Willa's Adventure 3

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#3 of Willa and Sinsi

Willa's newfound guide shows the sheep to a luxurious abode, and this fox has so much more to teach the lamb, including something that will open her world far beyond Willa ever expected.

This is a collaboration between myself and Luna-C. If you like our work, please follow and support us!

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This colossal kitchen could fit Willa's bedroom, kitchen, and dining room inside... with room left over! Stoves, ovens, cabinets, a cutting table, sinks, a microwave built into the wall, a grill, what seems to be two large refrigerators also built into the wall, a couple of fire extinguishers, and plenty of counter space that the fox can easily reach, upon which she unburdens herself of the lantern and Willa's things.

"You can put your things down anywhere." The fox offers a last lowering of the hood of her cloak to reveal her large ears.

The sheep practically drops everything right then, clapping her hands over her cheeks. "Oh my stars!" she gasps. "This is your house? I mean, you must be a bazillionaire!"

"Not quite that rich," she giggles, now collecting all of Willa's items and organizing them on her counter. "Though, I come from old money and work hard to maintain it. Would you like something to drink?"

"Ah, ha, well, I suppose I'd like whatever you're offerin'," Willa says, sitting on one of the fancy kitchen chairs. She plops onto it, hands on her knees. "And I thank you kindly. I'll be your most gracious and polite guest, miss. Don't you worry about that!"

The sheep waits only a beat before she continues, her curiosity overflowing. "Well, it certainly is a big house, miss, but do you use all the space you have?"

The fox fetches two glasses and a wine bottle. "My whole family used to live here, but we moved out years ago. When my parents..."

She pauses, stopping her pouring, "Well, they left this place to me, and my business didn't require me to live anywhere specific, so I moved back in."

The hiss of seltzer and the fragrance of cinnamon apple fill the room. "Accounting's a strength of mine, so I've been assessing my parents' finances and further handling what my siblings are getting; each of them will be arriving soon to collect, but none of us expect it to be like old times."

"Aw, shucks, you don't get along too well with your kin?" Willa asks, sniffing the strange drink. She scratches her nose. "Ma would be blushing and shouting if she found out I got myself something to drink the first night away from home. Though, I suppose it could be an exciting experience, yeah?"

"Sorry to disappoint, but this is sparkling apple cider," the fox teases. "I wouldn't be an excellent host if I intoxicated my guest, now would I~? If you would like, I can offer something stronger upon the refill."

The fennec picks up her drink and swirls it around, sitting on a seat. The guest and host chairs do a great job of putting the two eye-to-eye. "So, what about your family? Do you get along with them?"

Willa takes the glass and brings it to her lips, stopping to ponder. "I suppose I do, enough. My sister can be a bit of a bi..." she stops and licks her lips, taking another sip. "I mean, we butt heads a few times here and there. Pa says we seem like two rams in the family. But I kinda envy her adventurous spirit, goin' out and experiencing new things outside of home.

"My brother Ricky is strong and dependable, but I knew I couldn't depend on him forever to be my knight in shining armor. He's gonna hafta have his own wife and kids and all that. He can't be looking out for his sisters. Ma and Pa, well, shucks, they're just great! I love 'em all so much!"

"You live with your family, and you're the youngest," the host infers. "That's surprising. My parents were loving, but my siblings and I were eager to leave the house to live independently." She sips her cider, a wistful smile on her face. "Last to leave, first to return; almost poetic. Anyways, what are you hoping to experience on your little adventure?"

"Well, ain't we just two peas in a pod?" Willa says, raising her drink but getting near the bottom. She runs her thumb over the rim of her glass and says. "I want to experience everything the adult world offers, ya know? My folks treat me like their little princess, and I never saw things unfiltered. I'm not the smartest, but i can tell when people are hidin' something from me. Maybe they just want to keep me safe because I'm the baby. I dunno."

"You're an adult now," the fox reminds her, sipping more of her cider, "so you get to decide what is and isn't safe, Willa. Be careful, though, as some people react differently to such freedom when granted all at once. Take it slow. Try not to overwhelm yourself."

"I'll... I'll take it slow," she says, taking another sip. "Still... it feels so excitin'! Even though I'm not breaking the rules, it's almost like I am an- and that feels rather nice, and-" she blushes. "Ah shucks, I suppose you don't want to hear this stuff, miss."

"I don't mind," she assures the lamb. "I'm not one to dwell on when I left this old house, so it's fun to hear your excitement. So, this is your first night on your own, but you've never had a boyfriend, girlfriend, or crush, I take it?"

"G... girlfriend?" Willa asks, "Why, no, can't say I've had any of those. I lived a pretty sheltered life. Homeschooled and all that, helping out on the farm, all the things." She swishes the glass and contemplates it before taking another deep drink. "Why'd you say either? What makes you think I'd have a girlfriend?"

"You did say you wanted to experience the outside world," the fox explains simply. "I was just determining what you currently know to see what I can inform you of. In this case, nothing stops two willing women from being together."

Willa's Adventure 4

"Any women," the knowledgeable fox confirms, patiently answering Willa's questions. "Marrying to breed has rules, whereas marrying for love does not; breeding only works if the species are close enough, but pleasure's universal. Though, such lenience...

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Willa's Adventure 2

Just as Willa loses hope of escaping the night-time forest, the sheep spies a faint light ahead. Was someone searching for her, or did she find a caretaker of this forest? One of her strange and exotic neighbors, maybe? She takes a deep breath,...

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Willa's Adventure 1

"Okay, then. I got myself a toothbrush, extra shearers in case I need them, hoof trimmers, extra conditioner, snacks, and a whole stack of cash. That should do it!" Willa Ryley happily bleats as she stuffs the final few items into her overstuffed...

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