Niki vs Clair 1

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#104 of Commissions

Clair is attempting to have a normal day, when she runs into her old enemy Niki. Now, the Lopunny wants nothing more than some sweet revenge.

This is a commissioned piece for admiralstone. If you'd like to get some work done from me, please consider checking out my Linktree.

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"Salda, darling, we must find you the perfect little hat for your new outfit."

"Do you think a hat's gonna work with my new look? I don't want the boss to think I'm trying to be something I'm not."

The two women, the Lopunny secretary and the honey badger bodyguard, walk down the sidewalk of the open-air shopping center on the lovely warm afternoon, Salda carrying multiple bags in her muscly arms while Clair sips an iced tea.

"Oh, don't worry about him, dear," Clair says. "You have to do what's right for you. I'm sure he'll love it, and you, if you do. I stake my reputation on it."

Salda blushes a little, her gaze turning away to the other side of the mall, but she stops, perking up. "Hey, speaking of reputation, check out who's at the fountain."

Clair flutters her eyes, glancing over. Her gaze widens, and she crushes the cup, spilling tea over her lower arm. "That bitch!" she growls.

The mint-chocolate chip calico sits by the wishing fountain, dressed in a sundress and matching hat. Niki casually turns the page of a book, her tail swishing back and forth.

"You alright?" Salda asks, watching the smaller Lopunny trembling, gritting her teeth. "Whoa, calm down."

Clair tosses the ruined cup away, placing her dry hand upon her nose. "I am calm, Salda dear. I'm simply seething with righteous fury. How dare that woman show her face in public at my favorite shopping center after what she did to my face!"

"You don't sound very calm," Salda says, frowning.

Clair pulls her phone out of her purse and tosses it to Salda. "Turn on the camera. I'm going to want a video of this."

Salda fumbles with it but soon holds the camera up, facing the fountain. Through the slightly shaky footage, she sees Clair marching up behind the cat and immediately swinging her leg for a spinning kick straight at the back of the cat's head!

Niki falls forward, her hat falling off and landing on her feet. Various shoppers jump out of the way. Some run, and others stop to watch the altercation in progress.

Through a throbbing head, Niki spins around, hopping up to her feet and glaring at her assailant. "Oh, it's you... that bitch of his!" She smirks. "How's your nose?"

Cracking her knuckles, Clair looks at her. "Better than what yours will be."

Folding her arms over her chest, Niki purrs. "Oh, is that so? And you kicked me because you couldn't challenge me like a real woman."

Lifting and rubbing the leg that did the deed, Clair smiles. "Oh, this was my formal invitation to kick your ass."

Patting the back of her head and checking her hand for blood, the cat nods, rolling her neck. "Alright then. If that's how you wanna go for it, then, ah!"

Clair hops forward, thrusting her foot forward. This time, Niki leans back, the appendage nearly missing her. She grabs the Lopunny by the thigh and spins around, using the momentum to knock Clair off her feet, crashing them to the ground.

Though her head cracks against the ground, Clair hops back up, shaking off the dizziness just in time to see the clawed hand swiping at her chest.

The attack catches the fabric of her dress, tearing it free at the chest, exposing her bunny boobies to the world.

"Aw, did I destroy your new dress? Poor wittle wabbit," the cat taunts.

Snorting, Clair spins around, going for another kick to the feline's head.

Niki blocks it, snickering. "Not so good when I know you're coming at me with those tiny tits out, are you?"

Clair snarls and hops down, sweeping at the feline, knocking her by the ankles.

Clair then hops up into the air, kicking downward, but Niki rolls out of the way, letting those bunny feet crash and crack the pavement.

"You catty slut!" Clair shouts. "I'll have you know that Volpus finds my breasts to be of perfect size and firmness. Not like those gross udders you have!"

Niki clambers up to the fountain's edge, balancing on it, her hands squishing her tits together, smirking with devilish glee at the Lopunny. "Oh, you mean these perfect kitty titties of mine? Unlike some girls, I know I'm sexy and don't have to prove it to anyone! In fact, I-aah!"

Clair tackles Niki, the two splashing into the shallow water of the fountain, kicking, rolling, biting, and scratching.

Salda runs up, shouting, "Don't worry! I'll save you!"

Clair's face pops out of the water, her ears heavy. "Don't interfere! Just keep filming!"

Niki's arms launch out of the water, grabbing the Lopunny by the ears and pulling her under. Through more splashes, the cat gasping for breath, the straps of her dress broken over her shoulders. She sloshes and stands up, dripping wet.

Clair climbs up by the centerpiece, holding onto the pouring thing, her dress clinging tightly to her body.

Catching her opponent's eye, Niki chuckles, peeling her yellow dress from her wet fur, lifting it over her head, tossing it aside, and running her hands down over herself. "When I kick your ass, you won't be able to show your face to your master. If you even have a pretty face anymore, that is."

Clair stumbles forward, tearing off the rest of her destroyed, letting the fabric float in the water. "Oh, you're so dead!"

The two slowly approach each other, walking in a dangerous circle around the centerpiece of the fountain, their eyes locked, and the battle just getting started.

Niki vs Clair 2

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