it. He jumped out of truck and headed up to the front door, his hands in his pockets. Even before he reached the front door, it opened and there was Shawn's dad...

... and his other dad.

At first, Rodney thought they were just brothers but by the way they looked so different and the fact that both of them were wrapped around each other's arms, there was no mistaking they were lovers... and husbands.


"Hey Rod," Shawn said, clamping a hand on his shoulder. "Meet my parents. Jesse and Alex Shepherd."

Rodney's throat closed up. He never knew that Shawn got adopted by a gay couple. Much less one where both were big, muscle-bound guys. Sure he was desperate for his own family but... was this a family...?

In the end, looking at Shawn, Rodney decided it didn't matter.

If two gay men could make Shawn happy and feel like he belonged then who was he to argue?

Rodney would just prefer to have conventional parents... though chances were, he'd end up not having parents at all and just growing up to be one of those loners who eats dinner by himself on Christmas until he found that special someone. He was eighteen after all.

With a shaky grin, Rodney held out his hand. "Hi... I'm Rodney. I'm from St. Jerome's."

The bigger, burlier one shook his hand. "Hey there. I'm Alex. And this is my mate, Jesse."

Jesse shook his hand next. Both had huge hands and strong grips but nothing to crush Rodney's smaller, scrawnier appendage.

"Pleased to meetcha!" Jesse exclaimed. "Come on in, you two! It's freezing out here!"

They headed inside the house and Rodney was instantly assaulted by the delicate, mouthwatering aromas of a Christmas feast. He looked towards the lounge where he could detect the smells of the ham and had to shake himself to keep the drool from slipping out of the corners of his mouth.

"Let me take your coat," Alex said, taking his coat and hanging it on the coat rack. "Why don't you two wash up first?"

"I've got a better idea!" Jesse exclaimed, darting into the kitchen. He returned a second later with a tray of four glasses filled with what appeared to be eggnog. Looked a little paler than usual and thicker though. "Drink up first! You must all be starved for some Christmas cheer!"

It was such a sappy moment... but Rodney loved it. He took the glass, clinked glasses with the Shepherds and took a swing of the eggnog.

It tasted a little weird... Sweet like eggnog should be but... it had a bit of a salty aftertaste.

As if sensing his curiosity, the Shepherds exchanged glances and grinned back at him.

"Old family recipe," Shawn said. "Come on, let's get you cleaned up so we can get into that ham!"


_'Where the treetops glisten,

and children listen

To hear sleigh bells in the snow'_

Tristan had it made.

He had the money, the house and the parents to make sure that he got into a great college without even having had to go to high school. He had the brains too. It was natural. When all the other kids in the orphanage were going around willing away their childhood by playing silly games, he was sitting by himself reading books and learning.

Forming that little 'gang' with Shawn and the others was just a matter of convenience for him.

They were just walls of meat to stop people from interrupting him as he studied.

Still, when Shawn came over with that gift... something tugged at his heart strings.

With a deep sigh, Tristan looked at the neatly wrapped gift that lay on his lap with that tag that simply said, 'To Tristan. From Shawn Shepherd.' He wasn't about to admit that there was a kinship there... No, like his new parents said, family and friendships are just another word for investment.

Christmas was just another money-maker to them too since they had massive stocks in several major shops and hotels.

That meant that during this time, they actually weren't at home.

In fact...

"Will you be needing anything else, sir?" Norman, his butler and 'nanny' said.

"No," Tristan muttered. "You can go, Norman."

His butler bowed. "Thank you, sir. And Merry Christmas."

"Yeah, whatever." The same response he had given Shawn when the idiot had actually given him a gift. There was a pang of guilt in his chest over not having given Shawn a present but that was fleeting.

He didn't need anyone right now. He had money.

His parents had given him a rather large sum of money upon his adoption for him to 'use as he saw fit'. He wasn't meant to be a real child. Just someone that can attract media attention in a good way and to tell them all the Board of Directors at Amano Industries that the Amano name will continue beyond his supposed 'father'. As long as his parents could take him to social events and he could behave and contribute something intelligent to the conversation, they were happy.

Thankfully, he had invested the money well. Real estate, oiling companies the works. In a few years, he'd be rich enough to buy out his parents if they didn't make more money.

But that was like hoping he couldn't get Shawn's annoying grin out of his mind.


Tristan felt guilty... and he really did miss the old gang. They had laughs and they were his 'brothers'.

"Screw my parents," he muttered as Norman left him in the vast atrium where the Christmas tree stood erect. Christmas was a sentimentality to them. Well to Tristan, it was something more.

He would get Shawn something... He had enough presents from 'friends' that he could regift a couple of things. Maybe donate some to the orphanage though he had doubts any of them would have use for high carat jewelry. Still, it was the thought that counts.

The only problem remained...

What should he get Shawn?

Perhaps the answer lay in what Shawn got him...

That was one thing that he could take from his parents. For them, they opened Christmas presents as soon as they got them.

It was about four hours until midnight and Christmas anyway so he guessed it wouldn't do any harm to open one present.

Quickly, he unwrapped the gift.

The instant he flipped open the box however, a rather large puff of white dust sprayed into his face. He coughed and spluttered, wondering if Shawn had given him cocaine of all things. Thankfully, it wasn't. It was just dust or something. Inside, there lay a rather large statue of four wolves. One wolf was standing on a rock, another was howling and the other two were staring off in opposite directions.

That... That just left Tristan speechless.

The four wolves just reminded him of the brotherhood he shared with Shawn, Justin and Rodney...

He missed them... There, he admitted it.

Damnit, he had to get them gifts now.

Gently, he set the statue aside and hurried over to the Christmas tree. He had to find a gift there, something really special. Something that would mean as much to Shawn as that simple statue meant to him.

His heart was pounding in his chest because four hours suddenly didn't seem like a lot of time.

And he was alone in their manor so getting to Shawn's place would be a nightmare.

But he had to do this... He had to be there for his friends... his pack...

Tristan suddenly felt a sharp pain in his stomach and he grunted softly, clutching his rather rounded belly. He wondered if it was something he ate... but then that pain quickly transferred to his hands... When he glanced at them, his heart suddenly started pounding harder against his chest...

His hands were covered in short, white fur... his palms had leathery pads on them.


Before he could get off another word, he became aware of his raging erection and a burning pain all over his body. His entire body was wracked with an odd mix of pleasure and pain, forcing him to roll onto his back and arc his spine as the sensations washed completely over him. Each wave of the addictive sensation brought tears to his eyes and every time it would ebb, his body would relax but then it'd come back in full force and his back would arc again.

Pain then pleasure... pain then pleasure... The pain was fleeting but the pleasure remained with him, mounting with each blast.

It wasn't long before he realized that with each wave and each time he arced his back, he was actually thrusting his hips into the air.

"What's happening... to... meeeee!?" he cried as the pain reached his face. It felt like someone had grabbed the sides of his head and was pulling it towards the ceiling. His cries became muffled and contorted. He couldn't keep his eyes open but he could feel the fat in his rounded belly bubbling and churning all over his body, being pumped into his muscles and filling them with mass and strength. A large portion of it migrated all the way into his ass, firming it up and giving it a nice, rounded, bubble shape that tore right through his expensive slacks.

His cries of pain suddenly twisted into moans of pure pleasure as his thighs exploded out his pants followed by his calves. He was writhing on the ground but no longer from the pain. It was all pleasure now and he was stretching more than anything, relishing as every gesture seemed to give more and more room for his muscles to grow. He felt his shoulders balloon out and spread wider, becoming stronger and stronger.

Loud popping sounds filled his ears as his spine extended, growing more vertebrae with each pop. As his torso lengthened, muscles built around his chest to support his growing mass. His back became a venerable hilly plain, full of rock-hard mounds and covered in a lush coating of short, white fur. His pecs ballooned out, ripping right through his shirt and bouncing tauntingly as he was overcome with sheer pleasure. His erect, pink nipples instantly hardened and just having them touch the cool, night air added to the ecstasy. He felt each of his abs bounce into existence, grunting with pleasure with every, lovely little pop.

Tristan kicked off his socks and wiggled his new, clawed toes in tandem with the short, nubby tail that sprouted right above his ass. He opened his eyes, feeling the grin that cross his muzzle so naturally as he moaned and gripped his thick, nine-foot long cock, canine cock that spurted precum all over his massive, muscular, chiseled chest. He groaned and ran his paws all over his new torso, grinning broadly as he tweaked his hardened nipples and felt the short, white fur that had covered his entire body.

He let out a triumphant roar as his cock jerked violently, spraying cum all over his chest and soaking his already white fur. His entire body shook with the sensations of the transformation, the warming embrace of afterglow mixed with the perfect touch of feeling new, massive, firm muscles all over his body.

He flexed his right bicep, seeing the veins popping there and the massive mound that he instantly knew was something he had to give the rest of his friends...

T-Bone bent over and kissed his bicep once before proceeding to rub his cum all over his chest.

"Oh yeah..." he chuckled, gently getting up to his new, padded feet. He stood a seven feet tall and towered over his tree. With a grin, the pitbull rolled his shoulders, licking his lips and his paws.

After tasting his own cum, he knew he had to share this experience with the others.

For the Pack.


_'I'm dreaming of a white Christmas

With every Christmas card I write' _

Rodney was surprised when the Shepherds had asked him to stay over. He was more than glad to accept. Dinner had been spectacular and he had eaten more than he thought he had ever eaten before. Needless to say, he sported a little bit of a heavy belly by the end of the meal and he was grinning like an idiot.

The eggnog was his favorite by far. He must've drunk at less five gallons of the stuff. He made a note to ask the Shepherds for that recipe so he could make some for the kids back to the orphanage when he got back there.

The orphanage...

Rodney sighed softly, wishing he didn't have to go back... but he did.

Tomorrow, he'd go back to the orphanage and things would go back to the way things were...

At the very least, he had one night were he could spend happily with some sort of family.

Shawn had opted to sleep of the floor while Rodney had his bed. Rodney felt bad but he didn't have the strength to argue after that meal. He truly did love Shawn as a brother... They were so close... It broke his heart that they would have to part again.

It also left his stomach with a slightly empty feeling.

Damn, he was hungry again.

He needed more of that eggnog.

As quietly as he could, he slipped out of bed and snuck out of Shawn's room. He headed downstairs to the fridge. The Shepherds were probably asleep in their room sicne he didn't see their lights on. He hoped they wouldn't mind if he snuck a little drink of that eggnog. It really was quite nice despite the salty aftertaste. In fact, it sort of balanced the sweetness of the brew.

Unfortunately, there wasn't any in the fridge much to his disappointment.



He jumped and spun around, fearing he'd see any of the Shepherds behind him.


But for the first time, he saw the light coming out of from beyond the half-open basement door.

Curious, he quietly made his way over there and peered down the stairs. He could vaguely make out Alex and Jesse Shepherd's forms by the shadows the cast and he could heard them stirring something. The faint sound of bubbling was also audible.

"Oh... Oh yeah, Jumper... That's it... Urgh!"

He saw one of the figures suddenly go rigid and a rather loud, splatting sound hit his ears.

Curious, Rodney took a few more steps down into the basement.

"Heh, that's a good contribution there, Shepherd," Jesse chuckled. "My turn."

"Hmmm... Give me a sec there, pup. I still gotta... urgh... squeeze out all the juices you know."

"Big batch of 'eggnog' tonight." A deep, reverberating chuckle hit his ears.

Rodney got halfway down the stairs...

... and he had to clamp his hands over his mouth to keep from screaming in horror.

There were Alex and Jesse Shepherd, completely naked, with their huge cocks erect and a bubbling metal contain of the yellowish liquid that could only be their 'family recipe eggnog' in between them. Fresh bits of Alex's cum was dripping off his cum and into the pool. Jesse was stroking his own, impressive tool, licking his lips as it dripped precum into the concoction.

Rodney couldn't believe his eyes!

Did he actually... Did he actually drink their cum!?

Alex Shepherd suddenly went rigid and arced his back. A huge torrent of grayish-white fluids poured out of his cock and into the yellowish liquid. Jesse just grinned, grabbed a ladle and stirred the mixture. After a few rounds, he spooned some of the concoction to his lips, grinning.

"Needs a little more of our 'secret ingredient'."

Alex growled lustfully. "Want me to help you out there, pup."

Jesse just grinned and positioned himself across the container, cock hovering over the pool. Alex instantly shoved his cock into the slightly smaller man and began fucking him with unrivalled savagery.

Rodney was both disgusted and sickened... but he couldn't tear his eyes away.

They were like two, horny male dogs going at it!

"Beautiful sight, huh?"

He jumped up but before he could turn around, huge, furry arms wrapped around him tightly and a long, wet tongue ran up his neck, making his shiver. Before he could turn around to face his assailant, he became aware of something long, hot and wet pressing up against his back and a long, canine muzzle wrap around his lips.

His eyes boggled but he was instantly hard.

A huge, lupine face pulled away and grinned down at him with sharp fangs flashing.

For some reason... he could tell that it was Shawn...

"Oh my god..."

Shawn gave him that same grin despite his face looking like it came straight out of a horror movie. "Hey Rod... You want more eggnog?"

Rodney twitched...



_'May your days be merry and bright

And may all your Christmases be white' _

Justin was alone this Christmas...

For the past few Christmases, he's always had the gang around him. But this year... Tristan had been adopted... Shawn had been adopted... and Rodney was spending Christmas with Shawn's family... Life felt really unfair...

... he was alone...

With a deep sigh, he lay curled up in his bed, unable to do anything but just pray that when the new year comes, he'll get adopted... Though he was in the same boat as Shawn and the others. He was eighteen... and that meant no one was going to adopt him. He'll be thrust into the world a nobody with no name and probably die alone because he never had an education or a family to call his own.

Maybe he could join the military... At least then he might be remembered... At least then someone would give him a gift one time of the year even if it_was_ flowers, it was on Remembrance Day and they weren't specifically for him.

He tried to close his eyes and imagine what it would be like to have a family at this time of year... to be surrounded by the ones he loved... to be warm, cozy and to anticipate the gifts he would open in the morning.


Justin instantly sat up.

No one else was in the large room he was in. It had been reserved for the people in his 'batch' of kids that had been orphaned. Everyone else had been adopted except for Rodney so normally, it'd just be the two of them. But with Rodney off with Shawn, he was all alone in the big, empty room.


Now he was scared.

But he was never one to back down...

Shakily, Justin got out of bed in his thin, striped pajamas and staggered out of his room.


He wondered if the rickety roof had finally collapsed or if one of the floorboards had broken. He glanced back into his room at the present that Shawn had given them that lay unopened at the foot of his bed. It wasn't Christmas so he hadn't opened it yet.

He considered maybe opening it now before he died when whatever was causing the noise came and killed him... But then that'd make it sadder and he wasn't going to show any tears in the face of death. He had been anticipating dying alone and sad for a long time now... He was constantly sick and even at his age, he was weak.

No one wanted him so he had resigned himself to die alone in the streets or in some pointless war.

Well... Dying for the orphans didn't sound bad either.

So, Justin straightened his back and looked for the source of the noise. There was some giggling and odd noises coming from the other rooms and he guessed the younger kids had opened their presents prematurely and were now enjoying them. Typical.

Well... maybe the noise was coming from them?


Nope... Not them.

It was coming from somewhere near the entrance of the orphanage.

Gritting his teeth, Justin bravely headed out into the common room where their rather bland Christmas Tree stood. There was nothing decorating the tree. It was just a tree. At least it was a real tree though and at least they had tree.

What he didn't expect to see, however, was the big white and red guy standing next to the tree, leaning casually against it.

"I've been waiting for you, Justin." That voice was deep, masculine and stirred something in Justin.

"S - S - Santa?" Justin stammered, unable to believe he had just said that.

The figure chuckled. "Might as well be."

"Oh I get it..." Justin began laughing little hysterically. "I died didn't I?"

"Nope." The figure started stalking towards him. He stepped into the moonlight and at that point, Justin realized that was not Santa. "But you're about to be reborn."

The creature standing in front of him was a massive, seven-foot tall, muscular pitbull with a big grin on his face. He was wearing a rather cheesy, red, Santa vest and nothing else. A big, thick, nine-inch canine cock was throbbing against his perfectly chiseled abs.

"What the -?"

Before Justin could say anything more, the pitbull had slammed into him. The wind was knocked right out of his lungs but as if to fill his lungs with air again, the pitbull locked lips with him, breathing straight down his throat. Justin's eyes boggled at the kiss and he struggled for a few seconds before his mind suddenly became a little hazy.

The kiss was good... really good...

Hell, he was hard.

Before he could think, a name popped into his head.

He broke the kiss. "Tristan?"

"T-Bone now, hun," the pitbull answered, nuzzling Justin's neck.

"What - Oh, that's good," he moaned as Tristan pressed him against the floor and nibbled at his ear. "What happened to you...?"

"I opened Savage's present."


Tristan suddenly sat lightly on his chest, big, canine cock bobbing in front of his face. "You'll understand afterwards."

He didn't need to know what 'afterwards' meant. Instincts just took over and Justin ran his hands over Tristan's thick, muscular thighs. They were like iron corded limbs and they turned him on immensely. He couldn't tell if he was dreaming from hypothermia or he had died and gone to Heaven. All he knew was that Tristan's fur-covered balls tasted really good.

He suckled on those orbs gently, amazing at just how huge they were. Tristan was grunting at him and calling him, 'Jet'. He liked that name... Jet...

A smirk, he ran his tongue up T-Bone's thick bone and shuddered at its volcanic touch and its immensely salty taste.

He wanted more.

T-Bone's paw reached over to the back of his head and the pitbull positioned himself better so that he could slip that huge cock deeper into Jet's throat. The massive pitbull was suddenly thrusting and Jet was choking a little... but not for long.

Jet's entire body was suddenly on fire but it wasn't anything horrible. It felt damn good especially since it was with T-Bone. He moaned as he felt the flames concentrate around his face, pooling around his nose as his face stretched forward and grew into a distinct, narrow muzzle. He grinned as that made more room for T-Bone's massive cock. The flames danced around his teeth and tongue as they all stretched and twisted to fit his new, canine muzzle. He wrapped his new, flexible tongue around T-Bone's cock, sliding it up and down and relishing the salty squirts that his mate rewarded him with.

Jet moaned deeply as the flames ran down his body, streaming down his neck and thickening his shoulders and chest. He felt Jet rising a little against him as his chest packed on the muscle. His pecs were huge. Much bigger than T-Bone's and he loved the fresh, new muscle there. He bounced his right pectoral muscle... then his left... and then his right again. The motion pressed his tight flesh against T-Bone's furry ass and jostled that cock in his muzzle. He loved that and kept bouncing his mate on his pecs.

He felt his abs build up next followed by his thighs which ballooned out in tandem with his biceps and his paws. With his newfound strength, Jet pulled his mate closer to him as fur covered his entire body. With his eyes half-open from the pleasure, he saw brown and black fur spread all over his body. He loved it and he especially loved how his thick fur brushed against T-Bone's thinner coat.

All the fire ran laps all over his body, building the muscle over and over again. He could feel his veins popping against his thick fur and his bones expanding to compensate for the thick watermelon sized muscles that protruded from his arms and legs. He had to arc his back a little to let his long, fluffy tail lash out in release.

T-Bone's thrusts were getting harder and faster just as all the fire around his body concentrated around his cock. He felt its shape twist and turn, growing longer and losing its distinct mushroom head in favor of a long, pointed, hot rod that was burning for release. It was long enough that it actually poked T-Bone's ass, spurting thickening precum against that white fur.

"Jet!" T-Bone shouted. "Jet!"

The pitbull threw his head back and let out a tremendous roar.

Hot, steaming cum burst out of his cock and went straight down Jet's throat. Jet clamped his muzzle around that cock and sucked everything down, drinking that seed as his own orgasm hit him and his cock sprayed his seed all over T-Bone's ass.

Suddenly... everything made sense...

It all started with Shawn... He had given them all the best present any orphan could wish for...

The gift of a family... of belonging...

As he thought about this, he heard the accompanying roars of his fellow orphans as they too were welcomed to the Pack by Shawn's gifts.

Yeah... They were all part of the Pack now...

And Jet...

Jet the Alsatian...

... Jet had a mate.


_'I'm dreaming of a white Christmas

With every Christmas card I write

May your days be merry and bright

And may all your Christmases be white'_

Rodney had no idea what he was thinking...

It was like he was watching himself kneel in front of that bubbling pool of cum and who else knew what and stare into the pool reverently. Alex and Jesse Shepherd were now in their true forms... A German Shepherd and a Jack Russell Terrier respectively. Behind him, Shawn - Savage - knelt beside him and caressed his shoulders, whispering encouraging words and calling him 'mate'.

That word just spurred him further and further...


Rodney dug his hands into the hot pool of eggnog and scooped the serum into his lips, relishing the taste and shuddering as it filled him with strength, power... and a new sense of belonging. He groaned as his belly rumbled. His entire body was wracked with shudders as his shoulders ripped through his shirt and his calves burst from his pants. His ass tore right through the seat of his pants and he felt his pecs inching to burst from his chest.

Images flashed through his mind...

An alien race... a betrayal by humans... And the consequential conquest of the human race...

So many ways to adapt... and transform every since human into a hot, horny, canine...

And he was becoming one of them...

Becoming one with the Pack!

Rodney scooped more of the eggnog into his muzzle, grunting as thick, black fur began sprouting from the back of his hands and black claws jutted out from the tips of his fingernails.

"More..." he grunted.

A black paw reached over his shoulder and cupped a large amount of the serum in its confines. Savage offered it to him and Rodney greedily lapped it all up, licking the excess from his mate's fingers as the Lykan seed filled him. He moaned deeply as his chest ripped right through the shirt, his massive pecs bursting from his undershirt and his abs bouncing happily to greet the cool air. White fur sprouted all over his chest, starting from the cleft between his large, muscular pecs and spreading all over their square mounds and creeping over the mountains of his abs.


Savage fed him more off the serum. He drank it all, relishing the taste as it danced on his tongue. He buried his developing nose into his mate's muzzle and he suddenly knew what he wanted.

Rod took Savage's paw, burying it in his lips and loving the sensation of his muzzle growing around his mate's massive, vein-crossed paw, licking every inch and committing every strand of fur into memory. He instantly pushed Savage to the ground, running his tongue up that thick, muscular forearm, following the many crossing veins up over that plump, round bicep and finally burying his muzzle deep into his lover's armpit where he took in all of Savage's scent.

He whimpered slightly as the remnants of his pants were torn right off by his growing mass, a long, curled tail fluffing out to match this malamute's colors. He ground his rock-hard canine cock against Savage's, grunting and moaning as his mate slapped his tight, bubble ass and held him tightly against his chest.

He sat up on his mate's chest, his own, muscular, Lykan form reaching completion. "Mount me," he demanded.

Savage just grinned Rod's favorite grin and pulled them together, his cock slipping right between Rod's ass perfectly. Rod moaned as that volcanic piece of meat slipped perfectly into his ass, dripping with precum and filling him with completeness.

His mind filled with new thoughts... new experiences from the Pack... All over the world, the Pack was spreading itself... Through the Christmas presents laced with a powdered version of the Lykan Transformation Serum, a serum the military had attempted to use to breed controllable Lykans. Their own special breed of eggnog was also spreading, filling the bellies of every human and slowly transforming them from the inside.

Rod bounced against his mate's cock, grinning as he felt the Pack grow and grow with each passing second. More and more Lykans were being bred by the second and each of them was filled with the joy and ecstasy of belonging to a single, unified family that would never betray you, never hurt you and would forever be with you with the powerful, psychic connection which was the Pack.

Rod felt T-Bone and Jet within the Pack and he brushed their consciousnesses. They were mated just as he was mated to Savage. They were happy... they had found their love and where they belonged.

It was the best Christmas ever!

Rod threw his head back and howled in pure joy. His cock sprayed his seed all over Savage who lapped it up greedily as he too burst deep within Rod. The feeling of his mate's seed inside him filled the hole that had been in his heart for so long and Rod felt truly complete.

He collapsed against his mate, who hugged him tightly, loving him forever...

Gently, Savage nibbled his ears, burying his muzzle into the fur there and whispering...

"Welcome to the Pack."


'White Christmas', lyrics written by Irving Berlin, 1942

Merry Christmas to All and to all a goodnight!

Third Arc Crimson Moon: Chapter 3

**Chapter 3.0: Buried Gun** **North Veranti Ranges** I was ever one to believe in relationships built entirely around 'lusting' for another's body. I started out that way and trust me, it never ended well. People who are inherently...

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Third Arc Crimson Moon: Chapter 2

**Chapter 2.0: Makeup!** **Crosstown Bed and Breakfast** When morning came, I was awoken by the noises of the movie crew running about getting ready for their next big step into the production. Now I'm not a guy that sleeps until...

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Third Arc Crimson Moon: Chapter 1

**Chapter 1.0: Twilight Showing** **Wolfehome Apartments** It was a weird dream... Not really classified as a nightmare, I think. Nightmares scare the crap out of you. But when I dreamed of that strange black world...

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