Warcraft: Player Assimilation

Story by draconicon on SoFurry

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Well, this is a Warcraft porn story involving a human and a Draenai/Draenei however the hell you spell it. I hope that you enjoy it, and keep in mind I know nothing about WoW.

Warcraft: More Than A World of War


Draconicon Nocinocard

Raave grinned as he sat down in his computer chair. The whirr of his computer as it started only made the smile on his face, already quite large, grow stronger. "It's so good to be back to WoW after almost a week away," he muttered to himself as he watched his desktop flow over the monitor. The familiar screenshot of his character, a Draenai, looked back at him. The way it stared out almost made him feel like it was inviting him to step into the world of the MMO himself, rather than just play the game.

But that was silly, even though he was sure that he would enjoy the experience. Shaking his head a few times, he reached into his jeans pocket and pulled out a flash drive. "Let's see if that guy was right about these new mods working..." he muttered.

Earlier in the day, while he had been visiting some game stores to see the latest expansions for WoW, several people had come up to him and offered him this flash drive for about ten dollars. It was weird, now that he thought about it. They were all wearing costumes from the game, though they didn't bother with any masks. They were costumes, of course; even though he would have loved the way that some stories would have come true and they had been beings from WoW come to life, they just didn't look like it, and with human faces, it was obvious they weren't.

But they had been almost adamant that he take the flash drive. Everything that he said to try and get them to go away and leave him alone had fallen on deaf ears, and he'd finally just paid them ten dollars to get them to leave him be. Still, it was weird how fast they'd run away.

He hesitated in the action of plugging the flash drive into his computer. Maybe there was a virus on this thing, or maybe it was just part of an illegal mod. Still, if there was the chance that he could have fun with this, he was willing to risk it. After all, his computer had a good anti-virus program, and anything that might be on the darker side of legality was something that he could always deny knowledge of later. Not like there was anyone that really did much to prosecute that sort of thing anyway.

So, with that in mind, he plugged the flash drive in.

Immediately after the CPU registered the memory stick, it brought up an option of downloading updates from it. He checked through the specific information, just to make sure that it was for the WoW stuff, and sure enough, it was. There wasn't anything in there that told just what the updates would do, but as long as it was clean, he was fine with being surprised.

The download started, and Raave leaned back in his chair as he watched it begin. Stills of characters fighting, of the lust environments that dotted the lands outside of the cities and settlements, and of the various monsters and creatures that his character had defeated in his gaming career, scrolled across the screen. In every single one of the shots, his Draenai character stood in the center, or at least in some part of the foreground. "That's really advanced," he muttered to himself. He didn't think that they would have something in the works that would actually read the data of one's character off of the computer. He wasn't even connected to the servers of the MMO yet, and the updates still showed his character.

Then he realized that he was probably just being a little conceited. After all, there were other Draenai characters in the game. Just because it looked like his and carried his equipment didn't mean that it was his. There were enough players to almost guarantee that there would be others just like that.

Before long the updates were done, and his computer prompted him to remove the flash drive. Raave did that, capping it off and setting it on the side of his desk. "Now, let's see just what I put in there," he muttered, beginning the sign-in sequence.

No sooner had he typed in his log-in information than things started getting really strange.

Usually, he would get up and get a quick drink of water, or a snack, while he waited for the information to process and he was actually logged in. However, this time, he felt like he was glued into his seat, and as he struggled, he realized he stood a better chance of lifting the house out of the ground than he stood of getting out of his chair again. He squirmed from side to side, shoving his arms against the chair, but nothing worked. His rear was stuck firmly.

At first, he didn't notice the differences on the screen. Raave usually had a black screen filling up his monitor before the loading was complete, but this time, things were different. As he looked up from his struggles, he was startled to see a few words scrolling over his screen. Apparently they had been moving for a while, but as soon as he looked up, they stopped moving across the screen and stuck to the center, as though they were glued there. The words chilled him.

"Welcome to the Draenai, Mr. Raave."

The suction that had kept him pinned to his seat suddenly reversed, and he felt himself being sucked towards the screen. He grunted softly, gripping the arm rests of his chair almost desperately, but no matter how his fingers curled, no matter how his muscles bulged, the unrelenting tug forward continued. He heard little rips, little tears in the background, but he couldn't focus enough to look to see what those were.

With a final shout of help that went ignored, Raave was yanked out of the chair, and his body plunged through the computer monitor. In the silence that followed, the computer beeped softly, slowly forming another message. Green letters traced by a blue outline slowly appeared on the screen, as though typed by unseen hands.

"Assimilation of Player...Begun."


Raave remained unconscious for nearly an hour of game time before his awareness began to creep back into his head. The soft earth under him almost seemed to cradle his form, and he groaned softly as he slowly pushed himself up from the ground. "Ugh, what happened?" he muttered to himself, rubbing his forehead as he slowly opened his eyes.

He froze. Everything around him was different. Completely, totally different.

A part of him supposed that was the case, considering he had woken up to the touch of dirt under his hands rather than a pillow, his bed, or even the carpet floor of his room, but realizing that through logic and seeing it through his own eyes were two totally different things. And what a sight it was. Green and purple and red and other colors still not quite categorized flooded his vision as he looked first this way then that, slowly taking in the vibrant, wild landscape that was laid out before him.

Trees. There were a lot of trees, he realized, all of them running up the side of the sloping hills around him. He didn't know where they came from, as they looked rather familiar, but there was something just a little off about them, just enough off that he couldn't tell what it was.

As he looked around, he also listened. Chirping of birds and low growls and howls from the beasts within the forest filled his ears, and he wondered just how wild the land here was, anyway.

For that matter, where the heck was he? Raave didn't have a clue, and he slowly spun in place. It seemed that he was on top of one of the many hills in the region. The incline down wasn't that steep, but there were enough trees and other vegetation to make things difficult to make up for that. He wasn't sure that he wanted to leave this spot, anyway, considering all the wildlife sounds out there. At least up here, he could see something coming before it could get to him. That wouldn't be the case in the woods.

After a few more minutes of taking in the sights, however, Raave started to feel a little exposed. Yes, he could see for a long ways from here, but anything in the forest could just look up and see him, and with all the shadows the trees cast, he wouldn't be able to see them. "Well...might as well get off the hill. Maybe there will be something to eat down there, too," he said as his stomach started insisting on getting filled.

As he started walking down the side of the hill, he looked at himself, and almost jumped out of his skin as he took stock in the changes that had happened.

Instead of the jeans and t-shirt he'd been wearing, he had on something else entirely, something that he didn't think anyone in real life wore except at costume-permitting conventions. His shirt had been replaced with a vest that covered his shoulders and the sides of his belly, but left the center line of his chest and stomach completely exposed. It was black, a little like Han Solo's from Star Wars, he supposed, but without the white shirt that preserved some decency. His pants were replaced with some sort of leather trousers marked with different emblems. They looked familiar too, but they flowed smoother than the various symbols that he could bring to mind that matched them most closely.

His hand slipped to his hip as he noticed a dagger hanging there. Pulling out, he looked over it, and felt tempted to test the edge with the tip of his thumb. He refrained from that, however. Once again, that was something that people did in stories, not in real life. Not if they didn't want to cut themselves, at any rate. Instead, he paused and reached down for some of the plants on the ground. A nice thick stick was in reach, and he held it up in front of him. A little thinner than his thumb, he thought it would make a good test for the knife.


The sound of the bottom half of the branch hitting the ground was all that he heard, and he stared at the clean cut that was left behind. Without the slightest resistance, it looked like the dagger had managed to cut through the thickness of the branch. A little bit of wet sap started to seep out from under the bark, but none of that was left on his blade. "This is one good knife," Raave muttered to himself.

"Yes, it is."

As he spun around to face the source of the deep voice, Raave stepped on the part of the stick that had fallen. It snapped under his foot, and that made him lose his footing, falling down on the grassy slope of the hill and rolling down the incline a few feet. The only reason he stopped was because he slammed into a rather large, and hard, set of legs.

Grunting at the pain that caused his back, he slowly lifted his eyes from the ground to see the face belonging to the legs. He expected to see another person, or failing that, some incredibly strong but off colored side show person.

Instead, he found himself staring up into the eyes of a very familiar Draenai. His Draenai.

He hurried to his feet, almost tripping twice on his way up. His eyes locked with those of the blue skinned, muscular humanoid being. The Draenai - he named him...what was it...Sjokis, that was it - looked back at him with some incredulity, but there was also some laughter in his eyes. Well, at least he wasn't looking at someone that wanted to kill him. The Draenai kind weren't like that.

Raave cleared his throat a few times when he recovered his senses and slowly sheathed his dagger. He didn't want to seem like he was threatening the blue skinned being, considering that even apart from their other skills, most Draenai were a great deal stronger than the average human. He didn't know what his abilities were here, but he didn't want to push his luck. "I'm sorry about how I reacted," he said, blushing a little before offering his hand. "I'm Raave. Who are you?" It was partially good manners and partially his uncertainty that led to him asking that. He wanted to make sure that this Draenai was the one he thought it was.

The blue skinned behemoth reached out and took his hand. "I'm Sjokis. I didn't expect to see any humans so far out here," he said. His eyes wandered up and down Raave's form in a way that would have made Raave blush if he had noticed it.

Sadly, he didn't, as he was a little busier taking in the fact that he was apparently talking to his World of Warcraft character. Was this the little thing that the flash drive was designed to do? Why would anyone develop something that sucked you into the game world, he wondered.

Then again, why would anyone protest against this? He slowly looked around and over his shoulder again. The game world was much more vibrant this way, and the slightly cartoonish look that it had while looking at it over the computer screen was gone. Given the choice of the computer graphics and what he could see with his own eyes, it was painfully obvious which he'd take. Maybe this wasn't going to be so bad after all.

"So...could you tell me where we are?" he asked, turning back to Sjokis.

"I could...but why?" Sjokis smiled softly, leaning back against the treeline. Since he wasn't currently equipped - dressed, something muttered in his head - dressed in anything other than a loincloth, that little pose revealed a little more than the human expected. He forced his eyes back up from the Draenai's groin to his face. "Do you want to run off to some war or another?"

"Not really, but I do want to have some point of reference as to where I am." Raave was blushing a little, and he didn't know why. It wasn't like there was anything showing, other than a whole lot of thigh, but he felt like the Draenai was flashing him with full frontal exposure. "Surely you don't begrudge me that."

Sjokis shrugged. "I guess not. You're somewhere in the Azuremyst Isles," he said. "That's all you're going to get."

Oh, yes, he'd forgotten. He'd made his Draenai a bit of a witty character...hadn't he? For some reason, he couldn't really remember how he'd made Sjokis. And anyway, was that even relevant? Even if he had made Varuth the character, he wasn't controlling him now. At least, that was what the little thing in his head - the one that preferred to use the word dressed over equipped - said.

Shaking his head a few times to clear it, Raave looked at Sjokis again. Though he didn't see any weapons on him right now, he knew that his character had quite a few that were available, and most of them pretty good as well. Until he got his bearings, it might be better to stick with the Draenai. After all, he wasn't the kind to rob him in his sleep or kill him over something trivial, unlike people that were complete and total strangers here. "Would you mind if I stuck around you for a while?" he asked.

Again, Sjokis's eyes moved up and down his body, as though sizing him up. Raave forced himself to stay quite still as the blue skinned being did that, not quite daring to speak up. After a moment, he nodded. "Yeah, you can come along. I think I want to keep an eye on you for a while, anyway." He turned towards the forest, waving for the human to follow along. "There's a shelter not far from here. Might as well get there before some more monsters spawn between here and there."

He couldn't argue with that. It took a little jogging, but soon he was walking beside the larger Draenai as they made their way through the forest. Due to the extra foot and a half of height Sjokis had over him, Raave was forced to keep jogging just to keep up with his new companion. In the real world, he would have already been panting for breath, but strangely, here, he didn't have the need. In fact, he actually felt better to keep on the move, and moving quickly was easier than moving slowly.

Raave watched the Draenai as they walked, just observing him. The thick arms and legs Sjokis had bulged with every step he took, the muscles tensing up as if they were just trying to show themselves off. The loincloth that covered the large male's groin stretched down to just a little above the knees, and the cloth seemed to flap back and forth a little too easily for the human's comfort. Not that he really would have minded a little view of the Draenai's package, he supposed, but that seemed a little-

He blushed and almost stumbled head over heels at that thought, even though it wasn't quite complete. How the hell was he thinking something like that at a time like this? He was stuck in the WoW world, with no likely way out, no transportation, no way to access any other items he might be carrying - equipment that he had, the voice suggested again - and he was concerned about what view he might have of his character's crotch? He must have been more of a pervert than he had thought.

It took them several hours of walking to get to the camp Sjokis had mentioned. The Draenai gestured to one of the three stumps that surrounded a fire pit and Raave gratefully took a seat. Fatigue wasn't a stat, as far as he was aware of, but he was definitely feeling it now. As he rubbed his legs, he looked up. "So, what did you want me to stick around for? I don't imagine that you really need much help with anything around here."

"Oh, let's just say that I need a little bit of company, and you were a better choice than inviting some animal or some other creature to stick around the campfire for a night," Sjokis said. He shrugged his shoulders and gestured to a tent. "You're either going to have to share a tent with me or sleep outside, though, since I never bring more than one."

"You just met me. Why do you trust me into your tent already?" It was a bit of a stupid question, but Raave's head was finally catching up to the reality of the situation. Just because this was a game world didn't mean that things worked the same as they did when he was a player, rather than a character.

He received an upraised eyebrow in return as the Draenai stood up. The blue skinned male stretched his arms up above his head, and a light flickered between his fingertips. Sjokis held the light in his hands for a moment before letting it fade away before sitting down on a stump again. "Do you really think I need to worry about someone like you?" he asked. Despite the slight tone of a joke in his voice, the Draenai still looked like he could defend himself quite capably against anything Raave might think to do.

"No, I...I don't think you do." Shaking his head, he walked over to the tent and looked inside. There was a bedroll along one side, and enough headrests to split between two people. "I don't mind having the ground in the tent, as long as you don't roll over on top of me during the night."

"Heh, you don't have to worry about that. I stay still when I sleep," Sjokis said. He yawned softly before standing up and walking over to the tent. "Anyway, it's getting close to sundown. We should probably start getting ready to sleep. Goodnight." His strong arms pushed Raave right out of the way without any trouble as he walked into the tent, slowly stretching out over the bedroll. Despite the larger than normal size of the tent, a little bit of the blue skinned feet stuck out through the tent flap. It didn't seem to bother the Draenai, though, who closed his eyes and drifted off to sleep.

Now that the larger male was asleep, Raave couldn't resist the temptation to just look a little bit. Blushing brighter than he could remember doing in recent history, he slowly kneeled down beside his...well, he couldn't call him a character anymore, could he? Companion, maybe? Sounded about right, and there was no protestation from the voice in his head.

"I have to be crazy...hearing voices and being in WoW...Can't be real..." Raave muttered, not really thinking about what he was saying as his eyes crept along Sjokis's body.

The Draenai's form was very pleasing to the eyes, very pleasing indeed. The muscles were only part of it, though, as Raave let his eyes wander down to the loincloth that the blue skinned guy wore. It seemed to tent just slightly from the meat that was hidden under it, and he blushed as he felt himself drool just a little bit at the sight. His hand slowly reached out, but he grabbed himself by the wrist and forcibly pulled back. Pulling away the loincloth for a closer look would have been a little bit over the line.

Still, he couldn't deny the temptation. He didn't know what the endowment of the Draenai was, or even what was about average for them, but what little he could see as a bulge in the cloth seemed to suggest that Sjokis had a better than average package. Better than humans, at any rate.

He shook his head. Those thoughts would have to wait until another point, because right now, he needed some sleep. Shifting his companion's head just enough to allow him to get some of the headrests or pillows or whatever the heck they were, Raave slowly slipped down to the ground. The grass was slightly wet, but not enough to really make him uncomfortable. The fire was close enough and hot enough for the warmth to seep into the grass, and that made things a lot more comfortable. Sighing softly, the human rolled over onto his side and closed his eyes. Sleep came fast after that, filled with dream after dream of things that he both imagined and remembered of this world. He wondered just what would happen tomorrow...


Sunlight brightening one side of the tent's fabric was what woke him up. He reached an arm out, fumbling for something to turn off the light so that he could sleep longer. As he touched his finger to the side of the tent and felt the roughness of the fabric, Raave froze in place. He slowly opened his eyes, dreading that he would see something that he had thought was only a dream.

It was the tent wall. He was lying on grass, dryer grass than last night, now that he thought to think about it. That meant...

He rolled over slowly, making sure to keep to the spot of ground that had served as his bed. He didn't have to move much. The Draenai was large enough that he slipped into vision before Raave had gotten to lie on his back, and the view...well, there was definitely something different compared to the night before, and it didn't take long to realize why.

Sjokis was suffering from a little bit of morning wood, and that had pushed his loincloth completely out of the way. Blue was the predominant color along the large shaft, but there was a little bit of purple at the head that broke up the monotony of the hue. A small bit of clear liquid leaked from the tip, and Raave blushed as he realized how much he wanted to taste it. Once again, he was forced to grab his wrist to keep from reaching out and taking it into his mouth. That was beyond inappropriate, but almost rape, considering that the Draenai wouldn't even have the chance to say no.

So he rolled over onto his side again, shaking his head and hoping that the Draenai would wake up soon. There was a lot that he needed to do today, and maybe he could find someone that would let him get home again. Raave closed his eyes again, trying to picture his room and his bed.

Surprisingly, there was nothing there. He almost blinked, but then shook his head and tried again. Home...he was not home...he wanted to go home...he wanted to think of home...

However, no matter how hard he tried to think of home, there was nothing to bring to mind. There might have been something at some time, something that he called home, but as it was, he had no memory. All that he could remember was that he had appeared here from...somewhere else, and then he had run into Sjokis. Everything before arriving on the hilltop was a complete and total blank.

"What the hell is going on," Raave muttered, shaking his head. Something wasn't right, and it was starting to scare him just a little bit.

He didn't have much time to think about that, though, as Sjokis was starting to stir. Closing his eyes and clenching them tightly, Raave rolled onto his side and pretended sleep. If the Draenai was a little more of a modest male, he didn't want to run the risk of embarrassing him or offending him.

Raave was hoping that Sjokis would get out of bed. The Draeanai might need to take care of the erection he had, or he could hide it, but the human was sure that the other male would do it outside of the tent. Instead, within seconds of assuming the fake sleep posture, he heard a very familiar sound of skin against skin, rubbing slowly.

Sjokis was jerking off...right behind him.

The thought was both really hot and really strange, and Raave clenched his eyes shut even tighter. The sound was speeding up already, so at least it seemed that the Draenai didn't have that much stamina. Or at least, he hoped not, or they would be stuck in this tent for a fairly long time.

Seconds ticked by, followed by minutes, and the sound never seemed to abate fully. It would get quieter, or louder, depending on the speed that Sjokis was going at, but it never faded completely. It was incessant, almost annoying, and the smell from the pre flowing out was starting to get very thick in the tent. The slight breeze from outside was just not enough to clean it out.

By now, Raave was sure that he would either have to wake up, or seem to be waking up, to get the blue male to start finishing up.

Just barely keeping himself from shaking his head in annoyance, Raave allowed himself a yawn. There was a brief pause of the stroking sound as he yawned, followed by a rapid increase. Apparently, that yawn was hurrying the Draenai along. Good.

He yawned again, starting to stretch. As he reached the end of his yawn, he heard a quiet, sort of splatting sound. Cloth, or some fabric, rasped lightly against something before Sjokis got to his feet and pushed the tent flap open.

Sunlight slipped in past the opening, and that much brightness, undimmed by passage through the tent, was like a slap to the face. Grunting in discomfort, Raave slowly pulled himself to his feet, and dusted his shirt off.

Or he would have, if there was anything that needed dusting off. He looked at himself in incredulity, shaking his head at the way his shirt, and indeed, all of his clothes, were still as fresh and good looking as they had been when he'd appeared the day before. "Um, Sjokis?" he asked. "Do our clothes freshen up every morning, or is that something that doesn't usually happen?"

The Draenai gave him a look that expressed the curiosity of where he'd been living all these years so well that he didn't bother waiting for an answer. Shaking his head, he stepped out of the tent and out into the sunlight.

The hill and the forest looked no less shadowy than they had yesterday, but at least this time he had a companion at his side, and hopefully someone that wouldn't be killed. He remembered a few tales of others that had been strong as Sjokis looked, and they had still been brought down by this world's mighty monsters. But they had one another, so that would have to mean something. An extra pair of eyes, at least, and that could make all of the difference.

"So..." Raave hesitated, looking at the forest before turning to his companion. "Where are we going today? Do you have any destination in mind?"

Sjokis was silent, hand to chin. He looked at the forest as though contemplating the distance. Finally, he said, "I think I know a place we can go, and I think it would be good for you to see something along the way. Strike the tent and follow me."

That proved a little more difficult than he had thought, but Raave managed it with only a couple of bruised fingers as payment for his mistakes. He carried the tent on his back, while the Draenai carried a few weapons and a few other pieces of equipment. Considering the difference in carrying-...in strength between them, that seemed to be fair enough for Raave.

There was also the point that the Draenai could fight a lot better than he could. Just because he had a sharp dagger didn't mean that he knew how to use it all that well.

The green of the forest soon proved boring to his eyes, and Raave's attention started to wander. He looked back and forth, trusting Sjokis to find the path for them instead of learning the path himself. He probably should have been paying attention, but the forest was just one never-ending streak of green to his eyes. Already, he was starting to wonder how anyone walked through this place without going insane from boredom.

The one thing that kept him from going mad was the swaying ass of the blue skinned male leading him along. He couldn't really help watching it whenever he looked ahead, the muscular rump barely covered down the middle by a bit of cloth and nothing else. Muscles clenched and released, flowed under the skin, and he found himself wanting to touch and feel it as it moved.

Those thoughts, more than anything else, made him shake his head. "Sjokis, if you see a cold river, let me know. I think I need to soak my head for a while," he called out.

"Sure, but I don't think there's anything of the sort for another day or two in this direction," Sjokis responded. Well, that didn't help him all that much, Raave admitted, letting his eyes fall down to the Draenai's rump again without thinking.

He groaned, and forced his eyes down to the path. Barely visible among the vegetation of the forest, it was nevertheless noticeably smoother to walk upon, and he instantly could tell if he stepped off of it merely by the feel of the ground under his feet. So, as long as he stayed on the path, he reasoned that he would be able to stick to the trail that Sjokis picked out.

That worked fairly well in his head, so that's what he did...for hours.

Whatever kind of traveling Sjokis did every day, Raave wasn't sure that he was up to it. He couldn't tell time, and the forest canopy was a little too dense for him to be able to tell the position of the sun, but he was sure that they had been walking for hours. His legs felt like they should have been falling off, and his shoulders ached from the weight of the bedroll and tent that he carried. How far had they traveled, he wondered. Was it more than a dozen miles? Less? It was impossible to tell.

Just as he felt like he was going to collapse, he bumped into the Draenai's back. The light cover of blue fur was soft against his face, but it was embarrassing to just walk into his companion. More embarrassing still was the way that his crotch bumped into the highly muscled rump that he'd been staring at earlier, and how his body reacted to it.

Pulling back in hopes that Sjokis hadn't quite noticed the sudden rush of hardness to his member and the resulting tent, he asked, "Why are we stopping?"

"Because we're at tonight's campsite." Sjokis stepped out of the way, and Raave blinked at the already roaring fire ahead of them. Now that he was looking at something other than the trail, he realized that it was dimmer in the forest than he had thought. What little light came through from the trees was much less bright than before, and wasn't the strength of the brilliance that lit the forest earlier. It was either sunset or so close as to not matter.

"I guess we made good time, then." Raave grunted as he dropped the packaged tent to the ground, slumping down beside the fire. The warmth of the blaze immediately settled into his limbs, and he groaned at the comforting feeling. "Gods above, it feels good to rest."

"I suppose."

Raave looked up with an eyebrow cocked. The Draenai almost sounded hesitant or, dare he say it, worried. "What's the matter?"

"I don't remember anyone else walking around this area, and when I passed this campsite a few days past, there wasn't any sign of a firepit. There's one now." When Raave still didn't answer, Sjokis sighed. "There wasn't any campsite here before, and there's a fire here with no tents or other signs of people using this place. I am wondering who left the fire going, and whether there's going to be trouble when they get back."

That got through his head, and if his legs hadn't already been in a great deal of pain, Raave would have pulled himself back to his feet. As it was, he could barely pull himself from a vertical state to a seated state, and that in and of itself was a struggle. "So what do we do? Keep moving?"

Sjokis shook his head. "I'd suggest that if you weren't exhausted, but as it is, I'm pretty sure I'd have to carry you." He sat down beside the human, leaning back on his arms. "As it is...well, a trap is only a trap if the people walking into it don't see it. We'll just have to be careful of anyone that comes near. You go ahead and rest, for now. I'll wake you if there's anything wrong."

The human would have protested that, but his eyes were already closing, and the fire just felt so good...He'd rest for a few minutes. Just rest, not sleep, he promised himself. Just because Sjokis was so strong didn't mean that he was invincible, and he'd need...he'd need...

His thoughts trailed off, and he slipped into the dark emptiness of sleep. Dreams of the things he'd denied during the day filled his mind, and a smile crossed his face as he unconsciously snuggled up against Sjokis's side.


It was near midnight when something woke him up. The sound was slight, almost non-existant, but it was out of place enough to catch his ears. Raave opened his eyes slowly, and immediately noticed two things. The first thing was that the fire had burned down to embers, its heat disappearing and leaving the air more than a little bit chill.

The second thing he noticed was that someone was sneaking up behind Sjokis.

"Look out!" he hissed loudly. The green skinned form sneaking up behind the Draenai paused at Raave's warning, and that was enough for Sjokis to get ready.

As he sprung to his feet, the Draenai pulled an axe out of nowhere. The half-moon blade gleamed in the moonlight as it slipped through the air, meeting the sword that their attacker pulled out. Being of greater strength, the Draenai shoved at the blade and knocked the sword back.

That blow was the only one that the attacker was able to swing. Sjokis advanced on the silent enemy with fast blows, furious. Even when his opponent was able to block a blow, the axe came up again fast enough to prevent the opponent from having any openings. And those were the lucky times for the green skinned enemy, because when he wasn't able to block the blows, the axe slipped through and took bites out of his flesh. Though never larger than a long cut, the blows began to add up, particularly the ones that were over the major muscles of the arms and chest.

As the duel between the two continued, Raave watched with amazed eyes. It was increasingly obvious that the Draenai was playing with his opponent, letting him have the slightest chance of a victory so that the conflict could continue for as long as possible. Not that there was a chance for the sneaky enemy to actually get away: if his back was turned, Sjokis obviously wouldn't hesitate to bury his axe there.

No, this was a fight to the death with the outcome already determined. It just was a matter of how long it would take for Sjokis to get bored of fighting and want to get back to sleep.

Surprisingly, the Draenai's opponent managed to pull a trick that nearly spilled some of Sjokis's blood. His blade darted out towards the blue furred hip, and it was only through a quick twist that Sjokis managed to keep from taking damage. However, even though he avoided being slashed open along his side from the sword slash, he did lose something.

The fabric that had been covering his groin and rump for the entire day fell away, the little rope that held it up severed. However, the exposure didn't bother the blue giant a bit. If anything, it only encouraged him, as he grinned and swung the axe again.

Raave could only watch in amazement, though his eyes weren't for the fight any longer. Now he was watching the flopping exposed shaft that bounced this way and that with every movement Sjokis made.

It was huge, but proportional to the giant it was attached to. The head was thick from what little he could see of it: after all, it really wasn't staying still long enough for him to have a good look. The only part of Sjokis's genitalia that was staying still was his balls, but even they were larger than Raave might have thought they'd be, drooping down along the thighs and looking quite full.

"I wouldn't mind draining them," he muttered to himself. He covered his mouth just as he said that, amazed he had actually said it out loud and hoping that the clashing and clanging of the weapons had been enough to keep Sjokis from hearing those words. They were just too embarrassing.

Finally, after another minute of playing, the Draenai swung the final blow. His axe hewed through the green enemy's neck, completely severing it from the neck and sending it rolling back somewhere into the forest shadows. The body fell down with a thump, and the sword in its hand clanged as it hit the ground, sliding away a few feet before coming to a halt.

Sjokis grunted softly, putting his axe away and walking away. He didn't even bother getting his loincloth again, leaving it on the ground where it had fallen. His heavy, swaying dick was all that Raave could look at as his companion came over again, and sat down. Only when the naked Draenai was seated beside him was he able to look away, but it was a little late by that point. Sjokis already knew his fascination. He looked away with a blush, waiting for the rebuke that he was sure was coming.

"That guy wasn't alone, I'm sure." Raave blinked. Wasn't there going to be something else? "The others probably won't show up until morning, but that's not a sure thing. I want you to be ready to get going before sunrise tomorrow morning. Can you do that?"

"Um, yeah, but-"

"Good. Now, why don't we talk about what you were staring at while I was fighting," Sjokis said, turning his eyes to face the human. "I noticed that you were a little fascinated by this little thing?" His hand clasped his member, squeezing it lightly and wagging it from side to side as he chuckled.

Raave looked away with a bit of a blush, but nodded. "Yeah, I, erm, couldn't help but notice your endowment."

"And my ass, too, I noticed." Oh, Gods, he'd noticed him staring, too?! That was too much, Raave thought as he buried his face in his hands. "Oh, stop that. I like being stared at, though I didn't expect my new companion to have a liking for this."

New topic, new topic. The human cast around for something, anything, that he could use to get the topic shifted around. "Um, what...who was that guy?" he asked, pointing at the corpse. "Did you figure that out?"

"Who? Him? Oh, some orc." Sjokis shook his head lightly, shrugging his shoulders. "Probably someone that was scouting some sort of route into the more populated parts of the islands. But he won't bother anyone the way he is now."

"Well, that's good," Raave admitted with a nod. The muscled blue arm was sliding over his shoulder, and though he didn't think it was quite appropriate, he had to admit that he enjoyed the feeling of the strong limb against him. "But...but don't you think you should tell someone? I mean, if there are more of them-"

"If there are more, then the rest of my brethren can probably handle them," the Draenai said. He smiled, and Raave blushed at the way that smile made him tingle. "Right now, I think I want to spend a little time with you..."

The Draenai and the human pressed a little closer together. Despite the fact that one of them was clothed and the other wasn't, Raave wasn't the least bit uncomfortable. Embarrassed, maybe a little, but not uncomfortable. He didn't know what Sjokis felt, but he was pretty sure that the blue giant was more happy than anything else.

Still, there was something that worried at his mind. "Sjokis?" he muttered. "I do...I do have one little question, before this goes any further."

"What's that, Raave?"

"Why are you...well...acting like this around me?" The Draenai looked confused, so he elaborated. "I mean, there must be a lot of people that you see on a daily basis, and I'm sure that you don't sit down and cuddle with them, let alone stay this close to them and stay naked. Why are you doing this with me?"

"Well...I guess the main thing is because of how you appeared here," Sjokis admitted. "I was told a while back that there would be someone new to the world that would need a companion, and that this person would be someone I would need to be close to, who would need someone to lean on and be a companion to. But they never said that you would be as cute as you are." A blush slipped across the blue furred face at his admission. "Even if you hadn't been watching my butt all day, I'd probably have guessed how you felt when you spent so much time watching my morning wood earlier."

Raave's blush got even worse. "You knew I was doing that? I thought you were asleep."

"I was, for a little bit. Still, there's only so long that I can take someone looking at my dick before I start realizing they're doing it."

"I guess...that makes sense," the human admitted. His hand, formerly pressed against the Draenai's chest, slowly began sliding down, pressing against the muscled belly and abs. Fingers twitching in anticipation, he slowly let them fall a little lower, stroking along the soft, flaccid length that waited. "I guess...I guess the only question left....is what now?"

"Well, that's up to you, little human," Sjokis said, shrugging again. His member twitched under Raave's hand as he continued, "I'd like to do a lot, but I'm not going to push you. Cute as you are, you're not the kind of person I'd just ravage. I'd much...much rather...make love to you."

This was all so surreal to the human. Here he was, in a world that he had only thought existed in the minds and imaginations of those who played in it, with a creature that he had...created? Befriended? Imagined? He wasn't sure. But he knew that he'd never imagined this sort of situation as a scenario where he would have sex, nor did he ever think that he would have a partner as...he had to admit, desirable as the Draenai was. And he was such a charming talker and partner, too. Raave leaned close, and pressed his lips against his companion's, moaning softly at the electric touch between them.

It wasn't long before Sjokis joined in the passionate kiss, their tongues pressing against each other as their lips parted. Despite his fervor, Raave's tongue was pushed back into his mouth as the Draenai showed his dominance, the broader, thicker, more muscled tongue shoving its way into the human's mouth.

Despite his initial defeat, the human didn't give up. Still wrestling against his companion-no, lover's tongue, Raave wrapped his arms tightly around the blue giant's form. He moaned into the kiss, the excitement of that contact spreading through him like a fiery wave, heating him up from head to toes. Every second that the kiss lasted for only added to his great excitement.

Finally forced to break apart for a breath of air, the two of them panted softly. Even with the desperate need for air, neither could look away from the other, grinning at each other and reaching out to hold one another. They couldn't let go of each other for even a second.

"I...I want you, so bad, Sjokis," Raave hissed as his hands wandered along the Draenai's form. Even as he touched over the muscled, toned torso of the blue male, he felt Sjokis's larger hands slowly rubbing over his back. His hands reached the Draenai's crotch at about the same time as the other's hands reached his butt, and he pressed back against them before he could think to do anything else.

He wasn't allowed much freedom, however, as he was tugged close again. Those strong hands on his rear pushed him close until he was chest to chest, groin to groin to the larger, stronger male. "I want you too...but there's one last thing between us."

For a moment, Raave worried that there was something that he had done that had offended the Draenai. Then he looked down, and blushed, realizing that he was still dressed. "I can take care of that," he muttered. Before his hands had managed to undo more than a button, though, Sjokis reached up and did it for him. A little violently, but he did it. As the rags of his clothes fell to his side, Raave had a fleeting thought about what he was going to do for clothes tomorrow.

Then he felt the Draenai's lips against his again, and all thoughts of clothes and anything else fled.

They kissed for so long. It could have been minutes, it could have been hours; Raave simply didn't know anymore, completely overwhelmed with the joy that came with it. There was nothing so good in the world as this, he thought, and he wished that it would never end. Never.

But of course, it did, eventually, and for a moment, he considered asking to just keep kissing rather than making love with the big guy. After something as passionate as their kiss, what else could compare?

Sjokis answered that for him in a quick motion. Guided by the strong male's hands, Raave found himself positioned over a nearby stump. Thankfully , enough moss grew on the wood to keep him from being hurt by the abrasive sort of material, and he actually felt rather comfortable as he looked over his shoulder to watch his lover's actions.

No sooner had he turned to look than the Draenai pressed his lips against his butt. They puckered as they touched his hole, and only a second later he felt the tongue follow. Every little touch of that broad, slick surface against his trembling orifice yanked moans from his lips, and he was soon panting. His member hardened quickly, throbbing under him and leaking pre against his belly since it was pressed against him so firmly.

The dexterous tongue against his hole licked back and forth, up and down, every direction combination imaginable. And Sjokis was good enough at this that the pressure remained constant when needed, and varied when it wasn't. For nearly a minute, Raave was sure that his lover was going to drive him over the edge with nothing more than tongue action.

But he was wrong.

Just as he was on the verge of climax, the Draenai pulled back. His hole puckered and trembled with the need for more stimulation, and he whimpered as he turned his head. "Please...don't stop...keep going..." he whispered. "I need it..." And he needed it badly. Raave lifted his rear up a little higher, closer to the level of the Draenai's crotch.

That seemed to be what the blue giant wanted. Sjokis grinned down at him, and rubbed at his crotch lightly. Now that Raave was paying attention, he saw that the Draenai had gotten quite hard, his prick swollen with blood and arousal. The blue shaft was throbbing before his eyes, and he could see pre dripping off of the thick head. That was about to go into him.

He couldn't wait.

Sjokis grabbed onto his hips and pulled him back, grinning softly at him. Raave grinned back and did his best to relax, feeling the thick head pressed against his hole. It wouldn't take much for the large blue giant to push that cock in, but he didn't want to be ripped up by the size of it if he wasn't ready.

The pressure grew against his hole, the force that Sjokis was applying getting higher with every passing second. How it wasn't already inside of his hole was a wonder, Raave thought. Probably his more or less virgin status with his back end, though that was going to be coming to an end shortly. That thing would open him up so much that he doubted that he'd ever have trouble fitting it up him again. Which he planned to do often, he realized.

Just as he hit the end of that thought, the cock popped into his hole. He grunted at the way that his insides were spread out, and hissed at the slight discomfort. Rather than feeling split open like he had half-expected to, however, he felt...full. The pleasant feeling of being stuffed like this overwhelmed whatever actual discomfort there was, and he sighed in pleasure.

As his cock throbbed under him, Raave slowly pushed back against the shaft, slowly pulling more and more of it into his rump. He wanted it to be all that way in him: he wanted to hilt on that thing, wanted to pull Sjokis so far up his ass that he'd never be satisfied by another human again.

The pressure inside of his rear grew with every additional inch that slipped in. It was a slow, arduous process, and several times the pressure and discomfort grew to levels that were almost enough to eclipse the pleasure. Whenever that happened, he stilled himself and asked Sjokis to stop and wait. When it had subsided enough, he started pushing back again.

He couldn't stop panting, he realized absently. His breath came in soft, quick spurts, and he couldn't make himself stop and breathe normally. Not that it mattered. He'd breathe normally later, when he didn't feel so damn good!

Finally, he felt Sjokis's groin touch against his rump, and he tentatively looked over his shoulder. There was no cock left outside of his rump now, he realized with a smile, and he sighed in contentment. "Mmmm....you feel...so big..." he whispered softly. "Just...take me, Sjokis...take me hard."

And the Draenai did. He slowly pulled back, moving gradually so that Raave felt every centimeter of the member as that slid free from his hole. It was so...so big, bigger than he'd realized. And even though the sensation of it sliding free was exquisite, he wanted it back in him.

He got that, as Sjokis slammed forward. The sudden thrust was enough to shove the human a few inches forward along the mossy wood, and he moaned louder than ever at the way it felt. The powerful slam had rubbed against his prostate, and a little more pre had been squeezed from his member, making his belly and the moss a little slicker as a result.

After a few more thrusts, Raave forced himself to participate a little more. He clamped down hard on the member in his hole, squeezing it and holding it as tightly as he could as it slipped back. Relaxing, then clamping in time with Sjokis's thrust was a little more difficult than he thought it would be, but he got the hang of it before long.

As soon as he had that down, the Draenai's pants of pleasure got a heck of a lot louder. Raave chuckled to himself between his own moans, glad that he could get his lover so excited. The little discomfort of the large member in his hole was still there, but he had just about gotten over it. There was too much pleasure for him to be focused on something as small as that.

His entire existence slowly tightened down until the human wasn't aware of anything except for his cock and his rear. Everything else was secondary to the sensations that roared through those two pieces of his body. His cock throbbed against the moss and his belly, while his hole spasmed along the cock that slipped in and out. "Oh gods...feels so good," he managed to whisper past clenched teeth.

Without even thinking about it, the human started bouncing back and forth along Sjokis's member, pulling it in and then letting it slip back. Hefty balls slapped against his, the aroused musk of both his body and the Draenai's filled his nose; everything built up so fast, so high. His head was spinning; he didn't know which way was up or down.

And he was cumming.

He didn't realize it at first, with all of his attention focused at the bumps to his prostate, but when his cock let loose cum aplenty against his belly, he sure as hell realized what was happening. Breaking down with a moan, he stilled himself and let himself just be taken. Every touch from behind was like liquid pleasure running down his body, and despite the way that his ass tightened down on the cock inside, Sjokis just kept on thrusting. Somehow, the Draenai hadn't orgasmed just yet.

Every thrust carried the human along to another, greater height of pleasure. He didn't want it to stop, didn't want Sjokis to finish, because that would mean the end to this massive flood of good feelings. But he also wanted the great blue giant to have the pleasure that he was feeling at this point. Looking over his shoulder, he begged, "Please...please...cum in me."

Even his begging didn't hurry the other male along. Instead of cumming there, the Draenai continued thrusting. Every plunge of that cock into his hole pulled another gasp of pleasure, or moan of ecstasy from Raave's mouth. He didn't know how much longer he could take this without going insane.

All of a sudden, Sjokis flipped him over onto his back. He looked up at the muscled chest of his lover as he felt his hole get pounded from a whole new angle. Grunting at the feeling, he reached up and wrapped his arms around Sjokis's shoulders. The next thrust lifted him up and off of the mossy wood, and he wrapped his legs around the Draenai's hips, and rode along the powerful movements of his companion.

Barely a minute later, Raave felt the spasms of orgasm again. But this time, it wasn't his alone. Even as his cock started squirting cum onto the blue furred chest he was pressed against, he felt Sjokis spurting his juices into his rear. The feeling of fullness grew stronger and stronger over the few seconds of their mutual orgasm, and even as his faded and his afterglow set in, he still felt the warm feeling of cock and cum in his rump. Sighing in comfort, he leaned against Sjokis's chest with a smile.

"That was...amazing," he whispered to his companion. "I couldn't...I can't...can't imagine it being any better."

"Neither can I," Sjokis responded, panting just barely less than the human. He slowly sat down, though Raave made sure that he kept that blue cock in his hole. "But...I think we should...rest...yes....rest." The Draenai's eyes blinked a few times, and Raave chuckled a little at that. He'd been sleeping for most of the watch, and Sjokis had been awake the whole time. No wonder he was tired.

There wasn't any need for words between them for that. He nodded, and kissed his lover on the cheek gently. The two of them laid against one another, their mutual warmth enough to offset the little chill in the air as they slowly fell into slumber.


Back in the real world, there was no sign of anyone realizing that anything had changed. The human's family went about their normal lives, and they talked to their friends and acquaintances the same as they always had. The school and college that the family attended never commented on the disappearance of a student, and neither did anybody that contacted the college.

Raave's old room had almost disappeared. The bed, the posters on the wall, and even the books that lined a few shelves had disappeared as soon as the human had, dragged off who knew where. The carpet was replaced with hardwood paneling, and the curtains were gone. Without the window that they had once covered, there was no need for them to exist any longer. All the stains that Raave had left during his life in his bedroom were gone, erased as though they had never been.

The only thing that remained of Raave's life in his room was the computer. It whirred along, even though it had lost the outlet that had provided it power. The monitor continued to glow, and refused to fade to black. The words upon its screen remained, though they were slightly changed since the human had fallen into the game world. To anyone that cared to look, it displayed a very simple message. In a way, it served as Raave's eulogy as he passed from one world to another. It read:

"Player Assimilation: Complete."

Mufasa's Morning Lessons-Two

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Changing Minds, Changing Bodies

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Snacktime for a Snake

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