Lactation Action

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#10 of Standalone or short-series stories by me

Originally posted on 2022-12-26

Amy doesn't shirk from her friend's shrinking plans, hoping to milk as much fun as possible.Word count: 1400. Contains: non-fatal macro/micro nipple vore and oral vore, willing anthro female ferret pred, willing anthro male brown bear prey/pred, willing/asleep anthro female seagull prey, breast play, shrinking and growing, lactation, breastfeeding, prey transfer, growing in stomach to same size, burping.

Writing: Bad Manners

(Contains: non-fatal macro/micro nipple vore and oral vore, willing anthro female ferret pred, willing anthro male brown bear prey/pred, willing/asleep anthro female seagull prey, breast play, shrinking and growing, lactation, breastfeeding, prey transfer, growing in stomach to same size, burping.)

Lactation Action

by Bad Manners


The ferret looked at the couple, still skeptical. "Are you really sure this is safe?"

"Of course!" Gus belted, and he handed the shrinking ray gun to Amy. The brown bear then looked at the gull at his side. "Lei uses one of these all the time at work and there are never any problems, right honey?"

"R-Right..." Lei answered, a bit flustered thinking of what was to come, with all three of them standing naked.

"And we used that gun a couple of times already, it's all safe and temporary."

"Right," Amy continued, waving the gun in her hand, "but what if something-"

The ferret accidentally squeezed the trigger, and a light zapped Gus. He disappeared into thin air, and both women looked down, seeing a micro bear looking back up at them.

"See? Perfectly safe! What did I tell you?" The tiny ursine waved his arms and shouted so that his voice could reach them, and Amy sighed in relief.

'Nice aim, you trigger-happy idiot', the ferret thought to herself as she set the timer on her phone to 14 minutes, as the gull had instructed her.

"Alright, Lei." She pointed the gun at her. "You ready too?"

"Umm...y-yeah, I think so."

Just like before, the beam caused her to reach minuscule proportions, no taller than one of the ferret's claws. The mustelid sat down the weapon to pick up Gustav and Leite with each hand. She lied down on the floor while setting the micros on top of each breast. The floor under the couple was soft and shaky, moving with each breath of Amy, so they were holding onto her skin and fur to avoid falling off.

The bear was the first to be shrunk, and he was close to her areola, so she'd play with him first. He was already ahead of her, and started to make out with the nipple that was bigger than his head. A chill ran down her spine at the sensation, causing both micros to almost lose their footing. The tiny fur's mouth and hands were tickling her sensually, as her tit became Gus's whole world - and soon, even more so.

Amy glanced at her timer - 10 minutes! Already it felt like time was slipping away, so she would rush things along. She brought her finger, easily twice his size, and gently nudged his neck from behind. Before she realized it, his head was already stuck inside the nipple. She was even more sensitive inside, feeling the bear's minuscule tongue playing around as he had plenty of movement inside of the soft tissue. But she wanted more, and squeezed Gus against her skin as gently as possible, her gland quickly swallowing him until only his feet were sticking out. Then, she pushed her thumb against the paw pads, losing him completely in her boob.

Gus was nestled in one of her ducts, stuck between the fat tissue of the dome. There was some light leaking in from behind, but he could tell that the interior was completely dry, even as he was jostled while the ferret fondled her breast. However, the micro likely was stimulating the glands from inside, as he started to feel milk forming around him. The warm white liquid was turning dark as his exit filled up with it as well, blocking the light and forcing him to swim in the sweet liquid as he remained clamped, swallowing some of it down as he managed to find a pocket of air.

The micro inside of her had felt like a little speck stuck in her boob, but her body's reaction of producing milk was making the tit swell a little bit, feeling heavier on her chest. She now turned to Lei on the other side, the gull awkwardly waiting under her breast, having slipped from the ferret's motions. Amy had to pick her up carefully, aiming her bird feet into the opening.

Her claws were small enough that they were harmless, but still noticeable as they scraped the sensitive nerves inside of Amy's nipple pleasurably. The gull had asked to only be pushed up to her beak, worrying that she might struggle to breathe inside - although it was probably unfounded, as the bear lost in the other boob seemed lively and fine as counterproof. Nonetheless, the ferret complied, pushing the minuscule feathery body into her milk duct, until that yellow mouth was the only part sticking out.

The entrance was shut tight around the pointy tip, while the rest of her head and body were in that spacious main tunnel. She moved her winged arms and legs a bit, feeling the soft bouncy walls around her. It was like a water bed from all sides. With her ears inside of Amy, she could hear fluids filling the ducts even before she felt the milk's level rise to her claws. It was like a personal mammalian-sourced jacuzzi. The warmth, darkness, and lulling motion from the ferret playing with her left boob was causing Leite to feel sleepy...

The timer still had some 3 minutes left. Amy was feeling both of her boobs with her hands. On one of them, the nipple was stretching nicely around the sleeping micro's pointy beak that was still visibly sticking out. On the other, the tiny bear was still floating around the ducts somewhere, as the tit filled with milk way faster than the other one due to his stimulation. She always thought her breasts were below-average in size, but knowing that she had taken the couple almost completely inside, she saw them in a new light.

Amy kept cupping and playing with the pair, feeling the different sensations in each side, both lactating a little bit on the tip, when the timer's alarm went off. 'Alright, time to squeeze them out', she thought before she started pressing her fingers around the base of each breast. She could feel the milk flowing towards the exits, which was a good sign, but it still wasn't enough to expel the liquid or the couple with it. So she pinched her boobs from farther up to the middle.

At the same time, two things happened. Her right boob, the one swelling with more milk, released the micro bear onto a large pool of milk on the floor. However, the current forming from all the pressure in her left boob was stuck behind the bird, and it ended up pulling her completely inside instead!

"Fuck!" She yelled in panic and guilty pleasure at the gull getting lost in her, moments before she would begin to grow back - like Gus was visibly doing right now.

"What is it?" He asked, calmly approaching her as he quickly reached his normal height. His fur was still drenched in milk.

"Lei got stuck in here, and I don't know how long- Ooo...!"

The ferret was surprised when the bear brought his mouth to her boob, teasing and suckling her nipple. The attention from the ursine was causing the milk to race back towards the exit, rushing over the ducts and likely taking the gull with them, although Amy couldn't notice her micro presence anymore. Then, the white liquid overflowed directly into Gustav's mouth, who kept gulping the sweet secretion that he was being breastfed.

He removed his face, showing the mouth painted with white, and swallowed again. Amy tried to feel her breast for the bird while the bear flopped to the ground with his belly up.

"I can't find her in here... Did you get her?" Amy asked.

"Yep... Urp! Certainly did." The bear patted his belly, the brown furred midriff increasing in size as his stomach bulged out with the micro growing back to normal. He kept swallowing down air and belching while Lei reached her full size, her outline clearly visible from outside. Amy blushed when she realized that his breath smelled like her milk.

"I thought you just caught her with your mouth, not swallowed...!" She exclaimed, placing a hand on his belly. "Shouldn't you let her out?"

He burped again. "Nah... Lei's safe in my stomach, but I think she's asleep...yaaaaawn, mm...maybe I'll...also..."

"Gus?" The bear had passed out from his meal of ferret milk and live gull, apparently. Amy felt her own breasts still lactating a little bit, making them plumper than usual. She brought herself beside the ursine's body, hugging his large squishy stomach, feeling that she also deserved a well-earned nap. She glanced back at the shrinking ray gun, wondering what Manner of fun the couple would be up for next...

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