A pride birthday

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It's Devon's birthday and it's pride month.

Devon woke up pleasantly.

"Happy birthday to you" Cameron sang in his ear.

"Thanks babe" Devon said, kissing his husband in the lips.

Though Cameron was still hopelessly severed from music, it was nice he was willing to indulge for his birthday.

The phone than rang, and the bear picked it up.

"Happ bday man!" Arturo had typed.

"thhnks!" Devon typed back.

The two talked for a bit, before Cameron's discomfort prompted him to stop.

"Shame we can't see him" Devon said, "I miss when we all hanged out."

"Yeah" Cameron sad wistfully, and they left it at that.

Devon, quickly wanting to change the mood, hugged Cameron by the side.

"So what do we have planned?"


The better part of the day was spent at the local pride parade, which thankfully coincided with Devon's birthday. Previous visits had made the both of them feel a bit old and worn out, but this time he felt invigorated. He dared to buy a flag cape, making him and Cameron stand out among the older couples.

"So, do I I look like a superhero or what?"

"Babe, you are my superhero" Cameron said in the most saccharine way possible.

Devon laughed, and kissed him.


They ended up buying a rainbow cake at the end of the day.

"God, it tastes horrible!" Devon said.

"That's a small price to pay to put pride in our pastries."

"I feel proud already."

Devon sat closer to Cameron, holding him.

"Proud of you, proud of us."

"It's nice to feel young again."

"110, remember?"

"We can do better than that."

The two kissed. They truly felt invigorated, be it the enthuasiasm rush or the sense of community.

"Yeah, we can."

Two Grumps At Pride

"Do we have to?" Sissel asked. "C'mon, it'll be fun!" Jinny responded. "I'm with Sissel on this one" Philip chimed in, "I have things to do, duties to fulfill." "Philip, this is one day out of a whole month" Owen said, atypically...

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Maned Wolf

There's not a single day I don't think Of you. Not a single night I dont scream For you. You betrayed and I still Love you. I deserve this silence my Maned wolf. I wish I didn't hurt you That you...


Personal Pride

"Guess where we are" Stefan said. Garret sighed. He allowed the possum to put his paws over his eyes while Tabby drove them to the parade. Gail giggled to their side. "Guess we arrived, then" Garret said, playing the bit. "Just parking"...

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