After-School Snack

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[Cubs? Yiff? No? Then go knot yourself]

Can I be the first to say that I absolutely LOVE the lunches my cafeteria makes?

I'm serious. Most other fifth-graders moan and groan and phlegm to get their point across, that the apples are bruised, that the milk is sour, but I am a big fan. Seriously, I go every day with a lunch from the school and never looked back. To me, it's a break from the classes to say to all the students, 'Hey, we actually care, have some pizza so you won't die'.

But I suppose it goes back further than that.

You see, I'm...well...I'm gay. All my life, I've been attracted to other dudes. It's not that I'm really open or anything, but I had a talk with my parents when I was eight, and I thought something was seriously wrong with me. I mean, all the other males were all 'so-and-so sitting a tree', and then they'd snigger and talk about girl parts, but I never got into that.

Was I made wrong? Why was it my best friend Max, not the new girl that my groin twitch and heart flutter? That's the gist of it. I haven't told any other student, and I got some pamphlets from mom and dad, but other than that it wasn't a big deal. Until about halfway through the year, this otter was naïve and innocent. Then I started to get school lunch...


Everyfur knows what cubs learn in 5th grade: sex ed. Yup, for an hour before lunch, the guys and the girls went into different classrooms and the teacher showed us slides of cartoon cubs with yiffy stiffies, which was greeted with jeers from the audience and one call for an encore from a special someone in my pants. Tip for everyone: Squirming around in your chair does NOT help to get rid of an erection.

So then the bell rang and we all filed out to lunch. I walked behind everyone, head up, cautiously twitching my whiskers and rudder, staring around, hoping nobody caught a sight of my tented crotch. Then I remembered that mom gave me money to get the cafeteria food today, and I groaned out loud. How was I gonna get through a line without being noticed? One of those days again... The line wasn't that long, and I sighed with relief as my penis calmed down, grabbing chips from the rack.

The checkout fur, a big white tiger, read off everyones' names as the filed past him. I handed him my tray and money, nervously tapping my foot. "Brian Inaesia..." he said slowly, giving me a once-over with his amber eyes. Maybe it's my imagination, but I swear they widened a bit as he went past my groin... "Here ya go, buddy," he said, handing me the change from the money I gave him with a shaking paw. I practically ran out of the line, sitting at my usual table of friends.

Nothing especially unusual happened. There were human jokes, gay jokes, and that cheetah boy with the really cute laugh, but nothing spectacular. I was about to throw away my plastic tray, but then I caught sight of a sticky note on the bottom. It read in blue cursive, "Stay after today. 4:00 in caf," then a little heart. Was this from the tiger? From a secret girlfriend? I was pretty oblivious, but thankfully, I live close to home. I would tell my mom I was working on math help or something, no big deal. But on the way back to my classroom, I felt that little twitch down there again...


It's very odd; cafeterias seem so much smaller when they're packed with furs during the day, but they're actually huge. I sighed, hearing it echo around me, shivering slightly. That's the problem with public schools in fall. They are never warm, ever.

Oh, but it was about to get hotter, all right.

"Hey there."

I spun around, squeaking a little. Yup, it was the tiger, seven feet of pure feline muscle. He flashed a smile with blindingly white teeth, eyeing me over in that predatory way again. My heart started beating, not out of fear, but...damn, he was good-looking! I nodded back, averting my eyes while crossing my arms and legs. I've been told this is a cute habit, but it's just embarrassing for me. The tiger beckoned me over, walking back through an 'EMPLOYEES ONLY' door in the front.

As I followed in, I exhaled gratefully. The kitchens were nice and warm from all the cooking that goes on in here. The tiger was sitting on the floor, legs apart, tail swaying gracefully. I finally got a chance to read his nametag - Tyrone. The cat in question motioned me to sit in front of him. I got on my knees, still a good five or six inches shorter than him, and he began to speak to me in a deep, rumbling voice. "Well, if it isn't Brian, the shy ferret," he chuckled, stroking my headfur. Ooh, he had experience.

I chrrrred, leaning into his heavy paw. "Oh, you're a good boy, aren't you...but you do get excitable," he said, moving his paw and eyes to my groin. So he HAD noticed! I had a feeling where this was going, and I didn't say anything, letting my expressions do the talking for me. "Aw, he's blushing!" Tyrone laughed. He leaned forward onto his own knees, then levered me onto my back. One thing I have to admit; I am very submissive to that sort of thing.

Not that I'm complaining, mind you. The white tiger let out a rumbling purr, spreading my thighs open with easy movements. Could this really be happening? I was quickly becoming part of my twisted fantasies, a child with no innocence, felt so right. How could I refuse? I grabbed my knees and pulled them as far apart as possible, letting the adult have a complete view of my now bulging crotch. "Good're learning about this right now, aren't you?" I nodded vigorously. "Well, cartoons are one thing, but I think that you're ready for the real deal, otterboy..." My heart practically pounded out of my chest.

I had read about how this was supposed to go, but I didn't know if I was ready to take an adult yet...still, I was really horny, so I spread my legs even wider, giggling. "Y-you really think so?"

"You bet your tail, cubby." Tyrone flipped me over onto my stomach, then propped my butt up in the air with me on my hands and knees. I wiggled it around a little for show, making the tiger growl with approval. I felt his strong paws undo the tailclasp, then he slid my pants down to my knees. "Oh, those look so cute on you, Brian," he said, rubbing the back of my bright red briefs, tickling my balls and making me giggle, lifting up my tail and waggling it more. I could almost sense his erection behind me, and as he pulled my underwear down,

I blushed and braced for the usual sharp stretch of the first time, his huge maleness splitting me. Instead, I gasped loudly as his huge tongue entered my tight tailhole. He thrust the thrashing muscle in all the way, warm saliva coating my insides as I groaned and gasped on the ground. This was sensational! The warmth spread through my groin, making my small cock quickly get rock-hard, dripping pre onto my jeans.

After a few minutes of thigh-massaging and penetrating, Tyrone pulled his long tongue out, making me shiver and leaving my virgin hole covered with the lubricating fluid. "Oh-h-h..." I moaned, pushing back into the tiger, begging for more. But he chuckled and instead gripped my hips with heavy paws, a deep growl building in his throat.

"Been dying to do this for ages..." he said before I felt his massive cock lay gently against my backside, letting me feel it. I didn't dare look, but I whimpered in anticipation. He must have been huge, bigger than anyfur I'd seen online! Then, without further ado, he leaned back then forward and started to drive into my tight tailhole.

I squirmed and tensed, groaning loudly at the first burning feelings of penetration. The head, bulbous and throbbing with blood and raw testosterone, dug through the lubed passage, paving the way for the rest of the cock which stretched me to my limits. It hurt just a moment, but then I felt an intense burning sensation as Tyrone nearly crushed my prostate from the inside, moving back and forth as he entered to slowly build me towards my climax.

The tiger groaned loudly, leaning against me. "Damn, it's like a rubber band around my cock..." he said, moving back then slamming into me, huge swinging balls slamming into mine, causing me to cry out with pain as I was violated by the huge feline. Not that I'm complaining. I pressed my face down on the cool linoleum, moaning with pleasure. Every cub hears about the first time, but the experience was something else entirely.

I rocked back and forth with Tyrone as he fucked me, stretched by his adult length, smelling his scent and hearing the growls coming from his throat, caressing hands rubbing my own small cock. It was almost painful, hard as a rock and dripping from the internal stimulation. Then he started panting and gasping, and I could feel the throbbing meat inside pulse, the cum moving up his length. It pressed harder, causing me to nearly scream with the pain and overstimulation.

The tiger sensed it, and reached underneath, roughly pumping my dick with tight, pounding strokes. "Kid, 'm gonna...grhh..." Then he roared, growling and slamming my ass against his thighs.

I felt the electric current run through my body, then as his hot seed erupted, wave after wave greasing my insides, I came hard, gritting my teeth as an intense orgasm rocked my frame, my young ottercum spurting out onto the ground and all over the tigers paw. My muscles clenched, squeezing a second harsh cry from Tyrone and more semen in my tailhole. The intense sensation died down, leaving a sweaty pair of cub and cat, a violated otter and a satisfied, panting tiger. Tyrone gently pulled out, carrying a sticky trail of splooge and a little blood.

Hey, it was a rough ride! But, he lay down and pulled me to his chest, sticky and with a strong musk. I turned around and cuddled that soft, white fur, totally in love with the big kitty. He smiled down at me with those yellow eyes, stroking my headfur. "Mm, yer a good kid, Brian," he growled

"T-thanks, Ty," I replied, lulled by the rhythm of his heart He chuckled, licking me on the cheek gently.

"No, I mean it," he said softly. "We could, uh, do this more often, if'n you wanted..." No more words were spoken. I gasped with glee, locking my lips with the surprised tiger and kissing him passionately for all it was worth, our tongues and breath one. I go back to Tyrone, and we yiff and kiss and laugh and cry...but that first time, that delicious after-school snack, will be with me every time I go into my school, where I found my first love. ©2010 Abel Nezumiser [TheOrigamist]

The Locker Room Moment

DISCLAIMER: This story is blatant fantasy, furry pedophilia. But not rape, God no. Rape is bad. So is non-consensual molestation and stuff. So I don't endorse those, but you know what I do endorse? Love and understanding to those deserving. So,...

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