Why Are There Two of Them?!
Sarina has had a long day, and she's just done with all the bullshit of the world. When two dragons come in and start causing trouble, all subtlety goes out the window.
Commissioned by Dreixes
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Why Are There Two of Them?!
for Dreixes
by Draconicon
Sarina Inklaw was carefully sipping a very non-standard Bloody Mary when she felt the first warning shift in the air. Her eyes widened behind her glasses and her back went ramrod straight as she felt two tingles, one familiar and one very not.
"Fuck," the red-black dragon whispered into her drink, putting it down on the bar and pinching the bridge of her snout. "Ugh, not tonight, not tonight..."
But the feeling of that first tingle was very much the same as that one camera with that one dragoness, and the other one was powerful enough to be a problem in and of itself. Even as the self-proclaimed 'guardian' of Salsea begged for a simple night out, she knew that possibility had already gone up in smoke. The vampire an hour ago, it seemed, was only going to be the appetizer for things going forward.
Relax, relax, it might not be that bad. Those two might take care of each other. Who's to say it's going to go that badly? We can...we can at least take a look before assuming the worst.
Sarina took one more deep breath in, but even that didn't make her want to turn around and look at the rest of the hybrid strip club and bar. She could, however, look up at the strip of mirror that ran behind the bartender and see what there was to be seen.
She was almost surprised to see herself, after the encounter with the vampire, but that one only gave her hypnotic eyes, not the full vampire treatment. Fucking one of the bat-kin wasn't enough to turn one into their ilk. She was, however, able to look at herself for a moment - small in the chest, though with one nipple pierced these days, and with her belly showing under a simple black top, and hips that were wider than some turnstyles entirely liked - before looking past her shoulders and at the newcomes.
One was expected; Alevia had been in town for a couple of weeks now - maybe as much as a month, it was hard to remember - and had been a royal pain in her scaly ass. The other woman was regularly out and about, flashing magic through her camera and other little doodads that she carried around, and while she hadn't pissed off the magical community too much yet, she was still showing off more magic than anyone would ideally like.
Honestly, Sarina knew that she should have come down harder on the other woman for that, but there was so much more that she had to take care of, and - well, there was something to be said for having an occasional lay with someone that didn't screw with her genetics any further than it had already been screwed with. With all of Alevia's big power coming from items rather than herself, that made things better.
The new guy, however...
She narrowed her eyes at him in the mirror. He hadn't clocked her yet - no surprise, with her lack of magic - but he had his attention locked on the photographer. Green-scaled and covered in tribal motifs and celtic 'prizes,' he looked like some dragon that had stepped out of time...and might just have, considering the way that his voice sounded. It was pitched almost like some backyard Shakespeare show.
Whatever the pair of them were saying to each other was pitched too low for her to hear over the thud-thud-thud going on at the stripper pole further down the club, and they walked toward it regardless. She looked down at her drink, shaking her head as she swirled it around in her glass and tried not to think too hard about the way that the red stuff grabbed at the edge of the glass and threatened to harden more than a drink should.
They haven't done anything yet. I can still have a good night.
Much as she tried to lie to herself, however, she could already tell by their body language that they were up to something. Alevia always got this twinkle in her eye when she spotted someone that she was curious about, or someone that had sparked a fancy for some fun. That, plus the fact that her tight little shorts were doing absolutely nothing to hide her cock -
Sarina sighed as they took a seat in front of a squirrel stripper, the long-tailed, fluffy-limbed woman spinning about her pole and using that long limb as her clothing. She draped it around her chest, pulling it over her breasts, between her legs, everywhere that it needed to be to keep her from showing too much at once. The crowd cheered for her, but the dragons...
The tingle in the air returned, this time more the unfamiliar one rather than Alevia's usual magical doodad feeling. Sarina clenched her fingers tighter around the glass as she watched them in the mirror, shaking her head as she felt the pressure in the air shift. It reached out for the dancer and pulled without warning.
Just like that, the squirrel yelped, grabbing the pole she'd been spinning around. Just like that, the whole room got a glimpse of the squirrel's ass cheeks, round and full, and just a hint of her slit between her legs before she brought her tail back down between them. She stood up with a blush, chuckling for the crowd.
"Looks like someone polished the floor a little too well," she joked for the crowd's benefit.
No...that was the new guy...
She sighed under her breath, thumping the glass down. The bartender hurried over, looking at her with the wordless expression asking whether she wanted another pour, but she shook her head, pushing the glass back. The red-eyed rat put the drink away. He'd probably pour it back into the source container before the night was over.
Spinning on her stool, she considered the pair of troublemakers. The two dragons were looking at each other as much as they were the squirrel as the older woman got back to dancing. Probably some stupid contest. A dick-measuring contest would have been easier; at least that way they could have just slapped their equipment down and been done with it. Instead, she was having to watch as they screwed with people in her town, trying to find out who was better while making everyone else a pawn.
Well, she couldn't stand for that. Not with the responsibilities that she'd taken on.
Sarina got to her feet, toes tapping and soles slapping on the club floor as she walked across the intervening space. A couple of regulars looked up at her, one winking at her and asking when they'd see her on the poles.
Normally, she'd have laughed it off or blushed a bit, but she didn't have the energy for that tonight. She pulled her glasses down, black eyes and red sclera merging to become a pulsing red glow. The catcalling leopard shivered, going blank-faced before pulling out his wallet and putting a hundred-dollar bill on the table. The tip left, he got to his feet and left the building.
Some benefits of fucking a vampire, she supposed.
Another scream split the room, and Sarina turned back to the squirrel. This time, she had all but mounted the pole, her legs spread far enough to ruin the illusion of any underwear down there. There was no sign of any panties, no thong, nothing, and only the hard steel of the pole hid her sex from those that were staring at her.
The lingering flicker-feeling of Alevia's camera-magic faded, and Sarina's blood pressure felt like it was going to pop a vein at this point. She gave up any pretense of walking civilly across the building, all but stomping up behind the pair of dragons with her wings flicking and twitching, her tail writhing and nearly knotting about itself.
When she finally reached them, she leaned forward to see that they were both starting to touch each other's thighs. Hell, they were all but rubbing each other across the groin, with Alevia looking as hot and heavy as she always did with that oversized thing, and the newcomer looking like he was nearly as bad. They were growling, huffing and puffing with their arousal getting clearer and clearer, and the air around them tingled with all the magic that they were putting off.
Camera for her...all kind of trinkets and talismans for him...and all kinds of bullshit for me.
Sarina put a hand on both their shoulders. They whipped their heads around, both clearly ready to rip her a new one -
And she just glared. Eyes glowing bright enough to stop any basic hypnosis right off the bat, she grabbed them both by a head-horn, twisting sideways. It wasn't enough to hurt them, not by a long shot, but she had leverage, and they did not. She leaned down, her head between their tilted faces, and growled.
"What...the hell...do you think you are doing? You know what, don't answer that. Just follow me."
She resisted the urge to slap the pair of them, but only barely. Alevia had the common sense to look at least slightly abashed, but the newcomer started rubbing his head, grumbling. He opened his mouth -
"Backroom. Now!" Sarina said, one hand on her hip, the other pointing to the back hallways.
"I'd do it," Alevia said.
"...You owe us an explanation."
"In. The. Back."
The green dragon grumbled, getting to his feet and smoothing out his furs and loincloth. He fixed her with a curious - and annoyed - stare, and made his way after the other dragoness. Sarina shook her head, looking up at the squirrel on stage, who looked completely lost. Her tail was dropping, and she was panting hard. No doubt she'd been made to dance harder than usual, considering what those two were doing.
"Sorry about that," Sarina said. "Don't worry; we'll have words."
"What happened?"
"Nothing that you need to worry about now. Promise. Club's looking after you. You go back and rest."
"Yeah...yeah, I'll - whoo!"
She went down, barely avoiding landing on her tail. Security was already moving forward, and considering past arrangements, all they gave her was a nod and a raised eyebrow. She just nodded back; she'd handle the culprits.
The pair of them were waiting in one of the VIP rooms, and the room was so filled with magic tension that you could have cut it with a knife. Sarina chose to cut it by stepping between the pair of them and grabbing them by their hard-ons.
Once both dragons jumped, the dragoness squeezed right at the base, digging in with a thumb on each of them, pressing in firmly enough to keep them both stiff and feeling the point of a claw right there. She looked up at them, knowing that they could both overwhelm her with ease, but she didn't care. She wanted this over with.
"Let's get one thing straight. Alevia, you know me. You, at least, looked a little sorry. You - who even are you?" she asked, turning to the new dragon.
"Nngh...Asimar Dreixes...and you should let go - ah!"
"Yeah, uh...uh, she's kinda pissed and - nngh!" Alevia arched her back as the dragoness yanked the pair of them closer, leaving their dicks touching. "She's not stopping now - fuck fuck fuck watch the claws!"
"Let's get this straight, you two. Salsea is my town," Sarina said, narrowing her eyes at them. "And if you want to use these? That's fine. But stop it with the magical bullshit when we're trying to keep things underwraps out here. Right now, nobody knows about the magical world beneath theirs, and we want to keep it that way. Understand me?"
"Yeah, yeah, I get it - ow!" Alevia hissed as Sarina let her go, the bigger woman stepping back and cupping her groin with a soft hiss. "Fuuuuuck, why the claws?"
"Because I don't want you to think that's a reward," she said. "And last time I just pinched, you just started thrusting."
"Nnngh...fair...fair point."
She turned her attention to the green dragon. He started to reach for one of the talismans hanging from his neck, only for her to bat his hand away. The shock was writ large across his face as she leaned in and pointed a finger in his face.
"Now, you listen to me. This bullshit? It's going to stop. Right now. No more seducing strippers."
"Hmmph. Wasn't trying to seduce her."
"Then her?" She tossed her head back, almost throwing her glasses off her head in the process. She blushed for a moment as she used her free hand to drag them back down. "Then why -"
"The more powerful dragon gets the top spot; we had to figure out which that was."
"...Oh, save me from this fuckery..."
Sarina shook her head, letting the tribal dragon go. To give him credit, he didn't hiss the way that Alevia did when her dick had gotten released, but he did shift his footing slightly. Clearly just a little tender, even if it didn't show in his face.
The dragoness sat down on the edge of the stage at the back of the room, her legs half-spread, and shook her head.
"Look. There's rules around Salsea. If you want to see who's better, at least leave the city limits and do it there. Then it's not my problem. If you do it here, then it is my problem, and I have to get involved. Things are supposed to stay secret around here. And when it comes to other dragons doing this crap, flinging spell after spell at innocent people? That's not helping.
"So, if you can't do it out there, then we have to solve this. And considering both of you are still hard as a rock, I can't trust you to just leave." She sighed. "And here I thought I was done for the night. Fuck me."
"Uh...is that a literal -"
"Let me get the pants off and we'll get started."
Alevia grinned, Asimar blinked, and Sarina wiggled her pants off her hips to the floor. What was left was...well, rather telling, as she had a semi-erection herself from the show and the adrenaline coursing through her body. No pussy, not for her. She tossed the pants to the floor, spreading her legs a bit further, wiggling back until she could expose her asshole to the pair of dragons.
"So, here's how it's going to go. To avoid any further arguments, you are both going to fuck my ass - at the same time - to get this out of your system. Once we're done, you're going to leave your camera here, Alevia -"
"And you? You're going to leave all your magic items in a chest behind the bar."
"Fat chance," Asimar said.
"Look. Either you two go along with this to keep the peace, or I call in - let me get this right." Sarina started tapping them off on her fingers. "Approximately seven hundred werewolves, thirty demons, a hundred-seventy-five vampires, twenty centaur archers, six sirens, three clusters of fairies, two fae queens, and an angel with a thing for feet to help me keep the secret. Your choice."
The pair of dragons stared at her for a moment, but Sarina never looked away. Instead, she just spread her legs further, holding her balls up and away to keep her asshole exposed to the pair of them.
Finally, Alevia took the first move. The other dragoness took off her camera and put it to the side, then joined her on stage. She rolled onto her back, cock sticking up, and Sarina straddled her.
"I'm getting that back, right?" Alevia asked.
"Maybe. You, Asimar. Coming?"
"...This is ridiculous, but fine."
He was grumpy, but at least he was endowed. That was something. As the green dragon joined them on stage, she reached back, grabbing both dicks at once and pulling them together. They throbbed and dripped to the touch, and she could only imagine how much they had been fucking with each other as they had with the squirrel. She pulled them close, stroking them a few times, feeling the thick heads drooling against her pucker.
She could take this, but it was going to be a stretch. She was just thankful for some work with the centaurs not that long ago.
As she rolled her hips back, her hole flexed, opening around both cocks at once. The pair of dragons growled over her, one grabbing her by the hips, the other reaching around and cupping her breasts. Asimar's magic was starting to flow -
"You grow those tits, you better be ready to shrink them afterward," she muttered.
"Hmmph. Deal."
She groaned as she felt the cocks going deeper at the same time that her chest started to swell. The little tingle, growing ever more familiar with each pulse through her nipples, sent a shiver down her spine.
"Fuck...you're tighter every time, I swear," Alevia said.
"Mmmph...definitely...more satisfying than you'd be," Asimar muttered.
Sarina barely heard him, focusing more on the intense stretch that was two dragon cocks in her ass. The feeling was definitely one of those big, stretching, heated ones, hard to push through, but she managed to keep rolling her ass back until she had taken them both as far as she could. With them coming from two different angles, it was hard - pretty much impossible - to take either one's full length, but the girth more than made up for it. Her own cock was throbbing, bobbing, twitching against Alevia's belly.
"Mmmph...now...fuck me. Get it all out of your systems," she muttered.
The two dragons took her up on that offer. Asimar growled and started humping, and Alevia gripped her hips all the tighter and yanked her down. Hard.
Up, down, up, down, and she let them take total control. With how riled up they were, it was easier to let them just rut her...and more to the point, it was a thing to throw them. They needed to feel like they were in control, and she didn't. If this made them happy - and more to the point, kept them from messing with her town any further - then she'd let them feel like the big doms.
Easier than trying to wrangle them all night long, that was for sure...and a hell of a lot more fun. She sighed, letting the stress ooze out of her and let that hot, slippery dragon pre ooze in to replace it. This was going to be a long night...but it was hopefully going to be a very good one.
Particularly as both dragons rammed in hard at the same time, nearly knocking the air from her lungs. Sarina hissed, closing her eyes as her glasses jostled up and down along her snout, biting back the soft pants that were getting rammed right up her throat.
She had forgotten just how frenzied other dragons could get when they were the ones on top. Werewolves were one thing, considering that they regularly rutted for dominance among their packs, but dragons had a few very key differences. Unlike werewolves, dragons were always focused on making sure that their rut actually pushed their opponent down a few pegs, always reminding them that they were on the bottom rather than on the top. That meant that each thrust from a dragon on top came with a targeted hit right to her inner walls, right to her most sensitive places, and it meant that it felt damn good to be fucked by them.
It also helped that they were both just plain bigger. She was almost used to Alevia's cock considering the bullshit that the bigger woman had pulled time and time again, but having both that massive member and the new guy's cock inside of her at the same time was doing a number on her. She huffed and puffed, her mouth hanging open as she was fucked in, out, in, out, feeling her rim starting to loosen more than usual.
"Fuuuuuuuck," she moaned, her fingers digging into Alevia's shoulders for leverage as she was dragged up and down, filled from below and behind. "Mmmph...come on...gimme...more...harder..."
The feeling of her breasts swelling beneath Asimar's hands was something that she hadn't anticipated out of the night, but for the moment, she just went with it. Her chest, normally barely reaching B sizes, was already pushing from C towards D, and she doubted that the green dragon was going to be stopping anytime soon. The wild look he had screamed that he was interested in fertile girls, and even though she didn't have a cunt for his cock, he was going out of his way to make her look better upstairs.
In, out, in, out, the two cocks finally losing some of their synchronicity as they started sliding against each other as much as they were delving into her. The lack of rhythm didn't bother her; she just enjoyed the feeling of the two dragons completely focusing on her...
Well, mostly. She could feel them glaring past her shoulders at their 'rival,' and she bit back a chuckle as she realized that they were no longer competing over which of them was better at breaking the dancer, but rather, which one could fuck her better than the other.
In a way, it was kind of hilarious. The laughter, however, was knocked back by greater moans as Alevia pushed her hips up. Asimar growled.
"What are you doing?"
"Getting into a better position."
"What - oh. I see. Yes. That would be more suitable."
Sarina didn't have much time to react before both dragons pushed her upright, holding her legs in the air and leaving her hanging from two different wrists. Asimar muttered something, only for a pair of twisting roots, of all things, to descend from the ceiling and wrap around her legs and arms, keeping her from falling over. She blinked, looking up as the two dragons nudged themselves closer to her. With her upright like this, and with them able to approach from a better angle, she was finally getting the full size that both of them had to offer.
It was intense, to put it mildly. Sarina moaned, her own cock bouncing and twitching against Alevia's stomach, and she shivered as she felt some of the pre-cum oozing from the tip getting ground back into the shaft at large. She looked over her shoulder at the green dragon.
"Anything you change, you put back the way it was."
"Such is the rule of nature...well. One of them."
"And mine," she growled.
"Says the one that is beneath both of us. If you get anything, it's because we choose it." He chuckled. "Or that's what I want to say...how many of those creatures did you say that you could summon, again?"
"More than you can handle. Now get back to fucking me. I know you're not done yet."
"Not nearly."
The squelching feeling of one cock sliding in, then the other was just as potent as the sensation of having them humping away, somehow. It was like her ass was finally getting something that was a worthy challenge to it, as arrogant as that sounded in her own head. The pair of dragons growled in her ears as they leaned forward, pressing her flush between them. They were clearly unable to look away from each other; despite the fact that she'd been the one to drag them off the floor and force them into a secondary challenge, by her rules, they still saw each other as the one that was the real threat to their domination of the moment.
Well, let them, she decided. It was more fun to let them just go crazy on her ass than it was to try and force them into obedience. She was increasingly sure that neither of them could be forced to that by anyone, just dragged along by a leash until the one doing that dragging got tired of it.
The first thrust was just as good as she hoped and her toes curled as she felt them bottom out inside of her. It was impossible to tell just who was bigger, as the thickness that they both possessed left her more than slightly overwhelmed. Her inner walls clenched hard, milking both cocks at once, and she moaned under her breath as she felt them oozing more. They weren't anywhere close, she could tell, but god it felt good to have that sort of pulsing, slimy, hot feeling going in and out of her at that moment.
She had no shame about this, not anymore. When her power came from absorbing 'genetic material' from other people, and melding that with her own body, there was no way to be that ashamed. Sure, she blushed, and sure, there were times when she got more into it because of different circumstances...this was completely unashamed. Double-penetration between two dragons that were desperate to prove themselves against each other was just a fun little distraction.
In, out, in, out, each time making her cock bounce a bit and her tail go up a little higher. Being held suspended made it easier to just let them go to work, and she wondered, briefly, if they would have taken it further if they were only trying to fuck her silly for their own benefit rather than to prove something for the other.
Might need to talk about that with Asimar, actually...
Then that thought was pummeled out of her head as they kept rutting away. In, out, in, out, pre-cum oozing from her asshole as they fucked her, her new breasts well into DD size as they bounced whenever Alevia leaned back. When she wasn't pinned in place between them, she had them rolling up and then slapping down against her chest, and when she was pinned, more often than not, it was nipple to nipple with the other woman, grinding, sliding, huffing as she felt her orgasm coming closer and closer with each passing minute.
In, out, in, out, and then -
Sarina went over the edge first. She had no shame; she didn't mind that she was the first one to blow. Her asshole clenched tight around both cocks, slowing them down but not stopping them, and she curled her toes tight as she came all over Alevia's stomach. The slime between them only added to the huffing from the other woman, the dragoness chuckling.
"And that's mine..."
"You cannot claim that; I put her in this position, and I was the one aiming for the right spot," Asimar said.
"You think that you're going to out-fuck me with this bitch?"
"I would ask you the same question."
Oh, this is going to be a night...this is going to be a night...
The tendrils wrapped further down her ankles, making her legs ache just slightly as they were pulled further back and apart. She was more than slightly thankful for all the 'training' that she'd gotten in this from her various experiences, because this could have been very unpleasant, otherwise. As it was -
She felt the first cock pop out, and then the other. The two dragons stepped to the side, and were clearly arguing with one another. Their dicks bounced up and down as they glared at each other, whispering back and forth, but Sarina? She only felt empty, and rapidly irritated.
"Hey. HEY!"
The second shout got their attention, and they whipped back toward her. Sarina forced a smile on her face as she looked from one dragon to the other.
"Look. I get that you think you're done. You probably have a whole lot of things to say to each other about who did what, and who's responsible for the cum-shot on Alevia there. But there's one thing that you're forgetting right at the moment."
"If you think that you are finished -"
"That's the issue. I'm not."
Asimar blinked, and Alevia blushed as Sarina nodded between her legs. The feeling of her cock bobbing up and down was always just slightly off, something that approached dysphoria before veering away from it towards pleasure along a well-trained track. There was never a time that she was not at least slightly embarrassed by the fact that she had a cock between her thighs rather than a pussy, but it never quite 'hurt.' It just felt...weird, embarrassing...and she'd turned that feeling to something sexy over the years.
But right now, it was hard, and her ass was empty. She managed to bring her tail around and swat one cheek, sending the black and red cheeks jiggling.
"Tomorrow, I'll visit you, Asimar, and I'll check in with Alevia the day after. But tonight? You two have a job to do. I told you, you're going to keep going until this is over with, and if you think that I'm going to let you stop before we're all satisfied, then you've got another thing coming."
"..." Asimar turned to Alevia. "How, exactly, is she this compelling when she is the one tied up?"
"You know, I've been trying to figure that out since I got here."
"Any answers?"
"None. So...back to fucking, I guess. Hey, why him first, by the way?" Alevia asked.
"He's new. And novel. And, you know, I've had you." Sarina smiled, tossing her head back and nudging her glasses back up her snout. "So, I want to try the new ride."
"Dragon, actually. You know how we all are with the new things..."
The End
Summary: Sarina has had a long day, and she's just done with all the bullshit of the world. When two dragons come in and start causing trouble, all subtlety goes out the window.
Tags: Intersex/Male/Herm, Threesome, Dragons, Sarina, Magic, Fuckery, Strip Club, So Done With This, Two of Them, Double Penetration, Rules, Anal,