Tailkisser (Vore Story)

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A quick art description for Ashgar, based on these pieces:https://sta.sh/01cu6qndb37bhttps://sta.sh/012127kd1iat

All of the fur on Ashgar's body stood up on its end as the bearlizard felt somebody behind him taking a huge grab of his thick, fluffy tail. The big, bluish hybrid was just practicing some of his shapeshifting powers, rocking a tail with a big, toothy mouth of its own, and he was just out and about testing things when he was suddenly ambushed...at first, the bearlizard was shocked and put into full attack mode, but when he reared his head around to see who had dared to engage him in such a brazen fashion, a wave of relief (and slight annoyance) washed over him...it was just his friend Halsted, the foxbear choosing to greet him in quite the unnatural way - by coming up and giving his new tail mouth a deep, sloppy smooch with his seemingly infinitely-long, blue tongue!

"Uhhmm...hi, Halsted. I wouldn't necessarily do that if I were you." Ashgar commented calmly as he looked back at the big, light-blue-and-white foxbear who was currently making out with his tail, feeling that tongue sliding so deep into the thick of his long appendage as Halsted firmly locked lips with his own toothy tail! The foxbear pursed his lips as tightly as he could for a big, exaggerated *mmmWAH~* before he pulled away from his friend's tail, looking at Ashgar with a bemused expression. "Hi, Ashgar!...why not? He had a cute smile, I just had to give it a smooch~" the bear replied, too focused on the owner of the tail he was kissing to see the tail snarling and rearing up for a strike. A strike that came just a few seconds later, the foxbear yelping as his entire head was suddenly immersed in hot, slimy, purple flesh! His hands immediately went to his head and found that layers of thick tail fat and fluffy fur were now separating his head from the rest of his body...the tailmaw biting down just firmly enough to keep the foxbear in place while it snaked its way further down its meal's neck and shoulders!

"...cuz that might happen." Ashgar replied as he immediately felt the weight of his friend starting to slide into his body, along with a hefty bit of kicking and struggling as Halsted started to realize what exactly was going on! Even if Ashgar wanted to stop the process of his friend getting noisily and hungry slurped up by his tail, he wouldn't really be able to at this point; the bearlizard had quickly learned at the thing had a mind of its own, and if it wanted to have Halsted as a snack...well, that's what was going to happen~ Drool dribbled out of the corners of the tailmaw's jagged, crooked maw as it ravenously and greedily fed, opening its jaws a bit just to yank itself back and clamp a few inches further down on the foxbear's struggling body...noisily *shLUK*ing every time it took a "swallow", or whatever it was that it was doing back there...swallow didn't quite describe it properly, but there really wasn't another word for it! Engulf, maybe? Either way, finding the right word for the situation wouldn't exactly help Halsted escape the sticky situation he had gotten himself into. Ashgar himself just hunkered down and settled in, resting his backwards-turned head in one of his paws so that he could watch as his tail just continued to hork Halsted down. He wasn't exactly looking forward to having the huge foxbear packed away in his stomach in an hour or so, so he might as well enjoy the spectacle while he still could...

Halsted was quickly being reduced to a big, wriggling bulge underneath the thick, grayish blue fur of Ashgar's tail and a flailing of limbs outside of it; the foxbear had quite a few long, flowing tails of his own sticking out of his rear end, but they were pretty useless in this situation, just adding to the bluish-white blur that Ashgar could see at the back of his tail. "Welp. Looks like I'm not going to be moving for the next few hours..." the bearlizard quite wryly commented after he attempted to move forward a few times before quickly realizing that was really not a possibility in this current scenario. Nope, he was going to be stuck here until the tail finished its meal and passed Halsted along to Ashgar's stomach proper so he could toss the foxbear back up...after giving him a lengthy lecture on not surprising him like that ever again, of course! He was already thinking of just what to say to Halsted when his tail took another long, powerful swallow, pulling Halsted's waist inside of its toothy craw and bringing the whole feast one step closer to completion...

Halsted was honestly a bit surprised that he didn't see this kind of thing coming. Once he saw that jagged, toothy, mischievous smile that Ashgar's tail had, he should have just walked right past and talked to Ashgar's other head! But now, here he was trapped in the tight, fleshy tube that was the bearlizard's tail, the flesh pulsating and rivulating around him like a throat would as it pulled down, down, sucking him deeper into the base of the tail. He was far enough inside that the tail didn't actually have to even swallow him anymore, instead just lifting its head to the sky, relaxing its muscles, and just sort of letting the foxbear slide right inside. That jagged maw clamped firmly shut as soon as it felt the tips of Halsted's many tails disappearing inside of its mouth, that long, purple tongue once again sticking out of its craw in that goofy little smile which had pulled the foxbear in initially. Though with a wriggling lump underneath its pelt now, to ward off any other potential tail-kissers~

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