The Barista, The Vixen And The Goat - II

Story by carlos_penguin on SoFurry

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The Barista, The Vixen And The Goat - II

© 2010 CarLOS Penguin


This is part 2 of the story, The Barista, The Vixen and The Goat and picks up where the other left off. Therefore reading part one is necessary for this to make any sense at all.

I split it into two parts for two main reasons - 1) It carries off in another direction that would have detracted from the original and 2) Complexity of the storyline.

I've had a few calls, public and in message, to incorporate characters into this story from my other ones. I have done so. It will also make for important plots in sequels to my other stories. Thanks for the suggestions, people!

Again I must thank from the bottom of my heart, user Equuleus, for being a source of inspiration and becoming my editor for all intents and purposes. Through his corrections, I'm actually learning how to write ;-)


CarLOS Penguin

1 - "Harliah"

"This was too good to be true!" Goat thought as he gathered himself. He had just a few days earlier wondered about his family in the Pegasiian home systems, if he had any and where they were. He didn't remember much about his mom, but he remembered that she and his dad were newlyweds practically when she left and that his dad never spoke of another son or daughter with her. She must have remarried or found a boyfriend or something...

"Let's all get some rest and leave these two to their reunion." Jillian offered as the rest at the table got the hint and go up to return to their suites. Aaban carefully picked up Teri who was sound asleep through all the commotion and carried her to her suite.

"You going to be OK?" Jillian asked quietly as she ran her fingers through Goat's hair.

Goat looked at her with a smile, "Okay? The whole universe is OK tonight!". His tiredness seemed to have vanished.

Jillian left as Harliah was digging into her plate. 'A little hungry' was an understatement Goat thought as the girl dug into the food as if she hadn't eaten in days. She probably had not either. She hadn't had a shower or change of clothes either Goat figured. But with renewed spirit, that's a minor thing to take care of he thought.

His mind wandered on thoughts of his mom and who may be Harliah's father. Was he someone he'd like to meet? Would he and Gontarr get along? Gontarr! Goat had to contact his father as soon as possible with info about this! No doubt he'd catch the next shuttle to the station and....

"Can I have some water?" Harliah asked.

Goat's mind snapped to the here and now, "What? Oh, water... of course!" He got up to get her some from behind the wet bar. "Are you still hungry?" he asked, noticing her plate had been cleaned.

"I am, but I'm not used to this food...." she said and wiped her mouth, "... I better wait for my stomach to get used to it."

Goat handed her a pint mug of water and ice, which she downed quickly. He returned with a pitcher and asked, "How did you find me? I mean, how did you get here? Does mom know you're here?" Goat had a zillion questions as he was sure she did as well.

Harliah went quiet and looked very uncomfortable. "Mom..... she probably doesn't likely know I'm here."

Goat immediately got the idea she ran away from home. But to smuggle herself into Terran space without being noticed? A gutsy move that could have cost the owners the ship she stowed away on, all its cargo impounded and captain jailed or at least fined into bankruptcy, if the judge was in a good mood.

"Well, I'm sure you've had a hell of a journey and could use some rest." Goat said, appreciating her situation and wasn't going to press her with questions any more tonight. "Come back to my suite and we'll set you up on the sofa or something..... and maybe freshen up your clothes a bit.

Harliah smiled at him appreciatively and got up from her chair watching Goat as he went around the lounge locking out the computers and turning off the lights. Goat lead her out the door into the passageway then turned off the last of the lights and locking up. Turning back to Harliah he started to speak but the sight of her sent his mind careening around the thought of her being the sister he had never known about. A touch on his arm broke him out of his revelry and seeing the concerned look on her face he muttered "Sorry, just a little tired and got lost in thought there." Smiling at her he continued, "Lets go get some sleep, tomorrow should be an interesting day."

At 0900, two hours before the lounge opened, Aaban and Jillian were going about their morning preparations planning to open for Goat. Figuring he stayed up all night talking to his sister they moved about carefully so as not to wake him. Aaban poured himself the abomination that passed for coffee from what the space dock staff called a 'personal dispensary' (his budget for the station café was seriously over its limit) and took a sip. His mouth twisted into a shape usually reserved for horror flick actors.

Since he had got up, he heard the shower running. It had been now over twenty minutes, which was unusual for his friend, even before a date.

He knocked on the washroom door, "Goat? Hey, over three minutes we have to pay extra for the recycler y'know!"

There was no response and the water kept running.

Fearing that his friend slipped and was unconscious, Aaban opened the door and entered, "Goat? Hey man, you okay in... here.... WHOOPS!"

Harliah turned, saw Aaban and went wide eyed with unpleasant surprise. Aaban saw her, was rather surprised himself, turned and left the room.

"Not... Goat!" Aaban said to himself amused and embarrassed, as he stood outside the bedroom door. He expected Harliah to bunk with the girls.

The main door opened and Goat came in looking exhausted.

"Where the hell you been?" Aaban asked, worried about his friend's obvious lack of sleep.

"Community laundry.... her clothes needed washing." Goat replied, still three quarters asleep.

Aaban took the clothes and led Goat to the bedroom. "You are going to get some sleep. Jillian and I are taking care of the lounge this morning and afternoon."

"I got an hour sleep, I'll be fine." Goat protested groggily as he sat on his bed. Before he could protest any further, he fell over on his side. Aaban lifted Goat's feet on the bed as he closed his eyes and was out.

The shower had finally stopped. Aaban gathered his things and headed in the direction of the washroom. He passed Harliah on the way, wrapped in a towel. "Your clothes are in there." He said and pointed to the bedroom. She just nodded quickly and shyly scurried past.

"How's Goat doing this morning?" Jillian asked Aaban as they walked together down the corridors heading for the lounge.

"Tired." He responded. "I thought she'd be bunking with you two?"

"Teri and I talked about that this morning and think that might be the best thing too." She stopped and looked at Aaban with a serious look, "Do you think she really is his sister and not some sort of con?"

Aaban shrugged, "It's easy enough to find out. Should be a matter of public record."

It was a slow morning after the big grand opening days. Four customers from 1100 to noon may not have bode well for the morning tally, but Aaban and Jillian were both thankful. One cook and one waitress with them grumbled about pittance for tips, but were kept busy by Jillian. Aaban made quick work of the morning's ordering and spent time on the data-net, searching Pegasiian birth records. An alarm bell went off in his head.

"Jillian, take a look at this...." He called her over. "I found the records for Gontarr and Aanuah, even Goat. I found an uncontested marriage contract annulment for them filed by her, but that's where the records stop."

Jillian scanned through them too and checked a couple of other options. "It's not that they aren't there, they're protected." She said with curiosity raising in her voice.

"So, could your concern be correct? She's a fraud?" Aaban said with growing concern for his friend.

"Don't know." Jillian shook her head. "Could mean a lot of things." Before they could discuss it any further, a delayed lunch crowd showed up all at once. Jillian and Aaban sprung into action.

1400 rolled around and the lounge was hopping still. Aaban called in staff early and they were struggling to keep up with the food and light drink orders. One would think they were the only place on the station that served a good meal. "Where are they coming from?" Aaban said as he was helping the cook in the kitchen do prep. The cook, Mac, reminded Aaban of Jason, only if he had lived a rough life. A middle aged, fat, balding, weathered skin of a man was handling the rush with rather quiet grace as he calmly directed Aaban on what he needed and even how to do it.

"One of them cruise ships came in. They can take what, three... four thousand fully loaded? Nahhh, from this I'd say she had 2,500... tops." Mac the cook calmly said. "We're gonna be jus' fine, Boss."

1600 hours and the crowd thinned out some. Most of the passengers had shuttled to the surface. Mac was right, they handled it just fine. But in the meantime, every dish was dirty and Aaban was sweating profusely from non-stop working in the kitchen and handling minor complaints out front, Aaban was helping out in the kitchen, trying to catch up on dishes with Mac and a waiter.

Teri showed up for her bookkeeping duties and Harliah was with her. Aaban gave Teri a kiss and looked like he'd already put in a full day at a labour camp. "Was it busy, Honey?" Teri asked as she looked at Aaban all disheveled.

"Nahhh, I just put him to work in the kitchen!" Mac said with a wink as he grabbed a tray and headed to the back. Harliah giggled.

"We... got... hammered!" Aaban admitted. "If it wasn't for this staff Gontarr got us..." he rolled is eyes and threw up his arms. "How are you today, Harliah?" Aaban asked after taking a deep breath.

She shrugged and smiled, "Feeling better, thanks. Your girlfriend is nice."

"Goat was asleep and she was bored. So I showed her around the station and took her for lunch." Teri said.

"Yes, she is very nice then." Aaban agreed. He rubbed his chin and looked at Harliah, "Tell me, how would you like a job?"

She gave a blank look and shrugged, "What doing?"

"Bussing." Aaban said, looking at all the dirty tables the busy waiters and waitresses had not had a chance to fully clean after the rush, making the place look very shabby.

"What does that mean?" Harliah asked, still with something of a blank look.

"Teenagers on any planet just don't seem to change. Either they bust their butts, or they do absolutely nothing." Aaban thought to himself as he explained, "Take a tray like Mac grabbed and go around to the tables and fill it with everything you can fit into it. Bring it to the dish pit in the back, empty, repeat."

Harliah looked around at the room, nodded her head, looked at Aaban and asked, "Who's Mac?"

Teri rolled her eyes and took Harliah by the hand, "I'll show her, Hun."

By the early evening, Harliah had the hang of things and seemed to be enjoying herself and the interaction with others. Despite her arrival in a rather scruffy state, she conducted herself well and could carry on conversations in a variety of topics with the customers and the staff.

"Our new worker seems to be relaxed and fitting in." Aaban remarked to Jillian. "If she is a con, she's a very good one. Especially for her age."

"Your new girl learns real fast like, Boss!" Mac said as he was getting off shift. "She's even taking an interest in the cookin'. Where's she from, anyway?"

"Uhhhh...." Aaban hesitated. "Pegasi... somewhere. She's Jon's sister apparently and just arrived."

Mac winked, "Well wherever, I hope Jon keeps her." He left just as Jon arrived looking very sombre.

Jillian ran up to him and stopped in his path and gave a cheerful smile, "Hey!" She paused before continuing, "Your little sis has been a great help."

Jon gave a forced smile before the mood on his face returned like a veil draping over him with a pall, "I need to talk to her."

Jillian shot Aaban a concerned look and he nodded and went into the back to get Harliah.

"Do you want to talk?" Jillian asked softly, a pain in her voice that echoed the one in her heart from seeing Goat like this.

He patted her on the shoulder, "Later maybe. I just need to find something out."

Teri appeared with Harliah. "Your little sister is unbelievable Jon. She was watching me do the accounting and..... well...." She trailed off seeing Jon's expression.

Jon put his arm around his sister and they slowly walked into the back office. Closing the door behind him, he sat down and gathered his thoughts for a moment. Harliah just stood before him, silent.

"Mom's dead, isn't she?" Jon finally got the question out in a low, sad voice?

Harliah began to cry, "I... I don't know. I just ran." Throwing her arms around her brother, she sobbed as he held her.

Out front, Teri asked Aaban, "What's going on?"

"I don't know Hun." He replied, then looked around to see if anyone was close enough to listen. In a low voice he told her of Jillian's suspicions and their lack of success of finding any records for her.

Teri, looked at him with a mix of surprise and disappointment, "How could you? Whatever she may be, that's Jon's affair, not yours or Jillian's!"

Aaban looked at her sternly, "Look, we are all in this together. What affects Jon, affects us all. lounge aside, he's my best friend and I'm going to watch his back! It's what we do!"

Teri just looked at him disappointedly shaking her head, "It still seems like meddling to me." She made a tea, grabbed a data pad and sat down across the room from where Aaban was.

Jillian looked up from her station and gave Aaban a look of 'not you too?', from his emotional expression.

"Jill, I'm.... going to freshen up and take a break. You going to be okay for an hour?"

"I'll get Teri to help me if we get a rush." She replied, knowing better than to press the situation at the moment.

Aaban had a shower and changed his clothes. He was tired, there was a mystery, Goat was sad and Teri was upset with him. "Maybe his coin worked on everyone but him?" he thought for a moment. Nahhh, that was silly. Look where he and his friends were. Of course there were bound to be bumps in the road, especially with the life altering little drop-in Goat just received.

But really, who was Harliah, other than Goat's sister? He sat down at the computer to do some more research. He found the computer hadn't been logged off and the information it was displaying, told him immediately why Jon was so upset. Hell, he would have been too. This was bad on several levels.

Aaban, rushed out and headed back to the lounge.

2 - "Safe Haven"

"Is Jon still in the office?" Aaban asked one of the waitresses who nodded. Aaban rolled his eyes. As concerned as he was, he wasn't about to burst in on them having their conversation.

Jillian saw Aaban had returned and after seating a group of six, rushed over to the bar where Aaban was pacing in behind an annoyed waiter-acting-bartender, who nearly ran into him twice.

"Hey... Aaban... PSSST!" Jillian hissed, trying to get his attention. "What the hell is up? You look like a caged wildcat." She asked, pulling him out from behind the bar.

"Goat... his sister.... she may be in a shit lot of danger!" He said probably louder than he should have, as a waiter raised an eyebrow having overheard.

"Hang on..." Jillian said as she motioned for Teri, who was still having tea across the room and working on the data pad. "Teri hun, could you please take over for me for a while?"

Teri nodded, but gave a sideways look at Aaban as she headed for the hostess station that had customers waiting.

"What do you mean, Harliah may be in danger? Why?" Jillian asked in a whisper.

"Goat left the computer on. The records we were searching for this morning that had been protected? They were opened all right... probably because he's family." Aaban replied.

"So, she is actually his sister?" Jillian said excitedly.

Aaban nodded, "Yes, half sister by his mother, Aanuah all right... but her father is... or was.... my Gods..." Aaban tailed off shaking his head and placing it in his hands.

"WHO!?" Jillian said not bothering to contain her voice as she grabbed Aaban's arms.

"Baladar Orlok." Goat's voice answered Jillian, startling both of them into nearly falling over.

"As in... Councillor Orlok?" Jillian asked, grabbing her heart from being startled.

Goat nodded. "I left the computer on, on purpose Ab, In case you were off before I saw you again and needed a reason to avoid questioning my sister on her origins. She's been through hell in the last three weeks."

Jillian and Aaban agreed. Harliah came around from the side of the bar, her face a mess with red, puffy eyes from a very emotional discussion with her brother. "Because you two now know, Jill, can you take her back to the suite and stay with her?"

Jillian agreed and took Harliah straight away.

"Now my friend, you need to inform Teri of this. I'll talk more with you later on what's up." Goat said as he took over hosting from Teri.

Teri sat down. "Jon wants you to tell me something?" she asked curiously.

Aaban told what he knew and as he got more into the story, Teri's anger for her boyfriend melted away into shock and fear for Harliah. Her eyes were wide and she covered her mouth as he finished the story.

"That's... terrible!" Teri gasped. "Can I go to her?"

Aaban looked around at a typical evening. Nothing he, despite being tired and Goat couldn't handle with the two other front people. "Sure...." he said to her, only to see her already trotting past Goat and around the corner for the door.

After closing, Goat pored himself a stiff drink and one for Aaban too. "I will never complain about baggage a chick comes with after tonight." Downing his drink in one shot, he added, "Nothing I have heard tops what this girl has gone through."

Aaban took a sip and gave a cough. He had some strong drinks in his time, but this burned his eyeballs from the inside out. "I guess you told your dad?"

Goat nodded, "He was the one who had to authorize the opening of the records, as the eldest surviving relative on either side of the family." Goat poured another drink for himself. "The good news is being the eldest, he automatically has custody of her as half-daughter through my blood relation to mom."

Aaban fiddled with his glass before asking the next question. "The records said her father was deceased and her... your mom was missing. May I asked what happened?"

Goat sighed and belted down his drink. "There was an attack at her house. Orlok went to go to an evening council meeting and there was an explosion." Goat grabbed the bottle, looked at it and decided against another glass.... for now. "Armed men came in the house. Mom... screamed and yelled for Harliah to run. She did." Goat picked up the bottle again, this time filling his glass. "She ran to the neighbours who took her to the Protectorate station. She was held in protective custody for three days while they searched for the bombers and looked for her... our mother and next of kin. They didn't find mom apparently and told her to come here to find me or dad."

"So, she arrived in a Protectorate Guard cruiser."

Finishing his drink, Goat shook his head as the strong liquid began to take effect. "They hired a trader to take her and shadowed the ship. They took her as far as the border, where the Stellar Alliance Reserve under the guise of 'impounding a smuggler ship', escorted them to Midway Station around Altair. Official records will show her in custody awaiting extradition back to the Pegasi system, but she was sent here on a passenger transport from there, with a Terran passport. That's why those hideous clothes she showed up in."

They sat in silence for a while. "It's your Mafia, isn't it? They exacted revenge on Orlok for blowing the Serpen trade deal."

Goat shook his head, "I don't know. But that would be my guess. The records were sealed because of the active investigation, but officially, according to dad, are sealed as diplomatic privilege."

Goat placed his head in his hands, "What do I do, Abman?"

"Right now my friend, go to your sister. I would however, like to talk to Gontarr." Aaban said as Goat got up and staggered over to his friend, "Whatever you need, man. Whatever you need."

Aaban had a disturbed sleep that night. Goat, thanks to the alcohol, was probably getting the best sleep (that he needed) since Harliah showed up. Aaban went over to the computer and setup a link to Goat's old home, hoping to find Gontarr there.

"Couldn't sleep either, Aaban?" Came the deep voice from a tired old Pegasiian man with bags under his eyes and wearing only undershorts.

"Hey Gontarr... what do you think about this?" Aaban asked.

"I think..." Gontarr said, rubbing his forehead, "...human planet best place to be for her."

"How so?"

Gontarr smiled, "Face it Aaban, you people may look and sound gentle now. But when pushed.... "

Gontarr was right. Just a couple centuries ago, Earth was broiled in wars. It wasn't until first contact by the Centaurians that Earth began to unite.

"Are you coming to get her, or are you wanting Goat to bring her there?" Aaban asked Goat's father.

"If it is all right with you all up there, I think to meet with you up there would be best. The station is much better screened with who goes in and out than the planet." Gontarr replied. "I will arrive soon. I am very anxious to see this half daughter I have been blessed with."

The morning came far too soon, as it has the past couple of mornings Aaban thought as he rubbed his head and just laid there, ignoring the wake alarm sounding throughout the suite.

Harliah had entered their suite early and was spending time with her brother as they ate breakfast. She was speaking in fluent Pegasiian and Goat had to struggle with the language. Gontarr hadn't really spoken with him that frequently in it since his mother left, unless they were in Pegasiian company. Being educated on Earth, Goat had let it fall to disuse. Something he now regretted.

Time went by quickly and in less than an hour, they had to open the lounge. This was normally Jillian's day off, so Aaban was playing host until dinner. "Rise and shine, oh roomy of mine!" Goat said cheerfully. Aaban had fallen back to sleep, successfully ignoring the alarm earlier.

Aaban scowled as he ran his hand through his hair, "I will rise.... but that's as far as I go." Grumbling something about 'dime-store poet', he headed to the shower.

"Is he always this miserable when he wakes?" Harliah asked, raising an eyebrow towards the washroom door, where grumblings and mild curses were emanating.

Goat laughed, "He's addicted to caffeine. He doesn't become human until he's had a good jolt of espresso or something."

"What's espresso?" Harliah asked curiously.

Goat programmed an order for two espressos from the food dispenser. He agreed with his friend that the unit couldn't make coffee worth a damn, but it was still a good sight better than the swill his dad called 'coffee'.

He handed a cup and saucer to his sister, who sniffed it and shrugged. Goat took his in one shot, curled his lips, shook his head and smiled. Harliah swallowed hers in one shot as well.

First she was expressionless, then her eyes went wide and she gasped in a huge breath as her face contorted into shapes Goat never saw on a Pegasiian before.

"HADABRUNI BLANDOS!" She shouted and shook her head, not unlike a Terran dog that just came out of water.

There were some Pegasiian words Goat knew very well and he tried to look stern at her, but couldn't hold back his smirk, "I ought to slap your face for swearing like that!"

Harliah looked at him with a shocked look, but not doubting her older brother just might do such a thing. But Goat couldn't hold his laughter in as Harliah visibly looked relieved. "Another shot?"

Harliah held up her empty cup and smiled, "Please!"

Aaban showed up at their small kitchenette table cleaned, dressed and ready for some of that 'machine poisoned' coffee as he called it. Harliah brought him a large mug with a smile. He gave a faint smile with a grunt.

Harliah sat down continued talking to her brother at a rate that he could no longer even try and keep up. He caught the odd word here and there and just smiled and nodded.

"Do all teenage girls chatter a zillion light years a second?" Aaban whispered to his friend.

Goat leaned over and said with his hand covering the side of his mouth, "She's had three espressos." Harliah didn't even seem to notice as she continued chattering.

"So, have you and Aaban given any thought to how you'll be spending your days off tomorrow?" Jillian asked Teri as they stepped out of the recreation centre pool for a leisurely swim.

"We've been so busy, we've barely had time for each other since the lounge opened. Now with Harliah showing up..." She replied, trying to towel off some of the salty pool water she was dripping like a rainstorm all over the carefully tended real grass turf that separated the pool area from the patio.

"Soon you'll pace yourselves and be able to get on with the important things in your lives - each other!" Jillian said as they made it to a pair of reclining chairs brightly lit and warmed by the solar-spectrum lights.

Jillian called for a server, removed her bikini top, put on sunglasses and layed in the chair with a big sigh. "Never got this bright or warm in Vancouver. Gontarr should have given Jon this place years ago."

The waiter brought two tall glasses of fresh water, gave Jillian a big smile and returned, giving a double-take. Teri also let out a sigh as she reclined.

"That wasn't a good sigh. What's on your mind, hun?" Jillian asked as she took a sip of water through the straw and lifting her glasses a bit.

"Well, I don't know how long there will be an 'us', Jill. I'm worried."

Jillian rolled on her side towards Teri, "That doesn't sound good. When did this come about?"

Teri shrugged, "Maybe always?" She turned on her side to face Jillian, "Look at you, Jon and Aaban... you three are all so free spirited. You do wild and crazy things together, throw privacy and rules to the wind to help each other in time of need..."

"What, you mean the computer thing with Goat's family info on it?" Jillian waved her hand dismissively, "Hun, when Jon wants privacy, there's no can opener big enough to extract the contents of what's on his mind."

"Well, maybe that time. But I'm thinking.... I'm a square wheel on the cart. I snap at Aaban for the silliest things. I take offence when he's just implying I was sexy. And look at me, here, now... I'm covered in this swimsuit from neck to thigh and you... you and half the women here are topless." She rolled on her back, "I just don't fit with you.. 'Three Musketeers'"

Jillian was still working out the 'square wheel on the cart' analogy when Teri had finished. It clicked into her what she meant in a few moments. "Well hun, neither did d'Artagnan."

"Excuse me?"

"d'Artagnan... the fourth Musketeer?" Jillian said as she raised her eyebrow. "He didn't fit in at first either."

Teri smiled, "Okay, I guess I just need more time..."

"And then there were five!" Jillian began to laugh.

Teri raised her eyebrow again, "Excuse me?"

"Harliah." Jillian replied chuckling, "She can be our Albert de Parmagnan!"

Teri paused and with a blank look asked, "Who?"

Jillian rolled her eyes, "Albert de Parmagnan, the fifth Musketeer? Didn't you go to a Retro Theatre before we all went together? Or read adventure stories when you were young?"

Teri shook her head with a helpless look and shrugged.

Jillian got up with a frustrated growl, "C'mon hun, crash course in 'musketeering'!" Tying her top back on and Taking Teri by the hand, they went off to the shops.

By late morning, Harliah had learned that a 'caffeine high' is followed by a 'caffeine crash', if not followed up through the day with coffee or tea and was fast asleep in a corner of the lounge office.

Aaban heard the front door announcer in his ear receiver while he was seating a friendly couple on their first visit to the station. He promptly returned to the host station to find Gontarr waiting with an anxious smile on his face.

"Hey! Glad you made it quick." Aaban said, then placed a finger over his lips as if to say 'shhh', "She's napping in the office. Got into some espresso pretty heavy and didn't follow it up with anything throughout the day."

Gontarr chuckled, "So Aaban, you have made a coffee monster out of my daughter already?"

Aaban just chuckled and would let Goat tell the story of who really created the 'coffee monster'.

Aaban seated Gontarr at the staff table and Goat gave his dad a welcoming smile as he was masterfully mixing drinks from behind the bar.

Gontarr couldn't sit still for very long, as usual and joined his son. "So, how are you liking holding the yoke of your own ship so far?". Whether it was out of instinct or wanting to be helpful, he looked at the screen full of orders and began working from where he figured his son was.

"What's not to like, dad? I am eternally grateful!" And Jon meant it wholeheartedly too. As much as the stress could be, he thoroughly enjoyed it.

"So, tell me... what is Harliah like? Gontarr asked as trays were filled and servers grabbed them in turn with replacing empty ones.

"She's an absolute sweetheart. Going through what she has and still being curious about everything and keeping positive. Always looking forward that girl." Goat paused and looked inquiring at his dad, "Or could she just be suppressing the trauma?"

Gontarr shrugged, "She needs counselling to find out. Have you contacted the station medical staff or brought her in?"

Goat shook his head, "I didn't want to do anything too soon."

"Has station security contacted you?"

Goat shook his head again.

"Hmm, that is most interesting..." Gontarr said as he rubbed his chin, puzzled.

Goat felt arms reach around from behind him and a pleading voice, "I'm sorry. Am I fired?"

Both fellows turned around to see Harliah's sad face looking up at Goat with worry in her eyes. "No, of course not." Goat chuckled as he rubbed his sisters head. "You do however, have someone here that wants to meet you." He waved his hand over to Gontarr, who had an expression of amazement, wonder, heartbreak and concern, all at once.

Gontarr knelt, stroked her head and placed his hand on her cheek, "Yarmqiz?" He asked (which was Pegasiian for half-child).

A single tear ran down her cheek as she put her arms around Gontarr and held on as if for life, "Yarmata?" (Half-father) she whispered and began to sob.

Gontarr easily picked her up with her sitting on one of his powerful arms, her arms still around him, "Yeqqdil meh yarmqiz, yeqqdil!" (Brought together my half-child, brought together!)

An hour later, Gontarr was slamming his fist on the desk of the unnerved Corporal at station security, shouting, "What the hell you mean, 'you know nothing of this'? My daughter is maybe in danger, brought here by Pegasiian Guard and Alliance Reserve and you know nothing????"

"If it's an undercover assignment, only the Commander of Security would know and she's not here at the moment." the Russian accented Corporal responded with more than a little frustration in his voice.

Gontarr gave a low growl and paced the office floor, "And where is this commander, huh? Getting her nails painted or something?"

"Or something." came a female voice from the entrance behind him. A Centaurian woman with a fresh black eye stepped in along with a much larger Canisian in Sergeant stripes, who had an obviously drunken prisoner in his hands.

"So, you are rounding up drunks while my daughter could be blown to hell next?" Gontarr growled, unshaken by her appearance behind him.

"This is not a conversation you want to be having out here." She said calmly as she waved for him to follow her into her office.

She closed the door and offered Gontarr a chair, which he didn't accept. She sat calmly behind her desk, crossed her legs and tented her fingers in front of her. "Your daughter is very safe. It's your ex-wife that concerns me."

Gontarr's jaw dropped and he slowly sank into the chair across from her and said in a much quieter voice, "My.... ex wife.... Aanuah is alive?"

"We believe so." She responded calmly. "The assassination on Orlok was a PMA (Pegasiian Merchant's Association) hit, not a Mafia one, like we originally thought."

"What makes you so sure?" Gontarr asked with a hint of disbelief in his eyes and voice.

She leaned forward across the desk and smiled, "I was a Captain in the SAR for ten years. Sixty years of my life has been in the military. I took this job because I was bored with retirement. When I'm sure, I'm sure."

"So, what about Aanuah?"

"Officially, she'd listed as missing. Unofficially, she was headed this way. She knew Harliah would seek Jonnahfar out. She took a transport from the Iota Pegasi station and...."

"And....?" Gontarr raised an eyebrow.

"And our people lost track of the ship."

Gontarr threw his arms up in the air and did a face-palm. "So, you know really no more than that buffoon out there with the Corporal badges?"

She blinked and smiled again, obviously straining for patience this time, "I know the ship wasn't destroyed. There has been no radiation or wreckage."

"It's now a waiting game?" Gontarr shouted as he stood up, waving his arms.

The Commander stood as well, "Sir, that's how these things work. Your daughter is safe. I can assure you that. Would you rather I risk more operatives than are usually called to task for a single civilian?"

Gontarr slowly leaned forward, his nose not a centimetre away from the Commander's, "She may be a 'single civilian' to you and she may have destroyed my heart, but she gave me Jonnahfar."

The Commander slowly sat again, but not breaking eye contact for a moment with Gontarr, "Of course. I apologize. But I had to call in some favours for this... favours that could see a few court martials of people if it fails, or is exposed." She paused for a moment before adding, "And the 'buffoon' out there with the Corporal badges.... is my husband."

Gontarr nodded respectfully and then left without another word.

3 - "The Next Step"

The novelty of the new lounge had run its course and regulars settled into routine traffic. This of course, made Goat grumble, but the others were rather thankful, knowing how busy the pub Gontarr ran could get, even being open 24 hours.

For the first time since their arrival on the station, Aaban and Teri had a day off together. Aaban didn't wait for his sweetie to come over, he was up early and was over at the girls' suite, chatting with Harliah as Jillian slept and Teri showered, not knowing he was there.

"Sweetie!" Teri shouted as she exited the washroom and still quite wet, threw her arms around him and gave him a kiss.

"Well, whatever I did, I hope to do it again!" Aaban said, having not had this reaction on her seeing him since they left the planet.

Harliah smiled endearingly at the pair, "How sweet. Hopefully one day I'll love someone like that."

Teri gave the seated girl a hug, "You will dear. Any young man would be proud to have you for his own."

After returning the hug with a flattered giggle, Harliah decided to wander over 'to the boy's side' to see if her half-father was awake yet. Gontarr slept on Goat and Aaban's comfortable sofa and snored like a roaring bear. Goat was used to this, but Aaban wasn't and ended up falling asleep with his music player ear-buds pushed tightly in his ears to the point he needed an analgesic when he got up.

When Harliah left the room, Aaban pulled Teri down onto his lap as she let out a 'squeak'. Cuddling her in his arms, "And what would my lovely vixen like to do today?"

Teri gave him a long kiss. The type they both had missed sharing with each other for some time. "Anything you desire, My Love." She whispered back romantically.

Aaban rolled her towel down and off of her torso, leaving her damp fur completely exposed as she sat on his lap, giving her coy smile that he could not resist. They rubbed their noses together and embraced each other in a passionate kiss.

Teri all of a sudden broke from the kiss and looked behind her. In the doorway to the bedroom, Jillian stood there wearing a robe and a huge smile on her freshly awakened face, "Don't let me stop you. The show's just starting to get good!"

"JILL!" Teri gasped with a shocked look and covered herself again in the towel as Aaban just laughed.

"What's so funny?" Teri looked incredulously at Aaban.

"You! You act so shy when I know you aren't. Remember the theatre back home?"

Teri hopped up, mouth dropped open and a look of embarrassment flooded her face, "Well... I.... I mean.... that was YOUR fault!"

Jillian began coughing as she choked back laughter and Aaban winked with an exaggerated, "Uh-huh. It's all my fault."

Aaban got up and gave her a reassuring hug. "There is a wild side, an uninhibited side to you. We've all seen it." Holding her shoulders and looking at her with a big smile, "We just need to help you seize it, so you're not afraid of it."

Teri cocked her head and chuckled. Giving Aaban a quick kiss, she scurried past Jillian into the bedroom to get dressed.

"That... was... an odd response?" Aaban said with a nearly visible question mark over his head.

"I told your love the same thing yesterday. She didn't believe me."Jillian said as she walked past, yawned and rubbed her head of scruffy hair. She poured a coffee from the dispenser, sniffed it, scrunched her nose in revulsion and took a sip. "Your her 'knight in shining armour', her confidence. With you, she can do anything. Someone else comes in and poof! Instant shy little farm girl again."

"I think that's why I love her so much. I can be the strong one, I can be the partner and I can be the soundboard for when she turns über bitch. I love all of it." Aaban said sitting at the table, debating on getting a cup of machine poisoned coffee as well.

Jillian nodded with her face in her cup. Wiping her chin from the slosh, "And so you should! You are totally into her. But part of the 'maturing' I spoke on on the ground was to help her see all her own sides too. Otherwise, your personality could consume her. One day she'll wake up, think she's done nothing with her life but cater to your needs, feel smothered, used or controlled and be gone forever."

"But that's not my intentions at all!" Aaban said, temper flaring.

Jillian waved for him to calm down, "Of course not. You are just you and that should not change. But you know who you are. She doesn't fully accept who she is yet."

Aaban pondered these words for a moment, "What do you suggest I do, then?"

Jillian smiled at him and patted his hand, "Just keep going slow. Grow with her and she'll do the same with you. Use your uncommon ground as a common experience."

"Our... uncommon ground?"

"You're her first love. And she's yours too by heart. You're both in a steady relationship that's uncharted waters for each of you. Explore it." Gulping the last of her coffee, Jillian headed for her turn at the shower.

At Teri's suggestion, they had breakfast in the arboretum tea room. Being a lover of tea, Teri had always wanted to try it and having Aaban along, she thought would make the experience extra special.

"This isn't bad!" Aaban remarked. "I haven't had Sinai Black Tea like this since my dad took me to Islamabad."

Teri smiled. She was hoping he'd enjoy it as much as she was.... even though the birds flying free in the arboretum, most notably the pigeons, kept trying to steal their croissants to her amusement.

A casual walk around the arboretum hand-in-hand as breakfast settled brought back the closeness they shared and was refreshing. They sat down on a park-like bench, "We have got to come back here again." Aaban remarked, feeling more relaxed than he'd been in a long time.

"It's so lovely, you wouldn't even know you were thousands of kilometres away from Earth." Teri said, cuddling up to her love.

Aaban stroked her hair like he used to when they sat together like this, "When you're with me, any place is special."

Teri's heart melted at his words as the couple engaged in a romantic kiss.

Gontarr being his usual helpful self, was assisting Goat any way he could that afternoon, as was Harliah. "We're running out of coffee. I should make some more..." Gontarr said as Goat got a look of horror on his face.

"Ummm, dad? Help with anything you want, but coffee making is off limits for you."

Gontarr laughed heartily, "Okay, okay, I won't subject you to my 'swill' in your lounge."

The two men switched positions and Goat began the process to load the century old coffee machine that he got for the lounge at Aaban's suggestion. It was a great investment flavour wise, though it had already broken down twice. Gontarr was making cocktails with the precision and concentration of a chemist working on a delicate formula.

"So, have you had time to check out the local 'flora', as you call it?" Gontarr asked casually.

Goat shook his head, though his dad couldn't see him, "Nahhh, too busy being pretending I'm responsible."

Gontarr chuckled, "You are responsible my boy. I am very impressed and very proud of you." He paused for a moment, "How about Jillian. She is keeping you... company?"

Goat chuckled, "I wish! We agreed when we got here, to be all professional and platonic."

"Bah, how boring." Gontarr said in a low voice, shaking his head, causing both of them to laugh. "So, she is checking out the boys then?"

Goat fell silent for a moment, shrugged and said, "You'll have to ask her."

Gontarr looked back and smiled at his son.

"What?" Goat said as if he was being accused.

"Yeah, I knew so." Gontarr said, nodding as well as smiling.


"Jillian is your friend, right son?"

"Yeah, of course." Goat replied as if he suspected he was being setup for a revelation from his dad.

"So, if she was seeing another boy, you would know then."

"Uh-huh, so?"

Gontarr poked Goat in the midsection, "Your voice had the most forced, 'I-don't-care' when you told me to ask her."

Goat stared blankly, then raised an eyebrow, "You think I'm jealous if she was, so I really don't want to know?"

Gontarr gave a quick nod and with a smile, poked Goat again, "And now, ask yourself, why? Why is it you would not want to know?"

A sever who had been standing at the bar, tapping her fingernails, got tired of waiting for the tray of cocktails and came around and got it herself as the two seemed deep in discussion.

"It's sweet to see those Teri and Aaban so in love. They're nice." Harliah said to Jillian as she 'shadowed' her, learning a hostesses duties and assisting with the seating service.

"Teri has been so good for Aaban. He's changed so much for the better since they met." Jillian said as she updated the drink special list.

"What about you? Do you love anyone?" Harliah asked curiously.

"Me? Nahhh!" Jillian replied, shaking her head with a dismissive expression. "I haven't even looked for a boyfriend or even a good time since moving to the station."

"How come? You're very pretty."

"Aww, aren't you the little sweetie." Jillian smiled. "Well, I haven't because..." She pondered the question with an expression of deep thought, "... I really don't know why."

Harliah nodded, "You're very busy I think. Back home, I had school and extra studies after. No time to socialize other than three days a month. By then, I just wanted to sleep. Maybe this place is like that for you and my brother?"

Jillian knelt down and looked at her, "You are just too wise for someone so young."

Harliah looked very sad all of a sudden.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean that as an insult." Jillian said apologetically.

Harliah put on a smile and a brave face, "No, I know. It's just... that's what mom told me all the time. I miss her."

Jillian hugged her reassuringly, then carried on with their duties, trying to get Harliah's mind off the subject.

"I think some sort of record has been broken." Aaban said, feeling a little tired and looking in disbelief at Teri. "We have been to every shop on this station and you haven't bought ONE thing!"

"And what's that supposed to mean?" Teri giggled as she leaned back against Aaban as they waited in line at a "Quick Java" kiosk.

"It means..." he said mischievously, "...I better make sure you're still a girl!" He reached around and groped Teri's breasts, making her squeal. He picked her up and nuzzled her. "Yup! That's confirmed!"

Teri had her face pressed against his, still smiling widely, "You're a total brat! You know that?"

"And you'd have me no other way!" He said as he gave her a kiss and put her back down.

They sat down at a table, sipping their treats. Aaban a plain tall coffee, Teri an iced mocha. "So, what was it you were looking for?" Aaban asked.

"Something to wear tonight."

"Tonight? I'd rather see you in nothing." Aaban said with a wink.

Teri giggled, "I thought maybe we could go to that club and dance for a while?"

Aaban spit out a sip of coffee. "What? That's... a pretty wild idea. I mean....."

"You mean for ME, right?" Teri cut him off with an expression that dared him to say the wrong thing.

"Well, I mean it'd be a great experience to tell your sister about." Aaban said after considering his words.

"Uh-huh... right." Teri said with a smile that read, 'smooth move on that one, mister!'

"Actually, I think that sounds exciting. Let's do that!" Aaban said encouragingly. "But no Horla stouts for you young lady!" He added, waving his finger.

Teri held her temple, remembering fuzzily the 'morning spins' she received from the beverage and agreed. The two went back to the girls' suite so she could change.

To their delight, neither Jillian or Harliah was there. Jillian was working and Harliah tended to stick close to her or her brother.

"Hmm, place to ourselves, huh?" Aaban said with mischief in his voice.

Teri smiled coyly, "Give me a couple minutes." and went into the bedroom.

Aaban waited impatiently. It was getting late afternoon and Harliah could show up any time for making her dinner, likely with Jillian on a break. But then, that risk kind of added to the excitement of this.

It however, was worth the wait as Teri came out in her 'farm girl lingerie'. Wearing her too-small shirt tied just below her breasts and satin shorts, she also had on her black lace bra that was quite visible through the openness of her shirt. Topping it off, she had on her high heeled boots.

She did a prance around Aaban, whose jaw was in his lap, swinging her tail from side to side, flaunting everything she had. "This good enough to go clubbing, you think?


"What's wrong Honey? Don't you like it?" Teri asked with an exaggerated pouty look on her face.


The brain on Aaban's shoulders had shut down. He picked up Teri over his shoulder as she giggled and carried her off to the bed and they lost track of time.

Later, Jillian was sitting at the table, holding the sides of her head as the shower turned off. The washroom door opened behind her as she heard the couple trying to sneak into the bedroom to change.

"About time you two, I really have to pee!"

"Two?" Teri's voice innocently said to her room mates back.

"Two. Harliah's still at the lounge, I'm sitting here and you don't take thirty minute showers. Hello Aaban." Jillian said, not turning around.

"You should really be a detective y'know, J-girl." Aaban replied with a chuckle and the two headed into the bedroom.

A few minutes later, Aaban and Teri came out dressed to check out the dance club the station offered. "Whoa-ho! Look at you, Missy!" Jillian said to Teri and gave a whistle. "Where are you off with half your top and bottom hanging out?"

"We're going to check out that club." Teri looked back at Aaban, then smiled at Jillian, "I'm going to check out this 'wild side' of mine I apparently have.... somewhere."

"It's in your bra." Aaban said with a smile.

"Huh?" Teri said, confused.

Aaban pointed to her chest and chuckled, "Your wild side, it's in your bra. That's where you girls hide things, isn't it?"

Clicking into the joke, Teri laughed, then lightly smacked him in the stomach with the back of her hand.

Something was amiss. A joke that would have had Jillian rolling, flew over her head as she stared blankly as if through the couple.

Teri went over to her and Aaban leaned over the table with a concerned look, "Hey, you OK?" He asked.

"Yeah... no... I don't know." Jillian said if distracted.

"Did something happen at work?" Teri asked.

"No, not really. Goat sent me home early for the night. I was screwing up left and right. Harliah is seating people with his help."

Teri and Aaban looked at each other and nodded, "You want to come with us? Clear some fuzz from between those pointed ears?" Aaban said with a smile.

"Huh?" Jillian looked up, then paused to process what was said. "Yeah... Yeah! I think that'll do just fine. I'm off tomorrow anyway. Gimme a minute guys." She trotted off to the bedroom.

Jillian returned to find Teri on Aaban's lap and them nuzzling each other lovingly. It was sweet, yet aggravated the questions floating around in her head, not to mention the jumble of emotions that was swirling around in her heart.

"Snazzy!" Aaban remarked at Jillian's attire. She was wearing a tight, white one piece dress with very short skirt length and an equally revealing low cut bosom and white straped high heels.

The three headed out for a fun evening. Or hoped would be fun in Jillian's mind.

The three were seated at a table and couldn't hear themselves think. Teri and Jillian ordered whatever the cocktail special was and Aaban just signed with his hand for a pint.

The place was packed and it was only a Wednesday. Jillian thought it explained why things were slow at the lounge tonight.

"Nothing else much to do up here when shops close than party!" Teri tried to shout to the others, but went practically unheard. Truth was, the station was mostly a 24H place that never closed, but most shopkeepers did keep with a planet-side timetable, unless there were some serious arrivals happening.

The drinks arrived. Teri indicated hers was good, Aaban gave her a thumbs up and Jillian downed hers in one shot. She got up and headed onto the dance floor without so much as motioning for the others to join.

Aaban gave a quizzical look at Teri, who just shrugged. In about fifteen minutes when Jillian didn't return, Aaban took Teri's hand and headed onto the floor themselves. They never met up again that night with Jillian.

It was sometime after midnight when Teri and Aaban arrived back at their suites. Teri checked hers and Jillian wasn't there and Harliah was sound asleep on the sofa. Teri giggled as she 'sneaked' Aaban through the living room, through into her bedroom.

"Can you hear anything yet?" Aaban asked Teri as he flopped down on her bed.

"Yes, a terrible ringing in my ears." Teri said as she rubbed her ears and layed with her head on Aaban's stomach.

"So, how did you like your first night out on the 'wild side'?" Aaban asked with emphasis on the last words.

"Citified wildlife is pretty... loud. Kind of like Gontarr's place. Other than that, it was fun!" She took Aaban's hand and kissed it, then placed it on her mid section, covering it with her own hands. "What about you? Bring back any good memories of clubbing with Goat and Jill?"

Aaban stroked her hair, "Nahhh! That part of my life I think is done." Teri turned her head and looked at him puzzled. Aaban smiled, "I don't need it any more. I found what I want in my life."

Teri looked at him like it was the sweetest thing he had ever said to her. She kissed him tenderly, which grew into passionately, which transformed into a magical nightcap to the evening.

"Where's Jillian? I know it's her day off, but I need to ask her something." Goat said as he tried unsuccessfully to get her on her communicator.

"She's probably pretty whacked after partying last night." Aaban casually said.

"Partying?" Goat asked curious. "There was a party and it wasn't at my lounge?"

Aaban laughed, "I don't think she'd do that to you. She joined Teri and I at that club. She took off onto the floor one-drink-in and we never saw her again."

"Did she come home?"

Aaban shook his head, "No, not that we knew of. I was with Teri all night in her suite and she wasn't there this morning either."

Goat gave a look Aaban hadn't seen on his friend before.

"Hey, Goat... you jealous?"

"What... me? Hell no!"

Aaban just stared at his friend.

"What reason would I have to be Jealous? I can have any girl I want!" Goat said with his head up proud and a smile on his face.

"Yeah, but since you've been here, you can't have Jillian." Aaban said with a concerned voice and returned to host duties.

Goat knew his best friend would not say that to hurt him. Yet the words were like a spear through his heart.

He spent the rest of the day reasoning with himself, rationalizing that there was nothing to feel jealous about....

They were just 'friends with benefits' on the ground. Check.

They were free to see others on the ground. Check.

They did see others on the ground and neither had any problem. Check.

They had very good reason to have a platonic relationship now. Check.

Goat spent time reasoning that maybe living in space was driving him crazy. That was ruled out as he spent so much time at work, half the time he forgot he was in space.

"Social contact? Yeah, that's it!" He thought to himself. He socialized about the same with customers at his dad's place as on the ground. His dad was here and he found a sister he never knew he had. Nope, he was feeling very secure in his relationships.

He hadn't had time to meet girls. Yeah! Maybe he just needed a little 'female pleasures' and company. Fact was, he had no drive to seek it, though it crossed his mind often.

"Jon?" Goat thought he heard his name being called from very far away. "Jon, are you OK?" He was brought back from his thoughts by Teri as she was shaking his arm. "Where were you?"

Goat shook his head, "Ummm, meditation therapy. Helps me from going space happy."

"Uh-huh." Teri said disbelievingly. "You're worried about Jillian, aren't you."

Goat let out a 'humph' as he rubbed his face. "What can I do for you, anyway?"

"I just wanted to know if I sing this weekend. We'll need music, as Jason says he wasn't called up here."

"Oh!" Goat said and jumped up out of the office chair. He hadn't even thought about it. "You might need some of Ab's collection then, as I really hadn't had time to sort anything out."

"When was the last day you had off?" Teri asked with her arms crossed, tapping her foot.

"Huh? I.... haven't had one. Tomorrow is Saturday and all hands need to be here for the weekend. I don't have time to....."

"Work yourself to death?" Teri said in a scolding voice. "You have been through hell in these past few weeks and no rest?" She took Goat's arm and pulled him towards the office door as hard as her tiny self could.

Goat seemed confused at first, then annoyed as he protested. When she got him out of the office, Aaban, Harliah and Gontarr were all standing with their arms crossed, tapping their feet. Teri scurried over and joined them.

"I see..." Goat began with a scowl, "... this is an organized mutiny!"

"There are more important things than your job, son." Gontarr said. "That is why I am still up here."

"We can handle things just fine." Aaban said and then nodded toward Gontarr beside him, "The master is here, after all!"

"Go find her, Jon." Teri said with a smile matched by the one on Harliah's face.

"I guess... I have been a little tired." Goat said. "But I will be back and refreshed tomorrow..." he said waiving his finger at the 'mutineers' as he was cut off by his father.

"Sunday and not an hour sooner."

Goat stopped, lowered his waving finger and smiled in defeat. "See you all on Sunday then." With a sigh that could have been relief, he headed out the door.

Goat went first to his and Aaban's suite. It was quiet. He checked for messages and nothing. "Nice day for a walk to explore the station." He said aloud and went out.

They were required to do safety training for emergency evacuation of the station before living or working there, so he knew the emergency corridors very well. He also knew the main promenade for the other merchants and keeping an eye on the competition... namely the pub/club they had on the station.

There was actually so much he hadn't explored. He found the arboretum and spent an hour there. He found the pool room and with the tops-optional for the ladies, he had to return there. Recreation facilities and two gyms that he'd not even noticed before on the map. There was even a 'merchant's lounge' for the staff of the promenade only that wasn't on the map. He made a note to enquire if his lounge classified as a promenade facility and his employees could then also make use of it.

Getting hungry and being well past lunch, he decided it was time to grab a snack. He was actually hungry for one of the wraps Aaban made at his café, but the ones the overpriced coffee shop on the station would have to do. It was also where he found Jillian.

She was sitting alone. Her head was down and just swirled her stir stick in her coffee as if something weighed heavily on her mind.

"Can I sit down?" Goat asked like he didn't want to intrude.

Jillian greeted him quietly with a smile and waved her hand at the empty chair.

"Missed you." Goat said with a smile as to try and cheer her up from whatever ailed her.

Jillian, looked at him completely lacking her usual confidence, "I've been doing some thinking...."

Goat look confused, "I heard you didn't stay with Aaban and Teri. That's not like you and I'm a little concerned." Goat opened his mouth as if to continue, then closed it, shaking his head. "It's none of my business."

Jillian looked thoughtful, "I spent most of the night in the view lounge, staring at the stars."

"There's a view lounge?" Goat scratched his head.

Jillian ignored his comment and continued, "I need to face something that I didn't think could happen. And.. I'm scared, Goat."

Goat had an expression of deep concern. This was obviously going to affect him too, whatever it was. "Well, best to be honest and be upfront about it. It's always served you well in the past."

"Goat..." Jillian said with an expression of helplessness, something else he'd never seen on her face before. "I.... I think I love you."

Goat's jaw hung open and his eyes went wide. Jillian sat across from him, her face now in sheer terror as to how he'd react. Would their friendship be over? Would she have to leave the lounge and return to the surface? Would she be so humiliated that....

"YAAAAHHHHHOOOOOOOO!" Goat leaped up from the table and yelled like a cowboy at a rodeo, scaring some of the coffee shop patrons into dumping their drinks on their laps or tables.

Jillian was smiling and delighted with his response. "You.. you're happy?"

Goat sat down again and took her hands into his, smiling and shaking his head, "Babe, you just saved my ass from having to tell you that first. Of COURSE I'm happy!"

"Telling me this... first? You mean.. you..." She squealed and threw her arms around him and gave him a long kiss, to the applause of some of the patrons (while others cursed in various tongues as they wiped off their laps).

4 - "Sing Me a Song"

Teri and Aaban had worked most of the morning to choose some music for this evening. People had been asking for her to sing again all week, but due to them being concerned with other things, it got 'put on the back burner' and the decision wasn't made until last night after they kicked Goat out.

"Are you nervous?" Aaban asked Teri as he programmed the lounge computers to begin the selections later on his cue.

Teri shook her head, "It's what I love doing, Hun. Just the usual nerves, but I'll be fine when I start."

The lounge was opening in a half an hour and the employees were arriving. Gontarr was in the back, helping their day cook, Mac with the preparations. They heard 'plinking' on the piano out front. Neither Goat nor Aaban had success finding a player on the station.

The 'plinking' became more coherent and slowly, louder and louder, as if a player was gaining confidence with it, a tune was playing that neither had heard before. "Maybe one of the servers took lessons when they were young?" Aaban said rhetorically to Teri who peeked out of the office door curiously.

"Hun, come here!" She said excitedly and waved her hand, "It's Harliah!"

Aaban came and listened to her for a while, as did Gontarr and the staff. When she was finished, everyone applauded and Harliah jumped up startled, not realizing she had attracted a crowd. Giving a short bow, she scurried to her station and grabbed cutlery and napkins to put out.

"That was wonderful!" Teri said approaching her. "Did you take piano lessons back home?"

"Oh, is that what that instrument is called?" Harliah said as she looked back at the piano. "No. I was tutored in Pegasiian opera on something similar." She smiled and shook her finger toward the piano, "It's tuned T'relias scale. Well, that's what we call it. I guess music really is universal."

"My girl is a gifted child!" Gontarr said as he leaned over and gave her a hug. "I guess all that upper-class living gave her some chances, huh?"

When evening came, the lounge was packed. Teri began her solo performance on the stage, but without Jason there, she had little to improvise on when she went into her 'zone' and began acting out her tunes that had a lively story behind them. But no matter. She received a loud standing ovation from the crowd and calls for an encore, which she did two of.

As she was leaving the stage, she saw one patron still applauding happily with a smile, it was Jillian. She also had Goat behind her and he was holding her around her midsection and kissing her neck. Teri smiled and waved, "I have to hear that story!" She muttered to herself.

0300 and the last of the guests were just leaving. The exhausted staff left soon after, leaving Gontarr, Aaban Harliah and Teri around their familiar table. Normally, they split their shifts, but with the evening crowd so busy and them without Jillian and Goat working, that didn't happen. Aaban was surprised Harliah stuck it out all sixteen-plus hours. Teri assumed her usual position of head down on her arms. They awaited for the snoring to begin.

"Damn!" Aaban said fiddling with a data pad in his hand, "Goat's going to love this in the morning. We did better than last weekend by a long shot!" He looked at Teri with a smile, "Thanks Sweetie!" Only to hear the familiar nasal snore from his tiny lady.

Harliah gave a big yawn, "Where did my brother and Jillian go?"

"They were here? I'm going to kick his butt!" Gontarr said with a tired smile.

"I saw them in the crowd listening to Teri, but I didn't see them after the crowd cleared."

"We'll worry about that tomorrow." Aaban said as he carefully picked Teri up in his arms. She didn't stir.

After tucking Teri in to sleep, Aaban returned to his suite. "Jillian isn't in her bed?"

Gontarr was laying on the sofa and placed his finger over his lips as to say 'shhh', "I went to check on my son. Here, I bring your blanket and pillow out here for tonight." He gave a wink and Aaban caught on.

"That platonic relationship didn't last too long. I wonder what will happen now?" Aaban said with some concern and even more relief, but was too tired to think about it for now. Pulling a blanket over himself on the floor, his head hit the pillow and he was sound asleep.

"Honey, wake up!" Teri's voice rang in Aaban's head from a seeming great distance away. "We slept in!"

"Huh? Wha..." Aaban seemed in a fog. Was yesterday that rough on him? He must be getting old. "Where is everyone?"

"Work, I assume." Teri said and looked over towards the boys' bedroom, "Well, except Jillian. I couldn't wake her up.

"Jillian?" Everything came into focus for Aaban as he remembered Gontarr's words. "She was here last night, I think."

Teri brought a cup of coffee to Aaban's face which immediately drew a smile, "The wake alarm was shut off. Mine was too." The thought for a moment and was embarrassed, "Actually, I don't remember setting mine."

Teri and Aaban rushed into the lounge, Aaban still fixing his tie and looking very apologetic when he saw Goat. "Sorry, apparently the alarm didn't wake me and...."

Goat cut him off with a big smile and raised hand, "I'm the one that shut it off. Sunday afternoons are slow and you and Jill needed your sleep."

Harliah was seating the incoming guests. "She's doing great!" Gontarr said proud. "She's smart, learns fast..." he sighed, "It's a shame to have to pull her from here."

"Take her away? Why?" Teri asked shocked at Gontarr's words.

"She still needs to finish her school. There is none here." Goat said with regret on his face, "This is after all, just a space dock, not a deep space station like Midway or Iota Pegasi with all the amenities of a village."

"Does she know yet? Will she be safe?"

Gontarr shook his head, "I will tell her when it's time to. I still have unfinished business. But she is safe. I had a chat with that security captain or whatever she is. I have assurances."

Goat, Aaban and Teri all looked at him. "I didn't bring it up because I was hoping to hear soon more news from her." Gontarr added.

Teri and Aaban gave nods and went to take their stations. Goat gave a mild glare at his dad.

"Please son, don't be angry. I did not want to get your hopes up." He motioned for him to talk in the office.

Closing the door, Gontarr searched for where to begin. "There are things going on she did not tell me. But Harliah's father was assassinated by the PMA."

"Not the Mafia?" Goat said with a relieved expression, then sat down in the chair. "Thank the Gods! They just fix their little problem and go away, right?"

Gontarr nodded, "That would be their history. Very rare they even do this. But they never, ever go after the families."

"Did mom die by accident, then?" Goat asked as if he didn't want to hear the answer.

"Your mom is likely not dead. That's why I kept quiet, hoping to hear the answer sooner than later." Gontarr continued to tell his son all the rest the Commander had told him. "Please son, tell no one. It could hamper their efforts."

"I understand." Goat agreed and his dad left. But he felt just as bad. Good that his mom may still be alive somewhere, but that he had to keep such information from his best friend and now his girlfriend. He had never done anything like that before.

Gentle music came from the lounge area and snapped him out of his worries. Sounded like Harliah was giving the patrons a little serenade. That brought a smile to his face, yet another ache in his heart, knowing his dad was right. She deserved all the opportunities she could get and that could only happen planet-side. It would also be the only way she could truly heal from her terrible trauma.

Goat went out of the office to see Teri beside his sister. Teri was unable to assume her duties in the office with him and Gontarr in there, so while Aaban took the hosting duties, Harliah took advantage of the slow day to play something.

Teri began to hum along with Harliah's playing and soon, it was like they were synchronized - each following the other melodically, as if they rehearsed.

"I know that tune..." Goat said as a deep memory came to the surface.

"Of course you do." Gontarr replied, "Your mother sang it to you almost every night. It's a Pegasiian lullaby."

The girls finished and received applause from the scant crowd. Harliah smiled and giggled as she waved to the crowd. Teri opened her eyes as if she was in her 'trance' she goes in when she finds her 'zone' and bowed.

"That was beautiful!" Aaban said, smiling with enthusiasm at his sweetie, "I didn't know you knew Pegasiian lullabies."

"Lullaby?" She asked looking confused, "I was just 'feeling' Harliah's music. I didn't know it was a lullaby."

Gontarr gave her and Harliah a look of pure revelation as if he'd seen his deity, "birRuh vahid?"

Harliah's eyes widened and she gasped at her half-father's words. She turned and looked at Teri and covered her mouth, which now bore a huge smile. Teri looked a might uncomfortable with the situation.

"Beer roo vashee?" Aaban said curiously. Goat shrugged at his friend in response.

"There is only one way to know for sure!" Gontarr said as he grabbed both girls gently by their arms and led them back to the piano. "Play.... something from G'oila T'rohs, my daughter...." He said with excitement.

Harliah sat on the piano bench and looked nervously at the keys. She placed her hands on them and closed her eyes. It was a moment of feeling gently over the keys when she began.

With only two missed notes, her playing became more complex and louder as her confidence now grew with both the piano and the complex piece she was playing. Her body swayed not unlike the masters on Earth who gave great concerts.

Gontarr looked at Teri to see if she was understanding the piece. But she already had her eyes closed. As she did often when going into her 'zone' Teri swayed and swiveled her body slightly with the music, but as everyone in the lounge saw, who were looking on intensely at this experiment the old Pegasiian man was doing, the girls bodies were mimicking each others perfectly.

Teri did not begin as a hum, her voice rang as if it was an accompanying instrument, in perfect pitch and tune with the song she had never heard before. Harliah entered into a powerful chorus in the song and Teri sang in a melodic unison, both Gontarr and Goat could her her forming the words to the chorus... in fluent Pegasiian!

The chorus ended abruptly, as did Teri's singing. There were three hits in rondo Harliah did for the finale and Teri exclaimed with each, despite the timing of the rests differing each time. Harliah stood and took a confident bow as Teri opened her eyes slowly, as if returning to 'this plane' and bowed humbly.

The small crowd of patrons in the lounge had grown to fill half the room and they erupted in a loud cheer. This snapped all the staff to their senses as they were all mesmerized by the performance of the two girls.

Gontarr was holding Harliah in his arms with amazement in his eyes and was shouting, "birRuh vahid! My daughter and this lovely lady, birRuh vahid!"

Apologetically for their negligence, Aaban, Goat and their staff caught up serving and seating the crowd. The patrons were more than understanding as they patiently waited. "Only once in a millennia birRuh vahid musicians are born, so the legend goes." One elderly Pegasiian lady said as Aaban seated her.

"I'm sorry ma'am, I have never heard the term before this afternoon. What does it mean?" Aaban asked as he placed a menu before her.

"Becoming a single soul." She said with a smile, "When two beings of different body for a moment, share one spirit, one heart, one thought and one passion for the song."

"You mean, like a linking of minds?"

"Yes, but it goes far deeper. It transcends any and all differences. It taps the universal conciousness." She looked over at Teri and pointed, "The Canisian lady... I assume she doesn't know Pegasiian?"

Aaban smiled, "That's correct. She only speaks english and an ancient Terran language called Gaelic."

"Well young man, the lady was speaking about three dozen words in fluent Pegasiian just now. Even in the perfect accent."

Aaban's expression went from one of dismissive of the superstitious tale to one of intense curiosity. "Your server will be by in a moment." He said as she thanked him and he quickly went over to Teri.

"Were you speaking Pegasiian?" He asked.

Teri smiled and shrugged, "Apparently so. I don't remember any of it."

"Any of it? The language or..."

Teri looked dumbfounded as to an explanation, "As in any of the singing at all." She tried to explain her experience in words, "I... remember hearing Harliah begin playing and then it was like an echo in my head. Then I could have sworn *I* was doing the playing and I was thinking in words I didn't understand at all. I thought I fell asleep. But then I heard the crowd cheering."

Aaban's mouth hung open in surprise. Maybe there was something to this 'beer roo' thing the lady explained to him. He looked back to the table he sat her at, only to see Goat seating another couple there.

"Goat, what happened to the elderly lady I just seated there?"

"She left." He replied. "A server went to take her drink order and she thanked her and got up and walked out."

Later that evening, when Harliah had left for a couple of hours already, Gontarr came back to the lounge with a concerned expression. "Is Harliah here with you, son?"

Goat shook his head, "No. She isn't in one of the suites?"

Gontarr shook his head, "No and she isn't answering her communicator we gave her either."

Goat shrugged, "Maybe she's just exploring the station? I did that just the other day myself."

Gontarr just stared at him.

"Okay dad, I'll help you find her." Goat tapped Jillian on the shoulder and whispered that he was checking out for the evening. She smiled, gave him a kiss and waved like a teenage girl as he left with his dad.

Fortunately at that time of evening and with low space traffic, quite a few people had seen Harliah and pointed the men to what corridor they saw her go.

"Have you heard any more on weather or not mom has been found?" Goat asked as they walked down an empty corridor.

"No, I haven't." Gontarr said quietly. "I was going to visit that security office in the morning and ask."

They found Harliah in the arboretum, sitting almost hidden under a spruce tree and appearing to be asleep. She was kneeling and had her back against the tree, her hands crossed on her lap, eyes closed and head down.

"I don't have the heart to wake her. She works so hard and after what she's been through..." Gontarr whispered to Goat, but was cut off.

"You don't have to bother your heart then to wake me, ." Harliah replied as she stretched in a manner not unlike the Terran martial artists do and rose from her position.

"I'm sorry to disturb your meditating then. I was worried."

Harliah nodded, "I turned off my comm. I really needed to centre myself." She gave them a smile and walked slowly around the tree, "So much has happened and tears do not empty the pain." She turned and looked at them with a confused expression, "My life has changed, forever. I need to start fresh."

"If it's a fresh start you want, we'll give it to you." Goat said. "But as a birRuh vahid, won't living here impede that?"

Gontarr shook his head, "The legends say birRuh vahid transcend all barriers. It won't matter where she is."

Harliah scoffed, "A legend." She leaned against another tree and smiled, shaking her head, "A month ago, I was just another rich kid. Then all hell breaks loose. I find I have a brother and a Yarmata. Now, I'm a birRuh vahid? A bloody legend?" She gave a long, deep sigh. "I'd rather just be Harliah, the tired bussgirl." Smiling, she took the hands of her brother and dad and went back to her suite.

After work, Aaban and Teri took a detour to the viewing lounge. Teri leaned against him as he held her in his arms, her tiny hands on his. "I don't think I could ever get tired of this view." She said.

"I used to fear going to the stars..." Aaban said as he kissed her on top of her head. "Now you have made the sky beautiful for me!"

They nuzzled lovingly. Something they both were happy to get 'back to normal' doing - just spending time in each others arms.

Teri let out a gasp, startled by the movement of a figure sitting in a plush chair near them. "Oh, sorry. I didn't mean to startle you." Said a woman's voice with a heavy accent neither Teri or Aaban recognized, from behind a well worn travelling cloak. "Your singing was quite... how is it said... inspired."

"Thank you!" Teri replied flattered. "Though tonight, I believe most of the credit goes to the young lady at the piano for the inspiration." Teri strained to see the lady to speak to her, but being 'night' on the station with simulated night and day of the planet, it was relatively dark, save for a string of lights showing the walkways and exits.

"Tell me..." the seated lady asked, "..what was it like for you? Could you hear her thoughts?"

Teri pondered for a moment at the strange question, "It wasn't like hearing her thoughts so much as a feeling of falling into her music.... I can't remember any more."

Aaban came around the side of the chair and saw the outline of a curly haired, small figure with a noticeably extended nose and mouth. "I thought I recognized your voice Ma'am, I seated you at the lounge tonight. You explained to me what bir... beer... roo..."

"birRuh vahid, young man. Yes, I remember." She got to her feet and was as short in stature as Teri and walked with a slight limp as she headed slowly to the exit. "There are interesting days to come. The last birRuh vahid was born a thousand of your years ago. This is the first time any off-world being has been united with one."

Aaban gave Teri a hug from behind and whispered in her ear, "Told you that you were special!"

5 - "All Will Be Revealed"

"Any news?" Gontarr asked politely as he was helped by the Corporal at the security station the next day.

He was asked to wait while he got the Commander. She stuck her head out of her office and motioned with a quick wave for Gontarr to enter.

"This is good or it is bad. Better tell me straight." Gontarr said as he entered and sat in a chair.

"It is good! Good news so far, Mr....." She picked up the docket with his full name on it and stared at it for a moment.

"It's all right." Gontarr said with a smirk, "Gontarr will do just fine."

"Aanuah was seen on of all places, Equuleus. She boarded a commercial transport for Terran space and may already be here."

Gontarr furled his brow, "What do you mean should already be here?"

"4,038 passengers were on the Canis Borealis. 2,540 were to disembark here and the rest continue on to Centaurus." She smiled and waved the docket in her hand, "2,540 disembarked here according to the computers, but only 1,497 disembarked on Centaurus! Not one of them that got off here or there was under the passport of Aanuah Orlok."

"So, perhaps someone's computer can't count? Maybe she's travelling under a different name?" Gontarr offered.

"Or...." the Commander got up and paced her office with her hands behind her back, "Someone somehow slipped by the check-in at this station."

Gontarr looked thoughtfully for a moment, "Everyone travelling into Terran space on a civilian ship has a sub-dermal implant until they arrive. Makes forged documents useless."

"Which is removed upon check-in at a customs station..." The Commander continued, hoping Gontarr was following her line of thinking.

"So if they slipped by check-in, they will still have the chip!" Gontarr jumped up with a big smile.

"Exactly!" The Commander said. "And since this one-person-difference is likely Aanuah, I'm betting the one person that slipped by will still be here on the station and never took a shuttle to the planet."

Fearing Aanuah may run to the planet... or elsewhere where she'd be lost again, the Commander issued a L4S security protocol. Level Four meant checking credentials and was used a few times per year when there was a smuggling alert. The 'S' stood for silent.... no uniforms asking questions, just carry a chip-reader surreptitiously in plain clothes. Whenever they were in a half-metre range, it would read whatever ID was on the person, send it back to the office for secure decryption and they would hear a 'beep' in an earpiece if it was 'Yes/No' the person they were looking for.

The Commander normally had twenty under her command on varying shifts and duties. The Station Merchants Union had their own private security for their shops, relieving her to do more than watch out for the occasional shoplifter. But still, this was going to take at least a couple of days.

"Can you see anything?" Harliah asked Teri.

"No, sorry." She replied with disappointment. "Are you thinking of music?"

"Yes, I'm playing in my mind."

The two girls sat cross legged on the ground of the arboretum with their backs leaning on opposite sides against the spruce tree Harliah favoured. They both had their eyes closed and were trying to see if Teri could hear her thoughts or get even the slightest impression from her mind.

"We've been here for an hour. I don't think it'll work." Teri said sadly.

"Maybe it only works when I'm actually playing something?"

"Maybe." Teri said, rubbing her chin thoughtfully. "Or I wonder if its the music itself?"

Teri patted Harliah on the shoulder as she got up, "C'mon, I have an idea."

The girls returned to their suite with an hour or so before beginning their closing shift with Goat. Jillian had the opening to evening shift with Aaban today and wasn't home.

Teri sat at the table and tuned on the computer. "I have some recordings here of traditional Irish music." She smiled at Harliah, "This is instrumental only, but the songs do have lyrics." She began a quiet playback of one of the pieces.

"That's so pretty!" Harliah listened amazed. "What kind of instrument makes that sound?"

"A uilleann pipe!" Teri brought up a picture of the instrument and Harliah's eyebrows flew up at the strange sight.

Teri turned up the music. She leaned back in the chair, closed her eyes and imagined she was rehearsing with Jason for an upcoming performance. She began to hum to the tune of the music and felt it encompass her being as her voice grew louder.

The second song had Teri in an involuntary chorus of operatic-style vocalizations along with the music.... but she heard lyrics.... and she heard them in Gaelic! The songs she chose she knew them to be instrumental.

"What happened?" Harliah said as she took a deep sigh, opening her eyes and looking like she was just waking from a nap.

Teri double checked her selection, they were of the instrumental variety. She thought for a moment and gave a smile at Harliah, "That... was you?"

"That was me what?"


"I dunno... I think I blanked out for a moment." Harliah rubbed her face, "I was listening to you belt it out and then... I woke up now. I'm sorry, I didn't mean to fall asleep on you. I don't feel tired."

Teri leapt from the chair and squealed, startling Harliah in the process. "It's the music!" She shouted.

"What's the music?" Harliah looked confused, but smiled at Teri's excitement.

"We were trying, without music today to hear each other in the arboretum... it didn't work. And now it did!"

"What did?" Harliah said with mock growl of frustration.

"You. You fell into my song, my mind. Harliah, you sang the lyrics in Gaelic!" Teri gave her a big hug. "Come, let's go tell Jon and your dad."

"birRuh vahid works in both ways?" Gontarr said with a surprised voice and rubbed his chin. He looked as if he had another idea and shook his finger, "I know what... please Teri, contact Jason. When we get back to the planet, we see if this works with him too."

Harliah didn't look near as excited as Teri, Jillian, Goat or Gontarr. "Yarmata, is this necessary?"

Goat looked concerned, "What's wrong? Jason is a great guy and an accomplished musician."

"I know, Teri told me about him." Harliah said uncomfortably, "I feel kind of like a science experiment."

The table went silent, followed by simultaneous denials. "You have a wonderful gift that we know nothing about, other than legends. You and Teri... both ways you can link... is unprecedented. You could be the greatest musicians in the Alliance!" Gontarr explained hopefully.

Jillian placed her hand on Harliah's, "You do realize people, we've been so engrossed in her gift and other goings on in her life that none of us have asked what she wants to do with her life?"

Again the table went silent for several moments. Gontarr nodded his head, "You are correct. Daughter, I will support whatever you decide." He smiled encouragingly and lovingly at her in a way only a parent could.

"I'm just happy to have a sister!" Goat exclaimed with a smile and firm swat on her shoulder.

The girls gave her an encouraging hug. "It's this... this kind of thing that means more to me than any gift I could have." Harliah happily said. "I had everything back home... everything but solid friendships." She waved her arms, "I had the best private tutoring that could be bought, but learned little who I really was. All the kids my age were more interested in alliances and networking than even playing a game." She sighed and bowed her head, "The only friend I had... was mom."

Harliah got up from the table and grabbing her apron, headed into the back to begin her shift. The others were taking in the depth of her words, "It will take a long time for her to heal." Gontarr said pained.

"Have you noticed something though?" Jillian asked in a whisper, leaning across the table, "She has spoken frequently of her mom, but never talked about her dad?"

Teri shook her head, "To me either". She looked at Goat who shrugged and shook his head.

"Maybe... that pain is too deep still?" Gontarr offered.

Aaban came to the table, "Well look at you lot, taking a break when there's customers."

Teri jumped up as if only realizing she was at work, looked around and saw three people in the place. Looking at Aaban like she just was had "Good afternoon to you too, sweetie!" and accepted the kiss he offered.

"A damned odd thing happened when I was grabbing lunch today!" He said with a smile as he pulled up a chair, "That old lady Teri and I were talking to last night was working in the cafeteria in the private merchants lounge. She served that big Canisian security guy his lunch, he turned to walk away, put down his tray, turned back and arrested her!"

"An old lady?" Goat said surprised. "Did she serve him a veggie plate or something?" He chuckled as Jillian gave him a poke in the ribs and a reproving look.

"What did the old lady look like?" Gontarr asked with a raised eyebrow.

"She's about Teri's height, Pegasiian and...." Aaban was saying as Gontarr leapt out of his chair so fast, it fell over and ran out of the lounge.

"What the heck was that all abou..." Aaban said with a confused look as Goat did the same thing.

Aaban looked embarrassed at Teri and Jillian, "Do I need breath mints?"

"Commander! Commander?" Gontarr was shouting as he barged past the Corporal at reception of the security station and pounded on her office door.

"Excuse me, Sir! You can't..." The Corporal shouted and was interrupted by Goat now rushing past him. "Hey! I will have order in here!"

The Commander opened the door and gave a very stern look at the two Pegasiian men who immediately went quiet. "It's OK, I'll take it from here." The Corporal looked at both men and shook his head as he went back to his station.

"I ought to fine you both a thousand New Euro's for belligerent misconduct.... barging past the desk like that!" She shouted at them. She slowly sat down and in a much calmer voice said, "But... I am in a good mood today."

"I have heard you arrested...." Gontarr asked when she held up her hand to stop him.

Pressing a button on her intercom, "Corporal, can you bring in the Pegasiian lady the Sergeant brought in this afternoon?"

The thirty seconds it took felt like hours to Gontarr who fidgeted in his chair. Goat just sat back and was very hopeful. The Commander just silently sorted old fashioned papers.

Arguing could be heard from the other side of the door, approaching. A female voice complaining that she had done nothing wrong and that she should be released immediately and the Corporal attempting to calm her down. They entered the office.

"Commander..." The Pegasiian lady protested, "How long must I be caged like a common meuskat? I will have you know.... " She laid eyes on Gontarr and Goat and let out a low curse and resigned.

"That will be all Corporal." The Commander said as he nodded and left the room. "Well, we have a reunion, I believe?" The Commander smiled slightly.

Gontarr stood slowly with his mouth open in disbelief, "Aanuah?"

"Gontarr." She said quietly and politely nodded.

Goat had also risen and looked at her curiously, "Mom?"

"Jonnahfar." She said quietly and again politely nodded.

An uncomfortable silence filled the room.

"Commander, if there is nothing more, I will be on my way now." Aanuah said in a curt tone.

The Commander looked at her with an icy stare, "Not so fast. We have a little customs issue with you." She picked up a data pad from amongst the papers on her desk, "Failing to check in properly is an illegal entry into Terran space."

Aanuah returned the icy stare, "Deport me then. I will take my daughter and be on my way."

"The hell you will!" Goat said angrily.

"You and your politician damn near got my daughter killed! You are not taking her anywhere!" Gontarr also added with an angry tone, shaking his hand with a wrist flick in a way that meant he decided something flatly.

"PEOPLE!" The Commander shouted as the room again went silent.

"My people cut some corners to get Harliah Orlok here safely..." the Commander continued, "...she is technically in the custody of the Stellar Alliance Reserve."

"Then you will send me away without her?" Aanuah asked, shocked.

"I'm not sending you anywhere but the brig. You are a flight risk." The Commander replied.

Aanuah nodded at the Commander and waved at Gontarr, "This is what he talked you into, isn't it? It's his way of getting even with me."

"I don't want revenge, I want my family!" Gontarr replied frustrated with her insinuation.

Aanuah looked at Goat and said with more regret than anger, "You have your family."

"And what about me?" Goat asked, "Dad and I have been completely alone since you left. No family contacted us and now I discover I have a sister that until a few weeks ago, I had no idea existed."

Aanuah looked at him, with pain added to the regret on her face, "For that, I am truly sorry."

"Sorry? Pffft!" Gontarr said with disdain and sat down again. "If you cared, you would have remained in contact with at least your son!"

"You know very well our honour code, Gontarr!" Aanuah shot back angrily, "A broken family is worth less than a poor one. I had to remake my name!"

"And who was it that broke it?" Goat said rhetorically and sat down.

Aanuah pointed at Gontarr and smiled, "He was not faithful."

Goat's face hardened, "Dad never touched another woman besides you, while you were with him."

"You were too young, how would you know?" She said, looking at her son as if he didn't know what he was talking about.

"I didn't, Aanuah. I flirted, I did not touch." Gontarr said, shaking his head. "It is the way of socializing on Earth. You never bothered to learn the nuances of their customs."

Aanuah looked as if she had just been stabbed. "That means....."

"You dishonoured the family. And hung dad for it on Pegasi." Goat finished.

"Commander..." Aanuah barely got the words out, "...please take me back to my cell."

"Corporal..." The Commander called through the intercom. The Corporal entered and returned Aanuah to the holding cell.

"Gentlemen, I don't pretend to know the implications of the revelations here. Nor am I a councillor, so I will just give you the facts. I can just deport her back to the Pegasi system. Problem with that is now with an immediate relative still living that is older than Jonnahfar, you and your son will lose any claim to Harliah as your family under the Terran-Pegasiian treaty."

"What if my sister doesn't want to return, Commander?" Goat asked.

"Technically she really is a ward of the SAR. On the books, she's being held as a border runner at Midway. We could use that to keep her here until she becomes of age under the treaty, because the Pegasiians try anyone as adults who broke an interstellar law."

"That buys us.... a year maybe?" Gontarr said with little hope. "And with her knowing the truth of her dishonour, Harliah will also have a pathetic life."

"Sins of the parent type thing?" The Commander asked with concern.

"Legally, no. Culturally, yes. Until she is taken by a husband who has a strong family." Gontarr replied.

"Same with me. If I returned to the Systems, I would have to marry into a proud family or fat chance getting work, credit, independent housing, etc." Goat added.

"But neither you or Harliah did anything wrong?" The Commander said surprised.

Gontarr sighed, "Commander, you can change a law with a stroke of a pen, but not the way people have lived for millennia. Your people never had this problem and when the Terrans get it in their head to really, really change something, a world-conciousness transformation takes place and poof! Their world changes literally overnight."

The Commander pondered the situation for a moment. "There is another option. Aanuah's concern seems to be her daughter. Personally, I don't think she is a flight risk, but it's all I have to keep her. If you would consider it, I could release her into custody of either one of you until her hearing."

Gontarr scoffed, "What would that do? There's no talking sense into her by either of us."

"Dad?" Goat spoke up, "We can't, but Harliah might be able to."

5 - "Family"

Gontarr and goat agreed to not let on like anything negative had transpired when they returned to the lounge. Goat said he'd tell Harliah, as his dad looked (and was) drained from the experience.

"Mom's... ALIVE! Here?" Harliah was absolutely beside herself with joy. "When can I see her?"

"Any time. She's down at the security station." Goat responded with as casual of an expression he could muster.

"Security station... why?" Harliah asked confused.

"Better let her tell you that." Goat simply said. "I'll cover for you... I don't want to go back to the suite just now anyway."

Harliah arrived at the security station and entered nervously. The Corporal smiled, "Can I help you?"

"I'm here to see Aanuah Orlok?" She said quietly.

"And you are....?"

"Harliah Orlok" she said with a gulp.

The Corporal waved for her to come around the desk. "We don't have visiting rooms, so I'll put you in 'Interrogation'. I'll have the sergeant bring your mother in through the other door.

"Other door?" Harliah thought to herself as she followed the Corporal through two sturdy doors that reminded her of airlocks. When she was placed in the interrogation room, she got the idea.

The room was separated by a set of bars that appear to have at least been artistically designed. But they were bars nonetheless. On each side of the bars was a table and two chairs. There was a recording/translating computer older than she was on each of the tables. Despite the room being a bright colour with warm lighting, it felt cold. She did not want to have to stay here long.

She jumped and covered her mouth, startled when the opposite door slid open and her mother was escorted in by the largest Canisian she had ever seen in her youthful years.

She ran up to the bars and began crying, "Mom!" Their fingers touched through the metal, but it did not feel cold like metal. Yet, it had no give whatsoever as she pressed against it. "I'm so glad you're OK. Why are you in here?"

Aanuah spoke shakily from her tear streaked mouth, "I didn't cross the toll bridge correctly it seems."

"I'll get you out of here!" Harliah said tearfully, "I'll have Yarmata get you out of here."

Aanuah sat down and her tearful face turned to an expression of deep shame. "Please daughter, do not talk to Gontarr at all about me."

"Why? Why mom... why?" Harliah collapsed in a chair with hopeless tears. "He'll help you like he did me?"

"Because my child..." Aanuah said shaking her head, "...because I cannot bear the shame."

Harliah calmed herself somewhat, "I... I don't understand? What shame are you talking about?"

Aanuah sighed and smiled at her, "I will always love you. But you... you must leave me and never speak of me or my name to anyone." She got up and turned her back, holding herself tightly as she began to cry again, "You would also do best to take your Yarmata's name."

Harliah pondered her words. She assumed the only thing she could think of, "If you think I'll let my dad's dishonour keep us apart, you're wrong." Her mother did not turn around. "I'm not a stupid kid. I know dad blew the Serpen trade deal. I know he used his power in Council to keep himself from being extradited here and I know of the cover-up to hide his dishonour."

Aanuah turned around with an expression of absolute shock, "Don't speak of your father that way! I loved that man!"

"And I'm not supposed to love you?" Harliah shouted angrily. "If you did not turn away from dad and you knew, why should I turn away from you? If you can not honour our ways, why should I?"

"Because my child.... there was a time I did hold to our ways of honour and I... yes, I destroyed a just man. A just and loving man and a little boy who needed me." She sat down again at the table, her face blank. The pain was too deep for any more tears. No way to make her wrong, right again. What was done, was done.

"What will you do now?" Harliah asked in barely a whisper.

"I'm to answer for my crime here and be deported. I will go to Equuleus, where I had made arrangements originally to take you as well. But I will go alone."

"Your 'shame' will mean nothing on Equuleus?"

"That's right. They're a very different people. They're just within our borders, that's all really we have in common."

"So, why don't you see if you can stay? Your shame means nothing here either." Harliah smiled hopeful.

"And see your Yarmata and brother... my son every day?" She shook her head, "It would be less pain for me on Equuleus and less pain for you if I remain. What would you have me chose?"

They smiled and touched fingers again through the bars. "I will come again tomorrow to see you." Harliah said and left the room. She had an idea.

Returning to the lounge, Harliah found Aaban, Jillian and Teri running the show. "We sent your brother to the suite. He was pretty... distracted." Teri tried to say kindly.

Harliah turned to go, then stopped. She turned to Teri and asked puzzled, "Dad?"

"Sorry, Yarmata." Teri replied. "Where I grew up, the male parent is called 'dad' weather he's your father by blood or not."

"Is your... 'dad' on Earth from Canisius?"

Teri shook her head, "No, human. I was adopted. But he's the only dad I've ever known and as far as I'm concerned, is my only dad."

Harliah stood pondering this concept. "How do the family lines stay honourable that way though?" She asked puzzled.

Teri chuckled, "Sweetie, that hasn't been socially important for hundreds of years here. Each one of us makes their own honour and importance. We stand or fall on our own merits.... not because of what family we belong to."

Filled with new resolve, she thanked Teri and headed off to the boys' suite.

When she arrived, Goat answered the door. Gontarr was asleep in Goat's bed. Putting his finger to his lips to say 'shhh', Goat whispered, "Dad's pretty drained. It was a short, but helluva day for him."

"You mean us, don't you?" Harliah said as she clung to her brother. "I need to talk to when he wakes up though."

"About mom?"

She nodded, "We need to get her to stay here instead of going to Equuleus."

"What makes you think she'll want to?" Goat checked on his dad to confirm he was still asleep, then took Harliah into the kitchen and whispered, "We weren't going to say anything to you, so don't tell dad that I did. We know all about... everything. The dishonour, the assumption that dad cheated on her... all of it. She is Pegasiian through and through. She'll want to put as many light years between you, me, dad and herself as she can."

Harliah wiped a tear, "She doesn't want to stay and yes, she does want to separate herself from me and me from the 'family name' to save my honour. But I think I can change that if I can talk to ...." she looked towards the bedroom, "... dad."

Goat smiled. When she arrived a few weeks ago, there was nearly nothing Terran in his sister. For her to call Gontarr 'dad' on Pegasi, would have been inexcusable. Here she was saying for the first time with a tone of conviction.

"Your never going home again, are you?" Goat asked, feeling pained for the girl, seeming more an orphan now than ever before.

"Home?" Harliah said with derision, "I don't know what 'home' is any more, but I know what it's not."

"You're just angry. It'll be OK."

She shook her head, "Home... that's a place to feel safe, secure and loved. My culture has ripped my family to shreds. No, that's not home." She sighed and walked over to the window and looked at the stars that did not twinkle when viewed from space, "Pegasi is a planet where I was born. But it's not my home. Not any more."

Goat leaned back on the chair, staring helplessly at his sister over by the window. "You have me."

She turned and smiled.

Goat waved her back over to the kitchen table, "As long as you have me for a brother, you'll have a home." He took her hands reassuringly, "I'm neither really Terran nor Pegasiian. Hell, we'll make our own culture."

Harliah giggled, "That's the thing I love about you most, my brother... you take charge of the situation. I've never felt so secure as when I have been with you. Or dad." Her smile faded as she looked more seriously, "But if you don't feel at home here, where is home for you?"

Goat smiled and nodded, "I created my own home when mom left. With dad, the pub and my friends." He looked towards the bedroom and back to his sister, "I'm pretty sure dad did too. We aren't that different."

"I was hoping you'd have the perfect solution for me and you have."

Goat looked puzzled, "How so?"

"I was hoping dad could make some sort of amends with mom. Then she'd stay. But maybe if we can start completely anew, I won't have to put that kind of pressure on him." Harliah got up from the table, "I'll have to sleep on it. I seem to think clearer in dreams." She left for her suite.

Goat smiled towards the closed door joining the suites and said under his breath, "For some reason, that doesn't surprise me."

Teri had nodded off while totalling the day's take. Jillian was massaging her feet with a facial expression that betrayed pain under that tough, Centaurian façade she liked to keep and Aaban sat quietly, staring across the room.

"What's got you so distant tonight? Jillian asked.

"Goat." He replied simply.

"He's just dealing with new things he never had to before. Or even imagined. At least if he did, he didn't tell me." She tried to be optimistic. In reality, she was just as worried about him too. He kept a strong front, but at times was unreadable.

"He's worried about losing Harliah." Aaban said with a concerned expression. "He's been alone with only his dad and us. Now he has a 'real' family and it may just disappear again."

"What did he tell you?" She looked almost panicky at his words.

Aaban shook his head, "No more than he told you. But I did look up the Terran-Pegasiian treaty on these types of family matters. With her mom now found alive, Gontarr and Goat lose any claim to her as half-daughter, half-sister, or whatever."

Jillian looked mortified at hearing that. "I... I should go to him."

"I'll finish this at home." Aaban said as he slipped the data pad of totals into his shirt pocket and picked up Teri to carry her back to her suite, as was a regular occurrence when they closed together.

Jillian found Goat in a near-meditative state at the kitchen table in his and Aaban's suite. She gently placed her hand on his shoulder as he gave a sigh and leaned his head on her hand. "Remember when life was simple, Sweetie?"

She kissed him on his cheek and wrapped her arms around him from behind as he remained sitting, "Yeah, I do. Boring, wasn't it?" She jested.

"You kids need your privacy." Gontarr's deep voice came from around the corner as he peeked into the kitchen. "I can't sleep any more anyway. Maybe I'll go hang around that tree Harliah likes so much in the arboretum. Maybe some giant pine cone or whatever their branches throw down at you will hit me." Groggily, Gontarr shuffled out the door in his housecoat.

The young couple wished him a good walk as he left. "It's bothering him too." Jillian mentioned. "I'm really sorry to say this, but your mom's arrival hasn't been the happy reunion we all hoped it might have been for you or your sister."

"That's an understatement, my Dear!" Goat said as he got up and held her. "If she stays, mom's miserable. If mom stays, Harliah's happy and everyone else is miserable."

"Your best friend has been doing some reading on that treaty between our worlds. Seems there's a darker option even...."

Goat smiled and shook his head, "She's not taking Harliah to Equuleus or anywhere else." He waves his wand derisively and made a scowl, "That honour shit for families and all."

"Sorry, I never really studied that. Clue me in?" Jillian asked with confusion.

It took nearly an hour for Goat to explain the intricacies of the Pegasiian honour system to her. Much of it, he recently learned himself on the data-net. It was something his father barely touched on, only explaining enough for him to understand why she left them. Being raised and schooled on Earth, it wasn't something he practised everyday.

As she listened and came to appreciate significantly more how their society worked and a lot of what Harliah told her was now making sense, Jillian smiled and shook her head.

"What?" Goat asked, almost in an offended tone.

"It is unbelievable how far apart are worlds are, yet so similar in culture." She said with a chuckle.

Goat shook his head, "No, no, no, Earth is nothing like that. How can you say that?"

"It isn't now!" Jillian exclaimed, "You weren't here a hundred years ago when pretty much the last of that died out. Heck, as recently as two centuries ago, entire nations populations were being extinct in the name of honour. Only in our case, it was religious honour and not family. Even that was still strong in Asian cultures. Still is today, it's just underground."

Goat looked blank.

"Feudalism? Where you and Aaban so busy trying to double the world's population in a semester you skipped all history?"

Goat just looked at her, knowing she was mocking him. "Yeah, I took history. Got a 'C+' in it. I just never thought of it that way on a large scale. You know.... dusty and distant? When's the lunch bell going to ring?" They laughed.

Goat walked Jillian over to her suite. They found Aaban crashed on the couch over there and the girls in bed. "I told Aaban I needed to see how you were doing. He probably didn't want to interrupt us." She whispered.

"Well..." Goat looked at her with a grin, "Let's give him something to 'not interrupt'." And with a grope of her rear that almost make her 'squeak' loud enough to wake everyone, they retired to Goat's bed for the night.

"Where's dad?" Harliah came over and asked Aaban, Jillian and her brother seated at the kitchen table in the guys' suite.

The three looked at each other with blank stares, "Isn't he staying over there?" Goat asked as Aaban shook his head and shrugged.

"I didn't see him when I woke up and came over here."

It was then the door opened and Gontarr came shuffling in, still in his housecoat and being escorted by station security.

Everyone looked at him silent as he walked by the kitchen entrance on the way to the bedroom. He backtracked and looked in at them rather embarrassed, "I finally get to sleep under that tree and I learn from midnight to 0800 there's a by-law on this station that makes it illegal to do so."

Jillian palmed her face and shook her head as Aaban and Goat chuckled. "They put you in jail?" Harliah asked with an expression typical of an annoyed teenage girl.

Gontarr nodded, "Now I get some sleep. Your mother talks too damn much."

All four looked at each other with surprised expressions as if to say, 'they talked?' Goat and Aaban nodded to each other that they'll wait until later to find out more, but before they realized it, both girls were gone from the room.

Gontarr had just flopped down on a bed on top of the blankets. His eyes were closed as he gave a big sigh and said quietly in his deep voice that was gravelly when he was tired, "You will not let an old man have peace until I share what was said, hmm?"

"Ummm, if you really need to rest Gontarr, we can leave." Jillian replied.

Gontarr sighed and opened his eyes. He looked over and smiled at the three hopeful ladies that gave him their undivided attention. "Aanuah will stay on Earth."

The girls shrieked with happiness and hugged each other. Goat and Aaban came into the bedroom with curious expressions.

"It is settled." Gontarr said as he swung his feet over the bed and threw his arms up, yet had a smile. "Aanuah, Harliah and I will return to the planet together. She will find work, Harliah will go to school and we will take it all one day at a time."

The girls squealed with happiness as Harliah hugged her dad, "Thank you, dad." Even goat had difficulty restraining the emotion he felt as Aaban gave him a pat on the shoulder.

"So, what's the details to this, or are there any yet?" Goat asked as Harliah looked most curious for the answer.

"I offered your mom a job at the pub. That was too much for her and her honour, so she will 'take her own place, make her own way' she says."

"Can I stay with her?" Harliah asked.

Gontarr chuckled, "Would it be too awful to stay with me?"

Harliah looked shocked to tears, "No, no, no, that's not what I meant..."

"Of course you didn't!" Gontarr said as he grabbed her and rubbed her head, "We agreed that you could stay with her, but she said on one condition...."

Harliah looked up through her scruffy hair with a raised eyebrow like she wasn't going to approve of this decision she had no input on, "That condition... being?"

"The condition that you do not call yourself an Orlok."

Harliah began to cry tears like they hadn't heard or seen since her arrival. It was a long time before she was able to bring herself to speak, but all waited patiently, assuming what had happened to her had finally hit home.

"My dad was blown to hell." She shook her head as she sobbed, "As long as I had his name, he wasn't.... he wasn't really dead to me. He... he still seemed alive." She left the room. No one followed, but looked to Gontarr.

"When Aanuah left and I was disgraced, my name became worthless. I understand her." Gontarr said with bowed head, barely above a whisper.

Goat sat beside his dad, "The lounge isn't gong to open itself." Goat said as he looked at the others, who got the hint. Aaban smiled and winked as he left, followed by Teri and Jillian.

"Will you two stop worrying?" Aaban said with frustration at Teri and Jillian as they huddled together every chance they got at work. "You're manner is making customers nervous."

"We can't help it!" Teri said. "Harliah is at a turning point in her life here and..."

"...and she is as tough as her brother." Aaban finished reassuringly. "Trust her! Trust Gontarr and Goat!"

Teri's eyes flared with annoyance, while Jillian nodded in agreement. "If we can't trust each other during tough times, there's not much of 'us' in us, is there?"

Teri pondered Jillian's words. She wanted desperately to console Harliah. But reason was reason and she couldn't argue that. But why did it feel so damn annoying to her?

Goat and Gontarr arrived later that afternoon. "Teri..." Goat summoned her, "You seem to have formed a bond with my sister. She's asking for you."

Teri looked puzzled, "Did she say why? Is she OK?"

Goat shrugged, "She refused to talk to dad and she avoided the subject with me. She's been holed up in yours and Jill's bedroom and won't come out."

Teri went to her immediately.

When she arrived, she found Harliah laying melancholic on her bed. She lay on her belly, hugging the still damp pillow, head turned to the wall. Teri sat a the foot end and after a few minutes of silence, just said quietly, "Hey."

Harliah gave a great sigh and after a few moments, barely said above a whisper, "My dad's dead."

Teri didn't reply. She couldn't. What could she say? She had no idea what Harliah was going through. Her dad was alive and well on Earth. None of her close friends had lost a parent.

"Dad never brought his work home with him." Harliah finally said after several minutes. "When he was home, he was home. Mom and I were the only two people in his life then."

Teri felt she had to say something. But what? Finally she offered, "You still have your mom."

Harliah rolled over and looked expressionless at Teri, "I thought I did. But to ask this of me... why not ask me to cut off my ears and break my nose to make me look like a Terran as well? At least cosmeticians can do that with less pain."

Teri looked at her helplessly. She smiled and patted Harliah's leg, "The pain will lessen with time."

Harliah scoffed, shook her head then smiled, "You sound like mom, when she consoled me back... where I grew up."

On hearing her not even able to say 'home' or 'Pegasi', Teri knew now what she had to say, "Hun, don't throw away everything you have. The only thing you have full control of right now is you. The Universe has thrown a huge curve ball at you and all the coaching and shouting from the dugout is in the past.... you have this heading at you and you have to deal with it. Make the best of trying to make that deal on your terms. Not your mom's, not Gontarr's, not even Jon's. It's your ball and your swing."

The baseball references were completely lost on Harliah. But she did get it solidly that the only thing she could do was deal with the situation as was best for her, regardless what direction everyone else was pulling her in.

"Yarmata..." She shook her head and smiled, "My ... dad wants me to go to Earth and finish school there."

Teri smiled, "It's a good idea. But is it what you feel you need?"

Harliah thought for a moment and looked at Teri no longer sad, but with resolve, "If I have to make a new start, then that's exactly what I will do. That's what I want to do. But you're right, it will be on my terms."

6 - "This Would Eventually Happen"

Harliah returned to the lounge around dinner time. She was looking a lot better than earlier and everyone was happy to see her again. Her shift had been covered, since no one expected to see her the rest of the day.

Confidently, she sat at the piano and played gently, to the enjoyment of all. The tunes were Pegasiian, but soothing. Aaban wondered if this was one of those lullabies, or just the way the genre of her interest was.

Goat went to talk to her, but Gontarr held his arm and shook his head. "Let her come to us today if she wants to." Reluctantly, Goat nodded. But he also gave Jillian a look that said he needed a 'pinch hitter'. Jillian winked and grabbed a water pitcher.

"Thirsty?" Jillian asked as she poured Harliah a glass without waiting for an answer.

"Thank you." Harliah replied and looked sideways at her. "Even though you are my brother's spy right now."

Jillian did her best to give an innocent expression, but Harliah's sideways glance turned into a glare. "OK, you're just too damn smart for your age." She pulled up a chair beside Harliah at the bench, "So give me something to Satisfy your brother's curiosity and I won't be a spy."

Harliah smiled, "Teri makes sense to me." She took a sip of her water and looked as if she was searching for the words to say. "On Pegasi, my path was layed out for me. All I had to do was follow it. Now I am no longer on 'autopilot'. I can chose my own destiny."

Jillian nodded, "It's a fundamental right on this world for anyone. It's even in the planet's Constitution." Jillian paused as Harliah continued to smile. "Do you know what your destiny is already?"

Harliah shook her head, "Nope! But I sure intend to find out."

The next day, Jillian and Goat had the day off together. After a leisurely brunch they spent some time in the arboretum. "How often do you think of home?" Jillian asked.

Goat shrugged, "I admit to getting a little anxious for the next four and a half months to pass to walk on real grass and breathe the real wind of the ocean blowing across my face, but I'm doing OK mostly."

Jillian chuckled, "I meant Pegasi."

Goat was quiet for a while, pondering the odd question, "I have little memory of it. We came to Earth when I was so young. Why?"

Jillian sighed, "Harliah is setting herself up for an adventure of self discovery, I think."

Goat nodded, "Ah, yes. She doesn't feel she has a home anywhere. She has to make her own destiny now."

Jillian stopped and looked at Goat puzzled, "Doesn't that concern you at all?"

Goat laughed, "Hell, no! Dad did it. I did it and she'll do it!" He waved his arms as to show the whole world, "It's a blessing, or curse of our family line, I think."

They began walking again, "How about you Jill, ever get 'homesick' for Centaurus? At least you vacation there every other year with your family."

Without hesitation, she replied, "Yes, I do."

Goat stopped and looked at her surprised, "I.... I never knew that."

She smiled, "I never let anyone know that."

Goat held her in a surprisingly empathetic embrace. As passionate as he was, he didn't like physical contact on an emotional level outside of the bedroom unless overcome with an event and that was always in very close company. It was just his demeanour that Jillian figured he got from his dad, or rough lifestyle growing up around a pub.

"Do you want to go home?" he asked her quietly, compassion in his eyes.

She looked up at him in a demure manner he had never seen from her before, which he discovered was extremely erotic and said quietly, "Not since you said you loved me."

The day had gone all too fast for both of the young lovers. Goat was laying on his back, basking in his glow as Jillian lay her head on his chest, his arm around her. "Why didn't we do this sooner?" She asked.

"Because.... it wouldn't have happened now, then." He replied.

She raised and turned her head, her long blonde strands of hair draped scruffily across her face as she said, "That was one dumb saying."

Goat laughed, "I meant we weren't ready then. We are now."

She nodded, "That makes sense. You should have said that in the first place."

"Teach me Centaurian then." He replied with a grin. She replied with a smile, a playful swat and giggling.

"How long have you loved me?" That question psychologically knocked Goat for a loop.

"Ummm...." He sought a truthful answer as he thought hard about the question, "I.... I'm not sure. I just.... am."

Jillian looked at him endearingly through her hair covered face, "It's OK. I know you guys aren't really into that stuff."

Goat stopped her by placing his finger gently on her lips, "I have never hidden anything from you. Not since that first night, not.... ever." He cleared her face of hair and stroke her cheek with the back of his hand, "Whatever I am with anyone else, what you see when we are together, is the real me."

She smiled, "Oh... my.... Gods.... Goat!" she looked surprised, "You loved me since you lost your virginity to me, haven't you?"

Goat looked thoughtful for a moment, then looked into her eyes and opened his mouth for a moment before getting the words out, "I... I think I have? Yeah! If love is what I feel for you right now, yes... yes I have."

"Well why the hell didn't you say anything?" Jillian shouted playfully as she climbed on top of him, breasts swinging and bouncing, temporarily distracting him from the question.

"Y'know..." He said thoughtfully, "Until recently, I don't think I really knew what love was?"

Jillian leaned down and kissed him tenderly, "Then I'm glad I came up here. Because Mr. Jonnahfar, I know now also, I... do... love you."

"Stop being so damn stubborn!" Gontarr shouted at Aanuah through the bars in interrogation where he was catching her up on happenings. "It is Harliah's decision, not mine or yours!"

"Gontarr..." Aanuah looked at him with a look that read frustration, hopelessness and 'you should know better' all at once, "What is my... our daughter's chance of returning home and renewing her life as a Pegasiian if she continues to call herself an Orlok?" She gave a sigh and shook her head, "My Baladar is dead now. No more cover-ups, no more political protection, she will be wide open to the scorn of our society."

Gontarr also sighed, gathering himself and controlling his temper with this unreasonable woman, as he figured her to be, "If Harliah is willing to take that risk, I will support her."

Aanuah got up and paced her side of the room. "I admire her courage, but can't help but think it's out of ignorance of the consequences."

Gontarr leaned back in his chair, "Then help me watch over her."

Aanuah stopped dead in her tracks and gave Gontarr a serious look, "What do you propose?"

"Harliah stays with me, as an Orlok. I will find you work and you can get a place close by. She goes to school and can visit whenever she wants."

Aanuah scoffed, "That's not a proposal, that's terms of custody."

"Then let Harliah decide!" Gontarr shouted, running out of patience. "You spelled out the terms that she cannot stay with you keeping her family name. You bound her hands on that one, not I."

"But she is only a child..." Aanuah said, throwing her hands in the air in frustration.

"Who has seen more than any should have." Gontarr shook his head. "Like it or not, life has made her a woman before her time. Do you know her story after she arrived here? Or her trials getting here?"

Aanuah looked at the floor blankly, "No. She never shared that with me. What she felt, what she went through on the way here."

Gontarr smiled and nodded, "She has with Jonnahfar. She has some with me. She is good friends with Jillian and Teri. Her world is now bigger. Let her explore it on her terms."

She pondered his words and said begrudgingly, "Looks like I have little choice in the matter."

Gontarr nodded, "Let me make a call. I think I can get you a new start too." He got up and walked to the door and paused. He turned slightly as if to say something, then opened the door forcefully and walked out.

Aanuah sat back down not liking the situation at all. She had a choice - lose control of much of her daughter's life or lose her likely for good. And the fact Gontarr was mostly the one in control of the situation, made it excruciating.

Gontarr returned to the suite and made his call to the surface. Normally he had to leave a message and wait for a return call, but he lucked out this time as a familiar old face filled the screen, "Gunther! Where the hell you living now, in space I hear? You are getting as bad as me! Can't stay in one place for any length of time." Helmut chuckled.

"Some business that was more important than business pulled me away from the bar for a few weeks. But, I am ready to return. And I would like your help."

Mr. Koch raised an eyebrow, "Last time you needed my help, you stole my two best employees..."

Gontarr smiled, "How about I make that up to you, hmm?"

Tonight Harliah was doing a wonderful job of hostessing in the lounge, freeing Teri to do her bookkeeping. Aaban was quite proud of her, coming so far in such a short period of time. While since her arrival it was an emotional roller coaster for his friend and at times he though the stress was going to break him, he was happier now than he had ever been. First, finding family he never knew about, now officially dating Jillian. About time he thought, those two were so much alike in the ways it mattered.

One customer came in that he really didn't expect to see until his return to Earth, Jason Cornwall was being seated by Harliah.

"Hey, Jason!" Aaban approached and greeted him with a firm handshake. "Great to see you! Teri didn't tell me you were coming?"

Jason shook his head, "She didn't know I was coming. I'm just meeting a colleague visiting and thought I'd pop by and see how business was going."

"Depends on who you ask. Jon will say it's slower than a glacier, but the rest of the staff and I give thanks when our shifts end." Aaban half-jokingly explained. "I'll get Teri. She'll be happy to see you!"

Glad to see him, she was. After letting out one of her loud squeals that startled most of the lounge, she attacked Jason with a hug and kiss on the cheek and proceeded to forget all about her ledger and figures.

Teri proceeded to inform him of what transpired since he was last there. He was at the scene when Harliah came into the lounge that fateful night and met her brother. But he had no concept of the 'birRuh vahid' she was describing that they discovered Harliah was. Jason wanted so much to talk to Harliah again after her shift and discuss this amazing talent, but not only was he late to meet his colleague, she ended up having to find him and was less than amused that he was absorbed in conversation in of all places, a lounge.

Harliah was guiding her over to their table with an excited look on her face and skip in her step, "Jason! Teri! You have no idea who just came in here...." She was cut off.

"Mister Cornwall, we were to meet at customs an hour ago." Said a very stone faced Centaurian woman with long silver hair, dressed in a gown of what appeared to be golden coloured satin with ornate embroidery trim.

Jason stood and bowed, "D'el Miiaila, my sincerest apologies. This young lady is also a phenomenal vocalist and I lost track of time networking with her." He said waving his hand to Teri, who smiled and bowed her head respectfully, even though she wasn't familiar with this person.

"A Canisian vocalist?" She said raising an eyebrow, examining Teri with an almost painful glare. "Should such a thing be said by any Terran but you, I would call you a liar!"

Teri's eyes flared with her temper as D'el Miiaila gave a mocking smirk, "Typical."

"Now just a minute! I don't care who you are..." Teri shouted, taking a step towards the woman and shaking her finger as Jason placed his arm on her shoulder to restrain her.

"Teri my dear, D'el Miiaila is Centaurus' premier operatic vocalist coming to Earth for the first time since the war." Teri stopped, but still looked very insulted as Jason continued, "Her generation is less than.... accepting of Canisians."

Teri gave a sigh, politely bowed her head again to D'el Miiaila, "Ma'am, I was raised on Earth by human parents. I consider myself a Terran and if I may be bold, a fellow artist."

D'el Miiaila bowed her head to Teri in acceptance, "Forgive me young one. I lost my husband and a son in that war. I see that Mr. Cornwall is quite correct - Earth is a far different place than it used to be."

Jason breathed a sigh of relief at the improvement of her tone. "On D'el Miiaila's last visit, I was an apprentice sound technician at the Royal Albert Hall in London. I 'tweaked' the panel correctly...."

D'el Miiaila interjected, "He is modest. That was my only performance that wasn't completely butchered by gross incompetence. I agreed to return only if Mr. Cornwall was my personal sound engineer for the visit."

Teri was delighted for her friend that because of him, someone of obvious importance and talent was visiting after so long. "I'm pleased you would return then. I will have to listen to some of your recordings."

D'el Miiaila looked at Teri for a moment. Not the harsh stare of a few minutes ago, but with a much kinder and contemplative one. "You may do more, young one. You may attend my performance as my guest at any of the three venues that are scheduled here... London, New Seattle or Sydney."

Teri was speechless at the offer. She stood with her mouth open in a smile and felt equally ecstatic as an idiot for not at least saying "Thank you!" straight away. Jason appeared equally impressed by D'el Miiaila's gesture.

"Thank you, D'el Miiaila!" Teri finally got the words out. "I will ask for the 'shore leave' from my employer here and see you in New Seattle."

D'el Miiaila again bowed her head and left with Jason who looked back at Teri and waved happily, as if he was a young man again escorting a celebrity.

The night ended very typically with the group around their usual table. Aaban was doing his double-checking of the calculations for the days total. Teri was half asleep and Harliah was sitting in full pout, arms crossed, staring daggers at the sleepy vixen across the table.

"I can't believe that she didn't invite me. ME! I went and saw her in THREE systems when she toured our space." Harliah said with full resentment towards Teri.

Teri shook her head, "Sweetie, I didn't ask for this. I was just there visiting with Jason at the table when you brought her to us. I didn't even know who she was until tonight."

Harliah rolled her eyes, "Rub it in, why don't you."

"Okay, YOU go in my place then!" Teri snapped, getting tired of Harliah's little snit.

The door announcer went off, breaking the girls' concentration on their argument. "Didn't you secure the door, Harliah?" Aaban asked with a puzzled expression.

"Don't worry Aaban, it's not a big bad burglar." Came the deep voice of Gontarr from around the entry partition. He was not alone.

"MOM!!!" Harliah shouted, startling Teri fully awake. She ran up out of her chair so fast that fell over behind her and into the arms of her mother that smiled and took her beloved daughter in embrace.

Gontarr continued over to the table and sat down beside Teri, "Smiles all around tonight?" He said with a genuine smile that he was happy for his Yarmqiz. Looking down, his smile faded as he sought the words to tell Aaban and Teri. "My son doesn't know she's out yet. He spends time with his love. It's good."

"Sounds like something is on your mind?" Aaban said, more asking an unasked question.

Gontarr nodded, "We will be leaving tomorrow."

Teri looked at him with realization, cocked her head with sad eyes, "Harliah has to go with you too?"

Gontarr nodded, "I am sorry for you people."

Aaban smiled, "Don't be Gontarr. We knew when you left, she had to go too and as much as you have been a big and welcome part of this family up here, you have your own life."

Gontarr looked at Aaban deeply, seriously, as he had not before, "If I could have given my son

a brother...." Teri placed her hand on his arm and smiled towards Aaban, who was silent, but expression betrayed that he was just bestowed the greatest honour to this day.

Aanuah walked to the table with her arm around her daughter who was in tears. "Did you tell them, Gontarr?" He nodded. "I would like to be the one to tell our son." Gontarr paused, then nodded.

Harliah had totally forgot about her resentment towards Teri and ran to her as they hugged, both in tears. Aaban rolled his eyes at the fickle nature of the young females.

Morning coffee was as sad and sombre an event as a wake. Jillian held Goat comfortingly as they sat on the sofa in their living room. Goat held his mug down between his knees, head down staring at it. Gontarr sat on the opposite side of him, his head and hand moving every once in a while as if to say something, then changing his mind. Aaban and Teri sat in chairs beside each other with an equally sad appearance and Teri wiped the odd tear. Aanuah sat beside them and looked as outwardly hurt as everyone figured Goat was feeling. Harliah stood and stared out the window quietly.

"I knew this day had to come." Goat said evenly without raising his head. Jillian kissed his cheek and ran her hand consolingly over his arm.

Goat finished his coffee and put down his mug authoritatively on the coffee table, kissed his girlfriend, stood up straight and went over to Harliah. She just continued to stare, seeming emotionless. Goat smiled and put his arm around her and used his most confident voice, "Don't underestimate how strong you are. You'll be fine and I'll be down to visit you in a few months."

Harliah turned to him and smiled, "I'm going home to a place I've never been before. Yet, I'm not afraid."

"That's good!" Goat said loudly, though he whispered into her ear, "I'd probably be shitting my pants in your place."

She burst out laughing and gave her brother a hug, "You liar! You would be anxious to see what the girls on the planet were like."

He chuckled as he hugged her back, "I can't hide much from you."

They both turned and Harliah with a strong face, gave a sigh as she grabbed her backpack from beside the sofa. "I'm ready."

Gontarr nodded as he and Aanuah stood and he grabbed his travel bag from the other side of the sofa. "I cannot imagine how I can repay all your hospitality in these last few, trying weeks."

Aaban looked up at him with a very puzzled expression, "Gontarr, you're family. Since when does family owe each other?" There were nods of agreement all around.

The shuttle left at 1100. The emotional farewell's were not unlike those for family members leaving for deep space, but it had been an extremely bonding time for all of them. Even for a moment, Aanuah felt part of the family.

The three looked at each other and turned to walk down the jetway. It was then that Harliah's tears began as she waved one last time and taking her dad's hand like a little girl, they went around the corner and out of sight.

7 - "Follow Your Passion"

The lounge opened late that day. Aaban had left a notice on the door that they would be open at noon and hoped neither Goat or Jillian saw it before Aanuah had told him that they were leaving what seemed like suddenly. But technically, Aanuah was still in the custody of Gontarr and it was best to begin her new life as soon as possible.

"Oh! I almost forgot!" Teri said as she took an order at a customer's table then scurried off, leaving him looking somewhat puzzled. "Jon, can I talk to you for a moment?"

Goat was just finishing a tray of cocktails as a waitress came and picked them up. "What's on your mind?" He said with a smile, but his sigh betrayed that he had enough surprises for the day.

Teri paused for a moment, then just blurted out, "I'll need a few days off."

Goat let out a sigh of relief, "Oh, is that all? Sure, sure, just scratch it into the scheduler and I'll deal with it later." He took some pitchers of beer that hadn't been picked up and brought them to a table himself.

Teri turned to return to serving duties, making up for the loss of Harliah until they could reshuffle the staff schedule, but stopped in her tracks and went cold as ice. There was one extremely important person she forgot to tell about her invitation to be D'el Miiaila's guest at one of her appearances - Aaban.

Aaban was hosting that afternoon. Jillian would take the evening from him. After he seated a group of weary travellers whose obvious jet-lag was crying out for something much stronger than tea, Teri pulled him aside. "Honey, we have to talk when we get a moment." She then scurried off to a table with a man getting visibly grumpy at having to wait for service.

Aaban stood for a moment, his mind filling with permutations of what Teri wanted to speak to him about. Her expression was one of something big, but whatever it was, it wasn't her expression that he had done anything wrong. He shrugged and returned to work.

An hour went by with just steady enough customer traffic that they couldn't get a break, but not busy enough that the time went by fast. "Hey Abman, what does your lady want with time off?" Goat asked from behind the bar as Aaban waited for the order to be filled.

"Time off?" He said surprised. "Maybe that's what she wanted to talk to me about. We haven't had enough of a break for me to find out."

It wasn't until the evening shift rotation when Jillian and the other evening staff came in for relief, even just for a supper break. Goat came out of the kitchen with a sandwich in hand, "You kids go talk. Ab, I'll see you when I get home. Teri, take your time."

Aaban and Teri left the lounge together and headed back to the suites. As they rounded the corridor and none of the patrons could hear conversation, Aaban asked, "Time off?"

Teri looked at him beside her with a "paw caught in the cookie jar" expression, "Jon told you, huh?"

"Well, at least SOMEONE tells me something about your plans." Aaban replied sounding more angry than he felt perhaps he should have.

Teri looked helpless as she tried to explain, "I only was invited last night. Then Gontarr and Aanuah showed up and..."

"Invited? You couldn't tell me after?"

"I forgot, okay?" Teri snapped.

Aaban came to a stop and Teri beside him. He closed his eyes and gave a sigh. She looked at him annoyed. Aaban opened his eyes, smiled at her and placed his hands gently on her shoulders and asked in a kind voice, "My Sweet.... what was it you were invited to?"

Teri relaxed somewhat, "I was invited to attend as the personal guest of D'el Miiaila at one of her performances."

Aaban looked at her with an almost silly grin, "Who?"

"She apparently is the 'Queen of Opera' on Centaurus."

Aaban rubbed his chin, "You mean that grumpy old bat that met Jason last night?" Teri nodded.

Aaban chuckled then patted her on her shoulders, "Have fun at your concert!" He continued to walk towards the suite.

"You're not mad?" Teri said surprised as she followed after him.

"Hell, no!" He said. "Had it been a concert of a genre I liked, I'd be mad and jealous as hell. But Centaurian opera? Have you heard the cats in the alley behind my old apartment?"

Teri glared at him, making it clear that she didn't approve of his mocking a music genre, regardless if he liked it or not.

"Okay, okay...." Aaban said, placing his hands on her shoulders and trying to stifle his chuckle. " go and have a good time. When is this anyway?"

"I have to check her performance schedule, but I'm assuming sometime in the next couple of weeks." Teri replied.

"It'll be a bit of hardship without Harliah and now you..." Aaban admitted more seriously, "...but I'm sure we'll manage."

Teri cocked her head, "And how about you? Will you be OK?"

Aaban kissed her on top of her nose gently, "I know you'll be coming back. That's all I need for reassurance."

It was the next day when Teri talked to Goat about her invitation. Goat, who harboured a secret like of 'the finer things', including opera, granted her request for two days off. Teri was elated.

Jillian helped her pick out something dazzling at a clothier on the station for the event. Teri, who had only worn business formal wear or farm grubs in the past, other than a rented dress for her graduation, felt very special in the rust coloured satin evening dress. "This looks like something you'd wear." She exclaimed.

"Yeah, but I'd wear it for work. You my dear, are going to have a special privilege of accompanying one of the greats on my world!" Jillian exclaimed.

"I didn't know you liked opera?" Teri asked surprised.

Jillian chuckled, "I don't! But no one questions the greatness of D'el Miiaila, or her reputation throughout known space."

Teri immediately thought of Harliah and how jealous she was. "I wish I could have taken Harliah. She loves D'el Miiaila."

"She's a young lady with plenty of time. She'll see her again and with her special gift, maybe she'll even get a chance to have a recital in her presence."

A week later, the time came for Teri to leave. She was excited and Jillian was for her as well. Goat forced a smile as he thought of the extra workload and Aaban held her with a pain of parting inside him like he had never felt before, yet he never showed it. Teri looked up at him and her smile faded into sadness as a tear ran down from her eye. "I'll miss you."

Aaban held a strong face, but his eyes told all. "Go my love, before I do show what I'm really feeling." They held each other in a long kiss until the final boarding call for the shuttle.

Walking back to the suite, Goat gave him a pat on his shoulder, "You held that in pretty good!"

Aaban scoffed, "You know me too well my friend."

Goat walked on ahead as Jillian stopped Aaban and looked concerned, "There's more... tell me, please?"

Aaban looked at her with a tear in his eye, "Why do I feel it'll be a long time before I see her again?"

She gave him a hug, "It's your first real parting. It always feels the worst."

It was the next morning when Aaban was having his machine-poisoned coffee and turned on the computer that he heard from Teri for the first time.

My Love,

I so do miss you.

Gontarr met me at the spaceport and was all excited. He said I'll know why later. There was no time to talk before I had to catch the transport to New Seattle. There Jason met me and Harliah was there too! It seems he spoke to D'el Miiaila about the birRuh vahid gift and intrigued, D'el Miiaila sent for Harliah. Aanuah brought her just before I arrived.

I'm going to sleep now on Jason's sofa for a few hours while he sets up at Benaroya Hall for this evening's performance.

With much love,


Aaban was relieved, happy and fearful at the same time. Hearing from the love of his life was like an oasis in the middle of a vast wasteland that was in his heart. Happy that she was amongst friends and got to see Harliah again. But his gut was telling him that his irrational fear he may be parted from his vixen for a long time seemed to set in his heart and soul.

That day at work, Aaban traded off every position he could. Host, waiter, bartender, manager and even prep cook as Mac explained his kitchen help was quarantined to the planet for six weeks with some sort of flu that the station physician, Dr. Tianni, couldn't isolate. "Make everyone up here sick it could!" he said. That was an understatement. During the early days of Terran space exploration, more lives were lost encountering viruses that were nothing more than common colds to other species, were like plague to humans until vaccines were developed (vice versa to other species when humans branched out to their stations).

Closing came with the familiar group around the table and an extra. Mac had stayed well beyond his shift end and helped out anyway he could. If it wasn't for his less refined mannerisms, he could have been mistaken for Jason at the table. "So, this is what the crowd looks like at the end of the day?" He said with a smile as he chewed on a straw..

"Go ahead and light up, we're closed." Goat said with a tired sigh. Mac flipped a cigar out of his vest slung on the back of his chair and lit it with a relieved sigh.

Jillian stopped massaging her feet and looked at Mac with dishevelled hair and tired eyes, "I thought those were illegal on space stations? A fire hazard around artificially generated atmospheres"

Aaban brought an ashtray from behind the bar and placed it on the table. "Grill areas are the only places safe enough for the habit in space."

Jillian looked astonished, "And a violation of a dozen sanitation rules!" Tapping the ashtray, "You both knew about this?"

Goat and Aaban looked at each other innocently and nodded at Jillian as if nothing was wrong. She just scoffed in disgust and want back to tending her sore heels.

When they returned to the suite, Aaban immediately checked for messages as Goat headed straight for bed.

My Love,

The performance was wonderful! I think I'm beginning to really like this genre. The depth of emotion is fantastic. Harliah and I cried.

Speaking of Harliah, she's in private audience with D'el Miiaila now! It's her dream come true. Jason said this is the first time a non-leader has had such a privilege.

Will write you in the morning. Never forget I love you.


Both Goat and Aaban slept late, as it was usually 0900 when they had showered and were ready to commence the day ahead. Today, both woke at 0930. Goat moaned as he lay in bed and rubbed his elongated snout with the tips of his fingers, "Ab man, did we party and not remember?"

Aaban layed on his side facing Goat's bed, but his eyes were on the floor. "No pool of party leftovers on the floor. Don't think so."

Goat turned his head and painfully opened his eyes, "So why do you look like I feel?"

Aaban didn't move his gaze to the floor and simply said, "Is Teri back yet?"

Goat let out a frustrated growl, but skipped the usual mocking of his friend. He thought how he'd feel if Jillian had gone instead of Teri and couldn't fault his lovesick buddy.

Goat took the first shower as Aaban checked the messages. As she promised, she had written him in the morning, but the message confused and concerned him.

My Love,

I'll be returning on tomorrow afternoon's shuttle. We need to talk about something important that's happened down here.


Goat got out of the shower and saw Aaban staring at the screen forlorn. "Uh, oh... that doesn't look like a happy face." Aaban turned the screen to him to read the message. Goat put his hand on his shoulder, "I'm sure it's nothing. She probably maxed out her credit on something." Aaban silently got up and took his turn at the shower.

Goat checked his messages and got one from his sister. This time, it wasn't grumbling about the inadequacies of the Terran scholastic system or about new friends and meaningless gossip.

Hey Brother,

Would you believe what happened to me? I got a private audience with D'el Miiaila! That was so cool! I couldn't believe that of all the people on this rainy, waterlogged planet she chose to speak with, it was me!

What was so remarkable was Jason had told her I was a birRuh vahid and she was in disbelief. That was until Jason played Teri and I both went into our 'trance' that she was completely blown away in amazement. So what happened? She gave both of us a scholarship to the Conservatory of my choice!

Teri is so excited. She will be able to follow her true passion and I'll be able to do what I'm good at - music!

The real downer is I STILL have to finish my school studies and graduate in this backwards education system.


"Harli?" He said to himself and scratched his head, never seeing his sister sign a letter like that before.

Goat heard the washroom door open and immediately logged out. This was something he did not want him to see until Teri had a chance to talk to him first. He was already feeling guilty at having foreknowledge that he couldn't share.

"Any news from your family?" Aaban asked.

Goat tried to look as innocent as he could, "Harliah had a great time at the concert."

Aaban nodded, "That's good." He tried to sound enthusiastic, but just went in the bedroom and got dressed without asking anything further.

To say Aaban was melancholy throughout the day was an understatement - he was downright driving people away from the lounge with his mood. Jillian took Goat aside and asked in an annoyed tone, "WHAT is bothering him? I've never seen him like this. Is he pining that much over Teri?" Goat told her about the letter he got and said Aaban was seriously overreacting.

Jillian nodded her head and turned to return to her duties, but stopped and looked back, "And... there's more, isn't there?"

"What makes you think that?" Goat said casually as he went back to mixing drinks.

Jillian slid close beside him and whispered, "Because if their wasn't, you'd have put 'Mister Doom Cloud' in the kitchen to help Mac."

Goat rolled his eyes and wished sometimes that Jill didn't know him so well. "Fine." he said with a forced smile. "Hey, Aaban?" He called out catching his friend's attention and he came over.

"What?" Aaban snapped.

"Your mood's making Jill bitchy. Which one of you wants to go help Mac?" Goat said flatly.

Aaban gave a sigh, threw his arm towel on the bar counter and went into the back. Jill slowly walked back to her hostess station with a glare at Goat the whole way that read, 'You are SO in the doghouse!'

The next afternoon, both Goat and Jillian were happy to have given Aaban the day off to meet Teri. Even a couple customers remarked that maybe Aaban needed 'shore leave'.

At the passenger meeting area, Teri ran into Aaban's arms. They greeted as reunited lovers have for thousands on years. A long passionate kiss followed by many sweet words of how they missed each other.

"I had this terrible feeling since you left, that it would be a very long time since I would see you again." Aaban told his vixen as he wiped her tear streaked fur.

"Well, I'm home now." She replied as they embraced passionately again.

Aaban helped her carry her bag back to her suite, "So, the concert was a hit for you and Harliah?"

"Yes, It was!" Teri replied excitedly and was telling him all about it.

They arrived at the girls' suite. Aaban heaved the heavier bag onto her bed. "Brought a few souvenirs it feels like." He helped her unpack.

He came across a book pad for a conservatory of arts. "Oops! Looks like you accidentally packed one of Harliah's things maybe?"

She looked at him with a guilty expression, "Hun, that's what we need to talk about."

Aaban's heart sank. He was totally speechless for a moment. He picked up the pad and looked at her with a fearful expression and with a voice barely above a whisper, "This... this is yours, isn't it?"

Teri was quiet. She thought the whole way back how to break to her love the news... good news for her, but one that would see them parted for who knows how long. A tear ran down her face. She still didn't know what to say? But her mouth said it unconsciously for her, "Yes." She said and sat down on the bed, placed her face in her hands and began to cry.

Aaban's mouth just hung open. He felt as if a bag of bricks had just clobbered his heart. Unable to stand any more, he sat down on the bed beside her. "You... your leaving me?"

Teri still had her face in her hands and shook her head. She reached unseeingly for her tissues and after a few swipes, found them and collecting a handful, buried her nose in them.

Gathering herself, she looked at Aaban with bloodshot eyes and shook her head again. In but a whisper, "No, no.... I love you."

Aaban placed his arm around her and she pressed her face in his chest. Kindly, gently he asked her, "Why do you want to go?"

Still sobbing, she said almost unintelligibly, "I... I have to do this. For Harliah."

"Just for Harliah?" Aaban said resentfully, for a moment wishing Goat's sister had never appeared on the station.

Teri looked up at him, head still pressed to his chest, "And me."

It was then that Aaban realized that it was the call of her music. He had her heart, as she had his. But the music was in her soul. It was like the calling of a Higher Power. He saw it on Mattar's face at his café when he spoke of the "Renaissance" for his people.

Aaban knew that he wouldn't be able to come in between such a calling, not without risking her love. But most of all, something that surprised him and he was instantly proud of himself for it, he didn't want to.

"How long is this commitment for?"

"Two years." Teri replied.

Aaban seemed hit again by that same bag of bricks.

8 - "New Directions"

Goat returned to the suite later that night, completely exhausted. He found Aaban at the kitchen table, staring at the computer. He was about to snap a good one at Aaban that he had given him the afternoon off, not the entire day when before he could open his mouth, Aaban handed a data pad up over his shoulder.

Goat took it and looked at it, "What's this?" He asked.

"Teri's resignation." Aaban replied flatly.

Goat was silent for a moment than placed it on the table in front of Aaban, "Hand it back to her. I won't accept it."

"I already did." Aaban said, switching to the screen with his signature.

That was the straw that broke Goat's back. "Who the hell do you think you are?" He shouted angrily, slamming his hand on the table and looking at Aaban with a fire in his eyes he had never seen before in his friend.

Aaban just looked up at Goat and replied calmly, "I'm your Lounge manager and it's within my authority to do so."

Goat bowed his head for a moment, then looked at Aaban with an expression of deep regret for his outburst. He opened his mouth and held up his hand as if to say something, but just sighed and rubbing the back of his neck, turned and went into the bedroom.

Morning came. Goat looked over towards Aaban's bed to find it hadn't been slept in. He recalled his outburst the night before and again filled with regrets.

He got up and went into the living area, half expecting to see Aaban's things gone. Instead, he found Aaban sound asleep on the sofa. "Thank the Gods for that!" He sighed quietly to himself and headed into the shower.

When he got out, he found Aaban had coffee ready for both of them and was at the kitchen table. "Aaban, I am sincerely...." Aaban held up his hand, cutting Goat off.

Aaban looked up empathetically, "Yesterday was a day we both could have done without. Let's start over."

Goat gave him a big smile and with a nod, sat down, sipped his coffee and they read the morning news digest together.

Over in the girls' suite, Teri was chatting a light-year-a-minute to Jillian about her experience, Harliah and the opportunity they got through D'el Miiaila.

"It's a once in a lifetime opportunity, I'll admit!" Jillian said as Teri's enthusiasm had contracted onto her, "I can think of no one better than Harliah to be the recipient. But.... why you?"

"It seems...." Teri began with a privileged tone, "The birRuh vahid conciousness, only works with me so far. For Harliah to develop it, I need to be there."

Jillian looked sideways at her, "There's more. C'mon, share!" She said as she was motioning for her to stop flitting about and sit down and tell her.

Teri sat and smiled, looking from side to side, "I want to sing."

"Well, that's great! But why wait so long to do that?" Jill asked.

"Well, until I moved out west, there was no real opportunity for me. I couldn't even hold a job. I still can't. Then I met Aaban."

Jillian smiled, "It was Aaban who introduced you to Jason though."

"Exactly! I didn't want to at first, but then when I did sing, it was so... fulfilling. The crowd cheers, well, they were good too. But I went into my 'zone', my own space. I was alone in this space with my music and I was whole and complete within myself in that space."

Jillian nodded in appreciation of what her friend was telling her, "You have found your 'spiritual' centre. That which transcends the physical anyway."

Teri nodded happily, having everything finally come together for her.

"But honey, when you came back to the physical, you had your love there, Aaban, to meet you. Have you considered what it'll be like without him?" Jill asked seriously. "Not to dismiss yours and Harliah's friendship, but she's not exactly your anchor, if you know what I mean."

Teri had not considered that. Her face went blank. "I think, maybe, I'll have to give this some more thought."

The workday was uneventful. Teri was distant, as expected, with the weight of what was on her mind.

"I hear we're gonna be losin' the l'il lady soon?" Mac said to Goat who was behind the bar as he grabbed a bus bin full of dirty dishes.

"Bad news travels fast, doesn't it?" Goat said with a shrug.

Mac gave a grin, "On a station this size? Pffft!" He rolled his eyes. "Gotta replacement in mind?"

Goat sighed, "Wanted: Accountant, hostess, waitress, singer in tongues that no one knows the name of any more and general 'Girl Friday'. No Mac, I don't think I can replace her. Maybe get another employee, but I'll never be able to replace her."

Aaban and Teri talked well into the wee hours of the morning. He was helping her weigh this against that, the benefits and the sacrifices, but it came down to what Jillian had said and that scared Teri. "I just don't know if I can do that. I mean, it's not just me that will have no anchor, but I'm supposed to be the strong one, the anchor for Harliah. I can't do that!"

"Yes, you can!" Aaban said cheerfully and held her beside him on the sofa. "You'll have me a call away, day or night. I'm sure Gontarr will help you out too. It's the least he could do for the help you're giving his daughter."

"But.... it'll be like starting all over again. I like it here. I like this job and my friends are here." She looked up at him as insecure as he'd ever seen her, "And I love you."

He gently held her face and kissed her. "You'll still have me. You'll still have your friends and your job will always be here for you if you want it back. And as for starting over, do you not think I was scared coming up here? Sure, I didn't want to be stuck in a café all my life, but to leave Terra-firma?" He waved his arm in the air, "I thought I was mad! But I couldn't abandon Goat."

Teri sighed, "If I stay, I ruin Harliah's best chances. If I go, we'll be parted and I may risk my happiness."

"Then do what I did when I decided to come here."

"What's that?"

"Stop analysing and just do it! Take the risk! No advancement personally or otherwise is accomplished without it."

Aaban was tired and his task the next day was not helping matters. He had two weeks to learn Teri's job until a replacement was found.

"Four hundred!" Goat shouted with his desk in the lounge office covered in data pads.

Aaban was researching import tax laws through blurred-bored eyes. They were quickly realizing just how much Teri did for them. "Four... huh?" He asked, barely hearing his friend.

Goat turned around and scowled. "I put an ad on the data-net for an accountant this morning before work. It's just past lunch and I have four hundred resumes from every continent on Earth and a couple from Terran colonies halfway to Equuleus."

Aaban smiled a wicked grin, "You're the boss!"

Goat's scowl deepened as he turned back to his desk and began sorting.

"Mom! Teri's accepted the scholarship offer!" Harliah excitedly showed her mom the information when she was off from school.

Harliah spent much of her time at the café where her mom worked, doing her homework. Soon with the scholarship and her studies, she would have little free time. This however didn't bother her. On the Pegasiian home world, she had little free time and the thought of getting back to a busy routine pleased her.

"That's fantastic!" Aanuah said, pleased for her daughter.

"Hey, does that mean we'll see Teri again here?" Tom asked from behind the counter. "She really brightened up the place."

Harliah, who often traded friendly jibes with Tom replied with a wry smirk, "She did, or her ass did?"

Tom's mouth just dropped open for a moment, "You're a brat, you know that?"

Harliah stuck her tongue out playfully, then ignored him.

A pair Canisian teens came in arguing to the café. "It's your fault! Had you not been looking at that gallery at the spaceport, we wouldn't have missed the bus." the young man snapped at his companion.

She rolled her eyes as if this was a conversation of some frequency. "And had you not got bored and took off, we wouldn't have got the wrong bus and be in this part of the city. So much for 'they all go to one spot' theory of yours." She mockingly said the last phrase with a smug expression in a deeper voice.

"Hey kids, keep it down!" Aanuah shouted sternly at them from the recliner where she was taking her break with her daughter.

Harliah giggled and said to her mom quietly, "Aren't they a scruffy pair?"

"Well, aren't you a scruffy pair!" Tom said cheerfully to them as he was ready to take their order.

They were a scruffy pair. Unlike most Canisian's with meticulously groomed fur, they looked like they had been through a car wash and blow-dried very haphazardly. Their backpacks all scuffed up added to their 'vagabond' appearance.

The young man looked up at the menu and asked for a cappuccino.

"I'll have a latte." the young lady requested.

The young man rolled his eyes, "You're lactose intolerant, ditz!"

She scowled at him and changed her order, "Dairy free latte, please."

Tom punched in their order and gave the total. The youths looked at each other.

"I don't have any more money. Do you?" He asked.

She dug around in her backpack and came up with a few older plasticised notes, but they weren't anywhere near what the total was.

"Look..." Tom said, "...just tell me you aren't a pair of runaways and I'll let this one slide."

Both youths laughed. "No, runaways we aren't." the young man replied. "We're returning home from our first field trip off world."

"Since we got back, nothing has gone right for us. Lost bags, then my idiot brother makes us get on the wrong the bus..." She finished.

He rolled his eyes again, "Can I trade you my sister for the drink?" She slapped his arm.

Tom couldn't help but laugh at the argumentative siblings. It was turning into a comedy floor show. He handed them their drinks, they thanked him and sat down at a table.

Harliah was giggling profusely. Aanuah was also amused, but just smiled.

The young man looked over at Harliah, whose typically plumper Pegasiian figure was jiggling as she giggled, "Hey, giggle-bum."

That was the punchline for Harliah who fell off the chair as she laughed her head off.

"Is there a gas leak in here?" He asked incredulously at Aanuah who was having trouble containing her own laughter. The young man's insolence was delivered in a way a comedy actor would, making it incredibly funny.

By this time, his sister was catching the giggles. "Oh, not you too? He said in a tone of resignation as he rolled his eyes.

He nearly spilled his cappuccino as he got bumped from the side when he was looking at his sister, "Hey, scruffox!" Harliah said.

He raised his eyebrows, searching for a retort. He opened his mouth for the delivery when Harliah cut him off.

"Harli." she said.

"Okay." He replied.

She waited, then added with a mischievous glint in her eye, "If you don't tell me your name, you'll be known in this café as Scruffy Fox."

"Hax." He replied.

"Mridu." His sister said right after.

Harliah sat down with them. Teens her own age that didn't have anything to do with the 'backwards' school she had to attend.

Aanuah went back behind the counter. Tom whispered to her, "Just what she needs, a distraction from school and her upcoming musical studies."

Aanuah smiled at him and whispered back, "Or someone to really ground her to this world."

Tom thought about it and nodded with a shrug, "Could do, could do!"

Two days went by and Goat interviewed twenty people over video. Of those twenty, five went to Aaban for a second interview, who rejected all but two. Of those two, Jillian reviewed the recordings of both interviews and they were back to square one with no one.

"Why did you reject Eldar? He was a number cruncher if I ever saw one!" Aaban asked Jillian.

"The Sirian fellow, right?" She asked. "He talked and talked and talked . Think of Harliah after three espresso's, only never coming down."


"He'd get is work done, but no one else would."

Aaban and Goat nodded in resigned agreement.

"What about Chinella, the young Centaurian lady? I thought you'd take a shine to her?" Goat asked about the other Jill rejected.

Jillian raised an eyebrow, "Too pretty."

The guys laughed, "Competition, Jillian?" Aaban said.

Jillian looked at them with an innocent look, intertwined her fingers, placed her chin on them and flitted her eyelashes. Both Goat and Aaban went silent and stared. "That's why! With you two? Together? You're penises with men attached. I won't have her here."

"Fine!" Goat said, "You do the first round of interviews tomorrow. Let Aaban do the second interviews again and I'll see what rubbish you two leave me to mop up."

And interview Jillian did the next morning. She began at 0600 and figured she'd take a nap before her shift in the evening. By 1300, she had interviewed fifteen of the applicants. One of them stood out and she went to the lounge with her info to Goat.

"Gorsha?" Goat asked. "That name sounds familiar."

"She should.." Jillian responded and flipped a page on the data pad, "She made headlines a couple years ago."

Goat glanced over some media stories. "Wow! She's practically a celebrity." He put the pad down on his desk and looked up at Jillian from his chair, "What would she want with a position up here?"

Jillian smiled, "She's tired of the spotlight that still shines on her. Seems where she's living, every visitor asks the same questions over and over. She lives with a military family and while she loves them dearly, she wants to make a life for herself now."

Goat nodded, thinking about the situation she must be in. "So, an asylum seeker who led a like of crime in no small part due to my sister's father working here, contacting Capellan's, Pegasiian's, Sirian's and Canisian's all the time in charge of my books." He looked up at her with a raised eyebrow.

Jillian looked down, considering how Goat put Gorsha's situation in relation to them in perspective. She looked at Goat with a pleading expression, "And you got Harliah off to a good start here. Is there any more compassion left inside your heart for one more?"

Goat rolled his eyes, looked at her sideways and smiled, "Take the data pad to Aaban."

Jillian squealed and gave him a big kiss, "Thank you!" She took the pad and ran out of the office.

Aaban and Goat got off shift that evening as the ladies took over. Aaban being accosted by Jillian and nattered throughout the day to look at it immediately, he finally got her to shut up by agreeing to look at it as soon as he was off shift.

"I have a bad feeling about this." Goat said as they walked back to the suite.

Aaban thumbed through the information, "Isn't this the one half known space calls 'traitor'?"

Goat nodded, "Yup! Crazy, isn't it?"

Aaban stopped in the corridor outside their suite and looked up at the ceiling, tapping the data pad. "Yeah, totally." Looking at Goat, he smiled, "So crazy, that it just might work!"

Goat looked puzzled as they walked into their suite. "What? Not you too!" He got a glass of water and flopped down on the sofa, "It's Teri, isn't it? The thought of her leaving has caused you to go off the deep end!"

Aaban laughed as he sat down with a beer. "Don't you get it? There is NO WAY she'd try anything dishonest. One screw up and she's back to the Capellan moons, amnesty revoked."

"I doubt they'd go that far." Goat said shaking his head. "But you're right, they'd be keeping tabs on her for sure."

The two fellows sat on the sofa together for some time in silence. "Ah, what the hell!" Goat said suddenly. "If you're all right with it, I'll get Jillian to call her and make an appointment." He sighed, "You can also get a return shuttle ticket for her on the company card."

Two days later, Teri had the day shift. She was hostessing while Aaban managed, tended bar and served along with two other employees. She always thought it cute when he served, as after the many years of tending his café, the traditional towel worn on the waiter's arm at the lounge, he kept wanting to wrap it on his waist as a 'halfer'.

One time for a joke, Mac placed his apron across Aaban's arm while he was focused on speaking to a regular customer. Aaban unconsciously put the apron on and wore it for several hours before noticing he'd been had. Teri giggled at the memory.

The afternoon had been exceedingly slow by Goat's standards. Even Teri in her high heeled, knee high boots hadn't been attracting the merchants like it usually did. It was November and on the planet, people were getting ready for the upcoming holidays in their various, eclectic forms. December was when the travel season would overwhelm them, according to the Station Manager.

In the doorway, a cloaked form of a female appeared. She wore a loose fitting hooded cloak that was popular among the non-Terran species. It was rather a plain tan colour, except for the trim which was ornately embroidered. Teri thought the traveller Pegasiian or Centaurian had she not caught sight of the narrow, black-nose tipped muzzle.

"Hello and welcome to Jonnahfar's!" She said happily.

The traveller removed her hood revealing her Canisian face and asked quietly, "I'm looking for a Jonnahfar or Aaban?"

"Aaban is avail.. ab.. le.." she trailed off. Her smile faded and she motioned for the patron to follow her.

She found Aaban behind the bar, carefully following a set of instructions. "A patron to see Aaban." She said emotionless, then walked away.

"One... moment." Aaban said without taking his eyes off the concoction he was making. He was sprinkling what appeared to be an orange dust into a large Martini glass. Like a Martini, an olive on a stick stood in the glass. In an instant, the clear liquid in the glass disappeared and was replaced by a white fog with what appeared to be a reddish gas that hung at the bottom of the glass. Aaban stood upright with a victorious smile, "Mister Tianni, your assistance please?"

A man wearing what looked like very thick welding goggles on a larger than normal for a human head walked with a big grin up to the bar and carefully took the drink, so none of the 'fog' ran out and took a sip. His head tiled back with a huge smile, "Thank you Aaban. I have not tasted such a j'hinjoo since leaving home."

Aaban stepped carefully back from the bar counter as "Mr." Tianni took the drink and was quite elated that he was pleased. He looked at the visitor and smiled, "Sorry for the wait. This is actually the most dangerous drink we make."

The Canisian lady watched intrigued by the delicate procedure. "What is this, j'hinjoo? It looks yummy!"

Both men shook their heads at her. "It's a drink that only Sirian's can digest. The red gaseous substance at the bottom? Hydrogen sulphide. Deadly, even to the touch to everyone in known space, except Sirian's." Aaban replied.

The Canisian lady gasped and covered her mouth, "Shouldn't there be a doctor near where this is made?"

The Sirian man carefully replaced the now half empty glass on the bar counter and took her hand and shook it rapidly, "Doctor Phinnaeus Tianni, station physician at your service." He stopped and his mouth went into the shape of someone in awe as he stared at the Canisian lady's face. He then gently cupped her cheeks and moved her face from side to side, then with his thumb, lifted her eyelid as if he was giving an examination right there.

"Remarkable!" He said. "They have stayed so golden, so beautiful...." He then took his index finger and held it in front of her and moved it from side to side as her eyes followed them. She bore a silly sort of grin, caught off guard by the impromptu examination. "Can you see okay still? How long have you had them?"

She giggled, "Yes and just over two years."

"Fantastic!" Dr. Tianni said in complete admiration. He finished his drink and sat back down at the table, again giving Aaban many thanks for his creation.

She looked at Aaban and chuckled, "He is such a funny man! I thought you called him 'Mister' Tianni when I came in?"

Aaban nodded, "I did. In here, he says he wants to just be another man. Leave the office behind. I suggested we just call him 'Mister' like all the other fellows and he loved the idea." Aaban wiped the counter, "Teri said you wanted to see me?"

"Yes!" She said excitedly, "I'm Gorsha. I'm here for an interview or something?"

"Oh, yes!" Aaban replied happily. "Glad you could make it. I'll call the boss and we can see if we can get you working." Aaban used his personal communicator. He knew that unlike the lounge communicator, the number he had in his would get Goat's attention, regardless of where he might be.

"Sorry for the personal question right away..." Aaban asked, "But what was Dr. Tianni so fascinated by?"

Gorsha smiled, "My eyes. They're artificial, a Sirian invention for Canisian's."

"Wow!" Aaban said impressed. "I didn't think there was such a thing for Canisian eyes?"

Gorsha shook her head, "There isn't really. I see as well as you do. Not meaning to insult, but to a Canisian, it's practically blindness beyond five metres."

Goat showed up within ten minutes. They went into the office and didn't come out for nearly an hour. When they did, Gorsha was happily hugging the two. She left with a big smile and thanked Teri on her way out. Teri just blandly said, "You're welcome."

Goat poked an elbow in Aaban's ribs, "Hey, I think your lady has problems."

Goat took over hosting as Aaban talked to Teri in the privacy of the office. "Goat senses you have an issue? Want to tell me about it?"

"Do you know who that was?" she asked him with mixed surprise and revulsion.

Aaban nodded, "Yeah, the whole dirty history. At least from what we read on the data-net."

"Why her? Why here?" Teri waved her arms in almost a shriek.

"Hey, calm down!" He said consolingly. "This isn't like you."

She sat down in the chair. "I had a really hard time after her story hit the media."

Aaban sat on the desk, "In what way?"

Teri shook her head and looked pained at the memory. "You know I come from a small town, right? I was the only Canisian there. Accepted as just another farmer's daughter. That was until the story of Gorsha made headlines."

Aaban was getting an idea where this was going. "Let me guess, overnight you became the mistrusted one?"

Teri nodded. "Half the town's attitude changed towards me. It was like all the years of getting to know people went out the window. I became an outsider."

"That's the real reason you came out west? Not just to follow your own path?"

Teri looked up at him with sad eyes, "Yes."

Aaban rubbed her shoulders, "Our history is full of blaming innocent people for the actions of another. Or even an entire race of people for the actions of one. I'm sorry to say that ugly part of us hasn't been beat down yet."

Teri placed her hand on Aaban's hand on her shoulder.

"And just think..." Aaban said as he kissed her cheek from behind, "With Harliah keeping her name of Orlok, she's in the same boat."

Teri turned and looked at him with realization, "I... hadn't thought of that."

9 - "Parting, Yet Not Parted"

Time has a nasty habit of sneaking up on people. For the happy group of friends, it was no exception. It was the eve of Teri's departure. She had the day to pack her things and Aaban had the day off to help her and say their own personal goodbyes.

Teri had been a mixture of silent, then excited, crying, then exceedingly mushy. In between emotional swings, she got a few things packed.

"I want to go. I'm almost as excited when I came here. But the thought of leaving you up here...." She went back to crying again.

Aaban held her on the side of her bed as she sobbed. "I made something for you." He said cheerfully.

Teri looked up at him with runny nose and soaked face with eyes that said, "For me?"

Aaban took a necklace from around his neck that Teri hadn't noticed before. It was shining gold and on it as a pendant, was the coin that Mr. Chin had given Aaban for good luck before he left. He placed it on her.

"It worked wonderfully for me. I hope it will for you too." He said as he gently kissed her salty, tear soaked cheek.

She held the pendant and looked at it for a moment. "Oh.... Aaban..." Her tears streamed again, this time for joy.

The lounge closed early that evening. All the employees were there, as well as a few station regulars, for a surprise party arranged by Jillian for Teri. For a few more hours, Teri forgot all about the big day ahead tomorrow and it was just the gang all together for one last time.

Teri also treated everyone to one last performance of her singing. Well, last in what may be for a great while. Teri hoped to return to that little stage again. She also hoped there would be Jason with his guitar and Harliah on the piano the next time she stood there.

As the evening wound down, it was just the four of them at the familiar table. She gave Jillian a big thank you hug for arranging the evening.

"So Hun, how are you feeling?" Jillian asked as they broke the embrace.

"Like...." Teri smiled and looked around at everyone at the table, "I finally understand what it is to be d'Artagnan."

Goat and Aaban looked at each other, raised eyebrows and shrugged. Jillian swung Teri around happily off her feet, "I knew you would!"

Aaban and Teri spent her last night together. Jillian went over to the boys' suite for the night, giving each other privacy. Teri lay on his chest with his arm around her. They cuddled, but both were really in too much of an emotional state for a round of wild love making. "I want to spend my entire upcoming leave with you."

Teri smiled, "I would hope for no less."

"Do you get any time off?"

"We'll both get a month off in the summer. There's a lot of young students with families that travel." She sighed at the thought of seven months parted.

"I'll count the days, my love." Aaban said, stroking her hair and ears.

Teri rolled on top of him, "Let's have good memories until then." She kissed him and sliding under the blankets, they shared their most intimate moment to date.

The next morning, they both slept in. Teri nearly missed her departure time and if it wasn't for Jillian's kindness, her larger bags wouldn't have made it into the cargo check on time.

"Oh geez! Get a room or let her get on the shuttle!" Goat chided as the Aaban and Teri gave one last, long embrace and kiss in the passenger departure area.

A tearful Teri slung her bag over her shoulder and walked down the jetway waving and blowing a last kiss to Aaban, disappeared around the corner.

Jillian wiped a few tears as Goat held her. They began to head back to open the lounge. As they passed Aaban, he gave him a pat on the shoulder, "Take your time."

Aaban did. He silently stood and waited until the shuttle departed and was no longer visible. He continued to stand and look out those windows for another hour.

Hey Brother,

Dad and I met Teri at the spaceport. For a forty minute flight, she looked as if she had been awake for a week. I think she misses Aaban already.

Teri will stay with mom until we can find accommodations in Victoria near the Conservatory of Music and Arts. It's very expensive there and it's not even large! At least it seems highly accredited. If it wasn't for the scholarship, I don't think I could even pursue musical studies on this world :-(

I also made two new friends and they're Canisian! They too were adopted, like Teri, but get this... their family on their adoptive mother's side are Equuleusian! I had no idea they left their world for any length of time let alone were living here. I learned something new today.

Mridu wants to be an artist and has applied to the Conservatory as well! She's pretty young still though, but feels her talent can get her in.

Her brother, Hax, wants to be an engineer. But his attitude and not aptitude has kept his grades pretty low. He has a mouth and wit not unlike yours, only he's a total HUNK!

Have to go, the taxi has us at mom's work. Teri insisted the café be our first stop for some reason.


Goat finished reading the message just as Aaban came in for work. Handing him his personal communicator, he showed Aaban the message and gave his friend a reassuring smile. "Hey, Teri made it OK and are at your old café. Maybe she needed a jolt or something?"

Aaban read the message and smiled. He knew she likely wanted to go there because it felt familiar. "Thanks!" He simply said still smiling and handed the communicator back. Walking toward the office, he stopped and turned, "When was Gorsha supposed to arrive?"

Goat checked the stations schedule on a data pad, "Oddly enough, 1500?" He said curiously, raising an eyebrow at the device in his hand.

Shuttles came and went every six hours; 2300, 0500, 1100 and 1700. Private pilots came and went as well but to hire one for a trip to the station between shuttles was almost exclusively the work of corporate orbital limousine services and unlikely Gorsha could afford that and Goat certainly wouldn't pay for one.

Aaban and Jillian left at ten minutes to arrival to meet Gorsha. They looked out the window to see a black, aggressive looking vessel docked at the station. The markings were in grey and in Centaurian, at least on this side. The only real colour was the lighted emblem of the Stellar Alliance Reserve on the wing-like projections from the ship.

"Your people might make good ships, but your aesthetics are a wee bit on the lax side." Aaban poked Jillian in the ribs making her squeak.

She swatted playfully at him, "You're an idiot. That's a SAR ship of some kind." She pointed to the script on its side, "Her name is 'Orionis'. I wonder what it's doing here?"

"Picking me up!" said a voice from behind them.

The two turned to see Gorsha holding the arm of a SAR officer as they approached.

Jillian and Gorsha greeted each other with a hug. Gorsha stumbled a bit. "Are you okay?" Jillian asked concerned.

"I'll be fine." Gorsha chuckled. "I've flown in ships most of my life, but Carl brought me up here in a Rapier fighter and believe me, nothing commercial or civilian will prepare your stomach for a ride in one of those!"

Aaban shook the officer's hand, "Aaban Zaheer. Nice to meet you... ummm... Commander?" He said, attempting to identify the rank insignia on the officer's uniform.

"Carl Fornax." The officer said cheerfully as he shook Aaban's hand. "Lieutenant Commander, actually. Good guess though."

"Fancy! You get a V.I.P. ride up to the station." Jillian said as she took Gorsha's heavy looking bag.

"Carl's commanding officer is the younger sister of the station's Chief of Security. She gets to pick up her first officer from his leave and visit her at the same time." Gorsha explained.

"Jillian, why don't you show Gorsha to you ladies' suite and can I offer you coffee and lunch on the house, Lt. Commander?" Aaban said accommodatingly.

Fornax checked his wrist chrono and looked around, "Sure! We don't depart for another forty minutes and I don't see Commander Ferella anywhere. She must still be having a good reunion with her sister and brother-in-law."

Aaban and the Lt. Commander went to the lounge as Jillian took Gorsha to the suites area, happily chatting about life on the station.

"Gorsha settling in just fine?" Goat asked as Jillian arrived just as Fornax was leaving for his ship.

"She seems like a person relieved to be here. She'll be just fine." She replied to Goat. "We'll take good care of her for you, Lt. Commander."

He held his hand up to her, "Please, just call me Carl." He said with a smile.

"Have a safe tour and my best to Muranna and the kids." Jillian said as he thanked her and left.

"Muranna is his wife's name?" Goat asked.

"Yes!" Jillian said with shining eyes the guys recognized that were full of gossip. "His wife is a journalist and a Draconis !"

Goat immediately recognized the species. "Draconis!" He said to Aaban with a smile, "Those are the rodent people whose anthropologists and scientists flooded dad's pub the night before I met you in the bank."

"The ones accompanied by the Serpen pilots? I saw the pictures in the media... they were rather intimidating looking." Aaban replied.

"And nice as could be!" Goat said with a nod. "The Draconis were full of questions and little chatterboxes. The Serpens were rather quiet, smiled a lot and polite. Not being from here, paid in those precious gems I told you about. Once appraised, they were worth about fifty times what they ate and drank."

"You did give them change, didn't you?" Jillian looked at her boyfriend sideways.

Goat just smiled, "Hey... I am sort of Pegasiian. Profit is profit!"

Jillian gave him a disgusted look.

"Okay, no I didn't. But that was because they weren't appraised until they were long gone to their destination cities. Not my fault they didn't come back." Goat shrugged.

Aaban chuckled and Jillian gave them both a look of admonishment. "I'm going to work now. Someone has to make an honest living around here." She gave an exaggerated snap of her head as a snub and strutted off to the front of house. Aaban and Goat covered their mouths to stifle the laughter they were controlling.

My Love,

It has been less than a day since I saw your face the last time and it feels like years to my heart.

Aanuah has been so kind and welcoming. I think she misses having someone around to treat like family. When I left you today, the world of my heart was torn apart. Hers was too in a very literal way. She says this makes us of a kind.

She cannot afford a video link other than for local calls, so I must suffer to not see your face. I hope these words can carry to you the love I feel and the tears that dampen my fur at typing this.

Your leave from the station can't come soon enough. I miss you.

With all my love and all my heart,


Aaban lay in his bed in the darkened room. The light of the data pad glowed softly, illuminating his face as he read the message over and over again.

"Are you going to sleep?" Goat's voice said from the other side of the room.

Aaban turned the unit off. "Sorry, I didn't know the light was bothering you."

"It wasn't." Goat said compassionately, "Your expression was."

Aaban sighed. "Teri's got the heart of a poet."

"Ah!" Goat rolled over. "Then I'll let you read it a few hundred more times in peace. G'night."

"'Night" Aaban said placing the data pad on his night table. Though more often than not, they slept apart on the station, that first night without Teri in the next suite made him feel as cold and lonely as the space on the other side of the bulkhead.

The next morning, Jillian and Gorsha were having breakfast and morning coffee at their table and getting to know each other. Jillian carefully steered away from Gorsha's past, but was intently curious as to her life now. "What got you interested in bookkeeping?" She asked inquisitively.

"It got interested in me, actually. Muranna is a word genius, but for all the intelligent sweetheart she is, she couldn't balance a cheque book. I was also helping her children with their basic math skills when Carl was on tour. But now her brother lives with them as well and is great with his niece and nephew."

"Math skills?" Jillian said surprised. Didn't you say the children just had their second birthday?"

"Yes, I did!" Gorsha nodded and took a sip of the 'machine poisoned' coffee, smacking her lips a few times, scrunching her nose at the cup. "Her species are very fast growers and learners. After puberty though, their growth and ageing slows dramatically to the same pace as a Pegasiian, Terran or Centaurian."

"Like Canisian's and Equuleusian's you mean?"

Gorsha shook her head, "Faster. My race and the Equuleusian's hit puberty at three or four Terran years. Hers will do so probably this coming spring."

Jillian was flabbergasted at this information and not the least bit sceptical. "Sorry, I just can't see that." She shook her head.

"Oh, it's really quite simple!" Gorsha said with excitement and began explaining in detail how certain species, especially those of high mortality (Canisian) or prey (Draconis and Equuleusian) in their early evolutionary years, retained their phenomenal growth rates. After twenty minutes of explaining (which Jillian was quite engrossed in), she stopped and sat upright with her palms on the table and a look of horror on her face.

"Gorsha. Gorsha? Are you okay?" Jillian gently covered Gorsha's hands with her own, rubbing them consolingly.

Gorsha snapped out of whatever or wherever her mind took her. "I'm sorry. I... went to a terrible place." She gave a big sigh, gulped the rest of her coffee, shook her head at the flavour and explained. "Another reason I went into bookkeeping was... to bury my past." She was quiet for a few moments, "I was a nurse of sorts..."

Jillian squeezed her hands reassuringly and looked at her with understanding and compassion. "I know. We all know. We want to give you that chance at a completely new life."

Gorsha smiled and bowed her head, "You are too kind. You people then are like Carl and Muranna.... always looking to the possibilities, not the past."

Gorsha's orientation went smoothly. She even tried her hand at waiting on a few tables. She and Dr. Tianni formed a bond and the good doctor asked to be served by Gorsha, should she be available. It was the second time since Carl and Muranna had taken her in, that she felt she belonged.

Aaban Honey,

My dearest, please when you send me letters like that last one, mark it for my eyes only! Harliah scrolled through the messages for the day and read what you wrote. These are things a girl her age should not read! And now she is teasing me profusely and won't stop laughing and whistling at me.

I am so embarrassed.


Aaban was rolling on the floor laughing, literally. He was on shift bar tending when he read his email. It was too much. The professional man turned 'school boy' in an instant.

Goat swiftly came behind the counter with an indignant look, "Mr. Zaheer, what the hell! Some professionalism, please!" He said through his teeth in a whisper so as to keep his admonishment from the clientèle.

Aaban covered his mouth and calmed to a chortle and held up his personal communicator to Goat, who took it and read the message. Goat read the message with the foulest of scowls he was capable of and immediately his eyes popped open and he covered his mouth, himself ready to explode into laughter. He rushed into the office, slammed the door shut and burst into a belly laugh that could be heard through the door.

Aaban got up and dusted himself off and tried to regain his professional manner. He found himself with the attention of everyone in the lounge. "Ummm... someone sent me a funny email." he said with an embarrassed smile.

"Well, sign me up!" A patron shouted from the other end of the room, garnering chuckles from around the house.

The November lull in business turned into the December travel season. For two weeks straight, Aaban, Goat, Jillian, Gorsha and even Mac, worked 15 hour shifts without complaint uttered (though they were feeling it).

The next day was December 15th, a Sunday and a slow one at that. It was a welcome respite. Most of the staff were due to be given shore leave for the holidays and their hearts were into everything but work. Even Goat was making clumsy mistakes on the day's tally that Gorsha thankfully caught.

It was 2000 and the lounge was full of regular patrons. Most were the merchants, the owners themselves, coming in to do homework on their tallies and get half cut-to-the-wind before retiring for the evening.

Goat came to the staff table and sat down. "I'm tired." He exclaimed and for the first time since taking the lounge.

To make matters worse, the station manager came in with a rather grim face. "Mr. Jonnahfar? I'm so sorry, I have to give you this." He handed a data pad to Goat.

A string of expletives came out of Goat's mouth like no one heard before. Luckily, the patrons were so engrossed in either their drinks or data pads that they just gave him a casual glance, more for his volume than vocabulary content.

Jillian, Gorsha and Aaban came running. "We have a bigass fine!" Goat said, handing the pad to Aaban.

"Section... blah, blah... labour code... blah, blah, human suffering code... what?" Aaban looked at the station manager with anger and confusion.

"I'm sorry, you have been model tenants, especially for a liquor establishment. But I have to enforce the Terran Labour Code. You have worked your employees too hard for too long. this December, Mr. Jonnahfar."

Aaban stood proud, "I am General Manager of the lounge and personal friend to Mr. Jonnahfar. I am excluded from this code."

Jillian stood also at Goat's side, "I am his consummated girlfriend exceeding four months. I claim family rights. I am also excluded from this code."

Gorsha looked at him angrily, "I am a contracted employee. As one who is self-employed, I also am excluded from this code."

Mac sat there and uttered a curse. "I'm not even on the schedule. I'm here to lend a hand to some nice people."

The station manager pointed his finger at Mac, "Unfortunately, yours is the reason I can't excuse. Many hundreds of years, employers have used 'not on schedule' labour as 'slave labourers'. I don't think for a minute that's what's going on here, but I have to make at least a plausible account to the Labour Relations bureaucrats."

After pacing the floor a few times, the station manager looked as if he had a 'eureka' moment. "If you can immediately send one of your employees planet-side, now, the next shuttle, I can write it off as a "time flies" scheduling and booking error." His 'light-bulb idea' expression turned more serious, "I can do it only once per business, please make good use of it."

They all looked at each other. Gorsha offered that she practically just got there. Goat was out until at least the new year. Jillian wasn't going anywhere without him. That left it down to Mac or Aaban.

"I'm a 'boomer'. Cooked on ships all my life. I don't have anyone on the planet." Mac said with a shrug. "I can go last."

Everyone's eyes turned to Aaban, who protested, "I'm the GM and your best friend, Goat. I will not abandon you."

Mac, Gorsha, Jillian and Goat all smiled at him. Goat placed his hand on Aaban's shoulder, "You have a lovely and lonely vixen waiting for you down below. If you are my friend, don't make me fire you."

While Goat did smile, he had raised an eyebrow and his expression read, 'One for all, all for one and for the good of the many!'

Aaban was on the next shuttle down, the 2300. He knew Teri would be asleep by now and felt it would be nicer to surprise her by just showing up anyway.

As the ride got bumpy, noisy and iridescent streaks of orange, white, blue and yellow blotted out his view out the window when they entered the atmosphere, his stomach quickly reminded him that is wasn't space he had an aversion to, it was the 'to' and 'from' that bothered him immensely.

It was midnight by the time Aaban disembarked and got his hastily packed duffel. "Gah! I forgot to ask Goat to water my plant!" he said to himself, slapping his forehead.

"You can text him that when you find your communicator in that mess." Gontarr's deep voice came from behind.

Aaban turned around to happily greet him, "Gontarr! I wasn't expecting to see you!"

Gontarr smiled, "My boy called me that you got a two-week boot early, due to some stylus pushing dimwit and his rule book. I won't let you stay in some hotel and Jon didn't want you putting one on the lounge tab." He chuckled.

He saw that he had Harliah with him as well. She looked quite sleepy and had on a long jacket over what were an obvious set of pyjamas. She even had fuzzy slippers on.

"What? They're comfy!" Harliah said defensively noticing Aaban staring.

It was cold. Aaban didn't bring a heavy jacket being used to the perfect climate control of the station. But it was a morning in December and despite the warmth the west coast experienced, it was to him, almost unbearable. "Why are you shivering? It's ten degrees. Practically fall still." Gontarr asked as they walked across the spaceport lot.

"It's half of what the station is kept at and my body feels it!" Aaban said as he gave a shiver.

They arrived at Gontarr's abode above the pub. It was always nice and quiet, despite the 24-hour operation below and ships coming and going around the clock. The acoustical engineers did wonders on that place.

"You get the soFA: " Harliah said with a poke to Aaban's stomach. "I took over my brother's old room." With a sleepy hug to Aaban and her dad, she headed there.

"Make yourself at home. I need to go finish up the evening books downstairs." Gontarr said with a pat to Aaban's shoulder.

Aaban took the time to sort his bag. He surprisingly packed most of what he needed given his being rushed. He sent his message to Goat that he made it OK and to water his plant while he's gone.

10 - "Meet the Family"

Aaban woke to the sound of the shower. Before he opened his eyes, he thought for a moment that he was still on the station and that Goat was having an awful long shower. He opened his eyes to be brought literally 'back to Earth' and found himself in Gontarr's living room.

He looked around for a chrono and saw an ancient mantle clock, still bearing the 12-hour system. It was 6AM by that reading. He'd slept only about four hours.

He rubbed his face and heard the shower stop. He got up to use the washroom before going back to sleep. He knocked on the door gently so as to not wake Harliah, "Gontarr? I need to use the can."

He heard a scramble in the washroom. A moment later, Harliah came out dripping wet still, wrapped in a towel with another around her head. "Oh, sorry. I thought you were your dad."

She pulled the towel tighter around herself, "Dad sleeps until ten. I have to leave for school in an hour." She went into Goat's old room and gently closed the door.

Aaban used the washroom and curled back onto the sofa and pulled a blanket over himself nice and snug. He was almost asleep again when he heard a 'thunk' on the coffee table and the smell of coffee, good coffee, filled his sinuses. Against his best efforts to keep them closed, his eyes opened.

He saw Harliah standing in front of him, dressed as any teenager of the day smiling down at him. She held a mug between her hands, nodding at and an identical mug on the table in front of Aaban.

He reached over, took a sip and his mind was immediately transported back to the days of his café. "This is delicious! Thank you!"

"I got the beans from mom. Dad can't make coffee worth crap."

Aaban chuckled, "That was your brother's life-long complaint too. It was thanks to that I saw him at my café several times per week." Aaban took another grateful sip.

Even the café on the station, while close to a good one, was no substitute for the fresh roasted beans on the ground. Economics still dictated freeze drying everything food brought up and the station's reconstituted or synthesized water turning it back into food and beverages. Even the beer, ale and stout were brought up in syrup form. The liquor however, could not be. And both the lounge and dance club/bar on the main promenade paid a dear price in transportation for it.

Aaban sipped the coffee again, savouring it. "Harliah, can I ask you a personal question?" He fidgeted a bit at asking, but he had to know something.

"Sure!" She said without hesitation, still smiling.

"When I have been talking to Teri, it had to be text only. She said your mom couldn't afford a video link other than for local calls." Harliah was nodding so far at his statement in agreement. "Wasn't your family rich?"

Harliah shrugged, then sighed. "We weren't rich by Pegasiian standards. Upper middle class, yes. But when mom left to find me, she left it all behind." Harliah sat on the opposite side of the sofa, "I guess it's still all there. She just wants nothing to do with it. Her dishonour and all."

Aaban nodded in understanding. He thought of Harliah refusing to give up her last name, she could probably access it when she became an adult under Pegasiian law, but kept that to himself for now. With a smile, he asked a second question, "And you have been driving your brother batty..." She looked at him with raised eyebrows. "You have been signing your letters 'Harli' instead of Harliah. What's the story behind that?"

She laughed out loud. The thought of her brother scratching his head over the way she signed her correspondence was too good to not be exploited. "I'll tell you, if you promise to not tell Jon." Aaban made a cross over his heart and raised his hand with a serious look. "D'el Miiaila couldn't pronounce my first name correctly, without making a guttural sound on the 'Har', making my name sound like HAR-leeah. Jason said it's a common practise on this world for people to use shortened forms of their names or nicknames. He was the one that suggested 'Harli' and D'el Miiaila got it close with 'Arli'. It stuck."

Aaban got it right away. "Your brother often calls me 'Ab' or 'Ab-man' and others call him 'Jon' instead of Jonnahfar. Jillian also accepts 'Jill' for her name. So yeah, you're half Terran already."

Harliah giggled happily at this. She looked at the old clock on the mantelpiece and with a shocked look, gulped down the last of her coffee. "Ai-yi-yi, I have to get moving." She grabbed her bag, and before she headed out the door informed Aaban, "I was so tired last night I forgot to tell you that Teri said she's heading to Victoria today to view apartments we picked out on the data-net this weekend. You might want to catch her before she leaves at 0800."

It was 0650. Aaban jumped into the shower himself. He left a message for Gontarr and headed out the door at 0730. Aanuah lived up near his old apartment in the Richmond district. It wasn't far, but with all the stops the hover bus made during morning rush hour, he was impatient and felt as if he wasn't going to make it.

The bus cruised down the old block where he used to live and work. Though it had only been six months, he felt as if he was coming home again to a childhood neighbourhood. His heart leapt as the bus came to a silent, gliding stop almost outside his old café, one of the people waiting to get on, with a cup in her hand and the string of a teabag dangling down the side, was Teri.

The particular bus did a loop from the spaceport, past Gontarr's pub, to this business district, to the nearby college, then back to the exchange at the spaceport. From that exchange, a 'skipper' (just a glorified hover bus that could travel up to 500M altitude instead of a few cm) would make the hop across the Salish Sea to the island.

The bus emptied and immediately packed as full as it was before. Teri had yet to see him as she stood holding on to a rail and sipped her tea. "Can I offer the lady my seat?" Aaban said as Teri turned around and immediately dropped her tea. With a shriek, she jumped into Aaban's arms and attached her mouth to his. The entire bus seemed to murmur a collective, "Aww."

Aaban picked up her tea and handed it back to her (his café used 'oops' proof take-out cups. An extra expense he argued was necessary with Mr. Koch when he took the management position there). She sat on his lap the rest of the way to the spaceport 'skipper dock' and she caught up on much tearful hugging and downright mush. Aaban was so happy to hold her again, he didn't object.

They arrived in Victoria just before 1000. Aaban had been reading the history in one of the monitors at his seat. "Amazing. 250 years ago when large boats called 'ferries' travelled this route, it took an hour and forty-five minutes to make the journey." He laughed, "Now we have all this fancy expediting technology and through sheer volume of traffic, it still takes an hour and forty-five minutes!"

It was a tight schedule and Teri kept cursing herself for booking such. "I wish, I wish, I wish I knew you were coming, Sweetie. We could have walked on the beach or something."

Aaban shook his head and shivered in his light jacket, "Don't be sorry hun. Walking on a windy beach in the middle of December isn't what most humans call fun."

They finally broke for lunch around mid afternoon. Teri and Aaban reviewed the pictures and information on the places they had seen. "They looked so big in the pictures." She said downhearted.

"What can you expect?" Aaban shrugged. "Neither of you will be working for the time being. Harliah will still have school work. You might be able to get something part-time in the tourism around here."

"How do you mean?" Teri asked curiously, never working in tourism or hospitality.

Aaban leaned over and smiled the way he did when he thought naughty thoughts of her, "I for one would think you look hot in a little uniform and order pad in your hand asking 'Would you like fries with that?'"

She gave a little gasp of shock then smiled, playfully swatting his hand and giggled. She pointed to every fifth shop on the street out the window of the restaurant, "This town is obsessed with coffee shops. Maybe I'll become a barista?"

The dry winter air and the warmth in the restaurant made for a familiar combination on Teri. Aaban smiled mischievously as he rubbed her arm firmly, her fur crackling and standing on end, "You'd be a cute, fluffy one!" They shared a laugh.

They returned to the mainland in the early evening. Aanuah would be working that day until closing and that gave them some time alone. Alone to catch up one more personal desires that for some reason, burned especially hot inside Teri since she left.

Fortunately, Aanuah rented a two bedroom apartment, one bedroom she kept for Harliah when she visited, which became Teri's temporary bedroom. A couple of hours later, Teri swore to herself to never, ever tell Harliah what had happened in her bed and made Aaban do the same.

The lovers lay beside each other glowing and satisfied when they heard the apartment door open. "Mm, it's that late already?" Aaban said, kissing Teri on her nose as she lay in her favourite position on his chest. He looked over at the chrono and saw it wasn't late, 2100 to be exact. If Aanuah was closing at the café, she shouldn't be back for at least another couple of hours yet.

He saw Teri's eyes go wide, "She doesn't know you're here. You'll have to wait until she's asleep to leave."

But it wasn't just Aanuah that came in the door. She had company, as they heard voices of several people, some of them she recognized. Teri gasped, jerked her head up and looked horrified.

"What is it, Hun?" Aaban asked and there was a knock at the door, followed by it opening.

"Teri Dear, you will never guess who I met at work! Matarr let me off early to bring them..." Aanuah turned on the light and breathed in a huge gasp as her jaw dropped to the floor and eyes went as wide as searchlights. She also wasn't alone.

Standing in the doorway was a weathered, older man with short, greying hair and an old style cowboy hat matching his flannel shirt and jeans whose face went as blank as could be. Beside him was obviously his wife, curled blonde hair done stylishly, matching her simple dress as she looked as shocked as Aanuah and clutched the man. Peeking around the corner was a young lady about Teri's age, but had a colour and style of hair more suited to a denizen of the city. She was chewing gum and giggled, "So... I guess this is the 'Magic Man', huh little sis?"

Everyone was in uncomfortable silence. Teri covered her face, gave a sigh, lifted her head and doing a wonderful job of keeping composure, did the introductions. "Honey, this is my dad and mom, Seth and Marlene Donnelly and my sister Sarah."

Aaban smiled and wiggled his fingers in a wave.

Later, they all sat in Aanuah's living room. Mr. Donnelly sat on the edge of a chair, elbows on knees, playing uncomfortably with his hat. Mrs. Donnelly sat in another chair, legs crossed, averting her eyes to a wall, one arm held tight against herself and nervously chewing on her nails of her other hand. Sarah sat on the sofa beside Aaban, who sat beside Teri. Aanuah was leaning against a corner of the wall that separated the kitchen from the living room with an expression that was amused embarrassment.

Sarah still held her grin and chewed her gum while Aaban looked rather relaxed, as if this wasn't the first time this had happened. The most visibly uncomfortable one though, was Teri. Her head went from side to side while bowed and she fidgeted.

"I... don't know what to say?" Teri said barely above a whisper.

"What's to say?" Sarah blurted out. "He's a hunk!" She gave Aaban an approving look and light poke to the ribs.

"Sarah!" Mr. Donnelly said reprovingly.

No one spoke for another minute, until Aaban had enough. "Despite the circumstances, I find it a pleasure to finally meet you all."

Mr. Donnelly stopped his fiddling with his hat and looked up at him with contempt. His face was very readable to Aaban, who had seen it several times. Mr. Donnelly wanted to inflict grievous harm on him. But unlike the other times with other fathers, Aaban had no intentions of backing down. He held his stare, but tempered it with an empathetic smile.

"You have something to say to me, boy?" Mr. Donnelly said dangerously.

"Yes Sir, I do." He leaned forward on the edge of the sofa, not losing eye contact. "I love your daughter."

Mr. Donnelly's expression did not change. Nor did he flinch from full eye contact with Aaban when he asked of Teri, "Honey, does this... person tell the truth?" in a voice what imagined a police interrogator might use to a suspect.

Quietly Teri answered, "Yes daddy, he does."

"And how do you feel?" He asked of her again in the same commanding voice.

"He is the love of my life." She said quietly.

"And if I tell you to come home now?"

"Seth, enough." Mrs. Donnelly finally spoke.

Mr. Donnelly finally broke eye contact with Aaban and looked at his wife, then Teri. He looked back at Aaban with much less of a fiery glare and slowly stood. Aaban did as well. Simultaneously, they swung their arms about and shook hands. "Son, I don't like you. But I'm willing to learn how."

"You have my respect, Sir." Aaban said. "I will work for your acceptance as I have for your daughter's."

What Aaban said brought the slightest of smiles to Mr. Donnelly's face. "I don't know about you all, but I am hungry. Is there a place that serves dinner at this time?"

"I'll just check what's available, Sir!" Aaban said as he pulled out his personal communicator. He sent a fast message to Marcel:


I'm in town again!

VIP guests, 911, Chef still in the kitchen?


Aaban waited a few moments and smiled, "I have a friend that manages a restaurant. I'm checking if he's still open."

A 'beep' caught his attention that a reply was waiting.


Welcome back and Happy Holidays!

Holiday reservations keeping us open until 0200 this week. Full now. How many?


Aaban quickly transmitted one number: '6'.


I'll make fit. See you soon.


"Mr. and Mrs. Donnelly, Sarah, Aanuah, I have reservations for us and it's on me tonight." Aaban smiled and inside, gritted teeth. This would likely cost him at least a months salary.

All were pleased, except Teri who gripped his arm and whispered in his ear, "I.. need.. a... shower!"

Aaban had to improvise a reason to delay. "Teri informs me she needs to freshen up before attending the restaurant we're going to. Anyone need a drink?" The reason for the delay only satisfied Teri's dad. Sarah giggled, "Yeah, sure, OK." and her mom looked as if she was going to be sick. That was fine by Aaban, it was a protective father who spent most of his life in the fields working muscles Aaban was convinced he himself didn't even have, he wanted to appease.

They arrived at the restaurant. Aaban had been wearing a collared shirt that day, which shocked Marcel, who then just offered him a clip-on tie instead of the jacket. Aaban held the usual guest jacket for Mr. Donnelly, who graciously accepted it. He was however, less than willing to part with his hat. He reluctantly agreed to not wear it at the table as a compromise. Sarah, having worn a tee shirt with a logo, rolled her eyes at having to wear a ladies dress jacket and again when Marcel held up his hand for her to place her gum in it. Teri and Mrs. Donnelly had been finely dressed to begin with (Aaban took note that thankfully, she had her mom's taste in clothing and not her sisters).

Teri's mom and sister seemed very impressed with the class of place this was. Her dad was a lot more serious about it. He ordered a beer to start with and seemed to begin to be impressed when it was served to him with the same careful dignity as the wine's and cocktails were.

After ordering, Teri having finally relaxed somewhat, was chatting happily with her family. She and her sister left for the ladies', leaving Aaban with her parents. Mr. Donnelly regarded Aaban with a suspicious stare.

"No." Aaban said to him with a smile.

Mr. Donnelly clasped his hands on the table and smiled, "No what, young man?"

"No Sir, I'm not trying to score 'points' with you."

"Then, why are we in a place like this?" Mr. Donnelly asked, keeping a suspicious eye on him.

"The manager and I have a working relationship, built over five years. I trust him and he can count on me."

Mr. Donnelly Nodded in a simple acceptance of the explanation, "Very good." He then continued to check out the surroundings.

"Aaban..." the quiet Mrs. Donnelly asked, "How... how did you come to meet our Teri?"

Aaban knew Teri had told her that she 'met someone', but with not a lot of details. Aaban started at the beginning. The bank, her disappointment, his comfort, his finding her a job with Goat.

She regarded him with a scowl, "I warned her about city boys."

"Yes! Yes, she told me you did. That is why I do and will cherish her." Aaban agreed.

Mrs. Donnelly didn't fully accept the explanation. But Mr. Donnelly looked at him with realization, "You wanted to protect our daughter from others, didn't you?"

Aaban nodded, "Yes, I did. In that time, I came to want no other."

For the first time that night, Mr. Donnelly gave him a full smile. He understood how Aaban felt. Mr. Donnelly looked at his wife with a love that he felt for Teri. He had found, inadvertently, the key common ground with this man.

"What brings you out here this time of year?" Aaban asked as innocently as he could.

Mr. Donnelly chuckled, "You seem an honest man, so I won't beat around the bush. Yes, I thought my Teri may have been in trouble. We have always spent Christmas together and when she said she was coming back from the station, I assumed it was to be with us. Then we got another letter about some conservatory or college that she had been accepted to with a new friend. All was well! But her tone was distant, almost depressed. She said she couldn't come home for Christmas. Well, that was a 'red flag' to me and we came out to see if she was okay." He smiled at Aaban and nodded, "Now I see why since leaving the station, she was down in the dumps despite her phenomenal opportunity."

"It's actually all because of you that she has the opportunity, Mr. Donnelly." Aaban said and was about to detail her fantastic luck with her voice when Teri and her sister returned to the table.

"We were just talking about you, Hun." Mr. Donnelly said to Teri. She had an expression if it may not have been all that good.

"Oh relax..." her mom whispered, "... even I'm beginning to tolerate him now."

They left the restaurant and the Donnelly's thanked Aaban for dinner. "We're staying at an inn on the edge of town."

"Did you want to go with them, Sweetie?" Aaban asked Teri.

She shook her head, "I should go back with Aanuah and... ummm... look over the day's apartments we saw earlier with her." She hugged her family one by one and explained again that she was fine and that they should meet tomorrow.

"There's the café a couple blocks down from here where you caught up with Aanuah that serves breakfast and lunch." Aaban offered.

"Lunch there would be nice. I wouldn't mind checking out some of these shops tomorrow." Mrs. Donnelly said. "What do you think, Seth?"

"Fine by me!" Mr. Donnelly replied. "What time do city people eat lunch?"

"1200 is fine by me." Aaban said as Teri nodded in agreement.

"Noon?" Mr. Donnelly acted with mock shock. "That's almost supper time for my family. We'll be there."

Each parted on their respective bus. The Donnelly's left first and the one Aaban needed would be along in a few minutes.

Teri let out a big sigh and gripped her hair, "I can't believe that happened and we survived."

Aaban just waved his hand and smiled, "Ahhh, they seem like a great family. I thought you had brothers too?"

Teri nodded, "They're taking care of the farm. S.J. and Billy will come visit me in the new year."

"You have been awful quiet all night Aanuah, are you okay?" Teri asked.

Aanuah sighed, "Just what happened tonight brought a grim reminder to me that my little Harliah is growing into a woman. She's met that Canisian fellow and can't stop talking about him." She shook her head with a lost look about her, "I don't know if I'm ready for this. Especially with all that's happened."

"Do you feel that you raised Harliah right?" Aaban asked.

Aanuah looked insulted, "Of course I raised her right."

Aaban put his arms around Teri from behind and kissed her on the head, "So did Mr. and Mrs. Donnelly raise Teri. Harliah will be fine."

Aanuah looked at Aaban and gave a hint of a smile, "Mr. Zaheer, you are too young to be that wise."

Aaban's bus arrived. He and Teri shared a short, but intense kiss. "Until tomorrow, my love?" He asked as she nodded in a romantic scene that would have been at home on a movie screen.

Aaban's bus whisked silently down the street and Teri and Aanuah began walking back to the apartment.

"I'm terribly sorry for the scene tonight at your place." Teri said apologetically.

"Young lady, you are an adult. However..." Teri winced at this, "You will inform me the next time your boyfriend comes over and you will not go to sleep until you have sanitized those sheets." Aanuah replied.

"Yes, Ma'am." Teri sighed with her head bowed.

Aanuah stopped and raised Teri's tiny head by her chin with her finger and smiled, "I for one am just thanking the Gods it wasn't my daughter in that bed tonight."

11 - "Working Vacation"

Aaban woke on Gontarr's sofa to the wonderful smell of coffee. Sure enough, he opened his eyes to find a mug in front of him. He thanked Harliah and a few deities for the morning gift.

"How did the house hunting go yesterday?" She asked and sat down in a chair across the table from him, excitedly hoping for good news.

"Ummm..." Aaban began as he took his first sip of coffee. "We went and saw a lot of places, but Teri needs to review them with you."

"Did mom have a chance to look at them when she got home from work?"

Aaban stalled answering as his mind worked up an explanation as to why she hadn't. "She came home with Teri's family actually. They knew she lived with her and tracked your mom down to the café."

"Well, what did you think of them then?"

The kid wasn't letting up. Aaban sighed, "I thought they were small for the prices they were asking for."

"What was Teri's family like?"

The '20-questions' when he just woke up was making his head spin. But after all, he was a guest in her home. "They were down to earth, friendly and you'd probably get along with her sister." But he wanted to get the attention off of him for a moment, at least until he woke up. "Tell me more about this 'Hax' fellow you met?"

The expression on Harliah's face was that of a teenage girl whose heart was melting with infatuation. "He's a n engineering student and he lives up in the Valley. His sister might be going to the same conservatory complex as we are."

"What do his parent's do? He's adopted like Teri, right?"

"Yup!" Harliah said happily. "His dad's an entrepreneur and her mom is a part-time engineer."

"And she is giving her old man heart attacks with this ... 'boyfriend' story of hers, again." Gontarr said from his bedroom doorway.

"Sorry to wake you, dad." Harliah said apologetically. "And he's not my boyfriend..." she looked over at Aaban craftily, "....yet anyway."

"Bah, I had to get up. I traded mornings last night until the new year so my day manager could go home to Centaurus for the holidays."

"I didn't think the Centaurian's celebrated a holiday at this time of year?" Aaban asked.

Gontarr shook his head, "They don't. That's why he's going for his yearly two weeks off, to have peace from all the 'Peace on Earth' he says."

Harliah laughed, "Bah Humbug!" Gontarr got a chuckle as well.

Of all the systems Earth was aligned with, the Pegasiians had the most festivals. They seemed to absorb festivals like sponge from everyone they dealt with. Of course on the outside this made them look like the most jovial people in the known galaxy and their tourism was the largest as well. But the real reason was clear to anyone who got to know their people right down to the cultural level - it was about the trade.

"So, what'cha getting Teri?" Harliah asked curiously.

Aaban's face went blank. "I... haven't thought about it yet."

Seasonal gifts for Goat, Jill and his co-workers at the café were easy, whatever was on sale that was reasonably within their interests. But Teri was someone he was really going to have to think about a special something.

Aaban went to town earlier than required. He thought he'd do some checking out of the shops and see if there was something that jumped out at him that she may like.

"Hey Aaban!" Came Sarah's voice from across one of the clothing shops he was in.

"Hi Sarah! I didn't know your family was in here?"

"They aren't. I'm just checking out some of these fine city-slicker threads while mom and dad are down the street doing whatever it is parents do when in town." She chuckled.

"Oh, c'mon, don't tell me there aren't shops like this in Portage la Prairie?" He looked with a disbelieving smile.

"Of course there are. It's just these are different because they are here."

Aaban rolled his eyes. He never understood the 'tourist' view of things, despite having dealt with several when he ran the café. "Actually, I'm glad you're here. I need to find a gift for Teri that she'd like."

Sarah raised an eyebrow, "How long have you been going out? She has relatively simple tastes."

"Yeah, but it's our first Christmas." Aaban replied.

Smiling in comprehension, Sarah showed him a few things that Teri confessed to her she longed for, but couldn't afford.

The group met for lunch. The café was very busy with seasonal shoppers taking a break and discussing their plans and acquired treasures. Fortunately Aanuah having been with them the night before when plans were made, had reserved the table with the sofa and chairs. A fireplace was next to it which made it even more comfortable. Sarah was kind enough to place Aaban's purchase in her bag, to allay Teri's curiosity as to what he might have bought her.

They had finished lunch and Mr. Donnelly brought up a question that Aaban hoped to not answer so soon after meeting them, "So, what is everyone's plans for the holidays?"

"Aanuah was talking about spending the day with Harliah and Gontarr." Teri replied. Mr. Donnelly nodded and looked to Aaban.

"I... was hoping to spend it with your daughter."

"Humph." Mr. Donnelly grumbled in reply. He looked at his wife who looked a little lost on the subject. Sarah just mentioned that it was sweet. "I was hoping to spend one more Christmas with my little girl before she made it big in the city."

The pressure was on. Aaban almost snapped that it was a very unfair statement given the circumstances, but that would have played right into his game. Aaban refused to play.

Teri however, knew that it was her turn to say something next. "I honestly didn't plan anything because I thought I would still be on the station."

This made Mr. Donnelly rub his chin and Aaban was feeling a little nervous. Of course if Teri wanted to go home with her family, Aaban would fully understand. Heck, a lot had happened to her in the past year. He remembered his first year away from home at college. He was terrified. Had it not been for Goat and Jillian, he might have gone home already.

"Daddy..." Teri began, "...please don't take this the wrong way. I love you and mom, even you Sarah!" She giggled at that as she poked her sister sitting beside her. "But Aaban is my present and hopefully future. I would like to stay with him." She had an expression of a little girl asking permission.

Mrs. Donnelly looked endearingly at her daughter. Mr. Donnelly sighed, "This time last year, you were my little girl. The youngest in the family. I thought I'd have you around the longest." He picked up his coffee mug, only to find it empty and disappointedly, replaced it on the table. "I see though, you're all grown up now. You have my blessings."

Teri was elated. She hugged and kissed her family and sat back down beside Aaban, clutching his arm. They finished their lunch in festive spirits.

As they were departing the café, Mr. Donnelly said they'd be in town one more day and that he'd like to take them all out for dinner. It definitely wouldn't be Marcel's, but he'd find a nice place they'd like. Teri spent the rest of the afternoon with her family and would come over to Gontarr's later when Harliah was home from school to discuss accommodations.

Mr. Donnelly Shook Aaban's hand and they exchanged pleasantries. Mr. Donnelly pulled Aaban close to him and whispered in his ear, "You realize that I hold you personally responsible for her well being?"

Aaban replied, "She's my greatest treasure as she is yours, Sir."

Satisfied, Mr. Donnelly gave Aaban a smile, a pat on the shoulder and left with his family, including Teri.

Aaban returned to Gontarr's place. The living quarters were empty and quiet, contrary to the pub and lounge downstairs. He took the time to wrap Teri's gift and hoped she'd like it. For himself though, this would be his sixth Christmas away from home. His mom and dad didn't really celebrate the holidays, but were most accommodating to friends and family that were. He did contact them every two to three weeks without fail and his dad often said how proud he was of him and his mom missed him terribly, but he 'was his own man now'. Maybe next year, he'll bring Teri for the family feast a week before Ramadan? Aaban himself was a very secular person and hadn't been to a mosque since he was 11. He considered himself an agnostic, but after meeting Teri's family and seeing how important family was for them, regardless of belief, that he'd like to bring her to meet his during the most sacred time for them.

Harliah arrived home first. She threw her bag at the end of the sofa and headed straight for the sprige. She sat down and turned on the computer, munching a fistful of greens of some sort.

"Ummm, hello!" Aaban said from the sofa.

Harliah fell on the floor and uttered a curse. "Aaban?" She rolled her eyes and gripped chest as she got up. "I'm not used to having someone here."

Aaban chuckled, "Obviously! How was school?"

She shrugged, "OK, I guess. Can't wait for it to be over for the holidays."

"Teri will be coming over later to discuss apartments with you." Aaban mentioned.

Harliah got an ecstatic look on her face. "Really? She found one?"

"I really don't know?" Aaban replied, "They all seem so expensive to me."

Gontarr came in through the door with an expression of tiredness he'd never seen on the old man. "These morning shifts are for young people." He passed by Harliah and Aaban with nothing more than a casual wave by flick of the wrist to each and headed to the bedroom.

Harliah looked at Aaban confused and concerned and followed him.

"Dad?" She sat on the side of the bed. "This isn't like you, are you sick?"

Gontarr grunted and gave a sigh, "I'm feeling OK, I think. Maybe a little tired. I like nights."

"Do you want me to call a physician?" She asked sounding more concerned.

"A what?" Gontarr sat up and gave a laugh, "I'm not that old!"

Twenty minutes later, a local doctor from the spaceport came over and was checking Gontarr over. He scowled at Harliah, "I told you daughter, I am OK. Why you not listen?"

Harliah looked at him a little smug, "I didn't call one, Aaban did." Aaban gave an innocent look.

"You are pain in the ass, Aaban. You would have made so fine a son." Gontarr gave a cough.

Some time later, the Doctor left Gontarr's bedroom and quietly closed the door. "Miss Harliah, I gave your dad a sedative and a shot of TriScone-III. He had a moderate infection that the antibiotic will take care of, but he needs rest. Being self-employed, I can't write a physician's order. But he needs to work less hours."

"He's going to be all right though, Doctor?" Harliah said almost tearfully at the physician's words.

"He will, for now. But he isn't young and not being from this world, despite living here so long, even a minor infection can cause serious harm with his stress levels."

"I don't understand Doctor, he eats well, he rests soundly and he's had great news recently with Harliah coming here." Aaban asked.

The Doctor nodded, "Pegasiian's and humans are very similar at mid-life. Unlike humans though, the Pegasiian quality of life deteriorates much, much faster if not tended to." The doctor left, leaving an information brochure transferred to their computer.

Harliah looked at Aaban with some fear in her face. Aaban gave her a reassuring hug, "He'll be just fine. He needs to relax though. Your dad as long as I've known him, has been married to this pub at least sixteen hours a day. He just needs to 'let go' a bit."

*knock, knock*

Aaban and Harliah both ran to the door so the visitor didn't wake Gontarr. They opened the door to Teri.

Teri had come over to discuss the apartments she and Aaban viewed the other day, but after being informed about what happened, she was as the rest of them, concerned about Gontarr. "He needs rest then, at least over the holidays." She agreed.

"Yeah, but who will take the pub? Mr. Koch is more than busy and his day manager is on Centaurus for the next few weeks!" Aaban explained.

"I can." Teri replied confidently.

Aaban nodded while Harliah looked doubtful, "You... can? Seriously? Dad won't even let me near a till."

Teri smiled, "Sweetie, who do you think did the accounting here not long ago? I even rewrote half their software for the accounting."

Harliah scoffed, "There's more to running my dad's place than counting beans though."

Aaban chimed in, "Damn right there is, and I have that!"

Teri gave a squeal, "Honey, brilliant! Neither of us are doing anything until the new year, Gontarr needs a break and we'd be doing it together!"

Harliah looked at the couple happily planning things out that she was convinced her dad would reject. "So, do I have a part in your plan?"

Aaban and Teri looked at her and Teri said, "The most important one, Sweetie... taking care of your dad."

The three of them reviewed the apartments Teri and Aaban viewed yesterday while Gontarr slept. The ones Harliah likes, they couldn't really afford on the scholarship money alone. The ones Teri said were practical, Harliah detested for one reason or another. After hours of this, Aaban suggested a compromise.

"Harliah, you won't be able to work because of school and musical studies. Teri is unlikely to find part-time work because of the time of year. How about I pitch in and help."

Harliah got a hopeful smile. Teri looked a little uncomfortable. "Honey, that's sweet of you. But you don't have to do that."

Aaban smiled, "I know I don't. I want to. You're my love! Why shouldn't I pitch in and help you out at least until you girls settle in and get on your feet?"

Teri looked up at him sweetly, "Honey, you've seen how well I can hold a job. Do you really want to do this?"

"Nothing would make me prouder." He replied and gave her a tender kiss. Harliah giggled.

"And I could help by upping my daughter's allowance." Gontarr said with a smile, standing in the bedroom doorway. Harliah ran up to him and gave him a hug.

"How are you feeling now, Gontarr?" Teri asked concerned.

He held Harliah and looked over at Teri with a smile, "Tired, but better. I wish I could take a rest like Doctor what's-his-name suggested."

"Ah! But you can!" Aaban said raising his finger up like a man with a plan. "Teri and I have a proposal for you."

They discussed their plan and to their surprise, Gontarr didn't object. Matter of fact, he thought it was great. "Teri has worked for me and since you and my son have worked together Aaban, you pretty much know what dealing with this type of crowd is like. But, it is different. My temporary night manager can probably help you along."

"So, who is your night manager now?" Teri asked. She racked her mind as to which of the employees she knew when she worked there that was reasonably competent enough for the position. With the Centaurian controller that replaced her that took the day position now gone, Jon gone and now Gontarr out of commission, who was running it?

"You might have seen her. Law student girl that worked the stage in the cannabis lounge downstairs. She's graduating next spring and can take a less-paying position. She was happy to work for me nights. Shelley she is called."

Teri shook her head. "I don't remember her...... Aaban Sweetie, why are you smiling?" Aaban remembered Shelley with great detail.

Aaban and Teri went to dinner with her parents. They would be catching the red-eye back home that night. They were just finishing their dinner at the family eatery near the spaceport, beside Gontarr's pub.

"Sounds like you kids have things planned out pretty good. Helping your friend's dad like that, that's a good deed if I ever heard one." Mr. Donnelly smiled approvingly at both his daughter and Aaban. "And Aaban, your offer to help support my daughter.... well, I guess it's time for a father to let go and accept some things."

"Mr. Donnelly, I'll take good care of her." Aaban said proudly. It made him feel good that in the last couple of days to go from almost being compost in her dad's eyes to being worthy of being responsible for the lady he was in love with."

Tearfully, Teri parted company with her family. Aaban even received a parting hug from Mrs. Donnelly, whom he was still convinced, hated him.

"Don't let this one go, Sis!" Sarah said as she gave them both a good-bye hug and kiss. "I'll snatch him up if you do." Sarah received a glare from her mother and Teri gave her one of her playful swats and took Aaban's arm as if to say, "MINE!".

Aaban chuckled as they were leaving, "Did your sister steal your boyfriends?"

Teri looked at him with loving eyes, "Sweetie, you are my first boyfriend, remember?"

Before returning to Gontarr's suite, they stopped in the pub downstairs for Teri to meet the temporary night manager. There was about fifty people in the two sections and as usual, the music was too loud. Other than the servers and bartender, Aaban didn't see her.

"Must be in the office?" Aaban shouted over the music as Teri led the way.

They did indeed find her in the office. "Hey, who the hell are you? You shouldn't be in here!" She was dressed quite differently than Aaban remembered (she was actually dressed!) and the business skirt, blouse and heels, something Teri might have worn, was quite becoming on her with her long wavy red hair and glasses."Glasses? People still wear those?" Aaban thought to himself, "Wow! Why didn't she wear those on stage!"

He felt a foot press down on his. He looked down to find Teri giving the most disapproving glare she'd ever given him. Given her size though, that press on his foot might have been a good stomp from her. He was glad she wasn't wearing her heeled boots.

"We're going to be replacing Gontarr over the holidays." Teri said. She held her hand out, "I'm Teri and this is MY boyfriend...."

Shelley looked up over her glasses that were on the end of her nose, "Aaban, Jon's friend. I remember you now." She removed the glasses and eyed Teri up, "Nice to meet you." She didn't shake her hand and turned back toward the desk.

"Is there a problem?" Teri asked, lowering her hand and feeling a little tension towards this lady.

Shelley turned around again, "You're Teri. You buggered up this software? It's not standardized."

Aaban made a face to say, "Ooooo...." as he could see the fur begin to raise on Teri's arms and neck.

"No, it's not standardized. It's just readable by people, not lawyers." Teri quipped, her quick temper building. Aaban was doing his best to control hysterical laughter.

Shelley looked at Aaban and smiled, nodding her head towards Teri, "Dude, you got a feisty one here."

Aaban had his hand over his mouth to control his laughter. He coughed and nodded quickly, "Yeah, she is."

Shelley turned to Teri, "Well, I suppose you know what you're doing in here. Let's show you two what you're supposed to do out there." She got up from the office chair and motioned for them to follow her.

Aaban and Teri could see Goat's influences for the lounge, as they layout behind the bar, till and kitchen were practically identical. However, everything was arranged for a very fast service. They both knew how busy it could get in there.

"Luckily for you two, while the retailers are in full swing at this time, the pub's aren't. I've been here too many years and it's the same every year. You'll have spaceport workers and pilots. The regulars and those curious about Earth's famous reputation for alcohol, soft drugs and naked dancers." Shelley continued playing the tour guide. She stopped and looked at them seriously, "Everyone here knows their job, except you. Just stay out of their way and it'll all work out."

After the 'tour', they went upstairs. "What a bitch!" Teri whispered to Aaban as they were just outside the living suite door.

Aaban nodded, "I feel sorry for whomever is going out with her, if they can even put up with her."

They entered to find Gontarr and Harliah watching a movie. Gontarr paused it, "So, you kids have a good dinner with the family?"

"Sure did!" Teri replied. "Then we got a tour of business downstairs from Shelley."

"She's a bitch." Harliah said with a frown.

Gontarr chuckled, "I told you daughter, she's only like that in work mode. Her boyfriend has a completely different tale of her."

"She does have a boyfriend, huh?" Aaban sounded surprised.

Gontarr nodded, "Nice fellow. An Equuleusian courier pilot! Been dating for years now."

Harliah's face lit up, "Jorgen? She's dating JORGEN?????"

"That's his name, yes." Gontarr agreed.

Harliah slapped her hand on her face and sunk low in the sofa. "How can a planet be so big and a world so small?" All eyes were on her for this story. "That boy I like and his sister that might be going to the arts college? Jorgen is their uncle."

"Are you sure he's the same fellow? This is a big galaxy." Aaban offered.

Harliah looked at him condescendingly, "How many Equuleusian pilots do you know that are living on Earth and dating a human?" She waved her hand, "When an Equuleusian even shows up on Earth, some tabloid has it on five pages."

"Let me tell you a story..." Gontarr began chuckling again, "... when his sister, Miha, arrived on Earth for the first time. She had apparently had too much to drink on the way over." Gontarr related the hilarious story and showed Aaban and Teri a hilarious video that was even still circulating on the data-net.

12 - "Happy Holidays"

"Dad, look at what Jillian has done to my lounge!" The half frustrated, half amused voice of Goat shouted from the video link from the station. He switched the camera view to the lounge and behold, the green carpeted, red walled regal looking lounge was complimented by sparkly lights, strings of garland and baubles of festivities. In the view was a very proud Jillian wearing a glistening sequined dress that was green and red to match. Given her figure, she was a delightful Christmas tree in her own right.

Everyone at Gontarr's place had a chuckle. "You know Goat, if you wore a Santa suit with your uniquely skinny physique and Pegasiian face, when you scowl, you'd be the perfect Grinch!" Aaban said, which immediately brought said scowl to his friend's face. After a pause, everyone roared, especially Jillian.

After acquiescing to the fact that his lovely girlfriend wasn't going to keep it totally secular for the holidays, he got a more relaxed look on his face. After some more pleasantries with the family and friends he missed so much (though he'll never tell that to Aaban's face), he terminated the link.

Goat turned around and took Jillian into his arms. "You never were the Christmastide girl on Earth, what made you so festive?"

Jillian stroked her boyfriend's hair and chin, "Mom made up for what dad and I lacked. I miss her." She looked up at Goat with her eyes on the verge of tears.

"Sweetie, do you want to go home? I'll send you there." Goat said to her compassionately.

"Jon Honey, I won't leave your side, you know that." She smiled at him for the offer.

Gorsha and Mac sat at the big table, "Y'know, this is the prettiest I ever seen a shop up here?" Mac said looking around, impressed with Jillian's handy work.

Gorsha fiddled with a data pad. "Maybe it'll bring people in. It's 2000 hours and we're the only ones here? When's the next cruise ship due?" She said in a monotone without looking up at him.

Mac chuckled, "You sound like the boss. Relax a bit."

Ignoring him, she tied in with the stations schedules. "January 2nd. Hmm, that doesn't do us any good."

Mac rolled his eyes and shook his head, "You haven't learned how things work on this station yet. We're going to be busy tomorrow and for the next two days."

She looked at him sceptically, "And you know this how? I'm not showing any arrivals other than personal craft for fuelling and a maintenance personnel rotation."

Mac winked, "Hun, not all comings and goings are scheduled. Trust me, they'll be here."

The next day, Mac's experience won out as three Stellar Alliance Reserve cruisers docked with crew leaves and rotations. True to history, they were like sailor's hitting a port after six months to a year on patrol and station security had their hands full. Fortunately for the lounge crew, the station pub and dance club was the hardest hit with the rowdies, while the lounge entertained more of the officers.

Gorsha was assisting with the serving and was amazed and nauseated at the same time. The most popular orders? Plain grilled cheese followed by fowl wings dripping with spicy sauces. They even had two orders for meuskat (a rat-like creature found throughout the sectors, but rare in Terran space) burgers.

"You look like you're going to be ill?" One of the officers mentioned.

Gorsha raised her eyebrows, "Sorry, I thought I was hiding it better."

There were a few chuckles around the table. "After eight months of synthesized or rehydrated food, this grilled cheese is fillet Mignon." The officer replied picking up the sandwich and biting into it with an expression of sheer ecstasy.

Gorsha returned to the bar to pick up her table's order of drinks.

"Well, I'll be damned!" A heavily Franco-African accented voice spoke from behind a shining grin on a dark face. "You are looking well! Fornax took good care of you, I see."

Gorsha turned around to see a face out of her past, "Hello, Lieutenant Salam." She greeted him neutrally.

"Come now, it is a new day. Yesterday is no more. Smile with me." The Lieutenant said cheerfully.

Despite herself, she did smile.

Friday afternoon on the 20th and Harliah was beside herself that she now had a week off since arriving and beginning her new life. To celebrate, Aanuah came over for dinner at Gontarr's suite. The conversation with Jillian and Goat gave Harliah and Teri a marvellous idea and Aanuah was greeted by suite and dinner fit for the holidays.

"Why Gontarr, I had no idea you had settled into the planet's regional traditions?" She looked around at all the decorations, surprised and impressed.

Gontarr shrugged, "I didn't. Harliah and Teri formed a conspiracy with Jillian's influence."

Aanuah nodded with a smile, "Jillian. That would explain a lot. She gets her way, doesn't she?"

"Goat's the owner of the lounge, but Jillian seems to bee the boss sometimes." Aaban chuckled.

"Oh, I've seen Jon put his foot down." Teri replied. "She knows where the limit is then."

Aanuah looked at Aaban curiously, "I have heard Jonnahfar's friends call him 'Goat'. What is the story behind that?"

Reality slapped the group. Aanuah had fit in so well that it was easy to forget that she hadn't been around. "Maybe it was a good thing? Best the bad memories are blocked?" Aaban thought to himself.

"Well, it started like this...." Aaban began. With stories of their school days up to their adulthood, an abridgement of Goat's history was related to Aanuah over dinner.

"Can mom stay over?" Harliah asked Gontarr. "We could tell her more stories?"

Aanuah was feeling just how much she had missed out on Jonnahfar's years. "I... think.... that's good enough for me tonight for stories."

There was an uncomfortable silence. "She can have my bed. I'll sleep on the sofa." Harliah wasn't about to give up so easily.

"And where would Aaban sleep?" Gontarr pointed out. "I will not have one like my family on the floor like an animal."

Harliah looked over at Aaban and Teri and smiled, "They could have some alone time at mom's."

Aaban's face lit up at that offer.

"But who will run the pub in the morning?" Teri asked.

"I'm resting, not an invalid. I can hold the fort. Go knock yourselves out, kids." Gontarr said after getting a nod of approval from Aanuah.

Aaban and Teri like lightning helped clean up the dining table and kitchen. Less than an hour later, they were out the door.

The door had no sooner shut when it hit Harliah, "EWWWWWWWW! MY BED!"


The sound of the door announcer woke them. It was 1100 and the lovers had slept soundly in each other's arms.

"What the hell was that?" Aaban grumbled.

"What was what?" Teri mumbled, her face in Aaban's neck as she snuggled him.


"That!" Aaban grumbled again. "Are eggs ready or something?"

Teri lifted her head, eyes still closed. "Someone's at the door."

"Ignore it. They'll go away." Aaban said, pulling Teri closer to him.

*Knock, knock, knock*

"Oh, for fuc.." Aaban began to curse as Teri covered his mouth.

She kissed him gently, "I'll take care of it." She got up and wrapped a towel around herself and went to the door.

She looked on the vidicom to see who it was. There stood an extremely nervous looking teenage Canisian boy.

"Can I help you?" Teri asked through the vidicom.

"Is Harli here?" He asked snapping to attention in the monitor.

"No, you have the wrong address." Teri replied.

"Oh, sorry." He said sounding apologetic for the intrusion. "I had the impression her mom lived here. I thought she did too. Good bye." He began to walk away down the hall.

"Are you Hax?" Teri asked.

He stepped back into the monitor's view. "Yeah, that's me."

"Are you going to be around for a while?"

"Why? Who is this?" He said, attitude coming out.

"A friend of Harliah's. I can tell her you're here." Teri watched him do a few hops and bring his arm down as if to say, "Yes!"

"Yeah, I can hang out at that coffee shop a few blocks away where I met her." He said after composing himself.

Teri giggled, "I'll call her right away. If she wants to, she'll be there in less than an hour."

"Thank you!" Hax said and Teri watched him run down the hallway and out of viewing range.

Teri crawled back into bed and snuggled up with Aaban. "Who was that?" he asked.

"Harliah has a resourceful interest." She said, reaching over for her communicator.

They arrived just after lunch to find Gontarr in his glory, back in his pub. They also found the place rather busy with SAR servicemen partying it up.

"Ah! You love birds show up to work finally. Good, I could use the help." He said, busily serving his customers.

Aaban and Teri sprang into action. They found even Aanuah was waiting on tables and even better, had a huge smile on her face while doing so. "She seems to like working with the public at least." Teri mentioned as she bussed a table.

"Can't not love working with people at the café, otherwise you don't last long." Aaban replied.

Close to 2200, an exhausted crew were glad to see the night shift roll in. It had been steady all day and the customers didn't stop. No one hardly got in a word edgewise to each other during that time.

"I'm absolutely starving!" Teri said, a face to tired that anyone looking at her felt the same way.

"Let's get Gontarr and go upstairs." Aaban said as the two literally had to pull him away from a table, telling one of his stories.

As they went up the stairs, Teri looked around. "Did Aanuah and Harliah leave already?"

Gontarr scoffed, "I sent Aanuah home when Shelley arrived. You two were busy. I haven't seen my daughter since she got your call. She squealed like a sea bird, asked if she could go to the café and was out the door before I said yes."

When they got in the suite, there was several urgent messages flashing on the computer. "Uh, oh." Gontarr said as he sat down. Teri and Aaban came to the desk to see what was up.

All the messages were from a panicked Aanuah. She didn't find Harliah at the café and she wasn't home or answering her communicator. There was also several reprimands from her to Gontarr that because of his pub being so loud, she couldn't contact him immediately.

"I thought I was divorced from that woman." Gontarr grumbled.

"Honey, we have to find her!" Teri looked at Aaban frightened.

Aaban grabbed his and Teri's jackets. He was putting Teri's on her like a gentleman when Harliah came in the door.

"WHERE THE HELL HAVE YOU BEEN!" Teri yelled at her and gave her a big hug.

Gontarr ran up to Harliah, both relieved and worried, "Are you all right, my daughter? We have been very worried!"

Harliah was in her own world, looking almost like she was drugged. Aaban thought that very thing as he took Harliah's face, felt her pulse and lifted her eyelids. "Her pulse is fast, but her eyes are fine."

Gontarr shook his head, "She doesn't smell like anything, nor is she shaking, Aaban. Good call though."

"What?" Teri looked concerned as she gave the men more room.

Harliah finally let out a sigh and spoke, "We kissed."

Aaban and Gontarr who had been leaning over Harliah, stood up straight. They looked at each other, then back to Harliah as Gontarr asked in a tone like any father would at such words, "What? Who? Where? What is going on?"

Teri gave Harliah another hug, and endearingly said with a smile, "Aww, your first kiss?"

Gontarr shook his head, making a flapping growl with his cheeks. "Call your mother, now young lady! If you are hungry, make a sandwich then off to your room!" It was a commanding voice that snapped Harliah back to reality. She pulled out her communicator and headed for the kitchen at the same time.

"This is all my fault." Teri said regretfully.

"No, it is not your fault that Harliah acted irresponsible." He put his large hand on her shoulder, covering half her back at the same time. "Now you were hungry too. Eat."

After something to eat, Aaban escorted Teri back to Aanuah's on the transit.

He arrived back at Gontarr's suite well after midnight and found Gontarr still up on his computer, chuckling. "So, I am out of Aanuah's bad books again, for now. But I agreed that Harliah stay with her for the weekend. She is likely to be chained to her mother for that time and get the Order of the Universe explained to her verbosely."

"She brought that on herself." Aaban agreed. "But you know, she is a teenager."

Gontarr sighed, "It is so plain to see that now. I see a daughter, even a Yarmqiz, I never knew I had. She is already a young woman." He patted Aaban's shoulder and got up from the chair, "At least I got to see Jon grow up. Good night Aaban." He headed toward his bedroom.

Gontarr layed down on his bed, but before turning out his light, picked up his communicator and made a long distance call.

"Hey dad! What's up?" Goat's pleasantly surprised voice came back through the unit.

"Nothing son, I just wanted to see your face tonight." Gontarr replied and they enjoyed a pleasant conversation. Gontarr was able to sleep soundly that night.

Aaban was the first one up in the morning, since he and Teri to take care of the morning shift. Harliah had spoiled him by providing the coffee before she went to school, but it was the weekend and she was off for a week now anyway, he ended up having to hunt for everything while she snored almost as loud as her dad.

Aaban showed up downstairs still half asleep from the late night, cup in hand. He found Teri in the office and after a morning kiss from the equally tired looking vixen, Aaban strolled out front to gauge the traffic. The pub was practically empty.

"They cleared out around 0300." Shelley said as she was gathering her things to leave. "You'll have this smooth sailing until the 26th."

Aaban did a thankful gesture towards the ceiling. "I guess there will be a New Year's bash to fill the place totally again?"

"There usually is." Shelley said, grabbing her jacket and heading for the door. "Good luck with that."

"Hopefully, I'll be back in my lounge for that one. You, Gontarr and Teri will have all the fun down here." Aaban said, then took a sip of his precious liquid.

Shelley shook her head, "Dude, I'm outta here. Got my Call to the Bar on Pegasi."

"I thought you didn't graduate until spring?"

"I don't, not here. I can do my final work and exams via correspondence. I successfully challenged the Bar exam for Tri Sector Interstellar Law and passed. The Pegasiian embassy was the first to call with an appointment. Beat the Centaurian's by three minutes."

"Well, good luck!" Aaban wished her and she smiled for the first time since they met in person, then left.

Finishing an easy shift, Teri and Aaban went upstairs to find Gontarr had made dinner for them. To Teri's dismay, it was practically vegetarian fare.

"Has Harliah already left for her mom's?" Aaban asked between hungry mouthful's.

"Yes!" Gontarr said relieved. "All I heard was Hax this and Hax that. She drove me nuts. She can drive her mother nuts now for a couple days."

Aaban and Teri laughed. "Are we going to put Teri in her bed while Harliah's over there?"

Gontarr put his fork down and looked surprised at Aaban. "Just Teri? You two have an argument today or something?"

The weekend went by all too fast. Teri and Harliah again switched residences on the Monday and Aanuah was back at work.

Teri was already dreading that in a just a few more days, Aaban would be leaving. Who knows when they would be able to be together after that? Her commitment was for two years. If it played out the worst, she would see him for two weeks every six months while on their respective breaks.

She really had no idea what kind of curriculum Harliah and her would be in for. There was absolutely no precedent set for a birRuh vahid. Even if Harliah was in her home system, they would be just as at a loss. So, they were going to proceed as if they were a 'prodigy duet' and work from there.

The one thing Teri was sure of, was her and Aaban's love. That was the one constant the knew of and could hold on to. Distance and time apart, only made her determination more resolved to that commitment.

Things being slow at Gontarr's pub Teri went home early and had dinner ready when Aanuah arrived. Being farm raised she was an excellent cook. Being true to her Canisian nature she made sure there was plenty of meat on her plate while Aanuah filled her plate with mostly the potatoes and vegetables.

"Well, I've just been informed of a unique happening this year." Aanuah mentioned as they ate. "The café is closing early the 24th and all day 25th."

"Why is that so surprising?" Teri shrugged. "That's common where I'm from."

"I'm not familiar weather its is or isn't here either, but the other employees seemed quite surprised."

Aaban entered the suite and yawned, "Slow days seem to drag on so long!" He exclaimed. "Shelley will be bored out of her gourd tonight."

"Oh, sorry, what did you say?" Gontarr pulled himself out of deep thought.

Aaban shook his head, "Ah, not important. What's on your mind tonight?"

"Helmut called." Gontarr said. "Had an interesting idea. I don't know though."

Aaban shrugged, "Bounce it off me if you want. I'm open."

"Hmm...." Gontarr pondered, "What would you think if I closed the pub after your shift on the 24th and all day the 25th?"

Aaban was taken aback. The entire time he knew the family, the pub and lounge was a 24/7 operation. But, the doctor did tell Gontarr to rest. "If you feel you need the rest, sure!"

Gontarr shook his head, "I don't need the rest though. I'm bored. He suggested we do a family day."

Both Aaban and Gontarr knew of Helmut Koch's story. Despite the seeming hateful relationship his wife and he had after the divorce, her death shook him up. Gontarr on the other hand, gained family. So did Aaban.

"Still a good idea from what I'm hearing." Aaban said, sitting down in a chair across from Gontarr.

"You know, for having economics papers, you aren't making good business sense." Gontarr winked.

"Yeah, but there's more to life, especially happiness than the money." Aaban replied. "You could ask Goat?"

"On Pegasi, someone might have shot you for that." Gontarr said with a chuckle. "But I have seen first hand, just how important family is. And I think asking you is as good as asking my son on these matters." Gontarr tapped his hand on his knee. "We close. I'll call Helmut."

Aaban felt a pride swell within him at Gontarr's words. He had figured with Goat and his close friendship, Gontarr may over the years just been paying compliments to him. After hearing Harliah's and Aanuah's stories, realizing how important family and a name was to these people, it was no lip service.

The evening of the 24th was on them. The last patron had left hours ago and the pub and cannabis lounge for the first time in their history, was closed for the next 36 hours.

They had arranged tables in a semicircle and within that circle, a large monitor, larger than the one Jillian brought to the café the last day Teri sang there.

In the centre seats were Gontarr and Helmut. On Gontarr's side would seat Aanuah and Harliah. On Helmut's side would seat Matarr, Aaban and Teri and. Several others would have come (especially Jason, who regretted missing the meal, but always used this time for charity benefit concerts), but their own families had their festivities or vacations.

All pitched in to help with the various meals to be served. A full kitchen in the pub made that a simple task. When all were seated, Gontarr activated the monitor and dialled Goat's lounge.

The lounge on the station was practically full, but it was focused on the big table that the staff used for their after work get together.

"I thought you were closing the lounge today too, son?" Gontarr asked surprised.

"We did, dad! Family only in here." He replied with Jillian waving to everyone on his right and Dr. Tianni waving on his left. Beside him was Mac, cigar in his mouth and wearing a 'Santa' suit, minus the beard. His build suited it.

"How are you hanging in there, Gorsha?" Aaban said loudly, as she wasn't in the screen view at the time. Harliah gave a gasp and everyone turned at her.

Gorsha appeared in the monitor wearing a white trimmed, red, floppy 'elf's hat' while serving. She had a beaming smile on her face, "I'm doing great Aaban. Can't wait to tell you the things that have happened in the last little while."

Harliah looked very distressed. Gontarr leaned over and quietly asked her, "What's wrong, daughter?"

Harliah whispered back, "Gorsha.... she worked with dad. I remember her, though I was a child."

Gorsha returned from serving the people and went to sit down at the big table, only to be pulled down by Mac onto his lap and the two kissed and nuzzled each other.

"Oh, isn't that sweet!" Teri squealed happily.

"As you can see, some things have changed." Goat said with a beaming smile and looked over at the two beside Dr. Tianni, still nuzzling.

"For the better!" Aaban said and kissed Teri as well.

Gorsha looked up at the monitor and squinted. She leaned forward as someone who needed glasses, but wasn't wearing them straining to see. She too gasped and stood up and placing her hands clenched below her chin, bowed. She spoke a phrase in Canisian, that only one in the room at Gontarr's pub understood. "Strength is yours, unity is ours!" She repeated in English.

Matarr rose from his seat and raised his palm as if to stop her. "The strength belongs to you, Sister. Bow not before me, I am your equal."

With a confused look, Gorsha sat down beside Mac.

Everyone looked over to Mat, as those who worked with him called him. "Something you'd like to tell us, Mat?" Helmut asked, puzzled.

Mat sat down again and sighed. "I had hoped to not be recognized. I... we.... my race, are no greater. My people must be made to see this." He tapped the table with his large, clawed fingers, "I am Matarr, brother of Gorr, son of..."

"Son of Alroch, Alpha of Canisius." Aanuah finished for him. "Some of us know. We just respected your privacy."

"Second son to the Alpha?" Helmut said rubbing his forehead, "I have a bloody prince working as a barista?"

Everyone else at the table was just staring dumbfounded, as was most of the people at the big table in the lounge on the monitor.

"You're just a big softie, though?" Harliah said.

Mat smiled, "I am!" He looked at Helmut, "Boss, I am happy to be 'Mat the Barista'. Before working for you, I begged on the streets of Moscow. I must experience everything."

"Is this what the Canisian leadership requires of you?" Teri asked, amazed at the revelation.

Mat shook his head. "It is what I require of me. I will tell you why, but now is not the time."

"Are we going to eat? I'm starving!" Jillian shouted to the laughter of all.

It was a most memorable meal and gathering.

13 - "Life's Journeys"

"He's a spy!" Harliah insinuated as Gontarr's group having cleaned up downstairs and parted company with those on the station as well as Helmut and Mat, were retiring to the suite.

"Harliah!" Aanuah reproved.

Gontarr was leading the way up the stairs and shrugged, "Stranger things have happened?"

"Gontarr!" Aanuah said reprovingly again.

"I don't know what to think." Teri added.

They were quiet the rest of the way into the suite. "Honey, what do you think?" Teri finally asked of Aaban.

He rubbed his chin and thought for a moment. "I know him. He's shared his views on a 'Renaissance' for his people. I think Canisius just got their own version of Mahatma Gandhi."

Gontarr flopped down on the sofa and patted his full stomach. "Thank you everyone. Thank you for a wonderful time. Thank you for a wonderful meal."

"You're most welcome!" The ladies all said together, then giggled.

Aaban went to his duffel bag and pulled out a beautifully wrapped box. "Oh, isn't that lovely!" Aanuah said.

Aaban handed it to Teri, "Honey, this is for you."

Teri took it, very surprised. "But, I didn't get anything for you. I didn't think you celebrated the holidays."

Aaban smiled, " I didn't. You're just that special."

Teri embraced him appreciatively and kissed him. "Thank you Sweetie."

"Well, are you going to open it?" Harliah said, excited with curiosity.

Aaban nodded to Teri who opened the package carefully. She opened the box to find a very fancy and frilly classic 3-piece Celtic dress. A chemise, bodice and skirt each extremely well made and in perfect colour and embroidery to match her cape she wore when she sang. Teri was overcome and began to cry.

"I hope it fits." Aaban simply responded as he held her.

Harliah looked at the pieces of the dress, feeling the fine silk of the chemise, skirt and velvet bodice. She was in amazement at the beautiful simplicity of it and that it felt like nothing she held before.

"Honey, I can't accept this. It's too much." Teri whispered.

Aaban kissed he on her nose, "Of course you can, My Love. Make it special with your songs."

She tried to compose herself and wiped her tears. She looked at it, then at Aaban. Sniffling, she smiled, "I'll go try it on." Taking the box and dress from Harliah, she went into Harliah's bedroom to change.

"Where did you find that?" Aanuah asked Aaban.

"You know that retailer of fine fashions a couple stores down from Marcel's restaurant?" Aaban said as Gontarr and Aanuah nodded. "It was their historical piece on that mannequin behind the locked glass. Women back then were about Teri's size."

"Women back then... when?" Harliah asked.

"Early 16th century by our calendar, she said."

Harliah did some quick figuring in her head, "That dress is 700-some years old? How much did it cost?"

"Enough, believe me!" Aaban replied, his eyes betraying that he couldn't believe he spent that much now that Harliah mentioned it.

Gontarr let out a huge, wide eyed sigh and made a sound not unlike a horse. "Aaban, you are making me look cheap."

Harliah rolled her eyes, "Dad, you are a cheapskate!" Everyone laughed.

The bedroom door opened. Teri came out, still with dampened fur on her face and still sniffling. It fit her perfectly. Everyone fawned over her appearance.

Aaban bowed before her, took her hand and kissed it. "Lucky man I am to be mated to one so beautiful as you, my Beloved."

Teri embraced him and again cried tears of absolute joy.

"There's a story that goes with that dress..." Aaban said a he and Teri sat down. "Apparently it belonged to an Irish handmaiden to one of the wives of King Henry VIII. It was said the King eyed her up for love, but she wanted him to first promise the Emerald Isle be autonomous. He responded by knocking her on her ass. She ran away and married a peasant farmer in Ireland and lived happily, bearing him many children. The dress was said to be searching for a 'torch bearer' ever since her death in an English raid on the farm. It had been sold a hundred times, but always was returned until the boutique store received it."

"Aww, such a sweet fairy tale." Teri kissed him tenderly. "And you ended up with a peasant farm girl.... my prince."

"Young love is so sweet, isn't it Gontarr?" Aanuah said, watching with endearment. He agreed and his mind was taken back to better days between themselves. He almost placed his arm around her, but stoped himself.

"Mom can have my bed, dad. I can sleep on the couch." Harliah offered.

"Aaban will be gone again in a couple days." Gontarr looked encouragingly at Aanuah. She agreed that another night of privacy for them would feed the love better, even if Harliah's firm, Terran-made bed made her old back ache.

Aaban arrived back at Gontarr's late the next afternoon. "Teri can't get enough of that dress." He chuckled, "It seems it found a worthy wearer."

"Good, good, young man." Gontarr said approvingly. "Maybe if I gave Aanuah such gifts, she'd still be mine."

"Oh, c'mon Gontarr, you still care for her." Aaban said as he made a pot of coffee for them.

Gontarr sighed, "Of course I do. I never stopped. I never was the one to stop."

Aaban sat down at the table where Gontarr was, going through data pads on the pub's business files. "Sorry, I didn't mean to intrude."

Gontarr leaned back in the chair and shook his head, "From you, Harliah or Jon, it will never be an intrusion."

Aaban smiled, flattered. "Maybe you can help me with a question. I could use a... 'parental' input on."

Gontarr looked at Aaban, smiled, turned off all the data pads and gave him his undivided attention. "How can I help?"

"Do you think... I mean you know me best of any elder person I know.... " Aaban searched for the words and how to form it into a question, "... am I ready you think... to be a husband?"

"My boy!" Gontarr looked surprised, impressed and happy all at once, "Are you thinking of asking Teri to marry you?"

Aaban nodded, "Next time I come back. I don't want to throw her off guard emotionally and ruin whatever chances she has for her music. Or your daughter's for that matter!" Aaban added the last part emphatically, indicating that he was concious of the 'domino effect' it would have should he disrupt plans.

"I have watched you go from a frightened young man, first starting on his own, to being my son's best friend, to ladies man, to responsible coffee manager, to keeping a steady relationship, to my son's right-hand-man and now....." Gontarr looked at Aaban and smiled the way he does to Goat, "I think you already know the answer."

Aanuah was admiring Teri's dress. "It fits you so well, my dear. Did he have it tailored?"

"He said he found it just as it is." She replied. "it feels just so right, so natural on me. I can't describe it. It does feel like it was tailored for me." She handled the material some more, feeling the unique texture. "It's real silk and velvet. How does one even care for such a thing? I'll have to look it up on the data-net."

"Doesn't clothing on this world have a tag of some sort?" Aanuah asked.

"I don't know how long ago that started. I'll check." Being of such an age, of course the garment had no such tag. But she did find script around the collar for the chemise that she had before dismissed as miniature embroidery for decoration. It was a name.

Kathryn Donnghaile

Teri embraced the dress as if she had found a long lost relative. "The story is true! You did come home!"

Aanuah came in the room with a cup of tea for Teri and saw her cradling the dress like a child. "My, you got attached to that as it were your child, don't you?"

Teri smiled as she rocked side to side, holding the dress against her face, "It seems I'm the child. Or at least by name." She smiled.

Aanuah grinned and chuckled somewhat confused by her answer, "Yes, yes you are, my dear." Placing the cup on the dresser, she left the room and Teri to her dress.

"Welcome back!" Goat shouted as he hugged Aaban, catching him by surprise.

Jillian gave him a kiss on his cheek and gave a squeal as she almost crushed Aaban with her hug.

"Nice to know I've been missed!" Aaban said, catching his breath. "My plant still alive?"

"Missed? You?" Goat waved his hand dismissively. "I'm just glad to have an extra hand around here again. And yes, I kept your salad fine for you."

"Teri let you come back to us, huh?" Jillian said with a wink. "She showed me that dress you gave her. It's lovely!"

"She said the necklace I gave her made it happen. Maybe one day she'll explain that." Aaban said while scratching his head (Teri had not shared the discovery she'd made).

"Well, now you're back, get settled. We need time off ourselves." Goat said while offering to take Aaban's duffel off his hands.

Aaban looked utterly shocked at his friend, "You? Time off? I never thought I'd hear those words!"

"Well..." Goat began, placing his arm around Jillian, "I think that all my investments around here need careful attention."

"Gontarr will be happy to see you two." Aaban said with a smile.

Goat and Jillian looked at each other, like they had different plans and didn't know how to share them.

"Wait, you're not going back down to the planet?" Aaban asked, surprised again.

"We are, just a different one." Jillian replied. "My parent's are spending three weeks with my dad's relatives on Centaurus. We're going to join them over there." Goat smiled and nodded in agreement.

"Well, I guess I have to plan schedules and stuff for the big return of the holiday travellers." Aaban made a look of hopeless frustration to his friends, but when he continued walking towards the suites, he smiled. It was good to be home.

Naughty Paws - Mrs. Foxx

Naughty Paws A Series of Romantic Encounters © 2010 CarLOS Penguin Mrs. Foxx The glow of the computer screen was overcome by the sunlight now shining in through the kitchen window of his cabin. Another night had gone by...

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The Barista, The Vixen And The Goat

The Barista, The Vixen And The Goat © 2010 CarLOS Penguin Preface This originally started as a "Naughty Paws" short story, but I fell in love with the characters and storyline and just kept going... and going... and...

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Naughty Paws - Midnight Lover

**Naughty Paws** **A Series of Romantic Encounters** ©2010 CarLOS Penguin (time frame for this story is a short time after Equulust-II) **Midnight Lover** Carlos sat in his chair reading an antique electronic publication....

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