
Story by SwampRat on SoFurry

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Another Galactic Tale - By SwampRat

(c) 1990 - The Rishathran Society

Slave Labor was still the most profitable trade in the galaxy. Even if the

overhead was a bit steep.. So it was no surprise that the starship Crusader

was hovering a certain planet. The computer showed humanoids below. Classified

as Protected, the planet was ripe for plucking.. And Uhjal was the one to

pluck it.. He sent a lifeboat down to sample the treasures. Which never

returned. All the alarms on the cruiser went off at once. "Stand And be

Boarded, or be destroyed, Slaver." Even though the Crusader wasn't a

Battledestroyer, it still had some nasty weapons. Even as the other vessel

came closer, preparations to dismantle the intruder were well underway. But,

protocol first. Perhaps it was somebody who could be bribed.. And it wasn't

wise to kill off TGO Watchers. One disappeared soon after.. Wait a sec...

'Slaver?' Then all the screens went crazy as the cloak was removed from the

ship. Orion's Gate was a bi-winged warship, much like a 'C' on it's side.

Except the wings were the size of a small planetoid. The main hull was almost

as big. The ship was so Huge, planetary orbits were changing as a new body

appeared in their midst. Destroy That? The lush planet turned back into a

lifeless hunk of rock, with one Hell of a powerful transbeam generator.

A tractor rocked the craft, as they were pulled towards the monster. He stood,

unable to do anything as the OutWorld Federation Logo appeared, Big as a moon.

The Jarps were ecstatic. They had heard of the practices aboard OutWorld

ships.. So had the others. "Hit the Engin.." A figure appeared on the screen.

Tall, and dressed in a black robe. Flanked by twin 3-meter steel monsters..

The creature flicked out a forked tongue. "I am Captain Saath. You are

requested not to do anything. Period." Uhjal felt sick to his stomach. "You

and your crew are now our Prisoners.. We are under orders not to Kill..

Without provocation." They could only watch, helpless, as the ship vanished

into a gigantic hold. In a matter of hours the craft was dismantled, and it's

Captain sat in an office. "You interest me.." Uhjal felt even more ill, if

that could be possible. He knew the creature was a male, as was all on the

warship. "However, The Federation does have laws about rape.." 'Thank the

Gods..' "So you have a choice. You may either be turned over to the

authorities, or join us.."

Without a second thought, Uhjal took imprisonment. "Pity.." A scaled hand

stroked his butt, as they walked down the corridor, to a cell. Where he found

others.. They told similar stories of being trapped by the ship. The food was

good, brought by robots, so there was no chance of bribery, or revolt. The

captain was beginning to respect Saath. Then there was movement. A screen came

to life. The lizard stood, smoking something. "As we are not entirely welcome

in Galactic Space, We are sending this pod.." Voices echoed fears, concerns,

wonderment. A POD?!? "... Out to a Police Outpost. Do try not to fall afoul of

us again.. However I would enjoy another chance at some of you.." The screen

went blank, then brightened again. An IP glared at them. "Got yourselves

caught, eh?" Uhjal heard more anger at the fact they had been captured by

renegades, than that they were criminals.. He remembered well the hand

stroking his posterior.. And became a model citizen. That was alright by

Saath. He was fascinated by all smooth-skinned creatures. And the Rabbit-like

Urfen he was lying next to was no exception. Claws combed the rump fur, as it

moaned, wriggling it's leaf-shaped tail against his own scaled one.

He wrapped the twin 'fingers' of his forked tongue across the bumpy cock,

holding it in place as the animal shuddered, cum filling his mouth for the..

He had lost count. It didn't matter.. Sucking the spurting organ deeper, the

reptile lifted it's scalty hips, then slowly settled in again. Hayy begged to

be buggered faster.. Saath obliged him. No longer able to get anything out of

the penis, the muzzle now nibbled on the row of small but rock-hard nipples

that lay along the furred belly. A squeak and claws clutching his shoulders

let him know his lover was again ready to blow his wad. This time, they soared

in the winds of orgasm together.

The End


GALATIC3.TXT Another tale of The Galatic Rim - By SwampRat (c) 1991 - The Brotherhood Of Pan, "Those who follow the way of the shepherd" 1992 The Rishathran Society The grat grunted. He felt his lover move against him. He squirmed for a...

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FILLERUP.TXT - M/F, Semi-NC, Human/Saurian - November 01, 2000 By SwampRat (cl) 2000 Gay Furry Association This one came about from a Nature Series - A man was asked how he kept 5 wives. He said he fed them well. ...

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FAWN.TXT - m/M - Semi-NC, Oral/Anal - March 19, 2002 By SwampRat (cl) 2002 Gay Furry Association A Fawn finds plenty of things to suck on The fawn lay in the grass, waiting. He had waited a Long Time it seemed, for his Mother, or an...

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