Tik Tik's Death Coach 4

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#99 of Anteronian Adventures

Tik Tik contemplates life and death with the silent headless Coachman

This is a Halloween special inspired Thomas Crofton Croker's poem The Death Coach as well as a few other Samhain spirits.

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The Adventures of Tik Tik is a fantasy erotica series starring a cute kobold wizard out to make new friends! The readers fund its development. Those who support get early access to stories and rough drafts, the ability to vote and make poll options for monthly bonus stories, and able to produce and direct the plot with other top-tier supporters! Not only that but the more that I'm supported, the more of these stories 

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The haunted coach rolls along the old lonely early morning road, its horses walking at a smoothness impossible for the living to imagine. The cloudy night hides the stars in the sky, leaving only a chasm of darkness shrouded by the gnarled and naked trees encroaching the path.

Tik Tik sits with legs crossed to the right of the headless driver, her kobold tail repeatedly thumping from side to side, her hands clasped, her eyes fluttering.

"So, what you?" the curious kobold asks. Through each question she poses, the driver's free hand thumbs its confirmation or negation.

"Angel?" Thumb down.

"Devil" Thumb Down.

"Spirit?" Thumb up.


No response.

She frowns. "Alive?"

No response.


Thumb's up.

She strokes her chin. "A spirit. Not alive. Not dead. Fairy. No remember life before being driver?"

Thumb down.

Tik Tik folds her arms over her chest, puffing out her cheeks. "So many strange things happen in life. What happen when we die? Do we become new things, falling into different journeys? Will Tik Tik become ghost? Or some sexy nature spirit? But what if Tik Tik just want rest after long and fulfilling life? Or see friends again and now have worry about being in wrong afterlife? Tik Tik never think about the other side. Not like this. Other time have fun with ghost, mummy, and stuff, no think about any of this. It so, so..."

She sniffles, tears welling up in her eyes. "Tik Tik haven't talked to master Tikit in forever! Is Tikit still alive? If he not, then..."

Her sobs come out but stop just as the weight of a strong, firm hand taps the top of her head with its firm palm.


Fingers curl, scratching at her horns, while the driver continues his eternal ride through the darkness.


Tik Tik closes her eyes, letting the tears roll down her cheeks. She stretches her neck, rubbing against the gentle petting of the immense male spirit. Her tail thumps even faster as the two of them continue their silent journey.

The driver slides fingers along her horn, tracing to the point and then back down. He then swirls over where her scales meet the harder substance, pressing against the softer body parts in an exploratory, but not too rough, fashion.

Tik Tik crosses and uncrosses her legs, her toes clenching and unclenching, her breath heavier as his hand travels to the other side.

"Ha.... M... Mister driver..." she sighs, leaning into his touch as his palm cups over her cheek and then his fingers go under her chin.

The kobold tilts her head back, growling, her mouth widening, tongue flopping out as she lets all worries melt away.

"Aah... ah... y-you ever... get cold?"

The driver lingers for a moment before pulling his hand away. Holding tightly to the reins with his opposite hand, he slides his free one up, unbuttoning his coat.

Tik Tik gasps, gripping the bony handrails of her seat.

He rolls his shoulders, setting his upper body free, allowing Tik Tik to see that ivory pallid hue juxtaposing the rippling form, from his mountainous shoulders and even to the perkiness of his perfect nipples, down to his chiseled stomach, like a statue, and the pit of the navel, perfectly marking the beginning of the first signs of hairs trailing down to the treasure down beneath.

"Oh, fuck..." Tik Tik swallows. Despite the cold night air, she flutters her hand before her, shaking her head, leaning back against the seat.

His hand returns, this time placed upon her thigh.

She spreads her legs, draping one arm over the handle, the other undoing the ties of her leggings. "While on the job? Can concentrate, yes?"

He squeezes her thigh, sliding his hand up and down, rolling over her outer to inner.

"By the dragons..." she sighs, her head resting on the coach. "Keep exploring! Your touch... so much conviction. Mmm..."

She hooks her pants, pulling them down, lifting her legs, getting them down all the way to her ankles. He raises his hand to accommodate her and then returns to his ministrations, the hand playing through scales, his thumb sliding up and down at the spot where the thigh meets her most sensitive areas.

"Aaah, S-Such service..." She sighs. "All... w-while... driving!"

The road continues past the copse and to the chilly breezy plains, whereupon he places the rein down, allowing the horses to lead the way.

Once freed, the lead horse neighs, but the driver turns toward the kobold, looming over him with his massive, well-built form, his hand sliding up between her thighs, his rough, calloused fingers brushing over her snatch.

"Aaah.... Ha.... Tik Tik... always love... when someone... touches her... so..." She pushes her hips forward, accepting the fingers as they pet, and as the other palm slides over her cheek, down further, gripping her collar, tugging at her shirt.

Giggling, she hooks her feet into the stirrups, pushing her hips back down to steady herself as she grabs her shirt, lifting it over her head and tossing it next to the driver's coat.

The cold night abates beyond the glowing warmth of the ghost light fluttering above the driver's neck, and he leans closer toward her, illuminating her scales with his pallid glow.

The kobold is under his power, hand pressing, stroking, squeezing, and fingers pushing, slipping, invading.

She gasped, only for a solid grip to rest upon her throat, holding it there, not squeezing, but placed right where they could.

Her blue eyes flash with mischief, her tongue running over her lip. "What you want do to Tik Tik, big boy? Want show me some of other side?" her teases come up as a taunting growl.

In response, his fingers close in ever so slightly.

Tik Tik's Death Coach 5

The headless horses pull the skeletal coach down the deathly lane, off towards some inscrutable destination. None living knows precisely the destination of the Death's Coach, its goal unknown, its stops equally as mysterious. The only sure thing is its...

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Tik Tik's Death Coach 3

All parties on that lonely road remain silent, from the bewildered and frightened campers to the spectral and surprised travelers. All were caught off-guard when the kobold stepped up to the teetering coach, rolling the bone-spoked wheel toward the...

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