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#11 of The Adventures of Tik Tik

This chapter was written as an attempt to use more senses than just sight. So I wrote it where the main character couldn't see at all.

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The Adventures of Tik Tik is a fantasy erotica series starring a cute kobold wizard out to make new friends! The readers fund its development. Those who support get early access to stories and rough drafts, the ability to vote and make poll options for monthly bonus stories, and able to produce and direct the plot with other top-tier supporters! Not only that but the more that I'm supported, the more of these stories 

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The cool darkness traps his bare skin. The cool metal around his wrists and ankles chafe and scratch. He can barely brush his toes over the smooth stone floor in his suspended state.

Stone slides against stone as windrushes over him, spreading the tingle of gooseflesh over him, and a waft of sweet floral scent tickles his nostrils. The warmth soon abates the cold of darkness, followed by the smoke and pitch that produces the heat The helmet weighs heavily upon his head keeps him from the sights, but he can still paint a picture. His mistress has brought a new plaything.

His back tingles, sensing the electric presence of someone behind him. And soon, the brush of fingers over his muscled form proves that he is not alone.

"How are you, my champion?" the sultry voice whispers. "Enjoying your stay?

He opens his mouth to say something, but only a hoarse croak responds.

"Shh," she whispers right into his ear, a faint warmth and wetness tracing along his lobe, "save your strength for your reward."

He shudders as he hears those words, and the waft of her sweet perfume tells him she moves around. She squeezes his manhood in her strong and familiar grasp and says "This one has been a naughty girl. She deserves you, isn't that right, my lovely?"

Beautiful words, spoken in the tongue of the fey reach his ears. "Yes, my mistress. There is no lady of the forest beyond you. I was a fool to challenge your rule. Please, punish me." Though the meaning is in defeat, there is no greater joy than hearing words coming from that voice.

"Now then..." a loud snap echoes throughout the room, and the stress of chains easing off of his wrists and ankles tell him that he is freed. He falls to his hands and knees, panting. The sweet aroma graces his nostrils, and he lowers himself down, pressing his nose up against the wet, puffy core.

The fairy creature gasps as he takes in a deep breath. The scent of sex already fills her. She has had others recently. He lifts his nose a bit, bumping against her bud, making her squeak rise up into the air. Rolling out his tongue, he presses to her folds, tasting the sweet nectar within. It is a floral taste, with a honey-like quality. He pulls his tongue back, swishing it around in his mouth. Yes, she has had others, a male, no a a futanari. The hints of a coppery taste in between tells him it was rough, but overall, he knows exactly what he's dealing with. There is no mistaking the taste of a Lily Nymph.

"Ah, good boy," his mistress's voice speaks out. "I see you've figured out your playmate just by your other senses. Now, Lily... why don't you test him further?"

"Yes, mistress..." the nymph says.

The vibration of stone under his feet tell him something is coming. He leaps forward as the ground shatters behind him and something strong, hard, and thorny, wraps around his ankle.

When he falls, he crashes on top of a form, both firm, yet soft in places. Breaths waft up by his ear and he turns his head, pressing his lips against the lips that gate those breaths.

The nymph squeaks in surprise as his tongue pushes through. The wet warmth inside wraps around his own, the fruity taste urging him forward.

The thorns scratch against his skin, but he pays them no mind as he pushes his hips forward, his starved length feeling the warmth and wetness that he had plumbed earlier.

She gasps into his kiss, her body pushing against him as he slides his member deeper. The powers that he is provided fill her, sending waves of pleasure out even before the first thrust.

"Very good, my pet," his mistress says. "Your power has been properly modified to accept the darkness. That's good.

He stops and turns his head, listening to the sound of flapping wings that approach. Talons scrape across the stone tile as the flapping ceases, and the messenger speaks. "My queen," the squawking voice crows, "The blue dragon has gotten word of our newest acquisition. He'll soon come for him."

"Let him come," the mistress says. "He won't find the same man he's come to seek. He'll find my newest champion, my black knight!"

The Black Knight sits up, pulling the Nymph up on top of him. The warmth of her body as he slides her onto his cock fills him with more desire and he wraps his lips around her breast, taking in her nipple, flicking it with his tongue.

The Lily Nymph's vine falls to disuse as she is taken with this man's power, her gasps only becoming more and more elated with each time he lowers her onto him.

"Is there any more news, my servant?" the mistress asks.

"Yes, my Queen. The gnoll that was said to have been seen with the kobold was in Bergburg as well, but has since left after dropping off this... lovely woman.. But, she did reveal that she was a member of the Adventurer's Guild."

"I couldn't expect the Baroness to keep them occupied for months. If we can't find that kobold, we can at least find her companions." She raises her voice. "Is that the worst you can do to her? You sicken me!"

The Black Knight lifts the Lily Nymph up, and then he tosses her down, flipping her over and crawling on top of her once more. Pinning her to the ground, his hand gripping the sensitive stalk at the top of her head, pulling it back.

She lets out a loud cry at that, but the stem is all a distraction. He pushes his cock inside, not going for her womanhood, but instead sliding in through her exit.

She squirms underneath of him, emitting such a scent the likes he hadn't sensed from her before. It's still sweet, but there's a musk to it that drives him to lean in, burying his face into her neck and getting a nice long whiff. There's an aroma that graces his nostrils, earthy, yet bitter, with a hint of spice. It makes him shudder just thinking about how he's achieving the blend!

Soon, he groans and releases into her, causing her to tremble and constrict around his length, falling to the ground before him.

"That's better," the queen says. "Better get yourself back into place, my champion. I'll have need of you soon enough."

The knight rises, standing up, his cock slick and dripping, and he raises his hands and stands on his toes, letting the shackles click back into place for when he is to be of service to his mistress once again.

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